Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lack off knowledge."" "subject:"lack oof knowledge.""
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Portuguese-American Parents' Knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactive DisorderPersaud, Debbie Shrimatie 01 January 2018 (has links)
According to recent studies, there is an interethnic research gap that exists regarding Portuguese-American parents' knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The purpose of this study was to explore Portuguese-American parents' knowledge of the symptoms and diagnosis of ADHD, how they think it impacts their children's education, learning, behaviors, and what interventions they use to address the behavioral issues and learning disabilities that result from ADHD. Guided by family systems theory, with the premise that children are an integral part of the family and cannot be understood in isolation from the family, this qualitative, phenomenological study used semi-structured interviews to gather visual and verbal data to understand Portuguese-American parents' knowledge, perception, attitude, and awareness of ADHD. Inductive analysis allowed for identification of themes and categories of transcribed data and field notes until saturation was reached. Multiple recurring themes found in this study indicated (a) lack of knowledge of ADHD, (b) lack of information provided by professionals, (c) opportunity to be educated about this neurodevelopmental mental health disorder, and (d) lack of the appropriate resources for these parents to get the necessary help needed to cope with their children's symptoms and diagnosis of ADHD. The results could bring about positive social change for this underserved ethnic minority group of people on how to deal and understand their children's learning and behaviors related to ADHD.
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Zum Wissensstand von Medizinstudentinnen und -studenten aus Graz und Bratislava zum Thema Tabakrauchen / The level of knowledge of medical students from Graz and Bratislava on tobacco smokingSobotta, Hans-Peter 20 January 2014 (has links)
Hintergrund: Das Thema Rauchen und Tabakentwöhnung ist in der medizinischen Lehre vieler Universitäten unterrepräsentiert. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, den Wissensstand der Grazer und Bratislavaer Medizinstudierenden diesbezüglich zu untersuchen. Methode: Im Zeitraum vom WS 2007/2008 bis WS 2008/2009 wurden Medizinstudierende beider Universitäten mittels eines standardisierten dreiseitigen Fragebogens befragt. Ergebnisse: 1356 Probanden nahmen an der Befragung teil. Die Raucherquoten der befragten Medizinstudierenden lagen bei 21,6% für Graz und 24,9% für Bratislava. Eine adäquate Repräsentation des Themas in der Lehre beider Universitäten konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Mehrheit der Befragten beider Universitäten kannte die durch das Rauchen bedingte Mortalität nicht; Nikotin wurde als Hauptrisikoinhaltsstoff beim Rauchen betrachtet. Die Mehrheit der Studierenden beider Universitäten schätzte die Willenskraft des Patienten für einen erfolgreichen Rauchstopp als entscheidender als Entwöhnungsprogramme in Kombination mit einer Nikotinersatztherapie ein. Schlussfolgerung: Der Wissensstand der befragten Medizinstudierenden in Bezug auf das Thema Rauchen und Tabakentwöhnung war unzureichend. Die Lehre an den Universitäten bezüglich dieses Themas muss verbessert werden.
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En alternativ årsredovisning för bostadsrättsföreningar : Framtagen för att underlätta bostadsrättsköparens förståelse av finansiell information / An alternative Annual Report for Tenant-owners’ Associations : Designed to facilitate the Tenant-buyer´s understanding of financial informationAndersson, Fredrik, Carlsson, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Abstract A housing society’s annual report is referred as the main document in which buyers can obtain information about the housing society’s financial position. However, previous research shows that households find it difficult to understand the financial information in an annual report. In addition, the investigation on strengthened consumer protection in the cooperative flat market (SOU 2017:31) shows that buyer’s in Sweden have insufficient ability to understand the risks combined with a tenant-owner acquisition, which could have far-reaching consequences. One reason why households do not understand the annual report can be that the report does not contain sufficient descriptive information, which can demonstrate a prevailing information gap between the producer of information and its receivers. The purpose of this study is to create an adjusted annual report based on information from interviews with interest organizations for housing societies, and then examine whether a buyer’s financial understanding can be increased based on the expanded information in the adjusted management report. In this study, qualitative interviews with individuals at different interest organizations to housing societies have been conducted, which has resulted in relevant information being added in a housing society’s management report, hoping to make the annual report more understandable. The adjusted annual report has then been tested in a quasi-experiment. In the experiment, participants in an experimental group received the adjusted annual report while participants in a control group received the original un-adjusted annual report. The participants in respective group then responded to questions about which extent they considered to understand the information in specific annual report. The results for each group have then been analyzed to measure and compare the understanding between both groups to see if there is a connection between extended information and increased understanding in an annual report. The result of the completed experiment showed that the average understanding of the annual report’s content was 81 percent higher in the experimental group compared to the control group. The conclusion is, therefore, that there is a connection between expanded information and increased understanding of the information in the adjusted annual report for the participants in the experiment. / Sammanfattning En bostadsrättsförenings årsredovisning ses som det huvudsakliga dokument där bostadsrättsköpare kan erhålla information om föreningens finansiella ställning. Ändå uppvisar tidigare forskning att hushåll har svårt att förstå den finansiella informationen i en årsredovisning. Dessutom påvisar utredningen om stärkt konsumentskydd på bostadsrättsmarknaden (SOU 2017:31) att bostadsrättsköpare i Sverige har en bristande förmåga att förstå de risker som ett bostadsrättsförvärv medför, något som kan få långt gående konsekvenser. En av anledningarna till att hushåll inte förstår årsredovisningen kan vara att rapporten inte innehåller tillräckligt med beskrivande information, vilket kan påvisa ett rådande informationsgap mellan utgivaren av information och användaren. Syftet med studien är att skapa en justerad årsredovisning utifrån information som intervjuer med individer hos bostadsrättsmarknadens intresseorganisationer genererat, för att sedan pröva om det går att öka en bostadsrättsköpares finansiella förståelse utifrån den utökade informationen i den justerade förvaltningsberättelsen. I denna studie har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med individer hos intresseorganisationer till bostadsrättsföreningar vilket har resulterat i att relevant information utökats i bostadsrättsförenings förvaltningsberättelse i hopp om att göra årsredovisningen mer förståelig. Den justerade årsredovisningen har därefter prövats i ett kvasi-experiment. I experimentet fick deltagarna i en experimentgrupp ta del av den justerade årsredovisningen medan kontrollgruppen fick ta del av den ojusterade årsredovisningen. Därefter svarade deltagarna på frågor om i vilken grad de ansåg sig förstå informationen i specifik årsredovisning. Resultatet för respektive grupp har sedan analyserats för att mäta och jämföra förståelsen mellan de båda grupperna för att se om det finns ett samband mellan utökad information och ökad förståelse i en årsredovisning. Resultatet av det genomförda experimentet visade att den genomsnittliga förståelsen av årsredovisningens innehåll var 81 procent högre hos experimentgruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Slutsatsen är därmed att det finns ett samband mellan utökad information och ökad förståelse av informationen i den justerade årsredovisningen för experimentets deltagare.
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Intégration de la maturité des connaissances dans la prise de décision en conception mécanique : application à un système solaire. / Integration of knowledge maturity in decision making for mechanical design : application to a solar system.El amine, Mehdi 16 December 2015 (has links)
La réussite du développement des produits industriels a un enjeu économique considérable pour l’entreprise. Les décisions sur les concepts et sur l’architecture du produit ont un impact considérable sur le coût global du cycle de vie du produit. Les industriels sont alors de plus en plus encouragés à adopter des méthodes permettant de rationaliser les décisions de conception. Ces méthodes doivent être en adéquation avec le niveau de connaissance acquis sur les alternatives de conception, la nature des décisions à prendre et les outils d’évaluation disponibles. Ainsi, deux méthodes d’aide à la décision ont été développées dans cette thèse en fonction de la phase de conception étudiée.Une première méthode est proposée pour la phase amont de conception dans laquelle l’objectif de l’entreprise est de réduire le nombre de concepts proposés initialement pour concentrer ses efforts et ses ressources sur les concepts les plus prometteurs. Durant cette phase, les produits sont définis d’une manière très imprécise. Les concepteurs doivent alors faire beaucoup d'hypothèses lorsqu’ils proposent des modèles de comportement destinés à évaluer les concepts. Ces modèles, qui expriment une connaissance de nature explicite, sont insuffisants pour faire des choix de concepts. Pour remédier à cette difficulté, nous nous orientons dans notre étude vers la connaissance implicite (ou subjective), obtenue au travers de l'expérience et du savoir-faire acquis par les concepteurs. Afin d’intégrer cette connaissance dans la prise de décision, elle est d’abord formalisée au travers d’outils comme les fonctions de préférence. La méthode globale d’aide à la décision proposé permet de combiner à la fois cette connaissance implicite et la connaissance explicite (représentée par les modèles de comportement) pour évaluer chaque concept en termes d’aptitude à respecter les exigences minimales de validation et du niveau d’adéquation avec les objectifs de conception. Les objectifs et préférences des décideurs sont, quant à eux, structurés et formalisés au travers du modèle OIA (Observation-Interprétation-Agrégation) développé auparavant dans le laboratoire I2M-IMC.Une deuxième méthode a été proposée pour la phase aval de conception qui a pour objectif de fixer les paramètres du produit final (choix des matériaux, dimensions, etc.) après que le concept ait été choisi. Durant cette phase, le produit est défini d’une manière plus précise et les modèles de comportement sont plus représentatifs des phénomènes physiques pertinents du concept étudié. Ces modèles restent cependant basés sur des hypothèses qui conduisent parfois à une remise en question de leur exactitude, surtout pour certains paramètres de conception. Fixer les paramètres du produit en se basant uniquement sur ces modèles de comportement nécessite la prise en compte de leur niveau exactitude. Nous avons donc développé un indicateur d’exactitude de ces modèles qui intègre, d’une part, une évaluation objective qui est la mesure d’écart entre le modèle et un comportement de référence (supposé exact) et, d’autre part, sur une évaluation subjectif qui se base sur la mesure de distance avec la solution de référence (solution prototypée) et sur des fonctions de confiances établies par les concepteurs. La combinaison d’une évaluation objective et subjective de l’exactitude permet d’obtenir à la fin un indicateur général d’exactitude capable de couvrir l’intégralité de l’espace de conception. L’indicateur ainsi obtenu est utilisé dans une méthode d’aide à la décision qui qualifie chaque solution candidate en terme de risque engendré par les l’exactitude des modèles et de degré de satisfaction des objectifs de conception (en se basant la modèle OIA). / The successful development of industrial products has a considerable economic challenge for the company. Decisions on concepts and product architecture have a significant impact on the overall cost of the product life cycle. Manufacturers are then increasingly encouraged to adopt methods to streamline design decisions. These methods must be consistent with the level of knowledge acquired on alternative design, the nature of decision making and assessment tools available. Thus, both methods of decision support have been developed in this thesis based on the study design phase.A first method is proposed for the upstream design stage in which the goal of the company is to reduce the number of concepts initially proposed to focus its efforts and resources on the most promising concepts. During this phase, the products are defined very loosely. Designers must then make a lot of assumptions when proposing role models to assess the concepts. These models, which express a knowledge of explicit nature, are insufficient to make choices concepts. To overcome this difficulty, we are moving in our study to the implicit knowledge (or subjective), obtained through the experience and expertise acquired by the designers. To integrate this knowledge in decision-making, it is first formalized through tools such as preferably functions. The overall approach to decision support proposed for combining both the implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge (represented by the role models) to assess each concept in terms of ability to meet the minimum requirements for validation and level fitness with the design goals. The objectives and preferences of decision makers are, in turn, structured and formalized through the OIA model (Observation-Interpretation-Aggregation) previously developed in the laboratory I2M-BMI.A second method was proposed for the downstream design phase that aims to set the parameters of the final product (choice of materials, dimensions, etc.) after the concept was chosen. During this phase, the product is defined in a more precise manner and behavior patterns are more representative of the relevant physical phenomena of the concept studied. These models are however based on assumptions which sometimes lead to a questioning their accuracy, especially for some design parameters. Fix the product parameters based solely on these patterns of behavior requires taking into account their accuracy level. We have therefore developed an accuracy indicator of these models that integrates on the one hand, an objective assessment which is the measure of difference between the model and a reference behavior (assumed correct) and, secondly, on a subjective assessment that is based on the distance measurement with the reference solution (prototyped solution) and trusts functions established by the designers. The combination of objective and subjective assessment of the accuracy provides at the end a general indicator of accuracy able to cover the entire design space. The indicator thus obtained is used in a method of decision support that qualifies each candidate solution in terms of risk posed by the accuracy of the models and level of satisfaction of design objectives (based the model OIA) .
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Propagation d’incertitudes à travers des modèles dynamiques d’assemblages de structures mécaniques / Uncertainty propagation through dynamic models of assemblies of mechanical structuresDaouk, Sami 15 November 2016 (has links)
Lors de l'étude du comportement des systèmes mécaniques, les modèles mathématiques et les paramètres structuraux sont généralement considérés déterministes. Néanmoins, le retour d'expérience montre que ces éléments sont souvent incertains, dû à une variabilité naturelle ou manque de connaissance. La quantification de la qualité et la fiabilité du modèle numérique d'un assemblage industriel reste alors une question majeure en dynamique basse-fréquence. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'améliorer le dimensionnement vibratoire des assemblages boulonnés par la mise en place d'un modèle dynamique de connecteur prenant en compte différents types et sources d'incertitudes sur des paramètres de raideur, de manière simple, efficace et exploitable dans un contexte industriel. Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet SICODYN, piloté par EDF R&D, visant à caractériser et quantifier les incertitudes sur le comportement dynamique des assemblages industriels boulonnés sous les aspects numérique et expérimental. Des études comparatives de plusieurs méthodes numériques de propagation d'incertitudes montrent l'avantage de l'utilisation de la théorie des méconnaissances. Une caractérisation expérimentale des incertitudes dans les structures boulonnées est réalisée sur un banc d'essai dynamique et sur un assemblage industriel. La propagation de plusieurs faibles et fortes incertitudes à travers différents modèles dynamiques d’assemblages mécaniques permet d'aboutir à l’évaluation de l'efficacité de la théorie des méconnaissances et son applicabilité en milieu industriel. / When studying the behaviour of mechanical systems, mathematical models and structural parameters are usually considered deterministic. Return on experience shows however that these elements are uncertain in most cases, due to natural variability or lack of knowledge. Therefore, quantifying the quality and reliability of the numerical model of an industrial assembly remains a major question in low-frequency dynamics. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the vibratory design of bolted assemblies through setting up a dynamic connector model that takes account of different types and sources of uncertainty on stiffness parameters, in a simple, efficient and exploitable in industrial context. This work has been carried out in the framework of the SICODYN project, led by EDF R&D, that aims to characterise and quantify, numerically and experimentally, the uncertainties in the dynamic behaviour of bolted industrial assemblies. Comparative studies of several numerical methods of uncertainty propagation demonstrate the advantage of using the Lack-Of-Knowledge theory. An experimental characterisation of uncertainties in bolted structures is performed on a dynamic test rig and on an industrial assembly. The propagation of many small and large uncertainties through different dynamic models of mechanical assemblies leads to the assessment of the efficiency of the Lack-Of-Knowledge theory and its applicability in an industrial environment.
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En läromedelsanalys inom Algebrafältet : En studie om elevers möjlighet till att utveckla matematiska kompetetenser i läromedel från årskurs 1-6 / A teaching material analysis within the algebra field : A studie of students ability to develop mathematical skills in teaching materials from grades 1-6Karlsson, Anneli, Gunnarsson, Michael January 2022 (has links)
Forskning och internationella analyser har visat att elevers kompetenser inom algebra är bristfälliga. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vilka kompetenser eleverna på låg och mellanstadiet behöver befästa för att uppnå kunskapskraven och för att kunna ta sig an framtida studier. Syftet kommer att besvaras genom tre framtagna forskningsfrågor: I vilken utsträckning följer läromedlen på lågstadiet forskningen kring early algebra? Hur ser progressionen ut från lågstadiet till mellanstadiet i lärobokserier beträffande matematiska kompetenser inom algebraområdet? och I vilken utsträckning behandlar mellanstadiets läromedel de kompetenser som forskning menar är bristande kunskaper på högstadiet? En läromedelsanalys genomfördes för att få syn på i vilken utsträckning de olika kompetenserna finns representerade i läromedlen. Genom tidigare forskning har studien identifierat vilka kompetenser som eleverna behöver befästa på låg och mellanstadiet för att kunskapskraven ska uppnås.Resultatet från analysen visar på att de kompetenser som efterfrågas finns med till viss del i de analyserade läromedlen men att det finns utvecklings möjligheter. / Research and international analyses have shown that students' skills in algebra are deficient. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate whichcompetencies students in primary and middle school need to consolidate to achieve the knowledge requirements and to be able to take on future studies.The purpose will be answered through three developed research questions: To what extent do the teaching materials in primary school follow the research about early algebra? What is the progression from primary to middleschool in textbook series regarding mathematical skills in the field of algebra? To what extent do middle school teaching materials deal with the skillsthat research believes are lack of knowledge in high school? A teaching material analysis was implemented to see to what extent the different competencies are represented in the teaching materials. Through previus reasearch, the study has identified which competencies the students needto consolidate at the primary and intermediate leves for the knowledge requirements to be achieved. The results from the analysis show that the competencies that are in demandare included to some extent in the analysed teaching materials, but that thereare development opportunities
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Distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av att möta patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom primärvården : Systematisk litteraturstudie / District nurses experience of encounters with patients with ill mental health in primary care.Kunnos Wallberg, Sara, Burubwa Nabindu Nzeyimana, Chanceline January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett ökande problem i samhället idag. Personer med psykisk ohälsa diskrimineras i samhället och inte minst inom hälso- och sjukvården. År 2019 led 970 miljoner människor i världen av någon form av psykisk ohälsa, och varje år avlider 14,3 % av jordens befolkning till följd av den psykiska ohälsan. Primärvården är den vårdform som de flesta svenskar först kommer i kontakt med och deras uppdrag är att erbjuda vård och behandling vid somatisk och psykisk ohälsa. Det beräknas att en tredjedel av patienterna i väntrummet på en svensk vårdcentral har någon form av psykisk ohälsa. Syftet med studien var att belysa distriktssköterskors upplevelser av att möta patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom primärvården. En systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats valdes för att besvara syftet. Tolv kvalitativa artiklar söktes från databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och PsycInfo. De valda artiklarna analyserades och likheter och skillnader jämfördes och sammanställdes. Resultat presenterades med hjälp av tre huvudteman och sju subteman. Huvudteman var Vårdrelation, Kompetens och Yttre aspekter. Subteman; Förhållningssätt och bemötande, Utmaningar i möte, Erfarenhet och kunskap som grund, Behov av utbildning, Tidens betydelse, Stöd i arbetet samt Samarbete som arbetsmetod. Diskussionen tar upp att distriktsköterskor hade svårigheter med sitt förhållningsätt och upplevde stress i patientmötet, vilket riskerar ett vårdlidande för patienten. Att få en helhetsbild av patienter med psykisk ohälsa är svårt. Med livsvärlden som grund ges en holistisk vård. Brist på kompetens riskerar patientenssäkerheten. Genom ökad utbildning kan psykisk ohälsa fångas tidigt och därmed minska komplikationer och kostnader, som psykisk ohälsa kan medföra. / Mental illness is an increasing problem in society today. People with mental illness are discriminated in society and not least in health care. In 2019, 970 million people in the world suffered from some form of mental illness, and every year, 14.3% of the world's population dies as a result of mental illness. Primary health care is the form of care that most Swedes first come into contact with and their mission is to offer care and treatment for somatic and mental illness. It is estimated that a third of the patients at Swedish health care center´s waiting room have some form of mental illness. The aim of this study was to describe district nurses' experience of meeting patients with mental illness in primary care. A systematic literature review with a qualitative approach was chosen as a design to answer the purpose. Twelve qualitative articles were selected from the databases Cinahl, Pubmed and PsycInfo. The selected articles have been analyzed and similarities and differences were compared and compiled. Results were presented with the help of three main themes and seven subthemes. The main theme was, Care relationship, Competence and External aspects. The subthemes are The nurse's approach and treatment, Challenges in encounters, Experience and knowledge as a basis, Need for education, Time affects care, Support at work and Cooperation as a working method. In the discussion, it was found that the district nurses experienced anxiety and stress in the patient encounter, which gives a care suffering. It was also difficult to get an overall picture of the patient with mental illness. But with the lifeworld approach, a holistic care was provided. Lack of competence risked the patient's safety, as increased education can be identified at an early stage, thereby reducing the complications and costs that mental illness can entail.
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CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION : A case study of the restaurant industryWeerasinghe, Laksilu, Nirere, Blandine January 2022 (has links)
Recently digital transformation has become imperative that organizations must embrace to cope with today’s digital world’s new demands. Previous research has been investigating the opportunities provided by digital transformation but still, there is a gap when it comes to digital transformation challenges. This thesis addresses the main challenges faced by restaurants during their digital transformation journey. A qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews has been used to investigate digital transformation challenges in the restaurant industry in the following countries: Sweden, Sri Lanka, Australia, and Korea. Our findings show that restaurants mostly face a lack of resources, culture change, and lack of knowledge. This study has a double contribution. On the one hand, this thesis provides practitioners with the main challenges restaurants face during their digital transformation journey, on the other hand, this study provides literature to fill the gap that exists in digital transformation challenges.
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Transpersoners upplevelser av vårdmöten : En litteraturöversikt / Transgender persons experiences of healtcare encounters : A literature reviewNordström, Wilma, Svenlin, Carl-Johan January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Transpersoner lider i högre utsträckning av psykisk ohälsa i jämförelse med övrig befolkning. I enlighet med lagar och konventioner har alla människor rätt till jämlik och adekvat vård. Sjuksköterskor behöver bred kompetens för att kunna ge hälsofrämjande och likvärdig vård. Trots det upplevs svårigheter att behandla transpersoner på grund av otillräcklig utbildning och kunskap. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva transpersoners upplevelser av mötet med vårdpersonal. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Litteratursökningarna genomfördes i databaserna Cinahl Complete och PubMed. Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier; att bli felkönad, människa inte vara transperson, betydelsen av kunskap eller okunskap hos vårdpersonal och vårdmiljöns betydelse. Transpersoner upplevde att deras könsidentitet var dominerande i mötet med vårdpersonal oavsett sökorsak. Upplevelsen av att inte få adekvat vård eller bemötande på grund av kompetensbrist var också tydlig. Sammanfattning: Bemötande har stor betydelse för hur transpersoner upplever sin vård. Positiva upplevelser av mötet med vårdpersonal var trygghetsingivande och stärkande medan negativa upplevelser var diskriminerande och icke hälsofrämjande. En ytterligare påverkande faktor var vårdmiljön. / Background: Transgender people suffer to a greater extent from mental illness in comparison to the rest of the population. In accordance with laws and conventions, everyone has the right to equal and adequate care. Nurses need broad competence to be able to provide health-promting and equivalent care. Despite that, difficulties are experienced in treating transgender people due to insufficient education and knowledge. Aim: The aim was to describe transgender persons experiences of healthcare encounters. Method: A litterature review based on twelve original qualitative scientific articles. The litterature search was carried out in the databases Cinahl Complete and PubMed. Results: Four categories emerged in the results; to be misgendered, human not just a transgender person, the importance of knowledge or lack of knowledge of healthcare staff and the importance of the healtcare environment. Transgender people felt that their gender identity was dominant in the encounter with healthcare professionals, regardless of the reason for seeking health care. The experience of not receiving adequate care or treatment due to lack of knowledge was also clear. Summary: The healthcare encounter has a great significance for how transgender people experience their care. Positive experiences of the encounter with healthcare personnel were reassuring and empowering, while negative experiences were discriminatory and did not promote transgender persons health. An additional factor that influenced the impression was the health care enviroment.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till egenvård hos patienter med diabetes mellitus typ II : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experience in providing support for self-care in patients with type 2 diabetes : A qualitative literature reviewGhada, Ahmed, Rahima, Nemati, Najiba, Madadi January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 utgör en växande utmaning för global hälsa. Detta är en kronisk sjukdom som påverkar hur kroppen hanterar blodsockret. Stöd till egenvård är en central del i behandlingen av denna sjukdom. Syftet: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd till egenvård hos patienter med diabetes mellitus typ II.Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats har tillämpats, där det baserades på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa vetenskapliga artiklar var från år 2013–2023. Databaserna som användes var Medline och Cinahl samt Fribergs fem stegs analysmetod.Resultat: I litteraturöversikten framkom två teman: "Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av utmaningar i egenvårdsstöd" och "Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att skapa möjligheter för att stödja egenvård". Utifrån teman framkom följande subteman: "bristande kunskaper om sjukdomen", "att vägleda patienter", "att samarbeta i team", "att ge personcentrerad vård" och "kommunikation med patienter".Slutsats: Inom diabetesvården visade resultatet att sjuksköterskor har olika erfarenheter av att ge stöd till egenvård. Resultatet visade även att kommunikation och att samarbeta i team var viktiga aspekter för att möjliggöra egenvårdsstöd. Sjuksköterskor ansåg att egenvårdsstöd främjades när de arbetade personcentrerad.Nyckelord: Samarbeta i team, kommunikation, personcentrerad vård, bristande kunskaper. / Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus poses a growing challenge to global health. This is a chronic condition that affects how the body manages blood sugar. Support for self-care is a central component in the treatment of this disease.Purpose: The purpose was to describe nurses' experiences of providing self-care support to patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Method: A qualitative literature review with an inductive approach was applied, based on 12 scientific articles. These scientific articles were from the years 2013–2023. The databases used were Medline and Cinahl, along with Friberg's five-step analysis method.Results: The literature review revealed two themes: "Nurses' experiences of challenges in self-care support" and "Nurses' experiences of creating opportunities to support self-care." Based on these themes, the following subthemes emerged: "lack of knowledge about the disease," "guiding patients," "collaborating in teams," "providing person-centered care," and "communication with patients."Conclusion: Within diabetes care, the results showed that nurses have different experiences of providing self-care support. The results also indicated that communication and collaboration in teams were important aspects in enabling self-care support. Nurses believed that self-care support was promoted when they worked in a person-centered manner. Keywords: Collaborate in teams, communication, person-centered care, lack of knowledge.
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