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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do encontro entre as práticas teatrais e a educação: uma releitura da constituição do teatro infantil brasileiro / From the encounter between theatrical practices and education: a reinterpretation of the Brazilian childrens theatre constitution

Gomes, Sidmar Silveira 23 November 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo configura-se como uma mirada histórico-filosófica que, tendo como inspiração a arqueogenealogia de Michel Foucault, se devota a inventariar de que modo, ao longo de seus deslocamentos, emergências e contingências, o teatro infantil brasileiro afiliouse ao ideário educacional e, por fim, aos processos de espraiamento das práticas educativas pelo tecido social. A historiografia do teatro brasileiro elege a montagem de O casaco encantado, de Lúcia Benedetti, em 1948, como marco do teatro voltado às crianças. As fontes empíricas nas quais este estudo se baseia o jornal carioca Correio da Manhã (1901-1974) e a Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (1944-2017) revelam dois acontecimentos simultâneos à sobredita fundação do teatro infantil. O primeiro deles diz respeito à discursividade corrente no início do século XX sobre a infância como problema, flagrada nos debates sobre as temáticas do infanticídio, da degeneração e da delinquência infantis. O segundo acontecimento refere-se à emergência do discurso escolanovista entre as décadas de 1930 e 1950, afirmando o viés educativo como forma de superação de uma infância tida como problemática, via o projeto de ajustamento, de autonomia e de emancipação do alunado. Nesse contexto, a Escola Nova terse-ia apropriado das práticas teatrais infantis para o alcance de seus objetivos, fomentando relações de reciprocidade entre o teatro infantil não escolar e o teatro escolar infantil. Mediante tal configuração, o presente estudo devota-se a uma releitura da constituição do teatro infantil em solo brasileiro, partindo da hipótese de que o cuidado com a criança e as iniciativas artísticas da primeira metade do século XX teriam sido responsáveis por um governamento de tipo artístico-pedagógico da infância, doravante lastreado por uma espécie de pedagogia do bemestar infantil. Assim, o teatro para crianças comportaria duas facetas de um mesmo processo de educabilidade dos cidadãos: de um lado, o governo da infância incitaria a edificação de um sujeito maduro, livre, sadio e empreendedor de si, culminando no apelo à adultização e à invenção de um modo renovado de ser criança; por outro, o governo pela infância despontaria associado ao rol de saberes e práticas de afirmação e de disseminação dos cuidados infantis, colaborando para a fixação de um adulto impedido moral e juridicamente de exercer maustratos à criança. / The present study is configured as an historical-philosophical gaze which had, as an inspiration, the arqueogenealogy of Michel Foucault. Its commited to specify in which way, throughout its displacements, emergencies and possibilities, the brazilian kids theatre was associated with educational principles; and finally the dissemination of the educational processes by societys framework. The historiography of brazilian theatre selects the staging of The Enchanted Coat (O casaco encantado), by Lúcia Benedetti, performed in 1948, as a milestone in infants theatre. The empirical sources that this study is based the carioca newspaper The Morning Post (Correio da Manhã, 1901- 1974) and the Brazilian Magazine of Pedagogical Studies (19442017) reveal two simultaneous events happening during the foundation of childrens theatre. The first one covers the discursive current from the beginning of the 20th century, that considered childhood as a problem, witnessed in discussions and talks about infanticide, degeneration and infants delinquency. The second occurrence refers to the origin of the escolanovista speech from 1930 to 1950, affirming the educational bias as a means of overcoming a problematical childhood and also as a way of adjustment, autonomy and emancipation of the pupil. In this regard, the New School (a Escola Nova), would have taken the infants theatrical practices to accomplish its goals, promoting interchange between the formal and the non-formal educational theatre. Therefore, this study is dedicated to a reinterpretation of the brazilian infant theatre, based on the assumption that the care for children and the artistic initiatives from the first half of the 20th century would have been responsible for an artistic/pedagogic governance at childhood, hereafter widespread by a type of pedagogy focused on the childrens well-being. Consequently, childrens theatre would carry two facets of the same teaching process for citizens: on one side, the childhood government would provoke the construction of a mature being, free, healthy and self-instigator that culminates and appeals to the precocious and new way of being a child. On the other side, the childhood government would come forth linked with knowledges, affirmation practices and also the spreading of child care, collaborating for the development of an adult prevented moral and legally of performing childs maltreatment.

Os multiletramentos no estudo do município em geografia: uma prática interdisciplinar utilizando fotografia e escrita

Rosa, Jaqueline Daniela da 13 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Andrea Pereira (andrea.pereira@unipampa.edu.br) on 2017-02-10T13:30:10Z No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Jaqueline Daniela OS MULTILETRAMENTOS NO ESTUDO DO MUNICÍPIO EM GEOGRAFIA UMA PRÁTICA.pdf: 34255975 bytes, checksum: 2f4e90b63d2ad3cfe2f9b0b9a3c2f571 (MD5) Produto dissertação Jaqueline Daniela OS MULTILETRAMENTOS NO ESTUDO DO MUNICÍPIO EM GEOGRAFIA UMA.pdf: 27148365 bytes, checksum: dbd38a2b0fe791d9643904d868438ce4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-10T13:30:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Jaqueline Daniela OS MULTILETRAMENTOS NO ESTUDO DO MUNICÍPIO EM GEOGRAFIA UMA PRÁTICA.pdf: 34255975 bytes, checksum: 2f4e90b63d2ad3cfe2f9b0b9a3c2f571 (MD5) Produto dissertação Jaqueline Daniela OS MULTILETRAMENTOS NO ESTUDO DO MUNICÍPIO EM GEOGRAFIA UMA.pdf: 27148365 bytes, checksum: dbd38a2b0fe791d9643904d868438ce4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-13 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo promover os multiletramentos e a interdisciplinaridade entre a Geografia e a área das linguagens através de uma prática no estudo do município de Bagé-RS em uma escola da rede municipal com alunos do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental I. Com essa finalidade, elaborou-se como produto pedagógico uma proposta de Unidade Didática no ensino da Geografia com crianças, voltada principalmente ao letramento visual e digital (leitura e interpretação de imagens e prática com fotografia) e leitura e escrita (exploração do gênero entrevista). Optou-se pela interdisciplinaridade entre a Geografia e a área das linguagens (Língua Portuguesa), levando-se em conta as orientações dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental I nas áreas de Geografia e Língua Portuguesa, quanto ao ensino ser algo desenvolvido de forma integrada e com o objetivo de levar a criança a aprender a ler e a escrever através de palavras e de outras formas, como a leitura visual e cartográfica, ambas fundamentais nesta fase escolar. Embasam as discussões neste trabalho autores como Soares (2002), Rojo e Moura (2012), Callai (2005), Straforinni (2001), Dondis (1991), Fazenda (2008), Santaella e Nöth (1997) e Marcuschi (2005) e os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o ensino Fundamental I. Neste sentido, procurou-se criar atividades para a Unidade Didática produzida contemplando o estudo do município de Bagé (tema explorado no 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental I) em uma escala geográfica global, não hierarquizada e fragmentada, levando a criança a conhecer através de imagens e fotografia a história, o cotidiano, as relações humanas, as construções e principalmente a cultura produzida pelas pessoas em Bagé ao longo do tempo. Além disso, foi possível mostrar ao professor a importância da busca de parcerias para a realização do trabalho interdisciplinar através das oficinas realizadas com o auxílio de profissionais habilitados (fotógrafo e jornalistas). Em análise, constatou-se que a Unidade Didática produzida desenvolve processos significativos no letramento visual e digital, habilidades de leitura, escrita e oralidade, proporcionando ao educando a competência de trabalhar em grupo e de utilizar tecnologias em sua aprendizagem. Também foi possível perceber que a professora regente, a qual participou de todo o processo auxiliando no desenvolvimento das aulas, agregou mudanças significativas em sua postura pedagógica em relação à interdisciplinaridade e ao ensino da Geografia para crianças, desenvolvendo um novo olhar no trabalho com o tema município no 4º ano. As atividades práticas, no geral, agradaram a grande maioria dos alunos, os quais ocuparam o papel de produtores, apresentando uma melhora significativa em sua organização e comunicação, além de apropriarem-se de diferentes informações sobre o município em que vivem. No entanto, também constatou-se a necessidade de adaptações em determinados procedimentos e atividades, o que permite concluir que a proposta necessita apresentar flexibilidade em relação ao tempo de aplicação e que pode ser melhor redimensionada principalmente em relação à produção escrita dos alunos. Como resultado deste trabalho, organizou-se a Unidade Didática produzida em formato de revista digital apresentada em CD-ROM, sendo destinada principalmente a professores dos anos iniciais. Além da Unidade, tem-se como objetivo produzir um livro para professores contendo roteiro das atividades e reflexões sobre as aulas-oficinas realizadas. Neste sentido, espera-se que o docente ao ter acesso à Unidade Didática apresentada faça as reflexões necessárias sobre a proposta e realize as adaptações conforme sua realidade. / ABSTRACT : This paper aims to promote multiliteracies and interdisciplinarity between Geography and language area through a practice in Bagé – RS city study in a municipal school with Elementary forth grade students. With this goal, it was made a teaching unit as a pedagogical product to teach Geography to kids, mainly aimed at visual and digital literacy (images reading and interpretation and practice with photography), reading and writing (developing of interview genre). It was opted for interdisciplinarity between Geography and language area (Portuguese Language), considering Brazilian Curricular Directives for Elementary Education in the areas of Geography and Portuguese Language, about the fact that teaching is something developed in an integrated way and with the aim of leading the kid to learn to read and to write, through words and other ways, as well as visual and cartographic reading, both are fundamental in this scholar fase. To base the discussion in this research, there are authors as Soares (2002), Rojo e Moura (2012), Callai (2005), Straforinni (2001), Dondis (1991), Fazenda (2008), Santaella e Nöth (1997) e Marcuschi (2005) and Brazilian Curricular Directives for Elementary Education. In this sense, it was looked for creating activities to the teaching unit produced, including Bagé city study (theme that is explored in Elementary forth grade) in a Geographic global scale, that is not hierarchic nor fragmented, leading the kid to know through images and photographs the history, the daily, the human relations, the constructions and mainly the culture produced by people in Bagé over time. Besides, it was possible to show to the teacher the importance of seeking partnerships to accomplish an interdisciplinary work through workshops made with the assistance of habilitated professionals (photographer and journalists). In the analysis, it was found that the teaching unit produced develops significant processes in digital and visual literacy, reading, writing and oral abilities, providing the student the competence of working in groups and of using technologies in their learning. It was also possible to notice that the regent teacher, the one who participated of the whole process, helping the development of the classes, added significant changes to her pedagogical attitude in relation to interdisciplinarity and to kids Geography teaching, developing a new look to the work with the city theme in the forth grade. The practical activities, in general, pleased most of the students who acted as producers, showing a significant improvement in their organization and communication, and they also learned about several information about the city they live in. As a final result of this paper, a book was organized, and it is directed mainly to Elementary kids teachers, it has images, guide of the classes, descriptions of the photographs workshops and interviews and practices with interviews realized by students with people from Bagé. In this sense, it is expected that the teachers, when they have access to the presented Teaching Unit, make the necessary reflections about the proposal and make the adaptations according to their reality.

Colostro bovino liofilizado como substituto do colostro caprino e o desenvolvimento do epitélio intestinal de cabritos durante o período de aquisição de proteção passiva / Lyophilized bovine colostrum as a substitute of goat colostrum and the intestinal epithelium development of goat kids during the period of passive protection acquisition

Débora Botequio Moretti 20 March 2012 (has links)
O presente projeto teve como proposta estudar a utilização do colostro bovino liofilizado como manejo alternativo para caprinos recém-nascidos. Estudos relacionados com a aquisição de proteção passiva e o desenvolvimento do epitélio intestinal, como aspectos citológicos e histológicos, atividade celular e expressão do receptor específico para o IGF-I (IGF-IR), foram realizados. Às 0, 7 e 14 horas de vida, 15 machos recém-nascidos receberam 5% do peso inicial de colostro bovino liofilizado (CBL) e 14 colostro caprino (CC), ambas as refeições com 55 mg/mL de IgG. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas às 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas de vida para a quantificação da imunoglobulina G (IgG), proteína total (PT) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I). Amostras do duodeno, jejuno e íleo foram coletadas às 18, 36 e 96 horas de vida para análises utilizando microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. A atividade de enzimas extracelulares, quantificação da proteína, DNA e RNA total e expressão do IGF-IR também foram determinadas. Amostras de um grupo adicional (0 h), que não ingeriu colostro, foram coletadas. No grupo CBL, as concentrações séricas de IgG às 14, 18, 24 e 48 horas foram maiores que às 0 e 7 horas, enquanto no grupo CC, apenas às 18 horas a concentração sérica foi maior que às 0 e 7 horas (P<0,05). A capacidade de absorção de IgG diminuiu entre 7 e 14 horas em CC (P<0,05), enquanto em CBL, manteve-se sem alteração nestes horários (P>0,05). As variáveis PT e IGF-I não foram influenciadas pela ingestão de colostro bovino liofilizado (P>0.05). Os indicativos de atividade celular, concentração de proteína, DNA e RNA total, proteína/DNA, proteína/RNA e RNA/DNA, e a atividade das enzimas aminopeptidase N, dipeptidil peptidase IV, aminopeptidase A, lactase, maltase e sacarase diferiram nos horários experimentais e em relação ao grupo adicional (P<0,05). Apenas as razões proteína/DNA, proteína/RNA no jejuno e a atividade da aminopeptidase A no íleo foram maiores no grupo CBL (P<0,05). A atividade da fosfatase ácida foi observada nas primeiras horas de vida, especialmente no duodeno. Com relação à morfologia do epitélio intestinal e densidade das vilosidades, o fornecimento de colostro bovino liofilizado não determinou alterações. As variações na ultraestrutura dos enterócitos revelaram a presença, no segmento jejuno, de material absorvido e do complexo endocítico apical às 0, 18 e 36 horas. No duodeno, a expressão gênica do IGF-IR ao nascimento foi maior que às 18 e 36 horas nos grupos CC e CBL (P<0,05). Enquanto, a expressão do receptor deste peptídeo bioativo no jejuno do grupo CBL foi maior às 18 e 36 horas em relação a 0 h (P<0,05). Os resultados obtidos do presente trabalho contribuem para que a fonte alternativa de imunoglobulinas, colostro bovino liofilizado, seja utilizada como um substituto para o colostro caprino sem alterações significativas na aquisição de proteção passiva e nas características histofisiológicas do tecido epitelial do intestino delgado de cabritos. / This project was proposed to study the use of lyophilized colostrum as an alternative management for newborn goat kids. Studies related to the acquisition of passive protection and development of the intestinal epithelium, as cytological and histological aspects, cellular activity and expression of the receptor specific for IGF-I (IGF-IR), were performed. At 0, 7 and 14 hours of life, 15 newborn males received 5% of initial weight of lyophilized bovine colostrum (LBC) and 14 goat colostrum (GC), both meals with 55 mg/mL of IgG. Blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 hours of life to quantification of immunoglobulin G (IgG), total protein (TP) and insulin like growth factor type I (IGF-I). Samples of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were collected at 18, 36 and 96 hours of life for analysis using optical microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The activity of extracellular enzymes, quantification of total protein, DNA and RNA and expression of the IGF-IR were also determined. Samples from an additional group (0 h), not suckling, were collected. In LBC group, serum IgG concentrations at 14, 18, 24 and 48 hours were higher than at 0 and 7 hours, while in the GC group, only at 18 hours serum concentration was higher than at 0 and 7 hours (P<0.05). The capacity of IgG absorption decreased between 7 and 14 hours in GC (P<0.05), while in LBC, remained unchanged at these times (P>0.05). The variables TP and IGF-I were not influenced by ingestion of lyophilized bovine colostrum (P>0.05). The indicators of cellular activity, total protein, DNA and RNA concentration, protein/DNA, protein/RNA and RNA/DNA, and the enzyme activity of aminopeptidase N, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, aminopeptidase A, lactase, maltase and sucrase differed in sampling times and in relation to the additional group (P<0.05). Only the rations protein/DNA, protein/RNA in the jejunum and aminopeptidase A activity in the ileum were higher in the LBC group (P<0.05). The acid phosphatase activity was observed in the first hours of life, especially in the duodenum. Regarding the intestinal epithelium morphology and villi density, the supply of lyophilized bovine colostrum did not determine alterations. Changes in enterocytes ultrastructure revealed the presence in the jejunum segment of absorbed material and apical endocytic complex at 0, 18 and 36 hours. In the duodenum, IGF-IR gene expression at birth was higher than at 18 and 36 hours in the GC and LBC (P<0.05). While the expression of this bioactive peptide receptor in the jejunum of the LBC group was higher at 18 and 36 hours relative to 0 h (P<0.05). The results of this work indicate that the alternative source of immunoglobulins, lyophilized bovine colostrum, can be used as a substitute for goat colostrum without significant changes in the acquisition of passive protection and histophysiology characteristics of the small intestine epithelium of goat kids.

Colostro bovino liofilizado como substituto do colostro caprino e o desenvolvimento do epitélio intestinal de cabritos durante o período de aquisição de proteção passiva / Lyophilized bovine colostrum as a substitute of goat colostrum and the intestinal epithelium development of goat kids during the period of passive protection acquisition

Moretti, Débora Botequio 20 March 2012 (has links)
O presente projeto teve como proposta estudar a utilização do colostro bovino liofilizado como manejo alternativo para caprinos recém-nascidos. Estudos relacionados com a aquisição de proteção passiva e o desenvolvimento do epitélio intestinal, como aspectos citológicos e histológicos, atividade celular e expressão do receptor específico para o IGF-I (IGF-IR), foram realizados. Às 0, 7 e 14 horas de vida, 15 machos recém-nascidos receberam 5% do peso inicial de colostro bovino liofilizado (CBL) e 14 colostro caprino (CC), ambas as refeições com 55 mg/mL de IgG. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas às 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas de vida para a quantificação da imunoglobulina G (IgG), proteína total (PT) e do fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I). Amostras do duodeno, jejuno e íleo foram coletadas às 18, 36 e 96 horas de vida para análises utilizando microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura e transmissão. A atividade de enzimas extracelulares, quantificação da proteína, DNA e RNA total e expressão do IGF-IR também foram determinadas. Amostras de um grupo adicional (0 h), que não ingeriu colostro, foram coletadas. No grupo CBL, as concentrações séricas de IgG às 14, 18, 24 e 48 horas foram maiores que às 0 e 7 horas, enquanto no grupo CC, apenas às 18 horas a concentração sérica foi maior que às 0 e 7 horas (P<0,05). A capacidade de absorção de IgG diminuiu entre 7 e 14 horas em CC (P<0,05), enquanto em CBL, manteve-se sem alteração nestes horários (P>0,05). As variáveis PT e IGF-I não foram influenciadas pela ingestão de colostro bovino liofilizado (P>0.05). Os indicativos de atividade celular, concentração de proteína, DNA e RNA total, proteína/DNA, proteína/RNA e RNA/DNA, e a atividade das enzimas aminopeptidase N, dipeptidil peptidase IV, aminopeptidase A, lactase, maltase e sacarase diferiram nos horários experimentais e em relação ao grupo adicional (P<0,05). Apenas as razões proteína/DNA, proteína/RNA no jejuno e a atividade da aminopeptidase A no íleo foram maiores no grupo CBL (P<0,05). A atividade da fosfatase ácida foi observada nas primeiras horas de vida, especialmente no duodeno. Com relação à morfologia do epitélio intestinal e densidade das vilosidades, o fornecimento de colostro bovino liofilizado não determinou alterações. As variações na ultraestrutura dos enterócitos revelaram a presença, no segmento jejuno, de material absorvido e do complexo endocítico apical às 0, 18 e 36 horas. No duodeno, a expressão gênica do IGF-IR ao nascimento foi maior que às 18 e 36 horas nos grupos CC e CBL (P<0,05). Enquanto, a expressão do receptor deste peptídeo bioativo no jejuno do grupo CBL foi maior às 18 e 36 horas em relação a 0 h (P<0,05). Os resultados obtidos do presente trabalho contribuem para que a fonte alternativa de imunoglobulinas, colostro bovino liofilizado, seja utilizada como um substituto para o colostro caprino sem alterações significativas na aquisição de proteção passiva e nas características histofisiológicas do tecido epitelial do intestino delgado de cabritos. / This project was proposed to study the use of lyophilized colostrum as an alternative management for newborn goat kids. Studies related to the acquisition of passive protection and development of the intestinal epithelium, as cytological and histological aspects, cellular activity and expression of the receptor specific for IGF-I (IGF-IR), were performed. At 0, 7 and 14 hours of life, 15 newborn males received 5% of initial weight of lyophilized bovine colostrum (LBC) and 14 goat colostrum (GC), both meals with 55 mg/mL of IgG. Blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 hours of life to quantification of immunoglobulin G (IgG), total protein (TP) and insulin like growth factor type I (IGF-I). Samples of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were collected at 18, 36 and 96 hours of life for analysis using optical microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The activity of extracellular enzymes, quantification of total protein, DNA and RNA and expression of the IGF-IR were also determined. Samples from an additional group (0 h), not suckling, were collected. In LBC group, serum IgG concentrations at 14, 18, 24 and 48 hours were higher than at 0 and 7 hours, while in the GC group, only at 18 hours serum concentration was higher than at 0 and 7 hours (P<0.05). The capacity of IgG absorption decreased between 7 and 14 hours in GC (P<0.05), while in LBC, remained unchanged at these times (P>0.05). The variables TP and IGF-I were not influenced by ingestion of lyophilized bovine colostrum (P>0.05). The indicators of cellular activity, total protein, DNA and RNA concentration, protein/DNA, protein/RNA and RNA/DNA, and the enzyme activity of aminopeptidase N, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, aminopeptidase A, lactase, maltase and sucrase differed in sampling times and in relation to the additional group (P<0.05). Only the rations protein/DNA, protein/RNA in the jejunum and aminopeptidase A activity in the ileum were higher in the LBC group (P<0.05). The acid phosphatase activity was observed in the first hours of life, especially in the duodenum. Regarding the intestinal epithelium morphology and villi density, the supply of lyophilized bovine colostrum did not determine alterations. Changes in enterocytes ultrastructure revealed the presence in the jejunum segment of absorbed material and apical endocytic complex at 0, 18 and 36 hours. In the duodenum, IGF-IR gene expression at birth was higher than at 18 and 36 hours in the GC and LBC (P<0.05). While the expression of this bioactive peptide receptor in the jejunum of the LBC group was higher at 18 and 36 hours relative to 0 h (P<0.05). The results of this work indicate that the alternative source of immunoglobulins, lyophilized bovine colostrum, can be used as a substitute for goat colostrum without significant changes in the acquisition of passive protection and histophysiology characteristics of the small intestine epithelium of goat kids.

Perceptions of Empty Nest Mothers From Diverse Socioeconomic Backgrounds With Boomerang Kids

Lary, Banning Kent 01 January 2015 (has links)
In the United States, a growing number of young people are failing to launch into self-sufficiency, a characteristic of adulthood recognized by most cultural groups. These "boomerang children" return home and interrupt the life course development of their "empty nest" mothers who must suspend plans for self-development. How mothers from different socioeconomic backgrounds cope with this countertransitional phenomenon while preparing their children for successful relaunch is not well known. Elder's life course paradigm provided the theoretical framework for this phenomenological study. Perceptions were collected from an ethnically diverse group of 23 empty nest mothers with 30 boomerang children and seven boomerang grandchildren from five U.S. states, recruited using criterion-based convenience sample. Data were collected through recorded telephone interviews that were transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using Saldana's codes-categories-emergent themes model. The findings revealed that boomerang children caused emotional and financial distress, a reassessment of parenting skills, and that boomerang grandchildren reinvigorated the mother's prime identity as a caregiver. These findings were consistent regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic status. This study contributes to the empirical literature by depicting the boomerang phenomenon as a shift in cultural expectations which represents a new phase in the life course development paradigm. Findings from this study can also guide the work of future researchers, assist mental health counselors who deal with these issues, and inform school guidance counselors who design career trajectories for students.

Nutrition positive : an incentive program in Saskatoon elementary schools. A case study and preliminary process evaluation

Thompson, Brenda Elaine 15 September 2008
ABSTRACT The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an informed understanding of the views of elementary school staff about the characteristics of the Nutrition Positive incentive program including: program development, implementation strategies used by individual schools, and challenges and related concerns associated with program implementation. As an initial step in a process evaluation, knowledge was gained through document analysis, site observations and 14 semi-structured interviews with principals, teachers and nutrition coordinators in 4 Greater Saskatoon Catholic, and 4 Saskatoon Public, Saskatchewan schools. Findings were then compared and contrasted with three models for best practice from the scientific literature and related to school health, education, and promotion. <p>The results led to the following conclusions. Nutrition Positive serves as an entry point for health promotion in Saskatoon elementary schools. While providing principals, teachers and other school staff with the necessary supports to enable children to learn critical life and health skills, it is also practical and realistic. The program can easily be adapted to different age and developmental levels, and a variety of cultures. The Advisory Committee and the program manual provide multiple resources to facilitate implementation. Schools may adapt the program for use across curricula, within school timetables, and concurrent with other health-related programs. Nutrition Positive schools attempt to provide healthy, serve most often foods for student mealtimes, special events, fundraising activities, vending machines and classroom rewards. While the program appears to be sustainable, it needs to specify measurable objectives and requires a better design for its assessment, monitoring and evaluation components. It is recommended that schools include all stakeholders, including parents and students, when forming a school-based program committee. Committee members need to participate in developing written school policies and guidelines, as well as learning about healthy eating themselves. School activities and foods offered need to more consistently and uniformly compliment the curriculum and program goals and objectives. In order to expand, program materials need to be widely publicized, communicated in a timely manner, culturally relevant, and available in languages in addition to English.

Nutrition positive : an incentive program in Saskatoon elementary schools. A case study and preliminary process evaluation

Thompson, Brenda Elaine 15 September 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gain an informed understanding of the views of elementary school staff about the characteristics of the Nutrition Positive incentive program including: program development, implementation strategies used by individual schools, and challenges and related concerns associated with program implementation. As an initial step in a process evaluation, knowledge was gained through document analysis, site observations and 14 semi-structured interviews with principals, teachers and nutrition coordinators in 4 Greater Saskatoon Catholic, and 4 Saskatoon Public, Saskatchewan schools. Findings were then compared and contrasted with three models for best practice from the scientific literature and related to school health, education, and promotion. <p>The results led to the following conclusions. Nutrition Positive serves as an entry point for health promotion in Saskatoon elementary schools. While providing principals, teachers and other school staff with the necessary supports to enable children to learn critical life and health skills, it is also practical and realistic. The program can easily be adapted to different age and developmental levels, and a variety of cultures. The Advisory Committee and the program manual provide multiple resources to facilitate implementation. Schools may adapt the program for use across curricula, within school timetables, and concurrent with other health-related programs. Nutrition Positive schools attempt to provide healthy, serve most often foods for student mealtimes, special events, fundraising activities, vending machines and classroom rewards. While the program appears to be sustainable, it needs to specify measurable objectives and requires a better design for its assessment, monitoring and evaluation components. It is recommended that schools include all stakeholders, including parents and students, when forming a school-based program committee. Committee members need to participate in developing written school policies and guidelines, as well as learning about healthy eating themselves. School activities and foods offered need to more consistently and uniformly compliment the curriculum and program goals and objectives. In order to expand, program materials need to be widely publicized, communicated in a timely manner, culturally relevant, and available in languages in addition to English.

Perceptions of Empty Nest Mothers From Diverse Socioeconomic Backgrounds With Boomerang Kids

Lary, Banning Kent 01 January 2015 (has links)
In the United States, a growing number of young people are failing to launch into self-sufficiency, a characteristic of adulthood recognized by most cultural groups. These â??boomerang childrenâ?? return home and interrupt the life course development of their â??empty nestâ?? mothers who must suspend plans for self-development. How mothers from different socioeconomic backgrounds cope with this countertransitional phenomenon while preparing their children for successful relaunch is not well known. Elder's life course paradigm provided the theoretical framework for this phenomenological study. Perceptions were collected from an ethnically diverse group of 23 empty nest mothers with 30 boomerang children and seven boomerang grandchildren from five U.S. states, recruited using criterion-based convenience sample. Data were collected through recorded telephone interviews that were transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using Saldana's codes-categories-emergent themes model. The findings revealed that boomerang children caused emotional and financial distress, a reassessment of parenting skills, and that boomerang grandchildren reinvigorated the mother's prime identity as a caregiver. These findings were consistent regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic status. This study contributes to the empirical literature by depicting the boomerang phenomenon as a shift in cultural expectations which represents a new phase in the life course development paradigm. Findings from this study can also guide the work of future researchers, assist mental health counselors who deal with these issues, and inform school guidance counselors who design career trajectories for students.

Simulation to Build Empathy in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Video Modeling Study

Kajganich, Gillian 21 June 2013 (has links)
Since a deficit in empathy is not only characteristic among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but categorically used in defining ASD, it is of utmost importance to explore educational avenues to build prosocial skills among this group. This study sought to explore the primary research question: What impact does the implementation of an empathy-focused video modeling intervention have on frequency of empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD? The secondary research questions examined were: In what ways does employing a video modeling simulation intervention using the Model Me Kids Friendship program impact the ability of adolescents with ASD to demonstrate empathic behaviour? How do adolescents with ASD express or speak about their empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship? How do the Educational Resource Facilitators (teaching assistants) perceive the same individuals’ empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship (MMF)? This mixed methods study explores 1 particular video modeling simulation program as a focused approach to building empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD. The theoretical framework presented blends theory of mind, simulation theory, and psychological theories of empathic behaviour including the inherent motor, cognitive, and emotional components. Individuals with ASD may not learn empathic behaviours solely through observation as typically developing children do, but findings suggest that through video simulation, practice may, in fact, lead to increased empathic behaviour. The quantitative findings were not significant but did show increase in motor empathy behaviour ratings among intervention group participants. Support for video modeling as a vehicle to teach empathic behaviour was provided by qualitative data collected over the course of 4 months contextualizing specific examples of empathic behaviour exhibited by participating teens with ASD. There is a link made between high levels of systematizing among teens on the spectrum (the drive to analyze and build a system) and video modeling as a means to foster empathic behaviour, thereby supporting an increased use of video simulation strategies to teach social skills among this group.

Alla barn är lika mycket värda : En kvalitativ studie om hur barn framställs i KappAhls reklamfilmer / All children are equally worth : A qualitative analysis of how children are produced in KappAhls commercials

Lindqvist, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
I have written an essay called ”All children are equally worth - A qualitative analysis of how children are produced in KappAhls commercials”. The purpose of this thesis is to do a study of the swedish clothing company KappAhl’s commercials. My purpose is divided into three questions: With which clothing colours are girls and boys represented in the commercials? Is there any difference in the making of ”non-white” and ”white” children in the commercials? and What is being transmitted in KappAhl’s commercials, where the focus should lay on the clothes? My material consists of three selected video clips from KappAhl’s Youtube channel. The three commercials are named: 1, Back to school, 2, Children’s christmas and 3, KappAhl 3 för 2 på alla överdelar för barn (translation: KappAhl 3 for 2 on all children’s tops). I have chosen to use photo interpretation with denotation and connotation as the main tools and also qualitative analysis as methods in my review of the material. The main theoretical base in my thesis is gender theory, while, for instance, stereotypes, binary oppositions and ethnicity are concepts chosen in hope to reach a deeper analytical level. I have also analyzed these commercials through the colours on the children’s clothes, the way the children are dressed and the settings around them. Through the analysis I have come to the conclusion that the children are dressed quite alike, in similar colors. But the girls are often dressed in colors that we find ”neutral” on girls, but if the boys would wear the colors that we find "neutral" on girls, we would see them as boyish. The boys would never wear colours that would seem ”neutral” on them, but in the general eye of society these colours would be seen as girl colors. The biggest difference I found in the commercials between ”non-white” and ”white” was that the ”white” younger boys were mystified through hats and hooded sweatshirts, and the ”non-white” boy, and the ”non-white” grown-up men were all themself with no assecceories trying to mystify them.

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