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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tiempos de saturación: percepción sobre el exceso de publicidad de la marca Rappi en YouTube / Saturation times: perception about the excessive advertising of the Rappi brand on YouTube

Guevara Santiago, Jorge 05 January 2022 (has links)
Este estudio analiza la percepción que tienen los jóvenes de 20 a 30 años de Lima centro sobe la saturación publicitaria de la marca Rappi en YouTube durante la pandemia del 2020, siendo así relevante conocer el efecto de la saturación sobre una marca que representa ser una necesidad en el contexto en el que viven los consumidores. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa para analizar el fenómeno de la saturación publicitaria a través de spots de la marca Rappi que se proyectaron durante la pandemia y que ayuden a comprender el objetivo final de la investigación a partir del mensaje y la forma por cómo están estructurados, para ello se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a jóvenes de entre 20 y 30 años pertenecientes a Lima Centro. La saturación publicitaria no es percibida como tal sino se plantea por los participantes como amigable debido a dos elementos, la importancia del contexto y la necesidad que genera el servicio, ambos factores ayudaron a que los spots de la marca presenten información relevante e importante que quizás dentro de otro contexto, fuera de la pandemia, hubiera pasado desapercibido. Ante esto, las limitaciones del trabajo se presentaron al momento de realizar las entrevistas, ya que al ser virtual en algunas ocasiones se presentaban interrupciones y ruidos que incomodaban durante el mismo. / This study analyzes the perception that young people between 20 and 30 years old in central Lima have about the advertising saturation of the Rappi brand on YouTube during the 2020 pandemic, thus being relevant to know the effect of saturation on a brand that represents a need in the context in which consumers live. A qualitative methodology was used to analyze the phenomenon of advertising saturation through Rappi brand spots that were screened during the pandemic and that help to understand the final objective of the research based on the message and the way in which they are structured, For this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with young people between 20 and 30 years old belonging to Lima Centro. The advertising saturation is not perceived as such but is considered by the participants as friendly due to two elements, the importance of the context and the need that the service generates, both factors helped the brand's spots present relevant and important information that perhaps in another context, outside of the pandemic, it would have gone unnoticed. Given this, the limitations of the work were presented at the time of conducting the interviews, since being virtual on some occasions there were interruptions and noises that were uncomfortable during it. / Tesis

Konsekvenser för kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer efter införandet av restriktioner och lockdown’s under Covid-19 : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Consequences for women exposed to domestic violenceafter the introduction of restrictions during Covid-19 : A systematic literature review

Sonesson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Covid-19-pandemin har medfört oöverträffade förändringar i hur vi lever och interagerar med varandra. Införandet av restriktioner som syftade till att kontrollera spridningen av viruset har haft djupgående konsekvenser för fall av våld i nära relationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka konsekvenser införandet av restriktioner och lockdown’s till följd av Covid-19 fick för kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer. Metod: Som metod för denna studie användes en systematisk litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på tretton vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultaten visar att restriktionerna och nedstängningarna på grund av Covid-19-pandemin förvärrade flera faktorer och konsekvenser för kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer, samt skapade nya negativa konsekvenser. Resultaten är strukturerade i tre huvudkategorier. Kategori ett (1): förändringar i utsatthet för våld, med underkategorierna ekonomiskt våld, fysiskt våld, sexuellt våld och psykiskt våld. Den andra kategorin (2): kvinnors hälsa, med underkategorierna psykosomatiska konsekvenser, fysiska konsekvenser samt förlust av mening och sammanhang. Den tredje kategorin (3): hjälp och stöd, med underkategorierna svårigheter att fly, svårigheter att söka och få hjälp samt förändringar i hjälp- och stödorganisationer. Konklusion: Covid-19-pandemin avslöjade den skuggpandemin som återspeglas i en avsevärd ökning av negativa konsekvenser för kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer. Optimistiskt sett är detta en möjlighet att förbättra den nuvarande situationen och sätta våld i hemmet i centrum för nationell och internationell politik.

An Analysis of Lockdown and the Effect on Stock Returns : Does Lockdown during COVID-19 Serve as an Explanatory Variable in the Performance of the Danish Stock Market?

Björnemark, Julia, Lilja, Kimsy, Norenius, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates if the announcement of lockdown had a significant impact on stock market return in Denmark. The research approach used is quantitative and deductive and the sample consists of ​​daily adjusted close prices of stock from the 20 largest listed companies in Denmark, according to market capitalization rate. The time period studied is 28th of February 2020 till 27th of March 2020. Lockdown's effect on stock market return is studied using a Difference-in-Difference model, where daily adjusted close prices of stocks from the 20 largest companies in Sweden are used as a control group.  The COVID-19 pandemic has for the past two years had a huge impact on societies globally. At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, to try and stop the spread of the virus, governments around the world implemented lockdowns of varying degrees. Denmark was one of the first countries to implement lockdown. However, the culturally and market similar Sweden, opted for a different approach and did not implement a lockdown at all. It is therefore of interest to investigate whether lockdown announcements had a measurable impact on stock returns at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Previous research conducted by Vasileiou (2020), Baker (2020), Ichev and Marnič (2018), Hassing Nielsen & Lindvall (2021) and Ashraf (2020) on the subject have found that COVID-19 generally contributed to market uncertainty. This uncertainty in turn affected the stock market significantly, both positively and negatively. The major findings of this thesis suggest that the lockdown implemented in Denmark had no significant effect on stock returns during the investigated sample period.

Mental Health, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Perceived Burdens of University Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in Germany

Kohls, Elisabeth, Baldofski, Sabrina, Moeller, Raiko, Klemm, Sarah-Lena, Rummel-Kluge, Christine 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting everyone’s daily life in unknown measures since its outbreak. Nearly all Universities around the globe were affected. Further, young people and University students in particular, are known to be vulnerable for developing mental disorders. This study aims to examine the mental health social and emotional well-being and perceived burdens of University students during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Germany. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and anonymous online survey among University students assessed mental health status with standardized measures (depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug consumption, and eating disorder symptoms), attitudes toward the COVID-19 pandemic and perceived burdens, and social and emotional aspects of the pandemic (social support, perceived stress, loneliness, and self-efficacy). Results: In total, N = 3,382 German University students participated. Nearly half of the students (49%) reported that they are worried or very much worried about the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority supports the governmental lockdown measures (85%). A Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) sum score of 10 or above, indicating clinically relevant depressive symptoms, was reported by 37% (n = 1,249). The PHQ-9 sum score was on average 8.66 (SD = 5.46). Suicidal thoughts were indicated by 14.5%of the participants. Levels of depressive symptoms differed significantly for the different self-rated income changes during the pandemic (increase, decrease, no change in income). Further, levels of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation differed significantly for students from different faculties. Multiple regression analyses revealed that not being a parent, having no indirect social contact one or two times a week, higher perceived stress, higher experienced loneliness, lower social support, and lower self-efficacy significantly predicted higher scores of depressive symptoms, also higher hazardous alcohol use, and higher levels of eating disorder symptoms. Other aspects of lifestyle such as social and cultural activities, dating, and hobbies were reported to be negatively affected during the pandemic. Conclusion: The present study implies that University students are vulnerable and due to elevated depressive symptoms at risk, being hit hard by the pandemic, but are in general coping adaptively. Low-threshold online interventions promoting help-seeking and also targeting various mental health conditions might bridge the gap the COVID-19 pandemic opened up recently.

Hur fastighetsmäklaren skapat och bevarat förtroendet till sina kunder under covid-19-pandemin : En internationell jämförelse mellan Sverige och Spanien / How the real estate agent created and maintained the trust of its clients during the covid-19-pandemic : An international comparison between Sweden and Spain

Svensson, Clara, Eliasson, Louice January 2022 (has links)
This research article will explore the effects of how a societal crisis like covid-19 has affected the real estate agent's ability to create and maintain trust in their clients. The real estate agent's job involves meeting a lot of people physically, in the office, at the customer's home, or at viewings. This is to mediate housing but also to act as an advisor and guide the parties in their housing situation, which is why high demands are placed on communication. This study discusses how digitalisation and a new pattern of social behavior have contributed to a different way of working. This, mainly from a broker's perspective, but also highlights the individual as well as the organization's importance in changing business relationships. The study also addresses issues such as lack of interpersonal communication skills as a result of the pandemic's pressure on social distancing and the development of digitalisation. The work is based on a qualitative survey with semi-structured interview techniques in collaboration with active brokers from Spain and Sweden. The results of the study show that in a societal crisis, it is important that the industry, as well as the broker, is adaptable in its approach when there is a change in demand and the external environment. The study emphasizes that being knowledgeable, responsive, and honest are important components of the broker's actions to create trust. Most important of all, during the pandemic, has been to create security through feedback and to constantly maintain a dialogue with the customer, in order to maintain trust during these critical times. Finally, the study shows many similarities regarding the cornerstones of building trust during the Pandemic, with few differences between Sweden and Spain such as that foreign brokers, during and even before the pandemic were used to more personal contact with their buyer customers. The main differences that are illustrated are that even before the covid-19-pandemic, Spain had an edge over digital solutions, which made it easier for brokers in Spain to meet societal restrictions, and that about 30 percent of the properties were sold entirely at a distance.

Hur har den svenska textilindustrin påverkats av coronapandemin? / How has the coronapandemic affected the Swedish textile industry?

Källen, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
I slutet av 2019 bröt ett nytt coronavirus ut i Kina, COVID-19, för att sedan spridas över hela världen. I januari 2020 klassificerades COVID-19 som ett hot för mänskligheten av World Health Organisation, för att senare i mars samma år övergå till att klassificeras som en pandemi. Coronapandemin har pågått i över två och ett halvt år i skrivandes stund och påverkat världens länder på många plan. Denna studie genomförts och undersökt tidsspannet januari 2020 fram till mars 2022. På grund av pandemins enorma omfattning har praktiskt taget alla sektorer och varje del av ett lands ekonomi påverkats och pandemin har massivt stört internationell handel och de globala värdekejdorna. Många länder runt om i världen vidtog snabba åtgärder med bland annat totala nedstängningar av in- och ut resningar men Sverige valde att behålla sina gränser öppna. Istället valde Sveriges regering att införa olika rekommendationer rörande social distansering och maxantal i handeln, restauranger och event, rekommendationer som även många arbetsplatser anpassade sig efter. Denna studien tittar närmare på hur de svenska textilföretagen har förhållit sig till FoHMs rekommendationer och restriktioner samt hur de har utvecklats alternativt avslutats. När företaget utsätts för en kris går de från nuvarande tillstånd och använder sig av egenskaperna flexibilitet, beredskap, elasticitet och påhittighet för att kunna klara av krisen och utvecklas till nästa normala vilket innebär att de har byggt upp organisatorisk motståndskraft och blivit ett resilient hållbart företag. / This study aims to investigate how the Swedish textile industry has handled the corona pandemic and its restrictions. At the end of 2019, COVID-19, corona, was discovered in China and later spread all over the world. In January 2020, COVID-19 was classified as a threat to humanity by the World Health Organization (WHO), only to be classified as a pandemic later in March. The corona pandemic has been ongoing for over two and a half years and has affected countries all over the world on all possible levels (WHO 2021). To get a clearer picture of how Sweden and the local textile industry have been affected, this study has been conducted. The study took place between january 2020 ontowards march 2022. Due to the vast circumstances of the pandemic, practically every sector and layer of a country's finances has been affected and the pandemic has massively interrupted international trading and the global supply chain. Many of the countries around the world took rapid action, including closures of borders between countries, but Sweden chose to keep its borders open. Instead, the Swedish government chose to introduce various recommendations regarding social distancing and the maximum numbers of people at events, recommendations which even a lot of companies took into consideration to (Folkhälsomyndigheten (FoHM) 2021). This study aims to take a closer look at how the Swedish textile companies have adjusted to the FoHMs recommendations and restrictions concerning the coronapandemic, as well as how these companies have evolved or alternatively ended. When a company becomes exposed to a crisis they leave present state and utilize the property of flexibility, preparedness, elasticity and ingenuity to be capable to handle the crises and evolve towards the next normal which imply that the company successfully has been able to build up organizational resilience and become a resilient sustainable company.

Social Isolation and Loneliness during COVID-19 Lockdown: Associations with Depressive Symptoms in the German Old-Age Population

Müller, Felix, Röhr, Susanne, Reininghaus, Ulrich, Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. 04 May 2023 (has links)
Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic increase the risk of social isolation and loneliness, which may affect mental wellbeing. Therefore, we aimed to investigate associations between social isolation and loneliness with depressive symptoms in the German old-age population during the first COVID-19 lockdown. A representative sample of randomly selected individuals at least 65 years old (n = 1005) participated in a computer-assisted standardized telephone interview in April 2020. Sociodemographic data, aspects of the personal life situation, attitudes towards COVID-19 and standardized screening measures on loneliness (UCLA 3-item loneliness scale), depression (Brief Symptom Inventory/BSI-18), and resilience (Brief Resilience Scale/BRS) were assessed. Associations were inspected using multivariate regression models. Being lonely, but not isolated (β = 0.276; p < 0.001) and being both isolated and lonely (β = 0.136; p < 0.001) were associated with higher depressive symptoms. Being isolated, but not lonely was not associated with depressive symptoms. Thus, the subjective emotional evaluation, i.e., feeling lonely, of the social situation during lockdown seems more relevant than the objective state, i.e., being isolated. Normal (β = −0.203; p < 0.001) and high resilience (β = −0.308; p < 0.001) were associated with lower depressive symptoms across groups. Therefore, strengthening coping skills may be a support strategy during lockdowns, especially for lonely older individuals.

The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Injury Occurrence of Division III College Football Players

Kennaley, Evan D. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Australia’s Covid-19 approach and its compatibility with John Stuart Mill’s Harm Principle

Dahlqvist, Rachel January 2022 (has links)
My aim with this essay is to investigate if Australia's approach; implementation of lockdown, vaccine passport and restriction of the right of assembly and the impact on public protest is compatible with John Stuart Mill's harm principle. I found a conflict between the individual freedom and harm to others. One the one hand, to implement restrictions intervenes with the autonomy of an individual; of one’s body, freedom to move around freely and with freedom of speech. But on the other hand, not implementing these restrictions could potentially harm others by letting the virus spread in the society. My interpretation of Mill's harm principle is that liberty originates from the individual as a progressive being, hence I claim that allowing people to live their life as they chose -”experiment of living”, will lead to a better and happier society. I argue that the Australian government's approaches during the Covid 19 pandemic was not compatible with the harm principle’s individualistic core as I claim Australia neglected individual freedom. However, I argue that some restrictions might be compatible to the harm principle if they are proportional, time limited and properly scrutinised.

Essays on Water Infrastructure Investments and Infectious Diseases Management

Kouassi, Régis 06 1900 (has links)
En étant nécessaire à la vie humaine, l’eau est également nécessaire au fonctionnement des économies. Pour qu’elle soit utile à la société, l’eau doit être disponible en quantité et en qualité adéquates, caractéristiques qui ne sont pas toujours disponibles dans la nature. Ainsi, trop ou pas assez d’eau entraînerait des inondations ou des sécheresses, tandis qu’une eau contaminée pourrait être le vecteur de maladies contagieuses mortelles, chacun de ces fléaux entraînant des dommages économiques. Cette thèse est organisée en trois chapitres traitant de thématiques liées aux investissements dans les infrastructures d'eau et à la gestion des maladies infectieuses. Le premier chapitre étudie comment les améliorations apportées aux réseaux d’égouts atténuent les impacts économiques des inondations provoquées par la pluie. Pour estimer l’effet causal de ces investissements, ce chapitre utilise un resserrement inattendu du financement fédéral américain en faveur des réseaux d’égouts, à la suite de l’amendement de 1977 à la politique du Clean Water Act. L'analyse empirique combine un nouveau modèle statistique du risque d'inondation induit par la pluie avec des données horaires sur la quantité de pluie dans les comtés et les codes postaux américains de 1996 à 2019. Les résultats indiquent que des investissements plus importants dans les réseaux d'égouts ont conduit à des réductions substantielles des inondations locales. Les bénéfices de ces investissements sont supérieurs à leurs coûts, économisant près de 23 millions de dollars pour le comté moyen. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats mettent en évidence à quel point la détérioration des infrastructures publiques peut exacerber les conséquences du changement climatique. Le deuxième chapitre étudie le rôle des épidémies locales de maladies infectieuses dans l'adoption de systèmes centralisés d'approvisionnement en eau dans les premières villes américaines au XIXe siècle. À l’aide d’un vaste corpus de données provenant d’archives de journaux de 1800 à 1896, je construis un nouvel indicateur capturant les épidémies de fièvre jaune, de choléra et de fièvre typhoïde au niveau des villes. Les résultats indiquent que (1) les épidémies locales de maladies infectieuses ont entraîné une augmentation du nombre systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau construits par les villes et ont joué un rôle crucial dans la décision de construire environ 12% des ouvrages d’adduction d’eau en activité en 1897 ; (2) La réponse des villes aux épidémies de typhoïde a été deux fois plus importante que celle qui a suivi les épidémies de fièvre jaune ou de choléra. (3) Les entreprises privées ont construit davantage de nouveaux réseaux d’adduction d’eau après les épidémies locales, tandis que les gouvernements locaux ont procédé à davantage d’améliorations et d’extensions des réseaux d’adduction d’eau publics existants ainsi qu’à des rachats de sociétés d’eau privées. Enfin, je discute du rôle potentiel de divers facteurs sociodémographiques. Le troisième chapitre étudie les coûts économiques associés à une stratégie utilisée pour gérer les épidémies locales lors de la récente pandémie de COVID-19. Dans ce travail en collaboration avec Jian Tang, nous quantifions les effets de la politique ‘zéro-COVID’ à l’aide d’un riche ensemble de données sur les confinements au niveau des comtés en Chine et d’images satellitaires nocturnes. Nous constatons que des confinements plus stricts induisent une forte baisse de la luminosité nocturne au cours de la même période, suivie d’une lente reprise, qui se produit au moins deux trimestres après l’instauration du confinement. En l’absence de contagions généralisées, un comté soumis à un confinement total subit en moyenne une perte de PIB de 6% par rapport aux comtés non confinés. L’effet négatif est particulièrement persistant dans les zones où la production est dominée par les services, par opposition aux zones où la production est dominée par l’activité manufacturière. L’on note par ailleurs la présence d’effets d’entraînement à proximité des comtés confinés, mais ces effets sont de courte durée. / By being necessary to human life, water is also necessary for the functioning of economies. For it to be valuable to society, water should be available in the right quantity and the right quality, characteristics not always available in nature. Hence, too much or too little water would lead to floods or droughts, while tainted water could be the vector of deadly contagious diseases, each of these scourges coming with its economic damages. This thesis is organized into three chapters treating topics related to investments in water infrastructure and the management of infectious diseases. The first chapter studies how improvements in water infrastructure -- sewer systems -- mitigate the economic impacts of rainfall-induced flooding. To estimate the causal impact of these investments, this chapter exploits an unanticipated tightening in federal funding towards sewer systems, following the 1977 Amendment to the Clean Water Act. The empirical analysis combines a novel statistical model of rainfall-induced flood risk with hourly data on precipitation across U.S. counties and ZIP codes from 1996 to 2019. Results indicate that greater investments in sewer systems led to substantial reductions in local flooding. I estimate that the benefits from these investments exceeded their costs, saving nearly $23 million for the average county. Overall, these findings highlight how deteriorating public infrastructure may exacerbate the consequences of climate change. The second chapter studies the role of local outbreaks of infectious diseases in the adoption of centralized water systems in early American cities during the nineteenth century. Using a large corpus of archival newspaper data from 1800 to 1896, I construct a novel measure of city-level outbreaks of yellow fever, cholera, and typhoid fever. Results indicate that (1) infectious disease local outbreaks led to an increase in the number of waterworks constructed by cities and were pivotal in the decision to construct around 12% of waterworks in operation by 1897; (2) Cities’ response to typhoid outbreaks was twice as large as that following yellow fever or cholera outbreaks. (3) Private companies constructed more new waterworks after local outbreaks while local governments operated more improvements and extensions of existing public waterworks as well as takeovers of private water companies. Finally, I discuss the potential role of various socio-demographic factors. The third chapter studies the economic costs associated with a strategy used to manage local outbreaks during the more recent COVID-19 pandemic. In this joint work with Jian Tang, we quantify the effects of the “zero-COVID” policy using a rich set of county-level lockdown events in China and nighttime satellite imagery. We find that more stringent lockdowns induce a large contemporaneous decline in nightlight followed by a slow recovery, which happens at least two quarters after lockdown enactment. Absent widespread contagions, a county under total lockdown incurs on average a 6% GDP loss compared to those without restrictions. The negative effect is particularly persistent in service-heavy areas as opposed to manufacturing-heavy areas. There exists some evidence consistent with spillover effects near counties under lockdown, but these effects are short-lived.

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