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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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家長親職態度與幼兒生活適應相關研究 / A Study of the relationship between parents’ attitude and children life adjustment

黃思穎, Huang, Sz Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解家長親職態度與幼兒生活適應兩者之關係。以台北縣市公立國小附設幼稚園幼兒及其家長為研究對象,以立意取樣方式選取七個園所進行問卷施測,計回收有效問卷315份,以SPSS14.0視窗中文版進行資料分析。研究結論如下: 一、家長性別、教育程度和月收入不同其親職態度有顯著差異 (一)女性家長在家長親職態度的行動面向表現優於男性家長。 (二)母親教育程度為「大學、專科」在家長親職態度及「情感」面向表現均為最優。 (三)女性家長月收入為「兩萬-四萬」在家長親職態度及「情感」面向表現均為最差。 二、幼兒性別、年齡和就讀幼稚園年數不同其生活適應有顯著差異 (一)女生幼兒在幼兒生活適應的各面向和整體表現均優於男生幼兒。 (二)年齡越大和就讀幼稚園年數越長的幼兒其生活適應表現越佳。 三、家長教育程度、月收入、社經地位、家庭型態和親職態度不同者對幼兒生活適應有顯著差異 (一)父親教育程度為「研究所」和母親教育程度為「研究所」、「大學、專科」及「國中」其幼兒的「學習適應」表現較優。 (二)女性家長月收入為「四萬-六萬」和「八萬以上」者,其幼兒的「學習適應」表現較優。 (三)高社經的家長其幼兒的「學習適應」表現優於低社經者。 (四)「非小家庭」的幼兒其常規適應表現優於「小家庭」者。 (五)家長親職態度總分為「高分組」者其幼兒的學習適應表現最優。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出相關建議供父母家庭、學校和後續相關研究者參考。 / The purpose of this study aims to probe into the relationship between parents’ attitude and children life adjustment. Children and parents in public kindergarten in Taipei are chosen as the research objectives by purposive sampling. Questionnaires Investigation as the research method is used in this study. The research instrument was distributed to 7 kindergartens. There are totally 315 valid samples used in this study. After all, the data obtained is interpreted and analyzed by SPSS 14.0, and the main conclusions are drawn as follows: 1. There are several significant differences in parents’ attitude if different parents’ gender, level of education, and monthly income are considered. (1) Matriarchs’ performance in the respect of action of parents’ attitude is better than Paterfamilias’. (2) The performance of Matriarchs whose level of education is university or college is ranked the best in the respect of emotion of parents’ attitude. (3) Matriarchal whose monthly income is ‘twenty thousand to forty thousand’ is ranked the worst in the respect of emotion of parents’ attitude. 2. There are several significant differences in children life adjustment if children’s gender, age, and year studying in kindergarten are considered. (1) Girl’s in each aspect of children life adjustment is better than boy’s. (2) Children’s performance in life adjustment is better if they are elder or the year studying in kindergarten is longer. 3. There are several significant differences in children life adjustment if different parents’ level of education, monthly income, socioeconomic status, family patterns, and parents’ attitude are considered. (1) Father’s level of education is “graduate institute” and mother’s level of education is “graduate institute”, “university”, or “college” and “junior high school”, whose children’s representation of study adjustment is better. (2) Matriarch’s monthly income is “forty thousand to sixty thousand” and “more than eighty thousand”, whose children’s performance of study adjustment is better. (3) Performance of children with parents in higher SES is better than the ones with parents in lower SES in the aspect of study adjustment. (4) Performance of children in “Non nuclear family” is better than the ones in “nuclear family” in the aspect of study adjustment. (5) Parents’ attitude scores in “high score” whose children’s performance in study adjustment is ranked the best. Based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions about “parents’ attitude” and “children life adjustment” for parents, related schools, and further studies after all.

高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究 / The Relationship with Overseas Chinese Student's Self-Concept, Life- Adjustment, and Academic Achievement.

李麗花, Lee, Li Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查並分析高中僑生在自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之相關,研究結果提供教育當局,作為高中僑生教育政策及加強僑生教材教法、課程設計及生活輔導之參考。   本研究依據研究目的,以文獻分析法探討自我概念及生活適應與學業成就之理論及相關研究,以問卷調查法測量高中僑生的自我概念及高中僑生生活適應困擾,並分別就自我概念及適應問題,比較不同背景變項僑生之差異,加上學期學業成績之蒐集,用以分析不同自我概念及適應狀況僑生學業成就之差異情形。   本研究以國立華僑實驗高級中學高中部僑生344位為對象,使用「田納西自我概念量表」(2000年版)及「高中學生生活經驗量表」為研究工具,問卷回收後篩選有效樣本316份,將所得之資料分別以下列方法處理:描述性統計、單因子單變量變異數分析、二因子單變量變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定,F檢定,Scheffe法事後比較,Pearson積差相關法等統計方法,探討各變項間的關係。   綜合上述,本研究假設結論如下:   一、不同背景變項之高中僑生,自我概念有顯著差異:    1.在「道德自我」及「家庭自我」項目有顯著差異。女生均高於男生。    2.不同年級的高中僑生,在「道德自我」「學業自我」「自我認同」「自我滿意」「自我總分」等項目,高二僑生得分優於高一僑生,另外高二僑生及高三僑生在「心理自我」得分上,皆優於高一僑生。    3.不同區域的高中僑生,在「生理自我」、「家庭自我」「自我認同」「自我總分」項目上,第一區域即印尼、緬甸、泰國、菲律賓等地的高中僑生,其得分優於第二區域即香港、澳門、新加坡等地的高中僑生。    4.「自我行動」項目,第一區域的高中僑生及第三區域高中僑生,得分皆優於第二區域的高中僑生。   二、不同背景變項之高中僑生,生活適應問題有顯著差異:    1.在「用錢」項目上,男生困擾大於女生。高二、高三僑生困擾都大於高一僑生。    2.在「就業前途」項目上,高三僑生困擾大於高一僑生。    3.男生生活適應,最感困擾的是「用錢」,其次是「就業前途」,「課業」。而在女生的適應經驗排序上,最感困擾的是「就業前途」,其次是「課業」,而「用錢」排行第三。    4.高一僑生生活適應困擾首推「課業」項目,而高二高三僑生生活適應最感困擾則為「就業前途」項目。   三、不同背景變項之高中僑生,學業成就有顯著差異:    1.在性別上:女生優於男生。    2.在年級上及科目上:    (1)高二僑生國文科成績優於高一、高三僑生。    (2)高一僑生英文科成績優於高二僑生。    (3)高一、高三僑生數學成績皆優於高二僑生。   四、年級、地區交互作用後,高中僑生自我概念與生活適應有顯著差異:    1.在「生理自我」項目,第二區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一區域高一僑生得分優於第二區域高一僑生。    2.在「學業自我」項目,第一區域高二僑生得分優於高一僑生。第一、二區域的高二僑生得分優於第三區域的高二僑生。    3.在「人際交往」項目,第一區域的高二僑生得分優於第二區域的高二僑生。   五、高中僑生自我概念、生活適應與學業成就部分有顯著相關:    1.自我總分與學業成就,學業自我與學業成就,學業成就科別之間,分別顯現正相關。    2.生活適應各向度,課業項目或整體生活適應總分上與學業成就皆無顯著相關。    3.自我總分高低分組在生活適應總分性別、年級間,也未顯示出顯著相關。   依據上述幾點結論,提出各項對僑教政策、僑生教育及未來研究者研究方向之建議:   一、在僑教政策上的建議   僑生返國之人數在不同地區有消長的情形,最明顯為港澳地區的僑生,因為,受兩岸政治情勢的影響,加上取消加分優惠,因此,返國就學的人數明顯地逐年下降。可見得政策的改變與僑生的返國行為之間存在一定的關係。因此符應需求修訂僑教政策有其必要。    (一)委託國內大學培育僑教師資。    (二)提供清寒僑生工讀機會。    (三)建立僑生監護人公證制度。    (四)設立國語文中心,編製銜接教材。   二、僑校編制上的建議    (一)國立華僑高中    (二)對其他高中僑生就讀之學校   三、在教學上的建議   四、對未來研究之建議    (一)研究對象    (二)研究變項    (三)研究方法    (四)文獻資料的蒐集 / The purpose of this research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with overseas Chinese student's self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement. The results of research will provide an education authority as references for overseas Chinese student educational policy, instructional material teaching reinforcement, curriculum design, and living guidance.   According to the purpose of research, our research has applied literature analysis to discuss with theory of self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement and related research. For example, a questionary method measures overseas Chinese student's self-concept and life-adjustment problem. Furthermore, from self-concept and life-adjustment, it compares students with different background variables and collections of academic achievement at school that analyze different self-concept, life-adjustment, and academic achievement situation.   The objects of our research were 344 students from National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School, and research tools were “Tennessee Self-Concept Scale” (version 2000) and ”Senior High School Student's Life Experience Measurement”. After questionary feedback and filtration, there are effective 316 copies. Then, all information has dealt as the following processes to discuss with correlation among variables, such as Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, independent sample for Matched-pair T-test, F-test, Scheffe Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc.   In summary of the mentioned statements, conclusions of our research hypotheses are as the followings:   1 Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious self-concept differences:    a. There are obviously differences on item of ”MOR” & “FAM” variables that school girls have greater than boys.    b. For the different year of senior high school overseas Chinese students on the items of ” MOR ”, “ACA”, “IDN”, “SAT”, and “TOT”, sophomore year of students have scored more than freshman year of students; furthermore, on the item of “PER”, sophomore and junior year of students have scored greater than freshman year of students.    c. On the items “PHY”, “FAM”, “IDN”, and “TOT”, in the different locations overseas Chinese students of the first region (Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines etc.) have scored the second region Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore) of students.    d. On the item of “BHV”, students of the first and third region have scored greater than the second region.   2. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, life-adjustment problems that have dramatically differences:    a. On the item of “spending”, schoolboys have disturbance greater than girls; sophomore and junior year of students have disturbance greater than freshman year of students.    b. On the item of “career prospect”, junior year of students have obsession greater than freshman year of students.    c. Schoolboys on the life-adjustment have harassment, for example, first item is “spending”, and the followings are “career prospect” and “school work”. In contrast to schoolgirls on the living accommodation experience in sequence are the first item of “career prospect”, the secondary item of school work” and the third item of “spending”.    d. Freshman year of students on the life-adjustment is “school work”; nevertheless, sophomore and junior year of students is “career prospect”.   3. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have different background variables, obvious differences on academic achievement:    1. On the item of sex: schoolgirls are greater than boys.    2. On the item of grade and subjects:     a. Sophomore year of student's scores on Chinese subject has greater than freshman and junior year of student.     b. Freshman year of student's scores on English subject has greater than sophomore year of student.     c. Freshman and junior year of student's on math subject has greater than sophomore year of student.   4. After grade and location interaction, overseas Chinese senior high school students who have remarkably differences on self-concept and life- adjustment:    a. On the item of “PHY”, sophomore year of students in the second region has greater than freshman year of students; freshman year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.    b. On the item of “ACA”, sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than freshman year of students; sophomore year of students in the first and second region has greater than that of the third region.    c. On the item of “interpersonal relationships” sophomore year of students in the first region has greater than that of the second region.   5. Overseas Chinese senior high school students who have highly relationship with self-concept and life- adjustment, and academic achievement:    a. Obviously, there are some correlations among “TOT vs. academic achievement”, “ACA vs. academic achievement” and “academic achievement”.    b. Nevertheless, there are no correlations among “life-adjustment condition”, “school work subjects” or “total of general life-adjustment ” and “academic achievement”.    c. There are no obviously differences on TOT score of life-adjustment between sex and grade.   According to the previous suggestions, here are some suggestions on overseas educational policy, student education, and future research approach:   I. Suggestions on overseas Chinese educational policy   The numbers of overseas Chinese students in different locations have growth or decline situation, especially for students from Hong Kong and Macao. Because political situation between China and Taiwan and cancellation on premium score, the numbers of students have obviously down year after year. Hence, policy change and students returning Taiwan for studying behavior have certain relations. Therefore, it is necessary to modify a suitable overseas educational policy.    (1) Authorizing domestic universities to educate qualified teachers for overseas Chinese students    (2) Providing straitened overseas Chinese students who have opportunities for part-time jobs    (3) Setting up overseas Chinese student's guardian notarial system    (4) Establishing Mandarin centers and compiling connected teaching materials   II. Suggestions on overseas school system    (1) National Overseas Chinese Experimental High School    (2) For other overseas Chinese students who study at senior high school   III. Instructional suggestion   IV. Suggestions for future research    (1) Research object    (2) Research variable    (3) Research approach    (4) Literature collection


吳孟娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相關研究。主要目的有七:(一)了解並分析目前外籍配偶子女就讀國中自我概念與生活適應情形。(二)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之自我概念差異情形。(三)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之生活適應差異情形。(四)探討背景變項不同的國中外籍配偶子女之學業成就差異情形。(五)瞭解國中外籍配偶子女的自我概念、生活適應與學業成就之相互關係。(六)分析國中外籍配偶子女背景變項、自我概念與生活適應對學業成就的預測情形。(七)分析並歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,作為政府機關規劃相關政策和學術研究的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,係以就讀桃園縣公立國中外籍配偶子女為研究對象,採立意抽樣共取樣 536人,有效問卷508份,回收率95.67%。測量工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「學業成就」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」等四部分。依據所得資料,主要運用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多變項變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。 本研究的主要結果分述如下: 一、整體而言國中外籍配偶子女自我概念程度是在中等以上,最高的是學校 自我,最低的是生理自我。背景變項(性別、年級、父親教育程度、經 濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區)在自我概念上有顯著差異。 二、整體而言生活適應程度是在中等以下,人際適應最佳,學校適應較差。 背景變項(性別、經濟狀況、父母管教方式、學校地區〉在生活適應上 有顯著差異。 三、國中外籍配偶子女學業成就最高的是國文,最低的是數學。背景變項 (性別、年級、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、居住狀況、經濟狀況、 父母管教方式)在學業成就上有顯著差異。 四、國中外籍配偶子女對自我概念瞭解程度,自我概念越高生活適應越好。 在生活適應層面中個人適應、學校適應、家庭適應及人際適應具有顯著 差異。 五、國中外籍配偶子女在自我概念層面中的家庭自我、學校自我及道德自 我,與國文、英文及數學學業成就具有顯著差異,顯示自我概念層面其 中家庭自我、學校自我、道德自我得分越高,表示學業成就越好。 六、國中外籍配偶子女整體生活適應及各層面的個人適應、家庭適應、學校 適應、人際適應越好,國文、英文及數學學業成就越高。在生活適應層 面中個人適應、家庭適應、學校適應及人際適應,與國文、英文及數學 學業成就具有顯著差異。 七、國中外籍配偶子女當人際適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。當人際 適應越好時,國文領域的表現會越好。對家庭自我瞭解程度越高、人際 適應越好時,數學領域的表現會越好。 八、在預測國中外籍配偶子女國文領域學業成就層面,以學校適應最具預測 力,可解釋或預測8.7%。在預測英文領域學業成就層面,管教方式最具 預測力,可解釋或預測9%。在預測數學領域學業成就層面,以管教方式 最具預測力,可解釋或預測4.8%。 最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供家長、教育工作者及未來研究參考之用。 / The purpose of this research aims to investigate the correlations among self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement of foreign spouses’ children. There are seven main objectives: (1) to find out and analyze self-concept and life adjustment of foreign spouses’ children in junior high school nowadays; (2) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their self-concept with different background variables; (3) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their life adjustment with different background variables; (4) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their academic achievement with different background variables; (5) to realize the correlations among their self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement; (6) to employ self-concept and life adjustment as variables to predict their academic achievement; (7) to draw a conclusion of the research and propose concrete suggestions as references for the related policies of governmental organizations and academic studies. This research used the questionnaire survey method and chose foreign spouses’ children who study in Taoyuan junior high school as objectives. The research selected 536 students as purposive samples in which 508 questionnaires were returned, yielding a 95.67% response rate. The measurement applied in this study includes “Personal Information Survey”, “Academic Achievement”, “Self-Concept Scale” and “Life Adjustment Scale”. According to the collected data, the hypothesis of the research is verified by the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research are illustrated as follow: 1.On the whole, the degree of self-concept that foreign spouses’ children have is above the average. They have the highest degree of school-self, the lowest degree of physical-self. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, economic status, parenting style, and school region) act significant differences on their self-concept. 2.In general, the life adjustment of the foreign spouses’ children lies under the average level. Their interpersonal adjustment works the best within this variable whereas the school adjustment performs the worst. The background variables (including sex, economic status, parenting style and school region) act significant differences on their life adjustment. 3.The academic achievement of junior high school students born of foreign spouses shows the best performance in the subject, Chinese. On the contrary, they present the worst in mathematics. The background variables (including sex, grade, their father’s education level, their mother’s education level, economic status, and parenting style of parenting style) act significant differences on academic achievement. 4.As for the degree of the self-concept the foreign spouse’ children in junior high school have, the higher degree of their self-concept leads to the better performance of their life adjustment. At the level of life, personal, school, family and interpersonal adjustment show significant differences. 5.The self-concept within which consists of family, school and moral self shows significant differences from the academic achievement of Chinese, English and mathematics. The higher scores of family, school and moral self they have at the level of self-concept will cause better academic achievement. 6.The better their life adjustment and its components (the personal, family, school and interpersonal adjustment) act, the higher academic achievements they possess in Chinese, English and mathematics. There are significant differences between the level of life adjustment (personal, family, school, interpersonal adjustment) and academic achievements of Chinese, English, and mathematics. 7.The better interpersonal adjustment the foreign spouses’ children have, the better they show their academic achievement in mathematics and Chinese. It has also been revealed that they present better interpersonal adjustment and better achievement in mathematics if they understand their family self better. 8.While predicting Chinese academic achievement of foreign spouse’ children, the research shows the best predictable variable is school adjustment which can explain and forecast the degree of accuracy at the rate of 8.7%. Besides, at the level of predicting English academic achievement, the best predictable variable is parenting which can describe and foretell the degree of accuracy at the rate of 9%. As to the prediction for mathematics academic achievement, the best predictable variable is also parenting which can predict accurately at the rate of 4.8%. Finally, according to the results of the research, I propose specific suggestions for the parents, educators and future researchers are proposed subject as a reference resource.

高齡化與老人生涯規劃`生活適應之研究 / Reserch advanced age and old person profession plan life adaption

謝永定, Hsieh, Yung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
人類社會隨著文明的發展,教育的普及與醫療科技的進步,台灣社會的老年人口比率逐年提高形成高齡化社會,且國民平均壽命延長,老人退休後之生活安排,含蓋老人安養、居住、飲食、醫療、休閒旅遊、高齡者人力資源運用,這些都是我們即將或未來極需面對的嚴肅議題。 為瞭解退休老人的生涯規劃與適應的歷程,事涉受訪者的主觀經驗與詮釋,本文採用深度訪談15位已退休之55~81歲及1位62歲即將退休之較高齡長者。 本研究結果發現受訪者的規劃,大多以經濟的角度做為思考的重心,其生活方面的安排,是以延續退休前之生活模式為主要方式;老人退休後以健康活動、收集文物、擔任義工、接受終身教育、參予社區活動、以及迎向大自然為主要安排,也有以放空心情的安排做為生活的哲學。 在生活適應的物質方面,研究顯示受訪者退休前在財務方面已做安排,居住與生活支應無虞;親友互動良好,選擇獨居或與子女同住方面,維持傳統觀念的受訪者大有人在,而必須要面對事實獨居的受訪者也不少,顯見目前家庭生活形態已成趨勢;人際網路之維持、接受終身教育之自我提昇、以及興趣都會帶給老人快樂,研究也顯示旅遊活動已成為退休老人主要興趣之一。 從退休規劃與生活適應之關聯性觀察,發現老人退休後,在生理機能的迅速退化、生活的結構改變而產生衝突的矛盾與不適,有的受訪者採「先放空,再思考出發」的放空哲學頗有「歸零」的禪意,也有在生理方面仍然保有簡單溫飽即能滿足的傳統觀念。 生活有目標、有規劃、有準備的退休老人適應都很好,研究顯示受訪者之中仍然保有「積穀防饑」之傳統觀念,但因為年歲的增長,難免在生理狀況會產生變化,對於醫療保健的安排都很重視,惟傳統家庭價值的需求殷切,在心靈上隱約感受到退休老人極待子女能多予關懷與照顧。 少子高齡化的社會來臨,己經是世界各先進國家的發展趨勢,台灣老人問題也已成為社會問題的一項重要指標,本研究存望未來老人年金制度更加完整、老人安養機構及活動中心之設施完善、企業規劃設置長壽村、醫療照護普及化、各區境內自然資源充分運用、家庭傳統價值能夠再現、重新思考跳脫家庭傳統組織概念,設置傳統家庭組織以外之家庭、老人早日規劃因應未來生活、政府推動的老人福利項目,不知道或一知半解的人還是不少人,宜再加強宣導;根據研究針對以上有關老人的期待與需求之意見,提出建議做為政府未來施政規劃「老人福利政策」的參考。 / Due to the human society along with the civilized development, the education popularization and the medical science and technology progress, ageing of the population in Taiwan, also the national mean lifetime lengthens, after the elderly retires the arrangements for daily life, contains covers elder care, the housing, the diet, medical, the leisure traveling, the ageing human resources utilization, these all are the serious issues which we soon or the future extremely will have to face. In order to understand the retired elderly's career planning and the life adjustment process, the matter fords participant's subjective experience and the annotation, This article uses the electron particle materialization research orientation, face-to- face depth dialogue 55~81 of years old 15 already retired the elderly and one of 62 years old the elderly of soon retirements. The research found participant's plan, mostly does take the economical angle as the ponder center of gravity, its life aspect arrangement, is take continues before the retirement the mode of life as the fundamental mode; After the elderly retires take the health activity, the collection cultural relic, holds the post of will labor, accepts the lifelong education, participates the community to move, as well as welcomes to the nature as the main arrangement, also has take blows off the mood the arrangement to do as the life philosophy. The material aspect of life adjustment, the result of this research found before demonstrated the participant retires has made the arrangement in the financial aspect, lives with the daily life balances income and expenses, The relatives and friends interact good, the choice lives alone or lives together the aspect with the children, the maintenance traditional ideas participant there are plenty of such people, but must have to face the participant which the fact lives alone also many, the obvious at present family life shape has become the tendency; Maintenance the interpersonal network, accepts the lifelong education the self-promotion, as well as the interest can take to the elderly to be joyful, the research also demonstrated the traveling activity has become one of the retired elderly major interests. Planned from the retirement and lives connection observation the adjustment, after discovered the elderly retires, in the physiological function rapid degeneration, the life structural change has the conflict contradiction and is ill, some participants pick "first blow off, then pondered embarks" blows off the philosophy quite to have "the nulling operation" imperial sacrifices Italy, also had in the physiological aspect still holds the traditional ideas which the simple warm and sufficient condition namely could satisfy. The life has the goal, has the retired the elderly which the plan, has the preparation to adapt all very well, the research demonstrated in the participant still held " Provides for a rainy day?" the traditional ideas, but because of the ageing, unavoidably could have the change in the physiological condition, all very much took regarding the medical health care arrangement, the traditional family value demand was only earnest, indistinctly felt the retired elderly in the mind extremely to wait the children to be able to give the concern and the attendance. Delining birth rate and aging society approaches, the oneself after is the world each advanced countries development tendency, in Taiwan the elderly question has also become the social problem an important target, this research will save looks the future the elderly annuity system to be more complete, the elderly peacefully raises the organization and facility of the activity center consummates, the business planning establishment longevity village, the medical service according to protects the universalization, Within the boundaries of various areas the natural resource full utilization, the family tradition value can reappearance, reponder the family tradition organization concept, outside the establishment tradition family organization the family, the elderly soon plans in accordance to the future lives the elderly welfare project which, the government will impel, did not know or will smatter the person or many people, suitably again will strengthen the guidance; According to studies in view of the above concerned the elderly anticipation and the demand opinion of, proposed the suggestion to provides administer for the government to plan " welfare policy for the elderly " in the future.

思覺失調症青少年之生活適應 ─以一個復元觀點 / The Life Adjustment of Adolescents With Schizophrenia:The Perspective of Recovery

洪培馨, Hung, Pei-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以復元觀點探討思覺失調症青少年的生活適應,將適應區分初發病、生病後及現況三階段,分析其(1)身、心、社會功能的轉變,以及與環境系統之互動情形;(2)影響生活適應之因素;(3)促進復元之因素;(4)復元結果。本研究採半結構訪談之方式,訪談十位思覺失調症青少年,研究結果如下: 一、思覺失調症青少年之生活適應 疾病初發階段,就罹病青少年而言,疾病因應策略分為五種:「轉移注意力」、「問題解決」、「情緒導向」、「調適」與「無法處理」,並因疾病而從學校撤退,此外,青少年對發病原因傾向自我歸因與內省。家庭系統,在缺少疾病衛教的情形下,家屬與罹病青少年一同經歷混亂與無助,但仍展現出多重求助行為。醫院系統,醫生著重病理症狀控制,缺少疾病衛教與情緒支持,然而,住院經驗並非完全負向,亦具正向影響。 生病後,就罹病青少年而言,疾病對其身、心、社會功能的影響相當廣泛,但也帶給其覺醒與成長的契機。家庭系統,家屬對青少年的互動關係與教養方式會產生正向變化,但家屬之疾病態度與因應策略卻包含正、負向。學校系統,青少年與同儕交往的深淺,易受疾病汙名影響;老師對疾病的態度與因應方式亦可區分為正、負向。復健系統,參與復健可提供罹病青少年場域的轉換,協助其疾病穩定與調適。 青少年與疾病共生的過程,會嘗試運用資源與優勢,與環境達到良好的適配;在疾病因應上發展出更多正向力量,學會使用「問題解決」策略,也從單一因應策略,發展到多重策略。此時青少年仍對未來充滿希望,並展現出他們渴望獨立自主,不讓家人擔心的成熟。 二、影響生活適應之因素 1.個人層面:人格特質與疾病因應策略。 2.家庭及非正式網絡:家人言論、支持、態度與疾病因應策略,以及同 儕互動方式。 3.正式網絡:老師關懷、給予彈性與連結輔導資源、醫護人員互動方式 與疾病衛教、精神復健機構之處遇模式、住院過程。 4.社會汙名:經驗到來自雇主或同學的歧視,影響青少年的自我評價與 疾病接納度。 三、促進復元之因素 1.正式支持:經濟因素、處境改變、參與復健、專業人員協助、穩定就 業。 2.非正式支持:網友支持、休閒娛樂。 3.復元三大基石:症狀減緩、信念與態度、家庭支持。 四、生活適應歷程中的復元 依據復元統合模式之復元指標達成的數量,本研究有五位思覺失調症青少年目前為完全復元型、四位半復元型和一位初學型,分別展現不同的內在力量,呈現出「優遊自在」、「學習與調適」與「挫折與探索」的人生,而激發其改變與成長的轉捩點為「自我覺醒」與「參與復健」。思覺失調症青少年具復元的可能性,不僅是為了克服障礙而發展因應策略,更是超越障礙與追求自主性的展現。 最後,研究者結合上述研究結果,嘗試繪製出思覺失調症青少年之復元統合模式,並提出本研究限制與建議,提供學校、心理衛生醫護人員、服務提供者、青少年病患之家屬與未來研究者參考。 / This study aimed to use perspective of recovery to explore the life adjustment of adolescents with schizophrenia and distinguish the process of life adjustment into the initial, stable and current three stages, discussed (a) the respondents’ bio-psycho-social function changes and the interaction with the environment system;(b) the related factors of life adjustment;(c) the facilitating factors of recovery, and(d)the respondents’ result of recovery. This research adopted a semi-structured interview to interview ten adolescents with schizophrenia. The study results are as follows: 一、The life adjustment of adolescents with schizophrenia In the initial stage, for the respondents, their illness coping strategies can be divided into five types:distraction, problem-focused, emotion-focused, accommodation and unable to handle, and they drop-out of school because of illness. Besides, respondents tend to self-attribution and introspection of the cause of the illness. In the family system, because of the lack of patient education situation, the family experience chaos and helplessness with the respondents either, but also show multiple help-seeking behavior. In the hospital system, doctors focus on the control of symptoms, lack of patient education and emotional support;however, the experience of hospitalization is not completely negative and it also has positive influence. In the stable stage, for the respondents, the illness has a wide range of effects on their bio-psycho-social function, but it also provided them an opportunity to awaken and grow. In the family system, the parenting style and relationship between respondents and their family have a positive change, but the attitudes toward illness and coping strategies of the family included positive and negative types.In the school system, the depth of relationship between respondents and peers are easily influenced by illness stigma, and teachers’ attitudes toward illness and coping strategies also include positive and negative types. Participate in rehabilitation can provide the respondents the conversion of the field to help them stabilize and accommodate illness. For respondents, it is a symbiotic process with illness, respondents will try to use resources and advantages to achieve a good fit with the environment and develop more strength to cope illness. They also learned to use " problem-focused " strategy and from using single strategy changed to use multi-strategies. At this moment, respondents are still hopeful for the future and long for independence, they are mature enough to not let their families worry. 二、There are four types of factors that influenced the life adjustment: 1.Personal factors:characteristics and illness coping strategies. 2.Family and informal network:speech, support, attitude and illness coping strategies from family and peer interaction. 3.Formal network:Teachers provide care, flexibility and connect counseling resources. Interaction with mental health practitioners and patient education. Treatment modes from psychiatric rehabilitation agencies. Hospitalization process/experience. 4.Social stigma:Discrimination from employers or classmates influenced respondents’ self-evaluation and acceptance for illness. 三、There are three types of factors that facilitate recovery: 1.Formal support:financial issue, change for status, participate in rehabilitation, assistance from professionals, employment. 2.Informal support:net-pals support and entertainment. 3.Three cornerstones of recovery:symptom remission, faith /attitude and family support. 四、The recovery from life adjustment of adolescents with schizophrenia According to the recovery target of the unity model of recovery which adolescents with schizophrenia achieved, they were divided into three recovery stages:five are full-recovery, four are semi-recovery, one is novitiate recovery, and they also show different mental strengths respectively which presented " comfort and leisure", "learning and accommodation" and "frustration and exploration" of life. Besides, the turning points which inspired respondents to change and grow are "self-awareness" and "participation in rehabilitation". Adolescents with schizophrenia have the potential for recovery, they not only developed coping strategies to overcome obstacles, but also presented how they transcended obstacles and pursued autonomy. Finally, according to the results, the investigator came up a recovery unity model suited for the adolescents with schizophrenia, and discussed the limitations of this study and the advices for school system, mental health practitioners, service providers, the family and future researchers.

父母婚姻衝突對兒童生活適應之影響 / Effects of marital conflict on children's life adjustment

江睿霞, Chiang, Jui Hsia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以兒童的觀點來評估父母的婚姻衝突,主要目的在瞭解兒童對於父母婚姻衝突的知覺與反應,並探討兒童知覺的婚姻衝突影響其生活適應的情形。   本研究以725名與父母同住的國小四、五年級兒童為研究對象,其中男生355人,女生370人。研究工具包括「兒童知覺雙親衝突量表」、「兒童憂鬱量表」、「小學人格測驗」。   研究發現兒童知覺的父母婚姻衝突能有效預測兒童的生活適應,影響兒童憂鬱程度的衝突向度依序為兒童知覺婚姻衝突的強度、內容、感到威脅、原因穩定性、解決,其解釋力為21.33%。影響兒童個人適應的衝突向度依序為兒童知覺婚姻衝突的次數、內容、因應效能、解決、三角關係,其解釋力為21.26%。影響兒童社會適應的衝突向度依序為兒童知覺婚姻衝突的強度、內容、解決、原因穩定性、三角關係,其解釋力為20.34%。   其次,研究結果證實父母婚姻衝突不利於兒童的生活適應,知覺雙親衝突程度愈高的兒童,憂鬱程度愈高、個人適應與社會適應愈差;同時,亦發現婚姻衝突對兒童個人適應與社會適應的影響有性別差異,男女童的差異在社會適應上特別明顯,在低衝突、中衝突及高衝突的家庭中,男童的社會適應都比女童差。   根據研究結果,本研究建議父母應積極學習處理婚姻衝突的知識與技巧,避免在孩子面前發生激烈、敵對的衝突,並適時尋求專業的協助,接受婚姻諮商或家族治療。教師可藉由各種輔導策略,教導兒童因應父母衝突的正確方式,提高其因應效能,減少婚姻衝突對兒童傷害。

初探情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程 / An exploratory study on the process of family-life adjustment among caregivers who have affective disorder.

龔千逢 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖針對目前或曾經有過照顧罹病家人之情感性精神病患進行深度訪談,以了解其家庭生活適應整體歷程中,所遇之壓力負荷議題、照顧議題及生活適應影響議題為何。研究設計採取敘事研究法,針對四位情感性精神病患的照顧故事進行資料蒐集與分析。   本研究共有三大部份的發現,在壓力負荷層面中,照顧者主要經驗「情緒困頓」、「責任壓力」、「束縛感受」、「被隔離或排斥的感受」、「對未來的恐懼」、「刻板印象、歧視或烙印」、「家庭功能和關係之變化」等七項主觀或客觀議題;在照顧層面中,照顧者主要面臨了「疾病復發引發負面情緒,影響照顧的能量」、「資源和支持系統之運用」、「生理健康」、「心理健康」、「情感需求支持」等五項議題;在生活適應影響層面中,照顧者面臨「角色轉變」、「相關支持」、「照顧信念」、「照顧需求」等四個面向的議題。   在了解情感性精神病患身為疾病照顧者之家庭生活適應歷程中,影響其家庭生活適應之相關因素和議題之後,研究者根據研究結果的整理,提出具體建議與結論,提供助人實務工作和政策方案設計在協助情感性精神病患執行照顧角色之參考。 / This research aims to caregivers who have affective disorder had or having the experience of taking care of his or her sick families. With in-depth interview, author try to understand what issues will face during their process of family-life adjustment, like stress and burden issues, care issues, and live adjustment issues. Research design takes narrative research to collect and analyze from four caregivers who have affective disorder. This research has three parts of finding. First, in "Stress and burden issues", caregivers face seven subjective and objective issues, such as "emotional suffering", "responsibility stress", "feeling of restrain", "feeling of being separated or rejected", "fear of the future", "stereotype, prejudice, and stigma", and "changes of family function and relationship". Second, in "Care issues", caregivers face five issues, such as "symptoms cause negative feelings", "using the resources and supportive system", "mental health", "physical health", and "support of emotional needs". Third, in "Life adjustment issues", caregivers face four issues, such as "role change", "supports", "care belief", "care needs". After discovering those issues and relative factors that influence the process of family-life of caregivers who have affective disorder. Base on above findings, author gives suggestions on policy making and practice work for caregivers who have affective disorder.

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