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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Μελέτη της δράσης φυσικών προϊόντων έναντι ενδοκυττάριων παρασιτικών οργανισμών

Κυριαζής, Ιωάννης 21 August 2014 (has links)
Μέχρι σήμερα δεν υπάρχει εμβόλιο για καμιά μορφή των λεϊσμανιάσεων και τα φάρμακα που χρησιμοποιούνται δεν είναι ασφαλή, αποτελεσματικά και οικονομικά προσιτά. Υπάρχει άφθονη επιστημονική πληροφορία για τα αντιλεϊσμανιακά φάρμακα που χρησιμοποιούνται με αναγνωρισμένα μειονεκτήματα όπως η τοξικότητα, η ανάπτυξη αντοχής, η υποχρεωτική παραμονή στο νοσοκομείο και το υψηλό κόστος. Επιπλέον η συλλοίμωξη με τον ιό του AIDS (HIV/VL) έχει σοβαρές επιπτώσεις στην επιδημιολογία, τη διάγνωση και την πρόγνωση της νόσου. Είναι προφανές ότι η εκδήλωση της σπλαγχνικής λεϊσμανίασης είναι “ευκαιριακή” όπως αποδεικνύεται από τα στοιχεία του Π.Ο.Υ., σύμφωνα με τα οποία οι ασθενείς με AIDS έχουν 3.000 φορές υψηλότερη συχνότητα VL σε σύγκριση με τον γενικό πληθυσμό. Για τα διάφορα είδη του γένους Leishmania υπάρχουν αξιόλογα ευρήματα από παρασιτολογικές, βιοχημικές, μοριακές και ανοσολογικές μελέτες, όμως τα θεραπευτικά πρωτόκολλα ενάντια των διαφορετικών κλινικών μορφών δεν είναι ικανοποιητικά. Γεγονός αποτελεί η αδήριτη ανάγκη για την ανάπτυξη νέων θεραπευτικών προσεγγίσεων κατά των λεϊσμανιάσεων που μαστίζουν έως και 1,7 εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους σε όλη την γη. Σήμερα το ενδιαφέρον για φυσικά προϊόντα βρίσκεται σε επικαιρότητα κυρίως με την αναζήτηση νέων χημικών ενώσεων αλλά και την επανεξέταση παλαιοτέρων σε σύγχρονα πλέον πειραματικά πρωτόκολλα. Μεταξύ αυτών των προϊόντων η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη, που προέρχεται από το δένδρο της ελιάς (Olea europaea), χαρακτηρίζεται από αντιοξειδωτική, αντιμικροβιακή και αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση. Η βιοφαινόλη αυτή φαίνεται να συμβάλλει επίσης στην μακροζωία αλλά και όταν χορηγείται σε πειραματόζωα με καρκινικούς όγκους είναι ικανή στο να τους συρρικνώνει ή ακόμη και να τους εξαφανίζει. Ο σκοπός αυτής της διατριβής είναι η διερεύνηση φυσικών προϊόντων προερχόμενων από τα φύλλα και τους καρπούς του δέντρου της ελιάς αλλά και από πάρα-προϊόντα του όπως τα υγρά απόβλητα ελαιοτριβείου. Επίσης εξετάσθηκαν δύο αδρά εκχυλίσματα από τον ερυθρό οίνο ποικιλίας ξινόμαυρο. Αμφότερες οι πηγές των εκχυλισμάτων αποτελούν θεμελιώδεις λίθους της Μεσογειακής διατροφής και οι βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές τα καθιστούν ως υποσχόμενους αντιλεϊσμανιακούς παράγοντες. Τα αποτελέσματά έδειξαν ότι τα δύο καθαρά φυσικά προϊόντα που εξετάσθηκαν, η υδροξυτυροσόλη και η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη επέδειξαν επιλεκτική και σημαντική αντιλεϊσμανιακή δραστικότητα εναντίον τριών ειδών πρωτοζώων του γένους Leishmania και συγκεκριμένα των L. infantum, L. donovani και L. major. Η διατριβή εστιάστηκε στη ελαιοευρωπεΐνη και αναδείχθηκε η ικανότητά της να προκαλεί ρυθμιζόμενο κυτταρικό θάνατο αποδεικνυόμενο από μορφολογικές αλλαγές σε προμαστιγότες L. donovani, λογαριθμικής φάσης ανάπτυξης, με τη χρήση συνεστιακής μικροσκοπίας. Η στρογγυλοποίηση των προμαστιγοτών, η συμπύκνωση της χρωματίνης καθώς και η έκθεση της φωσφατιδυλοσερίνης στην εξωτερική επιφάνεια της κυτταροπλασματικής μεμβράνης με τη χρήση κυτταρομετρίας ροής είναι φαινοτυπικά χαρακτηριστικά της επαγωγής ρυθμιζόμενου παρασιτικού θανάτου που αποδείχθηκε ότι ο μηχανισμός πρόκλησής του είναι ανεξάρτητος της παραγωγής ROS. Επιπλέον η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη προκάλεσε μια καθυστέρηση στο φυσιολογικό κυτταρικό κύκλο του παρασίτου οδηγώντας στον κατακερματισμό του DNA. Η αντιλεϊσμανιακή δράση της ελαιοευρωπεΐνης αποδείχτηκε και εναντίον των αμαστιγωτικών μορφών του είδους L. donovani που είχαν in vitro παρασιτήσει σε μακροφάγα της κυτταρικής σειράς J774Α.1. Αυτή η δράση συνοδεύτηκε από μία ενδομακροφαγική αύξηση ROS ενώ η in vitro χορήγηση ελαιοευρωπεΐνης σε μυελοειδή DCs αύξησε τον πληθυσμό που παράγει IL-12 δίχως να προκαλεί παράλληλη ωρίμανσή τους. Τα ανωτέρω οδήγησαν στη μελέτη της δράσης της ελαιοευρωπεΐνης σε in vivo πειραματικό μοντέλο σπλαχνικής λεϊσμανίασης. Σε L. donovani μολυσμένα BALB/c ποντίκια χορηγήθηκε ενδοπεριτοναϊκώς ελαιοευρωπεΐνη κάθε δεύτερη ημέρα για 28 συνεχόμενες ημέρες σε τρεις διαφορετικές δόσεις (45, 15 και 5mg/kg σωματικού βάρους). Βρέθηκε ότι και οι τρεις δόσεις περιόρισαν το παρασιτικό φορτίο του σπλήνα και του ήπατος στις 3 ημέρες και στις 6 εβδομάδες μετά το πέρας της χορήγησης της ελαιοευρωπεΐνης. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι τα πειραματόζωα που έλαβαν ελαιοευρωπεΐνη και περιόρισαν την ενδοκυτταρική εξάπλωση του παρασίτου στο σπλήνα και στο ήπαρ ανέπτυξαν μια ενισχυμένη ΤΗ1 τύπου ανοσολογική απόκριση με χαρακτηριστικό ισοτυπικό προφίλ αντισωμάτων IgG2α/IgG1 και μεταγραφικών παραγόντων Tbx21/GATA-3. Η υπερ-έκφραση των IL-12p40, IFNγ, TNFα και iNOS επιβεβαιώνει την πόλωση προς τον ΤΗ1 υποτύπο ανοσολογικής απόκρισης, ενώ η έκφραση των κυτταροκινών ρυθμιστές της TΗ2 ανοσολογικής απάντησης δεν είχαν καμία αυξητική τάση. Αυτό το φαινόμενο που προέρχεται αρχικώς από την ικανότητα της ελαιοευρωπεΐνης να διατηρεί χαμηλά τα επίπεδα της προφλεγμονώδους κυτταροκίνης IL-1β, επιτρέπει τον ανοσολογικό μηχανισμό του ξενιστή να ενεργοποιηθεί (μεταγραφή του Tbx21) αποτρέποντας την είσοδο του ξενιστή σε κατάσταση χρόνιας φλεγμονικής διεργασίας που ευνοεί τον παρασιτικό πολλαπλασιασμό. Απεναντίας ενεργοποιούνται μηχανισμοί παραγωγής των μικροβιοκτόνων μορίων ROS και NO• στο σπλήνα και στο ήπαρ. Η παραγωγή των ROS σε σπληνοκύτταρα ποντικών μολυσμένων με L. donovani ήταν δοσοεξαρτώμενη ενώ αντιθέτως η παραγωγή των ΝΟ• ήταν μη-δοσοεξαρτώμενη τόσο σε κύτταρα του σπλήνα όσο και του ήπατος. Αυτή η παραγωγή των ΝΟ• φαίνεται να επιδρά στην επιβίωση των παρασίτων χωρίς να αλλοιώνει τη φυσιολογική λειτουργία των σπληνοκυττάρων και των ηπατοκυττάρων εφ’ όσον τα μόρια γλουταθειόνης στα κύτταρα του ξενιστή ήταν επαρκή για να συντηρούν τη συνεχή επιβίωση του κυττάρου ξενιστή όπως παρατηρήθηκε με την μη-ενεργοποίηση του NF-kB. Επίσης η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη επιλεκτικά ρυθμίζει την γονιδιακή έκφραση των ενζύμων που σχηματίζουν τη γλουταθειόνη και την τρυπανοθειόνη εις βάρος των αντιοξειδωτικών αμυντικών μηχανισμών του παρασίτου. Συμπερασματικά, το σύνολο των αποτελεσμάτων που περιεγράφηκαν στη διδακτορική αυτή διατριβή, προτείνουν ότι η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη δρα ως ένα αντιλεϊσμανιακό φάρμακο με ανοσοτροποποιητικές ιδιότητες. Η διερεύνηση της συνδυαστικής δράσης κλασσικών αντιλεϊσμανιακών φαρμάκων με ασφαλή, μη-τοξικά και “φθηνά” φυσικά προϊόντα όπως η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη, παραμένει μια υποσχόμενη μελλοντική προοπτική. Επιπροσθέτως, ενδιαφέρουσα θα ήταν η διερεύνηση της δράσης της ελαιοευρωπεΐνης στην έκφραση έτερων γονιδίων που κωδικοποιούν αντιοξειδωτικά ένζυμα καθώς και στους κυτταρικούς πληθυσμούς που εμπλέκονται επίσης σε in vivo πειραματικό μοντέλο σπλαχνικής λεϊσμανίασης όπως τα δενδριτικά κύτταρα, τα κύτταρα φυσικοί φονιάδες και τα CD8+. Τέλος η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη μπορεί να δοκιμασθεί σε HIV/L. donovani πειραματικό πρωτόκολλο αφού η ελαιοευρωπεΐνη είναι ικανή στο να σταματάει τον πολλαπλασιασμό του ιού HIV. / Up to now there has been neither a vaccine against any form of leishmaniasis found nor drugs that are safe, effective and inexpensive. Plethora of recent data has showed that the existing antileishmanial drugs have numerous disadvantages such as toxicity, development of resistance, long hospitalization and high cost. In addition, HIV/VL coinfection has important epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and prognostic implications. The two diseases are mutually reinforcing. Clearly the opportunistic manifestation of VL is demonstrated by the WHO records showing that 50-75% new VL cases in South Europe concern HIV patients that bring the incidences of VL 3,000 times more frequent than in the general population. Despite the advances in the parasitological, biochemical, molecular and immunological research using various Leishmania species, the treatment protocols applied against the different forms of the disease are not satisfactory. There is an unconquerable need for the development of new therapeutic treatments to combat leishmaniasis. Nowadays, the interest concerning plant natural products is certainly undergoing a renaissance. The remarkable chemical diversity present in natural products and the accumulated research data produced so far, demonstrate their significant effectiveness against parasitic diseases suggesting the hypothesis to be tested also against leishmaniasis. This was particularly evident in the case of natural products of the olive tree (Olea europaea). Among them oleuropein has most of olive oil’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-fighting characteristics and it is the biophenol that provides life extending benefits. In addition to its antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, when oleuropein was given to animals with tumors, the tumors completely regressed or in some cases even disappeared. The aim of this thesis is to investigate natural products obtained from the olive tree leaves, products and their by-products (olive mill waste waters) and red wine (xinomavro variety), major cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet, as natural sources for promising antileishmanial drugs in accordance with the considerations outlined above. Our results showed that both pure constituents, hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, exhibited the highest and the most selectively significant leishmanicidal activity against parasites of three Leishmania species, L. infantum, L. donovani and L. major, among the natural products tested. We focused on oleuropein and we discovered that it was capable of causing substantial morphological alterations upon L. donovani logarithmic promastigotes depicted with confocal microscopy namely, cell rounding up, cellular volume reduction and chromatin condensation that were accompanied with phosphatidylserine exposure to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. Moreover, oleuropein was found responsible for a delay on normal L. donovani cell cycle progression which was extended up to DNA fragmentation. This regulated parasitic cell death induced by oleuropein appeared to be ROS-independent. Oleuropein’s leishmanicidal capacity was also evident against the amastigote form of the parasite using an in vitro experimental model based on J774.A1 macrophages infected with L. donovani. This activity is accompanied by an increase of inracellular ROS production and the ability of oleuropein to increase the percentage of IL-12 producing myeloid DCs when is administrated in vitro. This data suggested testing the leishmanicidal activity of oleuropein upon in vivo murine visceral model. Intraperitoneal administration of oleuropein every other day for 28 days in L. donovani infected BALB/c mice, led to the dramatic reduction of the parasite load in spleen and liver. Interestingly, oleuropein treated L. donovani infected BALB/c mice, switch towards a TH1 type of immune response characterized by relevant IgG2a/IgG1 isotype and Tbx21/GATA-3 transcription factor ratio. Analysis of the whole spleen tissue revealed small but significant fold changes in gene expression of TH1 versus TH2 type of cytokines between treated and non-treated L. donovani infected BALB/c mice. Particularly, the dominance of TH1 type of response was confirmed by the up regulation of IL-12p40, IFN-γ and TNF-α which triggers elevated expression of iNOS in splenocytes in oleuropein treated L. donovani infected BALB/c mice. Despite the presence of TH2 type of response, the abiding down regulation of IL-1β permits Tbx21 expression and prevents prolonged inflammatory process and thus to disease exacerbation. We also found that oleuropein promoted a dose-dependent ROS production on spleen cells from BALB/c mice infected with L. donovani while it was able to evoke a dose-independent NO production on spleen and liver cells. NO production seems to affect parasitic viability but did not alter physiological function of spleen and liver cells since glutathione cell reservoir is capable of maintaining the continuity of host cell survival confirmed by the absence of NF-kB2 expression increase. Furthermore, oleuropein selectively regulates the transcription of glutathione and trypanothione gene which encode their synthesis enzymes at expense of parasitic antioxidant defense mechanism. The overall conclusion of the research described in this thesis suggests that oleuropein acts as an effective antileishmanial drug with demonstrable immunostimulating properties and selectively induces parasitic death by microbicidal molecules. The option of testing the combining effects of classical antileishmanial drugs with safe, non-toxic and cost effective natural products like oleuropein remains a promising future perspective. Moreover, interesting remains the effect of oleuropein upon other antioxidant genes and cell populations that play crucial roles in the in vivo experimental visceral leishmaniasis such as mDCs, NK and CD8+ cells. Finally, oleuropein could be used upon HIV/L. donovani experimental protocol since oleuropein is also capable to cease viral multiplication.

Plantas do cerrado brasileiro: triagem fitoqu?mica e de atividades biol?gicas de esp?cies nativas do munic?pio de Diamantina, regi?o do Vale do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais

Cunha, Let?cia Figueiredo January 2016 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Ci?ncias farmac?uticas. / Data de aprova??o ausente. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-08-01T18:51:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 leticia_figueiredo_cunha.pdf: 6440587 bytes, checksum: 74ac0e7008e3cbee954ff6c0815803c4 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-08-14T16:34:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) leticia_figueiredo_cunha.pdf: 6440587 bytes, checksum: 74ac0e7008e3cbee954ff6c0815803c4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-14T16:34:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) leticia_figueiredo_cunha.pdf: 6440587 bytes, checksum: 74ac0e7008e3cbee954ff6c0815803c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / As plantas, por serem fonte de subst?ncias biologicamente ativas, s?o utilizadas com a finalidade terap?utica desde o in?cio da civiliza??o humana. O Brasil, por sua vez, ? detentor de uma vasta diversidade biol?gica e possui uma grande quantidade de esp?cies vegetais com potencial medicinal. Dentre os diversos biomas do territ?rio brasileiro, o Cerrado representa o segundo maior, registrando-se muitas esp?cies medicinais. Apesar de sua rica biodiversidade muitas plantas end?micas deste bioma foram pouco estudadas do ponto de vista qu?mico e biol?gico. Consequentemente, ? necess?rio maior investimento em pesquisas com plantas medicinais para tratamento de doen?as, principalmente, as cr?nicas degenerativas e parasit?rias, como Doen?a de Chagas, Leishmanioses, C?ncer e as infec??es causadas por bact?rias e fungos, cujo o tratamento apresenta importantes limita??es. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a triagem fitoqu?mica e de atividades biol?gicas de extratos etan?licos de 12 esp?cies de plantas oriundas do Cerrado, coletadas no mun?cipio de Diamantina, Vale do Jequitinhonha/MG. Para a triagem fitoqu?mica preliminar destes extratos foram realizadas rea??es cromog?nicas, de precipita??es e an?lises em cromatografia em camada delgada comparativa (CCDC). A citotoxicidade para c?lulas normais de mam?feros foi avaliada em fibroblastos de camundongos (L929). A linhagem celular de c?ncer de mama MDA-MB-231 foi a utilizada para a avalia??o da atividade antitumoral dos extratos. A avalia??o da atividade antitripanossomat?deo foi realizada sobre formas epimastigotas da cepa Colombiana de Trypanossoma cruzi e, sobre as formas promastigotas das cepas BH46 de Leishmania (leishmania) infantum e cepa M2269 de Leishmania (leishmania) amazonensis. Para a avalia??o destas atividades foi empregada a t?cnica colorim?trica de MTT. A avalia??o das atividades antibacteriana e antif?ngica foi realizada por meio da determina??o da Concentra??o Inibit?ria M?nima (CIM), empregando a t?cnica colorim?trica da Resazurina. As esp?cies de bact?rias utilizadas foram Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Staphylococcus aureus. Na atividade antif?ngica foram utilizadas quatro esp?cies de leveduras (Candida albicans, Candida famata, Candida krusei e Candida tropicalis) e duas esp?cies de fungos filamentosos (Aspergillus niger e Penicillium expansum). Dos 13 extratos avaliados com rela??o a citotoxicidade sobre fibroblastos de camundongos da linhagem L929, todos apresentaram algum grau de citotoxicidade. Alguns destes extratos apresentaram elevada toxicidade sobre esta linhagem celular, sendo que o extrato etan?lico das folhas de E. erythropappus foi o mais t?xico. Na avalia??o da atividade antitumoral, com exce??o do extrato etan?lico das folhas de P. rigida, todos os outros extratos avaliados apresentaram atividade. Destes o mais promissor tamb?m foi o extrato etan?lico das folhas de E. erythropappus. Na avalia??o da atividade tripanocida sobre formas epimastigotas da cepa Colombiana de T. cruzi, nove extratos foram ativos contra este parasito. Destes os mais promissores foram os extratos das folhas de A. aculeata e das folhas de E. erythropappus. Na avalia??o da atividade leishmanicida para a cepa M2269 os extratos etan?licos das folhas de E. erythropappus e das folhas de B. oxyclada apresentaram como os mais promissores e, para a cepa BH46 o extrato etan?lico de toda esp?cie T. catahartica foi o mais promissor, seguido tamb?m do extrato etan?lico das folhas de E. erythropappus. Na avalia??o da atividade antibacteriana somente os extratos etan?licos das folhas de B. oxyclada, de P. tomentosa e S. rugosa foram ativos e, as ?nicas bact?rias sens?veis foram P. aeruginosa e S. aureus. Destes o extrato etan?lico de P. tomentosa inibiu um maior n?mero de bact?rias com a??o bactericida. Os fungos filamentosos, A. niger e P. expansum, se mostraram resistentes a todos os extratos avaliados e C. krusei foi a levedura mais sens?vel. Os extratos das folhas de B. oxyclada e das folhas de P. tomentosa foram os extratos que inibiram o maior n?mero de esp?cies f?ngicas com os menores valores de CIM. Atrav?s destes resultados, sugere-se que os extratos etan?licos das folhas de Eremanthus erythropappus, de Peixotoa tomentosa e de Banisteriopsis oxyclada apresentaram o maior n?mero de atividades biol?gicas e com os melhores resultados, o que torna estas esp?cies as mais promissoras como fontes potenciais de mol?culas bioativas para o tratamento de C?ncer, Doen?a de Chagas, Leishmanioses e infe??es bacterianas e f?ngicas, necessitando de mais estudos a fim de identificar as subst?ncias respons?veis por tais atividades e pela citotoxicidade e, valid?-las atrav?s de outros modelos in vitro e in vivo. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias Farmac?uticas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, [2016]. / Plants are a potencial source of biologically active substances and they are used for therapeutic purposes since the beginning of human civilization. Brazil, in turn, holds a vast biological diversity and has a lot of plant species with medicinal potential. Among the various biomes of Brazil, the Cerrado is the second largest, registering many medicinal species. Consequently, it is necessary to invest more in research of medicinal plants as possible new treatments, especially for the degenerative and chronic disease such as Chagas, Leishmaniasis, cancer and infections caused by bacteria and fungi, whereof treatment has big limitations. The objective of this study was the phytochemical screening and biological activities studies of ethanolic extracts of 12 plants species from the Cerrado, collected in the municipality of Diamantina, Vale do Jequitinhonha / MG.For the preliminary phytochemical screening were made chromogenic and precipitation reactions and analysis in thin-layer chromatography. Cytotoxicity for normal mammalian cells was evaluated in mouse fibroblasts (L929) and the cell line of breast cancer MDA-MB-231 was used to analyze the antitumor activity of the extracts. The evaluation of antitripanossomatideo activity was performed using epimastigotas of Colombiana Trypanosoma cruzi strain and promastigotes of BH46 Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum strain and M2269 Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis strain. The analyze of these activities were based at the colorimetric MTT technique. The evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activities was performed by determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) employing the colorimetric Resazurin technique. Species of bacteria used were Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. In the antifungal activity were used four species of yeast (Candida albicans, Candida famata, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis) and two species of filamentous fungi (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium expansum). Of the 13 extracts evaluated for cytotoxicity using the L929 strain mouse fibroblasts, all they had some cytotoxicity level. Some of these extractsthen showed a high toxicity in this assay cell line, wherein the ethanolic extract of E. erythropappus leaves was the most toxic. In the evaluation of antitumor activity all extracts showed activity, exception for the extract of P. rigida leaves. Among these the most promising was either the ethanolic extract of the leaves of E. erythropappus. Evaluation of trypanocidal activity using Colombian strain of T. cruzi epimastigotas, present active for nine extracts against this parasite, been the A. aculeata and leaves E. erythropappus leaf extract the most promising. Leishmanicidal activity for the M2269 strain of E. erythropappus B. oxyclada leaf extract presented as the most promising and, for the BH46 strain the T. catahartica role plant extract shows the best results, followed by the E. erythropappus leaf extract. In the antibacterial activity assay only the B. oxyclada, P. tomentosa and S. rugosa leaf extracts were active, and the only for P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Among these the P. tomentosa extract inhibited a greater number of bacteria with bactericidal action. Filamentous fungus A. niger and P. expansum were resistant to all extracts evaluated and C. krusei was the most sensitive yeast. P. tomentosa and B. oxyclada leaf extracts inhibited more yeast species but with the lowest MIC values. Due these results, it is suggested that the E. erythropappus of P. tomentosa and B. oxyclada leaf ethanolic extracts showed the greatest of biological activities, making these the most promising species as potential sources of bioactive molecules for the treatment of cancer, Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis and bacterial and fungal infections, yet requiring further studies to identify the substances responsible for such activities and cytotoxicity and validate them through other models in vitro and in vivo.

Avaliação da Atividade Antileishmania da Spiranthera odoratissima ST. Hil (Rutaceae) in vitro, in vivo e in silico

Santos, Rogerio Alexandre Nunes dos 02 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T13:00:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1776418 bytes, checksum: 744ac3ac5030bc552fceb05b70d06ca5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Leishmaniasis is one of the neglected diseases. High cost, systemic toxicity, and diminished efficacy due to development of resistance by the parasites has a negative impact on the current treatment options. Thus, the search for a new, effective and safer antileishmanial drug becomes of paramount importance. Compounds derived from natural products may be a better and cheaper source in this regard. This study evaluated the in vitro, in vivo and in silico antileishmanial activity of Spiranthera odoratíssima (Rutaceae) fractions and isolated compounds, using promastigote and amastigote forms of different Leishmania species. J774 A.1 macrophage was used as the parasite host cell for the in vitro assays. Evaluations of cytoxicity, nitric oxide (NO), interleukin-10, interleukin-12, IFN-γ were obtained in vitro and expression of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), NF-κB (p50 and p65) was studied by western blotting.in vivo and in silico analysis were carried out. In vitro experiments showed that the fruit hexanic fraction (Fhf) and its alkaloid skimmianine (Skm) have a significant (P<0·001) effect against L. braziliensis. This anti-L. braziliensis activity of Fhf and Skm was due to increased production of NO and attenuation of IL-10 production in the macrophages in contrast of IL-12 and IFN-γ levels increased at concentrations ranging from 1·6 to 40·0 μg/ml. Fhf and Skm showed expression of p38 and NF-κB, pathways involved in the production of Th1 cytokines and nitric oxide. In vivo testing showed reduction in lesion size in mice infected with L. braziliensis, as well as reduction in parasite burden in linfonode and spleen. The in silico assay demonstrated significant interaction between Skm and amino acid residues of NOS2.Skm is thus a promising drug candidate for L. braziliensis due to its potent immunomodulatory activity. / A leishmaniose é uma doença negligenciada cujo tratamento disponibilizado está associado a uma série de efeitos tóxicos, alto custo e diminuição da eficácia terapêutica devido ao aumento da resistência pelos parasitas. Assim, a pesquisa de novas drogas mais eficazes e seguras torna-se de grande importância. Compostos derivados de produtos naturais pode ser uma fonte mais eficaz e econômica para o tratamento desta parasitose. Este estudo avaliou a atividade leishmanicida da espécie Spiranthera odoratíssima (Rutaceae) testando suas frações e isolados in vitro, in vivo e in silico utilizando formas promastigota e amastigota de diferentes espécies de Leishmania em macrófagos J774 A.1. Os ensaios in vitro avaliaram citotoxicidade, produção de óxido nítrico (NO), produção de citocinas interleucina 10, interleucina 12 e IFN-γ. A expressão da proteína quinase p38 ativada por mitógeno (p38 MAPK) e NF-κB (p50 e p65) foi avaliada in vitro por western blotting. Os resultados observados in vitro da fração hexânica do fruto (Fhf) e seu alcaloide isolado esquimianina (Skm) demostraram uma significante ação leishmanicida (P<0·001) contra L. braziliensis. Esta ação foi associada ao aumento da produção de óxido nítrico e diminuição de IL-10 em macrófagos assim como aumento da produção de citocinas Th1 como Il-12 e IFNγ para as concentrações estabelecidas entre 1.6 a 40 μg/ml. Fhf e Skm demostraram induzir a expressão de p38 e NFκB, vias estas envolvidas na produção de citocinas Th1 e na indução de óxido nítrico. Os ensaios in vivo demostraram reduzir lesão em camundongos Swiss infectados com L. braziliensis, assim como foi reduzido à carga parasitária em linfonodos e baço destes animais. O ensaio in silico demonstrou interação significativa entre Skm e resíduos de aminoácidos de NOS-II. Estes resultados em conjunto sugerem que o alcaloide esquimianina é um candidato promissor contra L. braziliensis devido sua potente atividade imunomoduladora.

Atividade Leishmanicida do Extrato Etanólico Bruto de Croton blanchetianus Bail / Leishmanicidal activity of the crude ethanol extract of Croton blanchetianus Baill

Pereira, Katily Luize Garcia 04 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Leishmaniasis is a complex of parasitic diseases caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and transmitted to humans and other vertebrate hosts through the bite of an infected phlebotomine insect. Currently, all drugs used in the treatment of this disease have low efficacy, high toxicity and are associated with parasitic resistance. In this sense, scientific research that indicates a new compounds with leishmanicidal activity are quite promising. The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the leishmanicidal activity of the crude ethanol extract of C. blanchetianus on L. amazonensis and L. infantum as well as their toxic and immunomodulator effect on murine macrophages. Promastigotes in the logarithmic growth phase were subjected to treatment with different concentrations of the extract for 24 and 72 hours at 26ºC, and the viability was measured by the method of Alamar Blue . A greater inhibition was observed in L. amazonensis with an IC50 of 73.6 μg/ml in 24 hours of incubation and 42.6 μg/ml at 72 hours. In L. infantum extract showed an IC50 of 208.7 μg/ml in 24 hours and 108.9 μg/ml at 72 hours. Regarding the reduction of viability, L. amazonensis showed a death percentage of 68.8% with 100 μg/ml of the extract after 24 hours of treatment and approximately 100% after 72 hours, whereas for L. infantum this level of inhibition was not seen with 250 μg/ml of the extract. For the analysis of antiamastigota activity, infected macrophages were treated with different concentrations of the extract and incubated for 72h at 37° C, and the rate of infection was determined by staining method with hematologic pigment and counts in optical microscopy. It was found a higher dose-dependent inhibition in L. amazonensis with an IC50 of 3.10 μg/ml. In L. infantum there was a lower activity of the extract which present an IC50 of 8.83 μg/ml. At lower concentration tested (3 μg/ml) there was a reduction in the viability of L. amazonensis around 44%, while in L. infantum, this level of inhibition was only observed with 7 μg/ml of extract. The cytotoxicity was performed on murine macrophages incubated with different concentrations of the extract for 72 hours at 37°C and the viability was measured by Alamar Blue method. The LD50 observed was 83.79 μg/ml and the selectivity index calculated was 27 to L. amazonensis and 9.5 for L. Infantum, revealing a higher toxicity of the extract in the parasites than in macrophages.Treatment with the extract not modulated the macrophage for nitric oxide synthesis, as verified by Griess reaction. However, interfered in the morphology of promastigote forms, being observed parasites with a rounded body and/or double scourge. Therefore, the data presented in this study indicate that the ethanol extract of C. blanchetianus presents leishmanicidal activity on promastigote and amastigote forms of L. amazonensis and L. infantum, being more effective against the species L. amazonensis, especially on the amastigote form, without causing, however, toxicity to the host cell. / A leishmaniose é um complexo de doenças parasitárias causadas por protozoários do gênero Leishmania e transmitidas ao ser humano e outros hospedeiros vertebrados por meio da picada de um inseto flebotomíneo infectado. Atualmente, todos os medicamentos utilizados no tratamento dessa doença apresentam baixa eficácia, alta toxicidade e estão associados à resistência parasitária. Nesse sentido, pesquisas científicas que indiquem novos compostos com atividade leishmanicida são bastante promissoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar in vitro a atividade leishmanicida do extrato etanólico bruto de C. blanchetianus sobre L. amazonensis e L. infantum, bem como o seu efeito tóxico e imunomodulador sobre macrófagos murinos. Promastigotas na fase logarítmica de crescimento foram submetidos ao tratamento com diferentes concentrações do extrato por 24 e 72 horas a 26ºC, e a viabilidade foi mensurada por meio do método de Alamar Blue . Uma maior inibição foi vista em L. amazonensis com um IC50 de 73,6 μg/ml em 24 horas de incubação e de 42,6 μg/ml em 72 horas. Em L. infantum o extrato apresentou um IC50 de 208,7 μg/ml em 24 horas e de 108,9 μg/ml em 72 horas. Em relação à redução da viabilidade, L. amazonensis apresentou um percentual de morte de 68,8%, com 100 μg/ml do extrato, em 24 horas de tratamento e aproximadamente 100% em 72 horas, enquanto que em L. infantum este nível de inibição só foi visto com 250 μg/ml do extrato. Para a análise da atividade antiamastigota, macrófagos infectados foram tratados com diferentes concentrações do extrato e incubados por 72h a 37ºC, e o índice de infecção foi determinado por coloração com corante hematológico e contagem em microscopia óptica. Verificou-se uma inibição dose-dependente maior em L. amazonensis com um IC50 de 3,10 μg/ml. Em L. infantum houve uma menor atividade do extrato que apresentou um IC50 de 8,83 μg/ml. Na menor concentração testada (3 μg/ml) houve uma redução na viabilidade de L. amazonensis por volta de 44%, enquanto que em L. infantum, este nível de inibição só foi observado com 7 μg/ml do extrato. A avaliação da citotoxicidade foi realizada em macrófagos murinos, incubados com diferentes concentrações do extrato por 72h a 37ºC e a viabilidade foi mensurada pelo método de Alamar Blue . O LD50 observado foi de 83,79 μg/ml e o Índice de Seletividade calculado foi de 27 para L. amazonensis e 9,5 para L. Infantum, revelando uma maior toxicidade do extrato nos parasitos do que nos macrófagos. O tratamento com o extrato não modulou o macrófago para a síntese de óxido nítrico, como verificado pela Reação de Griess. Contudo, interferiu na morfologia das formas promastigotas, sendo observados parasitos com corpo arredondado e/ou flagelo duplo. Portanto, os dados apresentados nesse estudo indicam que o extrato etanólico de C. blanchetianus apresenta atividade leishmanicida sobre as formas promastigota e amastigota de L. amazonensis e L. infantum, sendo mais efetivo frente à espécie L. amazonensis, principalmente sobre a forma amastigota, sem causar, no entanto, toxicidade à célula hospedeira.

Atividade leishmanicida de análogos de alcalóides marinhos e bioisósteros do resveratrol em Leishmania amazonensis

Machado, Patrícia de Almeida 26 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-02T14:22:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 patriciadealmeidamachado.pdf: 2264339 bytes, checksum: daac1876462208aa982df4724ffcd524 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-06T14:17:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 patriciadealmeidamachado.pdf: 2264339 bytes, checksum: daac1876462208aa982df4724ffcd524 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-06T14:17:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 patriciadealmeidamachado.pdf: 2264339 bytes, checksum: daac1876462208aa982df4724ffcd524 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-26 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade leishmanicida de análogos de alcalóides marinhos e bioisósteros do resveratrol em L. amazonensis. Foram testados 12 análogos de alcalóides marinhos 3-alquil piridinas e 7 biosósteros do resveratrol, sendo 4 complexados a ouro, em formas promastigotas de L. amazonensis e em macrófagos peritoneais. Em ambos os casos, a viabilidade celular foi avaliada pelo método colorimétrico do MTT. Os compostos que apresentaram significante atividade antipromastigota e foram seletivos para o parasito, em comparação com a célula hospedeira, foram testados em amastigotas intracelulares de L. amazonensis, cujo efeito dos compostos foi avaliado pela contagem das formas intracelulares. Além disso, foi coletado o sobrenadante para a dosagem de óxido nítrico (NO), através do método de Griess. A maioria dos compostos testados apresentou efeito antipromastigota, destacando os compostos 4 e 5 do grupo dos análogos de alcalóides marinhos, com CI50 de 1,07 e 1,09 µM, respectivamente. Em relação à série dos bioisósteros do resveratrol, destacam-se aqueles complexados a ouro, sendo o composto 17 o mais ativo (CI50 de 5,18 µM). Todos os compostos que foram testados em amastigotas apresentaram atividade, destacando-se, o composto 10 (CI50 = 0,27 µM), dentre os análogos de alcalóides marinhos, e o composto 19, da série dos bioisósteros do resveratrol complexados a ouro (CI50 = 5,77 µM). A maioria dos análogos de alcalóides marinhos mostrou significante toxicidade em macrófagos peritoneais, enquanto somente dois bioisósteros do resveratrol complexados a ouro foram tóxicos para a célula hospedeira. No entanto, todos os compostos testados em amastigotas apresentaram significante seletividade pelo parasito em seu estágio intracelular. Com relação à especificidade das moléculas, os análogos marinhos foram específicos para amastigotas, sugerindo que o alvo desses compostos é exclusivo desse estágio, já a maioria dos bioisósteros do resveratrol complexados a ouro mostraram efeito semelhante em formas promastigotas e amastigotas de L. amazonensis, sugerindo alvos comuns desses compostos nos dois estágios do parasito. Nenhum dos compostos testados induziu significante produção de NO por macrófagos infectados com L. amazonensis, sugerindo que essa molécula não está diretamente relacionada ao efeito antiparasitário. Em resumo, o trabalho mostrou que os compostos testados possuem significativo potencial leishmanicida e abrem perspectivas para estudos em modelos in vivo, bem como estudo do mecanismo de ação. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the leishmanicidal activity of marine alkaloid analogues and bioisosteres of resveratrol in L. amazonensis. We tested 12 3alkylpyridine marine alkaloid analogues of and 7 bioisosteres of resveratrol, 4 complexed to gold, in promastigotes of L. amazonensis and in peritoneal macrophages. In both cases, the viability of the cells was checked using the MTT colorimetric method. Compounds with significant antipromastigote activity and selectivity by the parasite, when compared to the host cell, were tested on intracellular amastigotes of L. amazonensis, which effect of the compounds was determined by counting the number of intracellular parasites. Supernatant was also collected for measure of the nitric oxide (NO), by the Griess method. Most compounds showed antipromastigote effect, especially compounds 4 and 5 of the marine alkaloid analogues, with IC50 of 1.07 and 1.09 µM, respectively. Regarding the bioisosteres of resveratrol, the gold complex 17 was the most active (IC50 of 5.18 µM). All compounds tested in amastigotes exhibited activity, including the compound 10 (IC50 = 0.27 µM), among marine alkaloid analogues, and the compound 19, among gold complexes with bioisosteres of resveratrol (IC50 = 5.77 µM). Most marine alkaloid analogues showed significant toxicity in peritoneal macrophages, while only two bioisosteres of resveratrol complexed to gold were toxic to host cell. However, all compounds tested in amastigotes showed significant selectivity for intracellular parasite. Regarding the specificity of the molecules, marine analogues were specific to amastigote forms, suggesting that the target of these compounds is unique to this stage, while most of bioisosteres of resveratrol complexed to gold showed similar effect on promastigotes and amastigotes of L. amazonensis, suggesting common targets of these compounds in both stages of the parasite. None of compounds induced significant NO production by L. amazonensis-infected macrophages, suggesting that this molecule is not directly related with the antiparasitic effect. In summary, the study showed that the compounds have significant potential leishmanicidal and encourages in vivo studies, as well as the action mechanism.


Dutra, Richard Pereira 19 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-16T18:18:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Richard Pereira Dutra.pdf: 10110933 bytes, checksum: 21ac06ca1d01c91986e9b53d029d42ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-19 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / Melipona fasciculataSmith, occurs in Brazil, especially in the state of Maranhão, where it is popularly known as tiúba . The tiúba produces honey, wax, pollen and geopropolis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the leishmanicidal activity of different samples of geopropolis Melipona fasciculata, aiming to produce a product with leishmanicidal activity. Geopropolis samples were collected in different localities of the municipality of Fernando Falcão-MA and subjected to extractive process withhydroalcoholic solution, obtaining the hydroalcoholic extracts of geopropolis (HEG1, and HEG2 HEG3). The extracts were used for in vitro evaluation of leishmanicidal action, using promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis. The HEG1, with the highest leishmanicidal activity, was subjected to liquid-liquid partition, resulting in hexanefraction (FH), chloroform fraction (CF), ethyl acetate fraction (AF) and hydroalcoholic fraction (FHA). The fractions were assessed for leishmanicidal activity and antioxidant, and also analyzed for total polyphenol concentration and chemical composition. Extracts of geopropolis showed inhibitory concentration (IC50) between 47-229 μg/mL. The most active extract was EHG1 and its most active fraction was the FA with IC50 of 29.89 μg/mL, while the IC50 FC fractions and FHA showed IC50of 43.21 μg/mL and 49.48 μg/mL, respectively. The HEG1 and fractions leishmanicidalshowed antioxidant activity towards DPPH and high levels of total polyphenols. The hexane fraction showed no leishmanicidal action, and had the lowest antioxidant concentrations of polyphenols. The extracts showed phenolic acids, organic acids, fatty acids, anthraquinones, sugars and alcohols, the analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The most active fraction (AF) showed mainly gallic acid, while the other fractions were identified fatty acids, organic acids, anthraquinones, diterpenes, triterpenes, steroids, sugars and alcohols. In the analysis by High performance liquidchromatographycoupled tomass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) extract the most active fraction were identified phenolic acids, ellagitannins and gallotannins, confirming the data obtained by GC-MS. Based on the results obtained was a byproduct that when tested under the same conditions also showed leishmanicidal action. In conclusion, the leishmanicidal activity of geopropolis Melipona fasciculata is likely to be related to the presence of gallic acid derivaties and ellagic. / Melipona fasciculataSmith, ocorre no Brasil, especialmente no estado do Maranhão, onde é popularmente conhecida como tiúba. A tiúba produz mel, cera, geoprópolis e acumula pólen. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade leishmanicida de diferentes amostras da geoprópolis de Melipona fasciculata, visando à obtenção de um produto com atividade leishmanicida. As amostras de geoprópolis foram coletadas em diferentes localidades do município de Fernando Falcão-MA e submetidas a processo extrativo com solução hidroalcoólica, obtendo-se os extratos hidroalcoólicos da geoprópolis (EHG1, EHG2 e EHG3). Os extratos foram utilizados para avaliação in vitro da ação leishmanicida, utilizando formas promastigotas de Leishmania amazonensis. O EHG1, que apresentou maior atividade leishmanicida, foi submetido à partição líquido-líquido, resultando nas frações hexânica (FH), fração clorofórmica (FC), fração acetato de etila (FA) e fração hidroalcoólica (FHA). As frações foram avaliadas quanto à atividade leishmanicida e antioxidante, e ainda analisadas quanto à concentração de polifenóis totais e composição química. Os extratos da geoprópolis apresentaram concentração inibitória (CI50) entre 47 a 229 μg/mL. O extrato mais ativo foi EHG1 e a sua fração mais ativa foi a FA com CI50 de 29,89 μg/mL, enquanto as frações FC e FHA apresentaram CI50 de 43,21 μg/mL e 49,48 μg/mL, respectivamente. OEHG1 e as frações leishmanicidas apresentaram atividade antioxidante frente ao radical DPPH e elevados teores de polifenóis totais. A fração hexânica não apresentou ação leishmanicida, antioxidante e apresentou as menores concentrações de polifenóis. Os extratos apresentaram ácidos fenólicos, ácidos orgânicos, ácidos graxos, antraquinonas, açúcares e álcoois, nas analises por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). A fração mais ativa (FA) apresentou principalmente o ácido gálico, enquanto nas demais frações foram identificados ácidos graxos, ácidos orgânicos, antraquinonas, diterpenos, triterpenos, esteróides, açúcares e álcoois. Nas análises por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a espectrometria de massas (CLAE-EM) do extrato fração mais ativos foram identificados ácidos fenólicos, galotaninos e elagitaninos, corroborando com os dados obtidos por CG-EM. Com base nos resultados foi obtido um bioproduto que quando testado nas mesmas condições também apresentou ação leishmanicida. Concluímos que a atividade leishmanicida e antioxidante da geoprópolis de Melipona fasciculataestãopossivelmente relacionadas à presença de derivados dos ácidos gálico e elágico.

Estudo morfoanatômico, avaliação da atividade biológica e composição química e variabilidade do óleo essencial da Memora nodosa (SILVA MANSO) Miers - Bignoniaceae / Morphological and anatomical study, evaluation of biological activity and chemical composition and variability of essential oil Memora Nodosa (Silva Manso) Miers - Bignoniaceae

TRESVENZOL, Leonice Manrique Faustino 18 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:10:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese M nodosa Final I.pdf: 3081089 bytes, checksum: 1751ddbcf974cb6b37ba7e8b90043507 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-18 / Memora nodosa (Silva Manso) Miers is a native savannah plant popularly used for wound cicatrization (leaves and stems) and for treating abdominal pains and scabies (roots). The purpose of this work is to study the morphoanatomy and determine the composition and variability of the constituents of the essential oil obtained from the M. nodosa leaves, as well as its antimicrobial, leishmanicidal, cicatrizing activity and toxicity. Morphologically, M. nodosa is a bush with clumps of straight or curved stems. It has a deep, pivoting root and presents a chandelier shaped structure in the upper part from where the stems sprout. It presents compound, bipinnate, imparipinnate, oppositely crossed leaves. The inflorescence is racemose with golden-yellow flowers. It is characterized by septifrague capsule type fruit with replum and winged seeds. Anatomically the leaves are hypostomatic with predominantly paracytic stomates. The epidermis is uniseriate with a thick cuticle and glandular trichomes throughout the structure of the young leaves. The essential oil from the M. nodosa leaves collected from seven different locations in the Brazilian savannah was analyzed by GC(FID) and GC/MS. Five substances were identified, benzaldehyde and 1- octene-3-ol were the main constituents. Two different classes regarding sampling location and constituents were identified by means of the principal component and grouping analyses. The antimicrobial activity of the ethanolic extracts from leaves, stems, roots and of essential oil from leaves, and the fractions obtained from the roots, were assessed against Grampositive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as the Candida albicans fungus, using well diffusion test and the agar dilution method. The ethanolic extract from the roots presented small antimicrobial activity while the hexane and dichloromethane fractions obtained from this extract presented MIC 0.39 mg/mL and 0.78 mg/mL against a number of Gram-positive bacteria and the Candida albicans fungus. The essential oil presented MIC 0.78 mg/mL to 1.56 mg/mL. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was the result of synergic action between the benzaldehyde, 1-octene-3-ol, 1-octanol, linalool and the mandelonitrile, constituents of the essential oil. Promastigote forms of Leishmania chagasi were used for the leishmanicidal assessment and it was verified that the ethanol extract from the leaves presented an IC50 of 93.2 &#956;g/mL and from the roots presented an IC50 of 95.87 &#956;g/mL. The hexane fraction from the roots presented an IC50 of 13.51&#956;g/mL. A mixture of &#946;-sitosterol and stigmasterol was isolated and identified in the hexane fraction obtained from the ethanol extract from the roots. This mixture was tested against L. chagasi resulting in an IC50 of 69.79 &#956;g/mL. The cicatrizing activity of the ethanol extract from the leaves and roots was assessed on skin wounds in rats, and it be noted reepithelization occurred faster only in the group treated with a 2% aqueous solution of the ethanol extract from the roots. This action may be related to the alantoine isolated in the ethanol extract from the roots. The toxicity assessment of the ethanol extracts from roots, leaves and hexane fraction obtained from M . nodosa roots, tested on rats, mice and Artemia salina proved that this plant is not potentially toxic. In conclusion, according to the tests performed, the best results were obtained with ethanolic extract and it presented antimicrobial, wound cicatrization and leishmanicidal activities. Hexane and dichloromethane fractions obtained from roots extract presented antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and the Candida albicans fungus and hexane fraction strong leishmanicidal activity. / A Memora nodosa (Silva Manso) Miers é uma planta nativa do Cerrado e utilizada popularmente na cicatrização de feridas (folhas e caules) e no tratamento de dores abdominais e sarnas (raízes). Este trabalho objetivou realizar o estudo morfoanatômico, determinar a composição química e a variabilidade dos constituintes do óleo essencial obtido das folhas e avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana, leishmanicida e cicatrizante e a toxicidade dos extratos e frações da M. nodosa. Morfologicamente, observou-se que a M. nodosa é um arbusto com caules retos ou escandentes reunidos em touceiras. A raiz é pivotante, profunda e apresenta, na parte superior, uma estrutura em candelabro de onde se originam os caules. As folhas são opostas cruzadas, recompostas, bipinadas, imparipinadas, com foliólulos lanceolados. A inflorescência é racemosa com flores de cor amarelo-ouro. O fruto é do tipo cápsula septífraga com abertura longitudinal e sementes aladas. Anatomicamente, as folhas são hipoestomáticas, com estômatos predominantemente paracíticos. A epiderme é unisseriada, com cutícula espessa em todas as estruturas das folhas. Tricomas glandulares e tectores são observados nas folhas e caules jovens. O óleo essencial das folhas da M. nodosa coletadas em sete localidades diferentes do Cerrado brasileiro foi analisado por CG (DIC) e CG/EM. Cinco substâncias foram identificadas, sendo o benzaldeído e o 1-octen-3-ol os principais constituintes. A análise dos componentes principais e dos agrupamentos possibilitou a distinção de duas classes diferenciadas em relação ao local da amostragem e aos constituintes. As atividades antimicrobianas dos extratos etanólicos das folhas, dos caules e das raízes, do óleo essencial das folhas e das frações obtidas das raízes foram avaliadas usando teste de difusão em poço e o método de diluição em ágar. O extrato etanólico das raízes apresentou atividade antimicrobiana fraca, enquanto as frações hexano e diclorometano, obtidas desse extrato, mostraram atividade de forte a moderada contra várias bactérias Gram-positivas e contra o fungo Candida albicans. O óleo essencial obtido das folhas apresentou CIM de 0,78 mg/mL a 1,56 mg/mL contra bactérias Gram-positivas e Candida albicans. Constatou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial se deve a ação sinérgica entre o benzaldeído, o 1- octen-3-ol, o 1-octanol, o linalol e a mandelonitrila, constituintes do óleo essencial. A atividade cicatrizante dos extratos etanólicos das folhas e raízes foi avaliada em feridas cutâneas de ratos e observou-se uma aceleração na reepitelização apenas no grupo tratado com solução aquosa a 2% do extrato etanólico das raízes. Essa ação pode estar relacionada com a alantoína, isolada do extrato etanólico das raízes. Na avaliação da atividade leihsmanicida, empregaram-se culturas com formas promastigotas de Leishmania chagasi e verificou-se que o extrato etanólico das folhas apresentou IC50 de 93,2 &#956;g/mL e as raízes IC50 de 95,87 &#956;g/mL. A fração hexano obtida das raízes apresentou IC50 de 13,51 &#956;g/mL. Da fração hexano obtida do extrato etanólico das raízes foi isolado e identificado uma mistura de &#946;-sitosterol e estigmasterol. Essa mistura foi testada contra L. chagasi, obtendo-se IC50 de 69,79 &#956;g/mL. A avaliação da toxicidade aguda dos extratos etanólicos das folhas, das raízes e da fração hexano obtidas das raízes empregando como modelos experimentais ratos e camundongos e o teste de citotoxicidade utilizando Artemia salina mostraram que essa planta não é potencialmente tóxica. Conclui-se que os melhores resultados foram obtido com extrato etanólico das raízes, que apresentou atividade antimicrobiana, cicatrizante e leishmanicida.As frações hexano e diclorometano, obtidas das raízes, apresentaram bom potencial antimicrobiano contra bactérias Gram-positivas e o fungo C. albicans e a fração hexano forte atividade leishmnicida.

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