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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Who’s the driver and who’s the passenger in the luxury industry? : a study of how internal factors influence a company’s marketing strategy

Gleerup, Caroline, Nordqvist, Linn January 2013 (has links)
Today, it is important for companies to deliver superior customer value in order to be successful on the market. There are two different ways of achieving this advantage; a company can either follow a market driven approach or a market driving approach. The difference between these two approaches is that a market driven company listens to the customers’ demand and create superior customer value of their needs. On the contrary, a market driving company reshapes the market and offer new superior needs to customers that will be seen as a need by them. Furthermore, there is a gap of the influence the internal factors have on the market driven and the market driving approach. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide an insight of how the three internal factors, structure, financial resources and organization culture, influence the two approaches in the luxury industry. A survey was conducted in order to gather data from different companies worldwide. Both explanatory and exploratory research strategies were used when the collected data was analyzed. Explanatory research was used to test the hypothesis and explain the research question. Exploratory research was used to further understand how the internal factors influence a company’s marketing strategy.  The result of this dissertation indicates that the three internal factors were not significantly connected with market driven or market driving approach. However, it can still be argued that the internal factor structure somehow is correlated with the market driven approach. Furthermore, the findings of this dissertation can be interesting for people who seek to investigate in both the concept of market orientation and how the internal factors influence it.

Market Orientation : the effect of TMT shared leadership and perceived contextual discretion

Bruhn, Alina, Hesselroth, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Ever since the 1960s, it has been argued that customer needs have to be a firm's core business purpose. One way for firm to achieve this, is through use of market orientation strategies. Recent research has found that shared leadership could have a positive effect on market orientation, as well as within top management teams. The ability that top management teams have to influence the organization, is further found to be effected by the level of discretion they operate within. This thesis seeks to explain the relationship between shared leadership within top management teams and market orientation, and how this relationship in turn might be contingent on perceived contextual discretion. This is done through a quantitative method, where a survey study is done on the top management teams in Swedish saving banks. The findings of this thesis show that shared leadership is positively related with market orientation, and that this relationship is not contingent on perceived contextual discretion. The variable of perceived contextual discretion was, however, found to have the effect of an independent variable with a strong positive direct effect on market orientation within the financial sector. One limitation of this thesis is that the statements for perceived contextual discretion has been developed only from concepts, and have not been tested in any previous study. This brings with it a risk that these statements did not measure the concept in the most optimal way. The theoretical contributions of this thesis are how perceived contextual discretion is found to have a direct effect on market orientation. This further imply that perceived contextual discretion has an effect on the level of market orientation within a firm.

The creation of Uni-REPM A universal model for assessing requirements engineering process maturity

Nguyen, Thi Thanh Loan January 2010 (has links)
Context. The empirical study of Somerville in 2005 has shown that potential business benefits could be achieved by assessing and improving the Requirement Engineering (RE) process. However, currently there has not been an adequate instrument for practitioners to perform this work. Most known process assessment models such as CMMI and ISO do not pay intensive attention on RE whereas tailored models such as GPG and REPM do not cover the mentioned area extensively. Objectives. This thesis presents a conceptual research of RE process assessment in which the researcher aims to develop a practical model for evaluating the maturity of RE processes in industrial settings. Methods. A major part of this study consists of a systematic review and a literature review to explore all RE ―good practices‖ as a profound basis for the new model. Together with identifying potential activities, the two reviews also highly regarded the feasibility of certain practices and their context to assure the validity of the model. Conclusions. Based on the results of the reviews, Uni-REPM is formulated and introduced. The objective of Uni-REPM is twofold. Firstly, it is expected to be applicable for assessing the maturity of RE processes in various scenarios where an organization would use different development approaches. Secondly, it instructs practitioners with what to perform in RE processes and what they would benefit from such activities. As an assessment instrument, Uni-REPM serves a simple and low cost solution for practitioners to identify the status of their RE process. As a guidance tool, Uni-REPM is believed to lessen the gap between theoretical and practical worlds by transferring the available RE technologies from research to real work.

The News Director's Balance of Business and News: An Oral History Exploration of Salt Lake Television News, 1948 - 2008

Tyler, Andrew Miles 16 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
News directors fill, perhaps, one of the most difficult roles within the drama of the news room. In an environment where objectivity and trust are paramount, and where bias must be kept at an absolute minimum, the news director exists as the arbiter, balancing these journalistic ideals with the necessities for financial survival. This scenario presents a conflict, in which the news director must constantly balance the journalistic obligation to inform the public, with the managerial obligation to generate a profit. In an exploration of this conflict, I interviewed three news directors from KUTV, KSL, and KTVX within the Salt Lake City market, who each face different circumstances, but who each personify the conflict mentioned above. Each of these news directors place the most value on maintaining the quality of their news product, while still remaining conscious of the budget requirements set by corporate ownership. When push comes to shove, however, each news director interviewed for this study was of the opinion that news has to come first, even if it means going over budget. When addressing higher management in these over-budget situations, all three news directors tended to shift their conversation to the long-term perspective, reassuring their managers that costs (as a percentage) would drop over time, and revenues would increase. The sacrifice of news content for the sake of the budget was rare for all three news directors. Competition is seen as a way to better serve the community, long term, through increased revenue. Credibility is the balancing factor, keeping the business interests in check with the journalistic ideals.

Towards a market in broadcasting : a comparative analysis of British and German communications policy

Potschka, Christian January 2010 (has links)
Political structures and the evolution of late capitalism in liberal Western democracies lend a common frame to the development of national media systems. However, whereas media policy from the post-war period to the mid-1980s was largely driven by socio-political concerns and coextensive with policy for public service television, this model has been vehemently challenged. Key factors were the convergence of erstwhile-separated industries and infrastructures, as well as the ambitions of the corporate sector and governments alike, to benefit from the economic opportunities offered by the communications revolution. By assessing the changing relationship between the role of the state, economic structures and technological innovation, this research investigates these processes in the UK and Germany. Both countries have the two key public service systems but also feature striking differences such as the antithetic political systems and democratic processes (majoritarian vs. consensus democracy). The basic assumption suggests that a genuine understanding of contemporary developments is only possible if political/economic as well as historic/sociological perspectives are incorporated into the holistic approach applied. Thereby this study gives consideration to key processes and events which have determined transitions between communications policy paradigms and regulatory regimes. Given the Anglo-Saxon tradition of regulating, key processes and events in the UK are often indicated by the appointment and report of a committee of enquiry. For the purpose of this study the most crucial of these is the Committee on Financing the BBC (1986), which first applied market-driven politics onto British broadcasting, and whose recommendations still serve as a blueprint for current communications policy-making. In Germany the KtK Report (1974) formed the basis for decisive reforms in broadcasting and communications. Apart from that, however, Germany features the characteristic of administering state interventions in as detailed a manner as possible through legislation. Of central importance are, therefore, the rulings of the Federal Constitutional Court, which continuously set decisive parameters for the development of the broadcasting system. The thesis follows two driving themes which have been identified as crucial in terms of the comparative dimension and are elaborated continuously in more detail. First, the focus is on the interdependencies between public and private sector. Second, implications and responses of the central vis-à-vis federal characteristic of state formation are investigated. In doing so, the thesis draws on vast sources of archival documents as well as exclusive material from a series of elite interviews with a purposively-selected sample of very high-level sources, including Chairmen, Director-Generals, ministers, very senior civil servants and so on. The thesis demonstrates how communications policy-making is carried out in both countries and how these processes are determined by national regulatory frameworks which are rooted within the borders of the nation state. As such the research findings have broader implications for commercial and public sector regulation.

Žurnalisto profesinės vertybės: normatyvinis ir praktinis požiūriai / Journalist’s professional values: normative and practical approachess

Mažylytė, Audronė 16 June 2008 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis dažniau kalbama apie neskaidrią žiniasklaidą, jos komercialėjimą, mažėjantį visuomenės pasitikėjimą ja, taip pat pasigirsta pranešimų apie profesinei etikai nusižengusius žurnalistus. Vis garsiau prabylama ir apie iš��ūkius pačiai žurnalisto profesijai, nes dėl technologijų evoliucijos, interneto teikiamų galimybių plečiasi „žurnalisto“ samprata – dabar kone kiekvienas rašantis gali publikuoti savo straipsnius internetinėje erdvėje ir vadintis žurnalistu. Todėl galima teigti, jog žurnalistinį išsilavinimą turintys profesionalai yra ta grandis, kuri gali ir turi išlaikyti, įtvirtinti bei apginti profesinius standartus, profesionaliąją žurnalistiką. Todėl šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti teorinį žurnalistikos mokymo vaidmenį ugdant profesines vertybes ir jų pritaikomumą praktinėje veikloje bei pateikti šiandienos žurnalisto profesinį portretą. Tyrimo objektas – žurnalisto profesinių vertybių ugdymas ir jų taikymas praktikoje. Pirmoji darbo dalis skirta žurnalisto profesinės etikos problematikai bei normatyvinių profesinių vertybių aptarimui. Rinkos sąlygų įtakos objektyvumo, teisingumo, sąžiningumo, tikslumo, atsakingumo, demokratiškumo ir humanizmo principų taikymui praktikoje atskleidžiamos antrajame darbo skyriuje. Pristačius pasirinktą teorinę perspektyvą, trečiojoje darbo dalyje kalbama apie žurnalistų rengimą, keliamus tikslus, ugdomas kompetencijas, etikos bei vertybinius ugdymo elementus. Be to, šioje dalyje, atlikus empirinį tyrimą, aptariami... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It can be noticed recently that more and more often discussions about media transparency problems, its commercialization trends, and the succeeding decrease in public trust arise. One can hear news about journalists who have violated canons of professional ethics. Therefore, not surprisingly more attention is paid to possible challenges the journalist’s profession faces itself, also having in mind that the technological evolution and the possibilities provided by internet broadens the concept of journalist allowing everyone who writes to place his or her article on internet and call himself or herself a journalist. Thus, it can be claimed that professionals who have journalistic education is the very link that can and must retain, strengthen and defend professional standards, as well as professional and qualitative journalism. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the role of the theoretical aspect of the journalistic education in shaping the understanding of professional values and their applicability in practice, and also to present a realistic professional portrayal of today’s journalist. The object of the research is the education of journalist’s professional values and their application in practice. The first part of the paper is devoted to discuss the topic of journalist’s professional ethics and the seven normative professional values. The influence market-driven forces can have on the application of the values of objectivity, fairness, honesty, accuracy... [to full text]


陳瑞中, Chen, Ruey-Jong Unknown Date (has links)
媒體面臨多元化、自由競爭的激烈挑戰,往往在MBA參與經營(林添貴譯,2000)、市場導向的考量下(蘇鑰機,1997;McManus,1994),媒體會以廣告業績、發行量掛帥,而枉顧了新聞媒介的專業意理,以及媒介應有的社會責任,成為社會爭議的工具,也成為國家整體競爭力提升或沉淪的重要力量。 公開向社會大眾市場發行的各種視聽媒體,因為面臨市場慘烈的競爭壓力,對社會中堅份子普遍要求自律、社會責任的呼籲,回應似並不盡理想,公眾媒體的亂象於是更遭人詬病。 「企業雜誌」是企業文化的表徵,從「企業雜誌」是否可一窺企業在經營追求獲利之外,行有餘力,也會去關心周遭的環境與社會?並對周遭的環境保護、社會正義及人文理想等投入關懷,並盡一份心力?值得企業人及社會大眾重視,更值得傳播工作者關切。 從「企業雜誌」的內容、訴求及編排,是否也可反映出一些企業負責人的經營理念、組織文化與機構特徵?是否可以分析出企業對社會責任履行的標準?而「企業雜誌」有沒有一定的標準模式或典範?應可作為各家企業或傳播人士在投入「企業雜誌」編輯的參考。 本研究期盼經由《大同雜誌》月刊逾廿年的發展歷程,找出脈絡軌跡,找到可以為企業加分及社會加分雙贏的模式,並藉此一研究,喚起有關企業及傳播人士,對此一領域的重視。 / The media confronts intensive challenges from the open market. Under the partnership with MBAs (林添貴譯, 2000) and the consideration of market-driven (蘇鑰機, 1997; McManus,1994), the media puts the main focus on its publicity to increase sale and the circulation but neglects the professional ideology of news media and the social responsibility the media should have. The media has become the tool for controversies in the society and the primary influence on the overall competitiveness of a nation. Because of the intensive pressure of competition in the market, the mass media does not seem to be self-disciplined and socially responsible as the elites are supposed to be in the society. People are also disgusted of the chaos within the public media. Corporate magazines is the representation of the Corporate culture. Do the Corporate magazines show any sign that the business put in effort in caring about the surrounding environment and society besides pursuing benefits? Do they put in effort in environmental protection, social justice and cultural ideals? This is something on which the businessmen and the public should put emphasis and about which the media workers should concern. Do the content, pursuit and layout of the Corporate magazines reflect some of the executive ideals, organizational culture and corporal characteristics? Could we analyze the standard of a business toward performing social responsibility from them? Is there a certain standard format or paradigms for Corporate magazines? All of the above should be able to be a reference for individual business and media workers in editing Corporate magazines. From the twenty-year development of “Tatung monthly”, this study hopes to find the format that can improve both the business and the society. Moreover, this study hopes to bring this field to related business and media workers’ attention.

壓力下的新聞室:權勢消息來源的互動與影響 / Newsroom under pressure: the interaction and influence of news power sources

詹慶齡 Unknown Date (has links)
政治鬆綁之後的台灣社會,電視新聞逐步走向市場化,台灣電視台百家爭鳴競爭激烈,卻讓呼吸到自由空氣的媒體如今陷入生存窘境,對外部資源的依賴日益加深,掌握媒體生存資源的外部團體因此得以對媒體施展權力,介入新聞產製過程,影響或控制新聞內容。本研究旨在探討當前台灣的電視新聞面對哪些權勢消息來源,媒體與權勢消息來源如何互動,權勢消息來源如何發揮權力影響新聞產製,以及電視新聞如何因此改變工作常規與守門機制。 本研究透過參與觀察和深度訪談兩種方式,提出以下幾點研究發現: (一) 社會權力結構與系統擴大,權勢消息來源型態日趨多元,對媒體施壓手法複雜卻粗糙。 (二) 電視新聞以市場為導向,媒體主要壓力來源從過去的政治統治者轉移到握有經濟資本的廣告主,如今商業力量已大過傳統的政治控制。 (三) 強勢的權勢消息來源高高在上,使得記者難以與之互動,雙方權力失衡且缺乏「共舞」意願,「探戈」理論受到挑戰。 (四) 媒體購買公司興起,取代公關公司,成為與媒體溝通的重要角色。 (五) 媒體所有權人盤據組織內權力最高點,對媒體組織的影響力持續增強放大當中。 / Political democratization in Taiwan has brought about an era where market forces, not political factors, now dictate television journalism. As commercial competitive forces have intensified, many TV news stations in Taiwan are struggling to survive. Similarly, as TV stations have become increasingly dependent on external resources, these resources now are in a position to exert pressure on TV media by interfering with news production and content. The objectives of this thesis are to analyze: 1). the new power influencers that Taiwan’s TV news stations are facing 2). the interaction between TV media and these influencers 3). how the influencers use their power to interfere with the production of TV news 4). how the power influencers have changed both the routinized work flow of TV media and the role of TV media as gatekeeper Through first-person observations and in-depth interviews, the following research conclusions are drawn: 1. The market influencers that impact TV media have become more complicated as a result of the expansion and openness of Taiwan’s social structure and system. Moreover, the methods through which the influencers interfere with TV media are complex yet crude at the same time. 2. As market forces are now driving TV media, advertisers have replaced politicians as the primary influencer of TV media, and commercial forces now carry much more clout than political factors. 3. The “Tango Theory” faces a great challenge in TV media because of the power imbalance between TV journalists and those who wield power over them. 4. Conglomerates that acquire media companies have replaced public relations firms as the most important stakeholder in media communications. 5. The power of the “insiders” who wield the greatest influence over TV media is continuing to increase.

從媒介生態更迭中再出發-八位記者的流浪紀實 / The jobless journalists in Taiwan:True stories

許麗珍, Hsu, Li-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來傳播科技快速變化,不但社會型態因此產生鉅變,新科技更也打破了媒體界線進而產生科技滙流,使得平面媒體、廣電媒體、共同載具、有線電視及網際網路的藩籬、角色、定位都逐漸模糊。 而當平面媒體處於麥克魯漢所說的「淘汰」螺旋後,自一九九九年開始整體廣告盈收呈現負成長,二○○六年台灣報紙一口氣有六家熄燈打烊,數以千計的記者失業。受此影響,記者專業角色嚴重貶值,從監督社會的無冕王淪為商業化與科技化雙重衝擊下的現代報業媒體工人,大量遭解雇的記者形成「流浪記者」現象。 本文訪談八位記者發現,一旦對媒體產業的未來失去信心,連帶也對自己失去信心,喪失了新聞工作的認同與熱情,「一輩子當記者」成為遙不可及的夢想,選擇以生存作為工作心態。這樣的氛圍型塑出平面媒體記者「集體灰暗時代」,嚴重影響其專業角色。 然而以「媒體四大律」分析,紙張形式的報紙雖逐漸遭到網路媒體之「淘汰」卻不會消失,而是需要「轉化」。記者創作撰寫新聞「內容」的能力不因報社倒閉而消失,社會對記者的需求更將永無止境,記者應隨社會環境與新科技改變進而轉變並提升自身核心能力。 / The media landscape in Taiwan has been greatly changed because of the emergence of new communication technologies and transition of market-driven journalism globally. For one thing, the newspaper industry’s circulation and readership continue to decline and advertising revenues keep on shrinking since 1999. As a result, since the beginning of this century, many newspapers have experienced huge deficits; six were shut down in 2006 alone and thousands of journalists lost their jobs. Based on the literature review and in-depth interviews of eight so-called “jobless journalists” who left or considering to leave the newspaper industry, this study finds many of these professional reporters are experiencing a crisis of confidence, no longer believing in themselves as well as the professional training. Most of all, they predict that the fate of newspaper has been doomed and journalism is hopeless and futureless. The study records their true stories of how to rebuild confidence while facing the hardship both of the career and the profession.

行動通訊產業的創新策略研究 - 以台灣行動通訊產業為例 / Research on the innovation strategies of mobile telecommunications industry – An example of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry

周明峯, Chou, Ming Feng Unknown Date (has links)
行動通訊產業隨著日韓、西歐、亞太、北美和中國大陸陸續啟動B3G行動通訊的商業運轉,全球行動通訊服務和技術的發展進入嶄新的紀元,傳輸速度的大幅提昇,行動通訊服務商積極推動多媒體簡訊、行動音樂、行動影音、行動遊戲、行動訊息和企業數據應用等服務,寄望透過多元應用服務及創新經營模式提升顧客價值與獲利能力;另一方面,行動廣播、無線寬頻、網路電話等新興技術匯流至行動通訊領域,不僅催生行動通訊技術朝IMS和All-IP網路發展,並促使行動通訊服務商在行銷、服務、帳務和網路等層面朝向行動和固網雙網融合與數位匯流的願景佈局。在政府開放營運執照後,行動通訊服務業者皆投入巨額資金經營,期藉由傳輸速度快的優勢,可以發展出更多的行動加值服務內容,以期在語音營收成長飽和之下,創造另一營收來源;但是,行動通訊產業在大規模的投資下,未產生預期的效益,產業間渴望能讓產業創新的殺手級應用(Killer Application),引導台灣行動通訊產業找到高獲利的藍海市場。本研究期望,透過分析行動通訊產業的價值供應鏈在營運發展過程中碰到的困境,及其面對創新的技術與商業模式如何評估與發展,在面對市場與技術的不確定性下,分析出產業價值鏈的廠商面對創新的競爭所必須思考的關鍵因素,提供台灣行動通訊業者經營業務的一些建議,以便協助台灣在行動通訊市場的產業創新能力,提昇業者對行動加值服務應用與行動通訊設備市場的創新決策正確性,以期推動台灣電信市場的蓬勃發展。 本研究以克雷頓‧克里斯汀生(Clayton M. Christensen)所提出的對突破性科技的看法,利用提出的破壞性創新及資源、流程與價值理論分析模式;以傑佛瑞‧墨爾(Geoffrey A. Moore)提出的技術採用生命周期(Technology Adoption Life Cycle)模式分析五種消費者,探討行動通訊產業如何分析電信業創新的鴻溝,如何邁向康莊大道。在訪談台灣行動通訊產業價值鏈的五家廠商中,就創新的驅動方式、創新的風險評估、如何管理創新與當前產業創新所面臨的問題與解決方案等議題,做充分意見交流,再經由文獻與理論探討、行動通訊產業市場的趨勢與分析、行動通訊產業技術的趨勢與分析,與台灣行動通訊產業個案分析後,最後作成結論與建議,並提出後續研究課題的建議。 經研究與分析台灣行動通訊產業的創新模式,了解行動通訊產業價值鏈創新發展過程中,所碰到過的困境及其後續改善之方案,並對台灣政府與行動通訊業者提出以下的結論與建議: 壹、結論: 一、技術驅動的創新重視程度通常是愈接近產業價值鏈的上游愈高;市場驅動的創新重視程度通常是愈接近產業價值鏈的下游愈高;突破性的創新可能發生於產業鏈中的每一環節。 二、突破性的創新需要同時處理產業鏈中的市場風險與技術風險,兩大天險必須要降低其中一項才容易創新成功;兩種風險都與財務因素息息相關。 三、創新常常來自邊陲,發展創新的組織需要不同於主流產品的績效目標與財務支援。 四、政府正確的產業監理政策常常是行動通訊產業的發展要件;產業生態系的活躍與否常取決於政府對產業的科技政策走向與合宜的法律。 貳、建議: 一、 政府方面: 1.基地台網路: 協調業者以共構的方式及加速整合寬頻接取技術以解決網路品質的問題。 2.技術平台與內容產業:制定適當的產業政策,以協助整合產業上中下游業者,以帶動產業研究與發展。 二、行動通訊營運商: 1.投入研究行動通訊的消費者行為: 行動通訊服務業者應投入資源研究本地消費者行為,以便洞悉創新的殺手級應用。 2.內容與服務平台:積極扮演內容服務開發與技術平台整合角色,以帶動內容產業的蓬勃發展創造「皆贏」的局面。 3.合宜費率: 根據消費者所獲得的行動通訊價值與成本動因計費。 / The mobile telecommunication industry along with Japan, Korea, Western Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and mainland China, it starts the B3G mobile telecommunications commercial subscriber service launch, the global mobile telecommunications service and the technology development enter a brand-new era. Following by the transmission speed of infrastructure network is improved rapidly, the mobile telecommunications service providers are positively to promote the multimedia services, mobile music, mobile video streaming, mobile gaming, mobile messaging and enterprise data service applications. We hope the penetration multi-dimensional applications to serve and innovate the business model to promote the customer value and profit ability. On the other hand, those emerging technologies, such as mobile broadcasting, wireless broadband, IP network telephony are converged to mobile telecommunications domain. Not only expedites the mobile telecommunications technology to IMS and the All-IP network development, but also urges the mobile telecommunications service provider in all aspects of marketing, service, billing and network infrastructures migrate to the wireless and wire-line network fusion and the vision of digital convergences. After the restriction of operation licenses released by government, the mobile telecommunications service providers invest a large amount of funds on new business development. Relying on the quick transmission speed superiority, may develop more mobile value-added service content. We expect to have more another revenue increasing objects while the voice-only service revenue mutuality. Nevertheless, the mobile telecommunications industry under the large-scale investment has not had the anticipated benefit, the industry hope we can let the industrial innovation to produce the “Killer Applications” that guides the Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to find the high profitable blue sea market. The research expects that, by the penetration analysis mobile telecommunications industry value supply chain the difficult position which bumps into in transport business developing process, and how faces the innovative technology and the business model appraised and development, is facing the indefinite market and the technology, analyzes the industrial innovation the competitive strategy and the key success factors, provides Taiwan the mobile telecommunications entrepreneur to manage the business strategies and suggestions. In order to assist Taiwan in mobile telecommunications market industrial innovation ability, promotes the entrepreneur to the value-added service field and motivates the communication equipment market innovative decision-making accuracy, impels the Taiwan telecommunications market by the time the vigorous development. The research is based on the viewpoint of disruptive technology issued by Clayton M. Christensen to leverage the analysis model of disruptive innovations and resource, process and value theorem; analyzes the five types of consumers by Technology Adoption Life Cycle model issued by Geoffrey A. Moore to investigate how telecommunications industry analyzes the chasm of innovations and how to adopt the early majority of market. In the interview of 5 enterprises across Taiwan mobile telecommunications industrial value chain, we make good communications and share opinions about all the issues of the method of innovation driven, risk assessment on innovations, how to manage innovations, to face problems and resolutions on industrial innovation. By leveraging the entire reference thesis, issued papers and theorem, the trends of market, analysis of market, and technology issues in the mobile telecommunications industry, collaborate with case study of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry to study and make comments and conclusions on this topic. Also, we provide the suggestions on governing policies, industry strategies, and further research direction. A.Conclusions: 1.Nearby the front end of industry value chain, technology driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused; Nearby the rear end of industry value chain, market driven innovations methodology is highly enhanced and focused. Disruptive technology is possibly occurred in any section of industry value chain. 2.The two major risk factors, market and technology, need to be handled together while manage disruptive innovations. It would make success to assess at least one of two major risk factors and they are all related to financial variables. 3.Innovation is always occurred in the border of organizations which is supported by key performance indicator setting of different major products and necessary financial funding. 4.The mobile telecommunications industry grows by major inferences of correct governing policies and proper regulations issued by technology management department of government. B.Suggestions: 1.For government: a.Base Station System: Coordinate all operators to co-construct the system to speed the integration of broadband wireless access technology to resolve the network quality issues. b.Technology platform and content industry: Collaborate with the enterprises of industry chain to support the research and development by proper industry regulations. 2.For wireless operators: a.Research on wireless consumer behaviors: Coordinate all operators to invest subscriber behaviors and statistic analysis in local market to learn how to produce the killer applications. b.Content and service platform: Proactively involve the content service developing and technology platform integration to develop the content industry as win-win purpose. c.Proper subscriber fare: Charge wireless consumers by the value of requisition and cost driven factor.

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