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“I never thought about those rules in all my languages” : A comparative study of teaching the English articles in the multilingual classroom from a monolingual or a multilingual approachZhang, Zhiyin January 2018 (has links)
This study is conducted to compare the effect of practicing a multilingual approach to a monolingual approach in teaching the English article system for students with multilingual backgrounds. Through a structured experiment in light of sociolinguistic and second language acquisition theories, two different discourses (complexes of signs and practices that organize social existence and social reproduction) structuring different legitimate languages are implemented in each respective approach. In the multilingual approach, all languages in the participants’ language repertoire are legitimized and encouraged, while only Standard English is legitimized in the monolingual approach. Three groups of informants participated in the experiment. Two groups of young informants with low English proficiency, and one group of adult informants with intermediate English proficiency participated in the experiment. The majority of the participants have more than two languages in their language repertoires. The multilingual approach was adopted in one of the young groups and the adult group. The study shows that all informants improved in their use of the English article system, regardless of the different approaches. The informants with lower English proficiency level and with a strongest [-ART] language (language with no articles) improved 40.9% in the multilingual approach, which is almost twice as much as the improvement in the monolingual approach. However, the young informants in both groups tend to be confused about the use of the indefinite article a/an after the exercise. The improvements tend to remain in a longer period of time with the multilingual approach in both the adult group and the young group. In addition, the participants tend to show higher rates of concentration, positive emotional feelings and engagement during and after the multilingual approach. The results suggest that it is beneficial to deploy the multilingual approach, through intentional structuring of the legitimized languages in classroom.
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Technical regulations as an aggravating circumstance of negligent crimes in the road traffic / Reglas técnicas como elementos cualificantes del delito imprudente en el ámbito del tráfico rodadoYon Ruesta, Róger 25 September 2017 (has links)
Driving a car or another vehicle involves a risk per se, but it is allowed since it is a necessary activity for society. However, the risk remains. That is the reason for demanding from drivers a duty of care. Nevertheless, how far should this duty go?In the present article, the author analyzes the precedent in negligent crimes in the road traffic.The author emphasizes that it is necessary to apply technical regulations, also taking into account other factors that may cause the risk, and not limiting the reasoning to understand that the drivers are the only guilty participants. / Conducir un auto u otro medio de transporte de por sí implica un riesgo, pero se permite por ser una actividad necesaria. No obstante, el riesgo permanece, y es por ello que se exige a los conductores un deber de cuidado. Pero, ¿hasta dóndedebe llegar ese deber?En el presente artículo, el autor hace un análisis de cómo la jurisprudencia viene pronunciándose acerca de los delitos imprudentes en el marco del tráfico rodado, haciendo énfasis en que es necesario aplicar las reglas técnicas teniendo en cuenta también otros factores que pueden causar los hechos, y no quedándose con entender a los conductores como los únicos culpables.
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Legitimate, ¿Pars hereditatis o pars bonorum? / Legítima, ¿Pars hereditatis o pars bonorum?Aguilar Llanos, Benjamín 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper is about the legitimate as an institution of the Inheritance Law and it focus in the discussion over if it would be considered as a pars hereditatis or as a pars bonorum. Following that, the author links the legitimate with the family institution along with how it could be a correspondence between who can receive this inheritance anticipated and who could receive the inheritance. Likewise, backed on national legislation the author takes a stand saying that the legitimate is pars hereditatis because of includes the heirs only. Finally, the author give us more scopes regarding the legitimate while explains how it be related with the institution of collation. / El presente trabajo versa sobre la legítima como institución del Derecho Sucesorio y se centra básicamente en la discusión sobre si debe ser considerada como pars hereditatis o pars bonorum. En esa línea, vincula la legítima con la institución de la familia y cómo se puede ver una correspondencia entre a quiénes se les puede dar la herencia anticipada y quiénes pueden recibir la herencia. Asimismo, apoyándose en las normas nacionales el autor toma una postura al señalar que la legítima es pars hereditatis debido a que incluye solo a los herederos del causante.Finalmente, da más alcances sobre la legítima al explicar cómo se relaciona con la institución de la colación.
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Att lära sig bli (som) en artist : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga artisters lärande- och identitetsskapande processer.Ivansson, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport har studerat hur lär- och identitetsprocessen att formas till artist har sett ut för några av Sveriges mest aktuella kvinnliga artister. Valet att studera denna yrkesgrupp beror på att formell utbildning genom skolväsendet saknas för att till fullo förbereda individer för yrket. Syftet har varit att genom artisternas beskrivningar av de egna erfarenheterna bidra med kunskap om hur dessa processer kan se ut. Sex stycken semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av utformad frågeguide för insamlandet av data. Intervjuerna transkriberades sedan och analyserades därefter med drag av hermeneutisk tolkning. Förförståelsen hos mig som forskare har haft en central roll i rapporten då jag själv är verksam som frilansande trummis inom musikbranschen. Då tidigare forskning rörande lär- och identitetsskapande processer för artister inte hittades baserades litteraturöversikten till stor del av forskning om de lär- och identitetsskapande processer som elitidrottare gjort. Valet av denna yrkesgrupp baserades på att framgång som idrottare ofta leder till medial uppmärksamhet, i likhet med artisternas. Insamlad empiri analyserades sedan genom Lave och Wengers (1991) teorier om hur kunskap uppstår och utvecklas genom sociala interaktioner i olika kontexter, något de kallar för situerat lärande. I analysen användes även Goffmans (2009) rollteoretiska modell som behandlar hur identiteter skapas, upprätthålls och förändras. Slutsatserna i studien visade på att kunskapen till stor del skapats genom observation av de mer erfarna inom musikbranschen samt interaktion med dessa. Artisternas föreställningar om vad det innebär att vara en artist samt till vilken grad de interagerat med olika delar av musikbranschen tycks ha påverkat deras förmåga att själva identifiera sig som artister. Gemensamt för samtliga respondenter var den beskrivna upplevelsen av att kunna påverka rollen som artist till högre grad i och med ökad erfarenhet och framgång som artist. / This report has studied how the processes of learning about the role as an artist and the ability to identify oneself as one has been for some of Sweden’s most popular artists. The choice to study this profession is due to the lack of formal education through the school system to fully prepare individuals for the profession. The purpose has been to provide knowledge about these processes thru the described experiences from the artists. Six semi- structured qualitative interviews were conducted using a designed questionnaire for data collection. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed by means of hermeneutic interpretation. The preconceptions have played a central role in the report, as I myself am a freelance drummer in the music industry. Since earlier research about learning and identity-creating processes among artists was not found, the literature review has been based largely on research about the learning and identity-creating processes that elite athletes have made. The choice to study this profession was based on the similarity between professions in the terms where their success often leads to great media attention. Collected empirical data was then analyzed thru Lave and Wenger’s (1991) theories of how knowledge arises and develops through social interactions in different contexts, something they call situated learning. The analysis was also made thru used Goffman's (2009) role theory model that addresses how identities are created, maintained and changed. The conclusions of this study showed that knowledge about the role as an artist was largely created by observing the more experienced in the music industry as well as thru interaction with these. The artists' perceptions of what it means to be an artist and the extent to which they interacted with different parts of the music industry seem to have influenced their ability to identify themselves with the role. Commonly to all respondents was the described experience that the ability to influence the role of an artist increased with experience and success as an artist.
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L'appropriation des langues en contexte plurilingue : le cas de la Guyane / Appropriation of languages in multilingualism context : The case of French GuyanaSabine, Inga 10 November 2011 (has links)
La notion d’appropriation des langues est définie au regard du contexte guyanais. La Guyane est positionnée au carrefour de la Caraïbe et de l’Amérique du Sud, c’est-à-dire au cœur d’un processus migratoire et de nouvelles problématiques, dont celle du vivre ensemble. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence la réalité dans laquelle s’ancre le locuteur et de présenter les éléments de l’appropriation dans ce contexte plurilingue. L’appropriation de la langue est entendue comme une action – parler – en train de se faire, au cours d’une interaction déterminée sur une échelle espace-temps. La problématique, suivant une approche interactive et interdisciplinaire, repose sur la relation entre les deux volets de ce travail : recherche de terrain et réflexion théorique, laquelle est menée autour des notions d’appropriation, de langue, de sujet et de contexte. La place accordée à l’arrière-plan ethnographique et social, induit une méthodologie basée sur la compréhension des éléments des contextes à décrire, supports des pratiques déclarées par les sujets recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, mais surtout au cours d’entretiens. Deux attitudes sont identifiées, l’une d’ouverture et l’autre de repli sur soi. La première conduit le sujet à s’approprier les langues de son environnement : le sujet développe une identité plurielle, qu’il revendique comme telle, et s’épanouit dans le plurilinguisme, à condition qu’il soit légitimé dans les différentes sphères auxquelles il se réfère. La deuxième consiste à définir la communauté linguistique et culturelle à laquelle le sujet appartient, et dont il réclame l’identité et la légitimité. / The notion of the appropriation of languages is defined under the Guyanese context. French Guyana is placed at the junction of Caribbean and South America, that is at the heart of a migration process and new problems which invites reflection on the « living together ». This is to highligth the reality into which someone is anchored, and to present the components of appropriation in this multilingual context. The appropriation of languages is understood as an action – speak – in the making, during an interaction on a scale determined space-time. The problem, according to an interactive and interdisciplinary approach, is based on the relationship between the two components of this work : the field research and the theoretical thought, which is conducted around the notions of appropriation, language, subject and context. The emphasis on the ethnographic and social background leads consequently to a methodology based on comprehension of the contexts components to describe, supports of linguistic practices declared by subjects collected through questionnaires, but especially during interviews. Two attitudes are identified, one of openness and one of withdrawal. The first leads the subject to appropriate the language of his environment : the subject develops a plural identity, he claims as such, and thrives in multilingualism, provided that he’s legitimized into the spheres he refers to. The second is to define the linguistic and cultural community to which the subject belongs, and that he claims identity and legitimity.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The development of academic literacies in a certain area of knowledge allows, to the one who is learning, conditions for reading the world and acting in the contemporary society, for engaging in the disciplinary debate, and for developing an opinion concerning the effects of scientific and technological innovations of the area and the potential consequences resulted from their use (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013a, p.145). Recognizing the importance of academic literacies in the university context and in the formation of students in different areas of knowledge, this research aims at identifying and discussing characteristics of academic literacies processes of a group of students from the course of Publicity and Advertising (PA) (Publicidade e Propaganda) in a PA experimental agency located at south of Brazil. In order to do that, we adopt the perspective of Critical Genre Analysis (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2008; 2011a), academic literacies studies (LEA; STREET, 1998; 2006; MOTTA-ROTH 2013a) and the notion of Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). As part of the umbrella project Academic/scientific literacy and Legitimate Peripheral Participation in the knowledge production (Letramento acadêmico/científico e participação periférica legítima na produção de conhecimento) (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013b), this study consists in a qualitative research based on ethnography (LAUTOR; WOLGAR, 1997), in which, observations of social activities from the PA experimental agency were made. The corpus of this research is constituted by a) notes collected by prticipant observation; b) field notes/photography; c) answers from questionnaires applied to the agency members; and d) advising sessions between professors and students. With the observations and field notes, the intention was to collect information about the laboratory context. Through the observations and field notes, it was detected the need to apply questionnaires and to analyze advising sessions between professors and students. It is understood that the advising sessions through writing and rewriting processes and text editions, by students, based on professor s notes are a rich source to identify characteristics of students academic literacies. The results seem to indicate that students academic literacies depend on their interaction with other members from the laboratory and their engagement in genres and activities that arise from those genres in the agency. As the students participate in the agency, they develop literacies that turn them into more experienced publicists in the PA professional performance practices. Aligned to this characteristic, it seems that the academic literacies in PA are permeated with the development of personal taste. The members speech, in the advising sessions, is marked with lexicogramatical choices that privilege emotional mental clauses (e.g. amar, gostar, adorar). In this sense, it seems that emotional mental processes work as teaching parameters in this laboratory. These linguistic cues seem to be related to the recency of the PA area of knowledge (BORGES, 2002; DURAND; 2006; PÚBLIO; MADER, 2009). With this research, it is expected to contribute/reflect upon the academic literacies processes as for the PA area of knowledge as well as for the Applied Linguistic area of knowledge. / O desenvolvimento de letramentos acadêmicos em determinada área do saber permite, a aquele que está aprendendo, condições para a leitura de mundo e a ação na sociedade contemporânea, o engajamento no debate da disciplina, e desenvolvimento de uma opinião quanto aos efeitos das inovações científico-tecnológicas de sua área e as eventuais consequências acarretadas por seu uso (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013a, p.145). Reconhecendo a importância dos letramentos acadêmicos no contexto universitário e na formação de estudantes, em diferentes áreas do saber, esta pesquisa busca identificar características dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos de um grupo de estudantes do curso de Publicidade e Propaganda (PP) em uma agência experimental de PP alocada em uma universidade do sul do Brasil. Para isso, adota-se a perspectiva da Análise Crítica de Gêneros (MEURER, 2002; BHATIA, 2004; MOTTA-ROTH, 2008; 2011a), dos estudos de letramentos acadêmicos (LEA; STREET, 1998; 2006; MOTTA-ROTH 2013a) e da noção de Participação Periférica Legítima (LAVE; WENGER, 1991). Inserido no projeto guarda-chuva Letramento acadêmico/científico e participação periférica legítima na produção de conhecimento (MOTTA-ROTH, 2013b), este estudo consiste em uma pesquisa qualitativa de base etnográfica (LAUTOR; WOLGAR, 1997), na qual, foram realizadas observações das atividades sociais da agência experimental de PP. O corpus da presente pesquisa é constituído por: a) observações coletadas a partir de observação participante; b) notas de campo/fotografias; c) respostas de questionários aplicados com os membros da agência; e d) sessões de orientação entre professoras e estudantes. Nas observações e nas notas de campo, a intenção foi coletar informações acerca do contexto do laboratório. Por meio das observações e notas, detectou-se a necessidade da aplicação de questionários e da análise das sessões de orientação entre professoras e estudantes. Entende-se que as orientações por meio de processos de escrita, rescrita e edição de textos, por parte dos estudantes, com base nos apontamentos dos professores são uma fonte rica para identificar características dos letramentos acadêmicos dos estudantes. Os resultados parecem indicar que os letramentos acadêmicos dos estudantes dependem de sua interação com demais membros no laboratório e de seu engajamento em gêneros e atividades decorrentes desses gêneros na agência. À medida que esses estudantes participam, eles desenvolvem letramentos que os tornam publicitários mais experientes nas práticas de atuação profissional de PP. Aliada a essa característica, parece que os letramentos acadêmicos em PP são perpassados pelo desenvolvimento de gosto pessoal. A fala dos membros, nas sessões de orientação, é marcada por escolhas lexicogramaticais que privilegiam orações mentais emotivas (p. ex., amar, gostar, adorar). Nesse sentido, parece que processos mentais emotivos funcionam como parâmetros de ensino nesse laboratório. Esses indícios linguísticos parecem estar relacionados com a recência da área do saber da PP (PINHO, 1998; BORGES, 2002; DURAND, 2006; PÚBLIO; MADER, 2009). Com esta pesquisa, almeja-se trazer contribuições/reflexões acerca dos processos de letramentos acadêmicos tanto para área do saber da PP, como para a área do saber da Linguística Aplicada.
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Distributed communities of practice : an exploration of a distributed community of practice of South African Life Science teachersMckay, Robert Forbes 13 January 2009 (has links)
This study researches phenomenon of the Biology Teachers Network (BTN), a distributed Community of Practice (CoP). The membership of the BTN is voluntary. The BTN is supported by a core group of members and administered by single moderator. The network uses a manually operated email system to communicate and share information as an automatic listserv proved to be beyond the capabilities of the membership. Etienne Wenger is the authority on the theory of CoPs and provides in depth background to the processes that are evident in a CoP. A CoP consists of the Domain, Practice and Community and through a process of negotiation of meaning, learning takes place through identity formation. CoPs can exist online in the form of distribute CoPs. Passionate leadership is essential for the formation of a CoP as is the voluntary participation of the members. A Naturalistic case study methodology is considered to be the most appropriate research tool. In this study a focus group interview and a collection of emails were used as data sources. The data was analysed using three instruments derived from the literature. The conclusion from the analysis of the data was that the BTN is a vibrant and fully functional distributed CoP in the coalescing stage. Participation in the BTN has led to an increase in professional development and ICT skills amongst some of the member teachers. The fact that this was achieved through the use of email instead of sophisticated websites suggests that this model of distributed CoP is suitable for the professional development of teachers in South Africa. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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Conservative Propaganda in the Shakespearean Gothic of James BoadenPenich, Jacqueline January 2012 (has links)
The plays of James Boaden, an author all too often forgotten in the pages of theatre history, are usually dismissed by scholars as mercenary adaptations of popular Gothic novels for the stage. Boaden’s plays of the 1790s—Fontainville Forest (1794), The Secret Tribunal (1796), The Italian Monk (1797), Cambro-Britons (1798) and Aurelio and Miranda (1799)—were certainly popular successes in their own time, but this should not discount them from serious consideration as aesthetic and ideological objects. In fact, these plays are intelligently wrought, using popular Gothic conventions to further a conservative ideology that was not originally associated with this genre. This fact has gone unrecognized by scholars partly because these plays have not been previously analysed for their dramaturgical structure as adaptations: Boaden borrows conventions from the Gothic, to be sure, but he also borrows dramaturgical techniques from Shakespeare. In so doing, Boaden harnesses both popular appeal and theatrical legitimacy to write Tory propaganda at a time when the stage was a key tool in the ideological war against France and French sympathizers in Britain. Political threats, both domestic and foreign, were of ongoing concern in Britain in the years following the French Revolution. Immediately after 1789, the Gothic was ideologically charged in ways that promoted revolutionary thinking. Boaden’s adaptation of the Gothic form responds to the revolution and the Reign of Terror by replacing the genre’s iconoclasm with a strongly nationalist orientation, drawn, in part, from eighteenth-century Shakespeare reception, itself often strongly nationalist in tone. Boaden’s plays are reactionary in that they comment on the current political situation, using allegory to play on the audience’s emotions. In his first phase, Boaden depicts the demise of a villainous usurper, a scapegoat figure, but his second phase reintegrates the villain into domestic and social harmony. In so doing, Boaden serves as a case study in the shifting attitude towards Britain’s revolutionary sympathizers, the Jacobins, and illustrates the important use of the Gothic mode for conservative purposes. Boaden emerges, in this study, as a figure whose relevance to theatre history in this fraught period requires reassessment.
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Anglers, Warriors, and Acrobats: The Journey of Learning in Cooperative EducationJones, Jeela January 2013 (has links)
Each year, students who are newly enrolled in the University of Ottawa Cooperative Education Programs prepare for their first co-op work terms. In this period of pre-employment, students ask themselves important questions like, “What do I have to do to get a job?” and “What do I want to be?” As a co-op practitioner I am exposed to students’ experiences and the dilemmas they face but I still wondered what was hidden from my view and outside of my understanding. Thus, during one-on-one interviews that occurred prior to their first co-op work terms, six co-op students shared the photographs and stories of their co-op experiences with me and I shared my photographs and stories with them. Goffman’s (1959) theory of dramaturgy provided the theoretical framework to present, interpret, and understand the words and pictures that emerged from these interviews. What resulted were dramas, narratives, and allegories: six participant descriptions written as mini-biographies, verbatim transcripts prepared as a reader’s theatre script, and a set of five themes composed with vivid symbolism. The five metaphoric themes of co-op student experience are (a) journey, (b) circus, (c) metamorphosing, (d) anglers at sea, and (e) warriors. Taken together, what emerged was a deeper seeing and a richer understanding of what’s “really going on” in the time prior to students’ first co-op work terms (Goffman, 1974, p. 8) particularly with regards to legitimate peripheral participation, reflection, and experiential learning.
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La substance de l'obligation contractuelle / The substance of the contractual obligationElineau-Yannakis, Christelle 10 December 2014 (has links)
Par un arrêt très remarqué rendu le 10 juillet 2007 dont la formule a depuis été réitérée, la Chambre commerciale a énoncé que « si la règle selon laquelle les conventions doivent être exécutées de bonne foi permet au juge de sanctionner l’usage déloyal d’une prérogative contractuelle, elle ne l’autorise pas à porter atteinte à la substance même des droits et obligations légalement convenus entre les parties ». Elle a ainsi opposé la substance de l’obligation à la prérogative. Cette solution novatrice suscite l’interrogation. Cette étude a pour objectif d’insérer le concept de substance de l’obligation dans le régime de droit commun des obligations. Dans un premier temps, il est indispensable de cerner ce concept en le définissant. Saisi comme le cœur intangible du contrat, il doit se comprendre comme l’attente légitime du créancier raisonnable de l’obligation essentielle. Confronté aux notions de cause et de force obligatoire, il montre sa capacité à repenser le droit des obligations. Il met en évidence l’articulation des alinéas premier et troisième de l’article 1134 du Code civil, ainsi que la hiérarchie au sein même de l’alinéa premier de ce même article. Dans un deuxième temps, l’originalité de son régime doit être appréciée. Le concept de substance de l’obligation intervient au stade de la conclusion du contrat, comme au stade de son exécution. Il complète le régime de l’erreur-obstacle, en autorisant la sanction de l’erreur sur la rentabilité économique du contrat. Il simplifie également le régime de la clause lui portant atteinte. Il permet, en outre, de repenser le régime de l’imprévision, en ouvrant la voie à la caducité et à la révision judiciaire du contrat. Les pouvoirs d’interprétation et d’intervention du juge dans le contrat sont affinés. Ce sont finalement les principes directeurs du droit des obligations qui sont repensés. Le concept de substance de l’obligation s’inscrit donc en rupture avec l’autonomie de la volonté. Il remodèle enfin la force obligatoire du contrat. / By the much acclaimed decision of July 10, 2007, since reiterated, the Commercial Chamber stated that “if the rule according to which conventions must be executed in good faith allows the judge to sanction unfair use of a contractual prerogative, it does not allow it to undermine the very substance of the rights and legal obligations agreed between the parties”. It has opposed the substance of the obligation to the prerogative. This innovative solution arouses some questioning. The aim of this study is to incorporate the concept of substance of the obligation under the common law of obligations. Firstly, it is essential to define the concept. Considered as the intangible heart of a contract, it must be understood as the legitimate expectation of the reasonable creditor of the essential obligation. Confronted to notions of cause and compulsory value of a contract, it shows its ability to rethink the law of obligations. It highlights the articulation of the first and third paragraphs of article 1134 of the civil Code, and the hierarchy even within the first paragraph of that article. Secondly, the originality of its regime must be assessed. The concept of substance of the obligation intervenes in the conclusion of the contract, as well as during its execution. It completes the system of error-barrier allowing the sanction of the error on the economic profitability of the contract. It also simplifies the system of the clause relating to its detriment. It allows a rethinking of the system of vagueness, opening the way to futility and judicial review of the contract. Interpretive powers and judicial intervention in the contract are refined. It is ultimately the guiding principles of contract law that are redesigned. The concept of substance of the obligation therefore falls out with the independent willpower. Lastly, it restructures the compulsory value of a contract.
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