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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Movimento e hierarquia espacial na conurbação : o caso da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre

Ugalde, Claudio Mainieri de January 2013 (has links)
O estudo trata do fenômeno do movimento em sistemas urbanos. Investiga seu condicionamento pelo espaço edificado e a maneira como é abordado pelo planejamento institucional. Particulariza a análise para o processo de conurbação e dirige a atenção para o caso da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre – RMPA. A motivação surge em função dos conflitos relacionados ao sistema viário principal estipulado em cada município da Região, evidenciados a partir da justaposição de seus planos diretores vigentes em 2006, elaborados ou revisados por força do Estatuto da Cidade. Tal fato denota dificuldades das partes na compreensão de sua inserção na totalidade metropolitana. Como decorrência, objetiva-se examinar de que maneira o processo de estruturação espacial da conurbação influenciou a formação de rotas priorizadas pelo movimento em diferentes escalas na RMPA, e em que medida essas rotas estão presentes no entendimento que planejadores urbanos locais e regionais possuem sobre as possibilidades de deslocamentos mais amplos: entre bairros, setores e cidades. A pesquisa, conduzida sob o enfoque da complexidade e apoiada na teoria e na metodologia da Sintaxe Espacial, permitiu identificar, a partir de relações topológicas e geométricas existentes na configuração representativa da malha viária, redes de espaços públicos de circulação com maior potencialidade de abrigar o movimento de passagem na escala global da conurbação e o movimento restrito aos limites municipais: a Rede Metropolitana de Escolha – RMeE e a Rede Municipal de Escolha – RMuE. O processamento das informações georreferenciadas possibilitou a sobreposição dessas redes com o sistema viário principal dos municípios e, portanto, a avaliação do grau de coincidência entre seus espaços, a hierarquia espacial emergente com base na potencial quantidade de movimento, sua distribuição geográfica e sua conectividade. Em termos quantitativos, as conclusões apontam para existência de uma grande concentração dos espaços com maior potencialidade de movimento em seus níveis hierárquicos mais elevados, em que pese o conjunto de rotas ressaltadas na Rede Metropolitana de Escolha – RMeE, apresente uma melhor distribuição geográfica do que o conjunto das vias que integram os sistemas viários principais dos municípios pesquisados, indicados pelos respectivos planos diretores. De outro lado, os espaços correspondentes aos sistemas viários principais dos municípios tendem a coincidir em maior número com aqueles pertencentes às redes municipais de escolha (RMuE). Embora sem diferenças significativas, tal fato denota uma compreensão parcial, na maioria dos municípios analisados, em relação ao movimento de passagem regional por parte dos planejadores municipais. A análise qualitativa permite discutir, no âmbito de cada município, a incidência dos níveis hierárquicos emergentes, a relações existentes entre espaços de maior movimento de passagem e uso do solo, bem como o papel econômico desempenhado no contexto regional, entre outros. O estudo permitiu concluir que os princípios básicos detectados no processo de construção da integração espacial sintática, em especial o da centralidade e da linearidade, ficam bastante evidenciados no processo de estruturação da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Ao final, são apontadas as possibilidade de aplicação da pesquisa realizada em estudos futuros. / The study focuses on movement phenomenon within large urban systems. It investigates how it is affected by built environment and the way institutional urban planning approaches it. The analysis targets specifically effects conurbation processes might produce on movement, using The Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region – MRPA - as a case study. From main streets system autonomous definition within each MRPA municipality, driven by federal legislation directives and deadlines, conflictive strategies became evident in 2006, when the entire metropolitan system was not apprehended as a whole. The metropolitan area individual parts juxtaposition displayed the misunderstandings and limits each municipality faces to fulfill their interactive roles within metropolitan totality. The analysis focuses these processes disruptive consequences for the conurbation spatial structure and pin out their impact on main movement routes within the RMPA. For that, different scale routes are examined in order to depict how these scales are operated by urban planners, locally and regionally, and to precise the limits they face to understand mobility alternatives among neighborhoods, sectors and cities. The problem is approached as a complex system, and draws from Space Syntax theory and methods to describe and analyze the whole RMPA spatial configuration. This allowed to identify the circulation system and open spaces network topological and geometrical structures, to evaluate the relations which contribute to enhance movement potential through the entire conurbated system and compare these routes to the potential through movement within each municipality – both Metropolitan Choice Network (MeCN) and Municipal Choice Network (MuCN). GIS appliances allowed superposing both networks (MeCN and MuCN) to each municipal main street system and evaluate their coherence degree towards the emergent spatial hierarchy based on potential movement, geographical distribution and connectivity. Conclusions drawn from quantitative analysis indicate that higher potential through movement clusters into higher hierarchy spaces, depicting MeCN routes that also display better geographical distribution than those composing each municipality main street systems such as defined in each Municipal Master Plan, mostly coincident to those depicted by MuCN. Even without outstanding differences, results denote partial understanding of the through movement regional system by municipalities’ urban planners. The qualitative analysis was based on the relations between land use labels intensities and through potential movement to discuss emergent hierarchical levels occurrence within each municipality and to evaluate their role within the metropolitan area regional economy. Conclusions drawn from qualitative analysis indicate that Porto Alegre Metropolitan Region spatial structure enhances its linear integration and centrality depicted through space syntax methods. The evidence provided means that topological and geometrical relations exceeds metrical ones in driving these processes. These findings point out to further applications towards large scale circulation systems problem solving and Space Syntax as a valid tool in orienting future regional and metropolitan development strategies.

Before the Flood Washes it Away: The Road Connecting Urban & Regional Planning and Emergency Management Planning

Cyr, Ian 15 July 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis examines the relationship between emergency management planning and comprehensive land use planning. The incorporation of emergency management practices into the comprehensive planning process allows for a better understanding of the impact of development, zoning, building code, and economic development on the mitigation of hazards that face the community. Academic curricula may provide a brief introduction of the relationship between hazard mitigation and land use; however, a more detailed exploration of how emergency management planning and regional or urban planning are interrelated is needed. The impact of weather-related events, natural disasters, or other human-caused shock or disruption can dramatically impact the physical, social, and psychological structures of a community. This research provides regional planners with the history of emergency management planning in the United States. It examines how cross-sharing of information and process between both planning disciplines can contribute to more robust community development and disaster plans. A case study illustrates the impact of urban development on natural hazard mitigation and the subsequent risks to public safety, which resulted from the planning decisions. Place identity, place dependence, and public participation concerning hazard mitigation and disaster management are explored to provide planners and emergency managers with a context of the psychological influences which may impact a community member’s decisions when faced with significant disruption of place. Best practices that guide the integration of regional planning and emergency management planning are provided to increase the understanding of both planning processes to increase the capacity of a community to absorb and rebound from a natural disaster or sudden shock.

Utformning av Sjögläntan : Vägen till ett attraktivt boende på landsbygden / Design of Sjögläntan : Planning of attractive housing in rural areas

Svensson Ek, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The population in Sweden has increased for a long time, despite this, many small municipalities have a negative population development, which also applies to Gullspång. In order to get people to stay in the municipality, it is important to create attractive housing. The municipality of Gullspång sees an increased demand for housing in attractive locations, which has led to a new detailed development plan for the area close to the lake.The purpose of the study is to find out what attractiveness is and what attractive housing looks like, and based on this make a suggestion on how the Sjögläntan area can be designed with reference to the visions of the municipality. It is important considering the immeasurable values of housing to create attractive housing that people want to live in. Greenery is important for people's health and wellbeing. The design work shows a suggestion how an attractive residential area can look like with four different building types. They have been drawn based on various housing surveys and immeasurable values such as generality, flexibility, axiality, sunlight and movement. In the common environment, places have been created that support socializing and activities. The conclusion shows that it is important to plan both the environment and housing in order to create an attractive housing. / Befolkningen i Sverige har under långt tid ökat, trots den ökande befolkningen har många kommuner en negativ befolkningsutveckling. Det är främst de små kommunerna som minskar, vilket även gäller för Gullspångs kommun, medan de stora kommunerna blir ännu större. Det är viktigt att få människor att stanna kvar eller att bosätta sig i en liten kommun med minskande invånarantal för att kommunen ska kunna säkerställa bland annat arbetstillfällen och service. För att få människor att stanna kvar i kommunen är det viktigt att skapa attraktiva boenden. Gullspångs kommun ser en ökad efterfrågan på bostäder i attraktiva lägen, vilket har lett till att kommunen har tagit fram en ny detaljplan för sjönära tomter i Otterbäcken som fått namnet Sjögläntan. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad attraktivitet är och hur ett attraktivt boende ser ut, samt utifrån studien göra ett förslag över hur området Sjögläntan kan utformas med koppling till kommunens visioner och detaljplan. Målet är att utforma attraktiva boenden i form av bygglovshandlingar för några olika typer av hus som lockar boende till orten. Attraktivitet eftersträvas genom att blanda hustyper och planlösningar för olika behov samt genom att skapa ett förslag för den offentliga miljön i området. Attraktivitet kan delas in i tre olika kategorier; boendeattraktivitet, näringslivsattraktivitet och besöksattraktivitet. De är beroende av varandra för att skapa ett attraktivt samhälle. Boendeattraktivitet handlar om att det finns boende på orten. Näringslivsattraktivitet innebär att det finns tillgång till arbete och besöksattraktivitet betyder att människor vill besöka orten. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till bostäders omätbara värden för att skapa attraktiva bostäder som människor vill bo och leva i. För att uppnå attraktiva bostäder krävs det att boendet uppfyller de tre kvalitéerna hållbarhet, bekvämlighet och skönhet och att dessa samverkar. Grönska är viktigt för människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Det är av betydelse att grönområden och naturen är inom räckhåll för att de ska utnyttjas för att kunna uppnå de goda effekterna för hälsan. Det är angeläget att planera miljön runt bostäderna för att området ska vara hälsofrämjande. Gestaltningsarbetet visar ett förslag på hur ett attraktivt bostadsområde kan se ut. Fyra olika byggnadstyper, flerfamiljshus, 1-planshus, 1,5-planshus och kedjehus har ritats i Revit utifrån olika bostadsundersökningar och omätbara värden så som generalitet, flexibilitet, axialitet, solljus och rörelse. Det har lagts stor vikt vid miljön i området. I den gemensamma miljön har det skapats platser som lockar till socialt umgänge och aktiviteter så som fotboll, lekplats och utegym utifrån olika upplevelsevärden så som rofylldhet, artrikedom, samvaro och kultur. Slutsatsen visar att det är viktigt att planera både miljö och bostäder för att det ska bli ett attraktivt boende.

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