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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traces Re-Lived in Krapp’s <em>Last Tape</em>, Come and Go and Quad

Weiss, Katherine 29 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Analys av elnät för begränsning av reaktiv effekt / Analysis of electricity grid for limiting of reactive power

Hudji, Muadh January 2019 (has links)
Ystad Energi har ansvaret över elnätet i Ystads kommun. Med ökande efterfråga om el har samhället blivit sårbart. Därför jobbar myndigheterna och elleverantörer alltid för att säkerställa en trygg och säker elleverans. Variationer i energibehovet under de olika årstider sätter elsystemet i en svår situation gällande elleveranssäkerhet. Ystad Energi har noterat att elnätet matar ut reaktiv effekt mot överliggande nät under sommarperioden. Vilket kan påverka förlusterna och systemets drifttillstånd i både lokal – och regionnät. Därför fokuserar detta arbete på att utföra analyser av reaktiv effekt i nätledningarna som ligger mellan fördelningsstationerna och nätstationerna, d.v.s. i 10.7 kV – nivå av den s.k. distributionsnätet. För att minska elavbrott i systemet på grund av väder och annan yttre påverkan har Ystad Energi grävt ner alla ledningar i nätet. Datainsamlingen från Ystad Energi visar att den reaktiva effektinmatningen ökar mest under sommaren jämfört med andra årstider. Utifrån vetenskapliga teorier och tidigare arbeten anses kablifiering som en viktig orsak till reaktiv effektinmatning i ett elsystem. Datainsamlingen visar även avsevärda variationer i energiförbrukningen mellan vinter- och sommarhalvåret, där energiförbrukningen är mycket lägre under sommaren på grund av klimatet och livsstilen. Därför leder detta till spänningsförhöjning i elnätet som vidare kan leda till kapacitiv reaktiv effektgenerering. I arbetet utförs även analyser på nätet med anslutna produktionsanläggningar såsom vindkraft som kan påverka effektflödet i nätet. Rapporten skall presentera vilka möjliga lösningar som kan vara lämpliga för att minska den reaktiva effekten i nätet. Kraven som ställs från myndigheterna kring reaktiv effekt redovisas även i rapporten. / Ystad Energy is responsible for the power grid in Ystad municipality. With increasing demand for electricity, society has become more vulnerable. Therefore, authorities and electricity suppliers always work to ensure safe and secure electricity supply. Variations in energy demand and climate change put the electrical system in a difficult situation regarding electricity supply safety. Ystad Energy has noted that the power grid has high values of reactive power over a part of year, which may affect the losses and system operating conditions in both local and regional networks. Therefore, this work focuses on performing reactive power analysis in the power cables located between the high voltage substations and the low voltage substations, i.e. in the 10.7 kV level of the distribution network. All overhead lines in Ystad municipality are already buried in the ground to reduce line faults in the system due to weather and other influences. The data collection from Ystad Energy shows that the reactive power input increases most during the summer. Underground cables are considered an important cause that contributes to reactive power input in an electrical system. Data collection also shows significant variations in energy consumption between the winter and summer months, where energy consumption is much lower in the summer due to the climate and human habits. Therefore, this leads to a voltage increase in the mains that can further lead to a capacitive reactive power generation. In the project, an analysis of the power grid has been performed, considering the current grid topology. Simulations of different scenarios with production plants, such as wind power, which can affect the power flow in the network, are also carried out. It was proved that the reactive power in the grid is produced by the underground cables. The report also presents some possible solutions that may be appropriate to reduce the reactive power in the network.

The last essays of Elia de Charles Lamb : traduction, introduction critique et notes / Critical Edition of the Last Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb (1775-1834)

Jolibois, Michel 10 January 2012 (has links)
La présente étude se propose de donner une traduction abondamment annotée de la seconde série des essais d’Élia qui paraissent dans les revues périodiques anglaises, entre 1820 et 1833. Dans un souci d’exactitude, cette traduction restitue les passages supprimés par l’auteur avant leur parution sous forme de recueil. Une attention toute particulière a été portée sur les traductions en français de certains essais d’Élia publiés séparément dans les revues du milieu du dix-neuvième siècle et sur les traductions plus modernes des Essais d’Elia, réunis en recueil, jusqu’à l’époque présente. Les Last Essays of Elia sont la dernière œuvre publiée par Lamb. La tentation était grande de chercher une continuité depuis les premiers écrits jusqu’aux LEE. Dans l’introduction critique, nous nous sommes efforcé de voir les différents aspects de l’oeuvre de Lamb qui est à la fois poète, journaliste, dramaturge, critique de théâtre et épistolier et qui connaît la notoriété dans le genre de l’essai, genre auquel il donne un souffle nouveau, grâce à la persona d’Élia. Le fait que Lamb ait été l’ami des premiers poètes romantiques anglais de l’époque, le fait que sa vie ait été marquée et bouleversée par le meurtre de sa propre mère de la main de sa sœur bien-aimée, confèrent à son œuvre un vif intérêt. Personnalité inclassable du Romantisme anglais, dont il est une figure mineure, humoriste amoureux des livres et de la langue du passé, Lamb n’en reste pas moins un chaînon indispensable pour comprendre la scène littéraire anglaise du début du XIXe siècle. / The present study aims to provide a carefully annotated translation of the second series of the Essays of Elia which appeared in English periodical magazines between 1820 and 1833. In order to be as complete as possible, this translation includes the passages removed by the author when they were published in book form in 1833. Particular attention has been paid to French translations of individual Elia essays scattered in mid-nineteenth century French magazines as well as to more modern translations of the collected Essays, up to the present day. The Last Essays of Elia was Lamb’s final published work. It was very tempting to look for threads running through his work from the early writings to the LEE. In the critical introduction, we have sought to consider the various aspects of the work of Lamb, who was at the same time a poet, a journalist, a playwright, a theatre critic and a letter-writer before making his name as an essay-writer, breathing new life into the genre, thanks to the Elia persona. The fact that Lamb was a friend of the first English Romantic poets and that his life was blighted by his mother’s murder at the hands of his beloved sister, brings a vivid interest to his work. An isolated figure of Romanticism, a "very reasonable Romantic" himself, a humourist in love with the books and language of the past, Lamb, though a relatively minor author, remains a key link to understanding the early nineteenth-century English literary scene.

O tempo em processo: cultura na ditadura militar e os impasses em torno do popular na peça \"O último carro\" (1964-1978) / The time in process: culture in the military dictatorship and the impasses surrounding the popular in the play \"The Last Car\" (1964-1978)

Batista, Natália Cristina 16 August 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a peça O Último Carro ou As 14 estações, espetáculo do Grupo Opinião, com texto e direção de João das Neves. A peça foi escrita em 1964, mas estreou apenas em março de 1976. A montagem fez temporada o Rio de Janeiro (Teatro Opinião) e em São Paulo (Bienal Internacional de Arte de São Paulo) e alcançou sucesso de crítica e público, recebendo mais de vinte premiações, incluindo o Mambembe, o Molière e o Quadrienal de Praga. A peça retrata a situação de sujeitos com vidas precárias e que cotidianamente se deslocam pela cidade utilizando o trem como meio de transporte. Não existem protagonistas e o eixo estrutural na narrativa é a percepção que o trem está desgovernado e sem maquinista. Alguns trabalhadores se organizam para evitar o desastre e tentam conduzir os demais passageiros para o último carro do trem, mas encontram uma série de percalços. Ao final da peça, o trem efetivamente se choca, mas os passageiros do último carro conseguem sobreviver e modificar suas trajetórias. A partir de tais referências, objetiva-se compreender as articulações temporais contidas na peça-processo, investigando tanto o momento de escrita (1964) quanto o de montagem (1976-1978). A tese dessa pesquisa é que a construção de uma perspectiva de teatro popular entrecruzou as duas temporalidades e lhe conferiu características singulares se comparada com a produção artística que lhe foi contemporânea. Constatou-se também a presença de uma terceira temporalidade (2012-2019), que constantemente tensionava as anteriores por meio das entrevistas realizadas com seus participantes. A análise desses tempos múltiplos permitiu compreender aspectos da cultura brasileira e das tensas relações entre arte engajada, regime militar e mercado. Trata-se de observar um arco de tempo dialético, visualizando a peça como um produto cultural que foi gestado ao longo de um tempo histórico expandido e que pode ser percebido em uma análise que contemple aspectos temporais sincrônicos e diacrônicos em busca de um novo olhar para o povo e as classes populares. / This research aims to analyze the play The Last Car or the 14 stations, a spectacle of the Opinião Group, written and directed by João das Neves. Although written in 1964, the play premiered only in March 1976. The show was exhibited in Rio de Janeiro (Theater Opinião) and São Paulo (São Paulo International Art Biennial) and was a success in terms of critic and public, receiving more than twenty awards, including the Mambembe, the Molière and the Quadrennial of Prague. The play portrays the precarious lives of people who move around the city daily by train. There are no protagonists and the structural axis in the narrative is the runaway train lacking a driver. Some workers get together to avoid the disaster and try to lead the other passengers to the last car of the train, but face a series of mishaps. At the end of the play, the train crashes effectively, but the passengers in the last car are able to survive. Considering these elements, the research tries to understand the temporal articulations present in the play-process, investigating both the writing moment (1964) and the moment of the performances (1976-1978). The thesis is that the construction of a perspective of a popular theater intersected the two temporalities and gave it singular characteristics if compared with the artistic production of the time. There is also a third temporality (2012-2019), which constantly stressed the previous ones through the interviews with its participants. The analysis of these multiple times allowed the comprehension of aspects of Brazilian culture and the tense relations between engaged art, the military regime and the market. Considering a dialectical time arc, the play was interpreted as a cultural product developed over an extended historical time, that can be exposed in an analysis that contemplates synchronic and diachronic temporal aspects in the search of a new look for the people and the popular classes.

Destination nation : writing the railway in Canada

Flynn, Kevin, 1970- January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Demographics and Future Needs for Public Long Term Care and Services among the Elderly in Sweden : The Need for Planning

Batljan, Ilija January 2007 (has links)
<p>Long term care and social services (LTCaS) for older people are an important part of the Scandinavian welfare state. The fast growing number of elderly people in Sweden has caused many concerns about increases in future needs (and particularly costs) of age-related social programs such as LTCaS. The general aim of this dissertation is to examine how projected demographic changes may affect future needs for long-term care and services in Sweden assuming different trends in morbidity and mortality. The following data sources are used: national population registers, register data on inpatient/outpatient health care from region Skåne, the Swedish National Survey on Living Conditions (SNSLC) for the period 1975-1999. Three alternative methods to inform simple demographic extrapolations of needs for health and social care for the elderly are presented. Furthermore, a new method for demographic projections has been developed. According to our studies, the health of older people (measured as the prevalence of severe ill-health) has improved during the study period. Taking into account health status, when projecting future needs for LTCaS, will result in a fairly substantial reduction of the rate of the demographically influenced increase in projected LTCaS needs. The changes in population composition regarding education and mortality differentials per educational level may have a significant impact on the number of the elderly in the future. On the other hand, the projected increase in the number of older people suffering from severe ill-health, as a consequence of population ageing, may be counterbalanced to a large extent by changes in the educational composition towards a higher proportion of the population having a high educational level and lower prevalence of severe ill-health. We need to improve our planning tools in order to support policy-makers to plan for uncertainty concerning future needs and demand for LTCaS.</p>

End of line test : En studie av företaget Emotrons linjetestning i produktionen

Svendsen, Toni January 2008 (has links)
<p>Emotron is a company specialised in developing, producing and marketing equipment to con-trol, monitor and protect processes and machinery driven by electric motors, with an applica-tion focus. Examples of uses for their products are fans, pumps, lifts and cranes.</p><p>The project is to look at Emotrons end of line test. The company has seen that at the final test-ing there is a bottleneck that restricts the outflow and prevents an increase in the number of tested products.</p><p>The purpose of this project is to review how Emotrons end-of-line test works today and if there is a possibility to make the test more efficient in such a way that the quality is not at risk, while increasing the outflow of tested products.</p><p>The projects first step is to look at and analyse what is causing the bottleneck at the end-of-line. When the analysis is complete, the next step is to review whether there is a possibility to solve the bottleneck and if so in what way can this be done. Emotrons most overall objective of the project is to increase the outflow of the number of tested products without jeopardizing the quality.</p><p>An analysis has been made on frequency inverters, soft starters and shaft power monitors. Fail reports for the year 2007 have been reviewed. Faults that have been detected have been sub-mitted by type and size. The testing has been divided into various phases of error. A time pre-cision has been established to show the time of the test stages. The distinction has been made to provide a picture of where and when errors occur during the testing.</p><p>A logging test has been carried out on the largest frequency inverter types to determine the characteristics of frequency inverters when tested with load by today's test method. It has also carried out a logging test with an artificial load. An analysis is made on a test machine that is under construction, which today is called PEBB test.</p><p>The conclusions to be drawn from the analyses and tests carried out, in order to meet the company's objectives, and answer the project's problem is that it is possible to make the end of line test more efficient. The end of line test can be more efficient by combining the strength of the PEBB test, which is its measurement equipment, with the artificial load method where the frequency inverter is tested as it is expected to serve at the final customer. This can in-crease the outflow of tested products and maintain Emotrons requirements for quality.</p>

Projektplanering med visuell metodik i byggbranschen

Nilsson, Veronica, Karlsson, Therese January 2010 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet utfördes på NCC Halmstad under våren 2010. Syftet med examensarbetet var att klargöra vad visuell metodik kan tillföra byggbranschen och hur det upplevs av personer som utför byggprojekt</p><p>Arbetet innefattar en kvalitativ och en litteraturstudie. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med hjälp av sju intervjuer inom Region Syd med personer som arbetat med den visuella metoden NCC Projektplanering. Intervjuerna har ägt rum för att ta reda på hur den visuella metodiken fungerar i praktiken.</p><p>Litteraturstudien innefattar en utredning av begreppen Lean, Lean Production, Lean Construction, Last Planner och NCC Projektplanering. Den röda tråden från Lean till NCC Projektplanering är att genom ständigt förbättringsarbete skapa engagemang och ökad delaktighet.</p><p>Den generella uppfattningen av NCC Projektplanering är positiv, dock varierar uppfattningen av metoden efter aktörernas inställning. Examensarbetet klargör vad visuell metodik kan tillföra byggbranschen.</p>

Paleoenvironmental changes in the Black Sea region during the last 26,000 years : a multi-proxy study of lacustrine sediments from the western Black Sea

Kwiecien, Olga January 2008 (has links)
Paleoenvironmental records provide ample information on the Late Quaternary climatic evolution. Due to the great diversity of continental mid-latitude environments the synthetic picture of the past mid-latitudinal climate changes is, however, far from being complete. Owing to its significant size and landlocked setting the Black Sea constitutes a perfect location to study patterns and mechanisms of climate change along the continental interior of Central and Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. Presently, the southern drainage area of the Black Sea is characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate while the northern drainage is under the influence of Central and Northern European climate. During the Last Glacial a decrease in the global sea level disconnected the Black Sea from the Mediterranean Sea transforming it into a giant closed lake. At that time atmospheric precipitation and related with it river run-off were the most important factors driving sediment supply and water chemistry of the Black ‘Lake’. Therefore studying properties of the Black Sea sediments provides important information on the interactions and development of the Mediterranean and Central and North European climate in the past. One significant outcome of my thesis is an improved chronostraphigraphical framework for the glacial lacustrine unit of the Black Sea sediment cores, which allowed to refine the environmental history of the Black Sea region and enabled a reliable correlation with data from other marine and terrestrial archives. Data gathered along a N-S transect presented on a common time scale revealed coherent changes in the basin and its surrounding. During the glacial, the southward-shifted Polar Front reduced moisture transport to the northern drainage of the Black Sea and let the southern drainage become dominant in freshwater and sediment supply into the basin. Changes in NW Anatolian precipitation reconstructed from the variability of the terrigenous input imply that during the glacial the regional rainfall variability was strongly influenced by Mediterranean sea surface temperatures and decreased in response to the cooling associated with the North Atlantic Heinrich Events H1 and H2. In contrast to regional precipitation changes, the hydrological properties of the Black Sea remained relatively stable under full glacial conditions. First significant modification in the freshwater/sediment sources reconstructed from changes in the sediment composition, lithology, and 18O of ostracods took place at around 16.4 cal ka BP, simultaneous to the early deglacial northward retreat of the oceanic and atmospheric polar fronts. Meltwater pulses, most probably derived from the disintegrating European ice sheets, changed the isotopic composition of the Black Sea and increased the supply from northern sediment sources. While these changes signalized a mitigation of the Northern European and Mediterranean climate, a decisive increase in local temperature was indicated only later at the transition from the Oldest Dryas to the Bølling around 14.6 cal ka BP. At that time the warming of the Black Sea surface initiated massive phytoplankton blooms, which in turn, induced the precipitation of inorganic carbonates. This biologically triggered process significantly changed the water chemistry and was recorded by simultaneous shifts in the elemental composition of ostracod shells and in the isotopic composition of the inorganically-precipitated carbonates. Starting with the B/A warming and continuing through the YD cold interval and the Early Holocene warming, the Black Sea temperature signal corresponds to the precipitation and temperature changes recorded in the wider Mediterranean region. Early Holocene conditions, similar to those of the Bølling/Allerød, were punctured by the marine inflow from the Mediterranean at ~ 9.3 cal ka BP, which terminated the lacustrine phase of the Black Sea and had a substantial impact on the chemical and physical properties of its water. / Aus Paläoumweltdaten lassen sich detaillierte Informationen über die spätquartäre Klimaentwicklung gewinnen. Für die kontinentalen mittleren Breiten ist das Gesamtbild der Klimaänderungen während dieses Zeitraumes aufgrund seiner Vielfältigkeit allerdings noch immer unvollständig. Eine ideale Loka-tion, das Muster und die Mechanismen der Klimaänderungen in Osteuropa und Kleinasien zu untersu-chen, ist das Schwarze Meer mit seiner bedeutenden Größe und seiner kontinentalen Lage. Gegenwärtig ist das südliche Einzugsgebiet des Schwarzen Meeres durch ein mediterranes Klima ge-prägt, während die nördlichen Regionen von zentral- bzw. nordeuropäischem Klima beeinflusst werden. Als im letzten Glazial der Meeresspiegel so stark sank, dass das Schwarze Meer vom Mittelmeer abge-trennt und zu einem großen, abflusslosen See wurde, waren der atmosphärische Niederschlag und der damit verbundene Abfluss die wesentlichen Steuerfaktoren für Sedimenteintrag und Wasserchemie des Schwarzen „Sees“. Deshalb liefert die Untersuchung der Sedimente des Schwarzen Meeres wichtige Informationen über die früheren Zusammenhänge sowie die Entwicklung von mediterranem und zentral- bzw. nordeuropäischem Klima. Das bedeutsamste Ergebnis meiner Doktorarbeit ist ein verbessertes Altersmodell für Sedimentkerne aus dem westlichen Schwarzen Meer; dieses erlaubt eine genauere Rekonstruktion der Entwicklungsge-schichte dieses Binnenmeeres und seiner Umgebung und ermöglicht einen fundierten Vergleich mit an-deren marinen und terrestrischen Archiven. Daten, die entlang eines N-S Transektes im westlichen Be-reich des Schwarzen Meeres erfasst wurden und auf einer gemeinsamen Zeitskala dargestellt werden, lassen die folgenden zusammenhängenden Entwicklungen im Becken und seiner Umgebung erkennen: Während des Glazials war der Feuchtigkeitstransport zum nördlichen Einzugsgebiet des Schwarzen Meeres aufgrund der südwärts verlagerten Polarfront vermindert, so dass Süßwasser und Sedimente vor-rangig aus dem südlichen Einzugsgebiet in das Becken gelangten. Die Rekonstruktion von Nieder-schlagsänderungen mit Hilfe von Schwankungen des terrigenen Eintrags zeigt, dass der regionale Nie-derschlag im Glazial stark von den Wasseroberflächentemperaturen des Mittelmeeres beeinflusst wurde und als Folge der Abkühlung während der nordatlantischen Heinrich-Ereignisse H1 und H2 abnahm. Im Gegensatz dazu blieb das Schwarze Meer während des Hochglazials hydrologisch relativ stabil. Die Sedimentzusammensetzung, Lithologie und δ18O-Werte von Ostracoden zeigen, dass erste signifi-kante Änderungen im Frischwasser- und Sedimenteintrag zeitgleich mit dem frühglazialen nordwärtigen Rückzug der ozeanischen und atmosphärischen Polarfronten um 16.4 cal ka BP auftraten. Der Schmelz-wassereintrag abschmelzender europäischer Eisflächen veränderte die Isotopenzusammensetzung des Wassers und erhöhte die Sedimentzufuhr aus den nördlichen Quellen. Während diese Änderungen auf ein bereits milderes Klima in Nordeuropa und im Mittelmeerraum hin-deuten, zeigt sich ein Anstieg der lokalen Temperaturen erst während des Übergangs von der Älteren Dryas zum Bølling/Allerød um etwa 14.6 cal. ka BP. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt führte ein wahrscheinlicher Anstieg der Wasseroberflächentemperaturen im Schwarzen Meer zu einem massiven Phytoplankton-wachstum, welcher die Ausfällung anorganischen Karbonats zur Folge hatte. Dieser biologisch ausgelös-te Prozess veränderte maßgeblich die Wasserchemie und spiegelt sich in simultanen Veränderungen der Elementzusammensetzung von Ostracoden und der Isotopenzusammensetzung von anorganisch ausge-fälltem Karbonat wieder. Beginnend mit dem Bølling/Allerød, durch die Jüngere Dryas Kälteperiode und die frühholozäne Erwärmung hindurch, deckt sich das Temperatursignal des Schwarzen Meeres mit den Niederschlags- und Temperaturänderungen des weiteren Mittelmeerraumes. Das Frühholozän war, ähnlich wie das Bølling/Allerød, durch das Einströmen salzhaltigen Meerwassers aus dem Mittelmeer gekennzeichnet (~9.5 cal. ka BP), welches die lakustrine Phase des Schwarzen Mee-res beendete und einen erheblichen Einfluss auf seine chemischen und physikalischen Wassereigen-schaften ausübte.

Retrofitting CHP Plant and Optimization of Regional Energy System

Han, Song January 2011 (has links)
The use of biomass-based combined heat and power (CHP) plants is considered by the EU administration to be an effective way to increase the use of renewables in the energy system, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to alleviate the dependency on imported fossil fuels. At present in Sweden, most of the CHP plants are operated in part-load mode because of variations in heat demand. Further use of the potential heat capacity from CHP plants is an opportunity for integration with other heat-demanding processes. Retrofitting the conventional CHP plants by integration with bioethanol and pellet production processes is considered a feasible and efficient way to improve the plants’ performances.   Modeling and simulation of the CHP plant integrated with feedstock upgrading, bioethanol production and pellet production is performed to analyze the technical and economic feasibility. When integrating with bioethanol production, the exhaust flue gas from the CHP plant is used to dry the hydrolysis solid residues (HSR) instead of direct condensation in the flue gas condenser (FGC). This drying process not only increases the overall energy efficiency (OEE) of the CHP plant but also increases the power output relative to the system using only a FGC. Furthermore, if steam is extracted from the turbine of the CHP plant and if it is used to dry the HSR together with the exhaust flue gas, pellets can be produced and the bioethanol production costs can be reduced by 30% compared with ethanol cogeneration plants.   Three optional pellet production processes integrated with an existing biomass-based CHP plant using different raw materials are studied to determine their annual performance. The option of pellet production integrated with the existing CHP plant using exhaust flue gas and superheated steam for drying allows for a low specific pellet production cost, short payback time and significant CO2 reduction. A common advantage of the three options is a dramatic increase in the total annual power production and a significant CO2 reduction, in spite of a decrease in power efficiency.   The retrofitted biomass-based CHP plants play a crucial role in the present and future regional energy system. The total costs are minimized for the studied energy system by using wastes as energy sources. Analyses of scenarios for the coming decades are performed to describe how to achieve a regional fossil fuel-free energy system. It is possible to achieve the target by upgrading and retrofitting the present energy plants and constructing new ones. The conditions and obstacles have also been presented and discussed through optimizing the locations for proposed new energy plants and planting energy crops. / REMOWE, CSC

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