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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomechanical differences between elite able-bodied kayakers and elite para-kayakers during paddling : The second and third step of creating the new Paralympic classification system / Biomekaniska skillnader mellan elit kanotister utan funktionsnedsättning och elit para-kanotister vid paddling : Det andra och tredje steget av utvecklingen av det nya Paralympiska klassificeringssystemet för Parakanot

Rosén, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Aim The aim of the study was to examine the differences between able-bodied athletes (AB) and three para-athlete (PA) classes in three-dimensional range of motion (RoM) for the major joints of the body, and to define which joint angles are correlated with power output during paddling on a kayak ergometer. An additional aim was to validate three new classification tests used in classification of Paracanoe athletes. This study was an integral part of developing a new evidence-based classification system for Paracanoe which was accepted by the International Paralympic Committee in 2015. Method 41 PA (13 F and 28 M; 35 ± 9.0 years, 70.6 ± 12.5 kg, 1.74 ± 0.12 m) and 10 AB (4 F and 6 M; 22 ± 3.5 years, 78.3 ± 10.2 kg, 1.79 ± 0.06 m) participated in the study. Three-dimensional kinematic data was recorded using an optoelectronic system containing 12 infrared cameras capturing reflective markers placed on the participants, the paddle and on the force transducers. Force was measured at the paddle to enable calculations of power output. The kinematic and kinetic data were collected during paddling on the kayak ergometer at incremental intensities starting at a low intensity level (50 W). The athletes then increased intensity with 50 W up to a high intensity level which was defined as the highest level the athlete could maintain with good technique for 20 stroke cycles. The athletes were then asked to paddle at a maximal level. The kinematic and kinetic data were imported into Visual 3D and MATLAB where all calculations were made. Results There were significant differences between the AB and the three PA classes for joint angles in the shoulder (e.g. flexion/extension and internal/external rotation, AB&gt;PA), trunk (trunk rotation and trunk flexion, AB&gt;PA) and leg (hip, knee and ankle flexion AB&gt;PA) during paddling. Significant positive correlations were seen for both men and women between power output and trunk rotation RoM, hip, knee and ankle flexion RoM and in maximal trunk flexion during paddling. A positive correlation was also seen between the newly developed classification tests and the RoM values and power output. Conclusion This study showed that the RoM of the trunk and legs are positively correlated with power output during paddling on a kayak ergometer and that there is a significant difference between the AB and the PA classes in trunk and leg RoM. The results also showed that the newly developed classification tests are valid tests to use in classification of Paracanoe athletes. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnaderna mellan icke funktionsnedsatta idrottare (AB) och tre klasser av funktionsnedsatta idrottare (PA) i tredimensionellt rörelseomfång (RoM) i samtliga större leder i kroppen, och att definiera vilka leder som korrelerade med power output vid paddling på kajak ergometer. Ett ytterligare syfte var att validera tre nya klassificeringstester för klassificering i Parakanot. Denna studie var en viktig del vid utvecklingen av ett nytt evidensbaserat klassificeringssystem för Parakanot vilket blev accepterat av Internationella Paralympiska Kommitteen under 2015. Metod 41 PA (13 K och 28 M; 35 ± 9.0 år, 70.6 ± 12.5 kg, 1.74 ± 0.12 m) och 10 AB (4 K och 6 M; 22 ± 3.5 år, 78.3 ± 10.2 kg, 1.79 ± 0.06 m) deltog i studien. Tredimensionell kinematisk data samlades in med ett optoelektroniskt system innehållandes 12 infraröda kameror som registrerade reflekterande markörer som var fäst på försökspersonerna, på paddeln och på kraftgivarna. Kraft mättes vid paddeln vilket möjliggjorde beräkning av power output. Den kinematiska och kinetiska datan samlades in vid paddling på kajak ergometer på olika intensitetsnivåer och idrottarna startade på en låg intensitetsnivå (50 W). Idrottarna ökade sedan intensitet med 50 W upp till en hög intensitet vilket definierades som den högsta nivån som idrottarna kunde paddla stabilt på med bra teknik i 20 drag cykler. Idrottarna paddlade sedan på en maximal nivå. Den kinematiska och kinetiska datan importerades sedan till Visual3D och MATLAB där alla beräkningar utfördes. Resultat Det fanns en signifikanta skillnader mellan AB och de tre PA klasserna för ledvinklarna i skuldran (flexion/extension och inåt/utåt rotation, AB&gt;PA), bålen (bål rotation och bål flexion, AB&gt;PA) och i benen (höft, knä och ankel flexion, AB&gt;PA) vid paddling. Det fanns en signifikant positiv korrelation för både män och kvinnor mellan power output och RoM i bål rotation, höft, knä och ankel flexion och i maximal bål flexion vid paddling. En positiv korrelation fanns även mellan de nyutvecklade klassificeringstesterna och RoM värdena samt power output. Slutsats Studien visade att bål- och benrörelsen är positivt korrelerat med power output vid paddling på kajak ergometer och att det är en signifikant skillnad mellan AB och PA klasserna i bål och ben RoM. Resultaten visade också att de nyutvecklade klassificeringstesterna är valida tester för användning inom klassificering av Parakanotister. / <p>Kursen Projektarbete.</p>

Digitalisering av skogsskötsel med GNSS : Kostnadseffektiv kartläggning med Arduino &amp;Real-Time Kinematic / Digitalization of forestry with GNSS : Cheaper surverying with Arduino &amp; Real Time Kinematic

Lyrå, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en efterfrågan på hög-precisa GNSS-enheter i skogshantering som utförs av skogsinspektörer, skogsägare, och plantskolor. Problemet är att en genomsnittlig enhet kostar 30 000 SEK och uppåt. Därför söker man efter en billigare lösning med samma noggrannhet. Lösningen bör vara tillgänglig och lätt då det är önskvärt att monterasystemet på ett planteringsrör eller stav. Lösningen bestod av Arduino och U-Blox:s NEO-M8P-2 monterat på kretskort från SparkFun. Kommunikation mellan enheterna realiserades meden NTRIP-program som tredje part. Med Bluetooth för NTRIP-klienten och LTE (mobiltelefoni) för NTRIP-servern kommunicerade en rover och en basstation med nätet, för att överföra hämta och skicka korrigeringsdata från stationen till rovern. Lösningen lyckades med att uppnå grundligt resultat och några förväntningar. Man lyckades med att ta fram en lösning som kostar mindre än 6000 SEK, eller 2500 SEK om man väljer bort basstationen och endast behållermottagaren; rovern. Alla målen och förväntningar för resultat kunde inte uppfyllas på grund av problem och utmaningar i både lösningen och komplikationer orsakade avfaktorer utanför projektets ram.

Výpočtové modelování dynamických projevů v kontaktu kola a kolejnice s obecnou geometrií kontaktních povrchů / Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Loads in Wheel-Rail Contact with Shape Irregularities

Jandora, Radek January 2012 (has links)
During life of railway vehicles, shape irregularities develop on wheels and rails because of wear. The shape irregularities then affect forces in wheel-rail contact and cause further damage of contact surfaces, vibrations and noise and increase risk of derailment. A numerical simulation of railway vehicle motion with more details on contact surfaces geometry was created to investigate dynamic contact loads in wheel-rail contact. A variety of methods can be used to evaluate forces in rolling contact, the method chosen for this study was algorithm CONTACT based on boundary element method. Four studies are presented in this papers: contact loads from a wheel with a flat and with a wavy tread pattern, loads on wavy rail and load in a curve. The first three studies investigated effects of existing wear patterns, the last one looked for cause of common wear pattern developing on rails. Results of the studies with worn components used showed that the worst kind of shape irregularities is a flat present on wheel. This type of shape cause loss of contact and following impacts. The study of ride in curve showed that cause of high wear in curves, especially those with small radii, is caused by vibration of wheelset. This vibration is then caused by different length of inner and outer rail and wheels travelling along a different path.

Simulace kinematiky a dynamiky vozidlových mechanismů / Vehicle Kinematics and Dynamics Simulations

Zháňal, Lubor January 2015 (has links)
This paper focuses on the kinematic and dynamic numerical simulation of mechanisms by applying a numerical method, and a complex simulation programme built on it, developed by the author. Described are mathematical principles of the numerical method used and also the programming progression of the important parts of the application and its optimization. The final part includes comparative measuring of the accuracy and performance.

Linear Position Tracking for Controlling a Robotic Arm Using Inertial Sensors : Development of a Robotic Arm and an Inertial Sensor-Based Tracking System / Linjär positionsspårning för att styra en robotarm med hjälp av inertiella sensorer : Utveckling av en robotarm och ett inertiell-sensorbaserat spårningssystem

Knobe, Jesper, Pekola, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
In the field of mechatronics, different types of robotic arms are used for various applications. Control of robotic arms from a distance is required in certain situations, such as hazardous environments. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility, speed, and accuracy of the movement of a robotic arm following the movement of one handheld Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU). The assessment of accuracy was determined through experiments with pre-established movements and examined responses from the arm. The robot arm has four degrees of freedom and is controlled by integrating and filtering the IMU data to obtain the linear position, and inverse kinematics are used to obtain the arm joint angles required to reach the position. The robotic arm was constructed using Solid Edge 3D CAD, 3D printed in PLA plastic. After construction electronic components were connected and assembled. The programs were implemented in MATLAB, and the data was processed and transferred through the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The results indicate that the robotic arm demonstrates good capability in executing given coordinates. The accuracy of the IMU-based position tracking is inconsistent and not suitable for all applications. The system's total speed for reading and executing movements is found to be satisfactory, but improvements in precision are necessary for more demanding implementations. The primary causes of errors in the system are attributed to the precision of the measuring device, manufacturing deviations, and limitations in the IMU calculation. This study contributes to the understanding of linear position tracking using inertial sensors, filtering techniques, and communication between microcontrollers, providing insights for future research and development in the field. / Inom området mekatronik används olika typer av robotarmar för olika tillämpningar. Kontroll av robotarmar på avstånd krävs i situationer som farliga miljöer. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka genomförbarhet, hastighet och rörelseprecision hos en robotarm som följer rörelsen av en handhållen tröghetsmätningsenhet (IMU). Bedömningen av noggrannheten fastställdes genom experiment med förutbestämda rörelser och undersökta svar från armen. Robotarmen har fyra frihetsgrader och styrs genom att integrera och filtrera IMU-data för att erhålla den linjära positionen, och inverskinematik används för att erhålla de nödvändiga armledsvinklarna för att nå positionen. Robotarmen konstruerades med hjälp av Solid Edge 3D CAD, 3D-utskrivet i PLA-plast och elektroniska komponenter monterades. Programmen implementerades i MATLAB och data bearbetades och överfördes via Arduino Integrated Development Environment. Resultaten visar att robotarmen har god förmåga att utföra givna koordinater, men noggrannheten i IMU-baserad positionsspårning är inkonsekvent och inte lämplig för alla tillämpningar. Systemets totala hastighet för att läsa av och utföra rörelser anses vara tillfredsställande, men förbättringar av precisionen är nödvändiga för mer krävande implementeringar. De främsta orsakerna till fel i systemet tillskrivs precisionen hos mätinstrumentet, tillverkningsavvikelser och begränsningar i IMU-beräkningen. Denna studie bidrar till förståelsen av linjär positionsspårning med tröghetssensorer, filtreringstekniker och kommunikation mellan mikrokontroller, vilket ger insikter för framtida forskning och utveckling inom området.

Development of an event generator for antihyperon-hyperon pair production in antiproton-proton collisions

Shen, Vitor Jose January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this project was to develop a lightweight Monte-Carlo (MC) event generator for hyperon pair production in antiproton-proton collisions, and demonstrate it in one of the hyperon decay reaction channels, which is collisions of proton and antiproton to lambda hyperon and anti-lambda hyperon, and they decay to antiproton-positive pion pair, and proton-negative pion pair. The prototype of this external MC event generator we presented here is based on the software framework of ROOT. Compared to the corresponding framework of embedded MC event generators that is currently used in the PANDA experiment at FAIR, PandaRoot, it allows for easier and quicker testing of new models or formalisms on synthetic data, for example for studying spin observables like polarisation. The event generator was benchmarked by studying angular distributions in final states, which are constructed by kinematic relations of 4-momentum vectors in different reference frames for all mother and daughter particles.

Smart physics to create kinematic data from GPS measurements

Kaps, Andreas, Stallmach, Frank 02 May 2023 (has links)
An experimental exercise is presented where students explore the principal concepts of kinematics with the GPS sensor of their smartphone. It enables our students to record and analyze a self-performed complex movement independently. Students learn how to transform geographical into Cartesian coordinates and how to investigate movements in everyday life.

A Biomechanical Analysis of Male and Female Intermediate Hurdlers and Steeplechasers

Bollschweiler, Laurence R. 19 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the sport of track and field, proper hurdling technique is a complicated combination of various running and jumping kinematics. With most research having been done on sprint hurdling, there is a growing need for research on hurdling events of different lengths. The intermediate hurdles (IH) and the steeplechase (SC) are two events where there are a number of differences in hurdling technique. This study compared the differences in hurdling technique between events (IH and SC) as well as the differences in technique between genders. Subjects for this study consisted of 20 elite intermediate hurdlers (10 male, 10 female) and 20 elite steeplechasers (10 male, 10 female). Subjects were filmed performing their respective events at the 2006 USA Outdoor Track and Field National Championships. A 2-D analysis was performed on each subject to determine differences between events and genders for the following variables: loss of horizontal velocity, peak center of mass relative to hurdle height, horizontal position at peak center of mass, deviation angle at takeoff, hurdle step length, penultimate, and recovery step lengths, takeoff and landing distance, minimum lead leg hip angle, trail leg knee height relative to the hip at peak height, trunk angle at peak height, landing angle, and finally, the ratio of the recovery step to the penultimate step. Significant differences (p < .05) were observed in 11 of the 13 variables analyzed. Steeplechasers showed significantly higher values than hurdlers in deviation angle, landing angle, minimum lead leg hip angle, peak height over the barrier, takeoff and landing distances, as well as penultimate, hurdle and recovery step lengths. Trail leg knee height was shown to be higher for hurdlers. Also, female steeplechasers were shown to have a greater trunk angle and loss of horizontal velocity than female hurdlers. Females showed higher values than males in deviation angle, landing angle, minimum lead leg hip angle, and peak height over the barrier. Landing distance, hurdle step length and trail leg knee height were higher for males. Also, female steeplechasers had a longer penultimate step length than males. Several differences in hurdling technique exist between events and gender. Hurdlers appear to place more emphasis on the kinematics which helps to promote a low center of mass hurdle clearance. Steeplechasers, on the other hand, are less pronounced with their hurdling kinematics. This is likely due to the greater economy required of the longer event. Gender differences appear to be, in large part, a function of differences in barrier height. As athletes and coaches go about evaluating and training hurdling technique, it is important to recognize the differences that exist between these different events.

Design and Analysis of a Positively Engaged Continuously Variable Transmission

Haupt, Brandon Levi 02 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
With energy demands at an all time high, mechanical power systems are under great scrutiny. Substantial efforts are being made throughout the world to reduce energy use in common mechanical systems such as the internal combustion engine and transmission system. Eliminating or reducing efficiency losses in the transmission is a potential source of improving the efficiency of the system. To do so, various alternative types of transmissions are being investigated. At Brigham Young University, development of a Positively Engaged Continuously Variable Transmission (PECVT) is progressing. In addition to the efficiency increases that would occur as a result of operating the engine at a more constant speed, a PECVT type transmission may reduce efficiency losses that occur in a standard transmission by eliminating the disengagement of involute gear sets to change gear ratios of the transmission. For a PECVT, this is done by maintaining engagement of the input and output members of the transmission, while changing the gear ratio. Both of these types of losses are major contributing factors to the overall efficiency of the transmission and engine system, thus a PECVT is of great interest. The investigation for developing a feasible PECVT began with the identification of a behavioral issue identified in all known PECVT embodiments. This behavioral issue, known as the Non-Integer-Tooth-Problem (NITP), is due to the geometry of an involute gear and prevents specific gear ratios from being achieved. The research effort presented in this thesis returns to the conceptual design of a PECVT to address involutometry along with the NITP. A design tool entitled the Line-of-Action Model is developed which assists in quantifying how a conceptual solution can address the NITP using involutometry principles. As a result of the Line-of-Action Model, the Hybrid Involute Profile was discovered. Due to the simplicity of The Hybrid Involute Profile, it has proven to be an elegant solution to the NITP. Validation of the Hybrid Involute Profile concept was conducted to ensure that this concept satisfies the objectives and requirements of a PECVT and solves the NITP. The validation was completed using two case studies and a theoretical analysis. As a result of the validation, the Hybrid Involute Profile is declared a conceptual principal solution to the NITP. Fulfillment of the PECVT objectives, requirements list and elimination of the NITP by the Hybrid Involute Profile is also demonstrated. With the Hybrid Involute Profile as the conceptual principle solution, the development of a commercially viable PECVT is believed to be attainable.

The Effect of Age on Speech Motor Performance During Divided Attention

Bailey, Dallin J. 18 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The present study examined the divided attention effects of three non-speech tasks on concurrent speech motor performance. These tasks targeted linguistic, cognitive, and manual motor activity. Participants included 60 healthy adults separated into three different age groups of twenty participants each: college-age (20s), middle-aged (40s), and older adults (60s). Each participant completed a speech task once in isolation and once concurrently with each of the three non-speech tasks: a semantic decision task, a quantitative comparison task, and a manual motor task. The non-speech tasks were also performed in isolation. The speech task involved repeating a target phrase each time a beep sounded, for a total of fourteen repetitions. Dependent measures for speech were derived from lip kinematic recordings from a head-mounted strain gauge system. Dependent measures for the other tasks included timed response counts and accuracy rates. Results indicated significant divided attention effects, impacting speech and nonspeech measures in the linguistic and cognitive conditions, and impacting speech measures in the manual motor condition. A significant age effect for utterance duration was also found, as well as a divided attention interaction with age for cognitive task accuracy. The results add to what is known about bidirectional interference between speech and other concurrent tasks, as well as age effects on speech motor control.

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