Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kurt."" "subject:"kul.""
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Kanonizace sv. Tomáše Akvinského / Canonisation of Saint Thomas of AquinŠtěpánek, Robert Benno January 2019 (has links)
Canonization of Saint Thomas Aquinas Abstract This thesis inquires into the canonization process of Thomas Aquinas, in relation to specific circumstances and general usage of the era on the field of canonizing saints. While at the grave of the reverend master, miracles were produced and the popular cult was rising, on western universities, a doctrinal dispute has flared up which touched Thomas' doctrine, as well. The case has not be resolved untill nearly fifty years, when the pope John XXII has shown interest in canonizing one important personality of Dominican order. The choice fell on Thomas. The minor friars, protected by the roman king Louis IV the Bavarian, oposed but the pope got his purpose through, and so Thomas' learning became the leading stream in theology and thinking. The aim of this thesis is to approach period specificities of the cult of saints and canonization processes, to outline a brief history of Thomas' way to canonization and following occurrences, and to try to figure out broader context of the process, evaluating the importance of particular aspects at the same time. The thesis is based on canonization documents and relies on relevant sources and specialized literature. Keywords Canonization, canonization process, cult of saints, Thomas Aquinas, relics, translation, dispute,...
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Kult štíhlosti a jeho proměny s nástupem Instagramu / The cult of thinness and how it was changed by InstagramKamlerová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to find out whether there is a connection between Instagram usage and a change in the perception of one's own body image, more specifically an increase in dissatisfaction with one's own physical appearance. The supporting goals are to map the individual factors arising from this dissatisfaction and to describe the solutions that Instagram users have adopted to achieve the dream appearance. Through qualitative research, specifically by analysing in-depth interviews with bloggers presenting extreme slenderness on social networks, the life stories of respondents are analysed in order to reveal how interest in body shape developed in the presence of social networks and new media. The interviews reveal the interest of Instagram users in watching and sharing photos presenting extreme slenderness and clarify their connection to eating disorders. Instead of triggering such diseases, Instagram manifests itself as a tool for maintaining and remaining in a new mental and physical condition. By publishing photographs showing a very thin body, women assure themselves of their own attractiveness, and thus also influence their self-presentation, which results in an equivalent relationship of satisfaction from slenderness and satisfaction from their self presentation.
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Kostel svatého Mikuláše v Benešově s důrazem na kult svatého Klimenta. / Church of St. Nicholas in Benešov with attention to the cult of St. Clement.Véghová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my work is the church of St. Nicholas in Benesov in terms of one of the monuments, which is the cycle of St. Clement Baroque painter Ignaz Raab. At the beginning shortly focus on the period of the formation and history of the church. Church on this site can be dated back to the 11th century already. It is very interesting to observe how the church was created in connection with the founding of the city. In the next part, I will study the cult of St. Clement and his association with the Czech environment. In the next chapter I will deal with the author cycle Ignaz Raab. I will be interested in what the creative period of a cycle of St. Clement, which Czech and foreign influences acting upon it, and how this inspiration reflected in his work. The last part will include individual images of the cycle, which will discuss the iconography and by comparison.
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Jungfrau, Himmlische, GottesgebärerinHorn, Lisa 04 May 2023 (has links)
Lisa Horn (M. A.) verfasste einen religionsgeschichtlichen Beitrag mit dem Titel: Jungfrau, Himmlische, Gottesgebärerin. Der Kult der antiken Göttinnen Artemis und Aphrodite als Kontext früher Marienverehrung? Konzentriert auf die fünf ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte und einige signifikante religiös-kultische Transfer-Zentren in Zypern und Kleinasien (etwa Ephesus) gilt das Erkenntnisinteresse der Verfasserin den Differenzen und Kontinuitäten in den Mythologien und Kulten der zwei antiken Göttinnen Artemis und Aphrodite sowie der frühchristlichen Figurierung und Verehrung Marias. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Quellensorten wird forschungsgestützt argumentiert, dass das erstarkende Christentum ältere pagane, polytheistische (und selbst hoch hybride) Kulte und Gottheiten synchretistisch adaptierte. Deutlich wird, wie die matristischen, in den beiden griechisch-römischen Göttinnen noch erinnerten Aspekte von gleichzeitiger Jungfräulichkeit und Mütterlichkeit einerseits mit dem Vorstellungskomplex von der menschlichen Empfängnis eines ‚Gottessohnes‘ andererseits verbunden und zur Deutung der ‚jungfräulichen Gottesmutter Maria‘ genutzt wurden, um so, funktionsgeschichtlich gelesen, den androzentrischen Wegfall weiblicher Gottheiten kompensieren zu helfen.
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Kult i Eketorp II : En fallstudie av Eketorp borg utifrån offerfynd i ett mikro- meso- och makroperspektiv / Cult in Eketorp II : A case study of Eketorp fort based on ritual offerings ina micro, meso and macro perspectiveÅngman, Moa January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats kommer utgå i grunden från teorin om mikro- meso- och makroperspektivet. Ingångsvinkeln i uppsatsen utgår från offerfynd som påträffats under undersökningarna i Eketorp under 1900-talet. Offerfynden nivågrupperats där dem passar bäst in utifrån den valda teorin. Eketorp borg är en fornborg på Öland. Belägen på den sydöstra delen av ön på det stora alvaret. Eketorp borg har en stark koppling till många olika offerriter vilket syns i materialet. Genom det valda teoretiska perspektivet och analysen av offerfynden kan en bredare utveckling av Eketorps samhälle studeras. Detta då den rituella utvecklingen följer nära i hand med samhällets utveckling i borgen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera hur Eketorps samhälle utvecklades utifrån en religiös ingångsvinkel, med frågeställningar relevanta för detta. Diskussionen diskuterar de tolkningar från analysen och presenterar nya orsaker till att offerfynden offrat vid sina respektive platser. Resultatet av uppsatsen blev att genom den tydliga nivågrupperingen av offerfynden och genom den teoretiska tolkningen få nya tolkningarom hur kontexter och interaktion hängt ihop. / This thesis is based on the theory of the micro-meso- and macro perspective. The viewpoint of this text is based on sacrificial offerings found during the archaeological excavations in Eketorp during the 20th century. The offerings have been level-grouped where they fit best based on the chosen theory. Eketorp borg is an ancient castle on Öland, it’s been used in three phases and the thesis will mainly focus on the second one. Eketorp is located on the south-east part of the island on the Stora Alvaret. Eketorp borg has a strong connection to many different sacrificial rites, which can be seen in the chosen material. Through the theoretical perspective and the analysis of the victim finds, a broader development of Eketorp's society can be studied. This as the ritual development follows closely with the development of society in the fort. The aim of this thesis was to study how Eketorp's society developed from a religious viewpoint, with questions relevant to this. The first part of the text the author presents Eketorp borg and what the aim of this paper is, as mentioned before. In this part the theory and method are presented as well and how the theory has been molded to fit the different offerings and their contexts. This being referred to as the level-grouping. In the discussion the interpretations from the analysis and presents new reasons why the offerings have been sacrificed at their respective sites, the house, the bog, and the hall. The result of the thesis is the last chapter and concludes that through the level grouping and viewpoint of ritual and cult its possible to get new interpretations of how the different contexts and interactions was handled.
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Epos Geser v kultuře etnik Centrální Asie / The Gesar epic in the cultures of Inner Asian ethnic groupsVlasáková, Aldana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is about Gesar epic in the culture of The Gesar epic in the cultures of Inner Asian ethnic groups, primarily of Mongolian and Tibetan. After the general introduction to the Gesar epic there is a short history of Gesar epic studies and list of different versions of epic in every region it is known. In the central part the thesis deals with a development of religion cult of the main epic hero. A special attention was put on a ritual of smoke offering, known as sang and on texts related to this ritual. Then there is a description of Gesar's reflection in iconographic Buddhist art as well as in modern art. The end of the thesis is dedicated to a structural analysis of one sang text, its transcription and Czech translation are given at the supplement of the thesis with some images of Gesar in art.
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Kult sv. Františka Xaverského v českých zemích raného novověku / The Cult of St. Francis Xavier in Early Modern Czech LandsAndrle, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the dissemination, duration, transformations and reception of the cult of an important Jesuit Saint, St. Francis Xavier, in the early modern Czech lands. Its goal is to contribute to the better understanding of the reality of the re-catholicization after the Battle of White Montain and the forms of Czech spirituality of the 17th and 18th century. This particular cult was selected because of the fact that St. Francis Xavier was closely related to the main (or most prominent) participant of the re-catholicization, i. e. the Jesuit order, where he in the informal hierarchy of Saints occupied the second place immediately after the founder of the Society St. Ignacius of Loyola. Moreover, St. Francis Xavier belonged among the five new Catholic Saints canonized in 1622 (St. Ignacius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Philipp Neri, and St. Isidore of Madrid), who represented an important constituent of the revived post-Tridentine Catholic spirituality. However, although the existing secondary literature presupposes that the reverence to St. Francis Xavier was widespread in the Czech Baroque, no systematic study of this theme was realized untill now. First chapter deals with the specification of the theme of the work, maps existing knowledge and sources available and...
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Rede vom Tag Jahwes bei Amos und Jesaja im Kontext ihrer Verkundigung : Konzept und Herkunft / The discourse of the Day of Yahweh of Amos and Isaiah in the context of their message : concept and originVach, Raphael 12 1900 (has links)
Text in German with German and English summaries / In times of global crisis, eschatological questions gain relevance. The Old Testament concept
of HàWH:J moWJ has primary bearing on Christian eschatological expectations. This study
examines the discourse of the Day of Yahweh of Amos and Isaiah in the context of their
message. Concept and origin of this discourse are controversial.
A review of research shows that the current understandings do not adequately
answer questions about the origin of this discourse. Both the definitions of “Day of Yahweh”
passages and the certitude that HàWH:J moWJ is a technical term seem problematic.
Analysis of Amos 5:18-20 shows that, contrary to commonly accepted understanding,
a nontechnical understanding of the phrase HàWH:J moWJ is sufficient for interpreting the
passage. Linguistically similar phrases in Isaiah also merely relate Yahweh’s historical
intervention, and do not refer to an established concept. Only later did a tradition complex
arise from this prophetic proclamation. / In Zeiten globaler Krisen gewinnen eschatologische Fragestellungen an Aktualität. Zentrale
Bedeutung für die christliche Zukunftserwartung hat der Tag des Herrn, dessen
alttestamentlicher Wurzelgrund der HàWH:J moWJ ist. Die Studie untersucht die Rede vom Tag
Jahwes bei den Schriftpropheten Amos und Jesaja im Kontext ihrer Verkündigung. Konzept
und Herkunft dieser Rede sind umstritten.
Ein Forschungsüberblick zeigt, dass die gängigen Erklärungsmodelle die Frage nach
der Herkunft dieser Rede nicht ausreichend beantworten. Als problematisch erscheinen die
Definitionen von Tag Jahwes-Belegen und die Sicherheit, mit der man die Wendung
HàWH:J moWJ als Terminus technicus bezeichnet.
Die Untersuchung zu Am 5,18-20 erweist, dass, entgegen dem Common sense der
Forschung, ein formales Verständnis der Wendung HàWH:J moWJ zur Interpretation der Rede
ausreicht. Ähnliche sprachliche Wendungen bei Jesaja paraphrasieren ebenfalls nur das
geschichtliche Eingreifen Jahwes und verweisen nicht auf eine Auseinandersetzung mit
einem bestehenden Konzept. Ein Traditionskomplex namens Tag Jahwes erwuchs erst später
aus dieser prophetischen Verkündigung. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)
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Vliv médií na body image se zaměřením na poruchy příjmu potravy / The influence of media on body image with emphasis on the issue of eating disordesŘíhová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "The Influence of Media on Body Image with Emphasis on the Issue of Eating Disorders" deals with the impact of media on body perception regarding the current beauty ideal, the cult of slenderness as well as the causes of eating disorder spreading in today's world. This thesis aims to determine how media influences body image of the current society and what part it has in the origin of eating disorders. In terms of this aim, the thesis is divided into theoretical background, a part about body image, followed by the part about beauty ideal, then eating disorders and research. The theoretical part discusses the theory of social and media reality, expected media impacts on people as well as selected theories concerning the media impact on body image. The next part deals with the term body image. The third part involves discussion about the ideal of beauty and introduces three current theories about direct impact of media on body image. It also shows some examples from today's media concerning the topic. The fourth part deals with the eating disorders and their media discourse, followed by few examples of their spreading trend and also campaigns against them. The quantitative analysis aims to find out about today's population body image, the importance of appearance and connection between media...
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Zápalná oběť ve Starém zákoně / Burnt Offering in Old TestamentNiklová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this thesis will be an exegesis of the term burnt offering in Old Testament. The diploma thesis deals with the location of the cult (Tent of Meeting, temple), priests in Israel, human offerings and reconstruction of ritual burnt offerings with an evaluation of particular acts based on translation and interpretation of the first chapter of Leviticus. The purpose of this work is to detect, what function and meaning this ritual had for the community of Israel, as well as what message the texts contain, with respect to burnt offerings for the current reader.
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