Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kurt."" "subject:"kul.""
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Vývoj havlíčkovských festivit a komemorací / Development Havlíčekian Festivities and CommemorationSvojsíková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The thesis based on contemporary press identifies how the newspaper wrote about Karel Havlíček Borovský during the anniversaries of his birth and his death and whether it wrote about him at all. Thereby, traces the development of the myth of Karel Havlíček and the role which the press has played in this process. The paper focuses on Karel Havlíček's attributes which were used in the articles to describe his personality. It also shows different types of festivities commemorating the anniversaries. In the analysis selected Czech written press from the period from 1866 until 2011 was used. Before the research is introduced, chapters presenting some of academic and scholarly books as well as non-fictional ones describing Havlíček or selected aspects of his work (e.g. linguistic); editions of the letters of his and some editions of his work are mentioned. Following chapters deal with the issue of myth and cult of Karel Havlíček and with the issue of festivities/celebration seen from the perspective of several historians.
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"Denn ein Engel kann nicht sterben" : Engelbert Dollfus 1934-2012 : eine Biographie des Posthumen / "Car un ange ne peut pas mourir" : la vie posthume d'Engelbert Dollfuss 1934-2012 / "Because an angel can't die" : Engelbert Dollfuss's posthumous life (1934-2012)Dreidemy, Lucile 10 December 2012 (has links)
Engelbert Dollfuß, chancelier et dictateur autrichien entre 1932 et 1934, mourut le 25 juillet 1934 au cours d’une tentative de putsch de Nationaux-Socialistes. Aujourd’hui, il constitue l’une des personnalités les plus controversées de l’Histoire Contemporaine autrichienne. Alors que de nombreuses recherches ont déjà été menées sur le régime dictatorial mis en place par Dollfuß et repris après sa mort par Kurt Schuschnigg, aucun travail ne s’est porté jusqu’à présent sur le mythe entourant la figure de Dollfuß. Comment est née la controverse qui survit aujourd´hui autour de Dollfuß ? Sur quels schémas narratifs le mythe a-t-il été construit puis développé? Quels en ont été les acteurs ? Quelles fonctions politiques et identitaires a joué le mythe de Dollfuß pour chacun des grands partis politiques autrichiens et, au-delà, dans l’avènement tardif de la « nation autrichienne » ? C’est à ces questions, jusqu’alors toutes inexplorées, que cette thèse tente de répondre. / In an experimental biographical form, this thesis traces the “posthumous life” of the Austrian Chancellor who ruled as a dictator from 1933, and was killed by the Nazis on 25 July 1934. Although the majority of the population is ignorant of Dollfuss, he remains, paradoxically, the most controversial figure in contemporary Austrian history, and his legacy continues to provoke political scandal and controversy. The theoretical part of the dissertation deals mainly with the mechanisms of construction of political myths and their social functions; in addition, it considers the possibility of the posthumous survival of a historical figure as part of his or her biography. Using the tools of both historical and critical discourse analysis, this project investigates the evolution of the versatile Dollfuss myth, considers its various forms of expression through different media, and assesses its actors and their political and ideological interests. / Am 25. Juli 1934 wurde der seit März 1933 diktatorisch regierende österreichische Bundeskanzler Engelbert Dollfuß im Laufe eines Putschversuchs der illegalen österreichischen Nationalsozialisten getötet. Nach seinem Tod „überlebte“ Dollfuß in Form eines facettenreichen Mythos, der bis heute geschichtspolitische Wellen schlägt und in politischen, religiösen und akademischen Kreisen weiterhin kontrovers diskutiert wird. Diesem bewegten Nachleben widmet sich diese Dissertation in Form einer experimentellen „Biographie des Posthumen“. Der theoretische Teil der Arbeit widmet sich zunächst den Mechanismen der Entstehung politischer Mythen sowie ihren identitätsstiftenden Funktionen. Darüber hinaus wird der Stellenwert von Personenmythen in der Biographieforschung hinterfragt und die Relevanz der Einbeziehung des „Posthumen“ in die biographische Perspektive hervorgehoben. Gestützt auf diesen theoretischen Unterbau und mithilfe der Instrumente der historischen und kritischen Diskursanalyse analysiert die Dissertation die Entstehung des Dollfuß-Mythos und dessen Entwicklung im Laufe der letzten 78 Jahre, untersucht seine verschiedenen medialen Ausdrucksformen und fragt nach den geschichtspolitischen Akteuren des Mythos sowie ihren politischen Interessen. Diese Untersuchung bettet sich in eine breitere Reflexion über die Opportunität oder Inopportunität des Dollfuß-Mythos im Hinblick auf den langwierigen Prozess der österreichischen Nationsbildung und Identitätsstiftung ein.
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Fången mellan två världar : Sektavhoppares psykosociala problematikFrisk, Gabriel, Jiton, John January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to study the personal problems that can occur when defecting from a destructive cult, and what kind of support you may need from social authorities. The aim is to develop guidelines for social workers who are in contact with sect defectors. It’s a qualitative study based on interviews with six defectors from Jehovah’s witnesses. The results shows that all the defectors that have been interviewed have had anxiety problems, lost contact with friends and relatives, low level of education, and low self esteem when defecting or after. Most respondents have reported that they have had thoughts of suicide. It also occurs that respondents have had eating disorders, psychosomatic problems, drug abuse, lack of knowledge about society and have felt threatened and harassed in connection with the defection. These psychosocial problems that have been ascertained to constitute areas where social authorities should aid sect defectors. In accordance with the purpose of this thesis, guidelines are formed for social workers.</p> / <p>Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka den personliga problematik som kan uppstå vid avhopp från en destruktiv sekt och de behov av stöd och hjälp man kan behöva ha från sociala myndigheter. Avsikten med studien är att försöka utveckla vägledande anvisningar för socialarbetare som kommer i kontakt med avhoppare. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med sex avhoppare från Jehovas vittnen. Resultatet visar att alla de avhoppare som intervjuats hade haft ångestproblematik, förlorat kontakt med vänner och familj, låg utbildningsnivå samt svag självkänsla i samband med avhoppet eller där efter. De flesta respondenterna sagt sig ha haft självmordstankar. Det förekommer även att respondenter säger sig ha haft ätstörningar, psykosomatisk problematik, narkotikamissbruk, bristande kunskap om samhället samt känt sig hotade och trakasserade i samband med avhoppet. De psykosociala problem som intervjupersonerna berättar om liknar det som tidigare studier funnit och som utgör områden där sociala myndigheter bör bistå sektavhoppare. I enlighet med syftet är slutligen vägledande anvisningar utformade för socialarbetare.</p>
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Fången mellan två världar : Sektavhoppares psykosociala problematikFrisk, Gabriel, Jiton, John January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the personal problems that can occur when defecting from a destructive cult, and what kind of support you may need from social authorities. The aim is to develop guidelines for social workers who are in contact with sect defectors. It’s a qualitative study based on interviews with six defectors from Jehovah’s witnesses. The results shows that all the defectors that have been interviewed have had anxiety problems, lost contact with friends and relatives, low level of education, and low self esteem when defecting or after. Most respondents have reported that they have had thoughts of suicide. It also occurs that respondents have had eating disorders, psychosomatic problems, drug abuse, lack of knowledge about society and have felt threatened and harassed in connection with the defection. These psychosocial problems that have been ascertained to constitute areas where social authorities should aid sect defectors. In accordance with the purpose of this thesis, guidelines are formed for social workers. / Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka den personliga problematik som kan uppstå vid avhopp från en destruktiv sekt och de behov av stöd och hjälp man kan behöva ha från sociala myndigheter. Avsikten med studien är att försöka utveckla vägledande anvisningar för socialarbetare som kommer i kontakt med avhoppare. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med sex avhoppare från Jehovas vittnen. Resultatet visar att alla de avhoppare som intervjuats hade haft ångestproblematik, förlorat kontakt med vänner och familj, låg utbildningsnivå samt svag självkänsla i samband med avhoppet eller där efter. De flesta respondenterna sagt sig ha haft självmordstankar. Det förekommer även att respondenter säger sig ha haft ätstörningar, psykosomatisk problematik, narkotikamissbruk, bristande kunskap om samhället samt känt sig hotade och trakasserade i samband med avhoppet. De psykosociala problem som intervjupersonerna berättar om liknar det som tidigare studier funnit och som utgör områden där sociala myndigheter bör bistå sektavhoppare. I enlighet med syftet är slutligen vägledande anvisningar utformade för socialarbetare.
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Eskilstunakistornas bruk och återbruk : Tidigkristna gravmonument i Östergötland under medeltidenKörlinge, Max January 2012 (has links)
This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building.
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Konfession und Selbstverständnis : reformierte Rituale in der gemischtkonfessionellen Kleinstadt Bischofszell im 17. Jahrhundert /Volkland, Frauke. January 2005 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Basel, 2001.
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Vesnická malotřídka mezi obcí a farou. Škola ve Svatém Janě nad Malší mezi lety 1880-1945. / The village school between the village and parish. School in Svatý Jan nad Malší in 1880 - 1945.LANGOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The present work deals with the development of elementary school in Svatý Jan nad Malší in 1880 - 1945. The work is based next to the professional literature on archival sources deposited in the State District Archive in České Budějovice in the fund Archive of village Svatý Jan nad Malší (partially processed), the parish office of Svatý Jan nad Malší, Local School Board of Svatý Jan nad Malší, primary school in Svatý Jan nad Malší (unprocessed). The thesis is divided besides standard introduction and conclusion into six chapters. The first and the second one close to the village and parish of Svatý Jan nad Malší. The third chapter on the basis of literature describes the development of primary education in the Czech lands. The remaining three chapters then provide space for the school itself. The fourth chapter is devoted to the school building, the organization of the school year, celebrations, deals with the local council and school aids, the six chapter focuses on teachers and pupils. Part of the work is pictorial and text attachments.
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Rede vom Tag Jahwes bei Amos und Jesaja im Kontext ihrer Verkundigung : Konzept und Herkunft / The discourse of the Day of Yahweh of Amos and Isaiah in the context of their message : concept and originVach, Raphael 12 1900 (has links)
Text in German with German and English summaries / In times of global crisis, eschatological questions gain relevance. The Old Testament concept
of HàWH:J moWJ has primary bearing on Christian eschatological expectations. This study
examines the discourse of the Day of Yahweh of Amos and Isaiah in the context of their
message. Concept and origin of this discourse are controversial.
A review of research shows that the current understandings do not adequately
answer questions about the origin of this discourse. Both the definitions of “Day of Yahweh”
passages and the certitude that HàWH:J moWJ is a technical term seem problematic.
Analysis of Amos 5:18-20 shows that, contrary to commonly accepted understanding,
a nontechnical understanding of the phrase HàWH:J moWJ is sufficient for interpreting the
passage. Linguistically similar phrases in Isaiah also merely relate Yahweh’s historical
intervention, and do not refer to an established concept. Only later did a tradition complex
arise from this prophetic proclamation. / In Zeiten globaler Krisen gewinnen eschatologische Fragestellungen an Aktualität. Zentrale
Bedeutung für die christliche Zukunftserwartung hat der Tag des Herrn, dessen
alttestamentlicher Wurzelgrund der HàWH:J moWJ ist. Die Studie untersucht die Rede vom Tag
Jahwes bei den Schriftpropheten Amos und Jesaja im Kontext ihrer Verkündigung. Konzept
und Herkunft dieser Rede sind umstritten.
Ein Forschungsüberblick zeigt, dass die gängigen Erklärungsmodelle die Frage nach
der Herkunft dieser Rede nicht ausreichend beantworten. Als problematisch erscheinen die
Definitionen von Tag Jahwes-Belegen und die Sicherheit, mit der man die Wendung
HàWH:J moWJ als Terminus technicus bezeichnet.
Die Untersuchung zu Am 5,18-20 erweist, dass, entgegen dem Common sense der
Forschung, ein formales Verständnis der Wendung HàWH:J moWJ zur Interpretation der Rede
ausreicht. Ähnliche sprachliche Wendungen bei Jesaja paraphrasieren ebenfalls nur das
geschichtliche Eingreifen Jahwes und verweisen nicht auf eine Auseinandersetzung mit
einem bestehenden Konzept. Ein Traditionskomplex namens Tag Jahwes erwuchs erst später
aus dieser prophetischen Verkündigung. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)
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"Hliník se odstěhoval do Humpolce". Fenomén kultovního filmu (nejen) v českém prostředí. / "Hliník moved to Humpolec". Cult film (not only) in the Czech context.TRUBKA, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the phenomenon of cult film, its theoretical definition, its history from the beginning to the present days, in world vide and Czech context. Another topic is the typology of cult films, selected cult directors. The other aim are fan activities, which are essential for the acquisition of the cult status of the film. The aim of this work is to reflect the phenomenon of cult film and to analyse selected Czech films in order to find out whether these films meet the cult film criteria according to the characteristics of selected theoreticians. The resulting analysis will confirm or will rebut my hypothesis and will show whether the use of the term cult film is accidental and has its backing in the Czech environment.
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Analýza a komparace ženských postav v amerických románech Jamese Fenimora Coopera a Luise May Alcottové / Analysis and comparison of female characters in American novels of James Fenimore Cooper and Louise May AlcottCibulková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the representation and characterization of female characters in the novel The Deerslayer from The Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy from James Fenimore Cooper in contrast to the concept of female characters in the book from Louisa May Alcott Little Women. There is analyzed images of female fictional heroines living in the American wilderness in the years 1740-1805, and these findings are compared with the representation of women in the 19th century domestic novel Little Women. The way of creating female characters is analyzed in relation to the other characters, the space in which they live, the storyline and contemporary values. This analysis should in a literary historical aspect reveal how much the role of a woman becomes a mere fulfillment of a simplified scheme and how it also has many meanings of full-fledged components in literary work. The author of this thesis also focuses on the influence of the environment on the formation of female characters and tracks their role not only in American novels but also in the society. Key words woman, gender, novel, cult of True Womenhood, James Fenimore Cooper, Louise May Alcott, topoi of the forest, home, american wildernes
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