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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A concepção de indivíduo e suas repercussões na crise da escola /

Pereira, Valmir. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luci Regina Muzzeti / Banca: Sueli Aparecida Itman Monteiro / Banca: José Luís Vieira de Almeida / Banca: Mara Regina Martins Jacomeli / Banca: Celso João Ferretti / Resumo: Em um contexto marcado pela reestruturação produtiva do modo de produção capitalista, a escola aparece como uma instância fundamental para a formação do trabalhador com um novo perfil para atender às exigências do capital. Dessa forma, alguns autores e os sistemas educacionais procuram por meio de reformas adequarem a escola a esses novos tempos. Por isso tornou-se comum a fala de que a escola está em crise e é através das mudanças curriculares que esta crise será resolvida, segundo seus proponentes. A reforma não tira a escola da crise, pois tanto o capitalismo quanto o seu modelo de indivíduo e de escola são irreformáveis. Analisando as interpretações que alguns teóricos têm sobre a crise da escola verificou-se que os mesmos apontam como saída a adaptação da escola ao modelo de capitalismo através da participação e da cidadania. A perspectiva desse estudo, ao contrário daqueles autores, situa a crise da escola como decorrência da crise da concepção burguesa de indivíduo. Para comprovar essa hipótese, analisou-se a concepção liberal de indivíduo através dos conceitos de autonomia e liberdade em dois autores clássicos, Thomas Hobbes e John Locke e identificou-se que a crise da concepção burguesa de indivíduo repercute na escola, que também é burguesa. Demonstrou-se também que a crise da concepção burguesa de indivíduo decorre da divisão do trabalho que separou o fazer do pensar e, portanto, o trabalhador de seu produto. Ao finalizar as investigações teóricas conclui-se, que a crise da escola não existe. O que existe é a crise da concepção burguesa de indivíduo e esta, repercute na escola. Esta repercussão decorre das mudanças no modelo de organização do trabalho criando um descompasso entre o que é ensinado e as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho. Ela passa por reformas desde sua organização... (Resumo completo, clicar caesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In a context marked by productive restructuration of the capitalist way of production, the school appears as a fundamental instance for the worker formation with a new profile to attend the capital exigencies. This way, some authors and the educational systems search by means of reform to adequate the school to the new times. Consequently what became common was the idea that the school is in crisis and it is through curricular changes that this crisis will be solved, according to their proponents. Reform does not take the school off the crisis because as capitalism such as its standard of individual and school are unreformable. Analyzing the interpretations that some theoreticians have about the crisis of the school it was verified that they point as an answer to the school adaptation to the capitalism layout through participation and citizenship. The study perspective, instead of those authors, situates the crisis of the school as an occurrence of the crisis of the bourgeois conception of the individual. To prove this hypothesis, the liberal conception of the individual was analyzed by the concepts of autonomy and freedom in two classic authors, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, and it was identified that the crisis of the bourgeois conception of the individual reverberates at school that it is also bourgeois. It also demonstrated that the crisis of the bourgeois conception of the individual occurs by the share of work that separated the make of the think and, therefore, the worker of its product. Finalizing the theoretical investigation it concludes that the crisis of the school does not exist. It is a false question. What exists is the crisis of the bourgeois conception of the individual and this reverberates at school. This reverberation occurs by the changes in the work's organization layout. It passes through reforms since its organization and until the moment it continues being pointed... Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Twilight of the pollsters : a social theory of mass opinion in late modernity

Ostrowski, Marius Sebastian Jacek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how the occupations people hold, and the social classes in which they are situated, affect the way in which they form and express opinions. At a theoretical level, it unites the 'deep-structure' macroanalysis of social theory with the individualised microanalysis of how subjects form and express opinions in opinion research, reviving an approach that has not been pursued since early-20th-century social research. At a practical level, it responds to several recent and prominent failures of prediction by the opinion polling industry, and asks whether a broader understanding of 'mass opinion' can help avert such failures in future. The thesis argues that opinions are subjects' judgments about their social conditions, based on mental pictures they have of these conditions that combine the values and attitudes they hold with the information they have about their environment. Subjects form opinions based on these pictures via three 'means of thinking'-personality-traits, emotions, and reason-and express them using two kinds of 'means of articulation'-bodily organs and media. The thesis shows how the variety of occupations subjects hold, and the extremity of class differentials between them, introduce substantial plurality into their values and attitudes, the way they acquire information, how they think, and how they articulate themselves. In particular, it highlights the considerable asymmetries between higher- and lower-class subjects regarding: which parts of their social conditions they are experts about, and how far they are influenced by others; whether they think about their conditions more emotionally or with reasoning; and how great a range and quality of opportunities they have to articulate their views. The thesis closes by suggesting that these findings offer opinion researchers and social theorists clear directions for measuring 'mass opinion' in new ways, and potentially emancipating the voices of subjects whose opinions are suppressed in late-modern society.

Determinação social do consumo de drogas estudo de histórias de vida em uma perspectiva marxista /

Moraes, Renata Jacintho Siqueira January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sueli Terezinha Ferrero Martin / Resumo: A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar a determinação social do consumo de drogas por uma perspectiva marxista conjugando as contribuições teórico-práticas da Saúde Coletiva e da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. As drogas, consumidas milenarmente na história humana, a partir do modo de produção capitalista tornaram-se mercadoria e como tal passaram a atender necessidades advindas da exploração do trabalho sob condições de alienação e assalariamento, bem como a sua produção-distribuição-consumo tornou-se subordinada à reprodução ampliada do capital. O consumo de drogas passou a ser objeto de intervenção do Estado a partir de práticas no campo da medicalização social, hegemonizado pela perspectiva epidemiológica multicausal e de políticas proibicionistas, que compreendem o consumo entre o campo do transtorno mental e desvio moral. Com vistas à superação destas perspectivas, foi realizada uma investigação teórica articulada com pesquisa de campo, com observação participante, grupos focais e entrevistas com dezenove pessoas que realizam consumo de drogas, vinculadas a um serviço da rede pública de saúde. Com isso, buscou-se entender, por meio da dialética singular-particular-universal, a determinação social do consumo de drogas nas histórias de vida. A análise teve como ponto de partida a caracterização dos valores de uso e valores de troca das drogas na história e na sociedade capitalista em sua fase atual. Também identificamos processos críticos nas dimensões do trabalho,... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This paper had by objective the study of the social determination of the drugs consumption in a marxist perspective, including theoretical and practical contributions from two fields of knowledge: the Colective Health and the Historic-Cultural Psychology. Within the capitalist mode of production the drugs, consumed by humanity since ancient times, became commodities and so started to atend necessities from the work exploitation under conditions of alienation and salaried work, and its production-distribuition-consumption became subordinated by the extended reproduction of the Capital. State interventions started to aim the drugs consumption with practices from the field of the social medicalization, hegemonized by the perspective of the multicausal epidemiology and prohibicionist policies, that understands the consumption as consequence of mental disorder or moral deviation. Aiming to overcome such conceptions, an theoretical insvestigation was conducted with a field research, participant observation, focal groups and nineteen interviews with drugs users who benefited from a service from the public health system. With these resources the aim was to understand, by the singular-particular-universal dialectic, the social determination of the drugs consumption in the life stories. The analysis had as its starting point the description of the use value and exchange value of the drugs in history and in the capitalist society in its current stage. We also identified critical process... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

The ends of utopian thinking : Marx, Adorno, Bloch

Rismal, Nina January 2018 (has links)
My dissertation is concerned with utopian thinking in Critical Theory. It examines the changing conceptions of radically different social orders held by the associates of the Frankfurt School. Its aim is to investigate utopian thinking as a theoretical tool of a system of thought that is oriented towards social transformation. To bring about social transformation was the explicit objective of the Frankfurt School. And yet, as my dissertation demonstrates, some of the key member of the Frankfurt School discarded precisely this utopian tool. This rejection of utopian thinking is one of the central – but also one of the most problematic – aspects of Critical Theory. It goes back to the writings of Marx himself and culminates in the works of Theodor W. Adorno, specifically in his ‘Utopieverbot’ (prohibition of envisaging a utopian society). I argue that this Utopieverbot facilitated the disappearance of utopian thinking in Critical Theory, and furthermore, that it brought this system of thought to a standstill. In addition to the dissolution of utopian thinking my dissertation examines also its potential resuscitation. The foremost defender of utopian thinking I investigate is Ernst Bloch, a critical theorist overshadowed by Adorno himself. Countering Adorno, Bloch posited utopian thinking not only as a possible but also as a necessary theoretical tool of Critical Theory. I argue that Bloch’s ideas can be valuable in resolving the aporia of utopian thinking in Critical Theory. While important in its own right, this aporia is highly significant due to the enormous influence it exerted on the death of utopia in Western political thought, which can be seen as one of the key factors contributing to the escalating social, political and economic regressions of our contemporary era. Understanding the reasons behind the emergence of death of utopia, as well as its possible resolutions, thus present questions that urgently need to be addressed.

La Quête de l'énoncé vivant. Éléments pour une poétique de la nouvelle chez Marios Hakkas. / Searching for the Living Utterance. Elements for a Poetics of the Short Story in Marios Hakkas.

Bouyer, Jacques 06 October 2017 (has links)
Dans les trois recueils de nouvelles publiés par Marios Hakkas (1931-1972) entre 1966 et 1972, la disparité entre les textes est manifeste. Trop souvent ignorée des critiques, elle s’explique par une diversité des approches énonciatives : les nouvelles-discours s’imposent au détriment des nouvelles-récits. Formellement construite comme un récit, la nouvelle prend de plus en plus la forme d’un discours à la première personne. L’objectif de la thèse a dès lors été d’étudier ce qui détermine une évolution faisant passer de la forme narrative, parfois convenue et idéologiquement marquée, à un type de discours non dogmatique, centré sur le sujet et libéré des contraintes formelles du récit.L’hétérogénéité des formes narratives est liée tant à la mutation des acteurs du récit que sont le narrateur et les personnages qu’au recentrage de la nouvelle sur la quête d’un savoir. Car c’est un énonciateur-sujet qui prend la relève du narrateur sans qu’on sache toujours très bien s’il s’agit de l’auteur lui-même, atteint d’un cancer, ou d’un être de fiction. Menant un travail d’interprétation dans le chaos des signes où il manque de disparaître, il tente de saisir sa propre identité, contribuant ainsi à refonder la nouvelle. Ce genre finit par s’enraciner dans une matière et sur une structure mobiles, se détournant de toute forme prédéterminée et univoque, privilégiant en tout cas une organisation ouverte aux affects et aux possibles. La nouvelle reprend vie et devient un énoncé vivant. / In the three collections of short stories published by Marios Hakkas (1931-1972) between 1966 and 1972, the discrepancy between the texts is obvious. Too often overlooked by critics, it can be explained by a wide range of enunciative approaches: discourse-short stories establish themselves at the expense of narrative-short stories. Formally built as a narrative, the short story looks more and more like a first-person speech. The aim of the thesis has been from then on to study what determines the evolution from the narrative form, sometimes conventional and ideologically committed, to a non-dogmatic speech, focused on the subject and relieved from the narrative’s formal constraints. The heterogeneity of narrative forms is related to both the transformation of story actors, namely the narrator and the characters, and to the short story being focused on a search of knowledge. For it is a subject-enunciator who takes over from the narrator without being clearly known whether he is the author himself, affected by a cancer, or a fictional being. Engaging in an interpretation through the chaos of signs where he nearly disappears, he tries to grasp his own identity, thus contributing to the short story’s rebuilding. This genre ends up taking root in a material and on a structure, that are both mobile, turning away from any predetermined and unequivocal form, privileging in any case an organization which is open to affects and to the possible. The short story comes back to life and becomes a living utterance.

Ciências sociais e ideologia : uma abordagem crítica da teoria social clássica na perspectiva lukacsiana / Social sciences and ideology : a critical boarding of the classic social theory in the lukacsian perspective

Silva, Fabricio Tavares da 22 March 2011 (has links)
This research is the main problem the complex relationship between science, especially the social sciences, and the complex of ideology from the perspective of historical ontology and György Lukács. Take a few significant works of the founders of Classical Social Theory (Emile Durkheim and Max Weber) as objects of our analysis. In addressing the problem of ideology in social science from the approach Lukacsian, uses critical reading to grasp the immanent connections conceptual and analytical, in the authors\' theories and propositions in question. The study first presents the fundamental elements of the perspective adopted, as well as the categories of Ideology and Science in Lukacsian approach. It starts with the notion that work is the foundation of social being, and that their development will gradually produce new social complexes. The problems of science, its emergence in social being, their complexity and refinement, many of their problems and issues are considered as moments of a procedural development and contradictory, historically and socially determined, whose dynamic is intertwined with the previous work. With the development of capitalism, this relationship becomes stronger, boosting the expansion of capital, while doing a science activity more elaborate, as their horizons are expanded in an increasing manner. It is still considered the everyday, as the space between the actions of individuals\' here and now, and its objectivations in science. The main methodological boundaries proposed by Emile Durkheim, present in two of his works: From the Division of Labor and Social Suicide, are examined. The main themes and concepts of Max Weber are reviewed from the theoretical framework above. Proposals for a \"value-free science\" of Weber, a science and devoid of \"preconceived notions\" of Durkheim, are analyzed in order to understand how their significant works equate the problem of ideology. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / A presente pesquisa tem como problemática principal a relação existente entre o complexo social da ciência, especialmente das ciências sociais, e o complexo da ideologia a partir da perspectiva ontológica e histórica de György Lukács. Tomam-se algumas obras significativas dos fundadores da Teoria Social Clássica (Émile Durkheim e Max Weber) como objetos de nossa análise. Ao tratar do problema da ideologia nas Ciências Sociais a partir da abordagem lukacsiana, utiliza-se a leitura crítica imanente para apreender os nexos conceituais e analíticos, nas teorizações e proposições dos autores em questão. A pesquisa apresenta inicialmente os elementos fundamentais da perspectiva adotada, assim como, as categorias de Ideologia e Ciência na abordagem lukacsiana. Parte-se da noção que o trabalho é o fundamento do ser social, e que seu desenvolvimento vai progressivamente produzindo novos complexos sociais. Os problemas da ciência, seu surgimento no ser social, sua complexificação e refinamento, muitos de seus problemas e questões, são considerados como momentos de um desenvolvimento processual e contraditório, histórica e socialmente determinado, cuja dinâmica está entrelaçada com as atividades laborativas. Com o desenvolvimento do capitalismo esta relação passa a ser mais intensa, impulsionando a expansão do capital, e ao mesmo tempo fazendo da Ciência uma atividade mais elaborada, porquanto seus horizontes são ampliados de maneira crescente. Considera-se ainda o cotidiano, como o espaço intermediário entre as ações dos sujeitos no seu aqui e agora, e suas objetivações no campo da ciência. As principais demarcações metodológicas propostas por Émile Durkheim, presentes em duas de suas obras: Da Divisão do Trabalho Social e O Suicídio, são examinadas. Os principais temas e conceitos de Max Weber são analisados criticamente a partir do referencial teórico referido. As propostas de uma ciência axiologicamente neutra de Weber, e de uma ciência desprovida de prénoções de Durkheim, são analisadas, buscando compreender como equacionam em suas significativas obras o problema da ideologia.

As Especificidades da concepção de “objetividade” em Max Weber / The specifics of the conception of “objectivity” in Max Weber

Martins, Daril Wesslen Silva Barros 15 April 2013 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the specifics of the design of "objectivity" in Max Weber. Therefore, it seeks to locate this design through a comparison with various theoretical and methodological lines, including most importantly Marxism and positivism and hermeneutics. Do not search here necessarily draw a comprehensive and detailed the origins of the notion of "objectivity" in Weber, but by comparison with other lines of thought about the "objectivity" of the role of science and social science or science of culture highlight what's innovative in building epistemological and methodological Weber doing his work culminating in a singular vision, specifically, about the "objectivity. We conclude that Weber has managed to keep the "objectivity" while that left open possibilities for the intersection between the sphere of subjectivity and objectivity in the realm of social phenomena, ie, between the substrate subjective actions of social agents and substrate material, causal and institutional. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Esta dissertação trata das especificidades da concepção de “objetividade” em Max Weber. Para tanto, busca localizar esta concepção através de um confronto com várias linhas teóricas e metodológicas, das quais se destacam o marxismo e o positivismo e a hermenêutica. Não se busca aqui necessariamente traçar de forma exaustiva e aprofundada as origens da noção de “objetividade” em Weber, mas, através do confronto com outras linhas de pensamento acerca da “objetividade” científica e do papel da ciência social ou da ciência da cultura, evidenciar o que tem de inovador na construção epistemológica e metodológica weberiana que faz sua obra culminar numa visão singular, específica, cerca da “objetividade. Conclui-se que Weber conseguiu conservar a “objetividade” ao mesmo tempo em que deixava aberta possibilidades para a intersecção entre a esfera da subjetividade e a esfera da objetividade dos fenômenos sociais, ou seja, entre o substrato subjetivo das ações dos agentes sociais e o substrato material, causal e institucional.

Vliv psychoanalýzy na první generaci Franfurtské školy se zaměřením na dílo Herberta Marcuseho a Ericha Fromma / The Influence of Psychoanalysis on the First Generation of the Franfurt School with Special Focus on the work of Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm

Fodorová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis shows the work of Erich Fromm through the context of one of his major sources of inspiration - Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalytic theory. The thesis is thus focued on those aspects of Fromm`s thinking which origintae in Freud, works with them and tries to create a new unit. There is also an effort to use Fromm`s psychoanalytic ideas as a critial viewpoint of today`s world.

A lógica da caverna : um ensaio dialético sobre a pós-modernidade em Saramago

Morais, Tiago Martins de January 2013 (has links)
O objeto artístico desta dissertação é o romance A caverna do escritor português José Saramago. Os caminhos teóricos que vão construir um método adequado para uma visão aprofundada desta narrativa são os do estudo das teorias que veem a literatura como uma junção de texto e contexto, que entendem os elementos sócio-históricos em uma relação de interpenetração com o texto literário, de forma que esses elementos externos transmutem-se em elementos internos à obra (ou seja, em elementos estéticos). A construção de um método dialético foca-se principalmente nos textos de teóricos como Theodor Adorno, Raymond Williams e Fredric Jameson. Após o estudo das teorias dialéticas, objetiva-se proceder com a análise do romance de Saramago, sempre relacionando obra e contexto. Considerando que o contexto da obra em questão refere-se – como se defende neste trabalho – a um período pós-moderno de nossa história, a pesquisa, então, concentra-se no estudo do elemento social objetivando um entendimento da sociedade pós-moderna, para, logo após, de forma imanente, fazer uma leitura possível da obra saramaguiana centrada em dois elementos: o do mapeamento do pós-moderno e o da crítica à lógica do capitalismo. As pesquisas sobre o pós-modernismo centram-se essencialmente nas teses de David Harvey e de Fredric Jameson. / The artistic object of this dissertation is the novel “The Cave” by José Saramago. The theoretical roads responsible for building a proper method to reach a deeper view of this narrative are related with theories that see literature in connection with its social context; theories that understand the social historical elements in relation with the literary object in a way in which these outside elements transmute into inner ones in the work (in other words, aesthetic elements). The building of a dialectical method focuses mainly on the works of Theodor Adorno, Raymond Williams and Fredric Jameson. After the study of these theories, this work intends to analyze Saramago’s novel, always looking into the relation between art and society. Taking into account that the novel’s context refers – as I propose in this work – to a post-modernist period of our history, my research, then, focuses on the study of the social element looking for an understanding of post-modern society, focused on two elements: the description of post-modernism and the criticism towards capitalistic logic. The researches about post-modernism are essentially based on the thesis of David Harvey and Fredric Jameson.

Marxismo, Eurocentrismo e América Latina : uma análise a partir da obra de José Carlos Mariátegui

Silva, Erick Vargas da January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou investigar as tensões teóricas existentes entre o marxismo e o eurocentrismo, a partir de uma análise do pensamento marxista e latino-americano do peruano José Carlos Mariátegui. O eurocentrismo, ao generalizar a experiência europeia para o resto do mundo, produziu distorções e legitimou desigualdades com múltiplas e variadas incidências. Mesmo o marxismo, a mais radical das críticas ao sistema capitalista, reproduziu o problema do eurocentrismo, principalmente na sua versão hegemônica. A América Latina, como continente de enunciação de um marxismo periférico, teve em Mariátegui o primeiro pensador marxista a realizar este desafio. Seu pensamento apresenta aspectos inovadores, provocativos e atuais, ainda que não livre de limites. Ao explorar esta questão controversa, o presente estudo buscou assim analisar a dinâmica de penetração e ruptura do eurocentrismo dentro do próprio campo marxista, principalmente pela sua versão periférica e latino-americana, personificada na obra original de José Carlos Mariátegui. / The present study examines the theoretical tensions between Marxism and Eurocentrism through the Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui. The great problem of Eurocentrism is its ability to generalize the European experience to the rest of the world and promote inequality regards the non-hegemonic knowledge and thinking. Even the Marxism, the most important critic to capitalist system, was able to reproduce the problem of Eurocentrism in its hegemonic version. José Carlos Mariátegui was the first thinker to consider this challenge in Latin America, which is an important continent of enunciation of peripheral Marxism. The richness of Mariátegui’s thinking brought to Marxist field innovative and current aspects, even with limits. The present study sought to demonstrate the controversial question about the reproduction and rupture of Eurocentrism within Marxism, mostly in the original and Latin American Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui.

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