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Förklarar 4-faktormodellen den svenska börsens avkastning bättre jämfört mot tidigare modeller? : En analys av marknaden under 8 år / Does the 4-factor model explain the Swedish stock market's return better compared to previous models? : An analysis of the market over 8 yearsJahnsson, Sebastian, Jern, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Does the 4-factor model have a higher degree of explanation than CAPM and the 3-factor model on the Swedish stock market? The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the 4-factor model's ability to explain the systematic risk on the Swedish stock market is better than CAPM and the 3-factor model. Furthermore, we want to investigate whether it is possible to create portfolios based on the 4-factor model that generates excess returns. In addition, we will also compare our results with the results of previous international studies to see what results we get in the Swedish market.
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Revisionsanmärkningars påverkan på aktiekursen : En kvantitativ studie om förändringar i aktiekursen på svenska noterade bolagGöthe, Jesper, Magnusson, Louise January 2022 (has links)
According to the efficient market hypothesis the stock price for a company should be evoked immediately when new and unpredicted information about the company’s value is published. A publishing of a qualified audit opinion that disclose previously unknown negative aspects of a limited liability company, should thus result in a negative impact on its share price. Previous studies in the field, on the other hand, show conflicting results. In some cases, a negative impact has been found, in other cases a positive impact has been found while in some cases no impact could be observed. The study's selection framework consists of 223 Swedish listed limited companies which have received a qualified audit opinion during the fiscal years 2011-2018. A stratified random sample was made where 142 companies were examined. This study aims to examine what relationship can be found between an audit opinion and abnormal returns for the company's share. Abnormal returns indicate the difference between expected returns and observed returns. The study is performed according to an event study with event windows of three different extents, from 1 day up to 21 days. The abnormal return on the shares has been studied according to the Market model. The results of the study are in line with previous research and show conflicting results. Over event windows of 21 days and 3 days, the majority shows a positive abnormal return and in contrast, the majority shows a negative abnormal return in terms of the event day only. It can be stated that investors on the Stockholm Stock Exchange react negatively only to going concern opinions. The results may further indicate that the Swedish market is efficient where reactions to new information in auditor opinions are immediate, rather than over time. The results may also indicate that investors are not the primary stakeholders to which the auditing profession should be adapted to in Sweden.
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Does ESG pay off? : A quantitative study of how ESG-scores affect Swedish Large-cap Firms Performance and Stock returnsEsmail, Nebil, Mattsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Previous scholars have viewed expenditures on ESG (environmental, social, governance) in two distinct ways. In one way, it has been viewed as wasteful if it does not directly contribute to the business. The other perspective being that by addressing ESG-issues, one can improve businesses by improving society. In recent times, ESG has become an increasingly common topic due to the increased awareness and debates regarding the environment and sustainability. The increased attention toward ESG issues has resulted in increased ESG reporting by firms. As a result, shareholders and stakeholders can address more of their concerns by knowing how ESG-friendly a firm is. With the increased attention given to ESG in recent years, its actual effects on a firm becomes increasingly interesting. The relationship between ESG and firm performance and the relationship between ESG and stock return has been studied by several researchers over the years. The different studies have come to different conclusions regarding these relationships and the relationships are still inconsistent. In this paper, the relationship between ESG-scores and firm performance, as well as ESG-scores and stock returns in Swedish large-cap firms is examined. This study aims to investigate the relationship between ESG-scores and firm performance and the relationship between ESG-scores and stock returns. Furthermore, the study measures firm performance by measuring total asset turnover, net profit margin, and operating profit margin. Stock returns are measured with the use of historical yearly stock returns. The relationships are investigated with regression analysis. This study has a quantitative approach, where secondary data between the years 2016-2020 has been extracted from the database Refinitiv Eikon. The study finds that the relationship between ESG-scores and total asset turnover is negative, meaning that increased ESG-scores result in less efficient use of assets. The relationship between ESG-score and net profit margin is insignificant, and no conclusion can be drawn from that relationship. The relationship between ESG-scores and operating profit margin is positive, meaning that customers are willing to pay more for a firm's sustainable practices. The relationship between ESG-scores and stock returns is insignificantly negative; thus, we cannot draw any conclusions regarding the relationship, but it could indicate that ESG-scores are accounted for in the stock price.
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The Moat of Finance : Does Complexity Reward the Private Investor?Svanberg, Johan, Max, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This paper evaluates the ability of single and multi-ratio investment strategies, such as P/E, P/B, Magic Formula and Piotroski F-score, to generate excess returns and positive alpha values on the Stockholm Stock Market. Performances of the strategies tested are compared to the Stockholm Stock Market as a whole, also known as the index “OMXSPI”. In this paper, three single-ratio strategies are investigated along with three multi-ratio strategies, chosen on the basis of popularity among private investors, according to our observations. We also compare these strategies’ returns to the returns of the ten best performing funds, over the last ten years, found on SEB’s and Handelsbanken’s fund lists. We find that both multi and single-ratio strategies generated alpha values and that single-ratio strategies performed well, relative to multi-ratio strategies, considering their simplicity. The current portfolio composition from screening stocks based on low P/E, P/B and high dividend yield alone are also associated with less risk, expressed in volatility, than portfolios that would be composed based on the multi-ratio methods. We even find that one of the more complex strategies, Graham Screener, underperformed single-ratio strategies, when comparing yearly alpha values over 15 and 17 years, respectively. The funds’ alpha values are also very poor compared to both single and multi-ratio strategies considering the managers’ likely investment experience and complex investment systems. In sum, our empirical data suggests that excess returns were indeed attainable during the investigated time-periods by following a rule-based investing philosophy in conjunction with single or multi-ratio strategies, and unless the investor has sublime experience and knowledge, he or she is probably better off using this type of investing rather than making investment decisions in a discretionary manner.We also conclude that the Stockholm Stock Market probably suffered from lower market efficiency, from the perspective of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, and lower screening abilities and tools, such as Börsdata, among investors in the beginning of the testing periods, which could be one reason as to why these ratio strategies worked as well as they did. However, the results are still interesting because complexity does not seem to imply value (extra alpha generation) of significant magnitude, if at all. What does seem to imply value, are the minimization of human interactions with investment models and emotional stability.
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Systematic Liquidity Risk and Stock Price Reaction to Large One-Day Price Changes: Evidence from London Stock Exchange.Alrabadi, Dima W.H. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates systematic liquidity risk and short-term stock price reaction to large one-day price changes. We study 642 constituents of the FTSALL share index over the period from 1st July 1992 to 29th June 2007. We show that the US evidence of a priced systematic liquidity risk of Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) and Liu (2006) is not country-specific. Particularly, systematic liquidity risk is priced in the London Stock Exchange when Amihud's (2002) illiquidity ratio is used as a liquidity proxy. Given the importance of systematic liquidity risk in the asset pricing literature, we are interested in testing whether the different levels of systematic liquidity risk across stocks can explain the anomaly following large one-day price changes. Specifically, we expect that the stocks with high sensitivity to the fluctuations in aggregate market liquidity to be more affected by price shocks. We find that most liquid stocks react efficiently to price shocks, while the reactions of the least liquid stocks support the uncertain information hypothesis. However, we show that time-varying risk is more important than systematic liquidity risk in explaining the price reaction of stocks in different liquidity portfolios. Indeed, the time varying risk explains nearly all of the documented overreaction and underreaction following large one-day price changes. Our evidence suggests that the observed anomalies following large one-day price shocks are caused by the pricing errors arising from the use of static asset pricing models. In particular, the conditional asset pricing model of Harris et al. (2007), which allow both risk and return to vary systematically over time, explain most of the observed anomalies. This evidence supports the Brown et al. (1988) findings that both risk and return increase in a systematic fashion following price shocks. / Yarmouk University, Jordan.
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Orsakar kreditbetygshändelser onormal avkastning? : En kvantitativ studie om Moody's kreditbetyg av bolag på OMXS Large och Mid CapAxelsson, Emelie, Sundquist, Max-Gordon January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett osäkert världsläge har lett till högre räntenivåer och många svenska företag hotas med sänkta kreditbetyg. Tidigare forskning har kunnat påvisa att företags aktiekurser påverkas signifikant av kreditbetygsförändringar. Den svenska aktiemarknaden har inte studerats i någon större utsträckning, varpå det finns ett behov av den aktuella studien. Syfte: Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka om kreditbetygshändelser publicerade av Moody's leder till en onormal aktiekursutveckling. Studien ämnar sekundärt att belysa hur de undersökta händelserna förhåller sig till en större population av svenska börsbolag som erhållit en offentlig kreditbetygshändelse. Teori: Studiens frågeställningar och hypoteser grundas i den effektiva marknadshypotesen som formulerats av Fama (1970:1991). Metod: Den genomförda studien är en totalundersökning av kreditbetygshändelser som publicerats av Moody's mellan 10/4 2005 - 10/4 2023, och som berör bolag noterade på OMXS Large och Mid Cap. En eventstudie genomfördes där onormal avkastning beräknades utifrån market model. Onormal avkastning ses som differensen mellan den förväntade och den observerade avkastningen under eventfönstret. Därtill gjordes statistiska prövningar för att testa totalundersökningens generaliserbarhet. Resultat: Totalundersökningen berör 116 observationer fördelat på 22 bolag. Uppgraderat och nedgraderat kreditbetyg genererade en negativ onormal avkastning där resultatet för det uppgraderade kreditbetyget skiljer sig från de deducerade hypoteserna. För ett bekräftat kreditbetyg med positiv, negativ och stabil framtidsprognos uppmättes positiv onormal avkastning där den stabila framtidsprognosen hade högst onormal avkastning. Slutsatser: Resultaten av studien visade, likt tidigare forskning, en viss motstridighet. Stabila framtidsprognosers påverkan på aktiekursen är något som inte påtalats inom tidigare forskning, varpå den aktuella studien fyller ett forskningsgap. Den teoretiska slutsatsen är att den svenska aktiemarknaden uppvisat tendenser av den semi-starka formen av marknadseffektivitet under undersökningsperioden. Däremot kan resultatet endast hänföras till den undersökta populationen och kan inte generaliseras till alla svenska börbolag som erhållit en offentlig kreditbetygshändelse. / Background: The uncertain worldwide situation has led to higher interest rates and many Swedish companies are threatened with lowered credit ratings. Previous research shows that companies' stock prices are significantly affected by credit rating changes. The Swedish stock market has not been studied to any great extent, whereby there is need for the current study. Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate whether credit rating actions published by Moody's lead to abnormal returns. The study's secondary purpose is to shed lighet on how the investigated events relate to a larger population of Swedish listed companies that have received a public credit rating action. Theory: The study's research questions and hypotheses are based on the efficient market hypothesis formulated by Fama (1970:1991). Method: The performed studi is a census survey of credit rating actions published by Moody's between 10/4 2005 - 10/4 2023, and which concerned companies listed on the OMXS Large or Mid Cap. An event study was carried out where abnormal returns were calculated based on the market model. Abnormal returns are seen as the difference between expected and observed returns during the event window. In addition, statistical tests were carried out to test the generalizability of the census survey. Results: The census survey concerns a total of 116 observations spread over 22 companies. Upgraded and downgraded credit ratings generated at negative abnormal return where the performance of the upgraded credit ratings differs from the deduced hypotheses. For a confirmed rating with a positive, negative and stable forecast, positive abnormal returns were measured where the stable forecasts had the highest abnormal returns. Conclusions: The results of the study showed, like previous research, a certain contradiction. The impact of stable forecasts on stock prices is something that has not been mentiones in previous research, thus the current study fills this research gap. The theoretical conclusion is that the Swedish stock market showed tendencies of the semi-strong form of market efficiency during the investigated period. However, the results can only be attributed to the investigated population and cannot be generalized to all Swedish listed companies that receive a public credit rating action.
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Innovationer inom bilindustrin och dess värdeskapande : En eventstudie om annonseringen av miljöbilars påverkan på avkastningKull, Anton, Plavsic, Milos January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Utvecklingen inom bilindustrin går mot att allt fler miljöbilar ser dagens ljus. Företag verksamma på en marknad där konkurrensen är hög, som bilindustrin, tvingas till ett innovativt beteende för att inte prestera sämre än sina konkurrenter. Att introducera innovationer på en marknad är förknippat med stor risk och potentiellt höga kostnader, särskilt om innovationen misslyckas. Utifrån detta har följande frågeställning utvecklats: - Finns det ett samband mellan annonsering av miljöbilar och aktieavkastning? För begränsa och konkretisera frågeställningen har följande underfråga formulerats: - Har annonseringar av miljöbilar en direkt (kortsiktig) påverkan på företags abnormala aktieavkastning? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera om det existerar ett samband mellan annonsering av innovationer i bilindustrin och aktieavkastning. Metod: Studien har en deduktiv ansats där hypoteser tagits fram utifrån tidigare forskning och teorier. Studien utgår från en eventstudiemetodik där ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt tillämpats för insamlingen av data. Urvalet består av 20 börsnoterade bilföretag som har annonserat en eller fler miljöbilsmodeller under perioden 1 januari 2017 - 31 december 2021. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat kunde inte påvisa någon signifikant abnormal avkastning i samband med annonsering av en ny miljöbil. Detta styrker den effektiva marknadshypotesens validitet. Resultatet tyder på att annonseringen i sig inte är tillräcklig för att marknaden ska reagera. Investerares värdering tenderar att ändras över tid, vilket ger upphov till vidare forskning om miljöbilars påverkan på företags kassaflöde på lång sikt. / Background and issue: The trend in the automotive industry today is clear, eco-friendly cars are about to replace cars powered by fossil fuels. Companies operating in the very competitive automotive industry are forced to innovate in order to outperform their competitors. At the same time, there is a great risk when introducing innovations, as these can constitute a large cost for companies, especially if the innovation fails. Based on this, the following question has been raised: - Is there a relationship between announcements of eco-friendly cars and stock return? To limit and concretize the question, the following sub-question has been formulated: - Do announcements of eco-friendly cars have a direct (short-term) impact on company's abnormal stock returns? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze if there is a relationship between the announcements of innovations in the automotive industry and stock return. Methodology: This study has a deductive approach where hypotheses, based on previous research and theories, have been developed. The study is based on an event study methodology where a quantitative approach has been applied to accumulate data. The sample consists of 20 car companies listed on the stock exchange, and that announced one or more eco-friendly car models during the period January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2021. Results and conclusion: The results could not establish any significance from the measured abnormal returns in conjunction with the announcement of new eco-friendly cars. This confirms the validity of the efficient market hypothesis. Furthermore, the results can be interpreted as requiring more than just the announcement for a reaction to be visible. Investors valuation tend to change over time, which provides evidence for further research on the effect that eco-friendly cars have on company's cash flow in the long term.
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Överavkastning genom värdeinvestering : Leder värdeinvestering till överavkastning på den svenska marknaden? / Excess return through value investing : Does value investing lead to excess return on the Swedish market?Thompson, Oscar, Larsson, Jakob January 2024 (has links)
Value investing as a strategy has a well-established history and has undergone extensive testing and studies within financial economics. Through the use of the strategy, studies and investors have demonstrated a positive return, where in many cases it has managed to generate excess returns compared to the market. The problem arises from the fact that the strategy should not be able to consistently generate excess returns compared to the market as it is not supported by the efficient market hypothesis (EMH). The purpose of the study is to investigate whether value investing as a strategy succeeds in generating excess returns on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The method is based on a screening process, followed by a ranking system inspired by Joel Greenblatt’s value investment strategy "The Magic Formula". The method aims to systematically identify undervalued stocks based on the combination of two key ratios. Based on the applied method, two fictional portfolios were created with 15 stocks in each, based on value investing as a strategy. Historical data between 2013-2023 was collected to create the portfolios, with restructuring taking place each year based on set criteria. During this period, one of the portfolios showed a total return of 284.49%, which was an excess return compared to all benchmark indices in the study. The observed excess return suggests market inefficiency, where there may be opportunities for investors to identify and take advantage of undervalued stocks in the market. However, this excess return was not statistically significant when adjusted for risk, which in turn supports the EMH. Despite the strategy's success in generating excess returns compared to the market, it is therefore difficult to determine the level of efficiency at which the Swedish market has operated during the investigated period.
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THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL REPORTS ON STOCK PRICES IN OMXS30 : A quantitative study on the connection between quarterly reports and stock prices among the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. / FINANSIELLA RAPPORTERS PÅVERKAN PÅ AKTIEKURSER I OMXS30 : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan kvartalsrapporter och aktiekurser hos de 30 mest omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen.Alsuhaily, Rawan, Conejeros Cabrera, Rickard January 2024 (has links)
Research questions: Do surprising disclosures of earnings per share determine price reactions in the corresponding direction as the aspect of the surprise?Is the effect of quarterly reports detectable in the stock price immediately following the date of information disclosure? Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the connection between stock prices and quarterly reports among the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Method: The study was conducted with a deductive approach based on previous research and theories to answer the research questions. Stock data from the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange was collected and compared with quarterly reports from the corresponding companies. Conclusion: The research findings confirm corresponding direction between stock price reactions and the aspect of earnings per share surprise. A connection between quarterly reports and stock price was discovered immediately following the date of information disclosure. However, the evidence was unable to be proven statistically and could therefore not be generalized. / Forskningsfrågor: Leder oförväntad EPS (vinst per aktie) till avvikelser i aktiekursen i motsvarande riktning?Är effekten av kvartalsrapporter möjlig att upptäcka i aktiepriset omedelbart efter offentliggörandet av rapporten? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera sambandet mellan aktiepriser och kvartalsrapporter hos börsnoterade företag vars aktier tillhör de 30 mest omsatta på Stockholmsbörsen. Metod: Studien grundas på ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt som baseras på tidigare forskning och teorier i syfte att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Aktiedata från de 30 mest omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen insamlades och jämfördes med kvartalsrapporter för dem motsvarande företagen. Slutsats: Studien bevisar att oförväntad EPS leder till avvikelser i aktiekursen i motsvarande riktning. Ett samband mellan kvartalsrapporter och aktiepriser upptäcktes omedelbart efter offentliggörandet av rapporten som dock var ej statistiskt signifikant och därmed inte generaliserbar.
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Exective Exodus : An Empirical Exploration of CEO Resignations and Stock Price Dynamics in Nordic Large Cap CompaniesVanneback, Agust, Kaing, Max January 2024 (has links)
There has always been competition among hedge funds, mutual funds, and other types of investors to perform better than index, meaning, creating alpha. How can you create alpha? Are there any patterns to follow? Any trends? There are many questions one may ask in order to find patterns that are creating. The purpose of this study is to see how CEO departures affect equity value in the short- medium- and long term and its comparison to indices. This study has collected data from a majority of publicly traded Nordiccompanies with a market capitalisation of over 10 billion Swedish crowns. The collected data has been collected within the last 20 years (2003-2023) with market-adjusted return, market capitalisation, volume, and CEO tenure being the prominent variables analysed.As CEOs have the operative responsibility of a company, they thereby are at the top of the company and effectively guide the company towards its goals. The changes in CEOs could thereby be of interest to investors as there is potential for larger structural changes when a new CEO is appointed. Applying this to its equity value, there is potential formispricing. Using mainly Fama’s and Malkiel’s research on the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) and Random Walk as the theoretical framework there are different ways in which equity price could move. EMH states that all markets are efficient by the equity representing all available information. Random Walk instead states that equity price moves randomly and cannot be predicted in accordance with historical movements. The empirical results showed that there were no statistically significant findings in our employed regression analysis. However, on average, the descriptive statistics show thatthe market-adjusted return for a company with a CEO departure is negative compared to its comparable index. The intraday MAR highly deviate from 1 day until 1 quarter and thereafter the deviation becomes less. The conclusion could be drawn that EMH might be contradicted in the short term but holds long term. It is also difficult to deny the theory of random walks in equities.
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