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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Screening of volatile compounds in washing water and cloths from the sponge cloth process

Bergner, Sandra, Nilsson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>Freudenberg Household Products AB in Norrköping are manufacturer of sponge cloths with the well-known brand names of Wettex<sup>®</sup> and Vileda<sup>®</sup>. The production is based on the viscose fiber process and involves a high chemical demand. Recent customer complaints involve a diffuse smell from the cloths that is like a “garage odor” and occurs after a few uses. The company’s theory is that the smell derives from a chemical used in the process called Exxal 9.</p><p>The aim was to screen the washing water from two sections and the cloth before and after wash for the presence of Exxal 9 and other prominent components. The washing water samples consisted of a salt solution from one section and a water condensate from another section. A method to qualitatively and quantitatively examine the production samples was developed. To evaluate the variation over a short period of time, twelve samples were taken during four weeks. The focus for the analysis lay on production line Wx4, but comparisons with two other production lines, Wx7 and SL1, were also made. The method of choice was gas chromatography in combination with two different detectors; mass spectrometer for identification and flame ionization detector for quantification.</p><p>Exxal 9 could be identified in both of the washing water sections but in very various concentrations. At the production line Wx4, the mean concentration in the mother lye was 61.96 µl/l whereas the mean concentration in the condensate was 0.24 µl/l. The comparison between the different production lines showed significant variations, where Wx4 had the highest concentration. In the cloths, Exxal 9 could only be found before it had been washed. The concentration in the cloths was not high enough for quantification. In both the washing waters and cloths, additional unknown peaks were found. Attempts to identify all the unknowns were made but only two compounds were included in the commercial library; 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol.</p>

Quantification of resin acids, fatty acids and sterols in process and waste water from forest industry / Kvantifiering av hartssyror, fettsyror och steroler i process och avloppsvatten från skogsindustrin

Ismailov, Taner January 2013 (has links)
This work focuses on wood extractives in effluents from the CTMP plant at Skoghall Mill. Pulp and paper industry effluents contain mostly natural compounds which are part of the trees. They are toxic to aquatic life but harmless in nature, as they are present in low concentrations. Processing tons of wood, such as in a pulp mill, strongly increases the concentrations of the toxic compounds (Ali, M. and Sreekrishnan, T., 2001) which have to be treated before transferring to the aquatic environment.Extractives can be found in different forms, as micelles soluble in water, unprocessed in fibers or absorbed on the surface of fibers. It is important to know in which forms extractives are mostly present in the effluent, so that they can be treated more efficiently. It is desired to have extractives absorbed on the fibers and fibrils present in the waste water, so they can be separated from the water and treated separately, e.g. burned for energy recovery. Dissolved extractives complicate the oxygen transfer in an aerated biological treatment step with their surface active properties (Sandberg, 2012).The aim of this study is quantification of extractives on the fibers suspended in the waste water and extractives dissolved in the water. The distribution between the two forms is an important input when designing future effluent treatment. Wood extractives itself are a wide group with different compounds. This work focuses on the main groups present in waste water: resin acids, free and esterified fatty acids and, free and esterified sterols. These groups are analyzed in different process waters and waste water before the waste water treatment plant. The measured concentrations of extractives were as expected, higher in process and effluent waters, lower in white water. Most of the extract was dissolved in the water and unfortunately fiber samples contained very low concentration from the total extract in the samples.

Interaction of Actinides with the Predominant Indigenous Bacteria in Äspö Aquifer - Interactions of Selected Actinides U(VI), Cm(III), Np(V) and Pu(VI) with Desulfovibrio äspöensis

Bernhard, Gert, Selenska-Pobell, Sonja, Geipel, Gerhard, Rossberg, Andre, Merroun, Mohamed, Moll, Henry, Stumpf, Thorsten 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) frequently occur in the deep granitic rock aquifers at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Äspö HRL), Sweden. The new SRB strain Desulfovibrio äspöensis could be iso-lated. The objective of this project was to explore the basic interaction mechanisms of uranium, curium, neptunium and plutonium with cells of D. äspöensis DSM 10631T. The cells of D. äspöensis were successfully cultivated under anaerobic conditions as well in an optimized bicarbonate-buffered mineral medium as on solid medium at 22 °C. To study the interaction of D. äspöensis with the actinides, the cells were grown to the mid-exponential phase (four days). The collected biomass was usually 1.0±0.2 gdry weight/L. The purity of the used bacterial cultures was verified using microscopic techniques and by applying the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Enzyme Analysis (ARDREA). The interaction experiments with the actinides showed that the cells are able to remove all four actinides from the surrounding solution. The amount of removed actinide and the interaction mechanism varied among the different actinides. The main U(VI) removal occurred after the first 24 h. The contact time, pH and [U(VI)]initial influence the U removal efficiency. The presence of uranium caused a damaging of the cell membranes. TEM revealed an accumulation of U inside the bacterial cell. D. äspöensis are able to form U(IV). A complex interaction mechanism takes place consisting of biosorption, bioreduction and bioaccumulation. Neptunium interacts in a similar way. The experimental findings are indicating a stronger interaction with uranium compared to neptunium. The results obtained with 242Pu indicate the ability of the cells of D. äspöensis to accumulate and to reduce Pu(VI) from a solution containing Pu(VI) and Pu(IV)-polymers. In the case of curium at a much lower metal concentration of 3x10-7 M, a pure biosorption of Cm(III) on the cell envelope forming an inner-sphere surface complex most likely with organic phosphate groups was detected. To summarize, the strength of the interaction of D. äspöensis with the selected actinides at pH 5 and actinide concentrations ≥10 mg/L ([Cm] 0.07 mg/L) follows the pattern: Cm > U > Pu >> Np.

A Novel Miniaturised Dynamic Hollow-Fibre Liquid-Phase Micro-Extraction Method for Xenobiotics in Human Plasma Samples

Hansson, Helena January 2010 (has links)
Bioanalytical chemistry is a challenging field, often involving complex samples, such as blood, plasma, serum or urine. In many applications, sample cleanup is the most demanding and time-consuming step. In the work underlying this thesis a novel dynamic miniature extractor, known as a hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextractor (HF-LPME), was designed, evaluated and studied closely when used to clean plasma samples. Aqueous-organic-aqueous liquid extraction, in which the organic liquid is immobilised in a porous polypropylene membrane, was the principle upon which the extractor was based, and this is discussed in all the papers associated with this thesis. This type of extraction is known as supported-liquid membrane extraction (SLM). The aim of this work was the development of a dynamic system for SLM. It was essential that the system could handle small sample volumes and had the potential for hyphenations and on-line connections to, for instance, LC/electrospray-MS. The design of a miniaturised HF-LPME device is presented in Paper I. The extraction method was developed for some weakly acidic pesticides and these were also used for evaluation. In the work described in Paper II, the method was optimised on the basis of an experimental design using spiked human plasma samples. Paper III presents a detailed study of the mass-transfer over the liquid membrane. The diffusion through the membrane pores was illustrated by a computer-simulation. Not surprisingly, the more lipophilic, the greater the retention of the compounds, as a result of dispersive forces. The main focus of the work described in Paper IV was to make the HF/LPME system more versatile and user-friendly; therefore, the extractor was automated by hyphenation to a SIA system. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.

Antidepresantų amitriptilino ir venlafaksino mišinio išskyrimo iš kraujo plazmos optimalių sąlygų nustatymas / The determination of optimal conditions of isolation antidepressant amitriptyline and venlafaxine mixture from human plasma

Guokaitė, Gabrielė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Atlikta mokslinių literatūros šaltinių apžvalga. Tiriamųjų medžiagų identifikavimui ir kiekybinei analizei pritaikyta ir validuota efektyvioji skysčių chromatografija. Antidepresantų mišinys išskirtas iš kraujo plazmos kietos fazės ekstrakcijos metodu. KFE metodas optimizuotas keičiant eliuentą ir eliuento pH. Atliktas optimizacijos sąlygų palyginimas. Nustatyti 3 organiniai tirpikliai, kuriais efektyviausiai eliuuojamos sorbente sulaikytos tiriamosios medžiagos bei gauti statistiškai patikimi rezultatai (p>0,05) : 2 proc. etano rūgšties tirpalas 100 proc. metanolyje, 2 proc. etano rūgšties tirpalas 80 proc. metanolyje ir 2 proc. metano rūgšties tirpalas 100 proc. metanolyje. / In this thesis was performed research of scientific literature. Applied and validated high performance liquid chromatography for identification and quantification of target compounds. Antidepressant mixture extracted from blood plasma samples using LLE and SPE methods. SPE method was optimized by changing the elutor and its pH. Three organic solvents were determined, which best elute target compounds from sorbent and show statistical confidence (p>0,05): 2 proc. acetic acid in 100 proc. methanol solution, 2 proc. acetic acid in 80 proc. methanol solution and 2 proc. formic acid in 100 proc. methanol solution.

Caractérisation expérimentale de la granulométrie des gouttes et de l'aire interfaciale dans les systèmes d'extraction liquide-liquide par la réfractométrie arc-en-ciel / Experimental characterisation of droplets and interfacial area in liquid-liquid extraction systems by rainbow refractrometry

Ouattara, Mariam 01 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude expérimentale de l’extraction liquide-liquide au sein d’une colonne de laboratoire reproduisant de manière très simplifiée les appareils utilisés pour retraiter le combustible nucléaire (procédé hydro-métallurgique PUREX). Une technique optique non intrusive, dite de réfractométrie ou diffractométrie arc-en-ciel, a été spécifiquement développée pour caractériser la granulométrie (et donc l’aire interfaciale) et la composition de la phase dispersée. Cette dernière est composée de gouttes millimétriques de mélanges d’alcanes en ascension dans une colonne remplie d’eau au repos. Les spécificités de l’arc-en-ciel produit par ces gouttes à faible indice de réfraction relatif ont été étudiées à l’aide de différents modèles de diffusion asymptotiques de la lumière et la théorie électromagnétique de Lorenz-Mie. Grâce au développement de différentes approches directes et inverses (paramétriques), il a été démontré numériquement et expérimentalement que cette technique optique permettait d’estimer individuellement (ou collectivement) diamètre (moyen) et fraction de mélange de quelques dizaines de milliers de gouttes à quelques pour cents près. Des travaux préliminaires ont été réalisés sur l’extraction, résolue dans le temps de l’acétone, d’un milieu continu aqueux vers une goutte sessile composée initialement de toluène pur. Ils ont montré que l’on pouvait réellement estimer les constantes de transfert (de diffusion et de distribution moléculaire) à partir de l’analyse de l’évolution temporelle des arcs-en-ciel et en utilisant une méthode inverse qui intègre un modèle de diffusion moléculaire à symétrie radiale et un modèle électromagnétique ad hoc. / This thesis deals with the experimental study of liquid-liquid extraction within a laboratory column reproducing in a simple way the apparatuses used in a nuclear fuel reprocessing process (PUREX). A non-intrusive optical technique, called rainbow refractometry or diffractometry, has been specifically developed to characterize the size (and hence the interfacial area) and the composition of the dispersed phase. The latter is first time composed of millimeter droplets of alkanes mixtures free rising in a column filled with water at rest. Specificities of the rainbow produced by these droplets with a low relative refractive index were studied using different asymptotic light scattering models and the Lorenz-Mie electromagnetic theory. Thanks to the development of different direct and reverse (parametric) approaches, it was demonstrated both numerically and experimentally that this optical technique allows estimating individually (or collectively) the diameter (in average) and the mixing fraction of a few tens of thousands of droplets with a few percent of accuracy. Preliminary works have been carried out on the time-resolved extraction of acetone from an aqueous continuous medium to a sessile droplet initially composed of pure toluene. They have revealed that the transfer (diffusion and molecular splitting) constants can be estimated from the analysis of the temporal evolution of the rainbow signals using an inverse method that integrates a molecular diffusion model with a radial symmetry and an electromagnetic light scattering model.

Etude expérimentale et modélisation des mécanismes d’extraction des produits de fission et des actinides mineurs par des extractants de la classe des monoamides / Experimental study and modeling of fission products and minor actinides extraction by monoamide class extractants

Moeyaert, Pauline 12 October 2016 (has links)
Le procédé PUREX utilise comme molécule extractante le tri-butyl-phosphate (TBP) pour assurer l’extraction et la purification de l’uranium et du plutonium des combustibles nucléaires usés. Bien que le retour d’expérience industriel soit très positif, des améliorations de ce procédé sont possibles notamment pour le futur traitement de combustibles plus riches en plutonium. Les extractants de la famille des N,N-dialkylamides (monoamides) ont montré par le passé une potentialité avérée pour remplacer le TBP : ils permettent de co-extraire l’uranium et le plutonium puis de dés-extraire sélectivement le plutonium par une diminution de l’acidité du milieu, supprimant ainsi les opérations de réduction du plutonium consommatrices en réactif potentiellement toxique (hydrazine). Le travail de recherche mené au cours de cette thèse vise à comprendre et modéliser l’extraction de certains produits de fission et actinides mineurs : césium, europium, américium, ruthénium et technétium, éléments qui ne doivent pas contaminer les matières recyclées. Les systèmes extractants choisis pour l’étude sont constitués des monoamides N,N-di (éthyl-2 hexyl) butanamide (DEHBA), N,N-di (éthyl-2 hexyl) isobutanamide (DEHiBA), du mélange de ces deux monoamides, de N-méthyl-N-octyl-(2-ethyl)hexanamide (MOEHA) et de TBP, extractant actuellement utilisé à l’usine AREVA de La Hague, dilués dans le tétrapropylène hydrogéné (TPH). Pour y parvenir, une démarche multi-échelle a été mise en place avec l’acquisition de données de distribution et de données thermodynamiques. Ces données ont servi de support pour élaborer des modèles permettant de simuler le comportement des différents éléments dans les cycles d’extraction actuel ou futur. En parallèle et lorsque les conditions chimiques des systèmes le permettaient, des études de spéciation des phases organiques ont été entreprises, afin d’obtenir des informations sur la stœchiométrie des complexes formés et sur les mécanismes mis en jeu au cours de l’extraction.De ces travaux peuvent se dégager un certain nombre de conclusions :- l’extraction des nitrates de césium, d’europium et d’américium par les monoamides est très faible et a pu être correctement modélisée,- l’extraction du technétium par les monoamides semble répondre au même mécanisme que dans le cas du TBP : le technétium est principalement co-extrait en phase organique en formant des complexes mixtes avec l’uranium. En effet, un anion pertechnétate se substitue à un anion nitrate dans les complexes formés entre l’extractant et le nitrate d’uranyle, selon un mode de coordination monodenté, conduisant à une extraction exacerbée du technétium. La modélisation de l’extraction du technétium par les monoamides a pu être améliorée en reconsidérant l’estimation des écarts à l’idéalité en phase aqueuse avec une nouvelle variation du coefficient d’activité de l’acide pertechnétique en solution binaire dans l’eau,- avec les monoamides comme avec le TBP, le ruthénium est faiblement extrait en phase organique mais cette fraction extraite, aussi faible soit elle, constitue une contamination résiduelle du solvant. Les données acquises, grâce à la mise au point d’un protocole de préparation de solutions simulées, sont représentatives du comportement du ruthénium dans les conditions d’extraction des procédés. Les modèles développés permettent de très bien reproduire le comportement du ruthénium dans les opérations d’extraction de procédés mis en œuvre à l’échelle pilote, sur des solutions de dissolution réelles,- une approche nouvelle pour le calcul des coefficients d’activité en phase organique a été développée. Elle explicite les écarts à l’idéalité liés à l’association en phase organique via les équilibres de complexation, mais aussi, et pour la première fois, les effets liés à la répulsion entre espèces en les considérant comme des sphères dures. / The PUREX process is a solvent extraction method dedicated to the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel in order to selectively extract uranium(VI) and plutonium(IV) from fission products and minor actinides. The tri-n-butylphosphate (TBP) is used as the extractant in the organic phase. Within the frame of the development of Generation IV reactors, new liquid-liquid extraction processes are under development for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels. The N,N-dialkylamides (monoamides) already showed their potentiality as promising alternative extractant to TBP for nuclear fuel reprocessing: they are able to extract U(VI) and Pu(IV) selectively by adjusting the nitric acid concentration without using Pu(IV) reducing agents. This study aims at understanding and modeling the extraction of some fission products and minor actinides: cesium, europium, americium, ruthenium and technetium, which may occur as impurities in the organic phase. In the present study, the extraction properties of N,N-di (ethyl-2 hexyl) butanamide (DEHBA), N,N-di (ethyl-2 hexyl) isobutanamide (DEHiBA), as well as a mixture of these two monoamides, N-methyl-N-octyl-(2-ethyl)hexanamide (MOEHA) and TBP, the extractant currently used in the PUREX process at the La Hague plant, diluted in TPH, were studied. For that purpose, a multi-scale approach has been used to describe the extraction mechanisms combining two different descriptions. Distribution and thermodynamic data were first determined from batch experiments. Based on these data, thermodynamic models were developed and are able to predict the behaviour of the different elements in current or future processes. Dedicated methods were also performed to obtain information about the stoichiometry of the extracted species and about the mechanisms involved during the extraction step.The main conclusions that can be deduced from this study are:- even if the extraction of cesium, europium and americium nitrates with monoamides is very low, models have been developed and fit the experimental data with good agreement,- the same mechanism may be involved in the extraction of technetium with TBP or monoamides: technetium is preferentially co-extracted in organic phase as mixed uranium-technetium species. Indeed, one TcO4- anion replaces one NO3- ion in a monodentate coordination mode in the uranium-monoamide complex. The developed thermodynamic models, that have been improved by taking into account a new variation of the pertechnetic acid activity coefficient in binary solution, fit very well the experimental data,- with monoamides as with TBP, ruthenium is poorly extracted but remains troublesome in the spent fuel reprocessing industry because of its retention in the irradiated solvent. Distribution data have first been determined from batch experiments thanks to the development of a new methodology for simulated ruthenium spent fuel dissolution solutions preparation. The developed thermodynamic models fit very well the batch experimental data. Thus, they was then used to simulate ruthenium behaviour in counter-current hot tests performed in mixer-settlers- a new approach for the activity coefficient calculation in organic phase has been developed. The MSA theory (Mean Spherical Approximation) was chosen for this purpose to explicitly describe both association and repulsive forces.Finally, this work that includes a macroscopic study (distribution and thermodynamic data acquisition and modeling) and molecular investigations (ESI-MS, FT-IR and X-ray absorption analysis supported by theoretical calculations) provides a new insight in the description of solvent extraction mechanism.

Estudo da partição do ácido clavulânico empregando sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas com adição de sal ou polímero / Study of clavulanic acid partitioning using two-phase aqueous micellar system with salt or polymer addition

Marcela de Siqueira Cardoso Silva 20 September 2012 (has links)
O ácido clavulânico (AC) é um potente inibidor de &#946;-lactamases, sendo utilizado em associação com antibióticos &#946;-lactâmicos. Atualmente, a purificação industrial do AC envolve, principalmente, processos de extração líquido-líquido com solventes orgânicos e etapas cromatográficas. Assim, métodos alternativos como os sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas (SMDFA), os quais oferecem seletividade na partição de biomoléculas de acordo com sua hidrofobicidade, são de grande interesse. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a partição do AC em sistemas micelares não iônicos de duas fases aquosas, puros e com adição do sal (NH4)2SO4 ou do polímero sulfato de dextrana (Dx-S). Os estudos de estabilidade do AC mostraram que o fármaco é mais estável em pH 6,5 e temperaturas mais baixas (5 - 20 ºC). Em relação à presença dos aditivos, foi verificado que a adição do Dx-S acarretou em menor perda da estabilidade do AC quando comparado ao (NH4)2SO4, com valor residual &#8805; 90% a 35 °C. Na presença dos tensoativos Triton X-114 e Triton X-100, o AC apresentou-se estável, com valor residual de aproximadamente 100%. De acordo com os ensaios de partição, o AC foi recuperado preferencialmente na fase pobre em micelas, tanto nos sistemas TX/tampão quanto TX/sal para ambos os tensoativos, com valores de coeficiente de partição (KAC) ~ 0,7 e rendimento na fase diluída (Yclavd) ~ 75%. A adição do polímero em maiores concentrações (&#8805; 8% p/p) proporcionou um pequeno aumento nos valores de KAC, porém com valores ainda próximos a 1 - 1,5. Portanto, os resultados demonstraram que a presença dos aditivos não influenciou suficientemente a partição do AC para a fase micelar e, desta maneira, os sistemas TX/tampão mostraram ser mais eficientes para a recuperação do ácido clavulânico na fase pobre em micelas, podendo ser empregados como etapa prévia de extração em um processo biotecnológico. / Clavulanic acid (CA) corresponds to a potent &#946;-lactamase inhibitor that is used in association with &#946;-lactamic antibiotics. The industrial purification of CA usually involves liquid-liquid extraction processes employing organic solvents followed by several chromatographic steps. Therefore, new purification alternatives such as aqueous two-phase micellar systems (ATPS) are of great interest. These systems can provide selectivity in biomolecule partitioning according to hydrophobicity and other molecular properties. Within this context, the main goal of this study was to investigate CA partitioning in aqueous two-phase micellar (nonionic) systems, with and without the addition of (NH4)2SO4 or dextrane sulfate (Dx-S). Stability studies performed with CA indicated that the drug is more stable at pH 6.5 and lower temperatures (5 - 20 ºC). In addition, it was demonstrated that Dx-S addition led to a lower loss of CA stability in comparisson to (NH4)2SO4, with residual values &#8805; 90% at 35 °C. The drug was found to be very stable in the presence of the surfactants Triton X-114 and Triton X-100, with residual values around 100%. Regarding CA partitioning in the ATPMS, the drug partitioned preferentially to the micelle-poor phase, irrespective of the surfactante employed and of the presence of (NH4)2SO4,with partition coefficient (KAC) ~ 0.7 and yield in the poor phase (Yclavd) ~ 75%. Nonetheless, the addition of Dx-S in concentrations (&#8805; 8.0% p/p) resulted in a discrete increase in KAC, with values around 1 - 1.5. Therefore, the results obtained in this work demostrated that the addition of (NH4)2SO4 or Dx-S to ATPMS did not significantly influenced CA partitioning to the micelle-rich phase and, in this context, the systems investigated could be considered more eficiente for CA recovery in the micelle-poor phase, as a previous extraction step of a biotechnological process.

Desacidificação do OFA atraves do processo de extração liquido-liquido descontinuo utilizando alcoois / Rice poil Brain desacidification in a descontinuous liquid-liquid extraction process using alcohols

Orlandelli, Maria Claudia Faes da Silva 25 July 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Elias Basile Tambourgi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T17:05:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Orlandelli_MariaClaudiaFaesdaSilva_M.pdf: 996919 bytes, checksum: d073bb0cd85fb8ae6f599f670ce42277 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Os óleos vegetais estão presentes na gastronomia de diferentes culturas tornando os pratos típicos ainda mais atraentes para os nossos sentidos: olfato, visão e paladar, além de constituírem importante fonte de energia, ácidos graxos essenciais, vitaminas e antioxidantes lipossolúveis. O óleo de farelo de arroz (OFA) destaca-se entre outros óleos vegetais, sendo equiparável aos óleos de soja, milho e algodão. O OFA apresenta em sua composição um alto nível de substâncias nutracêuticas, as quais tem poderosos agentes antioxidantes eficientes na prevenção de doenças. Dentre os diversos meios conhecidos para extração de óleos vegetais, os processos mais utilizados são os físico e químico, que apresentam desvantagens em relação ao processo líquido-líquido. A desacidificação de óleos vegetais por extração líquido-líquido tem-se mostrado como um caminho alternativo na obtenção de óleos vegetais com teores aceitáveis de ácidos graxos livres. A razão para a utilização deste novo processo em relação aos processos citados, está no fato de consumir menor quantidade de energia, pois é realizado a temperatura ambiente e pressão atmosférica além de não gerar sabão e minimizar a perda do óleo neutro. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo selecionar o solvente mais eficiente na desacidificação do OFA durante o processo de extração líquido-líquido descontínuo. Tendo se em vista o estudo feito para determinação do coeficiente de partição K nos sistemas bifásicos aquosos OFA/Solvente, após análise dos resultados parece-nos lógico concluir que: o sistema OFA/Etanol, nas condições testadas foi o que apresentou a melhor separação dos ácidos graxos, tendo o menor valor de K igual a 0,07. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho permitiram concluir que, a partir da comparação feita entre Metanol, Etanol, Isopropanol e Propanol, o Etanol apresenta os menores valores de K portanto, melhor separação dos ácido graxos / Abstract: The vegetable oil is present in the gastronomy of different cultures,making the food even more attractive to our senses: smell,sight and taste.Besides being an important source of energy it also contains vitamins, nutraceutical compounds and antioxidant liposoluble. Rice brain oil is one of the best vegetable oil, it possesses powerful antioxidant compound thus is is very effective in preventing disease. The deacidification oil process throught liquid-liquid extraction has revealed a new way to extract the vegetable oil with an acceptable level of free fatty acid and it has advantages over the physical and chemical ones. The reason for the use of this new process in regardining to those ones, it is for the fact of optimising the waste of energy because it can be undertaken at room temperature and with atmospheric pressure (at non-especial grounds), besides this, also the liquid-liquid extraction avoid the formation of soap normally resultant from the other process, and it can minimize the loss of neutral oil. This piece of work aims to point out the importance of select the most effective solvent in the deacidification of the rice bran oil during the liquid-liquid discontinuos extraction process. This study has been done to determine the coefficient of patition K, in biphasic watery systems RBO/solvent above mentioned. The experience showed that the Ethanol pesented the best results among all solvents used to separate the free fatty acid, with K 0,07 / Mestrado / Sistemas de Processos Quimicos e Informatica / Mestre em Engenharia Química

Viscosidades de sistemas de interesse para a desterpenação de óleos essenciais: modelagem de dados para a obtenção de novos parâmetros do modelo UNIFAC-VISCO utilizando algoritmo genético / Viscosities of systems of interest for essential oils deterpenation: modeling of data for obtaining new parameters for the UNIFAC-VISCO model using a genetic algorithm

Priscila Missano Florido 06 March 2014 (has links)
Óleos essenciais, basicamente formados por hidrocarbonetos terpênicos e compostos oxigenados, têm função aromatizante nas indústrias química, farmacêutica e de alimentos. Os compostos terpênicos são instáveis ao calor e sua remoção resulta em um produto mais estável e com maior valor comercial. No processo de desterpenação, a viscosidade é um parâmetro de grande interesse, pois afeta a perda de energia por atrito e os mecanismos de transferência de calor e massa. Devido o grande número de variáveis que podem afetar a viscosidade, como temperatura, pressão e concentração, métodos para estimar esta propriedade apresentam grande importância prática. O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado foi ajustar o modelo UNIFAC-VISCO aos dados de viscosidade de sistemas similares aos resultantes do processo de desterpenação dos óleos essenciais de bergamota, hortelã e limão por extração líquido-líquido (ELL), a 25 ºC, utilizando etanol hidratado como solvente. O modelo foi programado utilizando a plataforma MATLAB® e a correlação foi realizada utilizando duas abordagens: na primeira, somente foram ajustados parâmetros referentes aos grupos funcionais ainda não descritos na literatura para o UNIFAC-VISCO, resultando em um desvio médio relativo (DMR) igual a 1,70 %; na segunda abordagem, todos os grupos funcionais foram ajustados aos dados experimentais, resultando em um desvio médio relativo (DMR) igual 0,68 %. Os parâmetros UNIFAC-VISCO foram ajustados utilizando um método heurístico o que possibilitou avaliar o desempenho de um método de inteligência computacional. A capacidade preditiva dos parâmetros obtidos foi testada nos sistemas semelhantes aos formados na desterpenação de óleo de eucalipto. Os valores de DMR para estes sistemas foram 3,56 e 1,83%, utilizando os parâmetros obtidos na primeira e na segunda abordagem, respectivamente. Estes resultados mostram que o modelo fornece uma boa estimativa desta propriedade e pode ser uma ferramenta útil para a indústria de alimentos e para o processo de extração, possibilitando a melhoria de processos e permitindo o projeto de equipamentos mais eficientes em escala industrial. / Essential oils, that are primarily composed for terpenoids and oxygenates, have flavoring function in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Terpenes compounds are unstable to heat and its removal results in a better quality product besides its higher commercial value. In the deterpenation process, the viscosity has a great importance since it affects the loss of energy by friction and the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer. There are a large amount of variables that can affect this parameter such as temperature, pressure and concentration and the use of estimation methods for this property becomes a tool of great practical importance. The aim of this dissertation was to adjust the UNIFAC-VISCO model to the kinematic viscosities of similar systems to those formed after deterpenation process of bergamot, mint and lemon essential oils, by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) at 25ºC, with aqueous ethanol as solvent. The model was programmed using MATLAB ® platform and the correlation was accomplished using two approaches: in the first one, only parameters related to functional groups with no previous literature references to the UNIFAC-VISCO were adjusted, providing an average relative deviation (ARD) equal to 1.70 %; in the second approach, all functional groups were fitted to the experimental data, which provided an average relative deviation (ARD) equal to 0.68 %. The UNIFAC-VISCO parameters were adjusted by a heuristic method allowing the evaluation of a computational intelligence method performance. The predictive ability of the parameters was evaluated in similar systems to those formed in the deterpenation of eucalyptus essential oil. The ARD values between the experimental and the calculated viscosities were 3.56 and 1.83%, for parameters from first and second approach, respectively. These results show that the model provides a good estimation of this physical property and it can be a good tool for food industry and for extraction process, allowing process improvement and enabling the project of more efficient equipment on industrial scale.

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