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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wave Transport and Chaos in Two-Dimensional Cavities / Vågtransport och Kaos i Tvådimensionella Kaviteter

Wahlstrand, Björn January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on chaotic stationary waves, both quantum mechanical and classical. In particular we study different statistical properties regarding thesewaves, such as energy transport, intensity (or density) and stress tensor components. Also, the methods used to model these waves are investigated, and somelimitations and specialities are pointed out.</p>

Wave Transport and Chaos in Two-Dimensional Cavities / Vågtransport och Kaos i Tvådimensionella Kaviteter

Wahlstrand, Björn January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on chaotic stationary waves, both quantum mechanical and classical. In particular we study different statistical properties regarding thesewaves, such as energy transport, intensity (or density) and stress tensor components. Also, the methods used to model these waves are investigated, and somelimitations and specialities are pointed out.

Issues in Specifying Requirements for Adaptive Software Systems

Peng, Qian January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis emphasizes on surveying the state-of-the-art in software requirements specification with a focus on, autonomic, self-adapting software systems. Since various requirements are brought forward accord with environments, modeling requirements for adaptive software systems may be changed at run-time. Nowadays, Keep All Objectives Satisfied (KAOS) is an effective method to build goal model. Various manipulations, such as change, remove, active and de-active goals, appear new goals, could mediate conflicts among goals in adaptive software system. At specification time, specifications of event sequences to be monitored are generated from requirements specification.</p>

Issues in Specifying Requirements for Adaptive Software Systems

Peng, Qian January 2009 (has links)
This thesis emphasizes on surveying the state-of-the-art in software requirements specification with a focus on, autonomic, self-adapting software systems. Since various requirements are brought forward accord with environments, modeling requirements for adaptive software systems may be changed at run-time. Nowadays, Keep All Objectives Satisfied (KAOS) is an effective method to build goal model. Various manipulations, such as change, remove, active and de-active goals, appear new goals, could mediate conflicts among goals in adaptive software system. At specification time, specifications of event sequences to be monitored are generated from requirements specification.

En sjukligt gul* färg. : * eller grönaktig

Heidi, Edström January 2021 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i det konstnärliga konceptet knöl söker Heidi i den här uppsatsen bearbeta det djupa och komplicerade förhållandet mellan kaos och kontroll. Genom att röra sig fritt mellan sin personliga erfarenhet, och såväl historiska som samtida skildringar, målar hon här upp en större bild av den känsliga relationen mellan människans sökande efter rationell kunskap och den ständigt närvarande rädslan. Oron för att drabbas av olycka och katastrofer, sjukdom och död. Med stöd i sin egen process, andra konstnärer och relaterade koncept (så som Julea Kristevas abjekt och den gamla föreställningen om monstret) argumenterar Heidi för hur det som bryter av mot våra förväntningar om det rena, sanna och perfekta inte bara bör betraktas som något oönskat. Utan hur dessa avvikelser faktiskt skulle kunna utgöra själva förutsättningen för ett verkligt levande liv…

Sensemaking Structures in Multiproject Settings and their Implications on Projects / Meningsskapande strukturer i flerprojektsmiljö och dess påverkan på projekt

Hedström, Isabella, Magnil, Karl January 2021 (has links)
Previous research has shown that sensemaking structures within organizations are not only present, but vital in project settings. Informal individually produced sensemaking structures, such as task lists, are a mean to formulate ones' own project work into individual actions. These have shown to be essential, but some drawbacks have also been shown to exist. However, the lens has previously been mainly on the individual level, and organizational implications have got little attention in research. This study aims to explore projects' implications when such individual structures are dominant in the process. To do so, the reasons for production of said structures are analysed as well as the source of them. As a mean to identify such implications, a qualitative single-case study was performed at a Swedish consultancy company, where in total 16 interviews were held with employees at various positions and hierarchical levels. As expected, sensemaking structures were widely used in several formats, produced both for individual and collective purposes. The study further reveals that depending on the source of inspiration for the task lists, there is a risk that multiple views of the projects' goal are formed, which in turn affects the projects' progress. Also, the responsibility of the project leaders was shown to be of importance as a mean to minimize individual prioritization and instead build a uniform perception of projects' priorities, thus through communication and transparency. As the study finds a clear connection between individuals' sensemaking structures and organizational implications, further and more broad research on sensemaking structures through an organizational lens is suggested. / Tidigare forskning visar på att meningsskapande strukturer [eng: sensemaking structures] i organisationer existerar och håller en avgörande del i projektsammanhang. Informella individuella strukturer, så som uppgiftslistor, används och produceras för att bryta ner projektarbetet till mindre uppgifter. Dessa strukturer har visat sig vara av stor betydelse, men nackdelar har även visat sig förekomma. Tidigare forskning har huvudsakligen fokuserats kring individen, men mindre uppmärksamhet har lagts på organisatoriska aspekter. Denna studie syftar till att utforska de konsekvenser projekt kan erhålla då individuella strukturer är dominanta i projektarbetet. I ett försök att finna dessa konsekvenser så har både skälen till produktionen av dessa strukturer samt dess källa analyserats. För att identifiera dessa konsekvenser har en kvalitativ fallstudie utförts på ett svenskt konsultföretag, där resultatet samlades in genom att intervjua 16 anställda verksamma på olika positioner och hierarkiska nivåer. Användandet av meningsskapande strukturer var som väntat stort, då syftet till dess användning både var individuellt och kollektivt. Studien visar att källan till de individuella listorna skiljer sig åt,vilket bidrar till risken att det formas flertalet synsätt på projektets mål, vilket i sin tur påverkar projektets utveckling. Projektledarens ansvar att kommunicera och vara transparent har visat sig vara av betydelse i syfte att minimera individuella prioriteringar och därav bör det byggas en mer enhetlig syn på projektets prioriteringar. Då författarna av studien finner tydliga kopplingar mellan individuella meningsskapande strukturer och organisatoriska implikationer föreslås vidare forskning på meningsskapande processer genom en organisatorisk lins.
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Statistical characteristics of two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence

Vallgren, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Two codes have been developed and implemented for use on massively parallelsuper computers to simulate two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence.The codes have been found to scale well with increasing resolution and width ofthe simulations. This has allowed for the highest resolution simulations of two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence so far reported in the literature.The direct numerical simulations have focused on the statistical characteristicsof turbulent cascades of energy and enstrophy, the role of coherent vorticesand departures from universal scaling laws, theoretized more than 40 yearsago. In particular, the investigations have concerned the enstrophy and energycascade in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Furthermore, theapplicability of Charney’s hypotheses on quasigeostrophic turbulence has beentested. The results have shed light on the flow evolution at very large Reynoldsnumbers. The most important results are the robustness of the enstrophycascade in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence, the unexpecteddependency on an infrared Reynolds number in the spectral scaling of theenergy spectrum in the inverse energy cascade, and the validation of Charney’spredictions on the dynamics of quasigeostrophic turbulence. It has also beenshown that the scaling of the energy spectrum in the enstrophy cascade isinsensitive to intermittency in higher order statistics, but that corrections mightapply to the ”universal” Batchelor-Kraichnan constant.</p>
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Disciplin och motstånd : Pedagogisk-filosofiska perspektiv på samtida svensk skoldisciplin / Discipline and Resistance : Educational-Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Swedish School Discipline

Larsson, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
As Sweden approached its 2006 national election, issues on order and discipline in educational environments came to the forefront of educational interest, debate, and reform. This thesis aims at a critical discussion of the discourses in question, making use of educational, post-structural as well as political philosophy. In a series of articles, disciplinary policies are contextualized within current understandings of major trends in global educational politics; empirically investigated with a focus on resistance and political subjectivation; but also theoretically/ philosophically examined with the intention of bringing alternative conceptualizations of discipline to light. As a result, it is concluded that the political platform supporting contemporary school discipline is highly ambiguous, especially in terms of the different subjectification ideals that it embodies. In consequence, substantial possibilities for resistance, political influence and creative subjectification emerge in the breaks and ruptures between neoliberal and neoconservative territory. As for the disciplinary policies themselves, this thesis highlights the possibility that they amount to little more than a powerful simulation; a mode of perceptual management rather than a hands-on engagement with the real demands of contemporary education. An alternative route, the thesis suggests, would be to radically re-conceptualize the meaning and relevance of discipline – using, for instance, philosophers like Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Jacques Rancière – but also while taking notice of relevant discussions in the fields of complexity and chaos theory. Such a re-conceptualization would allow for an immanent form of discipline, one that affords a circular segmentation to emerge; contextualized and sensitized to the particular demands of each learning situation rather than pre-stratified, pre-territorialized according to the ideals of classical discipline. / Syftet med den här avhandlingen är, att inom ett pedagogiskt-filosofiskt ramverk föra en kritisk diskussion av 2000-talets skolpolitiska diskurser om disciplin och ”ordning &amp; reda”. Med hjälp av filosofer som Deleuze &amp; Guattari, Foucault, Baudrillard och Rancière diskuteras den moderna disciplinens utmaning: att svara an på sin egen samtids behov av ordning och reda.   I sömmarna mellan de politiska krafter som den nya disciplinen hämtar sin kraft ur – neoliberalism och neokonservatism – identifierar avhandlingen också möjligheter till motstånd. Genom att påvisa de skillnader och komplexiteter som finns under ytan av politisk konsensus, utgör dessa former av motstånd nya potentialer till politiskt inflytande – samt nya möjligheter till kreativa subjektblivanden.   Slutligen hävdar studien, att vägen till en gräsrotsförankrad skoldisciplin för 2000-talet knappast kan ligga i återuppväckandet av forna tiders maktutövning, utan i en radikal omtolkning av disciplinbegreppet – en som tillvaratar den moderna människans förutsättningar till självdisciplin och självorganisering. En förutsättning är att vi, som en kontrast till neoliberalismens självtillräckliga subjektivitetsideal, börjar utforska subjektivitetens kollektiva och territoriella karaktärer.
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Dynamic properties of two-dimensional and quasi-geostrophic turbulence

Vallgren, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Two codes have been developed and implemented for use on massively parallelsuper computers to simulate two-dimensional and quasi-geostrophic turbulence.The codes have been found to scale well with increasing resolution and width ofthe simulations. This has allowed for the highest resolution simulations of twodimensionaland quasi-geostrophic turbulence so far reported in the literature.The direct numerical simulations have focused on the statistical characteristicsof turbulent cascades of energy and enstrophy, the role of coherent vorticesand departures from universal scaling laws, theoretized more than 40 yearsago. In particular, the investigations have concerned the enstrophy and energycascades in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence. Furthermore, theapplicability of Charney’s hypotheses on quasi-geostrophic turbulence has beentested. The results have shed light on the flow evolution at very large Reynoldsnumbers. The most important results are the robustness of the enstrophycascade in forced and decaying two-dimensional turbulence, the sensitivity toan infrared Reynolds number in the spectral scaling of the energy spectrumin the inverse energy cascade range, and the validation of Charney’s predictionson the dynamics of quasi-geostrophic turbulence. It has also been shownthat the scaling of the energy spectrum in the enstrophy cascade is insensitiveto intermittency in higher order statistics, but that corrections apply to the”universal” Batchelor-Kraichnan constant, as a consequence of large-scale dissipationanomalies following a classical remark by Landau (Landau &amp; Lifshitz1987). Another finding is that the inverse energy cascade is maintained bynonlocal triad interactions, which is in contradiction with the classical localityassumption. / QC 20101029
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Construction de spécifications formelles abstraites dirigée par les buts

Matoussi, Abderrahman, Matoussi, Abderrahman 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Avec la plupart des méthodes formelles, un premier modèle peut être raffiné formellement en plusieurs étapes, jusqu'à ce que le raffinement final contienne assez de détails pour une implémentation. Ce premier modèle est généralement construit à partir de la description des besoins obtenue dans la phase d'analyse des exigences. Cette transition de la phase des exigences à la phase de spécification formelle est l'une des étapes les plus délicates dans la chaîne de développement formel. En fait, la construction de ce modèle initial exige un niveau élevé de compétence et beaucoup de pratique, d'autant qu'il n'existe pas de processus bien défini pour aider les concepteurs. Parallèlement à ce problème, il s'avère également que les exigences non-fonctionnelles sont largement marginalisées dans le processus de développement logiciel. Les pratiques industrielles actuelles consistent généralement à spécifier seulement les exigences fonctionnelles durant les premières phases de ce processus et à laisser la prise en compte des exigences non-fonctionnelles au niveau de l'implémentation. Pour surmonter ces problèmes, la thèse vise à définir un couplage entre un modèle d'exigences exprimé en SysML/KAOS et des spécifications formelles abstraites, tout en garantissant une distinction entre les exigences fonctionnelles et non-fonctionnelles dès la phase d'analyse des exigences. Pour cela, la thèse propose tout d'abord deux approches différentes (l'une dédiée au B classique et l'autre à Event-B) dans lesquelles des modèles formels abstraits sont construits progressivement à partir du modèle de buts fonctionnels SysML/KAOS. La thèse se focalise par la suite sur l'approche dédiée à Event-B afin de la compléter et l'enrichir en se servant de deux autres modèles SysML/KAOS qui décrivent les buts non-fonctionnels et leurs impacts sur les buts fonctionnels. Nous présentons différentes manières permettant d'injecter ces buts non-fonctionnels et leurs impacts dans les modèles abstraits Event-B déjà obtenus. Des liens de correspondance entre les buts non-fonctionnels et les différents éléments Event-B sont également établis afin de faciliter la gestion de l'évolution de ces buts. Les différentes approches proposées dans cette thèse ont été appliquées pour la spécification du composant de localisation qui est une partie critique d'un système de transport terrestre. L'approche dédiée à Event-B est implémentée dans l'outil SysKAOS2EventB, permettant ainsi de générer une architecture de raffinement Event-B à partir d'un modèle de buts fonctionnels SysML/KAOS. Cette mise en œuvre s'appuie principalement sur les technologies de transformation de modèles à modèles
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