Spelling suggestions: "subject:"limbs.""
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Tolerância à desfolha em diferentes estádios fenológicos de cultivares de milho com bases genéticas contrastantes / Defoliation tolerance at different phenological stages of maize cultivars with contrasting genetic basesVieira, Jefferson 21 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Maize has low vegetative plasticity, because it normally does not tiller, it has limited capacity to expand the leaf blade and it does not alter the number of expanded leaves due to changes in environment or management. Therefore, damages in leaf area caused by defoliation can decrease grain yield and increase the occurrence of base stalk rots (BSR) and rot grains (RG), reducing grain quality. The cultivar`s genetic variability may interfere on the extension of damages caused by defoliation. This research was carried out aiming to quantify grain yield losses and the effect on base stalk rot (BSR) and rot grains (RG) caused by defoliation at different growth stages of maize cultivars with contrasting genetic variability. A field experiment was set in Lages-SC, during the growing seasons of 2010/11 and 2011/2012. Three cultivars were tested: the open pollinated variety (OPV) SCS 155 Catarina, the triple hybrid (TH) P30B30 and the single-cross hybrid (SC) P30R50H. Each cultivar was defoliated when plants had eight (V8), 12 (V12), 16 (V16) and 20 (V20) expanded leaves. A control treatment without defoliation was also assessed. The experiments were sown in the no-tillage system on 10/22/2010 and 10/19/2011. The plant density of 60,000 pl ha ֿ1 and the row spacing of 0.7 m were used in the trial. Defoliations performed at V8 and V12 did not affect the SC and TH grain yield, but they decreased the OPV productivity. The defoliation performed at V20 reduced by more than 70% the grain yield of all cultivars. The removal of eight and 12 leaves did not increase the incidence of BSR and the percentage of broken plants in comparison to the control. Late defoliations performed at V16 V20 weakened the stalk, increasing the occurrence of BSR and broken plants for the three cultivars. The greater genetic variability of OPV SCS 155 Catarina was not efficient to minimize grain yield losses caused by defoliation, neither to decrease the incidence of base stalk rot nor rot grains, in comparison to the hybrids P30B30 and P30R50H / A cultura do milho possui baixa plasticidade vegetativa, pois normalmente não perfilha, apresenta limitada capacidade de expansão do limbo foliar e não altera o número de folhas expandidas devido a mudanças no ambiente ou no manejo. Os danos na área foliar ocasionados pela desfolha podem reduzir o rendimento de grãos e aumentar a ocorrência de podridões da base do colmo (PBC) e de grãos ardidos (GA), depreciando a qualidade dos grãos. A variabilidade genética da cultivar pode interferir na magnitude dos danos ocasionados pela desfolha. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos quantificar os prejuízos no rendimento de grãos e a influência sobre PBC e GA, ocasionados pela desfolha imposta em diferentes estádios fenológicos em cultivares de milho com bases genéticas contrastantes. O experimento foi conduzido a campo, no município de Lages-SC, nos anos agrícolas de 2010/11 e 2011/12. Foram testadas três cultivares de milho: a variedade de polinização aberta (VPA) SCS 155 Catarina, o híbrido triplo (HT) P30B30 e o híbrido simples (HS) P30R50H. Cada cultivar foi desfolhada quando as plantas tinham oito (V8), 12 (V12), 16 (V16) e 20 (V20) folhas expandidas e foi mantida uma testemunha com folhas intactas. Os experimentos foram implantados no sistema de semeadura direta, em 22/10/2010 e 19/10/2011. A densidade utilizada foi de 60.000 plantas ha-1 e o espaçamento entre linhas de 0,7m. As desfolhas realizadas em V8 e V12 não comprometeram o rendimento de grãos do HS e do HT, mas reduziram o rendimento da VPA. A desfolha realizada em V20 reduziu em mais de 70% o rendimento de grãos das três cultivares. A remoção de oito e 12 folhas não aumentou a incidência de PBC e a percentagem de plantas quebradas, em relação à testemunha. As desfolhas mais tardias (V16 e V20) aumentaram a ocorrência de PBC e de plantas quebradas das três cultivares. A maior variabilidade genética da VPA SCS 155 Catarina não foi eficaz para minimizar as perdas ocasionadas pela desfolha no rendimento de grãos, nem tão pouco para diminuir a incidência de podridões da base do colmo e grãos ardidos, em comparação aos híbridos P30B30 e P30R50H
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Refugees’ physical and mental health, after arriving in Sweden: An unfolding process : A Qualitative case study on the dilemmas with refugee facilitiesFawaz, Helen January 2021 (has links)
This case study touches on the development of refugees’ mental and physical health from their stays in the refugee facilities during and after the limbo process for a temporary and permanent visa, which in turn affected their socioeconomic integration. Seven refugees and their families that came to Sweden during the refugee crisis in 2015-2016 and were moved to a facility where I worked, were interviewed on how those issues impacted them. With the help of Egon Kunz’s [Refugee Theory] theory, the study showed that constant relocation to different facilities in Sweden, and experienced events and conflicts at the facilities have resulted in long-term health and socioeconomic problems. Such as PTSD, mental and physical recovery from occurred events at the facilities, in turn, negatively affecting socioeconomic integration. Additional research in those issues showed that other countries like Germany, which also had a large influx of refugees during that time, had better and faster success with integration when they helped the refugees with the language and societal information at the beginning of limbo. Because their interest in learning and integrating is higher, and the health and integration issues are much lower than when refugees are sometimes forced to wait at least two years, which is what some of the participants and other refugees in this study did before starting SFI, integration programs and have their own private place live in. The temporary visa, especially with no help to integrate, caused the lack of interest in learning the language; socioeconomic integration, mainly when the person was alone with no family. Moreover, their developed health from their time at the facilities is still a recovering process.
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Violence, Resistance and the Border Regime: Shedding Light on the Reality at the Patras Settlement : Daily Struggles of People on the Move Through the Eyes of VolunteersRebeyrolle, Alexia January 2023 (has links)
The securitisation and externalisation of Europe's borders have had devastating consequences for people trying to cross them. As Greece is on the periphery of the European Union, its role in this process and in the journey of people on the move is crucial. This thesis focuses on the situation in the city of Patras (Northern Peloponnese) and the informal camp set up by people on the move there. Drawing from interviews with volunteers working in Patras and previous research related to Patras or other Greek refugee camps, this thesis applies the concept of borderscapes in order to understand the situation in Patras. The aspect of resistance that people on the move create against borders is central to the thesis, as it lies at the heart of the relationship that people on the move have with the borders they face. Furthermore, analysis through the conceptual lens of borderscapes explains how the border, like Patras itself, is a violent place in many different ways. Finally, I will highlight the paradoxical role that volunteers play in this system of bordering and how the mobility and visibility of people on the move are linked to European policies and strategies to selectively restrict certain types of migration.
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Verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen : En studie om reglering och Migrationsöverdomstolens tillämpning av verkställighetshinder som stadgas i 12 kap. utlänningslagenAl-Ameri, Wahab, Al Zaybak, Haitham January 2020 (has links)
Some expulsion decisions cannot be executed due to the existence of deportation impediments, which in this case means that foreigners are in a legal limbo in such a way that they have neither the right to stay nor the opportunity to leave Sweden. The regulation of deportation impediments is found in Aliens Act (2005:716), but it is the application of these regulations that determine how specific cases are assessed, why it is highly relevant to study said cases. The essay deals with political, practical and medical impediments, found in Chapter 12 of the Aliens Act, in order to establish the applicable law, and by analyzing ten court cases from the Migration Court of Appeal, study how the court assesses the Swedish Migration Agency's application of these legal barriers. The provisions being studied are chapter 12 1-3 §§ Aliens Act, concerning political impediments, chapter 12 18 § Aliens Act, concerning practical and medical impediments, and also chapter 12 19 § Aliens act which establishes the possibility of a new trial in a case. The applicable law is established through a legal dogmatic method, and the legal cases from the Migration Court of Appeal are analyzed using a legal sociological method. The study concludes that political impediments are weighed heaviest in comparison to medical and practical impediments, due to the latter two not being derived from international conventions or instruments as opposed to political impediments. Furthermore, it is easier to present evidence when invoking political impediments, as evidentiary requirements are set lower than those for practical and medical impediments. At the same time the individual has an opportunity to be granted a new trial if he or she invokes a new condition that concerns political impediments, while a new trial cannot be granted if the individual invokes medical or practical impediments. The provisions concerning practical and medical impediments should therefore be developed or amended in such a way that they are adapted to the circumstances that may arise in these cases. It is also concluded that the Swedish Migration Agency's investigation and interpretation of these impediments must be more comprehensive. It must be adapted to the conditions referred to in the case, due to the application of these provisions being complex and requiring the Swedish Migration Agency's staff to be well trained and accurate in each individual case.
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Јеврејски архетип у прози Александра Тишме (романи Књига о Бламу и Употреба човека) / Jevrejski arhetip u prozi Aleksandra Tišme (romani Knjiga o Blamu i Upotreba čoveka) / Jewish archetype in the prose of Aleksandar Tišma (novels The Book of Blam and The Use of Man)Perunović Ruža 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У романима Књига о Бламу и Употреба човека Александра Тишме доминантне теме јесу рат и судбина човека у рату, а посебно јеврејског човека. Говорити о романима Александра Тишме значи најпре говорити о трагању за идентитетом, о неприпадању и усамљености у свету који се доживљава као непрекидно страдање, као опасност, страховање, као трагање за безбедним местом за живот, да би се напослетку схватило да такво место не постоји, да су свуда само јед и патња. Ликови ових романа живе у тешким ратним околностима, али они носе још теже бреме јеврејске судбине, или у својим коренима једнако проблематичну подељеност, подвојеност између хришћанства и јудаизма. У оба случаја, свесни су своје издвојености, обележености пореклом које свакога часа може бити означено као непожељно за живот у заједници. Стога, стрепња и тескоба стални су пратиоци њихових судбина. У складу са овом поставком, Тишма анализира различите облике преживљавања у ратном и послератном добу (од мирења са злом, пасивности, трпљења, понижења, преко отпора, освете, насиља, све до поражавајућег сазнања да „зло рађа зло”) указујући на феномене времена у којем живимо. Аутор с горчином преиспитује постојање хуманистичких принципа у оваквом свету, као и улогу литературе у читавом процесу. Трагајући у својим романима, пре свега, за истином у свим аспектима живота, Тишма долази до сазнања да су насиље и зло неодвојиви део човекове природе, и то сазнање нуди као датост, као непомериву чињеницу. Улога књижевности јесте да разбија илузије, да подсећа на преживљено, да сведочи о ратним догађајима у светлу уверења да оно што није записано – не постоји.</p> / <p>U romanima Knjiga o Blamu i Upotreba čoveka Aleksandra Tišme dominantne teme jesu rat i sudbina čoveka u ratu, a posebno jevrejskog čoveka. Govoriti o romanima Aleksandra Tišme znači najpre govoriti o traganju za identitetom, o nepripadanju i usamljenosti u svetu koji se doživljava kao neprekidno stradanje, kao opasnost, strahovanje, kao traganje za bezbednim mestom za život, da bi se naposletku shvatilo da takvo mesto ne postoji, da su svuda samo jed i patnja. Likovi ovih romana žive u teškim ratnim okolnostima, ali oni nose još teže breme jevrejske sudbine, ili u svojim korenima jednako problematičnu podeljenost, podvojenost između hrišćanstva i judaizma. U oba slučaja, svesni su svoje izdvojenosti, obeleženosti poreklom koje svakoga časa može biti označeno kao nepoželjno za život u zajednici. Stoga, strepnja i teskoba stalni su pratioci njihovih sudbina. U skladu sa ovom postavkom, Tišma analizira različite oblike preživljavanja u ratnom i posleratnom dobu (od mirenja sa zlom, pasivnosti, trpljenja, poniženja, preko otpora, osvete, nasilja, sve do poražavajućeg saznanja da „zlo rađa zlo”) ukazujući na fenomene vremena u kojem živimo. Autor s gorčinom preispituje postojanje humanističkih principa u ovakvom svetu, kao i ulogu literature u čitavom procesu. Tragajući u svojim romanima, pre svega, za istinom u svim aspektima života, Tišma dolazi do saznanja da su nasilje i zlo neodvojivi deo čovekove prirode, i to saznanje nudi kao datost, kao nepomerivu činjenicu. Uloga književnosti jeste da razbija iluzije, da podseća na preživljeno, da svedoči o ratnim događajima u svetlu uverenja da ono što nije zapisano – ne postoji.</p> / <p>In the novels The Book of Blam and The Use of Man by Aleksandar Tišma dominant themes are war and the destiny of man in war, especially Jewish man. To talk about the novels of Aleksandar Tišma primarily means to talk about the quest for identity, about rootlessness and loneliness in a world that is perceived as constant suffering, as danger, fear and search for a safe place, only to realize that such a place does not exist, that there is only misery and suffering everywhere. The characters of these novels live in difficult war conditions, but they carry an even heavier burden of the Jewish fate, or they have in their roots an equally problematic split – a split between Christianity and Judaism. In both cases, they are aware of their isolation, of being stigmatized by their origin, which at any moment can be declared unsuitable for life in a community. Therefore, anxiety and uneasiness are constant companions of their fate. In accordance with this setting, Tišma analyzes different forms of survival in wartime and in post-war era (from conciliation with evil, inaction, suffering, humiliation, through resistance, revenge, violence, until the devastating knowledge that “evil begets evil”) thus indicating the phenomena of our time. The author bitterly re-examines the existence of humanistic principles in such a world, and the role of literature in the whole process. Searching in his novels primarily for truth in all aspects of life, Tišma comes to the conclusion that violence and crime are inseparable part of human nature, and he presents this insights as a given, as a fixed fact. The role of literature is to shatter illusions, to remind us of things we have been through, to testify about wars in the light of his belief that if things have not been written down it is as if they do not exist at all.</p>
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