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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling och optimering av en multiplex-PCR screen för högfrekventa humana trombocytantigen (HPA) alleler -1a, -2a, -3a, -5a, -15a och -15b med Extract-N-Amp Blood kit / Development and optimization of Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) Multiplex PCR screen with high frequency allels -1a, -2a, -3a, -5a, -15a and -15b with Extract-N-Amp Blood kit

Björkman, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Det är känt att humant trombocytantigen (HPA) kan innebära komplikationer vid transfusion av trombocyter. Om en patient erhåller trombocyter med humant trombocytantigen som personen redan utvecklat antikroppar emot kan komplikationer som feber, påskyndad nedbrytning av trombocyter som ger trombocytopeni samt post-transfusion purpura uppstå eftersom immunförsvaret då ser trombocyterna som fientliga. Från den 14:e veckan under graviditeten kan alloantikroppar från modern passera placentabarriären över till fostret. Om humant trombocytantigen skiljer mellan moder och foster kan modern utveckla antikroppar. Dessa antikroppar kan då förstöra fostrets trombocyter. Detta leder till en lägre koncentration av trombocyter hos barnet. I värsta fall kan detta leda till hjärnblödning med dödlighet på ca.20%. Om barnet överlever födseln kommer denne födas med fetal/neonatal alloimmuniserad trombocytopeni (FNAIT), d.v.s. medfödd trombocytopeni. Målet med denna studie var att utveckla en multiplex PCR-screen, snabbt positivt/negativt svar för högfrekventa Humant trombocytantigen alleler baserat på de mest frekventa som förekommer i dansk befolkning: HPA 1a, -2a, -3a, -5a, -15a och -15b med Extract-N-AmpTMblood kit. Negativa prov från screening genomgick allelic discrimination real-tids PCR för konfirmering av sann HPA- genotyp. En lyckad multiplex screenmix innehållande HPA 1a, -2a, -5a samt -15a genomfördes. Då HPA - 3a bildade ospecifika band fick denna plockas bort ur mixen. För HPA 15b bildades ingen PCR- produkt och kunde därför inte inkluderas. Totalt screenades 44 blodgivare från Region Skåne varav fyra var negativa för 15a. Detta konfirmerades med allelic discrimination där dessa genotypades till 15b och i likhet med den multipla screeningen inte visade amplifiering av 15a. Vidare optimering krävs där nya primers för 3a samt 15b måste designas för att skapa en komplett högfrekvent human trombocytantigen screen.

Spatial Variability in the Ionosphere and GNSS Signal Delays in the L-band: A Direct Comparison of In-Situ Satellite- and Swepos-Data

Suneson, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
It has been shown that ionospheric irregularities can disturb our GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) communication. This disturbance is caused by scintillation of the radio signals when they pass through the ionosphere, leading to lock-on difficulties or in worst case, a loss of position for the GNSS-receiver. In this study, a large number of ground based GNSS reference stations spread across Sweden (known as the Swepos-network) was used to measure the variability of the GNSS-signal. These measurements were then combined with observations of ionospheric irregularities made by the Langmuir probes on ESA’s SWARM satellites. The study is a collaboration between Uppsala University and the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and covers five events between December 2013 to Mars 2021, when both datasets were available. The purpose is to determine the shape and extension of these ionospheric irregularities and how localized in time and space they are. The study also tries to answer whether it is possible to draw any conclusions regarding physical models such as diffraction or refraction from this comparison. It was found that during the event days, there was in general a clear increase (of often several hundred percent) of the spatial variability on different scales according to the standard deviation. This increase was seen for both the lower orbiting SWARM A and C satellites and the higher orbiting SWARM B. It was also possible to see that the increase of spatial variability was spread across all the studied latitudes, (magnetic latitude 49° to 70°). This corresponds well with the fact that all the analysed event days had an GNSS-signal variability above average for the same latitudes. There seems to be a clear connection between increased GNSS-signal variability and ionospheric irregularities, although more studies need to be done to be able to draw more accurate conclusions.

Jämförelse mellan trådlösa sensorer med fjärravläsning och konventionell mätning med totalstation.

Jenssen, Henrik, Olsson, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
Att ständigt utveckla, utvärdera och implementera ny teknik är en viktig delinom alla branscher och samtliga produkter skall bidra till ett effektivarearbetsflöde. Då mätteknik kan anses vara en av grundpelarna inom både bygg-, mark- och anläggningsbranschen är det således avgörande att även dennabransch utvecklas för att effektivisera processerna. Denna studie behandlar enjämförelse av en konventionell mätmetod och en ny typ av mätutrustning somtillåter fjärravläsning. Jämförelsen genomförs för att skapa en uppfattning kringhuruvida den nya tekniken är tillfredsställande gentemot de traditionellamätmetoderna. Utifrån studiens utfall reflekteras användbarheten och enanalys görs kring utfallet för att avgöra hur den nya tekniken är lämplig attanvändas.Jämförelsen har utförts vid Kvarnfallets kraftstation i Rörvattnet, Jämtland, därett 40 meter djupt schakt ned i berget öppnas för att tillåta åtkomst för service-och inspektionsrelaterade arbeten. Kontroller utförs med såväl totalstation somtrådlösa sensorer för att avgöra huruvida bergväggarna i schaktet uppvisarrörelser uppkomna av arbetet på plats. Med hjälp av Mitta AB i Östersund harstudien genomförts genom att de två olika mätmetoderna har utförts påarbetsplatsen, därefter har utfallet jämförts och resultaten visar att det finnstydliga fördelar med den nya tekniken men att användningsområdena inte ärlika breda som för den konventionella mätningen. I det utförda arbetet vidbergschaktet lämpar sig de trådlösa sensorerna mycket väl då de är monteradepå statiska punkter och återger mätdata med täta tidsintervall. Detta ikombination med att de kan fjärravläsas via en webmonitor gör att det finnsekonomiska, säkerhetsmässiga och miljörelaterade vinningar i metoden.Den nya tekniken lämpar sig alltså i projekt där kontinuerlig övervakning avsamma position efterfrågas. Det är däremot viktigt att samla data från sammatidpunkt för att minimera felmarginal då vi såg vissa temperaturrelateradeförändringar av mätresultatet beroende på tidpunkt. / To continuously develop, evaluate and implement new technology is animportant part in all trades and all products shall contribute to a moreefficient workflow. Surveying can be deemed as a foundation in construction,infrastructure and field work and is therefore vital for the marketsdevelopment and streamlining. This study treats a comparison between aconventional surveying method and a new form of surveying equipmentwhich allows remote readings. The study was implemented to develop aperception regarding if the new form of technology is a valid form ofsurveying in comparison to the traditional surveying methods. Based on thestudies result the usability is evaluated and an analysis determines if this newtechnology is suitable in this field of work.This study was made at the hydropower plant Kvarnfallet in Rörvattnet,Jämtland, where a mountain shaft, 40 meter deep is opened to allow forservice and inspection related labour. Surveying is performed both with totalstation and these new wireless sensors to determine whether the exposedmountain shaft shows any movement. With help from Mitta AB in Östersundthe study was achieved by comparing different surveying methods used onsite, thereafter the outcome is analyzed. The results show there are clearbenefits with the new surveying method, although the range of use isrestricted compared to the conventional approach. This specific project issuited for the new type of technology since the surveying only requiresmeasuring of static points and retrieves data continuously in a short timespan. In combination with remote analysis through a web monitor enableseconomic, environmental and safety benefits.The new technology is suited for projects in which continuous surveying froma static position is required. It is by contrast crucial to collect the data in closeproximity to the same time of day to minimize the margin of error due tofluctuations in temperature. / <p>Betyg 2021-06-04</p>

Sensorer till ett vågkraftverk / Sensors for a Wave Energy Conversion Device

Carlsson, Anton, Antblad, Sebastian, Kunc, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Detta kandidatexamensarbete behandlar vågkraftverket “NoviOcean” och syftar till att skapa en rekommendation för de mätstorheter som bör övervakas, vilka mätprinciper som är lämpliga, samt eventuellt var sensorerna för dessa bör placeras. Först gjordes en informationssökning, för att förbättra förståelsen för hur vågkraftverket fungerar och vilka komponenter som ingår i konstruktionen. Detta gjordes dels genom att söka igenom företagets officiella dokument och dels med en genomgång med en tekniskt ansvarig från företaget, med en prototyp i mindre skala. Utöver detta undersöktes de förhållanden vågkraftverket kommer användas i, även här genom möten med ansvariga från företaget, för att öka förståelsen för vad produkten kommer utsättas för. När en komplett bild av vågkraftverkets funktion hade genererats påbörjades arbetet med att föreslå mätstorheter. Det första steget var att dela upp produkten i delsystem, för att strukturera upp arbetet. Detta gjorde det möjligt att sedan för respektive delsystem föreslå mätstorheter, som kan ge information om systemets prestanda, hälsa och miljön runtomkring. När de önskade mätstorheterna etablerats gjordes sedan ytterligare en informationssökning, för att undersöka vilka mätprinciper som ansågs vara lämpliga för produkten. Av dessa valdes en eller fler sensortyper ut, om det ansågs finnas mer än en lämplig lösning. Vissa sensorer kunde även placeras ut på enheten, då tillräckligt med information om det relevanta delsystemet ansågs finnas.' I stort anses den slutgiltiga rekommendationen av mätstorheter och mätprinciper uppfylla de krav som ställdes från företaget. En lista för respektive delsystem detaljerar de storheter och principer som anses lämpliga, med bilder och skisser för placering om detta bedömdes genomförbart. I bilagorna återfinns även mer specifika förslag för vidare arbete, för några av delsystemen. / This bachelor thesis report focuses on the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) “NoviOcean” and aims to recommend the physical quantities that should be measured aboard the unit, as well as the appropriate measuring principle for each quantity. An approximate position of each sensor was also recommended, if deemed possible. The first step was to complete a literature study, to form a better understanding of the product and its components. This was done in part by going through the company’s official documents and in part by interviewing the head of mechatronics, with a walk-through of a miniature prototype. Additional meetings with the company were also held, to better understand how and where the product is intended to be used and what conditions it will be exposed to. When the product and its function had been sufficiently understood, the work of suggesting measuring quantities began. The entire system was first divided into smaller sub-systems, to organize and simplify the process. A list of recommended quantities was then generated, that could provide information about the system’s performance, health and surroundings. Once finished, an additional literature study was performed, to understand what measuring principles would be appropriate for each quantity. The most suitable principle was then chosen from this list, unless there was more than one solution, in which case all options were included. Sensor placement could also be determined in some cases, provided that the relevant sub-system was sufficiently well defined. In conclusion, the final recommendation for measured quantities and measuring principles fulfills the demands placed by the commissioner of this report. A list of quantities and measuring principles was generated for each sub-system, with images and sketches detailing sensor placement, if applicable. For some systems, more specific sensor recommendations could be made, the results of which can be found in the appendix.

Design och simulering av en elektronkanon som fasplatta till TEM / Design and Simulation of an Electron Gun as a Phase Plate for TEM

Svenberg, Hugo, Sondur, Smyan January 2023 (has links)
Fasplattorna i transmissionselektronmikroskop (TEM) används i dagsläget för att förbättra kontrasten men har vissa nackdelar som, till exempel, bidrag av brus och låg upplösning. En eventuell lösning till detta problem är en elektronfasplatta som utnyttjar fältpotentialen hos en extern elektronstråle som skapar en potentialövergång för TEM:ets primära elektronstråle vilket skiftar dess fas. Målet med detta projekt var att designa en elektronkanon genom att simulera ett elektrostatiskt linssystem som skall skapa en elektronfasplatta med en viss ström och stråltjocklek. Designen av dessa linssystem gjordes i CAD-programmet Solid Edge och simuleringarna utfördes i COMSOL Multiphysics. Från simuleringarna framgår det att det är möjligt att designa en elektronkanon som kan skapa en elektronfasplatta med stråltjockleken ~1,8 µm och strömmen ~10 µA. Simuleringarna visade dock att en förflyttning in i mikroskopet inte var möjligt för elektronkanonen eftersom elektronfasplattans stråltjocklek inte kunde bevaras. Slutsatserna var, för att lyckas förflytta elektronfasplattan måste partikelinteraktioner i elektronstrålen och sfäriska aberrationer för linserna minskas genom att antingen byta till magnetiska linser eller implementera CS-correctorer. / The problem with today’s phase plates in transmission electron microscopes (TEM), that are used to improve contrast, are their noise contributions and low resolution. A potential solution to this problem is an electron phase plate which utilize the field potential of an external electron beam that creates a potential crossing for the primary electron beam in the TEM and hence shifts their phase. The aim of this project was to design an electron gun by simulating an electrostatic lens system that should produce an electron phase plate with a certain current and crossover. The lens system design was created in the CAD-software Solid Edge and the simulations were performed in COMSOL Multiphysics. The simulations showed that it is possible to design an electron gun which is able to produce an electron phase plate with a crossover of ~1,8 µm and a current of ~10 µA. The simulations however showed that the electron gun was unable to transfer the electron phase plate into the microscope whilst maintaining its crossover size. The conclusions were, to successfully transfer the electron phase plate, the particle interactions in the electron beam and the spherical aberrations of the lenses must be reduced either by changing to magnetic lenses or by implementing CS-correctors.

Automatiserad kalibrering av mjölkmätare / Automatic calibration of milk meters

Mulolli, Arbër, Logge, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av DeLaval, ett företag inom mjölkningsindustrin. Projektets huvudmålsättning var att automatisera kalibreringen av DeLavals mjölkningsrobot VMS v300. Kalibreringen av mjölkmätarna, som mäter mängden mjölk under mjölkning, måste ske manuellt. Dagens kalibreringsprocess är ICAR-godkänd vilket innebär att ICAR sätter upp riktlinjer för hur noggrann mätningen ska vara för att vara godkänd. Arbetet har utförts på distans vilket innebär att det endast finns teoretiska beräkningar, enklare skisser, och teoretiska modeller i rapporten.  Arbetet inleds med en faktagenomgång, där processen kring hur kalibreringen utförs förtydligas. Vidare förklaras även hur mycket mjölk som fås av en ko under en mjölkning, vilken mjölkmätare som används, kalibreringsparametrar, lösningsförslag, och hur den automatiserade kalibreringen av en AMR (Automatic Milking Rotary) fungerar. Med hjälp av matematiska beräkningar och simuleringar utvärderas lösningsförslagen. Slutsatsen är att nivåmätaren, som nu finns placerad och kan användas i VMS:en, inte når de krav som ställs på kalibreringen. Istället kan en ultraljudssensor ersätta den nuvarande nivåmätaren och erhålla en godkänd kalibreringsprocess. Detta innebär att kalibreringsprocessen kan automatiseras. / This report is a thesis commissioned by the dairy industry company DeLaval. The main objective of theproject was to automate DeLaval's calibration of its milking robot VMS v300. At present, DeLavalneeds to manually calibrate the milk meters, that measure the amount of milk during milking, to getan accurately measured amount of milk. Today's calibration process is ICAR-approved, which meansthat ICAR sets guidelines for how accurate the measurement must be for approval. The work has been carried out remotely, which means that there are only theoretical calculations,simpler sketches, and theoretical models in the report. The work begins with a factual review, which clarifies the process of how the calibration is performed.Furthermore, it is also explained how much milk is obtained by a cow during milking, which milkmeter is used, calibration parameters, solution suggestions, and how the automated calibration of anAutomatic Milking Rotary (AMR) works. By means of mathematical calculations and simulations, a model is set up to evaluate the solutionproposals, which resulted in a feasible model. The conclusion for the work is that the level meter,which is now located and can be used in the VMS, does not meet the requirements set for thecalibration. Instead, an ultrasonic sensor can replace the current level meter and obtain an approvedcalibration process. This means that the calibration process can be automated.

Development of Reliability Test Rigs for Total Artificial Heart Pumps / Utveckling av reliabilitets-testanordningar för totalt artificiella hjärtpumpar

Besic, Alisa, Ogeborg, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The long-term performance of TAH pumps needs to be demonstrated. Reliability tests are performed to measure its ability to operate for months, or years, without failure. Real Heart is currently constructing test rigs for this purpose. Software for documenting test rig conditions is also required. Thus, the objective of this study is to assist in developing reliability test rig software.  The software is written in LabVIEW and is hosted on a CompactRIO controller. Requirements include sampling of sensor data, logging, and alarms. Additionally, a PC dashboard is constructed for monitoring real-time data, reviewing logs, as well as controls for acquisition. Results of this study present a foundation for the test rig software. It features a modular architecture which allows for future scalability. The process of development involves research of hardware/software, establishing a reference design and to build and validate each module through test simulations. Data acquisition is set up with the NI-DAQmx API. It features automatic configuration for thermocouple, as well as custom signal scaling of the pressure and flow transducers. However, grouping of data and synchronization for logging and alarms was a challenge. The producer/consumer design pattern is implemented for grouping data as well as synchronization for logging and alarms. / Det artificiella hjärtats långsiktiga prestanda måste demonstreras. Tillförlitlighetstester utförs för att mäta pumparnas förmåga att fungera i månader eller år utan att gå sönder. Real Heart bygger för närvarande testriggar för detta ändamål. Programvara för att dokumentera testriggens förhållanden behövs också. Därför är syftet med denna studie att hjälpa företaget med att utveckla programvara för tillförlitlighetstestriggar.  Programvaran är skriven i LabVIEW och används på en CompactRIO-kontroller. Den kommer inkludera provtagning av sensordata, loggning och alarm. Dessutom är en PC-instrumentpanel konstruerad för övervakning av realtidsdata, granskning av loggar samt kontroll av datainsamling. Resultaten av denna studie utgör en grund för testriggens programvara. Den har en modulär arkitektur som möjliggör framtida uppskalning. Utvecklingsprocessen involverar studier av hårdvara/programvara, upprättande av en referensdesign, samt att bygga och validera varje modul genom testsimuleringar. Datainsamling genomförs med NI-DAQmx API. Den har automatisk konfiguration för temperatur, samt anpassad signalskalning av tryck- och flödesgivare. Designmönstret producent/konsument implementerades för gruppering av data, samt synkronisering för loggning och alarm.

Concept design and In Vitro evaluation of a novel dynamic displacement Ventricular Assist Device

Stenberg, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) are mechanical pumps used to off-load a deceased heart, primarily in late stage congestive heart failure patients. VAD employment may facilitate cardiac recovery, but most often provides time before a suitable heart transplant can be found. Lately, long term use VAD systems have been introduced as an alternative to a heart transplant. Traditionally, design of VADs has employed either displacement based pump technologies or radial-flow pumps, also known as rotodynamic pumps. A displacement pump induces a mechanical force on a fluid contained within a defined space, hence giving it motion. Radial-flow pumps impart momentum to a fluid, most often by placing a rotating device in the fluid. This thesis introduces a novel pumping concept, combining features from both displacement and radial-flow pumps. A first prototype, the VivicorTM pump, has been designed, fabricated and evaluated In Vitro, the results reported in this thesis. The In Vitro evaluation of the VivicorTM pump provides evidence of a pump with mechanical self-regulation based on pump pre-load level, much like a displacement pump. The VivicorTM pump also displays pulsating outflow in combination with an inflow both during pump systole and diastole. The latter provides potential advantages over traditional displacement pumps as smaller cannulae or catheters can be used, facilitating miniaturization. Continuos filling throughout the pumping cycle also require less pressure to be exerted on the fluid, compared to displacement pumps, limiting the risk of mechanical damage to the pumped fluid. The In Vitro evaluation has also provided further insights on necessary design modifications in the second-generation VivicorTM prototype, currently planned. The VivicorTM pumping technology is highly interesting for further development and evaluation for use in ventricular assist applications. / QC 20101129

Model Based Enhancement of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Analysis : Towards Textile Enabled Applications

Buendía López, Rubén January 2011 (has links)
Several signal processing approaches have been developed to overcome the effect of stray capacitances in Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy (EBIS) measurements. EBIS measurements obtained with textile-enabled instrumentation are more vulnerable to stray capacitances. Currently, the most widespread approach for correcting the effect of stray capacitances in EBIS is the time delay ( Td) compensation method, which also has several drawbacks. In this study, the Td method is revisited and its limitations and its lack of a scientific basis are demonstrated. To determine better ways to overcome the effect of stray capacitances, a simplified measurement model is proposed that is based on previous models of artefacts in EBIS measurements described in the literature. The model consists of a current divider with a parasitic capacitance (Cpar) in parallel with the load. Cpar creates a pathway for the measurement current to leak away from the load, provoking a capacitive leakage effect. In this thesis, three approaches with different limitations are proposed to overcome the capacitive leakage effect. The first approach estimates Cpar and subtracts it from the measurements, thus finding the load. Cpar can be estimated because the susceptance of biological tissue is null at infinite frequency. Therefore, at high frequencies, the susceptance of the tissue can be neglected, and the slope of the susceptance of the measurement is Cpar. The accuracy of Cpar depends on the maximum frequency measured and the value of Cpar. Therefore, it may not be possible to accurately estimate small values of Cpar in the typical frequency ranges used in EBIS. The second and third approaches use the Cole fitting process to estimate the Cole parameters, which form the basis for most EBIS applications. Because the conductance of the measurement is free from the effect of Cpar, performing Cole fitting on the conductance avoids the effect of Cpar in the fitting process. With a poor skin-electrode contact, this approach may not be sufficiently accurate. The third approach would be to perform the Cole fitting on the modulus with a reduced upper frequency limit because the modulus and the low-medium frequencies are very robust against the effect of artefacts. In this approach, a slight capacitive leakage effect is unavoidable. Since it is common to find tainted measurements, especially among those obtained with textile-enabled instrumentation, it is important to find viable methods to avoid their effect. The three methods studied showed that they could reduce the effect of tainted measurements. / QC 20120313

Characterization of monkey fat tissues : To assist their viability for fat intra-body communication as an early step of non-human primate testing (NHP)

Alyounes, Qsai, Razan, Alkari January 2022 (has links)
Fat intra-body communication is a newly proven concept that is built on using human fat tissues as a communication channel for electromagnetic waves inside the body. This allows for two implanted external devices to connect through an intra-body closed-loop communication channel. This concept utilizes the fact that the fat tissues have low dielectric properties and are located between two tissue layers, skin and muscle, which have high dielectric permittivity and high loss tangent so that the signal propagates and confines with lower losses within the fat tissue. In this study, the eligibility of using monkey fat tissues as a communication channel for intra-body communication is being investigated. This comes as a first step in a long process of testing implementing medical devices, mainly prosthetic limbs, on non-human primates using fat-IBC at microwave frequencies. To be able to do that, an experimental characterization of ex-vivo monkey fat, skin, and muscle tissues to explore their dielectric properties compared to those of humans is being carried out. This study of the dielectric properties of monkey tissues is the first of its kind to be carried out on two samples of ex-vivo monkey tissues. Calf tissues have also been investigated in the study to get an insight on the potential differences between human and non-human body tissues in general before doing measurements on monkey tissues. For the measurements, an RF network analyzer and an open-ended coaxial probe method have been implemented. Phantoms that mimic the human tissues have been fabricated to be used as a reference point. The initial investigation demonstrates that calf fat tissues have much higher dielectric properties than human fat tissues. Monkey fat, muscle, and skin tissues showed many similarities to human tissues regarding their dielectric properties. This indicates that monkey tissues can be used for fat intra-body communication. Future numerical and analytical modeling of the monkey tissues needs to be conducted to confirm and strengthen this finding.

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