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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

UAB "Rimi Lietuva" vartotojų lojalumas ir jį formuojančių veiksnių analizė / Andrisiuniene A. (2011). Analysis of consumer loyalty and its formative elements in UAB “RIMI Lietuva”: the final work of the major academic studies of Business management / supervisor of final work lect. R. Strainiene. Siauliai University, Department of Management, 55 (61)

Andrišiūnienė, Agnė 03 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas UAB „RIMI Lietuva“ vartotojų lojalumas ir jį formuojantys veiksniai. Darbe susikoncentruota į tokius probleminius klausimus: kas skatina vartotojus būti lojaliais, kas formuoja jų lojalumą, ką prekybos tinklas gali padaryti, siekdamas pritraukti vartotojus. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama vartotojų lojalumo samprata, analizuojami jo matavimo metodai, išskiriamos vartotojų lojalumo stadijos, pagrindiniai vartotojų lojalumą sąlygojantys veiksniai, įvertinama lojalumo programų svarba, vartotojų lojalumo formavime. Empirinėje darbo dalyje pristatomas pasirinktas tyrimo metodas, pagrindžiamas tyrimo instrumentas, pristatomas empirinio tyrimo organizavimas. Apklausus 110 respondentų, įvertintas „RIMI“ Arena vartotojų lojalumas, identifikuoti jį formuojantys ir galintys paskatinti veiksniai. / The Bachelor's paper analyses consumer loyalty and its formative elements in UAB “RIMI Lietuva”. The problem under research is characterized by the following questions: what makes consumers to be loyal, what determinates their loyalty, what the store net can do to attract the consumers. The concept of a consumer loyalty defined, its measurement methods analyzed, consumer loyalty levels and the main elements that determinates consumer loyalty marked, the importance of loyalty schemes in consumer loyalty formulation evaluated in the theoretical part. The method and the instrument chosen of the research introduced and motivated, the organization of empirical method represented in empirical part of the paper. After the survey of 110 respondents, the consumer loyalty of “RIMI” Arena supermarket was evaluated, the elements that forms and could determinate consumer loyalty were identified.

Lojalaus vartotojo elgsenos ir įtakos sporto organizacijai vertinimas / Loyal user’s behavior and impact in sports organization evaluation

Urbonavičiūtė, Ernesta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – Lojalių klientų elgsena ir įtaka. Tikslas –Įvertinti lojalaus kliento elgseną ir įtaką „X“ sporto organizacijai. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti vartotojų lojalumo raišką, jo stadijas ir sąlygojančius veiksnius; 2. Atskleisti lojalaus kliento teikiamą naudą sporto organizacijai; 3. Nustatyti lojalaus kliento elgseną ir įtaką „X“ sporto organizacijoje Rezultatai: Lojalumą lemia daug įvairių veiksnių tačiau svarbiausios yra žmogaus asmeninės savybės, tokios kaip emocinis stabilumas, ekstraversija, atvirumas patirčiai, sutariamumas, sąmoningumas t.y. veiksniai labiausiai darantys įtaka žmogaus lojalumui. Lojalumas organizacijoje taip pat skirstomas į tam tikras stadijas. Tokias kaip:įtariamasis, pirkėjas, vartotojas, šalininkas, advokatas ir partneris. Didžiausia organizacijos siekiamybė yra, kad klientas taptų partneriu. Tačiau bet kurią stadija pasiekęs lojalus klientas, visada gali pasirinkti kitą organizaciją. Todėl lojalumo stadijos negarantuoja lojalumo. Lojalumas yra trapus reiškinys ir pakankamai nepastovus. Tačiau šis reiškinys dažnai teikia didelės naudos sporto organizacijoms. Ne tik pajamų, bet reklamos, konkurencingumo, bendro tikslo ir bendradarbiavimo aspektais. Lojalumas „X“ sporto organizacijoje pasireiškia tiek teigiama tiek neigiama kliento elgsena bei įtaka. Remiantis gautais rezultatais, darome išvada jog „X“ sporto organizacija siekia, kad klientai jaustųsi jaukiau bei taptų organizacijos dalimi. Augant klientų pasitikėjimui ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the study: a loyal customer influence and affection „X“ sports organizacion assessment. Aim: is to assess how a loyal customer behaves and influences sports organization Task: 1. To analyze the depth of consumers loyalty, his stages and factors; 2. Uncover loyal customers’ benefits to sports organization; 3. To determine the behavior of a loyal client behavior and influence on the "X" sports organization. Results: Loyalty is determined by many different factors but the most important is the human personal characteristics such as emotional stability, openness to experience, extravert, easy to talk to, awareness, these factors have the greatest impact on human loyalty. Also in the organization loyalty is divided into certain stage. The biggest aim of the organization is that the client would become a partner. But at any stage reached by the customer, can change the organization. It is therefore loyalty stage does not guarantee loyalty. Loyalty is a fragile feature, and quite erratic. However, this feature often provides significant benefits to sport organizations. Not just income, but advertising, competitiveness, cooperation and common purposes. Loyalty to the "X" sports organization gets both the positive and the negative customers’ behavior and influence. On the basis of the results obtained, we reach this conclusion that "X" sports organization aims are that customers would feel more comfortable and would become a part of an organization. Increasing... [to full text]


Lin, Tao-Chin 01 August 2002 (has links)
Abstract In the development of the western leadership theories, transformational leadership, charisma leadership and leader-member exchange theory (to be called LMX theory) can give reasonable explanation to leadership. Owing to the differences of culture, the eastern Chinese society develop paternalistic leadership which depends on tradition of Chinese culture and family system. However, which one can respond with best member efficiency? In this research, the staff of Southern Taiwan Post Office is the object. The aforesaid four leadership styles are independent variable, and the staff¡¦s commitment to organization, loyalty to organization, behaviors that benefit organization, self-evaluation achievement, and superior-evaluation achievement to be dependent variable. control variable is the staff¡¦s background. The purpose of this research is to find out the forecast effect of leadership style to member efficency. Questionnaire survey is the way to collect data for this research. The compilation of questionnaire is according to the scale which is compiled by formerly researchers of the related field, and to repeat to verify concept construction in factor analysis. There are 249 pieces questionnaire being gathered. The main methods of analysis are to take hypothetic-verification by descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and blocked regression analysis. The conclusions of this research shows that the staff¡¦s commitment to organization, loyalty to organization, and behaviors that benefit organization for Post Office is high. While the leaders of Post Office Lead members in LMX theory, the members¡¦ commitment to organization, loyalty to organization, self-evaluation achievement and superior-evaluation achievement are maximum forecast effects. While the leaders of Post Office lead members in charisma leadership style, the members¡¦ behaviors that benefit organization are maximum forecast effects. Furthermore, in this research we can find that the staff of Post Office which have higher educational background is negative forecast effect in commitment to organization and loyalty to organization. Finally, the concrete suggestions have been mode by conclusions of this research to leaders of Post Office and direction for future research in reference. Key words: Transformational Leadership, Charisma Leadership, LMX, Paternalistic Leadership, Commitment to Organization, Loyal to Organization, Behaviors that Benefit Organization

Lojalaus personalo ugdymas švietimo organizacijose optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus / Development of loyal personnel in education organizations by optimizing recruitment and selection processes

Česnelienė, Miglė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu personalo paieška ir atranka yra neatsiejama įmonės vadovo darbo dalis. Prireikus naujų darbuotojų nemažai organizacijų jų ieškosi pačios arba naudojasi specialių agentūrų paslaugomis. Iš esmės, tai klausimas apie tris svarbiausius darbdavių dalykus: kaip pritraukti į laisvą darbo vietą tinkančius kandidatus, kaip susirinkti apie juos tokią informaciją, kuri leistų išsiaiškinti geriausią kandidatą ir kaip tinkamai motyvuoti darbuotoją, kad šis liktų jūsų organizacijoje lojalus. Tyrimo objektas yra personalo lojalumas švietimo organizacijoje. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti lojalaus personalo švietimo organizacijose ugdymo galimybes optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Pagrįsti darbuotojo lojalumo ugdymo veiksnius organizacijoje. 2. Išnagrinėti personalo verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. 3. Atlikti darbuotojų lojalumo anketinę apklausą. 4. Parengti rekomendacijas lojalaus personalo ugdymo tobulinimui švietimo organizacijose, optimizuojant verbavimo ir atrankos procesus. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė taikyta siekiant apibrėžti lojalaus personalo sampratą, lojalumo ugdymą ir palaikymo veiksnius. 2. Anketinė apklausa naudojant uždaro tipo klausimyną. 3. Statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo imtis. Tyrimui buvo pasirinktos penkios Panevėžio bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos patogiosios atrankos būdų. Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo 109 pedagogai. / Lately, searching and selection of personnel have become an inseparable part of manager’s work. As the need arises for new employees, quite many organizations either organize the searching themselves or use the services of special agencies. Essentially, this issue deals with the three key subjects for employers: how to attract suitable candidates to the vacancies, how to collect the information enabling to choose the best candidate and how to motivate the employees suitably to build their loyalty to your organization. Object of the research is the personnel loyalty in education organization. Purpose of the research is to examine the opportunities for the development of loyal personnel in education organizations by optimizing the recruitment and selection processes. Tasks of the research: 1. To substantiate the employee loyalty development factors in an organization. 2. To examine the personnel recruitment and selection processes. 3. To perform a questionnaire survey on employee loyalty. 4. To prepare the recommendations for the improvement of loyal personnel development in education organizations by optimizing the recruitment and selection processes. Methods of the research: 1. Scientific literature analysis was applied to define the conception of loyal personnel, loyalty development and supporting factors. 2. Questionnaire survey with closed type questions. 3. Statistical data analysis. Sample of the research. Five comprehensive schools of Panevėžys were chosen by way of... [to full text]

Odontologijos klinikos "X" klientų lojalumo vertinimas / Customer loyalty measurement of dental clinic "X"

Laimutytė, Dovilė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti odontologijos klinikos „X“ klientų lojalumą ir pateikti pasiūlymus pacientų lojalumo didinimui. Uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti vartotojų lojalumo teorinę analizę. 2. Atlikti odontologijos klinikos „X“ veiklos situacijos analizę. 3. Ištirti odontologijos klinikos „X“ pacientų lojalumą. 4. Identifikuoti klinikos problemines sritis, kurias patobulinus įmonė pasiektų didesnį vartotojų pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą. Tyrimo metodika. Anketinės apklausos. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti klinikos pacientai ir personalas. Išvados: Nustatyta, kad įmonės pacientai yra patenkinti klinikos teikiamomis paslaugomis ir dažniausiai apie šią kliniką sužinojo iš kitų asmenų rekomendacijų. Tačiau nors ir klientai yra patenkinti įmonėje vyrauja didelė pacientų kaita. Lojalūs klientai nesudaro daugumos klinikos pacientų, tačiau tie, kurie jau yra lojalūs rodo stiprų lojalumą ir yra pastovūs įmonės klientai. Odontologijos klinikos „X“ silpniausios sritys lojalių vartotojų formavime yra: klinikos darbo laikas, didelės susidariusios eilės, ilgalaikiai santykiai ir aukšti įkainiai. / Aim of the study: to evaluate the loyalty of the dental clinic “X“ clients’ and to provide recommendations for patients’ loyalty growth. Objectives: 1. To make a theoretical analysis of the customers’ loyalty. 2. To make an analysis of the dental clinic “X” current bussiness situation. 3. To explore the loyalty of patients’ of the dental clinic “X”. 4. To indentify the problematic areas of clinics’ business, which, if improved, would help to increase the loyalty and satisfaction of the clinic’s customers. Research methods. The questionnaire surveys. During the reasearch, the clinics’ patients and personnel were questioned. Conclusions. It was identified that patients are satisfied with the services provided by the clinic. Most of the patients learned about the clinic from other peoples‘ recommendations. Although clients are contented the high turnover of the customers existence. Loyal customers are not a big part of all clinic patients, but those who are already loyal are showing strong loyalty. Dental Clinic "X" the weakest areas of the formation of loyal customers is: clinic time, long queues and high rates.

Srovnání B2C loajalitních programů retailových řetězců v segmentu fashion and sport v ČR / Comparison of B2C loyal programs of retail chains in the segment fashion and sport in the CR

Sekerková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the graduate thesis is the analysis and comparison of loyal programs in the segment fashion and sport in the Czech Republic. Today's consumer is very informed and makes decisions about purchase according to many criteria. The consumer becomes loyal to the brand in case he is satisfied with it and in addition it brings him various benefits especially the emotional ones. The theoretical part is dedicated to a brand, consumer behaviour, his purchasing process, loyalty, loyal programs and the impact of trends and new technologies on consumer behaviour. This thesis was submitted by the brand O'Neill therefore the practical part introduces the company and the comparison of loyal programs of its competitors. The main section is the evaluation of questionnaire and recommendations for the brand O'Neill.

Review of Venice’s Most Loyal City: Civic Identity in Renaissance Brescia

Maxson, Brian 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This book reviewed investigates the negotiations of power between a political center, Venice, and its prized terraferma possession on the periphery, Brescia.

'For God, king and country' : aspects of patriotic campaigns in Adelaide during the Great War, with special reference to the Cheer-Up Society, the League of Loyal Women and conscription /

Argent, Christopher M. January 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (B.A.(Hons.))--University of Adelaide, Dept. of History, 1994? / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-42).

Základní otázky koncepce civilního procesu / Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil Procedure

Střeleček, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil Procedure Abstract The dissertation deals with fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure (civil contentious litigation). In order to deal with these questions, a system of fundamental questions is presented, serving as a prism for evaluation of the conception of the Czech civil procedure de lege lata and de lege ferenda. These fundamental questions are divided into fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure largo sensu and stricto sensu. A deductive approached is employed, advancing the research from more general questions (i.e. inter alia character of contemporary democratic state based on rule of law and role of civil procedure within such state, a notion of civil procedure) to more particular questions (i.e. inter alia character of the relation between the court and the parties to the dispute, instruments of the court). The questions gradually narrow the space for the conceptions of civil procedure. Three general conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished. These are liberal, social and cooperative conceptions of civil procedure. Subsequently, special conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished, these do not deal with the relation between the court and the parties comprehensively (these are: conception based on...

Étude du test en trois étapes à la lumière des traditions juridiques du droit d'auteur

Baréty, Alice 24 April 2018 (has links)
Le test en trois étapes est né d'une volonté de protection minimale et transfrontière des auteurs, en réaction à l'accord qui a été fait aux États, par la Convention de Berne, de la faculté de prendre des exceptions au droit d'auteur. Étudier le test en trois étapes à la lumière des traditions juridiques en la matière, opposant les États dits de droit civil, auteur-centrés, et les États dits de common law, société-centrés, permet de saisir les contours de ce mécanisme international complexe. Son adoption, et les termes de celle-ci, ont en effet été dictés par une nécessité de compromis entre les traditions juridiques. Sa réception, aussi hétérogène que les traditions juridiques, s'est faite de façon particulièrement antagoniste, opposant les régimes nord-américains, silencieux, au régime européen, mettant en œuvre le test plutôt deux fois qu'une et ne manquant pas de déclencher ainsi de nombreuses oppositions doctrinales. Celles-ci, dans un premier temps centrées sur le destinataire du test, se sont finalement cristallisées autour de l'interprétation du test. Ce dernier, érigé en condition supplémentaire du bénéfice des exceptions au sein de l'Union européenne, a déclenché les foudres d'une partie de la doctrine, y voyant moult dangers. Il a alors fait l'objet de nombreuses propositions de réinterprétation, une partie d'entre elles voyant en lui un moyen d'instaurer une exception ouverte dans le régime européen, et donc de mâtiner celui-ci de traditions de common law. Pourtant, une interprétation raisonnable du test, préservant son esprit et son effet utile, ainsi que les différentes traditions juridiques, est plus que souhaitable. Enfin, son objectif de protection minimale des auteurs ne pourra, quoi qu'il en soit, être atteint que par une application du test par tous les États parties aux textes le consacrant.

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