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Parâmetros hídricos em angiospermas lenhosas de clima temperado durante os estádios de repouso e crescimento / Water parameters in temperate zone woody angiosperms during the rest and growth stagesSimões, Fabiano 29 April 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-04-29 / The knowledge of physiological processes during both dormancy and
vegetative growth is important for adaptation processes in temperate zone woody
angiosperms, especially in water management by those plants. The objectives of this
work were to evaluate the water content and carbohydrate metabolism during the
progress of dormancy in pears, to evaluate strategies of water use in two woody
species (apple and walnut), which were subjected to three different levels of water
deficit, and also to evaluate reliability of air injection technique to induce cavitation in
three woody angiosperms. The first experiment was conducted during autumn and
winter of 2008 in Brazil, and it was used plants of pears cultivars Packham's Triumph
and Housui. The second study was carried out during the summer season of 2009 in
France, with apple and walnut trees under water stress. The third experiment was
done in France in 2009, and three species of woody angiosperms with different
lengths of xylem were used Betula pendula, Prunus persica and Quercus robur.
From the results it was concluded that the water content in tissues might be a marker
of dormancy progression for cv. Packham's Triumph. However, the data were not
conclusive and clear in cv. Housui. Stomatal closure might be an important
parameter for preventing xilemian cavitation in walnut and apple trees subjected to
soil water deficit. Apple trees stomata grown under severe drought regime remained
partially open, indicating a greater tolerance of this species to drought in comparison
to walnut. Finally, the double-ended pressure sleeve technique is reliable for species
with diffuse-porous xylem by using short chambers and also branches longer than
the xylem vessels. / O conhecimento dos processos fisiológicos, tanto na fase de repouso quanto no
desenvolvimento vegetativo, é importante na adaptação das angiospermas lenhosas
de clima temperado, especialmente na questão da gestão da água pela planta. Os
objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o conteúdo da água e o metabolismo de
carboidratos durante o progresso da dormência em pereiras, avaliar estratégias do
uso da água em duas espécies lenhosas (macieira e nogueira), que foram
submetidas a três níveis de déficit hídrico, e por fim, avaliar a confiabilidade da
técnica de injeção de ar para indução à cavitação em três espécies de angiospermas
lenhosas. No primeiro experimento, conduzido durante o outono e inverno de 2008
no Brasil, utilizou-se plantas de pereira cultivares Housui e Packham´s Triumph. O
segundo experimento foi desenvolvido na França durante o verão de 2009, com
macieiras e nogueiras sob estresse hídrico. O terceiro experimento foi conduzido na
França em 2009 com três espécies de angiospermas lenhosas com diferentes
comprimentos dos vasos do xilema, Betula pendula, Prunus persica e Quercus
robur. A partir dos resultados concluiu-se que o conteúdo de água nos tecidos pode
ser um marcador do progresso da dormência para cv. Packham s Triumph. Porém os
dados não foram conclusivos para cv. Housui. O fechamento estomático pode ser
um importante parâmetro na prevenção à cavitação xilemática em nogueiras e
macieiras submetidas a déficit hídrico no solo. Em regime de secas severas, a
macieira mantém os estômatos parcialmente abertos, indicando maior tolerância
desta espécie à seca quando comparado à nogueira. E por fim, a técnica de injeção
de ar utilizando câmara de ar com duas saídas é fiável para espécies com xilema de
porosidade difusa, utilizando câmaras curtas e amostras de ramo que tenha
comprimento superior aos vasos do xilema.
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Contribution des pratiques culturales (irrigation et fertilisation azotée) à la gestion des populations de pucerons en verger fruitier : Cas des systèmes pêcher - puceron vert du pêcher (Prunus persica - Myzus persicae) et pommier - puceron cendré (Malus domestica - Dysaphis plantaginea) / Contribution of cultural practices (irrigation and nitrogen fertilisation) to aphid management in fruit orchard : Study cases peach tree - green peach aphid (Prunus persica - Myzus persicae) and apple tree - rosy apple aphid (Malus domestica - Dysaphis plantaginea)Rousselin, Aurélie 21 December 2016 (has links)
Les pucerons sont des ravageurs importants des principales espèces fruitières en France, pêcher et pommier notamment. Dans le but de réduire l’usage des produits phytosanitaires, différentes alternatives sont envisagées pour contrôler les pucerons en verger. Nous avons commencé ce travail de thèse par une synthèse des différentes méthodes alternatives de contrôle envisageables et leur positionnement au cours des différentes étapes du cycle biologique du puceron. Puis nous avons étudié les effets de la modulation des caractéristiques de la plante hôte, via les pratiques culturales, sur l’abondance des pucerons. Notre étude se base sur l’hypothèse « Plant Vigor » qui énonce que les insectes phytophages sont plus performants sur les plantes ou les organes de forte vigueur. Par conséquent, sur nos deux dispositifs expérimentaux factoriels nous avons combiné des suivis dynamiques de croissance végétative et d’abondance de pucerons : Prunus persica - Myzus persicae (2 niveaux d’irrigation × 2 niveaux d’apport azoté) et Malus domestica - Dysaphis plantaginea (2 niveaux d’irrigation × 2 génotypes d’arbre). Les facteurs ont été choisis pour leur impact potentiel sur la croissance végétative et la qualité nutritionnelle de la plante hôte. Les expérimentations ont été menées sur de jeunes arbres en pot, ne portant pas de fruit. Au niveau du rameau, l’abondance des pucerons est positivement corrélée à la croissance végétative sur les deux systèmes étudiés. Sur pêcher, la relation disponibilité en azote et abondance de pucerons semble être médiée par le fort impact de l’azote sur la croissance végétative. L’effet négatif de la restriction hydrique sur l’abondance de pucerons ne semble pas lié à un impact sur la croissance végétative. Aussi sur le second système étudié : pommier-puceron cendré, nous avons choisi de faire varier les apports en eau et de travailler sur deux génotypes, pour tester la généricité de la réponse observée. A l’échelle du rameau, l’effet de la restriction hydrique sur l’abondance de pucerons est négatif pour un génotype et positif pour l’autre. Par contre à l’échelle de l’arbre, sur les deux génotypes l’abondance de pucerons est corrélée positivement à la croissance végétative et la restriction hydrique impacte négativement l’abondance de pucerons, ce qui suggère que la performance des pucerons est limitée sur les arbres en restriction hydrique par une autre composante que la vigueur de l’arbre. Ce travail de thèse montre que la restriction hydrique et le contrôle de la vigueur via les apports azotés peuvent s’avérer être des leviers pour le contrôle des pucerons en verger fruitier. Cependant les relations mises en évidence sont dépendantes du génotype, ainsi que de l’échelle d’analyse. Il reste à évaluer l’applicabilité de telles mesures sur des arbres en conditions de production, en prenant en compte notamment l’effet des restrictions hydrique et azotée sur la production fruitière. / Aphids are major pests of important fruit trees in France, especially peach and appletrees. In order to reduce chemical use, various alternatives can be implemented for themanagement of aphids in orchards. This thesis starts by a review of the different alternativemanagement methods and their positioning at different aphid life cycle stages. Then our workfocuses on the study of the effects of modulation of host plant characteristics, through culturalpractices, on aphid abundance. Our study is based on the Plant Vigor Hypothesis which statesthat phytophagous insects are more performant on vigorous plant or organ. Thus, in theexperimental part we combined dynamic assessment of vegetative growth and aphid abundanceduring two factorial experiments: Prunus persica – Myzus persicae (2 levels of water supply ×2 levels of nitrogen supply) and Malus domestica – Dysaphis plantaginea (2 levels of watersupply × 2 tree genotypes). We chose those factors for their possible impact on vegetativegrowth and nutritional quality of the host plant. We conducted the experiments on young nonbearingpotted trees. At shoot scale, aphid abundance is positively correlated to vegetativegrowth for both studied systems. On peach tree, the positive impact of nitrogen availability onaphid abundance seems to be mediated by the strong positive impact of nitrogen on vegetativegrowth. The negative effect of water restriction on aphid abundance seems to be unrelated toan impact of water availability on vegetative growth. Thus on the second studied system: appletree – rosy apple aphid, we chose to vary water supply and to work on two genotypes to test thegenericity of the observed pattern. At shoot scale, water restriction has a positive effect on aphidabundance on one tree genotype and a negative effect on the other one, whereas at tree scalefor both tree genotypes aphid abundance is positively correlated to vegetative growth and waterrestriction negatively impacts aphid abundance. These results suggest that aphid performanceon water restricted trees is limited by another host plant characteristics than vegetative growth.This thesis shows that water restriction and vigour management through nitrogen fertilizationcan be implemented to manage aphids in fruit orchards. However, the patterns evidenced aredependent on tree genotype and on the scale of analysis. The applicability of these alternativemethods remains to be assessed in producing orchards, taking into account the effects of waterand nitrogen restrictions on fruit production.
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Određivanje sadržaja patulina u proizvodima od jabuka i procena izloženosti stanovništva patulinu / Determination of patulin in apple products and population exposure assessmentDimitrov Nina 13 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Sprovedena studija po prvi put izveštava o prisustvu patulina, sekundarnog metabolita određenih vrsta plesni, u proizvodima od jabuka, kao i proceni rizika usled unosa patulina od strane odojčadi, dece, adolescenata i odrasle populacije u Republici Srbiji. Ukupno 356 uzoraka sokova i kašica za odojčad i malu decu (48 i 66, redom), sokova za decu (mala pakovanja sa cevčicom, 100) i sokova u porodičnom pakovanju (142), sakupljeno je sa tržišta tokom tri godine i analizirano primenom tečne hromatografije sa ultraljubičastom detekcijom, metodom koja je predhodno validirana. Prisustvo patulina je detektovano u 44% i 17% uzoraka sokova i kašica za odojčad i malu decu, redom, u količinama nižim od zakonskog ograničenja od 10 μg/kg (maksimalno 8,3 i 7,7 μg/kg, redom). Udeo kontaminiranih uzoraka među sokovima za decu iznosio je 43%, sa najvišom koncentracijom patulina od 30,2 μg/kg ispod maksimalno dozvoljenog nivoa od 50 μg/kg. Patulin je detektovan u 51% sokova u porodičnom pakovanju, sa 0,7% uzoraka iznad zakonske granice od 50 μg/kg (prosečna koncentracija 4,3 μg/kg). Sokovi od jabuka su pokazali značajno viši udeo kontaminiranih uzoraka (74% u odnosu na 28%), kao i viši prosečni sadržaj patulina (6,4 u odnosu na 2,1 μg/kg) u poređenju sa sokovima od mešanog voća. Procena rizika usled unosa patulina od strane odojčadi, dece, adolescenata i odrasle populacije u Republici Srbiji, sprovedena primenom determinističkog i probabilističkog pristupa, uključujući rezultate biodostupnosti patulina, pokazala je da je odnos između procenjenog dnevnog unosa i toksikološke referentne doze za patulin od 0,4 μg/kg telesne mase, koji se označava kao “hazard quotient”, znatno ispod 1, što ukazuje na tolerantan nivo izloženosti i nepostojanje razloga za zabrinutost za zdravlje populacije. Dodatno, analiza ostataka pesticida i toksičnih metala potvrdila je bezbednost proizvoda od jabuka na tržištu. Međutim, identifikacija višestrukih ostataka pesticida je razlog za aktivan pristup i pažljivo planiranje i sprovođenje monitoringa bezbednosti hrane, posebno hrane za odojčad i malu decu, kao najosetljivije populacione grupe.</p> / <p>This study reports for the first time the occurrence of patulin, a secondary metabolite of certain fungi, in apple-based food, as well as risk assessment related to patulin intake by infants, children, adolescents and adults in Serbia. In total, 356 samples of infant fruit juices (48), infant purée (66), juices for children (small package with straw, 100), and juices in family package (142) were collected from the market over three years (2013–15) and analysed using validated method based on liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. Patulin was found in 44% of infant juices and 17% of infant purée, with all values below the legal limit of 10 μg/kg (maximum 8.3 and 7.7 μg/kg, respectively). The proportion of contaminated samples among fruit juices for children was 43%, with the highest patulin concentration at 30.2 μg/kg, not exceeding the maximum allowed level of 50 μg/kg. Patulin was found in 51% of juices in family package, with 0.7% of the samples in excess of the legal limit of 50 μg/kg (mean 4.3 μg/kg). Apple juices showed significantly higher percentage of contaminated samples (74% versus 28%), as well as higher mean patulin content (6.4 versus 2.1 μg/kg) when compared with the multifruit ones. Risk assessment of patulin intake by Serbian infants, children, adolescents and adults, conducted by deterministic and probabilistic approaches and including the bioaccessibility results, revealed a ratio between exposure and toxicological reference dose for patulin of 0,4 μg/kg body weigth, called hazard quotients, well below 1, indicating a tolerable exposure level and no health concern. Furthermore, analysis of pesticide residues and toxic metals confirmed safety of apple products on the market. However, identification of multiple pesticide residues is a reason for an active attitude and carefully planned and conducted monitoring of food safety, expecialy in the case of food for infants and young children, as they are the most susceptible population group.</p>
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Paramètres hydriques chez différentes espèces angiospermes ligneuses de climat tempéré lors des phases de dormance et de croissanceSimões, Fabiano 29 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La connaissance des processus physiologiques, soit dans la phase de repos, soit pendant le développement végétatif, est important dans l'adaptation des angiospermes ligneuses tempérées, plutôt sur la question de la gestion de l'eau par la plante. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient d'évaluer la teneur de l'eau et le métabolisme des hydrates de carbone pendant l'état d'avancement de la dormance chez les poiriers, d'évaluer les stratégies d'utilisation de l'eau chez deux espèces ligneuses (pommier et noyer), qui ont été soumis à trois niveaux de déficit hydrique, et finalement, d'évaluer la fiabilité de la technique d'injection d'air pour provoquer la cavitation dans trois espèces d'angiospermes ligneuses. Lors de la première expérience, menée pendant l'automne et l'hiver 2008 au Brésil, nous avons utilisé les cultivars de poiriers et de 'Packham Triumph' et 'Housui'. La deuxième expérience a été développée en France au cours de l'été 2009, avec des pommiers et des noyers sous stress hydrique. La troisième expérience a été réalisée en France en 2009 avec trois espèces d'angiospermes ligneuses avec différentes longueurs de vaisseaux du xylème, Betula pendula, Prunus persica et Quercus robur. D'après les résultats, on a pu conclure que la teneur de l'eau dans les tissus peut être un marqueur de la progression de dormance de la 'Packham Triumph'. Cependant, les données ne sont pas concluantes pour la 'Housui'. La fermeture des stomates peut être un paramètre important dans la prévention de la cavitation du xylème chez les noyers et pommiers soumis à un déficit hydrique du sol. Lors du régime de sécheresses sévères, le pommier conserve les stomates partiellement ouverts, ce qui indique une plus grande tolérance de cette espèce à la sécheresse par rapport au noyer. Enfin, la technique d'utilisation de l'injection d'air avec des caméras d'air à deux sorties est fiable pour les espèces dont le xylème a une porosité diffuse, dès qu'on utilise des caméras courtes et des échantillons de branches qui ont une longueur plus grande que les vaisseaux du xylème.
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Fidei bonae nomen et societas vitae : contribution à l’étude des actions de bonne foi / Fidei bonae nomen and societas vitae : the actions of good faith in roman lawNaumowicz, Pascal 19 March 2011 (has links)
En s’interrogeant sur une sentence de Quintus Mucius rapportée par Cicéron(Off. 3.70), cette étude entend montrer qu’au-delà de leur diversité et des évolutions qu’elles ont subies, les actions de bonne foi (iudicia bonae fidei)ont été depuis l’époque républicaine invariablement considérées par la jurisprudence romaine comme des actions fondées sur le ius civile, et non sur le pouvoir de juridiction du préteur, malgré le défaut de prévision législative qui les caractérise ; qu’elles furent initialement, pour l’essentiel d’entre elles,secrétées par le droit propre des citoyens romains, dans le cadre de rapports marqués par une certaine intimité de vie (societas vitae), et non du fait d’exigences liées au commerce avec les pérégrins. Corrélativement, la mention de la bonne foi dans leur formule (clause ex fide bona), loin de représenter le fondement d’un devoir moral ou de l’obligation juridique qu’elles protègent,représente un standard de jugement destiné à amplifier les pouvoirs du juge pour la résolution de ces contentieux rendus délicats par les liens d’affinité sociale fréquents entre les parties au litige. De la vient l’étonnante modernité procédurale de ces formules rédigées de manière diplomatique et euphémique. Ainsi l’opposition romaine entre « droit strict » et bonne foi concerne non pas le fondement de l’action, mais les particularités de l’instance et les pouvoirs du juge. / Actions of good faith (iudicia bonae fidei) have for long been suspected of being initially praetorian actions, which were probably for most of them created by the peregrine praetorship to enforce contracts passed by the strangers (peregrine), so that their material source is good faith (fides bona),expressed in their formula by the clause “ex fide bona”. Our research is an attempt to prove that :a) these actions were already considered as civilian actions in the later Republic, despite the lack of a statutory ground b)their initial scope was to protect typically Roman relationships; c)Thus, the clausulaex fide bona was a simple standard that enlarged the power of the judge and overlapped some of the strict rules of Roman civil procedure, as well as it took place in an euphemistic and diplomatic way of writing formulas, in order to respect the social affinity (societas vitae) between the parties.
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Stanovení sazeb pojistného v neživotním pojištění / Pricing in non-life insuranceOndrušková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the premium of motor third party liability insurance. Thesis explores both direct approach to premium cal- culation and calculation using separately calculated claims frequency and claims severity. Emphasis is put on the use of generalized linear models whose theory is also present. Described approaches to calculation are applied on real world data, compared with each other and then final model for premium calculation is selec- ted. Premium is determined with the inclusion of IBNR reserves and expenses. Keywords: generalized linear model, claims frequency, claims severity, net pre- mium, gross premium, motor third party liability insurance, bonus-malus. 1
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Manipulations des végétaux par les organismes endophytes : mécanismes physiologiques, signalisation et conséquences nutritionnelles chez un insecte mineur de feuilles / Plant manipulation by endophagous organisms : physiological mechanisms, signaling, and nutritional consequences in a leaf-miner insectBody, Mélanie 11 December 2013 (has links)
Les insectes endophytophages, tels que les insectes foreurs de tiges, les galligènes et les mineurs de feuilles, vivent et se nourrissent à l’intérieur des végétaux. L'hypothèse de l'alimentation sélective stipule que ces organismes endophytes possèdent un avantage adaptatif par rapport aux ectophages en accédant aux tissus les plus nutritifs tout en évitant les principaux composés défensifs de la plante. Ce comportement d’alimentation sélective peut être également renforcé par une manipulation de la physiologie de la plante comme cela a été démontré chez les insectes galligènes mais également suggéré chez certains insectes mineurs. Ces derniers sont en effet capables d’induire un phénotype « îles vertes » qui se manifestent par la persistance de la photosynthèse au niveau de la zone minée à l'automne alors que le reste de la feuille entre en sénescence et jaunit. L’objectif de notre étude a été d’étudier, en conditions de terrain, les capacités de manipulation du végétal dans le système Malus domestica / Phyllonorycter blancardella. Cet insecte hautement spécialisé complète l’ensemble de son développement dans une zone restreinte d’une seule feuille. / Endophytophagous insects, such as stem-boring, gall-forming and leaf-mining insects, live within plant tissues and feed internally. The selective feeding hypothesis states that this life-style presumably provides adaptive advantages for the insect over other external-feeding modes by allowing access to most nutritional tissues while avoiding main plant defensive compounds. This selective feeding behavior can be reinforced by manipulating the plant physiology which has been clearly demonstrated in gallers but also suggested in leaf-miner insects due to the autumnal formation of “green islands” around mining caterpillars in yellow leaves. This study aimed to investigate, under field conditions, the ability of insects to manipulate their host-plant in the Malus domestica / Phyllonorycter blancardella biological system. This insect is highly specialized and entirely develops within a restricted area of a single leaf. We first characterized the plant-insect interface by describing larval mouthparts and leaf anatomy alterations resulting from the insect feeding activity.
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Arquitetura da macieira em regimes térmicos hibernais contrastantes - tipologia da ramificação primaveril e sua relação com o estado hídrico de gemas durante o inverno / Apple shoot architecture in response to cold and mild winter temperatures: spring branching typology and relation with winter bud water status.Schmitz, Juliano Dutra 03 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-03 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / A macieira (Malus X domestica Borkh.) apresenta anomalias fisiológicas quando cultivada em
regiões de inverno ameno, onde o frio hibernal é insuficiente para superação da dormência.
Assim, na presente tese foram estudados três temas de pesquisa. No tema 1 estudou-se a
distribuição e fenologia da brotação e crescimento inicial da ramificação primaveril; No tema 2
estudou-se a brotação primaveril através da determinação do status hídrico de gemas laterais e
da condutância hidráulica do xilema. O tema 3 realizou-se a análise do comportamento da
brotação primaveril de uma cultivar de baixo exigência em frio cultivada em inverno ameno. Para
isso, foram montados dois dispositivos experimentais: Experimento 1: realizado em
Montpellier/França, onde foram estudadas quatro cultivares de macieira, com diferentes
requerimentos em frio (‘Condessa’, ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Royal Gala’ e ‘Starkrimson’), submetidas a
dois regimes térmicos (inverno frio, condições naturais de Montpellier; e inverno ameno,
temperatura controlada em casa-de-vegetação). Experimento 2: realizado com a cultivar de baixo
requerimento em frio ‘Eva’ sob regime térmico hibernal ameno (condição natural de Capão do
leão/Brasil). A partir do experimento 1, dois artigos foram redigidos . Conclui-se a partir dos
resultados obtidos (artigos 1 e 2) que as temperaturas hibernais têm o principal efeito na
distribuição da ramificação ao longo do eixo principal e no tempo para brotação; a presença de
folha das plantas submetidas ao regime térmico de inverno ameno não afeta a distribu ição de
ramos prolépticos vegetativos; a cultivar exerce efeito no crescimento da ramificação. Com
relação ao status hídrico, conclui-se que durante o inverno (período de dormência) as gemas
laterais permanecem hidraulicamente isoladas do eixo principal; assim como o potencial de
brotação está relacionado a um efeito ramo inteiro (todo eixo principal) do que ao potencial
individual de cada gema lateral. Através do experimento 2, um artigo foi elaborado, tendo por
objetivo testar a hipótese que a posição em que a gema lateral está localizada sobre o eixo
principal têm efeito na brotação primaveril, no conteúdo de água e tamanho das mesmas. Pode-se
concluir deste estudo que uma semana antes a brotação, as gemas localizadas na zona distal
possuem maior potencial de crescimento (maior frequência de brotação e menor tempo médio
para brotação), além de apresentarem maior umidade ponderal e tamanho. / The apple tree (Malus X domestica Borkh.) presents morphological and physiological anomalies
when grown in mild winter climates with insufficient winter chilling to overcome winter dormancy.
Symptoms are typically delayed and erratic budburst, entailing desynchronized flowering and fruitset and poor agronomic performances. This thesis aimed at gaining more insights on the following
issues. Firstly, what are the effects of winter temperatures on axillary burdburst and bud outgrowth,
and what are the respective effects of winter temperatures and cultivar?, and secondly, is there a
link between the temperature-dependent budburst and bud water status? Works were done in
France and Brazil. In France, experiments were carried out in controlled conditions on four apple
cultivars characterized by either high chilling (‘Granny Smith’, ‘Royal Gala’, ‘Starkrimson’) or low
chilling (‘Condessa’) requirements and were submitted to outdoor-cold and greenhouse-mild winter
temperatures. We showed that the actual shoot architecture and budburst resulted from an ordered
sequence of events with a pivotal role of winter temperatures on the dormancy completion of
individual lateral buds. Endogenous factors related to the cultivar branching pattern overtook the
temperature effect on the lateral bud outgrowth. Furthermore, the delayed senescence and
subsequent leaf persistence during winter, characterizing the apple tree in the mild winter
temperature conditions, had only a weak effect on the topological distribution of budburst and
lateral outgrowth. The analyses of bud water status were done on distal buds only, characterized
by high budburst frequency in cold winter conditions. We showed that, from endodormancy to the
pre-budburst stage, xylem conductance at the stem-to-bud junction did not show consistent
changes across cultivars and winter temperature treatments. Bud water potential had negative
values, between -4.35 and -2.24 MPa, depending on cultivars and winter temperature treatments.
Moreover, whatever the cultivar, there were no significant trends across dates for the effects of
winter temperatures on bud water potential and relative water content without a consistent
relationship with actual spring budburst frequency. These results suggested that lateral buds were
hydraulically isolated from the parent stem during winter until a few days before budburst. The
other set of experiments was carried out in Brazil, under mild winter conditions, on the low chilling
apple cultivar ‘Eva’. The objectives were to gain more insights on the effect of the position of the
over-wintering lateral bud along the whole-parent shoot on bud size and water content. Results
highlighted that distal buds were larger and had a higher water content than proximal buds with a
strong increase of water content a week before spring budburst. It was concluded that the
acrotonic pattern of budburst was mainly established during ecodormancy. As a whole, we showed
that spring budburst seemed more related to a whole-shoot effect than to the water status of the
individual bud during winter dormancy. Our study substantiated the importance of the whole shoot
as an integrated morphological and physiological unit in driving budburst and further growth.
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