Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lead production,"" "subject:"leaf production,""
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Effektivisering av materialhanteringen i godsmottagningen hos Atlas Copco Construction Tools AB / Improving material handling at the goods receipt area at Atlas Copco Construction Tools ABOlsson, Zdenac, Adam, Darmin January 2017 (has links)
Målet med denna studie är att hjälpa fallföretaget med att minska materialhanteringen på avdelningen internlogistik, som bland annat innefattar godsmottagning och lagerhantering. Detta kommer att göras genom framtagning av en ny anläggningslayout. Genom automatisering av utlastningen och den nya layouten reduceras och/eller elimineras slöserier i form av transport, tid, etc. samtidigt som ett effektivare flöde skapas internt på företaget. För att kunna genomföra denna studien har kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder använts vid datainsamlingen för att säkerställa att studien erhåller en hög vetenskaplig trovärdighet. Bakgrunden till att studien genomfördes är för att det blivit en svårighet för växande industriföretag att kunna hantera materialhanteringen på grund av för mycket arbete och kunna ha en effektiv internlogistik. Detta i sin tur ligger i grund för företag att kunna uppnå hög utnyttjandegrad, effektivt flöde och en välplanerad internlogistik för att kunna bli starkare gentemot konkurrenterna.
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Racionalizace výrobního systému v Boltjes International spol.s r.o. / Rationalization of the production system at Boltjes International spol. s r.o.Kavanová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This work focuses on the issues related to improving the manufacturing process effectiveness in the company Boltjes International spol. s r.o, based on the principles of lean manufacturing. It mainly comes out from the theoretical principles of the Toyota Production System. Based on the analysis of the organisation of the manufacturing system of the company Boltjes the graduation theses describes problematic areas. The paper establishes their priorities and submits practical proposals and recommended solutions in the direction of higher productivity of the complete manufacturing process. The paper uses for these solutions a method of a qualified significance tree and the mapping of the manufacturing flows. The paper deals with stock management, organisation of the manufacturing system and with management of human resources.
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Lean production system : Implementering av Lean samt dess hinder utifrån ett organisatoriskt perspektiv / Lean production system : Implementation of Lean as well as its obstacles from an organizational perspectiveOmar, Khaled, Salihovic, Ervin January 2018 (has links)
I denna rapport med titeln Lean production system-Implementering av produktionssystem samt dess hinder utifrån ett organisatoriskt perspektiv, granskas kategorierna organisationsteori och Lean production system inom ramen för rapportens studie av ett fordonstillverkande företag. Specifikt ligger fokus på organisationskulturer, konflikter och motivationsteorier, men även utvecklings- och förbättringsprocesser, olika typer av slöserier som frekvent dyker upp och ledarskap ägnas uppmärksamhet med avseende på att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur en befintlig organisationskultur påverkas vid implementering av Lean production system och hur slöserier kan uppstå. En av rapportens intentioner är att beskriva och analysera varför organisationer som implementerar och genomför Lean production system och integrerar detta i det egna produktionssystemet, kan uppleva svårigheter och medverka till att organisationer inte uppnår sina fulla potentialer. Föreliggande rapport använder som exempel i denna framställning företaget Volvo Cars i Göteborg som kategoriseras som en Lean hybrid. En Lean hybrid är företag som implementerat Lean production system med sitt egna produktionssystem och följer de principer Lean production system förespråkar. En viktig aspekt som underbygger syftet är att kunna beskriva de konsekvenser som sannolikt blir följden då organisationer inte anpassar strukturerna i sina produktionssystem efter vad Lean production system förespråkar om gällande förbättringsarbeten och arbetet mot att eliminera slöserier. Omvänt innebär detta att om befintliga produktionssystemen följer vissa principer och premisser, ska de verktyg och metoder som Lean production system erbjuder, vara giltiga och effektiva i målet att förbättra och förenkla Syftet med rapporten var att undersöka varför organisationer med befintliga produktionssystem stöter på hinder och problem med att implementera och genomföra Lean production system i sina organisationer, samt hur stort inflytande organisationskultur och förhållningssätt har i denna process. Rapportens metodansats utgörs av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder med tyngdpunkt på kvalitativ metod. En litteraturstudie har genomförts via de databaser som högskolan erbjuder. Insamling av data har skett genom observation, intervjuer och simuleringar för att få ett helhetsperspektiv på nuläget i Volvo Cars i Göteborg. Rapportens resultat visar att en specifik organisationskultur kan medverka till att produktionsnedsättande faktorer som slöserier, tröghet i information och instruktion flödet, subkulturer, konflikter och bristande motivation skapas eller fortsätter att existera, men pekar också på vikten av att en organisationskulturs policy bör gestaltas på alla nivåer i en organisationsstruk- 2 - tur. Problem och hinder kan således skapas och uppstå när det saknas en gemensam värdegrund för ledarskap, utbildning och kompetensutveckling. En konsekvens av detta är att produktionsnedsättande faktorer tenderar att bäddas in i redan befintliga och standardiserade rutiner, där förbättringsarbeten paradoxalt nog skapar en negativ utveckling av produktionsprocesser och med tiden utvecklas till typ-II slöserier. / In this report entitled Lean production system- Implementation of Lean as well as its obstacles from an organizational perspective, the categories of organization theory and Lean production system are examined in the context of the report's study of a vehicle-making company. Specifically, the focus is on organizational cultures, conflicts and motivational theories, but also development and improvement processes, different types of waste and leadership. Attention is given to creating a deeper understanding of how an existing organizational culture is influenced by implementation of Lean production systems and how wastes can occur. One of the intentions of the report is to describe and analyze why organizations that implement and carry out Lean production systems and integrate this into their own production system can experience difficulties and help organizations not achieve their full potentials. The present report uses, for example, in this study the company Volvo Cars in Gothenburg, categorized as a Lean hybrid. A Lean hybrid is a company that implemented Lean production system with its own production system and adheres to the principles lean pro duction system advocates. An important aspect that underpins the purpose isto be able to describe the consequences that are likely to be followed when organizations do not adapt the structures in their production systems according to the Lean production system and what it advocates on continuous improvement efforts and efforts to eliminate waste. Conversely, this means that if existing production systems following certain principles and premises, the tools and methods provided by the Lean production system should be valid and effective in the goal of improving and simplifying. The purpose of the report was to investigate why organizations with existing production systems encounter obstacles and problems in implementing and carrying through Lean production systems in their organizations, as well as the influence of organizational culture and approaches in this process. The method of assessment of the report consists of qualitative and quantitative methods with a focus on qualitative methodology. A literature study has been conducted through the databases offered by the university. Data collection has been through observation, interviews and simulations to get a full-view perspective at the current moment in Volvo Cars in Gothenburg. The report's results show that a specific organizational culture can contribute to the creation or continuation of production-reducing factors such as waste, inertia in information & instruction flow, subcultures, conflicts and lack of motivation. However, it also emphasizes the importance of organizational culture policy being embodied at all levels in an organizational structure. Problems and obstacles can thus be created and arise when there is no common value base for leadership, education and competence development. One consequence of this is that production-lowering factors tend to be embedded in existing and standardized practices, where improvement efforts paradoxically create a negative development of production processes and eventually develop into Type II wastes.
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Dagens Polis- Ros eller Ris? : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelser av myndighetens omorganisationBergman, Malin, Flodin, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Organisationsförändringar kan medföra risker som innefattar oro, stress och konflikter inom verksamheten. Det är inte ovanligt att ledningen förväntar sig att verksamheten ska fungera som den alltid gjort samtidigt som genomförandearbetet läggs på medarbetarna. Risken finns att en organisationsförändring kan ge konsekvenser som innebär att folk säger upp sig. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att ta reda på hur omorganisationen av polismyndigheten som genomfördes den 1 Januari 2015 upplevs av poliser i den ingripande verksamheten. Vi vill skapa förståelse för hur polisens arbete har påverkats i och med organisationsförändringen. Det som gör vår studie unik och egen är att den på ett nyanserat sätt belyser nya aspekter av omorganisationen ur en sociologisk synvinkel, med fokus på polisernas egna känslor och upplevelser. Teorierna vi valt att utgå ifrån behandlar organisationsförändring ur ett strukturellt perspektiv men även på individnivå. Organisationsmodellerna Lean Production, Den byråkratiska organisationsformen och Organisationsförändringsteorin har vi valt att tillämpa för att skapa förståelse för hur poliserna upplever omorganisationens verksamhetsidé i praktiken. Vi har även använt oss av teorierna Alienation och Erkännande för att få en djupare förståelse för hur poliserna upplever att omorganisationen har påverkat deras arbete och arbetsvillkor. Vår sociologiska analys kommer grunda sig i samtliga teorier, vetenskapliga artiklar och den empiriska sammanställningen genom en utförlig diskussion i förhållande till varandra. Vi har använt oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt där den empiriska datan samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den insamlade empirin tillsammans med med våra teoretiska utgångspunkter lade grunden för vår analys samt avslutande reflektioner och slutsatser. Slutsatsen vi kunde dra utifrån polisernas upplevelser av omorganisationen är att det var brist på kommunikation och information under reformens genomförande, vilket i sin tur skapade motstånd och friktioner i relation till polisernas försämrade arbetsvillkor. / Unsuccessful organizational changes can imply risks that include anxiety, stress and conflicts within the agency. While the management expects the agency to function as it always has, it is not uncommon for the implementation work to be imposed on the employees. Therefore, there is a risk that organizational changes can have consequences that results in people resigning. This bachelor's thesis aims to examine how the reorganization of the Swedish police which implemented on January 1, 2015 is experienced by cops in Intervention activities. Furthermore, we also intended to create an understanding for how police work has been affected by this particular organizational change. What makes our study unique is that it in a nuanced way highlights new aspects of the reorganization from a sociological approach directed on the police officers own emotions and experiences related to the organizational change. The theories we have chosen to start from deal with organizational change from a structural perspective, but also at the individual level. The organizational models Lean Production, The Bureaucratic organizational form and The organizational change theory we have chosen to apply to create an understanding of how the police experience the reorganization's business idea in practice. We have also used the theories Alienation and The struggle to Recognition to gain a deeper understanding of how the police experience that the reorganization has affected their work and working conditions. Our sociological analysis will be based on all theories, scientific articles and the empirical compilation through a detailed discussion in relation to each other. Our study had been based on a qualitative approach through which we collected the empirical data by semi-structured interviews. The collected empirics, associated with our theoretical basis, formed the foundation for our analysis as well as our concluding reflections and conclusions. The most comprehensive conclusion we can compose from the police officers personal experiences of the reorganization, is that there was a deficient communication and information related to the reform that constituted resistance and frictions within the agency.
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Effektivisering av materialhantering kring utleverans : En fallstudie kring förbättring av materialhanteringsprocess hos EAB / Streamlining material handling fordelivery : A case study for improvement in the material handlingprocess at EABWadeskog Kockum, Jonah, Carlsson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Studien är utförd som en fallstudie på EAB i Smålandsstenar med syftet och målet att systematiskt demonstrera hur en materialhanteringsprocess kan omorganiseras hos växande företag för att skapa en effektivare process och bidra till bättre arbetsmiljö. För att uppnå det har observationer och intervjuer skett löpande under studien för att skapa ett nuläge att utgå från. Det användes som grund för analysen av nuvarande arbetssätt jämfört med litteraturens teoretiska ideal. Genom analysen togs ett resultat och en lösning fram där en ny lageryta presenteras för att minska avstånden i materialhanteringsprocessen. Arbetssättet till lösningen kan appliceras på olika företag. Genom de minskade avstånden kan både tid, pengar och energi sparas in. Inte minst bidrar det till en bättre arbetsmiljö för medarbetare. Det finns utrymme för vidare forskning inom scanners, informationsflöden, automation och miljöpåverkan.
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Lean healthcare: recomendações para implantações dos conceitos de produção enxuta em ambientes hospitalares / Lean healthcare: recommendations for implementations of the concepts of lean production in hospital environmentsBertani, Thiago Moreno 14 September 2012 (has links)
O sistema de produção que foca na geração de valor para o cliente e na eliminação de desperdícios já demonstrou seu poder no setor manufatureiro e agora começa a chamar a atenção do setor de bens e serviços. Um enfoque crescente, em particular, está sendo dado à aplicação dos conceitos lean no setor de saúde, sendo comumente denominado lean healthcare. A literatura apresenta diversos casos de hospitais que iniciaram sua jornada lean e já colhem seus resultados. Este trabalho visa analisar alguns desses casos, acompanhar e relatar uma aplicação prática conduzida pelo autor e, como resultado, contribuir com recomendações para condução de futuras implantações de conceitos lean em hospitais. / The production system that focuses on eliminating waste and generating value for the customer has already demonstrated its power on manufacturing sector and now is beginning to draw the attention of industry goods and services. An increasing focus, in particular, is being given to the application of lean concepts in the health sector, commonly known as Lean Healthcare. The literature contains several cases of hospitals that began their lean journey and most have good results. This paper aims to examine some of these cases, report a practical application conducted by the author and, as a result, to contribute with recommendations for future implementations of lean concepts in hospitals.
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Metodologia de padronização de uma célula de fabricação e de montagem, integrando ferramentas de produção enxuta / Standardization methodology of production and assembly cell, combining lean manufacturing toolsPerin, Pedro Claudinei 25 August 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe criar uma metodologia para a padronização de atividades de células de manufatura e de montagem. A metodologia compreende a seleção de algumas ferramentas de produção enxuta e de uma aplicação das mesmas. O desenvolvimento da metodologia ocorre em conjunto com a aplicação, caracterizando desta forma uma pesquisa-ação, uma vez que conceitos e ferramentas são revisados e adequados durante as aplicações. A metodologia é baseada no evento kaizen e sua aplicação tem duração de dois meses. O evento kaizen é utilizado na primeira semana e as demais semanas são dedicadas para acompanhamento das ações de melhorias. As duas últimas semanas são dedicadas à avaliação de resultados. Publicações na literatura científica relacionadas à padronização são poucas, por esta razão pode-se afirmar que este trabalho tem uma contribuição academicamente relevante com o tema e que empresas podem conhecer os requisitos básicos para aplicação da metodologia, podendo explorar seus benefícios. Um dos passos importante da metodologia é a definição das melhores práticas. A participação dos operadores na validação da distribuição das atividades para cada operador e na definição do ritmo de produção é um dos requisitos para o sucesso da implementação. Um processo padronizado permite distinguir uma situação normal de uma anormal. Desta forma ações corretivas podem ser definidas e implementadas. Esta metodologia apresenta um método simples para definição da capacidade instalada e de utilização de operador e máquina de uma célula de manufatura. A aplicação acontece em uma empresa de autopeça. Durante a aplicação, conceitos de manufatura enxuta são disseminados e as pessoas são instigadas a encontrar os desperdícios dentro do processo a ser padronizado. Esta metodologia é resultado de mais de quatorze aplicações e uma delas é utilizada neste trabalho para descrever a metodologia de padronização. / This research proposes to build a methodology for standardization activities of a manufacturing process. The methodology consists of a selection of tools from lean manufacturing systems and of application method. The development of this methodology occurred in parallel with his application, when conceptions and tools are revised and adapted. The standardization methodology is based on kaizen event and whole application takes two months. The kaizen event is used at the first week, when the bets practice are defined and implemented. The rest of the schedule is used for follow up and improvement action implementation. The two last week are dedicated for results analyzes. At science literature, publications about manufacturing activities standardization are not much available. Considered that, it might affirm this research has academic contributions for the theme and organization can find some basic requirement for standardization work application. One of the important phases of the methodology is to define the best practice. The labor participation is one of the requirements for implementation successes. Their participation at the validation of task operator distribution and cycle time definition, ensure the maintenance of standardized work. A standardize process enable distinguish one normal condition of abnormal one. Then corrective action can be defined and implemented. This methodology presents a simple method to define the real install capacity andthe labor and machine utilization of the manufacturing cells. The application occurs at assembly supplier company. During the application, lean manufacturing concepts are disseminated and the people are instigated to find the waste into the process. This methodology is result of more than fourteen applications and one of then is used in this dissertation to describe the methodology.
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Implantação de um sistema MRP em ambiente de produção enxuta com alta diversidade de componentes e sazonalidade / Deployment of MRP within an environment of lean production with high diversity of components and seasonalityMarques, Dani Marcelo Nonato 05 May 2008 (has links)
Nenhum sistema ou lógica específica é a solução para todos os problemas de administração industrial. Desta forma as empresas estão adotando a integração entre lógicas e sistemas, no intuito de atingir melhores soluções. Entre outras miscigenações, as empresas estão buscando unir as lógicas dos MRP com os sistemas de produção enxuta. Portanto o objetivo deste trabalho é modelar a implantação de um sistema MRP (Material Requirement Planning), como parte da implantação de um ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) em uma empresa produtora de implementos agrícolas, a qual possui o sistema de produção enxuta implantado desde 1998. Esta proposta está fundamentada na teoria da inovação, na teoria de redes, nos sistemas de produção enxuta, nos sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) e nos sistemas híbridos de produção, os quais utilizam tanto componentes dos sistemas ERP, como o MRP neste caso, quanto conceitos de sistemas de produção enxuta. O recorte analítico de redes de inovação permite verificar as ligações e os relacionamentos entre empresas e entre os departamentos dentro da mesma corporação. A análise é realizada a partir do projeto de implantação do MRP, passando pela entrada do MRP no ar até a sua estabilização no ambiente produtivo. O ponto principal é que o sistema MRP auxilie as operações da empresa em agilidade no tempo de resposta sobre oscilações de demanda, facilite o processo de criação e controle de filias em outros paises que utilizam componentes produzidos na matriz e garanta cálculos de estoques mais precisos. Como resultado final, apresenta-se a modelagem organizacional feita com a metodologia EKD para representar os atores e os recursos que devem estar envolvidos neste processo de implantação do MRP para a nova configuração do sistema produtivo. / No system or specific logic is the solution to all the problems of industrial management. Thus companies are adopting the integration of logic and systems in order to achieve better solutions. Among other mixtures, companies are seeking to unite with the logics of MRP systems of lean production. So the goal of this paper is to shape the deployment of a system MRP (Material Requeriment Planning), as part of the deployment of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in a company producing agricultural implements, which has a system of lean production deployed since 1998. This proposal is based on the theory of innovation in the theory of networks, systems of lean production in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and hybrids systems, which uses both components of ERP systems such as MRP in this case, as concepts of systems of lean production. The indentation test networks of innovation allows you to check the connections and relationships between companies and between departments within the same corporation. The analysis is performed from the project deployment of MRP, through entry of MRP in the air until its stabilization in the productive environment. The main point that the MRP system assists the company\'s operations in agility in response time for on fluctuations in demand, facilitates the process of creating and controlling filias in other countries that use components produced in the matrix and ensures more accurate calculations of stock. As a final result, it is the modeling organizational made to the methodology EKD to represent the actors and resources that should be involved in this process of implementation of MRP for the new configuration of the production system.
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Relações entre a produção enxuta e a complexidade dos sistemas sócio-técnicosSoliman, Marlon January 2018 (has links)
A necessidade das empresas em aumentar sua eficiência produtiva tem despertado a atenção para a temática da produção enxuta (PE) desde a década de 90. No entanto, é notória a crescente elevação da complexidade organizacional atualmente, de tal forma que os sistemas produtivos estão cada vez mais conectados e sujeitos à imprevisibilidade e dinamismo do ambiente externo. Nesse sentido, estudos recentes apontam que a complexidade é responsável por restringir o avanço das práticas enxutas. Contudo, estes estudos não se encontram apoiados pela teoria da complexidade, o que é inconsistente, visto que a complexidade também pode assumir um papel importante na sustentação da PE. Assim, a pesquisa apresentada nesta tese de doutorado teve como objetivo caracterizar e avaliar as relações entre a produção enxuta e a complexidade dos sistemas sócio-técnicos onde a mesma é implantada. A estratégia de pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas: pesquisa exploratória; descritiva; e explicativa. Na primeira fase, uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi conduzida para evidenciar o estado da arte em relação à temática e as lacunas de conhecimento existentes. Após, um estudo na forma de survey buscouse caracterizar como as empresas com maior nível de adoção dos princípios enxutos diferem-se das demais em relação à complexidade de seus sistemas. Por último, a etapa explicativa buscou através de um estudo de caso identificar e avaliar as lacunas entre a PE como imaginada e como de fato realizada, destacando-se o papel da complexidade nestas lacunas. Esta pesquisa apresenta contribuições acadêmicas e práticas ao descrever e avaliar como a PE se relaciona com a complexidade dos sistemas sócio-técnicos, levando-se em conta a natureza distinta desses sistemas. / The need of companies to increase productive efficiency has been paying attention to the issue of lean production since the 1990s. However, the increasing organizational complexity is evident today, so that production systems are more connected and subject to the unpredictability and dynamism of the external environment. In this sense, recent studies indicate that complexity is responsible for restricting the advance of lean practices. However, these studies are not supported by complexity theory, which is inconsistent, since complexity may also play an important role in sustaining PE. Thus, the research presented in this doctoral thesis aimed to characterize and evaluate the relations between lean production and the complexity of the socio-technical systems where it is adopted. The research strategy was divided into three stages: exploratory research; descriptive; and explanatory. In the first phase, a systematic review of the literature was conducted to show the state of the art in relation to the theme and the existing knowledge gaps. Afterwards, a study in the form of a survey sought to characterize how companies with a higher level of lean principles adoption differ from others in relation to the complexity of their systems. Finally, the explanatory step sought through a case study to identify and evaluate the gaps between lean as imagined and lean as actually done, highlighting the role of complexity in these gaps. This research presents academic and practical contributions by describing and evaluating how LP is related to the complexity of socio-technical systems, taking into account the distinct nature of these systems.
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Hantering av interna och externa variationer : En fallstudie kring implementering av TWI-JI på Holtab / Managing of internal and external variations : A case study of implementing TWI-JI on HoltabBorensved, Josephine, Burtus Sevemar, Rebecca, Hedlund, Markus January 2018 (has links)
När en process innehåller variationer är riskerna stora att den producerar kvalitetsbrister och är ineffektiv. Variationer kan orsakas av att operatörer arbetar på olika sätt och därför tar det olika tid för operatörerna att slutföra uppgiften. Oftast finns det även variationer i att slutföra uppgiften för samma operatör.Fallstudien är utförd med syfte att skapa djupare förståelse hur en förbättrad upplärning kan förenkla hanteringen av interna och externa variationer. Detta genom att utforma TWI-JI på en monteringsprocess.Genom att observera, intervjua och föra tidsstudier på fallföretaget togs en nulägesanalys fram. Genom att analysera den teoretiska samt empiriska data noggrant har de positiva effekterna av en implementering av en förbättrad upplärning tagits fram och diskuterats.
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