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Karjeros valdymo įtaka darbuotojų lojalumui / The career management influence on employees’ loyaltyPlytnikaitė, Lina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistai patys renkasi darbdavius. Neretai jie turi įvairių pasiūlymų neapsiribojančių vien Lietuva. Tokiems darbuotojams svarbios karjeros, nuolatinio tobulinimosi bei vadovavimo galimybės, taip pat didesnės atsakomybės reikalaujančios užduotys ir t.t. Tik lojalus ir savo organizacija besididžiuojantis asmuo yra motyvuotas dirbti visu pajėgumu bei neieškoti kitų darbdavių. Toks individas tikisi savo pastangomis pakilti karjeros laiptais ir tam būtina sudaryti palankias sąlygas. Nes patenkinti ir lojalūs darbuotojai – tai ir patenkinti bei lojalūs klientai. Taigi kaip tik todėl aktualu yra analizuoti ir tirti karjeros valdymo įtaką darbuotojų lojalumui. Darbo objektas – karjeros valdymo įtaka darbuotojų lojalumui. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti karjeros valdymo įtaką darbuotojų lojalumui Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo, nagrinėjami šie uždaviniai:  Apibrėžus karjeros ir karjeros valdymo sampratą, išskirti esminius individualaus ir organizacinio karjeros valdymo ypatumus;  Pareikti karjeros modelius bei strategijas;  Atskleisti ryšį tarp karjeros valdymo ir darbuotojų lojalumo teoriniu aspektu;  Sukurti karjeros valdymo įtakos darbuotojų lojalumui teorinį modelį;  Nustatyti karjeros valdymo įtaką darbuotojų lojalumui Kauno kelionių agentūrose. Tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimu buvo siekiama nustatyti karjeros valdymo įtaką Kauno kelionių agentūrų darbuotojų lojalumui. Atliktu tyrimu nustatytas Kauno kelionių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the topic. Highly skilled professionals choose their employers by themselfs. Often they have a range of proposals go beyond Lithuania. Such employees value career development, ongoing training and leadership opportunities, as well as tasks requiring greater responsibility, etc. Only the loyal and proud of his organization person is motivated to work at full capacity and not search for other employers. Such individual believe in his efforts to rise in career path so he needs to create an enabling environment fot that. How satisfied and loyal employees are, so satisfied and loyal customers become. So thats why it is so important to analyse and explore a career management impact on employee loyalty. The object - a career management influence to employee loyalty. The aim - to establish a career management impact to employee loyalty. In order to achieve its goal, the following tasks are analysed:  After defining the career management concept, highlight the essential individual and organizational career management features;  Deliver career models and strategies;  Reveal the relation between career management and employee loyalty from theoretical point of view;  Develop a theoretical career management model of employees loyalty;  Establish a career management impact for employees loyalty in Kaunas travel agencies. The main results of the research. The investigation was to determine the impact of career management in Kaunas travel... [to full text]
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Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijoje / Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational systemRainytė, Erika 08 June 2009 (has links)
Karjera yra labai svarbus žmogaus ateities elementas. Ji nėra svarbi tik siauram ratui perspektyvių žmonių. Dažnai suaugęs žmogus mokosi dėl keleto priežasčių, t.y. nori išlikti darbo vietoje ir turi neatsilikti nuo jaunų specialistų, kurie turi platesnį išsilavinimą; nori padaryti karjerą toje srityje, kurioje dirba; yra verčiami mokytis, nes direktorius/ viršininkas liepia tai daryti dėl organizacijos bendrų tikslų siekimo ar pan.
Organizacijų vadovai nepakankamai sudaro sąlygas besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros kėlimui, karjeros planavimui toje pačioje organizacijoje.
Objektas. Besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygos švietimo organizacijose.
Klausimas. Kokias sąlygas karjeros planavimui turi besimokantis darbuotojas, dirbantis švietimo organizacijoje?
Tikslas – Atskleisti ar besimokantiems darbuotojams sudaromos sąlygos karjeros planavimui, dirbant švietimo organizacijoje.
1. Apibrėžti profesinės ir asmeninės karjeros sampratą.
2. Pagrįsti personalo kvalifikacijos tobulinimo vietą personalo vadyboje.
3. Aprašyti suaugusiųjų mokymosi reikšmę karjerai.
4. Atskleisti besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimo sąlygų visumą.
Aprašant besimokančių darbuotojų karjeros planavimui sudaromas sąlygas švietimo organizacijose galima teigti, jog pagrindinėmis darbuotojų norą mokytis priežastimis galima laikyti pačių darbuotojų asmeninį norą tobulėti bei profesinės kvalifikacijos kėlimą. Organizacija iš besimokančių darbuotojų visada gauna naudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Career is very important element in human’s future because it is important not only for in-group of perspective people. Usually, grown up people learn for several reasons: people want to remain at work and do not want to stay away from young specialists who have higher education. People want to succeed in their work and, for this reason, they are forced to learn because the manager enquires to do this for general aims of organization.
Are there sufficient conditions in educational system for learning employee in career planning in the same organization? What they are?
Does learning employee have wider possibilities of career in educational system than the one who is not studying?
Object: Career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system.
Question: What career planning conditions learning employee, who works in educational system, have?
Purpose: To reveal conditions of career planning to learning employees while working in educational system.
1. To define the concept of professional and personal career.
2. To justify the place of qualification improvement in human resources.
3. To reveal the meaning of adult learning in their career.
4. To describe the totality of career planning conditions of learning employees.
While describing career planning conditions of learning employee in educational system, we can affirm that the main reason, why employees want to improve, is their own wish to become better workers and gain higher professional... [to full text]
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Dirbančiųjų klinikinės medicinos srityje karjeros valdymas / Career administration working in the clinical medicine rangeŠlapikienė, AstaAida 28 November 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistratūros baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama darbuotojų, dirbančių klinikinės medicinos srityje, asmeninės karjeros valdymas. / The present paper evaluates personal career management of the professionals working in clinical research.
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Vidutinio amžiaus darbuotojų karjeros planavimo veiksniai ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose / Career Planning Factors for Middle-Aged Employess in Pre-primary SchoolsKasevičiūtė, Akvilė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Vidutinio amžiaus darbuotojai neretai susiduria su sunkumais prisitaikant besikeičiančioje darbo rinkoje. Ši žmonių grupė vis labiau paliečiama rizikos dėl savo amžiaus. Vakarų pasaulyje tokią socialinę grupę formuoja didėjantis visuomenės vidutinis amžius. Šio amžiaus žmonės gana neobjektyviai suvokia savo padėtį ir darbo rinkos situaciją, daugeliui šio amžiaus darbuotojų sunku prisitaikyti prie darbo rinkos pokyčių.
Dažnai vidutinio amžiaus darbuotojas susiduria su daug sunkumų ir trukdžių, kurie trukdo sėkmingai planuoti karjerą. Tai susiję su paties asmens ir visuomenės nuostatomis dėl individo amžiaus, nepakankama profesinio informavimo idėjų sklaida visuomenėje, menka vidutinio amžiaus asmenų profesinio tobulėjimo motyvacija ir panašiomis problemomis. Vidutinio amžiaus asmenų karjeros planavimą teigiama ar neigiama prasme įtakoja daugelis veiksnių. Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose dirbantis vidutinio amžiaus sulaukęs personalas nėra jokia išimtis.
Šiame darbe keliamas klausimas, kokie veiksniai įtakoja vidutinio amžiaus ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų darbuotojų karjeros planavimą? Iškeltas darbo tikslas – atskleisti vidutinio amžiaus ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų darbuotojų karjeros planavimo veiksnius. Šiam tikslui pasiekti numatyti uždaviniai : apibūdinti pagrindines karjeros projektavimo teorijas ir atrasti jų sąsajas su ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vidutinio amžiaus personalo karjeros planavimu; apibūdinti vidutinio amžiaus ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų personalo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Middle-aged workers belong to the group which meet with difficulties to compete in the labour market. This social group is increasing because of the aging population in Europe. Middle-aged employees often are not fully aware of their situation in the labour market situation, which makes for many middle-aged persons difficult to adapt to the changes in the labour market.
Middle-aged employees often meet with many difficulties and obstacles that hinder successful career planning. This relates to personal and public attitudes to the individual's age, lack of career information dissemination ideas in society, poor middle-aged employees motivation of professional development and related issues. The career planning for middle-aged employees is influenced by many internal and external factors. Middle-aged employees working in pre-primary schools make no exception.
In this paper the question is raised, what factors affect the career planning of middle-aged employees in pre-primary schools. The aim of the paper is to identify career planning factors for middle- aged employees in pre- primary schools. To achieve the aim, the following tasks were formulated: to describe the basic theories of career planning and discover how they connect with the middle-aged staff career planning in pre-primary schools, to describe the career planning concept of middle-aged employees in pre-primary schools, to reveal the career planning experience of middle-aged employees in pre-primary schools, to... [to full text]
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Moksleivių pasirengimo karjerai sąlygojančių veiksnių tyrimas / The factors influencing learner preparation for careerČibirienė, Asta 31 May 2006 (has links)
Vocational guidance plays an important role for students at school. Especially it is importantin in the school years as schoolchildren in basic, general schools and gymnasium, particulary, have to choos the profile of education, direction and relate their options to their future occupation. however, the results of the research described here indicate absence of opportunities created at schools for proper learner support in preparing them for their professional career.
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JONIŠKIO ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKYKLOS MOKINIŲ PROFESINĖS KARJEROS ORIENTACIJŲ TYRIMAS / The Research of Joniskis Agricultural School Students Profession Career OrientationsJasiūnienė, Inga 02 June 2006 (has links)
Paper author: Inga Jasiūnienė
Paper topic: The Research of Joniskis Agricultural School Students Profession Career Orientations
Place of writing the paper: Lithuanian Agricultural University. The Department of Profession Education and Psychology. 2006
Size of paper: 56 pages
Paper contains: 3 tables, 14 pictures, 2 supplements
Literature sources: 30
Research object: Profession Career Orientations of Joniskis Agricultural School Students
Research methods: The analyses of science literature and other resources; differential diagnostic questionnaire “I would choose” (author E.A. Klimovas”); the research of professional skills, management and enterprise orientations according to L.G. Pocebut and V.A. Ciker test “Career anchor��� (test propositions about professional skills, management and enterprise orientations were used); Computer program PAULA was used to calculate the results; the analysis of research results (filing, classification, determination of causal links, analysis).
Research results: Summarizing the results of the research, we can make conclusions, that the orientations of Joniskis Agricultural School students only partially fulfill the content vocational teaching/learning programs. Only of some professions (mechanics and building) students’ leaning, vocational suspense, their values satisfy the content of chosen vocational teaching/learning program.
The least vocational teaching/learning programs content fulfills students’ professional career orientations of those... [to full text]
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Hiperaktyvių paauglių pasiekimų motyvacijos ir karjeros interesų ypatybės / Achievement motivation and career‘s interests of adolescences with attention hiperactivity disorderUsonienė, Edita 28 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of disturbance of activity and attention among the secondary school adolescences in Ukmerge city; to analyze the achievement motivation of hiperactivity adolescence; to compare achievement motivation of hiperactivity adolescence with achievement motivation of adolescence without hiperactivity disorder. Teachers, adolescences and parents were asked to fill the CADS‘ and AMP scales. CADS scale exceeded the norms for age and gender. Both scales were obtained for 178 adolescence 12-17 of age. Disturbance of activity annd attention was diagnosed for 66,30% of adolescences. Achievement motivation was assessed using Achievement Motivation Profile (AMP). The results show that adolescences with attention hyperactivity disorder deployed active optimistic strategy. They were typified by a moderately high level of success expectation.
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Profesinis konsultavimas ir orientavimas šiuolaikiniame profesinio rengimo kontekste / Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training ContextŠiaučiūnienė, Stanislava 17 June 2005 (has links)
Šiaučiūnienė S. Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training Context: Master’s Paper in Andragogic/ research mentor prof. habil. dr. M. Barkauskaitė; Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy-Psychology, Department of Educology. – Vilnius, 2005. – 96 p.
The subject of this Master’s Paper in Andragogic is talking-point. As Lithuania is integrating into the European social and economical space, vocational consulting had become an underlying field which helps people to realize vocational perfection’s solutions. This Paper was aiming to study the evolution of vocational training system in the last ten years establishing the importance of vocational consulting and guidance for the planning of professional career. The object of research was pedagogical process in vocational training.
The goals of this Paper were to:
1. Analyze the variety of theories on vocational guidance in sight of pedagogical psychology.
2. Establish the requirements for the vocational guidance and consulting.
3. Evaluate Lithuanian reforming vocational training system and its alterations in the dimension of vocational consulting and career planning.
4. Study the impact of vocational teachers on the further planning process of professional career.
5. Explore relations between choice of profession and vocational consulting in the conditions of contemporary labour market’s demands.
It was hypothesized: analyze of regional state demonstrates that it is possible to bargain for... [to full text]
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Lietuvos lengvosios atletikos trenerių sportinės karjeros eigos ypatumai / Peculiarities of sports career of Lithuanian track and field athletics coachesCharisova, Svetlana 20 May 2005 (has links)
Sports career (SC) is a term for the multiyear sports activities of the individual aimed at high sport achievements and self-improvement in sport. The analytical model of sports career considers it as a multiyear process certain stages and transitions. SC were identified: 1) the beginning of sport specialisation; 2) the transition to intensive training in the chosen kind of sport; 3) the transition to high achievement and adult sports; 4) the transition from the culmination to the end of SC and transition to the other professional career. Athletes have to solve „transitional problems“ in order to continue the SC successfully on the next stage. A failure in solving transitional problems leads to a crisis.
The research showed that the most influence to choose the main kind of sport had the coach (95%). In the intensive training in the chosen kind of sport all respondents had the aim, after trainings felt tired (75%) and even 89% of respondents complained of injuries. Most of athletes (74%) noted that sometimes needed psychological support in competitions. Mostly in high achievement and adult sports (55%) changed the coach and every fifth athlete not always successfully collaborated with him, and also came into conflict with other members of the group (28%). In this stage was difficult to adjust sport activity and studies, sport activity and leisure, and also sport activity and job. Most coaches pointed that too early finished trainings by these reasons: difficult to adust... [to full text]
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The Internal and External Factors of Vocational Path Choice / Profesinio kelio rinkimosi vidiniai ir išoriniai veiksniaiUrbanavičiūtė, Ieva 04 February 2010 (has links)
The main objective of the doctoral thesis was to analyze the features of one’s vocational path during the time of undergraduate studies. Undergraduate studies can be treated as a pathway of transition from school to the world of work. Therefore, it is especially important to identify what makes vocational choice successful during this period of time. In the study, several psychological success indicators of vocational path choice were distinguished. Moreover, the following factors were analyzed as their possible predictors: internal-cognitive factors (self-efficacy and vocation-related expectations), internal-personality factors (Big Five trait dimensions), external factors (situational-demographic characteristics). The study was conducted in the framework of Social Cognitive Career Theory. 625 undergraduates representing various Lithuanian universities took part in the main study. The results provide a basis for distinguishing the most important factors of vocational path choice during the transition period, i.e., those factors that most strongly relate either to vocational choice success indicators or to the adequacy of its planning. In the discussion, both theoretical implications and practical recommendations are provided. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami profesinio kelio ypatumai bakalauro pakopos studijų metu – pereinamuoju laikotarpiu tarp mokyklos baigimo ir įėjimo į darbo pasaulį. Darbe buvo siekiama išskirti psichologinius sėkmingo profesinio kelio pasirinkimo rodiklius bei įvertinti, kokie veiksniai jiems turi daugiausiai reikšmės. Remiantis socialine kognityvine karjeros teorija ir pereinamojo laikotarpio tyrimų apžvalga, nagrinėti vidiniai kognityviniai (įvairūs saviveiksmingumo aspektai, profesiniai lūkesčiai), asmenybės (Didžiojo Penketo asmenybės bruožai) ir išoriniai (situaciniai-demografiniai) veiksniai. Tyrime dalyvavo 625 įvairių Lietuvos universitetų bakalauro pakopos, 1–4 kurso studentai. Gauti rezultatai leidžia išskirti svarbiausius vidinius ir išorinius profesinio kelio veiksnius – tuos, kurie pereinamuoju laikotarpiu labiausiai sietini su sėkmingu profesinio kelio pasirinkimu ar adekvačiu jo planavimu. Aptariant tyrimo rezultatus, diskutuojama tiek jų reikšmė teorine prasme, tiek pritaikymo galimybės profesinio orientavimo ir konsultavimo praktikoje.
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