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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Participation : A Quantitative Study of the Relationship Between Political Trust and Different Forms of Political Participation in the United Kingdom

Lindqvist, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Trust in elected representatives and the political institutions within which they operate is often emphasised as a prerequisite for citizens’ political participation. While research has indeed shown a positive correlation between political trust and participation, it has contrarily also been suggested that low levels of trust might function as a driving force for participation. With empirical evidence remaining equivocal, the relationship between political trust and political participation is yet to be fully comprehended. By focusing on one case, using the latest available European Social Survey data, and examining trust and participation rates over time, this study aims at yielding further insight into this matter. The results from the study show that the relationship between political trust and political participation is indeed ambiguous. As anticipated, political trust correlates positively with voting and negatively with so-called non-institutionalised political participation. However, political trust also correlates negatively with so-called institutionalised participation, contrary to expectation and perhaps quite notable. The results additionally suggest that the categorisation of different participation types might benefit from a revision. Moreover, also perchance remarkable, the results show that levels of political trust and political participation have been stable over time. No decline can be noted for either trust or participation, despitere occurring claims of such developments. Based on the results of this study, low levels of political trust have neither become more widespread nor had a negative impact on political participation.

A paz e o recurso à violência no Reino dos Francos: os mecanismos de resolução de conflito no período  merovíngio (séculos VI - VII) / Peace and the use of violence in the Kingdom of Francs: mechanisms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period (centuries VI - VII)

Milton Mazetto Junior 07 April 2009 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado intitulada \"A paz e o recurso à violência no Reino dos Francos: os mecanismos de resolução de conflito no período merovíngio (séculos VI - VII)\" tem como objeto central a questão do caráter dos meios de resolução de conflito no período merovíngio: público, provenientes de uma autoridade comprometida com a manutenção da ordem; ou privado, emanados dos laços de solidariedade entre os diversos grupos de parentesco presentes nesse reino. O fundamento de tal problema reside nas diversas interpretações, presente na historiografia sobre o período, sobre o papel exercido pelo poder real na resolução dos conflitos. Alguns dos estudos, próximos da antropologia jurídica, apontam que a realeza não possuiria o poder para controlar as disputas e a violência, as quais seriam controladas através da \'faida\'. Outros, apontam que o rei merovíngio seria o responsável por levar fim as discórdias, através da instituição de códigos normativos e da delegação de seu poderes judiciários à um corpo de funcionários. Essa distinção nos estudos teria como causa distintas interpretações, por um lado, do sentido dos relatos de violência presentes nos \'Decem libri historiarum\' de Gregório de Tours, e por outro, da natureza do \'Pactus legis salicae\'. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa apresentada na dissertação busca, através da reflexão sobre essas fontes à luz dos estudos mais recentes sobre elas e da análise dos cânones dos concílios e das \'formulae Andecavenses\', posicionar-se de maneira crítica em relação a ambas concepções da realeza merovíngia. / The Master\'s dissertation entitled \"Peace and the use of violence in the Kingdom of Francs: mechanisms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period (centuries VI - VII)\" has as its main object the question of the character of the forms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period: public, result of the action of an authority concerned with the groups of that society. The fundament of that problem lies in the different interpretations, present in the historiography, of the role of the royal power in the conflict resolution. Some studies, related with the anthropology of law, outpoint that the royalty didn\'t has the means to control the disputes and the violence, whose were controlled by the feud. Other works, indicate that the Merovingian king was the sole responsible for the end of disputes, through the institution of law codes and the delegation of judiciary power to a body of functionaries. This distinction in the studies were caused by the distinct interpretations of, by one side, the meaning of the violence in the narrative of the \'Decem libri historiarum\' of Gregory of Tours, and, by another, the nature of thses sources, guided by the most recent researches in the field, and the investigation of the canons of the councils and the \'formulae Andecavenses\', to position himself critically within the discussion of the both conceptions of Merovingian royal power.

The role of social production in the genesis, development and the human race becoming / O papel da produÃÃo social na gÃnese, no desenvolvimento e no devir do gÃnero humano

Emanoel Rodrigues Almeida 12 June 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / A pesquisa de Kalr Marx orbitou em torno de dois distintos, mas simultÃneos momentos metodolÃgicos: o que à a realidade social e como reproduzi-la idealmente, investigaÃÃo e exposiÃÃo, respectivamente. O processo analÃtico de apreensÃo e reproduÃÃo ideal de seu objeto real de estudo se iniciou no seio da tradiÃÃo filosÃfica hegeliana, atravessa a tradiÃÃo dos socialistas utÃpicos, atà chegar à tradiÃÃo dos economistas clÃssicos. Esse movimento se deu atravÃs de um processo de superaÃÃo: Karl Marx se apropriou destas tradiÃÃes, apreendeu-as em seus fundamentos, condicionamentos e limites, avanÃando criticamente. Neste empreendimento, Marx descobre: 1) que a existÃncia real dos homens determina a consciÃncia; 2) que a produÃÃo dos bens materiais e espirituais foi o primeiro ato histÃrico dos homens e que, como exigÃncia desse processo real, 3) a reproduÃÃo ideal da vida real dos homens deve tomar como ponto de partida a produÃÃo social. Assim, como resultado de sua pesquisa, Karl Marx nos deu uma teoria do ser social: sua gÃnese e seu afastamento das barreiras naturais em direÃÃo à (de) generidade humana. Isto posto, o objetivo geral de nosso estudo à reproduzir idealmente o movimento da produÃÃo social na gÃnese, no desenvolvimento e nas tendÃncias do ser social. Decorrem dele, os seguintes objetivos especÃficos: 1) reproduzir o movimento da produÃÃo social na gÃnese do ser social; 2) revelar a produÃÃo social atravÃs da dissoluÃÃo da valorizaÃÃo do valor no processo de reproduÃÃo do ser social; 3) rastrear, nas tendÃncias do ser social, as possibilidades ontolÃgicas para a produÃÃo do valor supremo com vista à efetivaÃÃo do reino da liberdade. A partir da perspectiva ontolÃgica marxiana-lukacsiana, iremos proceder com o estudo de nosso objeto, ancorados fundamentalmente nas obras: MARX (1985; 2011), ENGELS (1986), LUKÃCS (2012; 2013), e nos estudos de ROSDOLSKY (2001), RUBIN (1980), RUMIANTISEV (1980), DUSSEL (2012), entre outros. SÃo resultados de nossa pesquisa: 1) a produÃÃo social permitiu a passagem da forma orgÃnica à forma social do ser; 2) na gÃnese do ser social, a produÃÃo social se realizava na forma de valores de uso; 3) com a formaÃÃo da propriedade privada, a reproduÃÃo do ser social se deu atravÃs do processo de valorizaÃÃo do valor; 4) a agudizaÃÃo das contradiÃÃes do processo de valorizaÃÃo do valor pÃs em movimento a valorizaÃÃo do valor e a desvalorizaÃÃo da produÃÃo social; 5) ao mesmo tempo, tem criado condiÃÃes objetivas necessÃrias para uma possÃvel produÃÃo social de valor supremo; 6) embora a produÃÃo social crie as condiÃÃes objetivas para a emancipaÃÃo humana, ela, enquanto coroamento da humanidade, serà uma escolha dos homens, em Ãltima instÃncia

Um lugar entre dois mundos: paisagens de Mbanza Kongo / A place between two worlds: landscapes of Mbanza Kongo

Maximo, Bruno Pastre 03 February 2017 (has links)
Durante séculos capital do Reino do Kongo, a cidade se configurou como uma paisagem de referência étnica, política, identitária e religiosa para dezenas de grupos que tiveram relações com ela. No final do século XIX, com a conferência de Berlim, o Reino do Kongo foi dilacerado, tendo seus territórios divididos entre três colônias: África Equatorial Francesa, Congo Belga e Angola. Neste momento de disputa, os vestígios arqueológicos foram utilizados por Portugal para barganhar e afirmar sua soberania na região de Mbanza Kongo, então chamada de São Salvador do Congo. Estes foram automaticamente entendidos como um legado exclusivo lusitano na cidade. Após a consolidação da posse do território, a cidade foi então alvo de diversos estudos coloniais, reafirmando através de diferentes narrativas a importância da cidade como símbolo da presença civilizatória colonial portuguesa em África e da expansão do catolicismo, tendo em 1957 a cidade sido declarada patrimônio português. Esta paisagem construída, formulada e vivenciada por estes escritores, foi duramente criticada pelos movimentos independentistas. O MPLA, partido que governa o país desde 1975, logo após a independência denunciou a narrativa colonialista da presença colonial como falsa, e afirmou as violências cometidas por eles. A fúria do partido se voltou também contra as autoridades tradicionais, taxadas como traidoras do plano de criação de uma Angola socialista e colaboradores dos colonizadores. Após o abandono do socialismo em 1992, o partido retomou, de forma surpreendente, a narrativa colonial de valorizar e compreender a cidade como uma paisagem construída europeia, sendo que o mote deste novo período é que a cidade seria um lugar exemplar da harmonia entre os povos que ali se encontraram - europeus e africanos - deixando de lado a denúncia das violências coloniais. Paralela a esta paisagem construída de origem colonial, temos uma paisagem ideativa da cidade de Mbanza Kongo enquanto lugar de ancestralidade kongo. Com o recorte de análise envolvendo os lugares Kulumbimbi, Ntotila e Yala-Nkuwu, pudemos identificar e compreender que para os diferentes grupos kongo que tiveram relação com a cidade durante o século XX, a paisagem da cidade é a da afronta ao colonialismo, um lugar de liberdade, igualdade, justiça, tradição, e principalmente, ancestralidade. Os lugares analisados são os pontos de ligações da cidade física com a ideativa. Tomados como referencial esta paisagem ideativa de Mbanza Kongo, grupos lutaram e continuam a lutar e se manifestar contra a violenta narrativa colonial que busca excluí-los e ignorar a identidade e a tradição como fundamentais na composição da sociedade. A paisagem de Mbanza Kongo, desta forma, é ao mesmo tempo um referencial de passado de como organizar e pensar a cidade e um lugar do futuro, um lugar que contém os elementos necessários para que a sociedade consiga se libertar e (re)construir a tradição. / The city of Mbanza Kongo is one of the main archaeological sites in Central Africa. For centuries the capital of the Kingdom of Kongo, the city was configured as a landscape of ethnic, political, identity and religious reference for dozens of groups that had relations with it. At the end of the nineteenth century, with the Berlin conference, the Kingdom of Kongo was disbanded, and its territories were divided between three colonies: French Equatorial Africa, Belgian Congo and Angola. At this moment of dispute, the archaeological remains were used by Portugal to bargain and affirm their sovereignty in the region of Mbanza Kongo, then called San Salvador de Congo. These were automatically understood as an exclusive Lusitan legacy in the city. After consolidating the territory\'s possession, the city was then the target of several colonial studies, reaffirming through different narratives the importance of the city as a symbol of Portuguese colonial civilization presence in Africa and the expansion of Catholicism, with the year 1957 being declared as a Portuguese heritage. This landscape constructed, formulated and experienced by these writers, was harshly criticized by the independents movements. The MPLA party, which ruled the country since 1975, soon after Independence, denounced the colonialist narrative of the colonial presence as false, and affirmed the violence committed by them. The fury of the party also turned against the traditional authorities, labeled as treacherous of the plan of creation of a socialist Angola and collaborated of the settlers. After the abandonment of socialism in 1992, the party surprisingly resumed the colonial narrative of valuing and understanding the city as a European-built landscape, and the motto of this new period is that the city would be an exemplary place of harmony between the Peoples who met there - European and African - leaving aside the denunciation of colonial violence. Parallel to this landscape constructed of colonial origin, we have an ideational landscape of the city of Mbanza Kongo as place of kongo ancestry. With the analysis involving the Kulumbimbi, Ntotila and Yala-Nkuwu places, we were able to identify and understand that for the different Kongo groups that had a relationship with the city during the 20th century, the city\'s landscape is that of affront to colonialism, a place of freedom, equality, justice, tradition, and above all, ancestry. The places analyzed are the points of connection between the physical and the imaginative city. Taken as a reference point for this ideational of Mbanza Kongo, groups have fought and continue to struggle against the violent colonial narrative that seeks to exclude them and ignore identity and tradition as fundamental in the composition of society. The landscape of Mbanza Kongo is both a past reference of how to organize and think about the city and a place of the future, a place that contains the elements necessary for society to be able to free itself and (re) build the city. tradition.

A paz e o recurso à violência no Reino dos Francos: os mecanismos de resolução de conflito no período  merovíngio (séculos VI - VII) / Peace and the use of violence in the Kingdom of Francs: mechanisms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period (centuries VI - VII)

Mazetto Junior, Milton 07 April 2009 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado intitulada \"A paz e o recurso à violência no Reino dos Francos: os mecanismos de resolução de conflito no período merovíngio (séculos VI - VII)\" tem como objeto central a questão do caráter dos meios de resolução de conflito no período merovíngio: público, provenientes de uma autoridade comprometida com a manutenção da ordem; ou privado, emanados dos laços de solidariedade entre os diversos grupos de parentesco presentes nesse reino. O fundamento de tal problema reside nas diversas interpretações, presente na historiografia sobre o período, sobre o papel exercido pelo poder real na resolução dos conflitos. Alguns dos estudos, próximos da antropologia jurídica, apontam que a realeza não possuiria o poder para controlar as disputas e a violência, as quais seriam controladas através da \'faida\'. Outros, apontam que o rei merovíngio seria o responsável por levar fim as discórdias, através da instituição de códigos normativos e da delegação de seu poderes judiciários à um corpo de funcionários. Essa distinção nos estudos teria como causa distintas interpretações, por um lado, do sentido dos relatos de violência presentes nos \'Decem libri historiarum\' de Gregório de Tours, e por outro, da natureza do \'Pactus legis salicae\'. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa apresentada na dissertação busca, através da reflexão sobre essas fontes à luz dos estudos mais recentes sobre elas e da análise dos cânones dos concílios e das \'formulae Andecavenses\', posicionar-se de maneira crítica em relação a ambas concepções da realeza merovíngia. / The Master\'s dissertation entitled \"Peace and the use of violence in the Kingdom of Francs: mechanisms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period (centuries VI - VII)\" has as its main object the question of the character of the forms of conflict resolution in the Merovingian period: public, result of the action of an authority concerned with the groups of that society. The fundament of that problem lies in the different interpretations, present in the historiography, of the role of the royal power in the conflict resolution. Some studies, related with the anthropology of law, outpoint that the royalty didn\'t has the means to control the disputes and the violence, whose were controlled by the feud. Other works, indicate that the Merovingian king was the sole responsible for the end of disputes, through the institution of law codes and the delegation of judiciary power to a body of functionaries. This distinction in the studies were caused by the distinct interpretations of, by one side, the meaning of the violence in the narrative of the \'Decem libri historiarum\' of Gregory of Tours, and, by another, the nature of thses sources, guided by the most recent researches in the field, and the investigation of the canons of the councils and the \'formulae Andecavenses\', to position himself critically within the discussion of the both conceptions of Merovingian royal power.

Diferenças e similaridades na qualidade da refeição do Brasil e  Reino Unido: que lições podemos aprender? / Similarities and differences of meal quality between Brazil and United Kingdom: what lessons can we learn?

Gorgulho, Bartira Mendes 04 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução. Apesar de consumirmos alimentos combinados e estruturados em refeições, a maioria dos estudos ainda se concentra em nutrientes ou alimentos consumidos isoladamente. Além disso, comparar a alimentação entre países em diferentes fases de transição nutricional e epidemiológica pode fornecer informações relevantes relacionadas à prevenção da obesidade e DCNT. Objetivo. Caracterizar e comparar a qualidade nutricional da principal refeição consumida por adultos residentes no Brasil e Reino Unido. Materiais e Métodos. A primeira etapa do estudo consistiu na revisão sistemática da literatura, que subsidiou a etapa seguinte, o desenvolvimento do Main Meal Quality Index. Para comparar a qualidade das refeições utilizou-se dados dos inquéritos alimentares Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação INA/POF 2008/09 e National Diet and Nutrition Survey - NDNS. Para a identificação e avaliação da qualidade da refeição utilizou-se duas diferentes abordagens: (1) abordagem híbrida, com a descrição da composição das refeições por meio da árvore de decisão de classificação, e (2) abordagem dirigida pela hipótese, através da aplicação do Main Meal Quality Index. Além disto foram analisados modelos de regressão múltipla a fim de identificar os fatores associados. Resultados. Considerando o horário de consumo e a contribuição energética, os eventos alimentares definidos como principal refeição foram o almoço, para o Brasil, e jantar, para o Reino Unido. A refeição principal brasileira (58 pontos) apresentou melhor qualidade nutricional, com maior participação de fibras e carboidratos, e menor teor de gorduras total e saturada, e densidade energética. No entanto, a principal refeição do Reino Unido (54 pontos) foi composta por mais frutas, verduras e legumes. Os ingredientes culinários, como arroz e feijão, foram classificados pelo algoritmo como componentes característicos da refeição brasileira, enquanto os itens de fast food, como batatas fritas, sanduíches e bebidas açucaradas, foram classificados como refeições Britânicas. No Brasil, o escore final do indicador associou-se positivamente com a idade, e negativamente com o gênero, energia consumida, estado nutricional e renda familiar; enquanto que, no Reino Unido, o indicador associou-se apenas com a idade (positivamente). Conclusão. Embora a principal refeição consumida no Brasil, quando comparada ao Reino Unido, apresente melhor qualidade e composição, as refeições consumidas em ambos os países estão aquém do recomendado. / Introduction. Although individuals consume foods combined and structured at meals, most authors still have studied nutrient or single food. Furthermore, compare countries in different stages of nutritional and epidemiological transition can provide relevant information related to the prevention of obesity and NCDs. Objective. To characterize and compare the nutritional quality of meals consumed by adults living in Brazil and UK. Subjects and methods. The first stage of the study consisted of a systematic review of the literature, which subsidized the next step, the development of the Main Meal Quality Index. Data from food surveys \"National Survey of Food - INA / HBS 2008/09\" and \"National Diet and Nutrition Survey - NDNS\" were used to analyzed and compare the main meals quality. Two different approaches for the identification and evaluation of the main meal pattern were used: (1) hybrid approach, to evaluate of the meal patters using data reduction techniques; and (2) hypothesis-driven approach, with the Main Meal Quality Index. Then, regression models were applied to analyzed associated sociodemographic factors. Results. Considering time slot and energy content, the eating events defined as main meal were lunch, for Brazil, and dinner, for UK. Brazilian main meal (58 points) had better nutritional quality, with greater participation of fiber and carbohydrates, and lower content of total and saturated fat, and energy density. However, the main meal consumed in UK (54 points) had more fruits and vegetables. Cooking ingredients, such as rice and beans, were classified as characteristic components of a Brazilian meal, while fast food items, like chips, sandwiches and sugary drinks, were classified as a British meal. In Brazil, the final score was positively associated with age, and negatively correlated with gender, energy consumption, nutritional status and family income; whereas, in the United Kingdom, the indicator is only associated with age (positively). Conclusion. Although Brazilian main meal, when compared with UK main meal, provide best quality and composition, meals consumed in both countries need improvement.

As possibilidades não-realizadas em Assassinato em Gosford Park, de Robert Altman / The unaccomplished possibilities in Gosford Park, by Robert Altman

Grossi, Solange de Almeida 22 November 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é apresentar como se dão as relações entre capital, militarismo, luta de classes e indústria cultural no filme Assassinato em Gosford Park, de Robert Altman (2001). Contextualizada no ano de 1932, a obra a princípio pareceria lidar exclusivamente com o Reino Unido; mais especificamente, com as relações entre duas classes sociais (gentry e classe trabalhadora). Entretanto, a inserção de elementos complicadores (a saber: um produtor de Hollywood; um ator, também norte-americano, que se passa por empregado escocês; e um ídolo das matinês, Ivor Novello, único personagem baseado numa figura real) na narrativa fílmica parece não permitir a interpretação de que tudo se resume apenas ao âmbito sóciocultural Britânico. São abarcadas não só considerações acerca da influência da indústria cultural (sobretudo a norte-americana) nas classes sociais ali figuradas, como também reflexões sobre as possibilidades mais progressistas de uso deste mesmo aparato técnico (o cinematográfico). / This thesis aims to present how the relationships between capital, militarism, social struggle and the culture industry are dealt within Robert Altmans Gosford Park (2001). Set in 1932, the film would at first glance seem to deal exclusively with the United Kingdom; more especifically, with the relationships between two social classes (gentry and the working class). However, the insertion of complicating factors (namely, a Hollywood producer; an American actor pretending to be a Scottish valet, and matinée idol Ivor Novello the sole character based on a real historic figure) in the filmic narrative seems to disallow the interpretation that it all comes down to the British socio-cultural scope. The film extends its considerations not only to embrace the influences of the (American) culture industry upon the social classes portrayed, but also to point to more progressive possibilities of use regarding the cinematographic apparatus.

Les politiques de défense française et britannique face à l'émergence de la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense [1991-2001] / The French and British defence policies faced with the emergence of the ESDP [1991-2001]

Duffort, Benoit 04 May 2009 (has links)
Un demi-siècle après la signature du traité de Dunkerque, la France et le Royaume-Uni signèrent, à Saint Malo, une déclaration sur la défense européenne d’une portée historique fondamentale. Cette déclaration fut à l’origine de la mise en œuvre, dans le cadre de l’Union européenne, de la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense, qui fut déclarée « opérationnelle » à l’occasion du sommet de Laeken, en décembre 2001. Acteurs principaux de ce processus, la France et le Royaume-Uni avaient des intérêts essentiels à garantir dans la conduite des négociations européennes et transatlantiques qui aboutirent à ce compromis historique. Sur la base de documents d’archives récemment déclassifiés ou consultés sur dérogation, d’entretiens menés avec des acteurs de premier plan, ou encore des travaux parlementaires publiés sur cette question, cette thèse se propose d’analyser l’évolution des politiques de défense française et britannique, dans leur acception la plus étendue, en amont de ce processus et à compter de la mise en place de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune, véritable berceau de la PESD, instituée à l’issue de la conférence intergouvernementale de 1991, qui aboutit à l’établissement de l’Union européenne. / Half a century after the Dunkirk treaty, France and the United Kingdom signed in Saint-Malo a declaration on European defence of paramount historic significance. From this declaration originated the implementation, within the frame of the European Union, of the European Security and Defence Policy, which was declared ‘operational’ in December 2001 during the Laeken Summit. As leading parties of this process France and the United Kingdom had essential interests to safeguard in the conducting of the European and transatlantic negotiations which resulted in this historic compromise. Based on archival records which have been either recently released or consulted by special dispensation, on discussions with leading figures of the period or on parliamentary papers about the question, this thesis intends to analyse the evolution of the French and British defence policies in their fullest sense prior to this process and from the enforcement of the Common Foreign and Security Policy, from which originated the ESDP, instituted at the end of the 1991 Intergovernmental Conference which led to the implementation of the European Union.

"The danger of the disappearance of things" : William Henry Harris' The hound of heaven

Erpelding, Matthew William 01 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

English speaking migrant children in educational and cultural transition.

Macdonald, Winifred L. January 1998 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to investigate whether cultural dissonance was experienced by a group of migrant students during educational and cultural transition to new education systems which shared cultural markers of language and ethnicity. Cultural dissonance is defined in this study as:A sense of discord or disharmony, experienced by participants in cultural change where cultural differences are found to occur which are unexpected, unexplained and therefore difficult to negotiate and which inhibit behavioural adaptation.The study utilised case histories of children from forty-seven families. The respondents in the research were the children's parents. The families had emigrated from the United Kingdom to Western Australia during the period 1985-1995.The families reported receiving little information about education systems in Western Australia prior to migration. In the post-migration period, little official information was provided at system or at school level. Because placing the children in schools was a priority for the families, encounters with Western Australian education systems took place within a few weeks of their arrival as migrants.This lack of prior information meant that cultural differences in educational provision were unexpected and unexplained. In particular, families encountered unexpected problems in the appropriate placement of their children in Western Australian schools. Accented English and differences in word usage led to unexpected rejection and teasing. The perceived failure on the part of schools to address these and other differences caused confrontations between parents and many schools and disrupted the children's educational progress. These discordant experiences and difficulties led to what, in this study, is characterised as cultural dissonance.The implications for the study are discussed on two levels. With particular ++ / reference to Western Australian education systems, the lack of induction policies for English-speaking migrant children was apparent. There appeared to be no system or school level guidelines which mandated the use of printed matter, provided at State system level to address these difficulties. The schools were not seen to make good use of the information parents provided about the children's educational stages. The intervention of teachers at classroom level to discourage teasing was seen as ineffective and in two cases teachers contributed to the problems being encountered.On a more general level, the study has implications for attitudinal change within Australian society towards the reception of skilled and financially secure migrant new criteria for entry to Australia have implications for the socio-economic status of potential migrants. The self-identity of these families is influenced by their status in the social hierarchies of their country-of origin. Skilled and professional families are likely to resist policies for their children's induction being seen as a low priority in Western Australian schools simply because of the child's migrant status.The research findings gave rise to recommendations that:Information of education systems in Western Australia should be made available to all intending migrant families with children.Induction policies for all migrant children should be in place and be utilised in Western Australian schools.The formulation of policy takes account of the effects of changes to migrant socio- economic status, brought about by the changes to the criteria for entry to Australia.The study concluded that shared markers of language and ethnicity were not sufficient to ensure that the cultural differences in education systems were not experienced by the families. A lack of prior information on those differences and a lack of induction ++ / policies for the children led to difficulties and to experiences of cultural dissonance for the families.

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