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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur får vi energi? : En kvalitativ semistruktuerad intervjustudie om barns uppfattningar kring kroppens energiprocesser. / How do we get energy? : A qualitative semi structured interview study of preschool children´s perceptions about acknowledging the field of energy process in the human body.

Rantamäki, Anja January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att studera vilka tankar förskolebarn i åldern mellan 5-6 år har om energiprocesser kopplat till människokroppen. Metoden var en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie som genomfördes på en förskola samt i en förskoleklass. Teoretiska utgångspunkten var social konstruktivism. Intervjuerna kompletterades med en docka som blev ett kommunikativt redskap. Resultatet av studien visar att de flesta barn relatera mat som en viktig energikälla. Barnens tankar om vart de får sin energi ifrån ligger i vardagsspråket, där barnen använder energi begreppet som att känner sig utvilad och har ork för att kunna leka. Den skiljer sig till den naturvetenskapliga betydelsen av energi där vi får vår energi genom cellandningen. Barns tankar om hur de får sin energi skiljer sig och sammanfattas i fem olika kategorier. Kategorierna är: genom mat, genom rörelse, genom vila, genom vätska och genom syre. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool children between the age of 5 and 6 years reflect about energy processes connected to the body. The study was conducted with semi structured interviews with a preschool class and a preschool. The theoretical framework for the study is social constructivism. The study was conducted with communicative tools (a doll). The result of the study is most children relate food as an important source of energy. Children ́s perceptions about where they got the energy from, lies in the form of informal language, where they use the word energy when they feel alert and have strength to play. It differs from the science ́s descriptions of energy, that we obtain energy through cellular respiration. Children ́s perceptions about where they got the energy from are divided into five categories. The categories are: through food, through motion, through rest, through fluid and through oxygen.

Gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry methods for the determination of environmental contaminants

Geng, Dawei January 2016 (has links)
The recent developments and improvements of instrumental methods for the analyses of the environmental contaminants, especially the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), have made it possible to detect and quantify these at very low concentrations in environmental and biotic matrices. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the capability of the atmospheric pressure chemical ionization technique (APCI), using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of a wide range of environmental contaminants, including the POPs regulated by Stockholm Convention, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), but also the derivates of PBDEs and novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs). The APCI was operated in charge transfer condition, preferably producing molecular ions. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) experiments were optimized by adjusting cone voltage, collision energy and dwell time. Optimization of source parameters, such as gas flows and temperatures was also performed. Low concentration standards were analyzed, achieving a visible chromatographic peak for 2 fg 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) demonstrating the excellent sensitivity of the system. Adequate linearity and repeatability were observed for all the studied compounds. The performance of APCI methods was validated against the conventional methods using gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry for chlorinated compounds in a wide range of matrices including environmental, air, human and food matrices. The GC-APCI-MS/MS method was successfully applied to a set of 75 human serum samples to study the circulating levels of POPs in epidemiologic studies. Moreover the method was utilized to establish temporal trends of POPs in osprey eggs samples collected during the past five decades.

Electrokinetic devices from polymeric materials

Bengtsson, Katarina January 2017 (has links)
There are multiple applications for polymers: our bodies are built of them, plastic bags and boxes used for storage are composed of them, as are the shells for electronics, TVs, computers, clothes etc. Many polymers are cheap, and easy to manufacture and process which make them suitable for disposable systems. The choice of polymer to construct an object will therefore highly influence the properties of the object itself. The focus of this thesis is the application of commonly used polymers to solve some challenges regarding integration of electrodes in electrokinetic devices and 3D printing. The first part of this thesis regards electrokinetic systems and the electrodes’ impact on the system. Electrokinetic systems require Faradaic (electrochemical) reactions at the electrodes to maintain an electric field in an electrolyte. The electrochemical reactions at the electrodes allow electron-to-ion transduction at the electrode-electrolyte interface, necessary to drive a current at the applied potential through the system, which thereby either cause flow (electroosmosis) or separation (electrophoresis). These electrochemical reactions at the electrodes, such as water electrolysis, are usually problematic in analytical systems and systems applied in biology. One solution to reduce the impact of water electrolysis is by replacing metal electrodes with electrochemically active polymers, e.g. poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT). Paper 1 demonstrates that PEDOT electrodes can replace platinum electrodes in a gel electrophoretic setup. Paper 2 reports an all-plastic, planar, flexible electroosmotic pump which continuously transports water from one side to the other using potentials as low as 0.3 V. This electroosmotic pump was further developed in paper 3, where it was made into a compact and modular setup, compatible with commercial microfluidic devices. We demonstrated that the pump could maintain an alternating flow for at least 96 h, with a sufficient flow of cell medium to keep cells alive for the same period of time. The second part of the thesis describes the use of 3D printers for manufacturing prototypes and the material requirements for 3D printing. Protruding and over-hanging structures are more challenging to print using a 3D printer and usually require supporting material during the printing process. In paper 4, we showed that polyethylene glycol (PEG), in combination with a carbonate-based plasticizer, functions well as a 3D printable sacrificial template material. PEG2000 with between 20 and 30 wt% dimethyl carbonate or propylene carbonate have good shear-thinning rheology, mechanical and chemical stability, and water solubility, which are advantageous for a supporting material used in 3D printing. The advances presented in this thesis have solved some of the challenges regarding electrokinetic systems and prototype manufacturing. Hopefully this will contribute to the development of robust, disposable, low-cost, and autonomous electrokinetic devices. / Polymera material finns överallt omkring oss; våra kroppar är uppbyggda av dem,plastpåsarna och burkarna vi förvarar vår mat av består av dem, våra kläder och andra tingsom finns i vår vardag är uppbyggda av olika typer av polymerer. En polymer är uppbyggd aven repetitiv sekvens av identiska grupper, de kan liknas vid en mönsterrapport vilken är denminsta del som man behöver repetera för att få mönstret. Beroende på hur rapporten ser ut såförändras utseendet av mönstret. Hos en polymer påverkar sammansättningen av denrepetitiva gruppen (rapporten) egenskaperna av materialet och polymerer kan vara allt frånhårda och robusta, till flexibla och elektriskt ledande. Arbetet som presenteras i den häravhandlingen berör hur funktionen av olika system påverkas av att man använder sig avpolymerer istället för konventionella material. Första delen av avhandlingen handlar om integrering av elektronik i system som innehållervätska. När vätskor, laddade partiklar, molekyler och joner rör på sig på grund av ett yttreelektriskt fält, så kallas detta för elektrokinetik. Detta kan användas för att pumpa vätska ikanaler som är mindre än 0.2 mm, genom så kallad elektroosmos, samtidigt kommermolekyler med olika laddning att börja separera, så kallad elektrofores. Elektroosmos användsinom t.ex. analytisk kemi för injektion och transport av vätskor. Elektrofores används inombl.a. rättsvetenskap och molekylärbiologi för att separera makromolekyler, så som DNA ochproteiner, med avseende på deras storlek och laddning. I dessa system använder man sig oftastav metallelektroder. När en spänning läggs till ett par metallelektroder som är i kontakt med vatten kommer denhuvudsakliga reaktionen att vara spjälkning av vatten, så kallad vattenelektrolys. Spjälkningav vatten innebär att det bildas vät-och syrgas samt att pH börjar ändras. Gaserna som bildaskan bryta kopplingen mellan elektroderna och därmed stoppar strömmen, så som sker när mandrar ut sladden för t.ex. en elvisp. Förändringar i pH kan t.ex. påverka biologiska provernegativt, så som proteiners funktion och kan leda till celldöd, men kan också minska flödenaen elektroosmotisk pump kan generera. Det finns flera olika sätt hur man kan hanteravattenelektrolys i system med metallelektroder, så som användning av en pH-buffer. Arbetet iden här avhandlingen visar vad som händer om man ersätter metallelektroder med elektrisktledande plastelektroder. I detta fall har metallelektroderna ersatts av den elektriskt ledandepolymeren PEDOT vilket resulterar i att , där man istället för generera gas och pHviförändringar, så förflyttar man joner mellan elektroden och omgivande lösning. Ledandepolymerer är billiga och enkla att tillverka vilket gör dem lämpliga för engångssystem. förändringar, så förflyttar man joner mellan elektroden och omgivande lösning. Ledandepolymerer är billiga och enkla att tillverka vilket gör dem lämpliga för engångssystem.I den här avhandlingen visas följande exempel där metallelektroder ersatts av ledandeplastelektroder: Gelelektrofores (separation av proteiner i en gel), (se papper 1), tyg som kanpumpa vatten (plan elektroosmotisk pump, se papper 2) och en kompakt pump som inte ärstörre än ett kaffemått, som enkelt kan kopplas till befintliga sprutkopplingar och som kananvändas för att kontrollera flödet över t.ex. celler (se papper 3). Andra delen av avhandlingen handlar om 3D skrivare och hur materialval påverkarutskriften och designen. 3D skrivare är ett bra alternativ för att snabbt och billigt kunnaproducera prototyper och funktionella individanpassade objekt i varierande storlekar.3D skrivare kan beskrivas som en avancerad spritsmaskin där material läggs lager på lager föratt bygga upp det slutgiltiga objektet utifrån en datorgenererade 3D model. Detta förändrarhelt hur man designar objekt och vilka möjliga strukturer och material man kan använda sigav jämfört än då man till exempel använder sig av svarv eller fräs för tillverkning. Det finnsflera olika typer av 3D skrivare, t.ex. smältplastskrivare (den typ som man kan se i flertaletaffärer idag) och den variant som använts i den här avhandlingen, en sprutbaserad. Ensprutbaserad 3D skrivare kan hantera många olika typer av material så länge dessa kan fyllas ien spruta och tryckas ut genom en nål. Det färdiga resultat kan därmed bli mycket olikaberoende på vilka material som använts. Överhängande och utstickande strukturer kan vara komplicerade att skriva ut med en3D skrivare. Utskrift av dessa strukturer kan underlättas genom att man skriver ut en temporärstruktur i ett annat material, ett offermaterial. Offermaterialet fungerar som en mall eller stödtill det slutgiltiga objektet och tas bort (offras) när övriga delar av objektet är klara. I den häravhandlingen beskrivs hur ett offermaterial baserat på polyetylen glykol (PEG, vanligtförekommande i t.ex. schampo och läkemedel) och en mjukgörare kan anpassas för attfungera tillsammans med en sprutbaserad 3D skrivare (se papper 4) för att skriva ut strukturerfrån 0,2 mm och uppåt. Arbetet i den här avhandlingen visar användningen av den ledande polymeren PEDOT i ettelektroforessystem och en elektroosmotisk pump. Detta kan förhoppningsvis underlättautvecklingen av dessa system till att bli mindre, smidigare, snabbare och billigare. Den andradelen presenterar ett vattenlösligt, PEG-baserat material som kan användas som stöd till andramaterial i sprutbaserade 3D utskrifter för att underlätta tillverkningen av 3D utskrivna objekt.

Conducting Redox Polymers for Electrode Materials : Synthetic Strategies and Electrochemical Properties

Huang, Xiao January 2017 (has links)
Organic electrode materials represent an intriguing alternative to their inorganic counterparts due to their sustainable and environmental-friendly properties. Their plastic character allows for the realization of light-weight, versatile and disposable devices for energy storage. Conducting redox polymers (CRPs) are one type of the organic electrode materials involved, which consist of a π-conjugated polymer backbone and covalently attached redox units, the so-called pendant. The polymer backbone can provide conductivity while it is oxidized or reduced (i. e., p- or n-doped) and the concurrent redox chemistry of the pendant provides charge capacity. The combination of these two components enables CRPs to provide both high charge capacity and high power capability. This dyad polymeric framework provides a solution to the two main problems associated with organic electrode materials based on small molecules: the dissolution of the active material in the electrolyte, and the sluggish charge transport within the material. This thesis introduces a general synthetic strategy to obtain the monomeric CRPs building blocks, followed by electrochemical polymerization to afford the active CRPs material. The choice of pendant and of polymer backbone depends on the potential match between these two components, i.e. the redox reaction of the pendant and the doping of backbone occurring within the same potential region. In the thesis, terephthalate and polythiophene were selected as the pendant and polymer backbone respectively, to get access to low potential CRPs. It was found that the presence of a non-conjugated linker between polymer backbone and pendant is essential for the polymerizability of the monomers as well as for the preservation of individual redox activities. The resulting CRPs exhibited fast charge transport within the polymer film and low activation barriers for charge propagation. These low potential CRPs were designed as the anode materials for energy storage applications. The combination of redox active pendant as charge carrier and a conductive polymer backbone reveals new insights into the requirements of organic matter based electrical energy storage materials.

Utveckling av enzymatisk bioremediering av PET : Användnin av ett kontextbaserat lärande i implementering av ett miljöperspektiv i gymnasieskolan / The development of enzymatic bioremediation of PET : The use of context-based learning in implementing an environmental perspective in secondary education.

Jakobsson, Jessika January 2021 (has links)
Plastic pollution is one of if not the biggest threat against earth’s ecosystems. Almost 400 million tons of plastic is produced every year and most of it is discarded outside of the recycling systems. Marine ecosystems are extra exposed due to microplastics which are plastic smaller than 5 mm. The most common type of plastic is PET. Plastic in general is very chemically stable and hard to degrade but scientists have found a bacterium named I.sakaiensis that can degrade PET with a two-enzyme system called PETase and MHETase. Due to being exo-enzymes, they have to be secreted to function, the thermostability of these enzymes are very low so most research has been focused on increasing the thermal stability with its enzyme activity. This report focuses on what structures are important for the PET degrading ability of MHETas and PETas and how they can be applied to cleaning marine ecosystems. A key to solving environmental issues is creating environmentally aware students through the education system. Studies about Context based education have indicated that it sparks motivation and interest in students and the lessons seem more relevant. This report is also about how context-based education can be used to create an environmental perspective in secondary education.

Thin Film and Plasma Characterization of PVD Oxides

Landälv, Ludvig January 2017 (has links)
The state-of-the-art tools for machining metals are primarily based on a metal-ceramic composite(WC-Co) coated with different combinations of carbide, nitride and oxide coatings. Combinations of these coating materials are optimized to withstand specific wear conditions. Oxide coatings are especially desired because of their possible high hot hardness, chemical inertness with respect to the workpiece, and their low friction. This thesis deals with process and coating characterization of new oxide coatings deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) techniques, focusing on the Cr-Zr-O and Al-Cr-Si-O systems. The thermal stability of α-Cr0.28Zr0.10O0.61 deposited by reactive radio frequency (RF)-magnetron sputtering at 500 °C was investigated after annealing up to 870 °C. The annealed samples showed transformation of α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 and amorphous ZrOx-rich areas into tetragonal ZrO2 and bcc Cr. The instability of the α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 is surprising and possibly related to the annealing being done under vacuum, facilitating the loss of oxygen. The stabilization of the room temperature metastable tetragonal ZrO2 phase, due to surface energy effects, may prove to be useful for metal cutting applications. The observed phase segregation of α-(Cr,Zr)2O3 and formation of tetragonal ZrO2 with corresponding increase in hardness for this pseudo-binary oxide system also opens up design routes for pseudo-binary oxides with tunable microstructural and mechanical properties. The inherent difficulties of depositing insulating oxide films with PVD, demanding a closed circuit, makes the investigation of process stability an important part of this research. In this context, we investigated the influence of adding small amount of Si in Al-Cr cathode on plasma characteristics ,process parameters, and coating properties. Si was chosen here due to a previous study showing improved erosion behavior of Al-Cr-Si over pure Al-Cr cathode without Si incorporation in the coating. This work shows small improvements in cathode erosion and process stability (lower pressure and cathode voltage) when introducing 5 at % Si in the Al70Cr30-cathode. This also led to fewer droplets at low cathode current and intermediate O2 flow. A larger positive effect on cathode erosion was observed with respect to cleaning the cathode from oxide contamination by increasing cathode current with 50%. However, higher cathode current also resulted in increased amount of droplets in the coating which is undesirable. Through plasma analysis the presence of volatile SiO species could be confirmed but the loss of Si through volatile SiO species was negligible, since the coating composition matched the cathode composition. The positive effect of added Si on the process stability at the cathode surface should be weighed against Si incorporation in the coating. This incorporation may or may not be beneficial for the final application since literature states that Si promotes the metastable γ-phase over the thermodynamically stable α-phase of pure Al2O3, contrary to the effect of Cr, which stabilizes the α-phase.

Improved mass accuracy in MALDI-TOF-MS analysis

Kempka, Martin January 2005 (has links)
Mass spectrometry (MS) is an important tool in analytical chemistry today, particularly in the field of proteomics where identification of proteins is the central activity. The focus in this thesis has been to improve the mass accuracy of MS-analyses in order to improve the possibility for unambiguous identification of proteins. In paper I a new peak picking algorithm has been developed for Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). The new algorithm is based on the assumption that two sets of ions are formed during the ionisation, and that these two sets have different Gaussian-distributed velocity profiles. The algorithm then deconvolutes the spectral peak into two Gaussian distributions, were the narrower of the two distributions is utilized for peak picking. The two-Gaussian peak picking algorithm proved to be especially useful when dealing with weak, distorted peaks. In paper II a novel chip-based target for MALDI analysis is described. The target features pairs of 50x50 μm anchors in close proximity. Each anchor within a pair could be individually addressed with different sample solutions. Each pair could then be irradiated with the MALDI laser, which allowed ionization to take place on separated anchors simultaneously. This made it possible for us to calibrate analytes with calibration standards that where physically separated from the analyte, but ionized simultaneously. The use of new chip-based MALDI target resulted in a 2-fold reduction of relative mass errors. We could also report a significant reduction of ion suppression. The small size of the anchors provided a good platform for efficient utilization of sample. This resulted in a detection limit of ca. 1.5 attomole of angiotensin I at a S/N of 22:1. / QC 20101206

Amino Aacohols : stereoselective synthesis and applications in diversity-oriented synthesis

Torssell, Staffan January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is divided into three separate parts with amino alcohols as the common feature. The first part describes the development of a novel three-component approach to the synthesis of α-hydroxy-β-amino esters. Utilizing a highly diastereoselective Rh(II)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of carbonyl ylides to various aldimines, syn-α-hydroxy-β-amino esters formed in high yields and excellent diastereoselectivities. This methodology was also applied in a short enantioselective synthesis of the C-13 side-chain of Taxol. The second part of the thesis describes a total synthesis of D-erythro- Sphingosine based on a cross-metathesis approach to assemble the polar head group and the aliphatic chain. The last part deals with the application of amino alcohols as scaffolds in a diversity-oriented protocol for the development of libraries of small polycyclic molecules. The design of the libraries is based on the iterative use of two powerful ring-forming reactions; a ring-closing metathesis and an intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction, to simultaneously introduce structural complexity and diversity. / QC 20101222

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

Hammarberg, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about sustainability within chemistry, the so-called, green chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized. Pre- and post-work puts the lab in a context. The students understand the concepts better if they are allowed to test their knowledge in a discussion. The teachers role in the discussion should be to lift the level of the discussion by controlling the conversation and in a constructiveway contribute to making the discussion move forward whenever necessary. / Denna uppsats behandar hållbarhet inom kemi, den så kallade gröna kemin. Med arbetet söker jag förena grön kemi med hållbar utveckling och hitta metoder för att undervisa grön kemi i en laborativ miljö. I undersökningen har jag designat och testat två laborationer med inslag av grön kemi och hållbar utveckling. Jag ville undersöka om undervisningsmodellen leder till en begreppsutveckling hos studenter och elever. Studenterna/eleverna har genom enkäter och intervjuer uttalat sig om dels sina egna kunskaper och dels om undervisningens inslag och dess bidrag till deras begreppsutveckling. I ett laborativt sammanhang bör fördelarna med ett laborativt arbetssätt utnyttjas. Förarbete och efterarbete ger laborationen ett sammanhang. Studenten/eleven förstår begreppen bättre om de får testa sina kunskaper i en diskussion. Lärarens roll i diskussionen bör vara att lyfta diskussionsnivån genom att styra samtalet och på ett konstruktivt sätt bidra till att föra diskussionen framåt när det är nödvändigt.

Synthesis of a polar conjugated polythiophene for 3D-printing of complex coacervates

Heimonen, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to synthesize a functionalized polar conjugated polythiophene that could be (3D-) printed into form-stable structures for bio-interfacing. The material design rationale aimed for a water-processable polymer that had the capability of electronic and ionic conduction, by using a thiophene backbone and oligoethylene side chains. Functionalization of the oligoethylene side chains with carboxylate groups created a polyanion, which allowed for a bio-inspired approach to combine printability and form-stability through formation of complex coacervates. The synthesis of the conjugated monomer and polymer was optimized to provide a more sustainable and material efficient synthesis route. Combined structural analysis with 1H-NMR, FT-IR and UV-vis revealed successful synthesis of the target polymer. Spectro electrochemistry revealed that the polymer was optically and electrochemically active in both the protected and deprotected form. The obtained material is processable from water, and initial tests revealed that crosslinking can be achieved through formation of acid dimers, ionic crosslinks with Ca2+ ions and complex coacervation with a polycation. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

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