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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fondation du ministère des Affaires étrangères du Liban sous la présidence de Béchara El-Khoury (1943-1952) : l'institutionnalisation de la politique étrangère et ses limites / The foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon under the Presidency of Bishara El-Khoury (1943-1952) : the institutionalization of the foreign policy and its limit

Hassoun Abou Jaoudé, Carmen 26 November 2010 (has links)
Cette étude traite de la fondation du ministère des Affaires étrangères du Liban sous le mandat du président Béchara El-Khoury (septembre 1943-septembre 1952), premier chef d'État du Liban indépendant. La création de cette institution étatique a été un enjeu dans le processus d'affranchissement national qui a mis fin au mandat français. L'étude met en évidence la contribution du ministère des Affaires étrangères au parachèvement de l'indépendance et, en particulier, son rôle dans les négociations que le Liban a menées en 1946 en vue de l'évacuation des troupes franco-britanniques de son territoire et qui ont permis à la jeune diplomatie libanaise de faire ses premières preuves. Elle analyse l'oeuvre de structuration du ministère, l'organisation de son administration centrale, la formation de son cadre diplomatique et consulaire ainsi que la création de ses premières légations à l'étranger. Mais au-delà de l'institution étatique et en lien direct avec elle, l'étude s'intéresse à sa fonction, la politique étrangère, et sa transformation, sous le régime de l'indépendance, en politique publique à part entière. Elle met l'accent sur le champ politique, idéologique et social dans lequel le ministère des Affaires étrangères a évolué et la politique étrangère a été élaborée. Elle analyse les parcours et les motivations des "pères fondateurs" du Liban indépendant et les principes de base de leur politique étrangère qui ont guidé le ministère des Affaires étrangères de 1943 à 1952. L'étude tente, enfin, de montrer les limites de l'institutionnalisation de la politique étrangère libanaise à l'épreuve des crises régionales et internationales, notamment l'émergence de la Guerre froide et du conflit israélo-arabe, et leurs répercussions sur les équilibres nationaux institués par le Pacte de 1943. / This study deals with the foundation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon under the Presidency of Bishara El-Khoury (September 1943-September 1952), the first President of the independent Lebanon. The formation of this institution was an important issue in the process that leads Lebanon to its independence and to the end of the French Mandate. The study focuses on the contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this struggle and particularly its role in the negotiations that Lebanon conducted for the evacuation of the French and British troops from its territory, which allowed the young Lebanese diplomacy to experiment its first success. The study also analyses the structuring work of the Ministry, the setting up of its central administration, the formation of its diplomatic and consular staff and the creation of its first diplomatic missions abroad. However, beyond the institution and in close connection with it, the study focuses on its function, the foreign policy, under the independence regime and its transformation into a full public policy. It emphasizes on the political, ideological and social ground in which the ministry was developed and the foreign policy elaborated. It analyses the political career and the motivations of the founding fathers of the independent Lebanon and the principles of their foreign policy that guided the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1943 to 1952. The study, finally, try to show the limits of the institutionalization of the Lebanese foreign policy that experiments its first regional and international crisis, particularly the rise of the Cold war and the Israeli-Arab conflict, and their consequences on the national balance established by the Pact of 1943.

La transmission de la peur et le lien de filiation traumatique à travers « Abou Kisse » figure folklorique libanais. Étude clinique et culturelle. / The transmission of fear and the link of traumatic descent through "Abu Kisse" Lebanese folk figure. Clinical and cultural study.

Haddad-Mahfouz, Gisèle 09 February 2018 (has links)
Notre étude vise à identifier les caractéristiques verbales et figuratives que les enfants libanais en période de latence représentent de Abou Kisse (Le père du sac ou de l’utérus), figure folklorique de la peur, transmise et utilisée par les parents en vue de discipliner leurs enfants. Nous nous intéressons à évaluer à ce niveau les spécificités du lien de filiation et la part du traumatique qui s'y associent. L'évaluation consiste en une lecture de 222 dessins de Abou Kisse effectués par des enfants de 6 à 10 ans, à l'aide d'une grille d’analyse, d'un entretien semi-directif, du génogramme et du dessin de maison. Auprès des parents, un entretien semi-directif, une analyse du génogramme et la passation des planches (III, IV, VII et IX) du Rorschach sont entrepris. Notre étude montre qu'outre la figuration masculine de Abou Kisse, une identité bisexuée est représentée dans 38.7% des formes humaines de ce personnage, relevant du maternel et du paternel. Abou Kisse s'associe d’une part à un vécu traumatique non élaboré dans l'histoire familiale imprégnée de la culture et de l’histoire du pays et d’autre part à un lien de filiation narcissique qui est à la recherche de la mêmeté aux dépens de l’altérité. Une prévalence de la figure du père imaginaire ainsi qu’une difficulté quant à la permutation symbolique des places et à la différenciation des sexes et des générations se présentent auprès des parents. Le lien de filiation est, en ce cas, traumatique et la représentation de Abou Kisse chez l’enfant repose alors sur la prévalence du père imaginaire, appuyé sur des figurations archaïques de l’imago maternelle, aux dépens du père symbolique ; sur la prévalence d’angoisses primitives de mort et de persécution projetées par l’enfant sur Abou Kisse. / Our study aims to identify the verbal and figurative characteristics that lebanese children in the latency period represent of Abou Kisse (the father of the bag or the uterus), a folkloric figure of fear, transmitted and used by parents in order to discipline their children. We are interested in evaluating at that level the specificities of the filiation bond and the part of traumatic aspects that are associated to it. The evaluation consists of the reading (or the examination) of 222 drawings of Abou Kisse made by children aged between 6 and 10 years and thus through an analysis grid for the drawings, a semi-directive interview, the genogram and a house drawing. Concerning the parents, a semi-directive interview, the analysis of the genogram and the administration of the inkblots (III, IV, VII and IX) of the Rorschach test were realized. Our study shows that beside the masculine figuration of Abou Kisse, a bisexual identity is represented in 38.7% of the human forms of this character related to maternal and paternal aspects. Abou Kisse is associated in part to a none elaborated traumatic experience found in the family history imprinted by the culture and the history of the country and in part to a narcissistic filiation bond in search of sameness at the expense of alterity. The prevalence of the imaginary father along with difficulties in the symbolic permutation of places and in sex and generations differentiation are present amongst parents. The filiation bond is, in this case, traumatic and the representation of Abou Kisse amongst children is based on the prevalence of the imaginary father, with an archaic figuration of the maternal imago, at the expense of the symbolic father; on the prevalence of primitive anxieties of death and persecution projected by the child onto Abou Kisse.

A Content Analysis of Press Coverage of the 1975-1976 Lebanese Civil War by "The New York Times" and "The Times" of London

Husni, Samir A. 05 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to determine (a) the extent of the coverage in total wordage; (b) the direction and intensity of the articles; and (c) the impression conveyed by each newspaper toward the two main parties of the war. The findings show that (a) The New York Times devoted nearly twice as many words to the war as The Times of London; (b) the majority of the articles were neutral; (c) The New York Times was more favorable to the leftists and was as favorable to the rightists as The Times of London; and (d) the two newspapers were consistent in direction, and all deviation from neutrality remained within the limits of mild intensity.

Memória da imigração síria e libanesa nos vales dos rios Acre e Purus - 1900-1975 / Memory of Syria and Lebanese immigration in the valleys of the rivers Purus and Acre - 1900-1975

Valmir Freitas de Araújo 24 March 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a presença de imigrantes sírios e libaneses no Acre, a partir de duas perspectivas distintas. Na primeira, partimos da análise das memorias reminiscentes de dois descendentes da segunda geração de imigrantes, cujas narrativas, reconstituem a trajetória de vida de seus pais, descrevendo as estratégias e os arranjos sociais necessários para conviverem, se estabelecerem e se integrarem à sociedade acolhedora. As narrativas demonstram o entrelaçamento entre o discurso idealizado sobre a memória dos antepassados com a história de vida dos próprios narradores. Na segunda abordagem, pesquisamos em fontes judiciais elementos que demonstrassem a interação dos imigrantes, enquanto grupo, com a sociedade local. Para tanto, analisamos os processos post mortem para compreendermos o perfil dos imigrantes no Acre: como viviam; se casados ou solteiros; em que trabalhavam; como o grupo interagia internamente e com a sociedade local; como morriam; qual o patrimônio que conseguiram formar ao longo da vida; quem era beneficiado com heranças. Nos Inquéritos Policiais e Processos Criminais, analisamos a interação entre homens sírios e libaneses com mulheres brasileiras, e a forma como delitos impactantes (estupros, defloramento e espancamentos) praticados por estes imigrantes contra mulheres locais eram encarados pela sociedade e pelo poder público. / This research analyses the presence of the Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Acre (Brazil), from two different perspectives. In first perspective, we start from the analysis of two descendants of the second generation of immigrants reminiscent memories, whose narratives recount the life trajectory of their parents, describing strategies and the social arrangements needed to mingle, settle and integrate into the welcoming society. The narratives demonstrate the intertwining between the idealized discourse on the memory of their ancestors with the life story of the own narrators. In the second approach, we research judicial sources elements that demonstrate the interaction of immigrants as a group with the local society. To this end, we examined post mortem procedures to understand the profile of immigrants in Acre: how they lived; if they were married or single; which were their jobs; how they interacted internally and with the local society; how they died; what equity they could form over the life; who was benefited with inheritances. In the Police Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions, we analyze the interaction between Syrian and Lebanese men with Brazilian women, and how impactful delicts (rape, deflowering and beatings) practiced by these immigrants against local women were regarded by society and by the Government.

Les conceptions de la RSE dans les banques libanaises / The conceptions of the CSR in the Lebanese banks

Abdallah, Mayssaa 29 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral vise à mieux connaître les conceptions des dirigeants de la RSE dans les banques libanaises ainsi que l’intérêt qu’ils accordent à leurs parties prenantes en analysant leurs pratiques managériales. La responsabilité sociale est devenue un concept très répandu dans l’environnement des affaires et les domaines académiques occidentaux. Nous nous sommes intéressée aux caractéristiques de la RSE dans des banques réputées être performantes dans un contexte économique et social instable dû aux conflits politiques en présence d’un État anéanti. Notre recherche porte sur les vingt premières banques au Liban dont le total de leur actif représente 95% du total actif des banques commerciales opérantes au Liban sur une période s’étalant de 2010 à 2012. Ce secteur est considéré comme le catalyseur principal de croissance dans un contexte économique ouvert et libéral. Nous avons opté pour la recherche qualitative et nous nous sommes appuyée sur une épistémologie interprétativiste et une démarche de recherche par exploration hybride dans une logique abductive. Nous devons dire que l’expression « RSE » était mal interprétée par certains dirigeants interviewés. Leurs dires tirés des entrevues que nous avons menées ainsi que les rapports annuels et sites Internet s’assimilent à des publicités trompeuses et des actions philanthropiques.Nous avons pu constater que les actions dites RSE au Liban prennent des aspects ou des formes génériques ou périphériques selon la nomination de Martinet et Payaud (2008). / This doctoral work aims at knowing better the conceptions of the managers of the CSR in the Lebanese banks as well as the interest which they grant to their stakeholders by analyzing their managerial practices. The social responsibility became a very wide-spread concept in the environment of the business and the western academic domains. We were interested in the characteristics of the CSR in renowned banks to be successful in an unstable economic and social environment due to the political conflicts in the presence of an annihilated government. Our research concerns the first twenty banks in Lebanon which total of their asset represents 95% of the total asset of the effective commercial banks in Lebanon between 2010 and 2012. This sector is considered as the main catalyst of growth in an open and liberal economic environment. We opted for the qualitative research and we leaned on an interpretativiste epistemology and an approach of research by hybrid exploration in an abductive logic. We have to say that the expression "CSR" was badly interpreted by certain interviewed managers. Their speeches revealed by the interviews, as well as annual reports and web sites assimilate to misleading advertising and philanthropic actions. We were able to notice that the said CSR actions in Lebanon take generic or peripheral forms according to Martinet and Payaud (2008).

Hypercholestérolémie familiale : recherche de nouveaux gènes et étude des formes polygéniques / Familial hypercholesterolemia : research of new genes and study of polygenic forms

Ghaleb, Youmna 28 September 2017 (has links)
L’hypercholestérolémie familiale à transmission autosomique dominante (ADH), caractérisée par une élévation des taux plasmatiques en cholestérol total et LDL-C, est due à des altérations de 4 gènes : LDLR, APOB, PCSK9 et APOE. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’identifier de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans l’ADH. L’identification de nouveaux gènes sera suivie de l’étude des mécanismes physiopathologiques liés à leurs mutations. Un deuxième objectif est de calculer le score génétique (GRS) chez tous les individus appartenant à 5 familles où une mutation FH a déjà été identifiée afin de déterminer si une forme polygénique expliquerait les cas de phénocopies observés. Parallèlement, nous avons mené une étude dans la population libanaise caractérisée par une fréquence élevée de dyslipidémie et qui représente un outil d’étude remarquable au plan génétique du fait de l’existence d’une forte homogénéité du fond génétique.Ce projet de recherche a permis de révéler un gène candidat pouvant être impliqué dans l’ADH : LRP6. De plus il a permis de remettre en question le rôle du récepteur LRP6 jusqu’à présent considéré comme un protagoniste important dans l’internalisation des LDL. Des études supplémentaires sont encore nécessaires afin de confirmer ou non l’implication de ce gène dans l’ADH et de déterminer son rôle exact dans le métabolisme du cholestérol. Concernant le score polygénique, nous avons montré que le GRS ne peut pas être considéré comme un outil de diagnostic pour différencier les sujets avec une hypercholestérolémie monogénique de ceux avec une hypercholestérolémie polygénique et ne peut pas être utilisé pour expliquer les cas de phénocopies / Atherosclerosis and its cardiovascular complications are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major cardiovascular risk factors and it affects one in 20 subjects in the general population. Autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia (ADH), characterized by elevated plasma total cholesterol and LDL-C levels, is due to alterations in 4 genes: LDLR, APOB, PCSK9 and APOE. The fundamental work of Brown and Goldstein revealed the important role of the mutations in the LDLR gene in ADH and contributed to the development of a major class of cholesterol-lowering drugs: statins. Similarly, the discovery by Abifadel et al. in 2003 of the first hypercholesterolemic mutations of PCSK9 was the starting point of an adventure which resulted, 12 years later, in the development of a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs: anti-PCSK9 antibodies. The main objective of this thesis is to discover new genes, major genetic factors and modifiers involved in ADH. The identification of new genes will be followed by the study of the pathophysiological mechanisms linked to their mutations. A second objective of this work is to calculate the genetic risk score (GRS) in all individuals belonging to 5 families where a mutation responsible of the hypercholesterolemic phenotype has been already identified in order to determine whether a polygenic form would explain the phenocopies observed in these families. In parallel to these two projects, we conducted a study in the Lebanese population which is characterized by a high incidence of dyslipidemia. In this population, it is interesting to conduct genetic studies because of the existence of a limited number of sub-populations that constitute "genetic isolates" with a high homogeneity of their genetic background, making it easier to study many hereditary diseases such as familial hypercholesterolemia. The results obtained in this project revealed a candidate gene that could be involved in ADH: LRP6. Moreover, it allowed us to question about the exact role of the LRP6 receptor until now considered as an important protagonist in the internalization of LDL particles. Further studies are still needed to confirm whether or not this gene is involved in ADH and to determine its exact role in cholesterol metabolism. Concerning the genetic score, we have shown that the GRS does not seem to be a reliable diagnostic tool to identify polygenic hypercholesterolemia at the individual level. The 6-SNP score did not give us a clear answer and thus we cannot use the GRS to identify phenocopies within ADH families

Voluntary Motherhood? : a study on seven Lebanese SOS Children’s Village Mothers

Saab, Nadine January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project is to study the women involved in the SOS Children’s Villages; the influence of the association on their views on life, as seen from a human-rights and a religious perspective. Questions such as why they chose to work with the association and what it gives them to do so are treated in this study.</p><p>My goal has been to study and present different aspects of something so important, but yet so unfamiliar. The method used in this project is minor field studies, which means visiting the villages, living with the families and observing their daily lives. The means of acquiring the information necessary for this study is by qualitative interviews with the mothers.</p><p>A theoretical framework has been used as a complement to the study, and it is also used to bring greater understanding to the SOS mothers and how they have shaped their lives.</p><p>My ambition with this essay is to bring out their individual experiences on how they view their own lives at present and what meaning life has given them. I have used seven of the 14 interviews conducted.</p><p>The outcome shows that several factors play important roles as to why the mothers decided to work with the association. Such factors were socioeconomic and sociopsyhologic factors. Other conclusions that were drawn after this field trip were that the women are very vulnerable to the social situation in Lebanon. They need someone to support them since the men are the primary providers. If the women do not find someone to marry they need to find another source for provision and the SOS children’s Association is one way to go. The sense of Coherence that these women had was indeed strong, they felt meaningfulness in what they did, they had comprehended the situations at hand and could manage the situations as predictable, and they have the confidence to know that everything will work out in the best way possible.</p> / Uppsatsen har givits ut som bok 2009 med titeln: "Lebanese SOS Children's Villages: Stories of the village mothers" av VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken.

Voluntary Motherhood? : a study on seven Lebanese SOS Children’s Village Mothers

Saab, Nadine January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to study the women involved in the SOS Children’s Villages; the influence of the association on their views on life, as seen from a human-rights and a religious perspective. Questions such as why they chose to work with the association and what it gives them to do so are treated in this study. My goal has been to study and present different aspects of something so important, but yet so unfamiliar. The method used in this project is minor field studies, which means visiting the villages, living with the families and observing their daily lives. The means of acquiring the information necessary for this study is by qualitative interviews with the mothers. A theoretical framework has been used as a complement to the study, and it is also used to bring greater understanding to the SOS mothers and how they have shaped their lives. My ambition with this essay is to bring out their individual experiences on how they view their own lives at present and what meaning life has given them. I have used seven of the 14 interviews conducted. The outcome shows that several factors play important roles as to why the mothers decided to work with the association. Such factors were socioeconomic and sociopsyhologic factors. Other conclusions that were drawn after this field trip were that the women are very vulnerable to the social situation in Lebanon. They need someone to support them since the men are the primary providers. If the women do not find someone to marry they need to find another source for provision and the SOS children’s Association is one way to go. The sense of Coherence that these women had was indeed strong, they felt meaningfulness in what they did, they had comprehended the situations at hand and could manage the situations as predictable, and they have the confidence to know that everything will work out in the best way possible. / Uppsatsen har givits ut som bok 2009 med titeln: "Lebanese SOS Children's Villages: Stories of the village mothers" av VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken.

The Russian Influence On The Literary And Critical Writings Of Mikhail Naimy

Swanson, Maria Lebedeva January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation examines the Russian influence on the critical writing, poetry, prose and philosophy of Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988), the world renowned figure in modern Arabic literature. Together with Jibran Khalil Jibran, Ameen al-Rihani, Ilia Abu Madi, Rachid Ayuub, and several other Arab-American men of letters he founded the Pen Association, a literary league in New York in 1920 that lifted Arabic literature from the quagmire of stagnation, imitation and old classicism. They also promoted the new generation of Arab writers and made it an active force in Arab nationalism. Numerous researchers have studied the impact of British, American and French cultures and literatures on the Pen Association's creative writings. Meanwhile it was Russian literature that had the most important impact on Naimy, as well as on some other members of this literary association (though less). This influence has still only been studied superficially aside from some Soviet era analyses. My dissertation makes a much-needed contribution to this blank spot, since the Russian literary critic Vissarion Belinskiī (1811-1848) and the towering figure of Leo Tolstoī (1828-1910) contributed greatly to the foundation of the modern Arabic literature. My dissertation traces Mikhail Naimy's Russian Orthodox heritage in Lebanon, his education in Poltava, Ukraine, and his readings of Belinskiī and Tolstoī to show how he incorporates critical social reform, anticlericalism and mysticism into his important Arabic language works. It also shows the influence of the Russian literary criticism on Naimy's critical articles. My dissertation sheds light on global literary processes, as Naimy was able to synthesize Russian, European and American literary traditions into his native Arabic heritage. This integration is an important part of the evolution of modern Arabic literature and an interesting phenomenon that emerged in the American melting pot of the early twentieth century. My research has significant methodological value, as it will identify the typology and significance of cultural contacts, based on the example of influence mentioned above. It will also contribute to an important topic of the renewed interest in the academy - Russian influences and impacts in the Middle East and in Arabic culture and literature.

Articulations et négociations des identifications ethno-sexuelles des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise à Montréal

Chbat, Marianne 09 1900 (has links)
Les objectifs généraux de ce mémoire visent à mieux comprendre comment les gais et les lesbiennes d'origine libanaise (primo-migrants ou descendants) vivant à Montréal articulent et négocient leurs identifications ethno-sexuelles à travers la (re)production et la mobilisation de divers capitaux (économique, social, culturel et symbolique). Basée sur sept entrevues menées auprès de cinq femmes lesbiennes et deux hommes gais d’origine libanaise, cette recherche propose d’examiner, en suivant un cadrage intersectionnel, les manières dont les discours identitaires des gais et des lesbiennes d’origine libanaise de Montréal sont structurés par les rapports de classe, de genre, de sexualités, d’ethnicité, d’âge, etc. Les chapitres 1 à 3 sont consacrés à la mise en situation théorique et pratique de la recherche. Le chapitre 4 est dédié à l’analyse des subjectivités ethno-sexuelles des répondants. / The main objective of this thesis is to better understand how gays and lesbians of Lebanese background (primo-migrants or their descents) living in Montreal articulate and negotiate their ethno-sexual identifications through the mobilization of diverse capitals (economical, social, cultural and symbolic). Based on seven semi-directed interviews with five lesbians and two gays of Lebanese origin, this research examines, with an intersectional approach, the ways in which their identitary discourses are structured by social axes of division such as class, gender, sexualities, ethnicity, age, etc., on which they occupy majority and minority positions. The stories of our participants reveal, among other things, that there are different ways of representing oneself and being homosexual, and that individuals sharing non-normative sexualities do not necessarily inscribe themselves in the «global gay discourse». Chapters 1 to 3 are devoted to a theoretical and practical contextualization of the research. Chapter 4 consists of an analysis of the ethno-sexual subjectivities of the informants.

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