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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financiamentos coletivos online : uma perspectiva antropológica sobre projetos e empreendedores

Chiesa, Carolina Dalla January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre as narrativas e justificativas relativas ao processo de criação de um mercado de financiamentos coletivos no Brasil a partir de diversos interlocutores: criadores de projetos, criadores de websites e a partir da literatura acadêmica mais comum sobre o tema. Busca-se retratar e discutir a criação deste mercado a partir do estabelecimento de um passado e de uma pedagogia, típicas dos circuitos de consumo relativos ao fenômeno dos crowdfunding, de modo a circunscrever o que meus interlocutores chamam de “cultura do financiamento coletivo”. Este mercado constitui-se em um duplo processo de afastamento e aproximação entre plataformas como forma de delimitar moralmente o que “deve”, ou não, ser este fenômeno. Tal processo revela a emergência de controvérsias, agenciamentos e, principalmente, de sujeitos como “empreendedores” que buscam “fazer a diferença” a partir de projetos e plataformas de financiamento coletivo. No limite, os financiamentos coletivos alinham-se à elaboração de justificativas críticas sobre o papel do Estado e de empresas na constituição dos mercados, ainda que reiterem práticas comuns no campo empresarial, como a manipulação publicitária e a tentativa de criação de vínculos – ou attachments – com o público alvo. Assim, doação e pré-compra confundem-se, bem como as motivações para criação de projetos de financiamento coletivo. Teoricamente, este trabalho sustenta-se nas digressões da Sociologia Pragmática de Luc Boltanski e da compreensão sobre mercados oriunda da Sociologia e Antropologia, principalmente inspirada nos escritos de Michel Callon e Jens Beckert. Busca-se contribuir para o campo da Antropologia a partir da discussão sobre o processo de criação de mercados a partir dos sujeitos que dele fazem parte e de suas narrativas. / This dissertation discusses the narratives and justifications related to the process of creating a market for crowdfunding in Brazil based on the people who create projects and websites, mainly, as well as the most common literature in the field. We intend to portray and discuss the establishment of this market through its past and pedagogy, typical of circuits of commerce in Crowdfunding whose actors intend to circumscribe what they call as a “Crowdfunding culture”. This market is comprised of a double-movement of approximation and distance among platforms as a way to morally determine what is supposed to be a Crowdfunding and what is not supposed to be. This process reveals the emergence of controversies, agencies and, mainly, entrepreneurial subjects that aim at “making the difference” through Crowdfunding platforms and projects. Ultimately, the Crowdfunding is related to the creation of critical justification on the role of the Government and Private sector in the constitution of markets, even if Crowdfunding itself recall common corporate practices as communication strategies, for instance, which aim at creating attachments with the target audience. Therefore, donation and pre-buying mechanisms overlap, as well as the motivations to create such projects. Theoretically, this work is supported by the Pragmatic Sociology of Luc Boltanski and the comprehension of markets based on Sociology and Anthropology, mainly inspired by the point of view of Michel Callon and Jens Beckert. This dissertation intends to contribute to Anthropology by discussing the process of market creation from the point of view of the subjects that work in it and its narratives.

Ce que charrie la chair. Approche sociologique de l'émergence des greffes du visage / What the Flesh Carries. A Sociological Approach to the Emergence of Face Transplant

Le Clainche-Piel, Marie 28 May 2018 (has links)
Comment le visage est-il devenu un organe, objet de don et de transplantation ? En partant de ce questionnement, cette thèse investit le milieu de celles et ceux qui ont porté et débattu des projets de transplantation faciale au cours des années 2000 et 2010 en France et au Royaume-Uni. Elle éclaire les conditions sociales selon lesquelles la transplantation faciale a été rendue acceptable, pour les patients opérés et les équipes chirurgicales, les coordinateurs du don d’organes et les proches des donneurs défunts qui permettent le prélèvement. L’enquête a impliqué un investissement approfondi de l’ensemble de la chaîne de la transplantation,reposant sur la collecte d’archives (scientifiques, institutionnelles, médiatiques), sur la réalisation d’entretiens (avec les chirurgiens, les patients, les acteurs du don d’organes et de la régulation médicale, les membres d’associations de personnes défigurées), ainsi que sur une ethnographie des services hospitaliers qui réalisent ces opérations (du bloc jusqu’aux réunions de service). En suivant au plus près ces acteurs, l’enquête éclaire les tensions quel’expérimentation révèle sur son passage.Cette recherche aborde la greffe comme un objet qui articule des questionnements au croisement des institutions, des mouvements associatifs et des expériences du don. La greffe du visage bouscule, tout d’abord, les prétentions des chirurgiens à s’autoréguler. La confrontation des équipes chirurgicales aux institutions sanitaires et éthiques, qui évaluent l’opportunité de cette expérimentation, révèle des rapports distincts à l’objectivité médicale e tà l’encadrement des pratiques hospitalières. L’émergence de la greffe du visage travaille,ensuite, les collectifs de personnes défigurées qui oscillent entre soutien au progrès médical et dénonciation de la chirurgie comme oppression. Les réactions des associations françaises et anglaises sont révélatrices de conceptions distinctes de la défiguration, et contribuent à façonner la trajectoire de la greffe du visage. La greffe du visage interroge, enfin, les conditions sociales de disponibilité des corps des défunts et les tensions à l’oeuvre dans la réception d’un don anonyme d’organes. Les patients greffés au visage sont soumis à une double contrainte qui peut-être vécue comme contradictoire : d’un côté, celle de remercier le donneur, de l’autre, celle de l’oublier pour accepter la greffe. La thèse révèle ainsi l’assemblage hétérogène, mais néanmoins cohérent, de ces niveaux d’analyse, qui est en jeu dans chaque déplacement d’une partie de corps d’une personne à une autre. Elle éclaire, en d’autres termes, ce que charrie la chair. / How has the face become an organ, object of donation and transplantation? Starting from thisquestioning, this thesis invests the environment of those who have carried facial transplantprojects, and those who have debated about them, during the years 2000 and 2010 in Franceand the United Kingdom. It illuminates the social conditions according to which facialtransplantation has been made acceptable, for transplanted patients and surgical teams, organdonation coordinators and relatives of deceased donors who allow the retrieval. The enquiryinvolved an in-depth investment of the whole chain of transplantation, based on the collectionof archives (scientific, institutional, media), on conducting interviews (with surgeons, patients,organ donation and medical regulation’s actors, members of associations of disfigured people),as well as doing an ethnography of hospital services that carry out these operations (from theoperating rooms to the service meetings). By closely following these actors, the surveyilluminates the tensions that experimentation reveals in its passage.This research addresses face transplant as an object that articulates questions at the crossroadsof institutions, social movements and experiences of donation. Face transplant upsets, first ofall, the claims of the surgeons to self-regulate. The confrontation of surgical teams with healthand ethical institutions, which evaluate the appropriateness of this experiment, reveals distinctrelationships to medical objectivity and to the supervision of hospital practices. The emergenceof face transplant, then, poses a challenge to the collectives of disfigured people who oscillatebetween support for medical progress and denunciation of surgery as oppression. The reactionsof the French and English associations are indicative of distinct conceptions of disfigurement,and help to shape the trajectory of face transplant. Lastly, face transplant questions the socialconditions of the dead bodies' availability and the tensions at work in the reception of ananonymous donation of organs. Transplanted patients are subject to a double constraint that canbe experienced as contradictory: on the one hand, that of thanking the donor, on the other, thatof forgetting the donor in order to accept the transplant. The thesis thus reveals theheterogeneous – and at the same time coherent – assembly of these levels of analysis, which isat stake every time a body part is transferred from one person to another. It illuminates, in otherwords, what the flesh carries.

Development Of Seventh Grade Pre-algebra Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Through Written Explanations And Justificati

Jones, Rebecca 01 January 2008 (has links)
In this action research, the interactions of seventh grade pre-algebra students in a mathematics classroom shared their explanation and justification processes through group work. Prior to the start of the study students were given a written pre-test to determine current conceptual thinking in mathematics. Over the next nine weeks, the teacher engaged the students in problem solving activities that included reasoning skills, communication and making connections through discussion with their peers. Following nine weeks of written and verbal discourse, students were provided a post-test to determine changes in their conceptual thinking. Overall students' grades, journal writings and test scores showed positive gains with the greatest changes occurring in written explanations of their conceptual thinking in mathematics.

The Effects Of Problem Solving Strategy Instruction, Journal Writing And Discourse On 6th Grade Advanced Mathematics Student Per

Wittcop, Melissa 01 January 2008 (has links)
There are two purposes to this study. The first was for me, as a teacher, to try something new in my instruction and grow from it. The second purpose of this study focused on the students. I wanted to see what level of performance in problem solving my students are at currently, and how the use of journaling and discourse affected the students' problem solving abilities. A problem-solving unit was taught heuristically in order to introduce students to the various strategies that could be used in problem solving. Math journals were also used for problem solving and reflection. Classroom discourse in discussion of problem solving situations was used as a means of identifying strategies used to solve the problem. Explanations and justifications were then used in writing and discourse to support students' solution and methods. An analytic problem-solving rubric was used to score the problems solved by the students. These scores, along with explanations and justifications, and discourse were used as data and analyzed for common themes. The results of this study demonstrate overall improvement in student performance in problem solving. Heuristic instruction the students received on strategies in problem solving helped to improve their ability to not only select an appropriate strategy, but also implement it. This unit, along with the problem solving prompts solved in the journals, helped to improve the students' performance in explanations. It was discourse combined with all the previous instruction that finally improved student performance in justification.

Bones of Contention: The Justifications for Relic Thefts in the Middle Ages

Burke, Gina Kathleen 26 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Observatoire, conservatoire, laboratoire : l’institution théâtrale publique en France et en Italie à l’heure du néo-libéralisme et du postmodernisme : le TNS durant l'exercice de Stéphane Braunschweig, le TNP sous la direction de Christian Schiaretti et le Piccolo Teatro dirigé par Luca Ronconi et Sergio Escobar (1999-2014) / Observatory, conservatory, laboratory : public Theatre in France and in Italy at the time of neo-liberalism and postmodernism : the TNS under Stéphane Braunschweig’s terms, the TNP under Christian Schiaretti’s direction and the Piccolo Teatro led by Luca Ronconi and Sergio Escobar (1999-2014)

Astier, Aude 24 November 2014 (has links)
Issue d’une volonté démocratique d’émancipation du citoyen et d’élaboration d’une société nouvelle, l’institution théâtrale publique, en France comme en Italie, apparaît à nouveau, depuis le tournant des années 2000, comme en proie à une triple crise (politique, structurelle et artistique) qui permet d’interroger les rapports politiques et symboliques qui se jouent entre l’art et la société à l’intérieur d’un cadre institutionnel aiguillé par une mission de service public. À travers les exemples du Théâtre National de Strasbourg, du Théâtre National Populaire et du Piccolo Teatro de Milan, il s’agit donc d’envisager l’institution théâtrale publique dans l’ensemble de ses acteurs et de ses composantes (esthétiques, politiques, économiques, symboliques, architecturales et sociales) via le prisme des processus et stratégies de justification de leurs directeurs respectifs afin de déterminer et d’interpréter l’évolution des institutions et la transformation des fonctions qu’elles revendiquent et mettent en œuvre. En distinguant les différentes stratégies élaborées par les directeurs, se dessinent les postures adoptées par les artistes et les pouvoirs publics vis-à-vis de la société néo-libérale et des enjeux institutionnels, postures qui s’articulent et répondent à une contamination de la sphère culturelle par la sphère économique. Elles révèlent une scission, accentuée par le rôle donné au spectateur, entre les institutions qui cherchent à compenser cette contamination par la recherche d’interactions et d’expérimentations avec la société et celles qui la déplorent et y répondent par une mise à distance du réel et une concentration sur leur conception de l’art théâtral. / Stemmed from a democratic will of emancipation of the citizen and of working out of a new society, the public Theater, in France as well as in Italy, seems again to be a prey to a triple crisis (political, structural and artistic), since the turning point of 2000. This allows to question the political and symbolic connections which are at stake between art and society within institutional limits led by a public service mission. Through the examples of the “Théâtre National de Strasbourg” (TNS), Villeurbanne’s “Théâtre National Populaire” (TNP) and Milano’s “Piccolo Teatro”, the point is to consider the public Theater with the whole of its participants and constituents (esthetic, political, economic, symbolic, architectural and social) via the prism of their respective managers’ process and strategies of justification, in order to determine and explain the evolution of the institutions and the transformation of the duties they assume and implement. By distinguishing between the various strategies elaborated by the managers, we can give shape to the positions, held by the artists and the authorities towards the neo-liberal society and the institutional issues. These positions are linked and answer a contamination of the cultural sphere by the economic sphere. They reveal a division, increased by the role given to the audience, between the institutions, which try to compensate this contamination by ways of interactions and experimentations with the society, and those, which deplore this situation and answer it by standing aloof from reality and focusing on their conception of dramatic art.

L'entrée payante dans le contrat / The admission charge into the contract

Erimée-Chanteur, Manuella 04 September 2017 (has links)
La présente étude se propose de théoriser la pratique de l’entrée payante dans le contrat. Elle peut être envisagée comme l’obligation monétaire préalable et déterminante imposée à l’une des parties, conditionnant la conclusion d’un contrat. La réunion sous ce seul vocable d’un certain nombre d’obligations précontractuelles permet de dégager une vision unitaire de la question, avant de s’attacher à leurs particularités. L’entrée payante connaît, de fait, diverses manifestations et ses justifications le sont tout autant. « Engagement » ou « supplément », la validité de ces obligations interroge nécessairement au regard du principe de la liberté contractuelle. Si l’on ne peut nier l’existence d’instruments juridiques susceptibles d’en assurer le contrôle, ce dernier demeure néanmoins non efficient. Dès lors, doit être sérieusement envisagée la création d’une norme générale encadrant ces pratiques. / This study intends to theorize the application of admission charge into contracts. It can be regarded as a preliminary and decisive monetary obligation imposed upon one of the parties, determining the finalization of the contract. The union of several pre-contractual duties under this sole term allows to put forward a unified vision of the question before going into particularities. De facto, admission charge is subject to various manifestations and so are its justifications. «Engagement» or «supplementary» pre-contractual monetary obligation issues continue to arise regarding the validity of these obligations in accordance with the principle of freedom of contract. While there can be no denying the existence of legal instruments likely to ensure its regulation, it remains inefficient nonetheless. Henceforth, creating a general standard to regulate such practices ought to be seriously considered.

Justificativas em torno das Comunidades que Sustentam a Agricultura: um estudo de caso da CSA São Carlos/SP / Justifications around Community Supported Agriculture: a case study on CSA São Carlos / SP

Torunsky, Flavia 26 February 2019 (has links)
Estudos mostram que vivemos uma crise socioambiental sem precedentes. Apesar de ser considerada uma crise sistêmica, a agricultura convencional progride, constituindo uma das atividades que mais contribui para os impactos negativos tanto ambientais como sociais da atualidade. No mundo, as relações socioeconômicas estão estabelecidas segundo uma ordem de valores, na qual justificações mercantis e industriais possuem uma grande aceitação e legitimidade. A economia é considerada, para alguns autores, como o coração das ações humanas. No entanto, tal ordenamento fundado em justiça industrial-mercantil impacta negativamente diversas dimensões da vida em sociedade. Neste quadro, movimentos de contestação desta ordem emergem buscando legitimidade com vistas à profundas transformações sociais e ambientais. É assim que ocorre a multiplicação das CSAs (Comunidade que Sustenta a Agricultura), representando uma experiência inovadora de associativismo, aproximando consumidores e agricultores. Seu crescimento é exponencial no Brasil e no mundo. Trata-se de uma perspectiva de busca de uma nova estrutura de relação socioeconômica com a agricultura familiar, pautadas em princípios de um compromisso com a agroecologia, a solidariedade, a confiança mútua e a localidade. Nosso estudo aspira traçar seus potenciais e limitações em termos de aceitação social com o apoio de análises inspiradas na teoria das justificações, considerando a emergência de uma nova ordem de justiça, a justiça ecológica. / Studies show that we are experiencing an unprecedented socio-environmental crisis. Despite considered a systemic crisis, conventional agriculture is progressing, constituting one of the activities that contributes most to the negative environmental and social impacts in present time. In the world, socioeconomic relations are established according to an order of values, in which market and industrial justifications have great acceptance and legitimacy. The economy is considered, for some authors, as the heart of human actions. However, such an order based on industrial-mercantile justice impacts negatively various dimensions of life in society. In this context, movements contesting this order emerge seeking legitimacy towards profound social and environmental transformations. This is how CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) multiply, representing an innovative experience of associativism, bringing together consumers and farmers. Its growth is exponential in Brazil and in the world. It seeks a new socioeconomic relationship structure, based on a commitment to an agroecological agriculture, solidarity, mutual trust and locality. Our study aspires to trace its potentials and limitations in terms of social acceptance with the support of analyzes inspired by the theory of justifications, considering the emergence of a new order of justice, the ecological justice.

Interagir, jouer et expliquer : dyades mère-enfant francophones et italophones dans deux situations logopédiques / Interacting, playing and explaining : French and Italian speaking mother-child dyadsin two in speech and language therapy settings

Rezzonico, Stefano 29 August 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs auteurs se sont intéressés au développement des conduites explicatives et justificatives (CEJ) chez des enfants typiques. La littérature reporte aussi de plus en plus d’études qui s’intéressent aux compétences pragmatiques et interactionnelles des enfants qui présentent un trouble du développement du langage (TDL) en montrant que ces enfants présentent des spécificités par rapport aux enfants typiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons combiné ces deux pistes de réflexion en investiguant les CEJ produites par des enfants avec TDL (5-7 ans) et des enfants typiques (4-7 ans), ainsi que par leurs mères, dans des interactions mères-enfants italophones et francophones dans deux activités différentes : unjeu symbolique et une lecture conjointe d’un livre en images. Nos résultats montrent que les deux langues présentent des patrons similaires. Cependant, des différences ponctuelles liées à la langue ont pu être mises en évidence. Les mères prennent en charge les activités proposées et l’activité paraît influencer le fonctionnement des interactions et la production des CEJ. Les enfants avec TDL présentent de CEJ moins élevés que leurs pairs typiques dans l’activité de jeu symbolique et ils semblent avoir davantage besoin que ces derniers du support de leur mère pour en produire dans l’activité de lecture conjointe (notamment dans le corpus francophone). Les mères des enfants typiques et des enfants avec TDL présentent des comportements globalement similaires en amont mais elles semblent s’adapter aux besoins de leurs enfants en aval. Compte tenu de l’importance sociale et éducative de ces conduites, nos résultats pourraient avoir des implications cliniques / Several authors have studied the development of explanations and justifications(E/J) in typical developing (TD) children. Similarly, it is possible to find in the literature studiesthat analyze pragmatic and interactional skills of children with specific language impairment(SLI). These studies show that children with SLI present specific behaviour when compared toTD children. In this thesis, we merge these two strands of research by investigating E/Jproduced by children with SLI (aged 5-7) and TD children (aged 4-7), and by their mothers. Todo so, we analyzed mother-child interactions (in Italian and French) during two differentactivities: symbolic play and joint wordless picture-book reading. Similar patterns wereobserved in both languages. Nevertheless, specific differences related to the typology of thelanguage were highlighted. Our results show that the management of the activity is globallyasymmetric, but important interindividual differences were observed. Moreover, activities playa central role in shaping the structure of interactions and E/J. Furthermore, children with SLIshow lower rates of E/J than their typical peers in the symbolic play and seem to need thesupport of their mothers more than TD children in the joint reading activity (particularly in theFrench corpus). Finally, the mothers of TD children and children with SLI show somesimilarities in the way they solicit E/J, but at the same time they fine tune their reactions to E/Jproduced by children according to the children’s needs. Given the social and educationalimportance of explanations and justifications, our results may have some clinical implications.

EC State aid rules : An analysis of the selectivity criterion

Aldestam, Mona January 2005 (has links)
The application of Art. 87(1) EC to taxes above all is connected to the application of the derogation method, which appears to be part of the selectivity criterion. This dissertation examines the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes, primarily de lege lata, but also de lege ferenda. It begins with an analysis of the relationship among the criteria of Article 87(1) EC and continues with an analysis of the relationship between the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes. Several scholars have criticised the application of the derogation method because of the difficulty of identifying a derogation and of establishing the benchmark against which the derogation should be assessed. In this dissertation both the benchmark and the establishment of a derogation is analysed, partly with reference to the tax expenditure debate that occurred in the subject area of international taxation during the 1970s and 1980s. The selectivity criterion applied to taxes contains an assessment of justification, whereby the selective nature of a measure can be justified on the basis of the nature or general scheme of the system: Therfore the meaning and implications of this assessment are also examined. After all these issues have been examined de lege lata, the extents to which the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion follow a logical system are discussed and recommendations for eliminating the identified deficiences are put forward.

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