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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Títulos e valores mobiliários: um estudo da contabilização a valor de mercado pelas instituições financeiras no Brasil / Debt and equity securities: a study of the market value accounting to the financial institutions in Brazil

Fuji, Alceu Haruo 08 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALCEU HARUO FUJI.pdf: 874606 bytes, checksum: 784890748cf255b787580fbb8e469b8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-08 / The market value evaluation is a type of measurement in which the assets are reported, in the financial statements, by its disposing value in the market, although the selling of the assets may occur only in the future. In 2001, Banco Central do Brasil released the Circular 3.068, stating that debt and equity securities must be classified in one of the following categories: trading, available for sale and held to maturity. The securities for trading and available for sale must be evaluated and reported by its market value and the held to maturity must be reported by its historical cost. This statement diverges from what is established in Lei das Sociedades Anônimas, but it is in line with the international accounting rules. The purpose of this work is to study the accounting methods of securities adopted in Brazil, especially those rules stated to financial institutions, in comparison with the statement of FASB and IASB; analyze, through empirical research, if the market value accounting had some impact in the financial institutions return on securities and analyze the relationship between the macroeconomic variables and the return on securities. The comparison of the accounting methods of securities adopted in Brazil (Circular 3.068/01) with the statements of FASB (SFAS 115) and IASB (IAS 39) showed that, in general, the rules are in harmony, although some minor differences have been identified. The analysis of the return on securities indicated that there is a tendency of increase in the profitability, after the implementation of the market value accounting. However, the analysis of the relationship between the macroeconomic variables, specifically the dollar and the return on securities showed that there is a statistically significant relation between these variables. So, it is more likely that the tendency of increase in the return on securities is due to the changes occurred in the macroeconomic variable dollar / A avaliação a valor de mercado é um tipo de mensuração em que os ativos são reportados, nas demonstrações contábeis, pelo seu valor de venda no mercado, embora a venda do ativo possa ocorrer somente no futuro. Em 2001, o Banco Central do Brasil emitiu a Circular 3.068, determinando que os títulos e valores mobiliários fossem classificados numa das seguintes categorias: negociação, disponíveis para venda e mantidos até o vencimento. Os títulos para negociação e os disponíveis para venda devem ser avaliados e registrados pelo seu valor de mercado e os mantidos até o vencimento devem ser registrados pelo seu custo histórico. Essa norma diverge do estabelecido pela Lei das Sociedades Anônimas, mas está em harmonia com os padrões contábeis internacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a forma de contabilização de títulos adotada no Brasil, especialmente as normas definidas para as instituições financeiras, em comparação com as normas do FASB e IASB; analisar, através de pesquisa empírica, se a contabilização a valor de mercado teve algum impacto na rentabilidade dos títulos e valores mobiliários, das instituições financeiras e analisar a relação entre as variáveis macroeconômicas e a rentabilidade dos títulos. A comparação da forma de contabilização de títulos adotada no Brasil (Circular 3.068/01) com os pronunciamentos do FASB (SFAS 115) e IASB (IAS 39) mostrou que, de forma geral, as regras estão em harmonia, embora algumas diferenças pequenas tenham sido identificadas. A análise da rentabilidade dos títulos indicou que existe uma tendência de seu aumento, após a implementação da contabilização a valor de mercado. Porém, a análise do relacionamento entre as variáveis macroeconômicas, especificamente o dólar e a rentabilidade dos títulos, mostrou que existe uma relação estatisticamente relevante entre essas variáveis. Portanto, é mais provável que a tendência de aumento na rentabilidade dos títulos seja devido às mudanças ocorridas na variável macroeconômica dólar.

Ocenenie spolocnosti Zabka Polska, SA / Business valuation of Zabka Polska, SA

Dratva, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is business valuation of Zabka Polska, SA. This company operates retail convenience stores in Poland. The goal of this thesis is to estimate fair market value of the Company as of December 31st 2010. DCF Equity valuation method has been used as the main valuation method. Comparable traded companies and comparable historic transaction analyses methods have been used as complementary valuation methods. Master thesis has similar structure as legal valuation report and is divided into six parts.


Vučurević Slaviša 20 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ истраживања у раду представља утврђивање функционалности бонитета у одређивању тржишних цена акција емитената пољопривредног-прехрамбеног сектора у Србији који су укључени на одређен сегмент тржишта Београдске берзе а.д. Београд. Превасходни циљ истраживања је да се утврди каква је међузависност бонитета и метода фундаменталне и техничке анализе цена акција пољопривредно-прехрамбеног сектора у Републици Србији, да се критички сагледају, утврде слабости и предности и да се на основу тога предложе одговарајућа решења, пре свега у смислу како бонитет утиче на тржишне цене акција. Наведено истраживање треба да представља основу за доношење правилних одлука, приликом инвестирања у акције емитената пољопривредно-прехрамбеног сектора. Полазне основе у истраживању представљају финансијски извештаји и показатељи емитената пољоприведно прехрамбеног сектора.<br />Утицај бонитета на тржишне цене акција емитената пољопривредно прехрамбеног сектора утврђена је применом дескриптивне статистике и логистичке регресије. На основу добијених резултата дескриптивне статистике и логистичке регресије за факторе на нивоу значајности 0,05 и 0,01, установљено је да бонитет нема пресудан утицај у одређивању тржишних цена акција, што указује на то да остварени финансијски показатељи и резултати немају утицај на тржишне цене акција. Наведено указује да велики утицај на тржишне цене акција имају макро фактори економског, политичког и друштвеног окружења. Са друге стране добијени резултати указује да бонитет предузећа може да пружи значајне информације приликом предвиђања пада или стагнације цена акција.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja u radu predstavlja utvrđivanje funkcionalnosti boniteta u određivanju tržišnih cena akcija emitenata poljoprivrednog-prehrambenog sektora u Srbiji koji su uključeni na određen segment tržišta Beogradske berze a.d. Beograd. Prevashodni cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi kakva je međuzavisnost boniteta i metoda fundamentalne i tehničke analize cena akcija poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora u Republici Srbiji, da se kritički sagledaju, utvrde slabosti i prednosti i da se na osnovu toga predlože odgovarajuća rešenja, pre svega u smislu kako bonitet utiče na tržišne cene akcija. Navedeno istraživanje treba da predstavlja osnovu za donošenje pravilnih odluka, prilikom investiranja u akcije emitenata poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora. Polazne osnove u istraživanju predstavljaju finansijski izveštaji i pokazatelji emitenata poljoprivedno prehrambenog sektora.<br />Uticaj boniteta na tržišne cene akcija emitenata poljoprivredno prehrambenog sektora utvrđena je primenom deskriptivne statistike i logističke regresije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata deskriptivne statistike i logističke regresije za faktore na nivou značajnosti 0,05 i 0,01, ustanovljeno je da bonitet nema presudan uticaj u određivanju tržišnih cena akcija, što ukazuje na to da ostvareni finansijski pokazatelji i rezultati nemaju uticaj na tržišne cene akcija. Navedeno ukazuje da veliki uticaj na tržišne cene akcija imaju makro faktori ekonomskog, političkog i društvenog okruženja. Sa druge strane dobijeni rezultati ukazuje da bonitet preduzeća može da pruži značajne informacije prilikom predviđanja pada ili stagnacije cena akcija.</p> / <p>The main objective of the research work is determining the functionality of solvency in determining the market price of shares of the issuers of the agricultural and food sector in Serbia who are involved in a particular segment of the market of the Belgrade Stock Exchange ad Belgrade. The primary goal of the research is to determine what is the interdependence of solvency and methods of fundamental and technical analysis of share prices of agri-food sector in the Republic of Serbia, to critically analyze, identify weaknesses and strengths and that on that basis propose appropriate solutions, especially in terms of how worthiness affects the market price of the shares. The study should be the basis for making the right decisions when investing in shares of issuers agri-food sector. Baseline research are the financial statements of issuers and indicators for agricultural production and food sectors.<br />Influence of solvency on the market price of shares of issuers agri-food sector was assessed by descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Based on the results of descriptive statistics and logistic regression for factors at the significance level of 0.05 and 0.01, it was found that creditworthiness has no influence in determining the market price of shares, indicating that achieved financial indicators and results have uicaj the market price of shares. The above indicates that a large impact on the market price of shares have the macro factors of economic, political and social environment. On the other hand, the results indicate that the creditworthiness of companies may provide important information in predicting the decline or stagnation of share prices.</p>

Stakeholder value in South Africa : an empirical study / P.W. Bosman

Bosman, Pieter Willem January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

The theory of Homo comperiens, the firm’s market price, and the implication for a firm’s profitability

Landström, Joachim January 2007 (has links)
This thesis proposes a theory of inefficient markets that uses limited rational choice as a central trait and I call it the theory of Homo comperiens. The theory limits the alternatives and states that the subjects are aware of and only allow them to have rational preference relations on the limited action set and state set, i.e. limited rationality is introduced. With limited rational choice, I drive a wedge between the market price and the intrinsic value and thus create an arbitrage market. In the theory, the subjects are allowed to gain knowledge about something that they previously were unaware of. As the discovery proceeds, the arbitrage opportunities disappear, and the market prices regress towards the intrinsic values. The theory is applied to firms and market-pricing models for a Homo comperiens environment is a result. The application of the theory to firms also leads to testable propositions that I test on a uniquely comprehensive Swedish accounting database that cover the years 1978—1994. Hypotheses are tested which argues that risk-adjusted residual rates-of-returns exist. The null hypotheses argue that risk-adjusted residual rates-of-returns do not exist (since they assume a no-arbitrage market). The null hypotheses are rejected in favor of their alternatives at a 0.0 percent significance level. The tests use approximately 22,200 observations. I also test hypotheses which argue that risk-adjusted residual rates-of-returns regress to zero with time. The null hypotheses are randomly walking risk-adjusted residual rates-of-returns, which are rejected in favor of the alternative hypotheses. The hypotheses are tested using panel regression models and goodness-of-fit tests. I reject the null hypotheses of random walk at a 0.0 percent significance level. Finally, the results are validated using out-of-sample predictions where my models compete with random-walk predictions. It finds that the absolute prediction errors from my models are between 12 to 24 percent less than the errors from the random walk model. These results are significant at a 0.0 percent significance level.

Stakeholder value in South Africa : an empirical study / P.W. Bosman

Bosman, Pieter Willem January 2007 (has links)
It is acknowledged that the primary objective of any company should be the creation of shareholder-value. However, it is also recognised that there are other stakeholders, with their own financial and/or non-financial objectives, which could impact on a company's overall financial performance. Management should therefore identify stakeholder-groups which could impact on the company and formulate a model in addressing their objectives. This study integrates elements from the theory of shareholder-value, the agency-theory, the theory of property rights and different stakeholder orientation-models to develop the approach of responsible stakeholder-management in the creation of shareholder-value. Stakeholders can be grouped into economic, social and environmental components. The concept of sustainable development has exploded in recent years. Three main elements of sustainable development were identified, namely economic, social and environmental development, referred to as "Triple Bottom Line (TBL)". Several organisations have started focussing on the concept of sustainability by guiding the development of sustainability policies. However, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has become the de facto global standard for reporting on sustainable development. The concept of TBL, and how the three elements of sustainability could contribute to the maximisation of shareholder-value, is discussed. The results of the empirical study, where the financial performance and shareholder-growth of companies listed on the JSE and which adopted and reported on the GRI-guidelines, were compared to a group of companies in the same index grouping of the JSE that had not formally adopted and reported on the guidelines, identified a clear trend that those reporting on their sustainability policies had had a much better growth in five of the six financial measures used than the comparative group. / Thesis (M.Com. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca Breedt

Breedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation. The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework. In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act. However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally. After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline. Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

The development of a new expropriation framework for South Africa / by Bianca Breedt

Breedt, Bianca January 2009 (has links)
The word expropriation is used in South Africa to describe the process whereby a public authority or institution takes property from a private person for public purposes against payment of compensation. The current Act regulating expropriations in South Africa is known as the Expropriation Act 63 of 1975. However, it has three primary inconsistencies with the Constitution. Firstly it predates the Constitution - therefore, it does not infuse the values of equality, human dignity and the achievement of freedom. Secondly it is not consistent with comparable modem statutes elsewhere in the world. The last issue is that this Act is inconsistent with the Constitution in the sense that the Act only provides for expropriation for public purposes and the Constitution provides for expropriation in the public interest as well as for a public purpose. For these reasons it is crucial to establish a new legislative framework. In an attempt to rectify the above difficulties, an expropriation policy and a draft Bill were introduced. The primary purpose of the Bill is to harmonise the considerable amount of legislation in South Africa on the subject of expropriation, and to fill the gaps of the current Act. However, the new proposed Bill was referred back to cabinet as it had various difficulties. According to newspaper commentators, one of these reasons was that market value would not be used when determining the amount of compensation. This is not true, as market value is one of the listed factors in section 25(3) of the Constitution, and it is provided for in the Bill. Another reason was that the role of the courts will also be restricted in the new Bill. Parties will no longer be able to refer disputes concerning the amount of compensation to court. Once again this is not true, the courts role is only restricted in the sense that it would no be able to determine the amount of compensation as provided for in the Constitution, but will only be allowed to approve or decline the amount the Minister determined. This is one of the aspects that may be debatable constitutionally. After an in-depth study of the proposed Bill, the author came to the conclusion that there are actually only three aspects that might be unconstitutional namely; the definition of public interest which is to be included that widens the capacity to expropriate; departure from the notice procedure; and the fact that the courts may no longer determine the amount of compensation, but only approve or decline. Expropriation is one of the most important tools to speed up land reform in South Africa, and it is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the procedure must take place in a fair, equitable and constitutional manner. The purpose of this study will be to identify the aspects which result in expropriations that is not done on this basis, to scrutinize them and to make recommendations to these aspects. / Thesis (LL.M. (Law)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Stakeholder value in South Africa : an empirical study / P.W. Bosman

Bosman, Pieter Willem January 2007 (has links)
It is acknowledged that the primary objective of any company should be the creation of shareholder-value. However, it is also recognised that there are other stakeholders, with their own financial and/or non-financial objectives, which could impact on a company's overall financial performance. Management should therefore identify stakeholder-groups which could impact on the company and formulate a model in addressing their objectives. This study integrates elements from the theory of shareholder-value, the agency-theory, the theory of property rights and different stakeholder orientation-models to develop the approach of responsible stakeholder-management in the creation of shareholder-value. Stakeholders can be grouped into economic, social and environmental components. The concept of sustainable development has exploded in recent years. Three main elements of sustainable development were identified, namely economic, social and environmental development, referred to as "Triple Bottom Line (TBL)". Several organisations have started focussing on the concept of sustainability by guiding the development of sustainability policies. However, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has become the de facto global standard for reporting on sustainable development. The concept of TBL, and how the three elements of sustainability could contribute to the maximisation of shareholder-value, is discussed. The results of the empirical study, where the financial performance and shareholder-growth of companies listed on the JSE and which adopted and reported on the GRI-guidelines, were compared to a group of companies in the same index grouping of the JSE that had not formally adopted and reported on the guidelines, identified a clear trend that those reporting on their sustainability policies had had a much better growth in five of the six financial measures used than the comparative group. / Thesis (M.Com. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Innovation technologique : mesure, valorisation et effets sur les performances financières et opérationnelles des entreprises / Technological Innovation : Measurement, Valuation and Effects on Financial Performances

Rekik, Sabrine 04 December 2015 (has links)
L’innovation technologique est considérée comme un élément clef dans la constitution des économies, dites du savoir, ou de la connaissance. Ce cadre économique stimule une forte croissance des investissements immatériels dans l’objectif de création de valeur et de construction d’un avantage compétitif défendable sur le long terme. Néanmoins, l’innovation est un processus continu qui requiert un horizon de long terme pour transformer l’ensemble des connaissances, et des efforts de Recherche et Développement (R&D) en un produit ayant de la valeur économique. La dimension temporelle de l’innovation technologique renforce son caractère risqué et augmente l’incertitude quant à sa réussite. De même, les problèmes d’asymétrie d’information créés par le processus d’innovation s’accentuent. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la relation entre le capital-connaissances et la performance financière des entreprises, dans un premier temps, pour se pencher ensuite sur la question de la valeur de marché de l’actif intangible. Pour ce faire, nous élaborons une base de données unique, à partir des brevets européens et proposons de nouvelles mesures qualitatives au capital intangible, basées sur les caractéristiques des brevets. Cette thèse mesure empiriquement la valeur économique du capital-connaissances représenté par sa « matière première », à savoir les dépenses R&D et par son « produit fini » à savoir les brevets. Nous construisons, également un indice composite de la qualité de l’innovation afin de mieux représenter la valeur privée de l’immatériel. Enfin, cette thèse s’intéresse à la question d’écart entre valeur comptable et valeur de marché des entreprises en présence d’investissements immatériels. Pour ce faire, elle contient une étude prévisionnelle et causale de la performance opérationnelle par les dépenses R&D et l’indice composite de qualité. Ce dernier est proposé en tant qu’outil non-financier d’analyse et de prévision de performance. / Technological innovation is considered as a key element in the knowledge-based economies, where the share of intangible assets continues to grow significantly. The development of innovation is enhanced mainly in the purpose of value creation and the obtaining of a competitive advantage. Nevertheless, innovating is a long process where the lag between the investments in Research and Development (R&D) activities, considered as its input, and the obtaining of a valuable output, often estimated by the patent application, is large. The long character is emphasized by the uncertainty and the riskiness of the process which are at the root of important problems of information asymmetry between investors and the insiders. This dissertation studies the impact of intangible investments on the financial performance of companies in Europe. Therefore, we use a unique database of European patents and suggest a set of qualitative measures to innovation, based on the patents’ attributes. Moreover, this thesis estimates the market value of intangibles as measured by the R&D expenses, the patent applications but also the qualitative attributes. In this framework, we construct a composite quality index of innovation in order to better estimate its private economic value. The increasing lag between financial and book values in the presence of R&D investments leads us to undertake a causal study of innovation on the financial performance of companies. We suggest our composite index as non-financial metric to predict the future earnings and examine the effect of R&D on the growth and volatility of future operating incomes.

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