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[pt] Desenvolvido como estudo fenomenológico-hermenêutico, o
trabalho que se passa a apresentar busca ampliar a
compreensão acerca das experiências interativas sócio-
técnicas que têm os participantes dos encontros de serviços
com a iluminação ambiental oferecida pelos cenários das
empresas. Para tanto, conduziu-se uma revisão bibliográfica
focada na visão das lojas de serviços como construções
espaciais de uma representação na qual o ambiente físico da
empresa constitui o cenário de um espetáculo teatral em que
a luz torna-se um elemento primordial. Seguindo uma
perspectiva simultaneamente interdisciplinar e
transdisciplinar, recorreu-se às disciplinas da Biologia,
da Medicina, da Óptica Física, da Física Quântica, da
Psicologia Ambiental, da Antropologia, da Semiótica, da
Arquitetura e das Artes Cênicas para acessar as principais
construções teóricas acerca da luz e para empreender
esforços no sentido de responder à desordem de pesquisa.
Realizou-se também um estudo de campo em lojas temáticas de
serviços, nas quais foram realizadas observações e
entrevistas de base qualitativa junto àqueles que
experimentaram o fenômeno que se estava examinando. Em
acordo com os preceitos da análise de conteúdo e da análise
interparticipante, os depoimentos foram interpretados,
classificados e utilizados para gerar proposições, as quais
foram submetidas a um grupo de cinco informantes-chave e,
posteriormente, oferecidas como possibilidades de se chegar
a uma melhor compreensão das experiências dos participantes
dos encontros de serviços com a luz. / [en] Taking up a phenomenological-hermeneutical approach, this
dissertation seeks both to widen as well as to improve the
ways through which people participating in service
encounters interact with environmental lighting. In this
sense, the literature review focussed servicescapes as
spatial representations whereby the physical environment of
a service firm supports a drama where light is a crucial
element. According to a standpoint which is both inter- and
transdisciplinary, contributions from several disciplines -
e. g. Biology, Medecine, Optical Physics, Quantic Physics,
Environmental Psychology, Anthropology, Semiotics,
Architecture and Scenic Arts - have been brought about
to give access to the most relevant theories about light as
well as to start filling up some extant research gaps. The
field study was developed in thematic service stores. Both
direct observation and qualitative interviews allowed to
collect information from participants who had experienced
one or more interactions as conceived in this study.
Following basic principles from Content Analysis and
Interparticipant Observation, the interviews were
interpreted, classified and then used to generate several
research propositions. The propositions were then analysed
by 5 referees in order to be finally presented as
propositive guidelines to a better understanding of
lighting experiences during service encounters.
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Réalisation de diodes électroluminescentes à base de nanofils GaN / Fabrication of GaN nanowire-based light emitting diodesBavencove, Anne-Laure 06 July 2012 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur l'évaluation des propriétés de nanofils InGaN/GaN en vue de la réalisation de diodes électroluminescentes (LEDs). Deux types d'architecture, obtenus par des techniques de croissance différentes, ont été étudiés. La technique MBE a conduit à la réalisation de LEDs en structure axiale émettant du domaine spectral bleu au rouge. Les émetteurs uniques présentent dans ce cas des diamètres typiquement inférieurs à 100 nm. La technique MOCVD a conduit quant à elle la fabrication de LEDs émettant des longueurs d'onde plus courtes à partir d'hétérostructures InGaN/GaN en Coeur/Coquille présentant des dimensions micrométriques. Dans les deux cas, la croissance est réalisée de manière spontanée sur un substrat Silicium (111) de conductivité élevée permettant l'injection verticale du courant dans les dispositifs intégrés à l'échelle macroscopique. L'ensemble des briques technologiques nécessaires à la fabrication de LEDs a été évalué par un panel important de techniques expérimentales adaptées aux structures à fort rapport de forme. Ainsi, l'effet de l'incorporation d'espèces dopantes de type n (Silicium) et de type p (Magnésium) a été caractérisé par des expériences de spectroscopie optique couplées à des mesures électriques sur fils uniques. De plus, la cathodoluminescence basse température a été largement utilisée afin d'étudier les propriétés optiques de la zone active à base d'InGaN dans les deux architectures considérées. Après intégration technologique, des caractérisations électro-optiques résolues à l'échelle du fil unique ont montré que les performances des LEDs à nanofils restent principalement limitées par la fluctuation des propriétés électriques et optiques entre émetteurs uniques. / This thesis aims at studying the intrinsic properties of InGaN/GaN nanowires (NWs) in order to fabricate efficient light emitting diodes (LEDs). Two active region designs, obtained through different growth techniques, have been extensively investigated. Axial NW-based LEDs emitting from the blue to the red spectral range have been grown by MBE. In this case, single emitters present diameters typically smaller than 100 nm. MOCVD allowed the fabrication of LEDs emitting shorter wavelengths from Core/Shell heterostructures with typical dimensions in the micrometre range. In both cases, the spontaneous growth has been conducted on Silicon (111) highly conductive substrates in order to inject the current vertically into macroscopically contacted devices. Technological building blocks needed to fabricate LEDs have been investigated using a wide range of characterization techniques adapted for high aspect ratio structures. Thus, n-type (Silicon) and p-type (Magnesium) dopings have been assessed thanks to optical spectroscopy techniques, and these results have been confirmed by electrical measurements carried out on single wires. Furthermore, low temperature cathodoluminescence has been widely used to study the optical properties of InGaN-based active regions. After technological integration, electro-optical characterizations with spatial resolution down to the single wire level have revealed that device performances are mainly limited by the fluctuation of electrical and optical properties between single emitters.
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Diretrizes de design de luminárias com tecnologia LED com ênfase na interação com o usuário em ambientes hospitalares / Design guidelines fixtures with LED technology with an emphasis on user interaction in hospital settingsArgoud, Daniel Mattoso 14 October 2016 (has links)
O setor de iluminação artificial passa por uma mudança de padrão tecnológico com a implantação da tecnologia LED, que permite novas abordagens quanto a interatividade e qualidade da luz nos ambientes internos. Em ambientes hospitalares, o conforto visual está intimamente ligado a recuperação do paciente e bem-estar dos demais usuários, visto que a qualidade da luz pode interferir de forma direta em reações fisiológicas ligadas ao ciclo circadiano. O presente trabalho apresenta diretrizes de design de luminárias, com ênfase na interação e necessidades dos pacientes. Para tanto, considerou as possibilidades inovadoras e interativas da tecnologia LED e sua relação com o ciclo-circadiano, especificamente na unidade de internação. Para gerar as diretrizes de design foi utilizado uma variação do método Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD), que tem como premissa o atendimento às necessidades dos usuários. As diretrizes geradas pela matriz QFD foram aplicadas em um modelo virtual, utilizando o processo de modelagem da informação da construção conhecido como BIM (Building Information Modeling), com a finalidade de avaliar os resultados obtidos. A utilização do método QFD em conjunto com a tecnologia BIM se mostraram eficientes para a criação de projetos de iluminação, pois apresentou como resultado final um conjunto de imagens qualitativas e informações quantitativas, permitindo desenvolver diretrizes que podem ser manipuladas, de acordo com as necessidades observadas pelo designer responsável pelo projeto de iluminação. Os principais resultados obtidos estabelecem que na unidade de internação hospitalar a iluminação artificial deve contemplar as seguintes características: permitir fácil interatividade, oferecer localização temporal (ciclo circadiano), permitir direcionamento da luz, reduzir a monotonia do ambiente e transmitir sensação de segurança. / The artificial lighting industry undergoes a change of technological standards with the implementation of LED technology, which allows new approaches to interactivity and quality of light in indoor environments. In hospital settings, visual comfort is closely linked to patient recovery and well-being of other users, since the quality of light can interfere directly in physiological reactions linked to the circadian cycle. This work developed luminaire design guidelines, with emphasis on interaction and patient needs. Therefore, considered innovative and interactive possibilities of LED technology and its relationship with the cycle-circadian, specifically in the inpatient unit. To generate design guidelines was used a variation of Quality Function (QFD) method, which is premised on meeting the users needs. The guidelines generated by the QFD matrix were applied to a virtual model using the modeling process of building information known as BIM (Building Information Modeling), in order to evaluate the results obtained. The use of QFD method along with BIM proved efficient for creating lighting designs as it result in a set of qualitative images and quantitative information, allowing to develop guidelines that can be manipulated according to the needs observed by designer responsible for lighting design. The main results establish that at the hospitalization unit artificial lighting shall include the following features: allow easy interactivity, offer temporal location (circadian cycle), to allow light guidance, reducing the monotony of environment and transmit feeling of security.
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Sistema de operação remota e supervisão de iluminação pública / System of remote operation and supervision of public street lightingCleber Costa da Fonseca 04 March 2013 (has links)
Sistemas de operação remota e supervisão de iluminação pública são compostos por dispositivos acoplados aos pontos de luz interligados via rede, e aplicativos que são executados em computadores que indicam problemas nos pontos de iluminação e apuram o valor do consumo de energia. Estudar as tecnologias dos trabalhos correlatos, propor um sistema dedicado para iluminação pública e implantar o sistema proposto em um teste piloto para avaliação das características de operação e supervisão são os objetivos do trabalho. A arquitetura do sistema proposto é modular e expansível. O modelo baseado em células permite que novos conjuntos de dispositivos possam ser adicionados de acordo com a demanda. No desenvolvimento do trabalho a linguagem C# é adotada para desenvolver a operação e supervisão através do padrão CyberOPC (Cybernetic OPC) e arquivos do tipo XML são aplicados para descrição dos dispositivos e definição da topologia da rede. Os resultados obtidos em simulação e no teste piloto validam a metodologia e arquitetura proposta. / Systems of remote operation and supervision of public lighting are composed of devices attached to the light points interconnected via a network, and applications that run on computers that indicate problems with lighting points and discharge the amount of energy consumption. Studying the related works technologies, propose a system dedicated to public lighting and deploy the proposed system in a pilot test to evaluate the operating characteristics and supervision are the objectives of the work. The architecture of the proposed system is modular and expandable. The cell-based model allows new sets of devices can be added according to demand. In developing the work the C # language is adopted to develop the operation and monitoring via standard CyberOPC (Cybernetic OPC) and XML file types are applied to the device description and definition of the network topology. The results obtained from simulation and from the test pilot validate the methodology and the proposed architecture.
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A auditoria energética como ferramenta para o aproveitamento do potencial de conservação da energia: o caso das edificações do setor educacional / The energy audit as a tool for harnessing the potential for energy conservation: the case of education sector buildingsBenavides, Jose Rafael Rodriguez 27 May 2014 (has links)
O consumo de energia nos diferentes setores da economia cresce continuamente devido aos hábitos de consumo, aumento da população e necessidades tecnológicas atuais; considerando o efeito deste aumento de consumo sobre os recursos naturais, a conscientização da importância do uso racional da energia é cada dia um tópico de maior relevância em todo o mundo. Ante a crescente necessidade de reduzir o consumo energético das edificações, algumas metodologias apresentam-se como ferramentas úteis para o alcance deste fim, uma delas é a auditoria energética. A auditoria energética é um mecanismo para entender o desempenho energético de edifícios, através dela é possível detectar problemas operacionais, aumentar o conforto dos ocupantes e otimizar o uso da energia. O presente estudo utilizou uma metodologia de auditoria energética para conhecer o comportamento energético de diferentes prédios do setor terciário especificamente do setor educacional, pertencentes a Universidade de São Paulo (USP). A metodologia foi aplicada em diferentes edificações do setor, e a mesma incluiu a utilização de medições de variáveis elétricas, medições de iluminação segundo as normas preconizadas, software para estudo de usos finais e ferramentas de simulação computacional como o software Dialux e o EnergyPlus. As melhores oportunidades de eficiência energética foram avaliadas técnica e economicamente, comparando cenários para a execução de estratégias com diferentes tecnologias comercialmente disponíveis no mercado. A avaliação econômica incluiu a utilização de figuras de mérito como o tempo de payback, a taxa interna de retorno (TIR), o custo de ciclo de vida (LCC), o custo de ciclo de vida anualizado (ALCC) e o custo da energia conservada (CEC). Os resultados validam a auditoria energética como método para tomada de decisões no sentido de eleger as melhores ações de eficiência energética para uma edificação. / The energy consumption in different sectors of the economy grows continuously due to consumption habits, increase in population and current technological needs; considering the negative effect of this increased consumption the environment, awareness of the significance of rational use of energy is a topic of great importance worldwide. Faced with the growing need to optimize the energy consumption of buildings, some methodologies are presented as useful tools for achieving this goal, one of them is the energy audit. The energy audit is a mechanism to understand the energy performance of buildings and facilities, through it is possible to detect operational problems , increase occupant comfort and optimize energy use. The present study used a methodology of energy audit to understand the energy performance of different buildings of the tertiary sector and specifically in educational sector buildings belonging to the University of São Paulo ( USP ) . The methodology was applied in different buildings of this sector , and it included the use of power measurements, lighting measurements according to the standards, energy end-use software and computer simulation tools such as Dialux and EnergyPlus software .The best opportunities for energy efficiency were evaluated by comparing scenarios for the implementation of strategies with different technologies commercially available. The economic evaluation included the use of financial analysis tools such as payback time , the internal rate of return (IRR ) , the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) , the Annualized Life Cycle Cost (ALCC) and the Cost of Saved Energy (CSE) . The results validate energy audit as a method for decision making in order to select the best energy efficiency strategies for a building.
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Desenhando através da luz - experiências de prazer em ambientes comerciaisTonelotto, Simone Rendwanski 24 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Nenhuma / O desafio deste estudo é investigar de que maneira o design pode desenhar experiências de prazer através da luz em ambientes comerciais. Para tal, esta pesquisa não foca os efeitos fisiológicos da luz, já conhecidos, mas aborda de que maneira a luz atua na emoção dos usuários de espaço. O estudo do prazer através da iluminação apresenta uma nova discussão no campo da experiência quanto ao ponto de venda, pois identifica seu potencial como diferencial de projeto. A pesquisa exploratória e a aplicação de entrevistas em profundidade a diferentes projetistas da área de iluminação revelam como os profissionais tratam tais fatores em seus projetos, assim, verificando a importância da prática tanto na expertise dos profissionais utilizada na resolução de questões projetuais como na construção de conhecimento em razão dos estudos ainda escassos, os quais têm seu referencial teórico, de certa forma, aproximado de outras áreas. / The challenge for this study is investigate how design can build pleasure experiences beyond the lighting in commercial spaces. For this the Research is not focused in the physiological effects of lighting, already known, but make a approach of how the lighting can contribute in emotions of the user of space. The study of pleasure beyond lighting presents a new conversation in the experience field in the point of purchase and identifies the potential of a space as a projetual increment. For this a exploratory study associated with in-depth interviews with lighting designers show a rich sampling how designers deal with this factors on projects, verifying in the practice the relevance of the designer’s expertise in the resolution of project issues and in the knowledge given the lack of research, come forward other areas.
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A percepção da qualidade do sistema de iluminação artificial da Praça Adair FigueiredoSouza, Camila Dias de January 2017 (has links)
A percepção viabiliza a obtenção de diversas informações visuais do ambiente que, entre outras funções, auxilia o indivíduo a se orientar no espaço. No período noturno, a iluminação urbana assume importante papel para o funcionamento das cidades, podendo contribuir para a qualifi cação dos ambientes. Este trabalho aborda a percepção sobre a qualidade do sistema de iluminação de uma praça municipal em Porto Alegre - Praça Dr. Adair Figueiredo - visando compreender as variáveis envolvidas, as possíveis relações entre elas e suas relações com o perfi l do respondente. A avaliação da percepção da qualidade do sistema de iluminação da praça foi realizada por possíveis usuários e pela autora do trabalho. Foi aplicado questionário on line com uma amostra de 283 pessoas, composto por questões de escala de valores para medir as variáveis relacionadas à qualidade do sistema de iluminação e perguntas fechadas para obtenção de dados de perfi l e opinião. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se métodos estatísticos como médias e variâncias das variáveis contínuas, análise de correlações de Pearson, teste de qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, MANOVA, Post Hoc de Tukey. Foi realizada observação assistemática pela autora, registrada e analisada através de mapeamento visual e descrição textual, considerando-se as categorias de análise do referencial teórico. Os resultados apontam que todas as variáveis envolvidas na qualidade de iluminação estão correlacionadas positivamente, com médias amostrais apresentando 80,31% de satisfação geral com a qualidade do sistema de iluminação da praça, e também que é desejável a continuidade em investimentos no sistema de iluminação. A análise multivariada revela que o componente denominado “referências espaciais” é mais valorizado pelas faixas etárias acima de 41 anos do que a faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos e pelas pessoas acima de 51 anos em relação à faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. / Perception makes it possible to obtain a diversity of visual information about the environment, which, among other functions, helps the individual to orient himself in space. In the night period, urban lighting plays an important role for the functioning of cities, and can contribute to the qualifi cation of the environments. This work approaches the perception about the quality of the lighting system of a city square in Porto Alegre - Dr. Adair Figueiredo Square- aiming to understand the variables involved, the possible relations between them and their relations with the profi le of the respondent. The square’s f lighting system quality evaluation’s was carried out by possible users and by the author of the work. An online questionnaire was applied with a sample of 283 people, composed of scale value’s questions to measure the variables related to the quality of the lighting system and closed questions to obtain data of profi le and opinion. The results were analyzed using statistical methods such as means and variances of continuous variables, Pearson correlation analysis, chi-square test, Fisher exact test, MANOVA, Tukey Post Hoc. An asystematic author’s observation was recorded and analyzed through visual mapping and textual description, considering the categories of analysis of the theoretical reference. The results indicate that all variables involved in lighting quality are positively correlated, and has sample average presenting 80.31% overall satisfaction with square’s lighting system quality, and also that it is desirable to continue investments in the lighting system. The multivariate analysis reveals that the factor “spatial references” is more valued by the age groups over 41 years than the age group of 31 to 40 years and by the people over 51 years of age in relation to the age group of 21 to 30 years.
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Politiques et techniques de l’éclairage public pour répondre aux enjeux du développement durable en France : Acteurs, mutations et impacts urbains / Political and technical of the street lighting to answer the stakes in the sustainable development in France : Actors, transformations and urban impactsRousseau, Thomas 30 September 2013 (has links)
L’importance du regard nocturne sur la ville et de l’intégration de l’éclairage artificiel dans le paysage s’intensifient alors même que le besoin d’une ville plus agréable et favorisant le lien social se fait sentir. Parallèlement, le contexte économique et social particulièrement difficile et les considérations environnementales de plus en plus fortes, imposent à la société et aux communes de s’adapter face aux enjeux et aux nouveaux paradigmes qui s’imposent. Dans ce contexte, l’éclairage urbain, au même titre que l’optimisation des politiques publiques dédiées aux transports, aux déchets ou à la gestion de l’eau, nécessite des approches nouvelles. L’aménagement nocturne de la ville cristallise des enjeux multiples et des besoins d’adaptation concernant la mise en valeur patrimoniale, la prise en compte des usages, le confort dans l’espace public, l’accompagnement des événements culturels, le balisage urbain, la maîtrise des coûts des dispositifs ou encore la préservation du ciel nocturne. Pour répondre aux besoins et mieux articuler l’éclairage public à la ville, la prise en compte des enjeux de la durabilité des lumières urbaines est essentielle. Les collectivités locales doivent concevoir des approches moins fonctionnalistes et plus qualitatives. Il s’agit de passer d’un éclairage public à l’aménagement des lumières urbaines ce qui appelle certaines questions. Quelles sont les politiques et les techniques de l’éclairage public mises en place pour répondre aux enjeux du développement durable ? Quels sont ces enjeux, en quoi sont-ils importants à prendre en compte dans le contexte socio-économique actuel ? Quelles sont les approches et stratégies mises en oeuvre ? Quels sont les acteurs clés pour répondre à ces enjeux ? Sont-elles uniformes sur l’ensemble du territoire ? Répondent-elles à un éclairage durable ? À partir d’une enquête auprès d’une centaine de communes de France métropolitaine, notre travail vise à mieux comprendre la prise en compte de la durabilité dans les politiques d’éclairage qui semblent principalement guidées par des stratégies économiques et la volonté de répondre au volet « économique » du développement durable. Parallèlement la dimension humaine et sociale de la durabilité dans l’éclairage public semble se développer avec une prise en compte grandissante des usages dans la ville. Nous verrons que les orientations des politiques d’éclairage évoluent. Quelles sont les idées neuves qui se diffusent ? Quels sont les impacts de la ville et la manière de l’aménager. Ce travail permet également de rappeler l’importance de l’urbanisme-lumière dans les politiques publiques, et de la place des usagers. Les orientations retenues par les communes, ne semblent pas dictées par l’offre technique et les fabricants, ni par le prix de l’énergie, mais plus par un ensemble combiné d’enjeux nocturnes selon la taille, les politiques urbaines et leur contexte géographique, culturelle et économique. / The importance of having a nocturnal look on the city and of integrating artificial lighting into the urban landscape is growing at the same time as the need for a more pleasant environment in the city favouring social cohesion. At the same time, the particularly difficult social and economic climate and the ever stronger environmental considerations are forcing society and town councils to change faced with the stakes and new paradigms which are essential. In this context, urban lighting requires new approaches in the same way as the optimization of public policies devoted to transport, waste or water management. The nocturnal development in the cities cristallizes the multiple stakes and needs for change concerning the development of cultural heritage, consideration of practices, the comfort of public space, the support for cultural events, urban marking, the cost control of plans or preserving the night sky. To meet the needs and better articulate street lighting, it is imperative to take into consideration the stakes concerning the durability of street lighting. Local authorities have to find less functionalist and more qualitative approaches. It is a case of moving from street lighting to the development of urban lighting. This brings up certain questions. What are the policies and techniques of street lighting set up to meet the requirements of sustainable development ? What are the stakes ? In what way is it important to take them into account in the current socioeconomic context ? What approaches and strategies are being put into action ? Who are the key players to meet these stakes ? Are they the same ones over the whole country? Do they meet the requirements of long-term lighting ? Based on a survey of around one hundred towns in metropolitan France, our work aims at a better understanding of the consideration of durability in the public policies of lighting which seem mainly guided by economic strategies and the will to meet the requirements of the « economic » section of sustainable development. At the same time, the human and social dimension of sustainability in public lighting seems to be developing with an ever growing consideration for practices in the cities. We shall see that the tendencies of public policies on lighting are changing. What new ideas are spreading around ? What are the impacts on the city and the way of developing it ? This work also allows us to remind ourselves of the importance of lighting management in public policies and of the place of the users. The tendencies accepted by the town councils do not seem to be dictated either by the technical offer and the manufacturers or by the price of energy but rather by a combined mix of nocturnal issues depending on the size of the town, urban policies and the geographical, cultural and economic context.
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Dispositifs techniques et ségrégations urbaines, le cas de l’éclairage urbain à Rio de Janeiro / Technical devices and urban segregation, the case of urban lighting in Rio de JaneiroChou, Ivone 11 October 2013 (has links)
La nuit ainsi que la favela sont des termes chargés d’ambiguïté, de discours contradictoires et de fantasmes qui imprègnent notre imaginaire. La nuit s’associe à la convivialité, à l’inspiration, à la fête. Mais à côté de la ville lumière, la nuit conserve sa part d’ombre, qui fonde un imaginaire collectif empreint de peurs susceptibles de renforcer les stigmates d'un territoire indésirable : la favela. Au regard de la conception et d’usages de l’espace urbain de Rio de Janeiro, les connaissances paraissent faibles concernant l’impact réel des actions menées en matière d’éclairage, sur la qualification, la perception et l’identité de la ville nocturne. Les mécanismes susceptibles de stimuler la ségrégation, ainsi que la fusion de différents espaces de la ville selon l’accès ou pas aux services d’éclairage public sont inconnus. L’originalité de ce travail réside dans l’analyse des enjeux sociaux de la lumière, pour comprendre la fragmentation urbaine. Un élément remarquable du paysage carioca est la distribution hétérogène des points lumineux dans le tissu urbain. La ségrégation de proximité entre quartiers et favelas, ont suscité chez nous des réflexions sur le rôle de la lumière comme indicateur de justice ou marqueur d’injustice dans l’espace urbain. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons initié notre recherche, en nous centrant sur la question sociale, sur les effets des actions d’éclairage distinctes entre les beaux quartiers et les favelas, et sur la manière dont différentes populations les interprètent, les perçoivent, et les vivent. A partir d’analyses de cas des quartiers de Botafogo, Copacabana et Ipanema, ainsi que des favelas Santa Marta, Cantagalo et Pavão-Pavãozinho, nous procédons à l’analyse de la ségrégation de proximité et sur le rôle social de la lumière. La représentation d'opposition entre la lumière/l’ombre, le bien/le mal, s'emmêlent dans l'identification et l'expression des représentations de la nuit urbaine. Ces conflits et la complexité du paysage urbain nocturne de Rio en font un sujet singulier. / The night and the favela are complimentary when talking about of ambiguity, contradictory discourses and fantasies that pervade our imagination. The night is associated itself with usability, inspiration and party. But, next to the city of light, the night shows its dark side, which is based on a collective imagination, full of fears which strengthen the stigma of an undesirable territory: the favela. In relation to the design and uses of urban space in Rio de Janeiro, knowledge appears incomplete when analyzing the real impact of actions carried out in terms of lighting, the qualification, the perception and the identity of the city by night. The mechanisms that can stimulate the segregation and merge different spaces in the city, according of access or not to the public lighting services, are unknown. The originality of this work relies on the analysis of social issues of light, to understand urban fragmentation. A remarkable feature of the carioca landscape is the heterogeneous distribution of the points of light in the urban landscape. The proximity between neighborhoods and favelas, have prompted reflections on the role of the light as justice indicator or marker of injustice in the urban space. In this context we initiated our research by focusing on the social question, the lighting effects of distinct actions between the wealthy neighborhoods and favelas, and how different individuals interpret, perceive and live there. From the case analysis of neighborhoods of Botafogo, Copacabana and Ipanema, as well the favelas Santa Marta, Cantagalo and Pavão-Pavãozinho, we proceeded to analyze the segregation of proximity and the social role of the light. The representation of opposition between light/shadow, good/bad, becomes entangled in the identification and representative expressions of urban night. These embedded conflicts and the complexity of the urban landscape make the whole a singular subject.
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Características da carne bovina maturada em diferentes embalagens a vácuo e diferentes fontes de luzBorges, Caroline Regazini Soares Proença January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cristiana Andrighetto / Resumo: A cor da carne é um atributo considerado como dos mais relevantes para o consumidor no momento da compra. Os diversos fatores que causam a descoloração de carnes são importantes, podendo desvalorizar e depreciar os produtos cárneos. O tipo de embalagem e de iluminação influenciam na qualidade da carne, podendo gerar perdas para indústria e insatisfação para o consumidor. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a alteração dos atributos de qualidade da carne maturada em embalagens com alta barreira ao oxigênio e baixa barreira ao oxigênio submetidas a dois tipos de lâmpadas (LED e fluorescente). Quinze peças do músculo Longissimus lumborum foram avaliadas na desossa e aos 21 dias de maturação 0 min (P1) e 30 min (P2). Cada peça foi fatiada em quatro partes e cada parte submetida a um tipo de embalagem e iluminação (AB-LED: Embalagem de alta barreira exposição a luz LED; AB-FLUO: Embalagem alta barreira exposição luz fluorescente; BB-LED: Embalagem baixa barreira exposição luz LED; BB-FLUO: Embalagem baixa barreira exposição a luz florescente). Foram avaliados os seguintes atributos: cor da carne, pH e oxidação lipídica e presença de microrganismos. Para as bactérias mesófilas aeróbias e psicrotróficas, houve diferença significativa entre os valores da desossa e após 21 dias de maturação. O pH foi menor na carne desossada em relação aos tratamentos. Para o índice de H*, O/M e bactérias psicrotróficas, mesófilas e enterobactérias, (P<0,05) entre a desossa e os tratamentos. Para H* ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The color of meat is one of the most important attributes to the consumer at the time of purchase. The various factors that cause the discoloration this are important being able to devalue and depreciate the meat products. The type of packaging and illumination influence the quality of the meat and can generate losses to industry and consumer dissatisfaction. The objective of this work was to verify the change of meat quality attributes maturated packaging with high barrier to oxygen and low barrier to oxygen in two light sources (LED and fluorescent). Was utilized fifteen pieces of aging Longissimus lumborum. Each piece was sliced into four parts and each part subjected to a kind of packing and lighting (T1: High-barrier packaging exposed LED light; T2: Low- barrier packaging display in LED light; T3: High-barrier packaging exposed fluorescent light; T4: Low-barrier packaging display in fluorescent light). We evaluated the following attributes: flesh color, pH and lipid oxidation and presence of micro-organisms. For aerobic mesophilic bacteria and psicrotróficas, there was no significant difference between the values of boning and after 21 days of aging. For the index of H *, OM and psychrotrophic bacteria, mesophilic and enterobacteria, (P < 0.05) between the boning and the treatments. To H * and TBARS, higher values were found for BB. Highest values of psicrotróficos packaging and found BB fluorescent lights. Thus, it appears aging does not change the color attributes of t... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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