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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SDA Kinship e a resposta à marginalização LGBT na Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia: uma etnografia das masculinidades rejeitadas / SDA KINSHIP - A REACTION TO LGBT DISCRIMINATION IN THE SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: AN ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE REJECTED MASCULINITIES.

Castro Filho, Josué de 26 August 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo explorar uma reação ao sofrimento gerado pela discriminação e exclusão social de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais numa igreja cristã protestante: a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia. É uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, realizada através da etnografia virtual de uma rede social digital chamada SDA KINSHIP, formada por membros e exmembros da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia que têm alguma relação com a comunidade LGBT. Tem foco na descrição e análise da criação de espaços que permitem a expressão de masculinidades não hegemônicas que não são permitidas no espaço religioso. Esta investigação procurou interpretar o sofrimento social de sujeitos frente às masculinidades não hegemônicas e ações de resistência frente às relações de poder presentes num ambiente institucional que mantém discursos de exclusão e opressão social. Observouse que a criação de um espaço de acolhimento promove a construção de um conceito de masculinidade que extrapola os limites da conduta masculina pregados nos meios tradicionais, e é concretizada por atos de solidariedade e aceitação da variabilidade do que pode ser o homem. A resposta ao sofrimento social observada foi a de resistências sutis, que se demonstram na simples existência, manutenção e permanência deste grupo acompanhando os passos da igreja pelas margens. Alguns laços de identidade em comum foram percebidos entre os grupos, sendo o grupo de estudo reprodutor de alguns discursos ainda que de forma mais aberta a aceitar o diferente. O corpo teve grande importância nas discussões sobre as masculinidades e foi o palco em que as ideologias sobre o gênero e sexualidade se confrontaram. / This study explored a response to the social suffering caused by discrimination and social exclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in a Protestant Christian church: The Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Its an exploratory survey, made through a virtual ethnography of a digital social network called SDA KINSHIP, formed by members and former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church that have some relationship with the LGBT community. It focused on the description and analysis of a space that allows the expressions of non-hegemonic masculinities that are not allowed in the religious space. This research tried to interpret the social suffering felt by men with nonhegemonic masculinities and their resistance actions against power relations in an institutional environment that creates discourses of exclusion and social oppression. It was observed that the creation of a welcoming environment promotes the construction of a concept of masculinity that goes beyond the limits of the male behavior based on a traditional background, and is acted by behaviors of solidarity and acceptance of the male diversity. It was observed that their response to the social suffering relies on a subtle resistance, which is its own existence, or its survival moving along in the margins of the churchs paths. Some identity bonds were seen between the groups, as SDA KINSHIP reproduces some ideas from the church in a more acceptant way. The male body had great importance in the discussions of masculinity and it was the place where the ideologies about gender and sexuality were confronted.

Homem como professor de creche: sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos diferentes atores institucionais / Man as a daycare teacher: objectives and meanings assigned by different institutional players

Souza, Mára Isis de 09 November 2010 (has links)
Em meio às diversas mudanças que vêm ocorrendo na relação entre gênero e profissão, a presença do homem atuando na educação e cuidado de crianças em contextos coletivos, particularmente de crianças de 0 a 3 anos de idade, suscita debates que fazem aflorar o senso comum e desafiam a construção do conhecimento dessa realidade. Ainda em número reduzido, a presença do homem como professor de creche vem sendo preconizada como parte das políticas de promoção de igualdade de oportunidade entre homens e mulheres, do movimento de profissionalização da educação infantil e das tentativas de promover uma educação pautada na diversidade, étnica e de gênero, de figuras de referência para as crianças. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar de que maneira um homem se constitui professor de creche, nas relações com suas colegas, com a direção e com as crianças e suas famílias. A construção do corpus da pesquisa, ancorada no referencial teórico-metodológico da Rede de Significações, foi feita por meio de: (1) visitas e observações, com registros, em caderno de campo, das práticas e relações estabelecidas pelo professor com as crianças, com as famílias, com suas colegas e a direção; (2) entrevistas semi-estruturadas, gravadas em áudio e transcritas na íntegra, com os atores envolvidos neste processo (professor, professoras, direção e famílias). A análise do material foi feita no sentido de identificar o masculino na relação com as colegas de trabalho, com a direção, com as famílias e com as crianças. Análises dos registros de observação e das entrevistas trazem a experiência de inserção do homem como professor de creche de maneira positiva e recomendável. Dentre os argumentos apresentados acerca das possibilidades que se abrem ante a presença do homem como professor, a figura masculina é representada fortemente pela imagem do pai, justificada especialmente para as crianças que não convivem com esta figura em suas famílias. Em relação à questão do cuidado com o corpo, a decisão da direção, acatada pela equipe, foi de afastar o educador dessas atividades com as meninas, o que evitou a emergência de conflitos e resultou em instrumento para tranquilizar as famílias. Como consequência desta inserção, a possibilidade de interações do professor com as famílias, mesmo que de maneira indireta por meio dos relatos e manifestações das crianças, parece resultar em uma (re)significação da presença de um homem professor na creche, que caminha do estranhamento inicial ao estabelecimento de uma relação de confiança com este profissional. / Amid the many changes that have occurred in the relationship between gender and occupation, the presence of men working in the education and care of children within collective contexts, particularly with children between 0-3 years of age, gives rise to debates that bring forth the common sense, and challenges the existing knowledge within such reality. Although few in number, the presence of men as daycare teachers has been recommended as part of policies to foster equal opportunity between men and women, the movement to professionalize the early childhood education and attempts to promote an education based in the diversity, both ethnic and gender, of role models for children. This study aims to investigate how a man becomes a daycare teacher, his relationship with colleagues, with his superiors and with the children and their families. The construction of the corpus of research, rooted in the network of meanings theoretical- methodological perspective, was made by way of: (1) visits and observations, with records in a field book of practices and relationship established by the teacher with the children, with families, with their colleagues and school management, (2) semi-structured interviews, recorded on tape and transcribed in its entirety, with the players involved in this process (teacher, colleagues, school management and families). The analysis was performed to identify the male in the relationship with coworkers, with management, with families and children. Analysis of the observation records and interviews showed that the experience of integrating a man as a daycare teacher is positive and recommended. Among the arguments presented with regards to new possibilities opened up by the presence of a man as a teacher, the male figure is strongly represented by the father image, justified especially for children who do not have a father figure in their families. As far as the childrens hygiene and use of toilet, the decision of the school management, embraced by the team, was to remove the male teacher from the girls bathroom activities, which prevented the emergence of conflicts and became a tool to reassure the childrens families. As a result of this integration, the possibility of teachers interacting with the families, even if indirectly by way of reports and childrens manifestation, seems to bring about a (re)signification of the presence of a man teacher at the daycare, which moves away from the initial strangeness to the establishment of a trusted relationship with this professional.

Do Olímpico à Arena : elitização, racismo e heterossexismo no currículo de masculinidade dos torcedores de estádio

Bandeira, Gustavo Andrada January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese pretendeu discutir como o processo de elitização dos estádios de futebol, o chamado “caso Aranha” e certo retorno da Coligay atravessaram o currículo de masculinidade dos torcedores do Grêmio que frequentam estádio. Os estádios de futebol inserem os sujeitos torcedores em diferentes pedagogias culturais. A modernização dos espaços do torcer que vem ganhando andamento no Brasil, especialmente, a partir da década de 1990, foi catalisada com a realização da Copa do Mundo no País, em 2014. Com isso, diferentes olhares foram colocados para os estádios, os torcedores e suas práticas. Normativas vindas da FIFA e de federações nacionais têm colocado em questão práticas historicamente autorizadas nos estádios de futebol. Nessa investigação procurei observar como os torcedores do Grêmio foram interpelados por esses diferentes conteúdos ao realizarem um trânsito entre o estádio Olímpico Monumental e a Arena do Grêmio. Para a construção do material empírico realizei uma etnografia na Arena do Grêmio que me permitiu discutir como o sujeito coletivo ‘torcida do Grêmio’ recebeu esses diferentes movimentos. Além disso, observei alguns ditos individuais e de que maneira eles ressoaram ou não nesse espaço. Por fim, produzi um terceiro material através de diálogos com pequenos grupos de torcedores que me permitiram perguntar mais diretamente como estes indivíduos percebiam a elitização dos estádios, a interdição de cânticos e eventuais episódios de racismo e homofobia. Essa investigação dialoga com um vasto conjunto de trabalhos na área das Ciências Humanas e Sociais que problematizam diferentes aspectos do futebol como prática de lazer e esportiva, especialmente a partir da realização dos megaeventos esportivos no Brasil, Copa do Mundo de 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Ao mesmo tempo inova ao analisar estes fenômenos a partir de categorias do campo da Educação, no viés dos Estudos Culturais, dos estudos de gênero e da sexualidade e numa perspectiva feminista e pós-estruturalista. Em minha dissertação de mestrado (2009) procurei olhar para um currículo de masculinidade nos estádios de futebol. Voltei a olhar para o mesmo fenômeno com um afastamento temporal e espacial, uma vez que o clube em que realizei minha inserção etnográfica mudou de estádio, tendo no conceito de currículo uma centralidade analítica para examinar novamente os fenômenos que ocorrem nos estádios e o que eles poderiam me dizer sobre essas masculinidades construídas através das narrativas que ali circulam e disputam significados. É possível apontar que os torcedores se entendem em trânsito e percebem certa diferença nas formas adequadas de ocuparem o novo estádio sendo necessário algum tipo de adaptação. O processo de elitização acaba produzindo certa dicotomia entre o torcedor, representado como autêntico e popular, e o consumidor que seria alguém estranho ao estádio. A esse consumidor podem se somar outras alteridades do torcedor que poderiam incluir mulheres, crianças e homens mais velhos. Na Arena é possível visualizar uma relação em tensionamento entre o torcedor e a torcida. Ora as ações do torcedor são narradas a partir da pertença ao coletivo, ora o sujeito pode ser individualizado e a coletividade se esvazia. Ainda é muito cedo para saber o que acontecerá com esse currículo de masculinidade dos torcedores de estádio a partir da desnaturalização de algumas práticas. Agora, mais do que antes, há um jogo a ser jogado sobre as construções das masculinidades torcedoras nos estádios de futebol. / This thesis intended to discuss how the elitization process of the football stadiums, the so called “Aranha Case” and a certain return of the Coligay crossed the Grêmio fans’ masculinity curriculum of those who go to the stadium. The football stadiums insert the fan individuals in different cultural pedagogies. The modernization of the fan’s spaces which has been getting progress in Brazil, especially from the 1990s, was catalyzed with the realization of the World Cup in the Country, in 2014. Hence, different viewpoints were placed for the stadiums, for the fans and their practices. Normative rulings coming from FIFA and from national federations have been calling into question practices historically authorized in the football stadiums. In this investigation, I tried to observe how the Grêmio fans were challenged for these different contents when they performed a transit from the Olímpico Monumental Stadium to the Grêmio Arena. For the construction of the empirical material, I have done ethnography at the Grêmio Arena which allowed me to discuss how the collective subject ‘Grêmio Crowd’ received these different movements. Besides, I observed some individual sayings and how they resounded, or not, in this space. At last, I produced a third material through dialogs with small groups of fans which allowed me to question more directly how these individuals perceived the elitization of the stadiums, the interdiction of singings and eventual episodes of racism and homophobia. This investigation dialogs with a vast set of works in the area of Human Sciences and Social Sciences which discuss different aspects of football as leisure and sportive practices, especially from the realization of the mega sports events in Brazil, the World Cup of 2014 and Olympic Games of 2016. At the same time it innovates as it analyzes these phenomena from categories of the Education field, within the Cultural Studies, the gender and sexuality studies under a feminist and post-structuralist perspective. In my MA dissertation (2009) I tried to look at a curriculum of masculinity in the football stadiums. I now look at the same phenomenon, but with a temporal and spatial estrangement, once the club when I realized my ethnographic insertion moved to another stadium, having in the curriculum concept an analytical centrality to again examine the phenomena which occur in the stadiums and what they could tell me about these masculinities constructed through the narratives that circulate in such spaces and how they dispute significance. It is possible to point out that the fans understand each other in transit and that they perceive certain difference in the adequate ways of occupying the new stadium which makes necessary some kind of adaptation. The process of elitization ends up producing certain dichotomy between the fan, represented as authentic and popular, and the consumer, who would be someone strange to the stadium. To this consumer other fan’s alterities can be added, which could include women, children and older men. At the Arena it is possible to visualize a relation in tensioning between the fan and the crowd. Sometimes the fan’s actions are narrated from the collective allegiance, sometimes the subject can be individualized and the collectiveness empties out. It is still too early to know what will happen with this stadium fan’s masculinity curriculum from the denaturalization of some practices. Now, more than ever, there is a game to be played about the constructions of the fan masculinities in the football stadiums.

'On the margins of family and home life?' : working-class fatherhood and masculinity in post-war Scotland

McCullough, Aimee Claire January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines working-class fatherhood and masculinities in post-war Scotland, the history of which is almost non-existent. Scottish working-class fathers have more commonly been associated with the ‘public sphere’ of work, politics and male leisure pursuits and presented negatively in public and official discourses of the family. Using twenty-five newly conducted oral history interviews with men who became fathers during the period 1970-1990, as well as additional source materials, this thesis explores the ways in which their everyday lives, feelings and experiences were shaped by becoming and being fathers. In examining change and continuities in both the representations and lived experiences of fatherhood during a period of important social, economic, political and demographic change, it contributes new insights to the histories of fatherhood, gender, family, and everyday lives in Scotland, and in Britain more widely. It argues that ideas and norms surrounding fatherhood changed significantly, and were highly contested, during this period. Fathers were both celebrated as ‘newly’ involved in family life, signified by rising attendance at childbirth and increased practical and visible participation in childcare, but also increasingly scrutinised and deemed to be losing their ‘traditional’ breadwinning and authoritarian roles. Although there were significant continuities, a combination of factors caused these shifts, including the changing structure and composition of the labour market, deindustrialisation, the increasing participation of mothers in employment and second-wave feminism. Shifting ideas about gender relations were also accompanied by changing understandings of parent-child relationships and child welfare, in the wake of rising divorce and the growth of one-parent families. In highlighting the complexity and diversity of fatherhood and masculinity amongst working-class men, by placing their relationships, roles, status and identities as fathers at the forefront, and by speaking to men themselves, this thesis adds an important and neglected insight to the Scottish family and provides a fresh perspective on men’s gendered identities. Fathers were central to, rather than on the margins of, family and home life, and fatherhood was, in turn central to men’s identities and everyday lives.

Bob Esponja : produções de sentidos sobre infâncias e masculinidades

Medeiros, Rosana Fachel de January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga a forma como as infâncias e as masculinidades são apresentadas no desenho animado Bob Esponja Calça Quadrada a partir da análise da interação de linguagens visuais e sonoras. A fim de realizar um estudo detalhado e atento foram selecionados seis episódios da série para, partindo deles, investigar e discutir os temas propostos. Como aporte teórico referente aos estudos de mídia e aos desenhos animados foram empregados os textos de FUSARI, FERRÉS, FISCHER, PILLAR. Relativos às questões das infâncias foram utilizados os textos de ARIÈS, CORAZZA, POSTMAN, KUHLMANN. Para aprofundar as discussões em relação às masculinidades e às relações de gênero foram importantes os textos de CONNELL, LOURO, FELIPE. E os textos dos estudiosos da semiótica discursiva e do sincretismo: BARROS, FLOCH, GREIMAS, LANDOWSKI, OLIVEIRA e FANTINATTI, MÉDOLA, TEIXEIRA, nortearam a análise semiótica. Essa pesquisa revelou a contemporaneidade de Bob Esponja tanto em relação ao apagamento das fronteiras entre a infância e a vida adulta, quanto em relação à representação não estereotipada dos gêneros masculino e feminino. / The present work investigates how childhood and masculinity are presented in the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants from the analysis of the interaction of audio and visual languages. In order to conduct a detailed and careful study were selected six episodes for the series for, based on them, investigate and discuss the themes. As theoretical support referring to media and cartoons studies were used texts FUSARI, FERRÉS, FISCHER, PILLAR. On the issues of childhood were used texts of ARIÉS, CORAZZA, POSTMAN, KUHLMANN. To deepen the discussion about masculinity and gender relations were important the texts of CONNELL, LOURO, FELIPE. And to guide the semiotic analysis were used texts referring to semiotic and discursive syncretism: BARROS, FLOCH, GREIMAS, LANDOWSKI, OLIVEIRA and FANTINATTI, MÉDOLA, TEIXEIRA. This research revealed the contemporaneity of SpongeBob both on the erasure of boundaries between childhood and adulthood, as in relation to nonstereotypical representation of male and female.

American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia

Tolley, Rebecca 14 October 2003 (has links)
Book Summary: American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia is a first-of-its-kind reference, detailing developments in the growing field of men′s studies. This up-to-date analytical review serves as a marker of how the field has evolved over the last decade, especially since the 1993 publication of Anthony Rotundo′s American Manhood. This seminal book opened new vistas for exploration and research into American History, society, and culture. Weaving the fabric of American history, American Masculinities illustrates how American political leaders have often used the rhetoric of manliness to underscore the presumed moral righteousness and ostensibly protective purposes of their policies. Seeing U.S. history in terms of gender archetypes, readers will gain a richer and deeper understanding of America′s democratic political system, domestic and foreign policies, and capitalist economic system, as well as the "private" sphere of the home and domestic life. The contributors to American Masculinities share the assumption that men′s lives have been grounded fundamentally in gender, that is, in their awareness of themselves as males. Their approach goes beyond scholarship which traditionally looks at men (and women) in terms of what they do and how they have influenced a given field or era. Rather, this important work delves into the psychological core of manhood which is shaped not only by biology, but also by history, society, and culture.

Threats to Masculinities: On Being a Woman Leader

Channing, Jill 04 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Enslaved Subjectives: Masculinities And Possession Through The Louisiana Supreme Court Case, Humphreys V. Utz (unreported)

January 2014 (has links)

Sports et masculinités : hybridation des modèles hégémoniques au sein du champ / Sports and masculinities : hybridization of hegemonic models within the field

Clément, Xavier 28 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse traite de la construction des masculinités par des athlètes investis dans une carrière sportive de haut niveau. Notre enquête s’appuie sur des observations ethnographiques durant les entraînements et sur des entretiens (n=48) réalisés avec des athlètes (n=38) et entraineurs (n=10) dans un Pôle Espoir de handball (n=8), de rugby (n=13) et dans un Pôle France de boxe française (n=13), de patinage artistique dans la catégorie individuelle (n=11), ainsi que dans trois clubs au Québec (n=3). Un premier apport de cette thèse réside dans la mise en relation entre deux cadres théoriques utilisés respectivement en sociologie du sport de langue anglaise et française. Nous avons analysé nos données en utilisant les concepts — d’ordre de genre, de régime de genre et de masculinité hégémonique — développés par Raewyn Connell et ceux de — champ, d’habitus et de capital — développés par Pierre Bourdieu. Nous avons proposé de considérer que le champ sportif est régi par une forme de masculinité hégémonique. Cette dernière se définirait comme une configuration idéale d’appartenances, de dispositions et de capitaux, propice à assurer la re-Productivité des agents dans le jeu social. Nous avons vu que cette forme était malléable. Il existe une pluralité de masculinités hégémoniques en relation avec le régime de genre spécifique à chaque discipline et plus précisément avec l’ordre de genre local ancré géographiquement et institutionnellement. Un deuxième apport de cette thèse réside dans l’étude du processus d’hybridation des masculinités en relation avec la multiplication des exigences institutionnelles. En rupture avec une conception essentialiste de la masculinité hégémonique, nous relevons que cette dernière se caractérise par la pluralité de ces facettes et par sa plasticité. Les athlètes les plus conformes à la forme hégémonique dans leur discipline développent une capacité à entrer dans des registres dispositionnels variés, voire contrastés. Ils sont toujours plus aptes au combat, mais plus fins dans les usages de la violence et de leur corps, qu’ils apprennent à gérer comme un capital (esthétique, hygiénique). Par ailleurs, ils mettent à distance l’expression de sexisme et d’homophobie, ce qui ne permet pas pour autant de remettre en question l’inégale valeur des sexes, des genres et des sexualités dans le champ sportif. / This thesis examines the construction of masculinities by athletes invested in a high-Level sporting career. Our investigation is based on ethnographic observations during sports training and interviews (n = 48) conducted with athletes (n = 38) and coaches (n = 10) in a Pole Espoir of handball (n = 8) of rugby (n = 13) and in a Pole France of french boxing (n = 13), in two Poles France of ice skating in the individual category (n = 11), and in three clubs at Quebec (n = 3). The first contribution of this thesis lies in the linkage between the two theoretical frameworks used in Sport Sociology respectively in English and French language. We analyzed our data using the concepts - gender order, gender regime and hegemonic masculinity - developed by Raewyn Connell and those - field, habitus and capital - developed by Pierre Bourdieu. We proposed to consider that the sports field is governed by a form of hegemonic masculinity. This form would be defined as an ideal configuration of affiliations, dispositions and capital favourable to promote the re-Productivity of agents in the social game. We have seen that this form was malleable. There is a plurality of hegemonic masculinities in relation to specific gender regime of each discipline and more precisely with the local gender order which is geographically and institutionally anchored. The second contribution of this thesis lies in the study of the process of masculinities hybridization in relation to the increase of institutional requirements. Contrary to an essentialist conception of hegemonic masculinity, we note that this latter is characterized by the plurality of its facets and its plasticity. The athletes, who are the most conform to the hegemonic form in their discipline, develop a capacity to enter into a variety or mixed dispositional uses. They are always more "fit for fighting", but more subtle in the uses of violence and their bodies, that they learn to manage as a capital (aesthetic, hygienic). In addition, they put away the expression of sexism and homophobia, which still does not really allow reconsidering the unequal value of sexes, genders and sexualities in sports field.

A Real (Wo)man's Beer: gendered spaces of beer drinking in New Zealand

Hardy, Nicole Amy January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which rural, national, and urban spaces become gendered through the practices and representations of beer drinking in New Zealand. Critical social theory combined with feminist poststructuralist debates on identities provides the theoretical framework for this research. Two focus groups with Pākehā beer drinkers aged between 18 - 30 years old were conducted; one consisting of six males and the other consisting of six females. Critical textual analysis was also undertaken on five beer advertisements representing the most popular beer brands in New Zealand; Tui, Lion Red, Waikato and Speight's. Three points frame the analysis. First, I examine rural and national gendered identities associated with beer drinking. New Zealand's beer drinking cultures are constructed within rural discourses of masculinity. There is not a single masculinity present in New Zealand's beer drinking cultures, rather there are multiple and conflicting masculinities. I suggest that through the need to constantly perform their identity, men create a rural hegemonic masculinity that is both hard, yet vulnerable. I argue that the femininities constructed within these spaces are used to enhance and further enable the hard, yet vulnerable, rural masculinity. Second, within urban spaces of beer drinking - such as the office, nightclub, clubrooms and home - homosexuals, metrosexuals and women are 'othered'. These identities are defined in relation to the hegemonic norm - 'Hard Man' masculinity - in negative ways. Furthermore, some women perform a hyper masculine identity in order to be included in these beer-drinking spaces. Finally, I examine the ways in which hegemonic gendered identities in rural, national and urban spaces may be resisted and subverted. I use contradictions from my focus group participants to unsettle the 'Hard Man' masculinity of New Zealand's beer drinking cultures.

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