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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Case Study on Management of Leisure Farms Based on Resource-Based View

Yang, Chia-ming 04 September 2007 (has links)
In recent years, Taiwan¡¦s agriculture has faced difficult situations. But as the trend of travel is raising, leisure farming is also gaining ground and gives a great opportunity for traditional farming industry. However, due to the lack of knowledge and experiences of managing leisure farms, many owners who were originally farmers have found difficulty when it comes to create distinguish features. Moreover, imitating each other also leads to collectively poor performance. Therefore, this study has two goals. On one hand, it sums up the past researches and literatures to find out the key factors resulting in success in managing leisure farms; on the other hand, it offers best practice from the case study of well-run existing leisure farms. The conclusions of this study can be presented as followings: 1. The operating activities of a leisure farm should be in accord with its own resources and tourists¡¦ demand. It has to create a unique theme to distinguish itself from others. 2. Once a leisure farm has positioned itself, its products and services should fit its position to avoid giving tourists conflicting messages. 3. Internet may be helpful to the marketing of leisure farms, but tourists can easily gain information as well. Therefore, without non-stop innovation, a leisure farm cannot sustain its distinctive position.

A strategic study on constructing agri-leisure experience commodity in Kaohsiung and Pintung counties

Tsai, Min-yi 19 January 2009 (has links)
Agri-leisure is a new type of farm operation model. It is a service that well utilizes the natural resources and the local characteristics to let the visitors experience rural life, and to get spiritual satisfaction. Since most of the farms¡¦ products and activities are not innovative and entertain enough, the objective of this project is to help the farms owner in Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties to breakthrough this dilemma. We evaluate each farm¡¦s SWOT analysis, holding conferences with industrial, governmental and academic experts, and adopts Delphi rule as a tool for the objective perspective. Finally, we conclude 20 strategies regarding to 3 perspectives, which are ¡§The overall development¡¨, ¡§Experience activities¡¨ and ¡§Related products¡¨

An empirical study of the relationships among perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention for leisure farm¡GThe case of Ping-Tung agricultural products exhibition

Tsai, Kuen-Tai 29 May 2006 (has links)
In order to meet the demand of expanding leisure tour market and to reduce the impact on agriculture because of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), the government actively promotes the policy of 'recreation agriculture' and hopes to upgrade the agriculture by ways of adopting the managerial concept and idea of travel service. Because 'recreation agriculture' has been lacking a set of approval procedures and rating standards, leisure farm visitors maybe choose the inferior leisure farms with poor service quality in lack of ample information. The tourists with bad experiences about leisure farms will not visit leisure farms in the future. That will greatly influence the future development of ' recreation agriculture '. This study aims at setting up a service quality measure of leisure farms and offers it to the government for reference in setting up the authentication and rating system. In addition, this study also investigates the interrelationships among customer¡¦s perceived service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention. By understanding and endeavoring to improve those defects of service, the leisure farms can promote visitors' satisfaction and revisiting willingness effectively and subsequently enforce their competitiveness. In order to prove the fitness of the construct model to ' recreation agriculture ', this research adopts statistical software SPSS to verify the reliability of the measure and make the factor analysis. This study also uses software AMOS as a tool to build and analysis the linear structure model for the latent constructs of perceived service quality, customer¡¦s satisfaction and behavioral intention. The objects of this study are visitors of the tropical agricultural products exhibition of Ping-Tong, The investigation method adopted for this study is granting the questionnaire to visitors at random. The analysis result shows, visitors are most unsatisfied about following service items, including insufficient equipments for the disability person and other auxiliary equipments, such as pavilion and sun-shading seats, the attendants of the leisure farm lack the professional knowledge about agriculture and service. Another finding of this study is that students of elementary school and junior high school are apparently more satisfied with 'perceived service quality' and 'customer¡¦s satisfaction' than other visitors. Because visitors from Ping-Tong county pay lower ticket price than that for visitors from other counties, visitors from Ping-Tong county feel more satisfied about the construct of ' service value '. Path analyses verify the following hypothesis, 'perceived service quality' can positively influence 'customer¡¦s satisfaction', and 'customer¡¦s satisfaction' can positively influence 'behavioral intention', but 'perceived service quality' can not directly influence 'behavioral intention'. The managerial implications based on this study are: 1.The manager of the leisure farm should devote to improve the auxiliary equipments and attendants' agricultural knowledge and service skills in solving the service disputes. 2.Strengthen marketing for students of elementary school and junior high school to increase visitors. 3.Narrow the disparity of ticket price for visitors from Ping-Tong county and other counties to encourage people of other counties to visit the leisure farm.

A Study of Visitors' Experience Satisfaction in Different Types of Leisure Farms

Chu, Chia-Ching 27 July 2006 (has links)


陳平軒 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在加入WTO後,農業部門勢所難免的會遭受到嚴重衝擊,發展被替代性低的休閒觀光農業,是可以讓農業提昇競爭力的方法之一。而伴隨著農業旅遊活動,住宿的需求必然也隨之出現,惟為避免大規模的興建住宿設施而破壞了農業生產環境及自然生態,小規模的開發及利用現有的農宅,增建改建為住(民)宿設施,不僅能吸引並留住旅遊人潮,以活絡農村經濟,亦可增進遊客對於農業及農村的體驗。 本研究初步得到以下結果:(一)針對前來住宿本休閒農場遊客的基本個人特質調查可知:1.遊客以男性略多於女性,2.大部份為青壯年人口為主,3.教育程度以大學、專科為最多,4.在工作類型上以從事服務業、商業者為主,來此的遊客多為中產階級。(二)就旅遊屬性來看,1.前來住宿庄腳所在休閒農場的遊客,主要是由親友及看旅遊雜誌的介紹而來,2.以第一次來的遊客為最多,3.同伴性質多以3-5人的家庭團體活動為主,4.所花費的交通時間則以1-2小時為最主要,5.多為自行開車前來。(三)在遊客所重視之休閒農場住(民)宿設施而言,以「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」、「床墊的狀況」、「自然光及空氣流通」等三項是為遊客所最重視,另外遊客最重視之住(民)宿服務項目分為「房價收費合理」、「民宿主人的親切感」、「民宿主人提供休閒農場資訊的完整性」等三項。(四)本研究針對個人屬性中之性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入,檢定與遊客最重視之住(民)宿設施與服務的差異性;由分析結果得知,在住(民)宿設施部分,年齡、工作類型達到顯著水準0.05,表示這些因子具有獨立性質,其餘則未具獨立性。至於住(民)宿服務部分,則是個人收入此項因子達到顯著水準0.05。(五)對住宿本休閒農場之遊客,本研究將遊客滿意度分為對寢室、盥洗室、整體形象、農場主、服務與休閒等五項分項滿意度,其中以對「寢室的滿意度」最高,其次為對「整體形象的滿意度」。至於研究假設驗證方面:(一)以卡方檢定將遊客個人屬性中之性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入,與其所最重視的住(民)宿設施與服務認知間進行獨立性檢定後發現,1.在住(民)宿設施部分,所有的年齡層最重視的住(民)宿設施項目均以「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」最高。2.各職業分類中,其所最重視之住(民)宿設施項目仍認為「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」是最重要的。3.至於住(民)宿服務部分,性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入等五項因子中,僅有個人收入一項達到顯著水準。(二)利用單因子變異數分析檢測個人特性與其對各個分項滿意度間差異性的分析發現:1.不同年齡層的遊客對於「整體形象滿意度」及「農場主滿意度」會有所差異。2.不同教育程度的遊客對於「寢室滿意度」、「整體形象滿意度」、「服務與休閒滿意度」會有所差異。(三)以線性相關分析檢測各分項滿意度與總滿意度間呈現顯著正相關性。

The Research on tourists¡¦ behavior on holidays in leisure farms in Taiwan

Lin, Wei-Cheng 27 June 2001 (has links)
In this thesis, I have made use of Consumer Strategic Procedure of E-K-B model to study Leisure Farm Tourists ¡V their tour motivation as well as factors that influence their choice of place ¡V to enable the owners of these leisure farms to make suitable changes in order to attract more tourists. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to discuss and analyze the effect of ¡§tour motivation¡¨ and ¡§choice evaluation¡¨ on ¡§tour motivation¡¨, ¡§information search behavior¡¨, and ¡§choice evaluation norm¡¨ respectively ¡V their characters and differences. The questionnaire design for this study is targeted toward grown up individual. A total of 301 valid questionnaires have been collected. Using statistical analysis methods such as Factor analysis, Discriminant analysis, Cluster analysis, One-way ANOVA and Chi-square method, I have examined the data collected and have reached the following conclusions: Ø The frequency of tourists visiting leisure farms during the past 2 years was very low, plus the duration of stay in these places almost never exceeded 2 days. Ø From the result of Factor Analysis on Tourist¡¦s tour motivation we have generated the following 5 compositions ¡V ¡§Human Relationship and Ability Development¡¨, ¡§Physical and Psychological Relaxation and Recuperation¡¨, ¡§Continuous Learning and Development¡¨, ¡§Individual and Spiritual Quest¡¨ and ¡§Relationship Building¡¨. From Information Search Behavior we generated another 3 composition ¡V ¡§Fanatic Information Gatherer¡¨, ¡¨Experience Guided¡¨ and ¡§Last minute gatherer¡¨. From Source of Information we have ¡V ¡§Mass Media¡¨, ¡§Consultants¡¨, and ¡§Professional tour guide¡¨. From Choice Evaluation Norm we generated another 5 compositions ¡V those who care about the environment, those families who enjoy nature and outings, those who like to stay away from the crowd, those who loves danger and excitement, and finally those who love to experience new lifestyle. Ø Depending on tour motivation of the tourist we have dissected the leisure farm tourist into 3 group, and according to their nature we have named them as thus: ² High tour motivation type: this type of tourists has displayed high degree of motivation in all type of compositions and their degree of motivation is significantly higher than those of the other two types. ² Moderate tour motivation type: this type of tourists didn¡¦t display any type of strong dislike or like to any of the above-mentioned compositions. ² Low tour motivation type: this type when compared with other two types of tourists has shown low degree of tour motivation. Ø According to tourists¡¦ degree of loyalty towards the choice of destination, we have divided them into four groups: ² Unconcerned Type: this type of tourist doesn¡¦t show much interest to the attractive features of destination. ² Environmental Type: this type of tourists pays attention to environmental factors, facilities available, family entertainment and natural beauty. ² Scrutinizing Type: this type of tourists is very particular about each and every aspect of the attractive features of the destination. ² Daring and adventurous Type: needless to say this type of tourists are all out for a different lifestyle and seek danger and adventure. Ø Even in searching for information, source of information and selection criteria, the three groups under the Tour motivation category exhibit substantial difference - the High tour motivation type pays a lot more attention to the quantity of information collected, reliability of source of information and attractive features of choice of destination than the other two types. But in case of demographic distribution and tour behavior there aren¡¦t any notable differences between the three groups. The four group under the selection norm category shows differences when analyzed statistically in factors such as tour motivations, information search behavior, sources of information, age, family life cycle, individual income, etc. ¡V those tourists under the Daring and adventurous Type are younger, single or married but doesn¡¦t have any children and not so high income earner. As for those tourists under the Environmental Type, they are more matured, married and have children 6 years or older and monthly income is more than 50,000 NTD. There isn¡¦t any notable difference in

行銷組合策略在休閒農場經營上之應用--以頭城休閒農場為例 / The Application of marketing mix strategies to leisure farm management in Taiwan--the case of Tou-Chen leisure farm

張紫菁, Chang, Tzu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
農業相對於其他產業來說,其重要性確實是遞減,但農業的地位確是絕對的重要,類生最根本的生存需要則需靠農業才能被滿足。當農業生產價值逐漸降低、台滔加入WTO,農產品貿易開放自由化後,農業必須轉型利用,轉型成其具有特色、不容易被替代的產業。休閒農業與休閒農場則是基於這樣的情況而出現的,休閒農業以農為根本,除了發揮其原本的生產功能之餘,並開發其另外的兩項功能--「生態功能」與「生活功能」。這種基於台灣農業而開發出來的休閒與農業的綜合性產業,是國外農產品所不能替代的。 但休閒農場的發展過程中遭遇許多的困難,農場的經營管理也不再向傳統的農場那麼的單純,休閒農場必須面對的其他相關休閒產業的競爭;另一方面,遊客的要求也越來越多、遊客擁有完全的自主權與選擇權。因此供給者所創造出的產品與服務,必須要能夠滿足消費者的需求。不然,就算產品與服務品質再好、價格多低,也不能獲得消費者的青睞。行銷管理的主要目的則是為了要解決「企業外不特定對象」--消費者的問題,因此,本研究認為在眾多管理問題中,行銷管理策略是必須要被立即採用,其最佳的手段則為行銷組合策略。藉助行銷組合策略的擬定,產品、價格、通路與促銷四個策略的擬定,是有助於吸引遊客的到來、增加休閒農場的收入。 而本篇論文主要要探討的四個主題為: 1、瞭解台灣休閒農場經營管理的現況與困境。 2、瞭解行銷組合策略在休閒農場經營上的現況與使用困境。 3、探討遊客對休閒農場的需求、認知程度、決策行為、與其對休閒農場的期望。 4、研擬一套適合休閒農場應用的行銷組合策略,藉以吸引遊客,提高休閒農場的遊客量與收入。 行銷組合策略會依據各個休閒農場的特性、資源條件、企業目標或目標市場的不同,而有所差異,本研究是以頭城休閒農場作為個案研究對象,希望可以 針對個案擬定一套行銷組合策略,並由個案的經驗對其他相關同業給予策略擬定上的建議。


劉富森 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為瞭解休閒農場應用網路行銷的狀況,及其策略類型,並且分析背後影響因素與可能的問題或困難,提出建議,期望有所貢獻。 所謂休閒農場就是結合一般觀光遊憩活動、農業活動、地方生態、地方人文資源、以及自然景觀,提供大眾農業與自然生態之體驗,並且滿足大眾休閒遊憩需求的「休閒農業經營場所」,只要符合上述定義之農場,便是本研究的研究對象。 本研究之研究個案為飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林,透過個案分析針對下列研究問題研究:本研究的研究問題為休閒農場網路行銷的策略類型屬於哪一類?哪些因素會影響休閒農場應用網路行銷?及其現階段遇到問題為何? 在研究問題一方面,飛牛牧場應用網路行銷類型隨著時間演進,跟著改變,共有三次轉變,分別是裝飾性網站策略(2001~2004)、資訊性網站策略(2004~2007)、由資訊性網站策略轉型至關係性網站策略(2007~迄今);薰衣草森林則是一開始便走向關係性網站策略類型。 在研究問題二方面,本研究歸納出六項影響變數:品牌形象、高階主管重視網路行銷的程度、負責主管對網路行銷的瞭解程度、組織對網路行銷的瞭解程度、外部合作夥伴、顧客需求。 在研究問題三方面,飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林目前各自有不同的困難;飛牛牧飛牛牧場問題的癥結點在於負責主管和組織對網路行銷的瞭解程度不足,而薰衣草森林問題的癥結點則在於創意不足。本研究最後並針對飛牛牧場與薰衣草森林應用網路行銷缺失之處,提出建議與可能的改進之道。 / The purpose of this study is to draw the pictures of E-Marketing of leisure farms in Taiwan, to understand what kind of strategy of E-Marketing leisure farms are applying, and then to discern the variables which affect leisure farms on E-Marketing. Finally this study makes some suggestions for the problems leisure farms encounter. In this article, a leisure farm is defined as a place to provide people the experiences of agriculture and local ecology as well as to meet the needs of leisure with tourism, agriculture, local ecology, natural landscape, and local culture. Based on the analysis of the two cases: FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage, this study addresses the following questions: 1. What kind of strategy of E-Marketing the leisure farms apply? 2. Which variables influence the leisure farms on E-Marketing? 3. Currently what are the problems the leisure farms have? In question 1, FlyingCow Ranch transforms its way of E-Marketing three times as time goes on, respectively, The Ornamental Web Presence (2001~2004), The Information Web Presence (2004~2007, and The Relational Web Presence (2007~present). In the beginning, Lavender Cottage starts from the strategy of The Relational Web Presence. In question 2, there are six variables. They are Brand Image, Commitment of top executives, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of E-Marketing officer, Degree of knowledge about E-Marketing of organization, E-Marketing Partners, and Customers` needs. In question 3, the main problem FlyingCow Ranch has lies in that both the officer and organization lack the knowledge about E-Marketing. And, the main problem Lavender Cottage faces relates to creativity. In the end of this article, this study also makes some advices to address the defects of the E-Marketing of FlyingCow Ranch and Lavender Cottage.

休閒農場之顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性研究-以宜蘭縣為例 / The Research of the relationship among CRM Score,Satisfation and Loyalty in Leisure Farms-A case study of Ilan County

林怡君, Lin, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業為現代人提供了休閒的好去處,但它仍屬於事業之一種,必須有獲利才能生存。近年來許多不同產業因應用顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)而大幅提昇經營者的利益。本研究嘗試將顧客關係管理之理念導入休閒農場之經營,藉由使農場業者於建造、整修及進行行銷活動時,能集中於遊客們重視的顧客關係管理因素,則可節省農場經營成本亦獲得遊客較高的滿意度及忠誠度,來達到顧客關係的維持,進而使顧客價值最大化並達到經營獲利的目的。研究目的有三:(一)獲得遊客對農場各項顧客關係管理因素之重視度、滿意度及忠誠度。(二)探索顧客關係管理指標、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯。(三)提出針對休閒農場之實務經營建議。 本研究以台灣休閒農業學會評鑑之宜蘭縣優良休閒農場及Google搜尋網站之網頁資訊選擇北關休閒農場、頭城休閒農場及香格里拉休閒農場為本研究之抽樣範圍。問卷共回收521份,有效問卷456份,問卷資料分析採敘述性統計及推論性統計,其中推論性統計包含信度分析、因素分析、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森(Pearson)相關分析等。研究結果獲致以下結論並驗證本研究假說: (一)休閒農場仍有極大的發展潛力-遊客類型以青壯年的中產白領階級為主,遊客重遊率亦僅兩成左右。 (二)遊客對農場顧客關係管理因素有不同重視程度-遊客對農場設施的安全性、環境整潔舒適衛生、服務人員的服務態度、優美的自然景觀及服務人員解決問題的效率與能力等五項因素最為重視。 (三)遊客特性影響滿意度及忠誠度-遊客在「服務與安全」構面獲得最高的滿意度,對農場的忠誠度呈現「態度忠誠」高於「行為忠誠」的現象。大部分所得、教育程度較低的遊客與旅遊停留時間較長、花費較高的遊客有較高的滿意度與忠誠度。 (四)顧客關係管理指標優於分項滿意度、整體滿意度之評估-經由相關性分析獲致與忠誠度間的相關性間,顧客關係管理指標高於整體滿意度,代表顧客關係管理指標比整體滿意度更具代表性意義。 根據本研究成果,對休閒農場經營策略提出以下建議: (一)提昇「服務與安全」構面滿意度。 (二)參與「策略聯盟」。 (三)依遊客對顧客關係管理因素的重視度,調整經營決策與努力方向。 (四)培養顧客關係與有效知識管理。 (五)增加不同的創意行銷方式。 (六)創造特色休閒農場。 (七)設計多元化的活動,提供客製化服務。 / Recreation agriculture has offered a good relaxing place for the modern, as it is a kind of business; its survival relies heavily on the profit it can make. In recent years there are various industries using the theory of Customer Relation Management (CRM) significantly improve the gains for the owners. The intention of this research is to apply the theory of CRM for the management of the leisure farms. By concentrating on the tourists valued CRM factors during the construction, renovation and conduct marketing activities, the farm industry will not only save the operating cost of the farm and obtain higher satisfaction and loyalty from the tourists as well, but also keep a good relationship with the customers. More over it will maximize the value of customers and achieve the goal of making operation profit. The three main purposes of the research are: (1) obtaining the valuation, satisfaction and loyalty of the farm tourists to each and every CRM factor, (2) exploring the relationship between the management index, satisfaction and loyalty of CRM, (3) submitting a practical and feasible suggestion to the owner for operating the leisure farms. Based on the evaluation on the quality of the leisure farms in Yilan County conducted by Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Association and the information shown in the webpage of Google search engine, this research chooses Pei-Kuan、Toucheng and Shangrila leisure farms as the samples. A total of 521 questionnaires were recovered, 456 recovered questionnaires are valid and were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The inferential statistics include reliability analysis, factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlative analysis. The results of this research led to the following conclusions and verify the hypotheses: 1.Leisure farms still have great potential for development – the majority of tourists are white-collar middle class young people, the tourists revisiting rate is only around 20% at present time. 2.Tourists have different emphasis on CRM factors- the tourists are much concerned on the five factors as below: (1) the safety of facilities, (2) the clean and comfortable environment, (3) the attitude of attendants, (4) the beautiful natural scenery, and (5) the efficiency and capability of solving problems of attendants of farm. 3.The personal character of tourist will influence the satisfaction and loyalty - the "service and security" dimension gains the highest satisfaction of tourists, the loyalty to the farms shows that "attitude of loyalty" is higher than " behavior of loyalty". Most tourists of lower income and education have higher satisfaction and loyalty than the tourists who have longer stay and more expenditure. 4.The assessment for that CRM index is superior to the itemized satisfaction and overall satisfaction – According to the Pearson Related analysis for the loyalties, the CRM index has higher correlation than the overall satisfaction, and it means that the CRM index has more representative significance than the overall satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, the following tactics are submitted for the management of the leisure farms: 1.To improve the satisfaction of "service and security". 2.To participate in "strategic alliance." 3.To adjust the strategy and direction of the operation in accordance with the comments on CRM factors collected from the tourists. 4.To make a good relationship with customers and have an effective knowledge management. 5.Adopting various ways to create market. 6.Creating a leisure farm with specialized characteristics. 7.Providing customized services with various activities.


賴玫延 Unknown Date (has links)
休閒農業不再是第一級的傳統產業或者第二級的加工產業,已經提升至第三級甚至結合美學、體驗的創意生活產業,傳統的農業經營模式不再符合時代所需。本研究希望透過經濟院工業局與中衛發展中心評選為創意生活事業模範的五家休閒農場,瞭解事業模式創新建立與評估事業模式創新的意義。研究成果,一方面可提供五家個案農場作為未來發展改進的參考,另一方面,可作為一般休閒農場經營人的創新模範。 本研究以飛牛牧場、君達香草健康世界、金雞蛋休閒農場、三富花園農場以及勝洋休閒農場五家休閒農場為研究對象,根據深入訪談與直接觀察分析與評估個案農場的事業模式創新。從創新機會與因素中的環境變項、農場變項、個人變項,瞭解過去農場的發展對其事業模式在核心策略、策略性資源、體驗營造之創新影響,歸納整理兩者之間的因果關係,並找出五家休閒農場事業模式創新異同之處。本研究之研究問題: 一、瞭解休閒農場創新機會與因素為何。 二、瞭解休閒農場事業模式創新的組成要素為何。 三、瞭解創新機會與因素對事業模式創新的影響,兩者關係為何。 四、比較個案農場經營結果,評估事業模式創新是否有創造財富潛力。 個案研究顯示,飛牛牧場、君達香草健康世界、金雞蛋休閒農場、三富花園農場以及勝洋休閒農場之事業模式創新皆與其創新機會和因素息息相關,同時,事業模式創新的確能為休閒農場帶來財富或者創造財富的潛力。

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