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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts of shopping malls on the housing price - Evidence from Stockholm / Köpcentra påverkar bostadspriset - Bevis från Stockholm

Long, Runfeng January 2020 (has links)
Shopping malls, as an important type of commercial facilities, are growing dramatically.They have gradually become one of the most dominant factors that can influence people's daily life as well as a city's economic development. People's willingness to pay for dwellings is also primarily associated with the surrounding commercial layout.Hence, it is of interest to find out more from a quantitative perspective on the relationship between shopping malls and housing prices. This study aims to analyzehow the prices of condominiums will be affected by the proximity of shopping malls.Two aspects are considered and examined in the empirical study, namely a proximity to the shopping mall, and the number of shopping malls within 3 kilometers radius. Wetry to examine if there is any price premium for those apartments near the shoppingmall or with more shopping malls in the neighborhood. In this empirical study, 36shopping malls in different locations in the county of Stockholm, Sweden, is utilized.The sample of transactions consists of 336,914 apartments. By using regression analysis, based on the traditional hedonic model, the results show that there is an inverse relationship between the apartment prices and its distance from the shopping mall while the number of shopping malls is positively correlated with apartment prices. / Köpcentra som en viktig typ av kommersiella anläggningar växer dramatiskt dessa år. De har gradvis blivit en av de mest dominerande faktorerna som kan påverka människors vardag och en stads ekonomiska utveckling. Människors villighet att betala för husen på marknaden är också till stor del kopplad till den omgivande kommersiella utformningen. Därför är det nödvändigt för oss att ta reda på mer i ett mer kvantitativt perspektiv om förhållandet mellan köpcentra och bostadspriset. Denna studie syftar tillatt diskutera hur priset på bostäder kommer att påverkas av köpcentra. Två aspekter beaktas och undersöks under en empirisk studie, som är närheten till köpcentret och den andra är antalet köpcentra inom 3 km avstånd. Målet är att avslöja om det finns något prispremie för dessa fastigheter nära köpcentret eller med fler köpcentra i närheten. I denna empiriska studie tas 36 köpcentra på olika platser som prov i Stockholms län, Sverige. Sedan kommer transaktionsdata där proverna består av 336,914 lägenheter behandlas och analyseras i Stata. Genom att använda giltiga transaktionsdata, kombinera med matematiska ekvationer och obligatorisk statistiskkunskap, är syftet med denna studie att beskriva och sammanfatta data för att sedan genomföra regressionsanalys baserat på fyra hedoniska modeller, inklusive både linjär och log-linjär form. Regressionsresultatet är signifikant vid 1% konfidensnivå, vilket innebär att de förklarande variablerna verkligen har betydande effekter på de beroende variablerna. Resultaten visar att det finns en omvänd relation mellan bostadspriset och dess avstånd från köpcentret. Medan antalet köpcentra är positivt korrelerat med bostadspriset.

Avfallshantering i kommersiellafastigheter : En utredning av utvecklingsmöjligheterna för avfallshanteringen i köpcentrum / Waste management in commercial real estate : An investigation of the development opportunities for waste management in shopping malls

Smedberg Svensk, William, Zinn, Karl-Johan January 2017 (has links)
AMF Fastigheter is shortly for the procurement of a waste contractor for all of its commercial properties. The investigation will identify the problem of how the waste is handled in shopping centers and inform AMF Fastigheter about how this can be improved. Through study visits and interviews, necessary information is gathered to make concrete proposals. A comprehensive analysis of the waste generated in the properties describes in the report that large waste volumes consist of combustible. The authors provide suggestions on how this can be avoided, as well as highlighting fractions that should be recycled to a greater extent. According to the authors, there may be problems about the waste contractors' intentions in the properties visited, as recycling is not a priority. The human factor is considered to be a major problem where it is difficult to achieve long-term changes in tenants' behavior regarding waste sorting. Initial explanation of these issues is presented in the report and details that the property owner should consider in the procurement of waste contractor. / AMF Fastigheter står inom kort inför upphandling av en avfallsentreprenör för samtliga av sina kommersiella fastigheter. Utredningen ska identifiera problematiken i hur avfallet hanteras i köpcentrum och upplysa AMF Fastigheter om hur detta kan förbättras. Genom studiebesök och intervjuer samlas nödvändig information för att komma med konkreta förslag. En övergripande analys av det avfall som uppstår i fastigheterna beskriver i rapporten att stora avfallsvolymer består av brännbart. Författarna ger i rapporten förslag på hur detta kan undvikas, samt lyfter fram fraktioner som bör återvinnas i större utsträckning. Enligt författarna kan det finnas problem kring avfallsentreprenörernas intentioner i de besökta fastigheterna då återvinning prioriteras för lite. Den mänskliga faktorn upplevs vara en stor problematik där det är svårt att nå långsiktiga förändringar kring hyresgästernas beteende och avfallssortering. Ingående förklaring om dessa problem presenteras i rapporten samt detaljer fastighetsägaren ska tänka på vid upphandling av avfallsentreprenör.

Three-dimensional property formation inmalls with residential buildings / 3D-fastighetsbildning i fastigheter medgalleria och bostäder

Karimson, Katrin, Westergren, Elin January 2014 (has links)
In 2004, a new legislation made it possible to form three-dimensional properties. A three-dimensional property consists of a closed volume and unlike a traditional property; a three-dimensional property is defined both vertically and horizontally. The fact that a three-dimensional property consists of a closed volume means that it can erode a traditional property. A three-dimensional property can therefore be located on top of a traditional property. This has been proven to be useful in cases where there is a commercial mall with residential units on the roof. Whether the residences were already built on top of the mall before the legislation came or if they were added through new construction or remodeling after the legislation, the ability to create three-dimensional properties has been proven to be useful when separating two types of activities from each other. The hard part is to implement this in practice in a way that satisfies the effective management of each activity. This thesis aims to investigate the interaction measures that need to be resolved in a building that houses a mall with residences on the roof. Furthermore, this thesis will show the potential advantages of residences on top of a mall and any difficulties that projects of this nature can lead to and how they in that case can be resolved. Three case studies have been selected, as they all are malls with residences on the roof. The malls we have chosen to examine are Fältöversten, Kista Galleria and Mall of Scandinavia, all located in the Stockholm County. As a basis, reviews of existing literature in the field have been carried out. Besides literature, practical knowledge have also been gathered from numerous interviews with property owners, the National Land Survey and consultants working with three-dimensional properties. In order to create a three-dimensional property there are some special requirements, which only apply to three-dimensional properties, that need to be fulfilled. The specific requirements are mentioned in Chapter 3, 1 a § Real Property Formation Act, and include that the action must be justified by the establishment’s construction and use, and also that it leads to a more effective management or securing financing or execution of the establishment. Especially facility management seems to be a strong reason why three-dimensional property formation is used. Commercial managers who do not want to manage residential housings see it as a way to create a more effective management for the property. Another of the special requirements of three-dimensional properties is that the property must be ensured the necessary rights for it to function in an effective manner. How to solve these rights is different but the result is decided in the cadastral procedure when three-dimensional properties are formed. In principle, one can say that there are four different ways to solve these rights and it is through demarcation, formation rights of easements, formation of joint facility and use of the neighbor rules. The general perception of the participants we interviewed seems to be that jointly owned facilities is a solution that is rather not used because it means that you have to cooperate with another party when making decisions, which can have negative consequences for the effective administration. Ideally, they see that as much as possible of the technical supply is separated and only supplies one of the properties. Ideally, when you have two properties on top of one another they should be two entirely separate properties except for sharing the supporting structure. A number of the participating respondents in the interviews have a positive view of projects of this type and are confident that we will be seeing more of it in the future as it becomes more difficult to get hold of good buildable land in Stockholm. They think the positive aspects that residences on top of a mall bring, outweigh any difficulties and problems that may arise from it. We are positive that more malls will have residences on the roof; as it seems like the right way to develop traditional mall areas and make them more accessible and attractive. What we can recommend for projects of this type is to carefully consider what kind of rights the property needs to be ensured in the cadastral procedure to prevent future problems. / År 2004 kom en ny lag som gjorde det möjligt att bilda tredimensionella fastigheter. En sådan fastighet består av en sluten volym som, till skillnad från en traditionell fastighet, är avgränsad både vertikalt och horisontellt. Det faktum att en tredimensionell fastighet utgörs av en sluten volym innebär att den urholkar en traditionell fastighet. Det innebär att en tredimensionell fastighet är lokaliserad inom en traditionell fastighet. Detta har bland annat kommit visa sig vara användbart i de fall man har en byggnad bebyggd med en kommersiell galleria med bostäder på taket. Oavsett om bostäderna fanns på gallerian innan lagstiftningen kom eller om de tillkommit genom ny- eller tillbyggnad efteråt har möjligheten till tredimensionell fastighetsbildning visat sig användbar för att åtskilja två verksamheter från varandra. Det svåra blir att genomföra detta rent praktiskt på ett sätt som tillfredsställer en effektiv förvaltning för respektive verksamhet. Detta arbete har till syfte att utreda vilka samverkansåtgärder som måste lösas i en byggnad som huserar en galleria med bostäder på taket. Vidare har undersökts vilka potentiella fördelar som finns med bostäder på en galleria samt eventuella svårigheter som projekt av den här typen kan medföra och hur dessa i så fall lösts. Tre fallstudier har valts som alla är gallerior med bostäder på taket. De gallerior vi valt att undersöka är Fältöversten, Kista galleria och Mall of Scandinavia, alla belägna i Stockholms län. Som grund för arbetet har en genomgång av befintlig litteratur inom området genomförts. Utöver litteratur har praktisk kunskap inhämtats från ett flertal intervjuer med fastighetsägare, Lantmäteriet och konsulter verksamma inom tredimensionell fastighetsbildning. För att en tredimensionell fastighet ska få bildas krävs det att fastigheten uppfyller ett antal speciella krav, utöver de krav som ställs på en traditionell fastighet vid fastighetsbildning. De speciella kraven finns nämnda i 3 kap 1a § FBL och innefattar bland annat att åtgärden dels ska vara motiverad med hänsyn till anläggningens konstruktion och användning, dels att den leder till en mer ändamålsenlig förvaltning eller tryggar finansieringen eller utförandet av anläggningen. Just förvaltningen verkar vara en stark anledning till varför man väljer att tredimensionellt fastighetsbilda en fastighet. En kommersiell förvaltare som inte är intresserad av att förvalta bostäder ser det som ett sätt att skapa en mer ändamålsenlig förvaltning av fastigheten. Ett annat av de speciella villkoren för tredimensionella fastigheter är att fastigheten måste tillförsäkras de rättigheter som är nödvändiga för att den ska fungera på ett ändamålsenligt sätt. Hur man löser dessa rättigheter är olika men resultatet fastslås i förrättningen när den tredimensionella fastigheten bildas. I princip kan man säga att det finns fyra olika sätt att lösa dessa rättigheter på och det är genom gränsdragning, bildande av servitut, inrättande av gemensamhetsanläggning och användande av de grannerättsliga reglerna. Den generella uppfattningen hos de aktörer vi intervjuat verkar vara att gemensamhetsanläggningar är en lösning man helst inte använder sig av eftersom det innebär att man måste samarbeta med en annan part vid beslutsfattande, något som kan ha negativa konsekvenser för en effektiv förvaltning. Helst ser de att så mycket som möjligt av den tekniska försörjningen är åtskild och endast försörjer en av fastigheterna. Det optimala när man har två fastigheter ovanpå varandra verkar därför vara att det är två helt separata fastigheter så när som på den bärande konstruktionen. Ett flertal av de intervjuade personerna har en positiv bild av projekt av den här typen och är övertygade att vi kommer få se mer av det i framtiden allt eftersom det blir svårare att få tag på bra byggbar mark i Stockholm. De tror att det positiva som bostäder ovanpå en galleria medför väger tyngre än eventuella svårigheter och problem som kan uppstå i och med det. Vi ser positivt på att fler gallerior får bostäder på taket, det verkar som rätt sätt att utveckla traditionella galleriaområden och göra dem mer tillgängliga och attraktiva. Det vi kan rekommendera vid projekt av den här typen är att noga tänka efter vad en verksamhet behöver tillförsäkras för rättigheter redan under förrättningen för att förhindra framtida problem.

Your Mess, My Life: The Junction between Land Use Planning and Street Vending in the Accra Mall Enclave

Quarcoo, Joseph Dennis Nii Noi 14 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
City managers and planners in the global South, particularly in African cities are confronted with an unprecedented urbanisation fraught with complexities such as urban sprawl, jobless growth, and informality. Urban planning practice in Ghana has retained colonial legacies that outlaw informality, be it economic, such as, street trading or housing, such as, slums. This has led to the marginalisation of the urban poor, who make up the majority of urban dwellers. Consequently, the masses invent ways to survive in the city and thus reshape the materiality of urban spaces. Most planners and state officials consider the activities of street vendors as a nuisance that mar the beauty of our cities. For this reason, 24% of the Ghanaian labour force who work on the streets are targets of misaligned and officious controls that include but are not limited to evictions. However, when evicted, most generally return to the streets. Building on existing work on urban planning in the global South and feeding into Southern urban theory, the research focuses explicitly on the Accra Mall Enclave (AME) as a microcosm of African cities. It explores how various players – planners/vendors/politicians – interact and navigate the dynamics of daily experiences. The research asks, how are planners navigating the tensions between planning regulations and the reality of street trading around the Accra Mall Enclave (AME)? What are street traders' logics, strategies, and experiences? How are vendors negotiating their interactions with state actors such as police, planners, city guards, toll collectors, etc.? The questions were answered through qualitative research methods; field observations, interviews, and a review of planning regulations and policies. The results of the study contribute to our understanding of how cities are being built in Africa, particularly Accra, Ghana. As a case study, the focus on the AME assisted in exposing the role of planners in this mode of urbanisation, while also uncovering meaning associated with space and place. Findings show that the state is reluctantly, if not unwillingly, coming to terms with vending within the AME. This could however change quickly if politics change, so still precarious. There are no viable alternatives to relocation, and vendors have established significant relationships and tactics that somehow entrench their position howbeit insecure. Besides all these, state officials, when acting in their individual capacity side with the vending profession because the state has not created jobs. Despite this personal understanding, the system, specifically state bureaucracy, generates obstacles, and as a result existing state structures frustrate the planning practice. This is complicated further by politics. Hence, planners themselves feel helpless, marginalised, and trapped. Further, spatial plans do not adequately provide access to the land needed by informal sector actors. The state resorts to occasional evictions when there is an adequate budget for this action. Imaginations of world class cityness dominate perceptions of the space. This is a candid depiction of the do-nothing scenario – the active contribution of the state in the creation of informality within the AME and the city of Accra, Ghana.

"Allas röster är lika viktiga" : Samverkan i brottsförebyggande syfte för barn och ungdomar – En kvalitativ studie med socialarbetare, skolpersonal och polis

Ahmed Abdullahi, Salma, Ali, Naimo January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att få en ökad förståelse för hur socialarbetare, skolpersonal och polis samverkar i brottsförebyggande syfte för barn och ungdomar, i ett särskilt utsatt område i Sverige. Vi ville även undersöka vilka förutsättningar och hinder som fanns i den samverkan. Studien är baserad i ett särskilt utsatt område i Sverige där dessa professioner har en etablerad samverkan för att kunna arbeta brottsförebyggande för barn och ungdomar. Intervjuer har valts som insamlingsmetod samt en tematisk analys för att analysera materialet. En central teori i denna studie är samverkansteori och Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater och begreppet handlingsutrymme för att analysera hur samverkan utformades mellan aktörerna. Studien har också socialkonstruktionismen som vetenskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt.  Resultatet visade att det krävs en gemensam syn kring samverkansarbetet för att den ska bli gynnsam och effektiv. Flera av intervjupersonerna betonade att samverkan underlättats då det redan finns ett samverkansavtal i staden. De olika professionerna hade likaså en bra kontakt med varandra som gjorde att samverkansarbetet blivit smidigt. Vidare har samverkansarbetet underlättats då socialarbetare och polis delar kontor. Dock kunde omständigheter som organisationskultur göra det svårare för de olika aktörerna att samverka. I dessa fall har en mall som definierar roller och ansvar arbetats fram. Ibland upplevdes det som att det fanns en brist på förståelse och kunskap mellan de yrkesverksamma. Sekretessen var i vissa fall påfrestande, dock fanns det sekretessbrytande bestämmelser i de fall det behövdes som exempelvis en samtyckesblankett.

Morphing Monument: The Lincoln Memorial Across Time

Rine, Julia 24 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

City Centered; Debating the Future of a Failed Downtown Mall

DiRutigliano, Corey Michael 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Presidential Memorial Museum

Lazarte, Juancarlos H. 06 August 2003 (has links)
The Project involves an architectural design for a facility located at the Tidal Basin on the Mall of the Washington District of Columbia. The Presidential Memorial Museum is a proposed facility to represent the presidential institution memorial and housing the exhibits of one of the most historical institutions in the country. The historical nature of the work represents the presidents of the United States, its artifacts, their collection exhibition and preservation of the objects and its meanings on the commemorated site of America's people. The work attempts towards the integration of architectural theories about museum buildings, site constraints, programming and purpose to represent America's Democracy. The building itself intends to contribute the encounter of a spacial and a democratic experience. The defined spaces and architectural geometry are organized around an urban-landscape framework with an architectural display. The Presidential Memorial Museum is developed with a method of design that involves a personal discernment in working with contemporary architectural design and programmatic concerns to create an expectation of the presidential future learning the historical background while making efforts to achieve the articulation and compatibility required by the immediate ambiance. / Master of Architecture

Social Aesthetics: Affecting Change in Food Provisioning

Ramirez-Blust, Lynda Sue 13 July 2021 (has links)
Food embodies our most intimate relationship with nature. We ingest it to survive. Without it, perish. Through time humans have physically distanced the places of food cultivation from human inhabitation. In recent decades green planning initiatives embraced urban agriculture as a critical element of sustainable communities. However, current approaches to bring food cultivation into cities require labor, capital, and physical resources that are often unavailable in sufficient quantity, quality, or duration for provisioning sites to be considered sustainable. Within each pillar of sustainability - economy, ecology, and equity - barriers exist. Rooted in indigenous land stewardship and food provisioning practices, permaculture (permanent agriculture) offers strategies and tactics to overcome those barriers. Despite mounting evidence that permaculture will result in more sustainable food systems, adoption is limited. Social aesthetics is the term employed by cultural theorists to describe how institutions, social groups, and collective projects codify their values and beliefs. The diffusion of innovation theory suggests that ideas and information from a highly specialized world require translation into a language the rest of society understands to reach widespread adoption. This thesis translates permaculture to contribute to a sustainable social aesthetic for food provisioning and change American food culture. The translation occurs on iconic public land - 'America's front yard'. In 1901 the National Mall was envisaged to serve as a stage on which democratic values are expressed and became the prototype for America's City Beautiful movement. Today, its carpet of lawn framed by American Elm trees epitomizes the economic, ecological, and equity challenges of monoculture landscapes. This project aims to express democratic values through polyculture. It invites every citizen to participate in acts of justice rather than submit to illusions of order and control. From site selection through design, spatial and temporal scale is critical. This thesis explores food's past to understand our present and imagine our future. The design creates an immersive food experience that equips visitors with the knowledge and resources to apply permaculture at the homestead, neighborhood, city, and regional scales. The remade front yard becomes the symbol of a country where places of food cultivation and human inhabitation are one and the same. / Master of Landscape Architecture / Food embodies our most intimate relationship with nature. We ingest it to survive. Without it, perish. Through time humans have slowly increased the distance between where we grow our food (the country) and where we live (the city). In the process, we have built a system where millions of people either suffer from diet-related illnesses or experience hunger on a regular basis. We have damaged our soils and introduced chemicals that have contaminated our waters and polluted our air. We have built a system that both contributes to and is threatened by climate change. Our relationship with nature has become toxic. For decades there have been movements to change, transform, or replace the food system. In cities across the country, these movements appear as organic food in grocery stores, community gardens, urban farms, farmers' markets, farm-to-table restaurants, and more recently, food forests. The problem is each requires labor, capital, and physical resources that are often unavailable in sufficient quantity, quality, or duration for them to be sustainable, let alone scalable. What if there is another way to grow food - a way that heals the soil, decontaminates water, supports biodiversity, and provides enough for everyone? Rooted in indigenous land stewardship and food provisioning practices, permaculture (permanent agriculture) offers strategies and tactics to reverse the negative impacts of the existing food system. Despite mounting evidence that permaculture will result in more sustainable food systems, adoption is limited. For it to become mainstream, someone has to translate it into a language society understands. I try to do that through this thesis. My translation occurs on iconic public land - 'America's front yard'. In 1901 the National Mall was imagined to serve as a stage on which democratic values are expressed and became the prototype for America's City Beautiful movement. Today, its carpet of lawn framed by American Elm trees epitomizes the economic, ecological, and equity challenges of monoculture landscapes. This project aims to express democratic values through polyculture. This thesis explores food's past to understand our present and imagine our future. The design creates an immersive food experience that equips visitors with the knowledge and resources to apply permaculture at the homestead, neighborhood, city, and regional scales. The remade front yard becomes the symbol of a country where places of food cultivation and human inhabitation are one and the same.

Safety as a priority at shopping centres in Gauteng: an assessment of existing security measures

Lutchminarain, Natasha 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Violent crime and more specifically armed robberies constitute a growing threat to shopping centres in terms of their vulnerability to such criminal acts. These violent crimes are becoming ever more organised and sophisticated. Shopping centres across South Africa have become the latest targets for these syndicates. Due to the increasing number of armed robberies and violent crimes at shopping centres and the nature of violence used in these attacks, it points to a need for improvements to be made to the security measures that are in place at shopping centres. This study explored the risks and vulnerabilities at shopping centres that have led to the phenomenon of armed robberies at shopping centres in Gauteng; evaluated the current physical protection systems that are in place at shopping centres in Gauteng in order to assist with the reduction of shopping centre armed robberies; and recommendations were made for the implementation of effective security risk control measures at shopping centre’s across South Africa and specifically the province of Gauteng. Self-administered questionnaire surveys were used to explore the phenomenon from the perspectives of both retail employees and customers. The data collected from the questionnaires, utilising the non-experimental research design, were quantitatively analysed. Based on the findings from the study recommendations for the improvement of shopping centre security were formulated along with recommendations for future research. / Security Risk Management / M.Tech. (Security Management)

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