Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acidosis."" "subject:"ketosis.""
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Η επίδραση της διαβητικής κετοξέωσης στο ανοσολογικό σύστημα. / Diabetic ketoacidosis and immune responses.Γιαλή, Σοφία 26 June 2007 (has links)
Σκοπός. Η διαβητική κετοξέωση (ΔΚ) και η υπεργλυκαιμική υπερωσμωτική κατάσταση (ΥΥΚ) είναι δύο από τις πιο σοβαρές οξείες επιπλοκές του Σακχαρώδη διαβήτη, που εξακολουθούν να αποτελούν σημαντική αιτία νοσηρότητας και θνητότητας μεταξύ των διαβητικών. Οι λοιμώξεις, συχνός εκλυτικός παράγων και επιπλοκή της ΔΚ και ΥΥΚ, αποτελούν την κύρια αιτία θανάτου και η έγκαιρη διάγνωση και αντιμετώπιση της σήψης είναι κριτικής σημασίας για την επιβίωση των ασθενών. Διερευνήσαμε την επίδραση των ανωτέρω καταστάσεων στην ανοσοποιητική απόκριση, μελετώντας τους υποπληθυσμούς των Τ λεμφοκυττάρων – παραμέτρους οξείας φάσης και την ιντερλευκίνη 6 (IL-6) στο περιφερικό αίμα των ασθενών μας, σε μια προσπάθεια να διαπιστώσουμε τυχόν υποκείμενες διαταραχές και να προσδιορίσουμε πιθανόν διαγνωστικούς και προγνωστικούς δείκτες για τη σήψη. Μέθοδος. Η μελέτη μας περιέλαβε 61 διαβητικούς ασθενείς με ΔΚ ή ΥΥΚ. Ξεχωρίσαμε μια ομάδα ασθενών που είχαν συμπτώματα Συνδρόμου συστηματικής φλεγμονώδους αντίδρασης (SIRS). Προσδιορίσαμε στον ορό όλων των ασθενών τις συγκεντρώσεις των παραγόντων οξείας φάσης (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της C αντιδρώσας πρωτεΐνης ,CRP) και της IL-6 (ως κύρια κυτταροκίνη για την παραγωγή πρωτεϊνών οξείας φάσης), κατά την εισαγωγή και στην ύφεση (μετά τη βελτίωση των συμπτωμάτων και σε κατάσταση ευγλυκαιμίας). Σε μια ομάδα 28 ασθενών με ΔΚ ή ΥΥΚ (σε σύγκριση και με αντίστοιχη ομάδα ελέγχου) μελετήσαμε επιπλέον υποπληθυσμούς των Τ λεμφοκυττάρων, τα ολικά (CD3) / τα βοηθητικά (CD4) / τα κατασταλτικά (CD8) Τ κύτταρα και τα κύτταρα φυσικοί φονείς (ΝΚ) χρησιμοποιώντας μονοκλωνικά αντισώματα και μικροσκόπιο ανοσοφθορισμού, προ και αμέσως μετά τη διόρθωση της μεταβολικής διαταραχής. Αποτελέσματα. Παρατηρήσαμε ότι οι υποπληθυσμοί των Τ λεμφοκυττάρων ήταν σημαντικά ελαττωμένοι κατά την εισαγωγή, συγκρινόμενοι με τους υγιείς μάρτυρες (ενώ οι περισσότερες μελέτες διαβητικών τύπου 1 καταγράφουν αυξημένα βοηθητικά Τ κύτταρα) και παρέμειναν και αμέσως μετά τη διόρθωση της μεταβολικής διαταραχής. Οι ασθενείς που τελικά απεβίωσαν είχαν σημαντικά ελαττωμένους τους υποπληθυσμούς των Τ λεμφοκυττάρων (εκτός των ΝΚ κυττάρων) συγκρινόμενοι και με τους υγιείς μάρτυρες και με όσους ασθενείς επιβίωσαν. Από τους 61 ασθενείς της μελέτης με ΔΚ ή ΥΥΚ, οι 49 ασθενείς είχαν συμπτώματα SIRS. Οι 27 ασθενείς είχαν SIRS χωρίς στοιχεία λοίμωξης, ενώ οι 22 ασθενείς είχαν SIRS με αποδεδειγμένη λοίμωξη. Διαπιστώσαμε σημαντικά αυξημένες συγκεντρώσεις CRP και IL-6 στον ορό των σηπτικών διαβητικών ασθενών συγκριτικά με όσους ασθενείς μας είχαν SIRS χωρίς λοίμωξη. Οι ασθενείς που τελικά απεβίωσαν είχαν σημαντικά πιο αυξημένες συγκεντρώσεις CRP και IL-6 κατά την εισαγωγή, που μειώθηκαν σημαντικά στην ύφεση. Συμπεράσματα. Η διαβητική κετοξέωση και η υπεργλυκαιμική υπερωσμωτική κατάσταση προκαλούν συχνά κλινικό σύνδρομο που ομοιάζει με σύνδρομο συστηματικής φλεγμονώδους αντίδρασης. Διαταραχές στην ισορροπία των υποπληθυσμών των Τ λεμφοκυττάρων, κυρίως η ελάττωση των βοηθητικών Τ κυττάρων μπορεί να συμβάλλουν στην υψηλή θνησιμότητα αυτών των μεταβολικών διαταραχών. Οι μετρήσεις των συγκεντρώσεων C αντιδρώσας πρωτεΐνης και ιντερλευκίνης 6 στον ορό αυτής της ομάδας των διαβητικών ασθενών, είναι ένας χρήσιμος τρόπος αποκλεισμού λοίμωξης και επιβεβαίωσης και παρακολούθησης της σήψης. / Aims / hypothesis. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) are two of the most serious acute complications of diabetes mellitus, being important causes of morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes. Infection is a common precipitating event in DKA and HHS and the major cause of death. An early diagnosis of sepsis in patients with DKA and HHS is crucial and life saving. We studied the immune responses in these states, investigating the peripheral T lymphocyte subsets, acute phase reactants and interleukin 6 (IL-6) to find out how useful these might be for identifying sepsis. Methods. Sixty one diabetic patients with DKA or HHS were enrolled. Patients with signs and symptoms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) were identified. Acute phase reactants, including serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6, the main cytokine responsible for the induction of acute phase proteins, were measured (concentrations in peripheral blood) on admission and when patients were clinically improved and were euglycaemic. Peripheral T lymphocyte subsets including total (CD3), helper (CD4) and suppressor (CD8) T cells and natural killer (NK) cells, were studied in twenty one patients with DKA plus seven patients with HHS and twenty eight healthy matched control (using monoclonal antibodies), prior to and after treatment of metabolic disorders. Results. Peripheral T lymphocyte subsets were decreased in the twenty eight patients with DKA and HHS in admission compared to healthy controls (while helper T cells are mostly increased in diabetics type 1), and remained so after treatment of metabolic disorders. Patients who finally died had significantly decreased T lymphocyte subsets (except NK cells) compared with both healthy controls and patients who survived. A total of forty nine out of sixty one patients with DKA and HHS had signs of SIRS. Twenty seven patients had SIRS and no signs of infection and twenty two patients had SIRS due to proven infection. We detected a significant increase in serum CRP and IL-6 values in patients infected compared to patients with no septic SIRS. Patients who finally died had much higher levels of these proteins, while there was a prompt reduction of serum CRP and IL-6 early during remission. Conclusion / interpretation. Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state can often cause a clinical syndrome resembling systemic inflammatory response syndrome. An imbalance of subpopulations of T lymphocytes, especially decreased helper T cells (CD4), may be correlated with the high morbidity and mortality in these states. Determination of serum C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 is a useful way of early excluding an underlying infection as well as confirming and monitoring sepsis.
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Mortalidade por complicações agudas do diabetes melito no Brasil / Mortality from acute complications of diabetes mellitus in BrazilLima, André Klafke de January 2013 (has links)
Contextualização: As complicações agudas do diabetes, embora em grande parte evitáveis, apresentavam considerável mortalidade em diversas localidades do mundo no século passado. No Brasil, a organização do Sistema Único de Saúde pode ter resultado em importante queda na mortalidade por esta causa. Objetivos: Descrever a mortalidade por complicações agudas do diabetes no Brasil entre 1991 e 2010. Métodos: Os óbitos declarados no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade por complicações agudas do diabetes (CID-9 249 e 250, seguidos pelos dígitos 1, 2 ou 3, e CID-10 E10 a E14, seguidos pelos dígitos 0 ou 1) foram corrigidos para causas mal definidas e sub-registro. A partir da população obtida do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, foram calculadas taxas de mortalidade padronizadas de acordo com a população mundial. Correlações lineares foram realizadas para descrever a relação entre mortalidade e idade, e regressões Joinpoint foram utilizadas para descrever tendências. Resultados: Houve queda de 70,9% na mortalidade por complicações agudas do diabetes no Brasil entre 1991 e 2010, de 8,42 para 2,45 óbitos por 100.000 habitantes. A redução ocorreu em ambos os sexos, todas as faixas etárias, todas as regiões e quase todas as unidades federativas. O declínio foi menor nos últimos anos, quando as taxas já estavam bem mais baixas. A mortalidade aumentou exponencialmente com a idade e foi maior nas regiões Norte e Nordeste. Conclusões: A marcante redução na mortalidade por complicações agudas do diabetes no Brasil nas últimas duas décadas indica que a cobertura ampla e gratuita adotada pelo sistema nacional de saúde do Brasil, com disponibilização de insulina e organização do cuidado, foi capaz de reduzir substancialmente as complicações agudas dessa doença. Entretanto, considerando especialmente as iniquidades regionais existentes, ainda há espaço para redução na mortalidade por essas complicações no Brasil. / Background: Acute complications of diabetes, though largely preventable, presented considerable mortality in various locations around the world in the 20th Century. In Brazil, the organization of the national health system may have resulted in an important decline in this cause of mortality. Objectives: To describe mortality rates from acute complications of diabetes in Brazil from 1991 to 2010. Methods: The deaths reported in the Mortality Information System for acute complications of diabetes (ICD-9 249 and 250, followed by the digits 1, 2 or 3, and ICD-10 E10 to E14, followed by the digits 0 or 1) were corrected for ill-defined and under-reporting. Using the population obtained from national censuses, we calculated mortality rates standardized to the world population. Linear correlations were performed to describe the relationship between mortality and age, and Joinpoint regressions were used to characterize trends. Results: Mortality from acute complications of diabetes decreased 70.9%, from 8.42 to 2.45 deaths / 100000 inhabitants, in Brazil from 1991 to 2010. The reduction occurred in both sexes, all ages, all regions and almost all states. The decline was less marked in recent years. Mortality rates increased exponentially with age and were higher in the North and Northeast regions. Conclusions: The marked reduction in mortality from acute complications of diabetes in Brazil over the last two decades suggests that the universal coverage adopted by the national health system of Brazil, provided without charge and in an increasingly organized fashion, coupled with greater availability of insulin, was able to substantially reduce deaths due to the acute complications of diabetes. However, especially considering regional inequities, much room still exists for further reduction in mortality from these complications in Brazil.
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Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children under 15 years of ageHekkala, A. (Anne) 07 June 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children <15 years of age at the time of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) at Oulu University Hospital over a period of 33 years (1982−2014) and throughout Finland in 2002−2005. The aim was to assess the effect of certain host characteristics (age at diagnosis, family history of T1D, T1D-associated HLA risk genotypes and participation in T1D prediction and prevention trials) on the frequency on DKA. A further aim was to assess temporal changes in the frequency of DKA.
The overall frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis at the diagnosis of T1D in children <15 years was low both at Oulu University Hospital and over the whole country. A decrease in the frequency of DKA was observed at the university hospital during the years 1982−2001, but it then seemed to stabilize at just under 20.0%. The frequency in the whole of Finland during the period 2002−2005 was similar, i.e. 19.4%.
The frequency of DKA at diagnosis in very young children (<2 years of age) at Oulu University Hospital decreased markedly during the period in question, being 50.0% in 1982−1991, 39.1% in 1992−2001 and 17.1% in 2002−2014 (p=0.021), and a similar decrease was seen in children <5 years (32.1% in 1982−1991, 17.7% in 1992−2001 and 13.0% in 2002−2014, p=0.007). The children aged 10−14.9 years at diagnosis, however, had an increased risk of DKA over the whole period studied here, and more attention should definitely be paid to this group in the future to reduce its DKA frequency.
In the analysis of the data based on all children in Finland diagnosed with T1D in 2002−2005 the risk of DKA at diagnosis was lower in those with a first-degree relative affected by T1D. The children carrying a higher HLA-conferred risk of T1D had DKA less frequently at the manifestation of the disease.
Prospective studies based on screening for HLA-DQB1-associated genetic susceptibility to T1D from cord blood and subsequent regular clinical, immunological and metabolic follow-up have been going on in Oulu University Hospital since 1995, and the children taking part have been found to have a reduced frequency of DKA (5%) at diagnosis. Genetic screening without follow-up did not prevent DKA at disease presentation. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöstyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia diabeettisen ketoasidoosin (DKA) esiintymistä alle 15–vuotiailla lapsilla tyypin 1 diabeteksen toteamisvaiheessa Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa vuosina 1982–2014 ja koko Suomessa vuosina 2002–2005. Tavoitteena oli selvittää tiettyjen lapsen erityispiirteiden (ikä diagnoosihetkellä, perheen diabeteshistoria, diabetekseen liittyvien HLA riskigenotyyppien esiintyminen ja osallistuminen prospektiivisiin tyypin 1 diabeteksen seurantatutkimuksiin) vaikutusta ketoasidoosin esiintymiseen. Lisäksi tärkeänä tavoitteena oli tutkia mahdollisia ajallisia muutoksia ketoasidoosin esiintymisessä.
Kaikkiaan ketoasidoosin esiintyminen oli matala alle 15–vuotiailla lapsilla tyypin 1 diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellä Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa tutkimusjakson aikana. Ketoasidoosin esiintymisessä nähtiin vähenemistä kahden ensimmäisen 10–vuotisjakson aikana (1982–1991 ja 1992–2001), minkä jälkeen sen esiintyminen vakiintui alle 20 %:n tasolle. Koko Suomessa ketoasidoosin kokonaisesiintyvyys vuosina 2002–2005 oli 19,4 % mikä vastasi Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa havaittua esiintyvyyttä.
Pienillä, alle 2–vuotiailla lapsilla ketoasidoosin esiintyminen diabeteksen toteamisvaiheessa väheni huomattavasti tutkimusjakson aikana Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa ollen 50,0 % 1982–2001, 39,1 % 1992–2001 ja 17,1 % 2002–2014 (p=0,021). Samanlainen laskeva suunta havaittiin tuona ajanjaksona myös alle 5–vuotiailla lapsilla (32,1 % 1982–1991, 17,7 % 1992–2001 ja 13,0 % 2002–2014, p=0,007). Sen sijaan ketoasidoosiriski pysyi huomattavan korkeana yli 10–vuotiailla lapsilla koko tutkimusjakson ajan. Tulevaisuudessa on tärkeä kiinnittää erityishuomio tähän ikäluokkaan ketoasidoosin vähentämiseksi.
Analysoitaessa kaikkia Suomessa 2002–2005 tyypin 1 diabetekseen sairastuneita lapsia, havaittiin lapsilla, joilla oli ensimmäisen asteen tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastava sukulainen (vanhemmat, sisarukset), ketoasidoosiriski matalammaksi. Lisäksi niillä lapsilla, joilla oli korkeaan sairastumisriskiin liittyvä HLA–genotyyppi, oli ketoasidoosin esiintyminen vähäisempää tyypin 1 diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellä.
Prospektiivinen tyypin 1 diabeteksen kehittymistä selvittävä seurantatutkimus aloitettiin Oulussa 1995. Tutkimuksessa lapsen napaverinäytteestä analysoidaan perinnöllinen diabetesalttius ja riskiryhmiä seurataan säännöllisesti. Seurantatutkimukseen osallistuneiden lasten ketoasidoosiriski diabeteksen diagnoosihetkellä oli vähentynyt taudin toteamishetkellä (5,0 %). Pelkkä geneettiseen seulontatutkimukseen osallistuminen ei kuitenkaan suojannut lasta ketoasidoosilta.
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Inpatient diabetes care : evaluation and interventionVan Zyl, Danie G. 28 April 2012 (has links)
The management of patients hospitalised with diabetes mellitus is neglected in South Africa. The research on which this thesis is based assessed factors contributing to glycaemic control as well as evaluated an intervention aimed at improving of such control in diabetic inpatients. A survey of doctors and nurses measuring their perceptions, knowledge and attitudes regarding care of diabetic inpatients was done. This indicated a need for special training in inpatient diabetes care, where 90.5% of respondents realised that diabetes is a serious condition and 92.2% valued the importance of tight glycaemic control. Despite these perceptions, the knowledge of doctors and nurses caring for diabetic inpatients was suboptimal. A before and after study regarding an intervention to improve glycaemic control of diabetic inpatients consisted of a training programme and the introduction of an inpatient management protocol. The mean blood glucose on day one of admission after the intervention was significantly higher than before the intervention (p < 0.001). A significant improvement in mean blood glucose from day 1 to day 7 of hospitalisation was seen after the intervention (p < 0.001), which was not significant before (p = 0.33). The proportion of patients achieving glycaemic control did not significantly differ before and after the intervention (43.0% versus 43.7%, p = 0.97). A double blind randomised controlled trial to assess superiority of Ringer’s lactate solution compared to 0.9% Sodium chloride solution in the normalisation of pH in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis was done. The outcome of this study indicated that the time to normalisation of venous pH (pH > 7.32) (HR: 1.863, CI: 0.937 to 3.705, p = 0.758) was not significantly different between the two resuscitation fluid groups The time to reach a blood glucose of 14 mmol/L was significantly longer in the Ringer’s lactate group (p = 0.044) and patients needed significantly more insulin (p = 0.02). The overall conclusion of this study is that there is no significant benefit in using Ringer’s lactate solution as initial resuscitation fluid compared to the currently advised 0.9% Sodium chloride solution. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Internal Medicine / unrestricted
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Incidence of Childhood Diabetes in Children Aged Less than 15 Years and Its Clinical and Metabolic Characteristics at the Time of Diagnosis: Data from the Childhood Diabetes Registry of Saxony, GermanyGaller, Angela, Stange, Thoralf, Müller, Gabriele, Näke, Andrea, Vogel, Christian, Kapellen, Thomas, Bartelt, Heike, Kunath, Hildebrand, Koch, Rainer, Kiess, Wieland, Rothe, Ulrike January 2010 (has links)
Aims: The Childhood Diabetes Registry in Saxony, Germany, examined the incidence and metabolic characteristics of childhood diabetes. Methods: In the federal state of Saxony, newly diagnosed cases of diabetes in children and adolescents aged less than 15 years were registered continuously from 1999 until 2008. Family history, date of diagnosis, clinical and laboratory parameters were obtained. Reported cases were ascertained by public health departments as an independent data source and verified using the capture- recapture method. Results: A total of 865 children and adolescents with newly diagnosed diabetes were registered in Saxony. About 96% of them were classified as having type 1 diabetes, 0.6% had type 2 diabetes, 2.4% had maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), and 1.4% had other types of diabetes. The age-standardized incidence rate of type 1 diabetes was estimated at 17.5 per 100,000 children per year. Completeness of ascertainment as calculated by the capture-recapture method amounted to 93.6%. At the time of diagnosis, 27.1% of children with type 1 diabetes had ketoacidosis, 1.5% had a blood pH <7.0, and 1.1% were unconscious. Conclusion: The registry provided data about the incidence rates and clinical presentation of childhood diabetes in a defined German population. We observed higher incidence rates compared to previous surveys. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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