Spelling suggestions: "subject:"math"" "subject:"mata""
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Äta för att lära? : - pedagogers uppfattning om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration i förskola och skola. / Eat to learn? : - educationalists understanding of food and concentration in pre-school and school.Hammarström, Cecilia, Jagefeldt, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilken uppfattning pedagoger i förskola och skola har om sambandet mellan mat och koncentration. Anser de att mat har en betydelse för barns förmåga att delta i de verksamheter de befinner sig i? För att barn och vuxna skall orka vara delaktiga i sociala sammanhang och kunna vara koncentrerade krävs en näringsriktig kost. Vi har därför sökt att få fram vad som betraktas vara en näringsriktig måltid för barn. Genom enkätundersökning, intervju, observation samt litteraturstudier har vi försökt att få fram svar på dessa frågor. Vi berör skolmatens historia och politiken kring hur det kom sig att barn överhuvudtaget skall serveras mat i de verksamheter de befinner sig i. Vi har försökt se bortanför det psykomedicinska paradigmet för att förklara vissa orsaker till koncentrationsvårigheter. The purpose with this work is to examine how the pedagogy personnel in pre-school and school thinks about the connection between food and concentration. Do they believe that food has meaning for the children’s ability to participate in the educational programs they attend in? The strength children and adults need to have, for the ability to participate in social interaction, demands good nourishing food. Therefore we have tried to find answers to what a nutritious meal is for children. Trough questionnaire, interview, observation and litterateur studies we have tried to find answers to these questions. We discuss the history of the school-meal and the politics surrounding the question why children should be served food in the educational programs they attend in. We have tried to look beyond the psycho medical paradigm to explain some causes to behavior problem.
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Contributions to the theory and applications of tree languagesHögberg, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with theoretical as well as practical aspects of tree languages. It consists of an introduction and eight papers, organised into three parts. The first part is devoted to algorithmic learning of regular tree languages, the second part to bisimulation minimisation of tree automata, and the third part to tree-based generation of music. We now summarise the contributions made in each part. In Part I, an inference algorithm for regular tree languages is presented. The algorithm is a generalisation of a previous algorithm by Angluin, and the learning task is to derive, with the aid of a so-called MAT-oracle, the minimal (partial and deterministic) finite tree automaton M that recognises the target language U over some ranked alphabet Σ. The algorithm executes in time O(|Q| |δ| (m + |Q|)), where Q and δ are the set of states and the transition table of M , respectively, r is the maximal rank of any symbol in Σ, and m is the maximum size of any answer given by the oracle. This improves on a similar algorithm by Sakakibara as dead states are avoided both in the learning phase and in the resulting automaton. Part I also describes a concrete implementation which includes two extensions of the basic algorithm. In Part II, bisimulation minimisation of nondeterministic weighted tree automata (henceforth, wta) is introduced in general, and for finite tree automata (which can be seen as wta over the Boolean semiring) in particular. The concepts of backward and forward bisimulation are extended to wta, and efficient minimisation algorithms are developed for both types of bisimulation. In the special case where the underlying semiring of the input automaton is either cancellative or Boolean, these minimisation algorithms can be further optimised by adapting existing partition refinement algorithms by Hopcroft, Paige, and Tarjan. The implemented minimisation algorithms are demonstrated on a typical task in natural language processing. In Part III, we consider how tree-based generation can be applied to algorithmic composition. An algebra is presented whose operations act on musical pieces, and a system capable of generating simple musical pieces is implemented in the software Treebag: starting from input which is either generated by a regular tree grammar or provided by the user via a digital keyboard, a number of top-down tree transducers are applied to generate a tree over the operations provided by the music algebra. The evaluation of this tree yields the musical piece generated.
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Med andras ögon : En intervjustudie av åsikter och värderingar om effekter och produkter av det svenska jordbruket / With others eyes : a study of views and values on the effects and products of Swedish agriculture based on interviewsRåsberg, Sara January 2008 (has links)
The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture. What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture. Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture. They thought tat the products represented high quality and they had a tendency to prefer them in front of other choices. / För hundra år sedan var större delen av befolkningen i Sverige bönder, brukare av jorden, och mer eller mindre självförsörjande. Med tiden har detta förändrats och idag är förhållandet omvänt, landsbygden avbefolkas till fördel för de ständigt växande städerna och väldigt få arbetar med att bruka jorden. Vi är dock fortfarande beroende av det som jorden ger och därför även av jordbruket, men hur ser vi på jordbruket och dess produkter och hur kopplar vi dessa till oss själva? Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF, startade under hösten 2008 (projektet) konsumentdialogen, en satsning vars syfte är att stärka och visa på relationen mellan konsument och producent. Denna uppsats är en liten del i arbetet med att förstå konsumenten. Avsikten med min studie är att belysa konsumentens åsikter och värderingar kring effekter av och produkter från det svenska jordbruket. Genom en intervjustudie med utgångspunkt i fenomenologin har jag undersökt konsumenters uppfattningar och värderingar till produkter och effekter av det svenska lantbruket inom områdena mat, energi och natur. Min studie visar att det tillfrågade generellt ser positivt på produkter som det svenska jordbruket producerar och förknippar dessa med hög och god kvalité. Merparten av de tillfrågade väljer i första hand matprodukter från Sverige och fyra av de informanterna anser att småskalig energiproduktion inom jordbruket har stora potentialer i framtiden.
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Facing Peak Oil and Climate Change: A Pragmatic Approach to a Re-localized Food Production System in Uppsala, SwedenLönnerud, Anne January 2012 (has links)
Globalization and industrial agriculture have enabled consumers in Sweden and other countries in the Western world to enjoy foodstuffs from many parts of the world at very affordable monetary prices, but at the same time involving a lot of external costs in the form of environmental degradation, and a high dependency on foreign agricultural ecosystems as well as on oil and other non-renewable inputs, thus degrading sustainability and resilience in the food system. Accelerated climate change and the upcoming peak oil crisis call for a reorientation and a transition to a more locally-based system. The prospects for a re-localized food system have been investigated in a case study of Uppsala Municipality, Sweden. The results consist of a study of the current primary food production in Uppsala, also including an allotment garden survey, a study of how much additional food may be produced on idle land, and an analysis of opportunities and challenges for a re-localized food system in Uppsala. The allotment garden survey revealed that c. ten percent of the total area of plots containing cottage houses was used for food production, while the figure for plots without cottages was several times higher, c. 65 percent. The total estimated yield for allotment gardens in Uppsala Municipality was about 90 tons of vegetables and 48 tons of fruits and berries. Quantitative calculations on the yield produced by local farmers, horticulturists and leisure gardeners were made for the five categories grain, dairy products, eggs, meat, and vegetables, fruits and berries, together constituting about 85 percent of the total Swedish food consumption. The estimated balance of supply and demand differed a lot between food categories, ranging from 400 percent for grain to 20 percent for meat as well as for vegetables, fruits and berries. Due to empirical uncertainty, the latter figure should be interpreted with caution. For eggs and dairy products the balance of supply and demand was 67 percent and 50 percent respectively. A quantitative estimation for idle land showed that the greatest potential for an increased food production is within leisure gardening, which could be increased by 3.5 to 6 times. A transition to full self-sufficiency would, however, require drastically altered consumer habits towards seasonal vegetables and fruits and less beef in favor of vegetarian proteins. The qualitative analysis of possibilities and obstacles concluded that the greatest assets for a re-localized food production were the large production capacity within rural agriculture, the abundance of mostly unutilized private garden land, the increased interest for urban agriculture among the population, positive attitudes among consumers towards local food, and a relatively high general awareness of climate change and the need for a more sustainable society. Among the challenges were found lacking economic viability and access to suitable farmland, the centralized food industry, an imbalanced agricultural output, unsustainable consumer habits, the tendency among Swedish municipal planners to support exploitation of fertile soil, and a low awareness among both the population and decision makers regarding peak oil and social resilience generally. / Globaliseringen och det industriella jordbruket har möjliggjort för konsumenter i Sverige och andra västländer att få tillgång till matvaror till låga priser och från många olika delar av världen. Samtidigt har detta medfört ett högt pris i form av miljöförsämringar och ett stort beroende av utländsk jordbruksproduktion, samt av olja och andra råvaror som inte är förnybara. Resultatet har blivit ett livsmedelssystem med urholkad hållbarhet och ökad sårbarhet. Accelererande klimatförändringar och den kommande krisen i samband med oljetoppen manar till nyorientering och en övergång till ett mer lokalbaserat system. Denna fallstudie av Uppsala kommun har undersökt utsikterna att återknyta matproduktionen till lokala system. Resultaten omfattar både en studie av den nuvarande matproduktionen i Uppsala, vilken även inkluderade en enkätundersökning av kolonilotter, en studie av potentialen att öka matproduktionen på mark som idag inte används aktivt för det ändamålet, samt en analys av möjligheter och utmaningar för en lokal matproduktion i Uppsala. Enkätundersökningen visade att på kolonilotter med stugor användes ca tio procent av den totala ytan för matproduktion, medan motsvarande siffra för kolonilotter utan stugor var flera gånger högre, ca 65 procent. Den totala skörden för alla kommunala kolonilotter i Uppsala uppskattades till 90 ton grönsaker och 48 ton frukt och bär. För den totala matproduktionen från jordbruket, trädgårdsnäringen och fritidsodlingen gjordes beräkningar för fem olika kategorier: Spannmål, mejeriprodukter, ägg, kött samt grönsaker, frukt och bär, som tillsammans utgör ca 85 procent av den totala svenska matkonsumtionen. Den uppskattade försörjningsbalansen varierade starkt mellan olika kategorier, från 400 procent för spannmål till 20 procent för kött samt för grönsaker, frukt och bär. Osäkerheten kring det vetenskapliga underlaget gällande fritidsodlingen är dock stort, vilket gör att siffrorna för grönsaker, frukt och bär bör tolkas försiktigt. För ägg och mejeriprodukter var försörjningsbalansen 67 procent respektive 50 procent. Studien av obrukad mark visade att den största potentialen för en ökad matproduktion finns inom fritidsodlingen, som beräknades skulle kunna öka med 3.5 till 6 gånger. En övergång till full självförsörjning skulle dock kräva drastiska förändringar i konsumtionsvanorna mot säsongsbetonade grönsaker och frukt samt mindre nötkött till förmån för mer vegetabiliskt protein. Analysen av möjligheter och utmaningar för en återgång till en mer lokal matproduktion pekade på att de största fördelarna är den stora produktionskapaciteten inom jordbruket, den stora sammanlagda arealen privat trädgårdsmark som till stor del är outnyttjad för matproduktion, det ökande intresset för stadsodling bland befolkningen, positiva attityder till lokal mat bland konsumenter, och en relativt hög medvetenhet kring klimatförändringar och behovet av ett mer hållbart samhälle. Bland de viktigaste utmaningarna fanns den bristande ekonomiska lönsamheten inom yrkesodlingen, den centraliserade livsmedelsindustrin, obalansen inom jordbruksproduktionen, med överskott på spannmål och underskott på andra livsmedelsråvaror, ohållbara konsumtionsvanor, tendenser hos svenska kommunala tjänstemän att stödja exploatering av bördig mark, samt den låga graden av medvetenhet hos både befolkningen och beslutsfattarna kring oljetoppen och samhällets sårbarhet generellt.
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“You are what you eat” : modernity and the construction of self-identity in healthy eating discourses in a case of digital mediaTavares Genovez, Daniela Trocilo January 2011 (has links)
The present study aims at the discussion of the contemporary forms of construction of selfidentity through the perspective prompted by the transformations ocurring in the health field. The increasing influence of the health promotional discourses in the media is reflected in the personal sphere, through the popularization of the “healthy lifestyles”. These are understood as supporting the construction of late modern identities. Within this phenomenon, we discuss the specific implications of the health eating discourse as portrayed in a specialized publication, attempting to the overlapping connections between lifestyle, food and discourse in the shaping of self-identities. Through this perspective, food is approached as bearing fundamental implications to the constitution of the individual. The present study is placed within the sociological theories on late modernity, the discourse analysis theories and the media as the provider of the symbolic content. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo discutir as formas de construção de identidade pessoal na contemporaneidade através da perspectiva das mudanças que ocorrem no campo da saúde. A crescente influência do discurso da promoção da saúde na mídia se reflete na esfera pessoal através da popularização dos “estilos de vida saudáveis”, que são observados como oferecendo um suporte para as identidades na modernidade tardia. Dentro deste fenômeno, discutimos as implicações específicas do discurso acerca da alimentação saudável em uma publicação especializada, atentando para as relações que se sobrepõem entre estilos de vida, comida e discurso como centrais para a constituição da identidade. A comida, nesta perspectiva, é vista a partir de suas implicações simbólicas para a constituição do indivíduo. Este estudo posiciona-se dentro das teorias sociológicas sobre a modernidade tardia, as teorias da análise de discurso e o campo da mídia como provedor do material simbólico. / Den aktuella studien syftar på att diskutera nutida form av konstruktion av självidentitet i mediala texter. Från det här perspektivet utgör hälsofrämjande diskurser ett verktyg för att bygga uppfattningar om sig själv där mat är ett särskilt viktigt symboliskt objekt i detta projekt. Inom detta fenomen, diskuteras den specifika innebörden av meddelanden kring hälsosam kosthållning som framförs i ett specialiserat tidningsmagasin. Fokus är på de överskridande förhållandena mellan livstil, mat och diskurser i skapandet av självidentitet. Studien befinner sig inom sociologiska teorier om senmodernitet, teorier om diskursanalys och media som en instans där symboliskt innehåll om subjektiviteter kan hittas.
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Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you where you think you areHarbo, Kristoffer January 2011 (has links)
In the growing multiculturalism of Swedish society, we see a significant amount of citizens of various heritages experience difficulty when venturing into the Swedish labor market. These difficulties have been explained earlier by either cultural or structural factors. The cultural factors state that individuals raised outside of the traditional ―Swedish‖ culture have greater difficulty in understanding the subtle idiomatic properties of the Swedish labor market. On the other hand, the structural factors state that it is the deficiency in Swedish language and education that stand as the main obstacles in finding lucrative professions on the labor market. To determine the structural and/or cultural factors, I have performed field research in restaurants of the Norrköping district. The restaurant is a setting in which several aspects are shown to have influence over the informants‘ decision to become a restaurant owner. These aspects include the labor market, food, family relations, and networks between friends and professional associates. Why have these individuals chosen restaurants? Is it out of economic necessity, or is it a family profession they feel compelled to safeguard? In this thesis, several restaurant owners will answer questions regarding their choice of profession, their prospects on the labor market, the influence of their families, the importance of cuisine as a cultural foundation, and the discrepancies behind social and financial networks among ethnic groups in Sweden.
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Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses of Calcifying Biofilms / Metagenomische und Metatranskriptomische Analysen kalzifizierender BiofilmeSchneider, Dominik 24 October 2013 (has links)
Biofilme sind eine der widerstandsfähigsten Formen mikrobiellen Lebens. Ihr frühzeitiges Auftreten in der Erdgeschichte konnte durch Stromatolithfunde bewiesen werden. Heutige Biofilme und mikrobielle Matten bieten somit eine Möglichkeit wichtige Einblicke und Erkenntnisse über das erste Leben auf unserem Planeten zu geben. In dieser Arbeit wurden die prokaryotischen Lebensgemeinschaften von verschiedenen Ökosystemen mittels metagenomischer und metatranskriptomischer Methoden analysiert. Mithilfe von „Next-Generation Sequencing“ wurden 16S rRNA Genanalysen, metatranskriptomische Analysen und funktionsbasierte Durchmusterungen von Fosmid-Metagenombanken durchgeführt.
Die bakterielle Zusammensetzung und Diversität von kalzifizierenden Biofilmen und dem unterliegenden Kalktuff des Frischwasserbachs Westerhöfer Bach wurden analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Biofilm hauptsächlich von filamentösen Cyanobacteria, aeroben Vertretern aus allen Klassen der Proteobacteria und Chloroflexi bevölkert wurde. Die bakterielle Diversität nahm flussabwärts zu, was auf Änderungen der physikochemischen Parameter zurückgeführt wird. Aufgrund geringerer UV-Einstrahlung waren im Kalktuff mehr Proteobacteria als Cyanobacteria vorhanden. Des Weiteren gab es deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den relativen Abundanzen der gesamten und aktiven proteobakteriellen Klassen im Biofilm. Die aktiven Funktionen der Biofilm-Mikrobiota einer Westerhöfer Bach Probe wurden mittels metatranskriptomischer Methoden genauer analysiert. Die meisten Transkripte der mikrobiellen Biofilmgemeinschaft umfassten Gene der Photosynthese, des Proteinmetabolismus, des Kohlenstoffmetabolismus und der Zellatmung. Um das metagenomische Potential des Westerhöfer Bach Biofilms zu erschließen, wurden vier „large-insert“ Metagenombanken konstruiert. Funktionsbasierende Durchmusterungsverfahren führten zur Identifikation von fünf bisher unbekannten Genen, die für proteolytische Enzyme kodieren und einem Gen-Cluster, welches für cellulolytische Enzyme kodiert.
Bei dem zweiten untersuchten Habitat handelt es sich um eine mikrobielle Matte des hypersalinen Lake 21 auf Kiritimati. Die Mikrobialith-bildende Matte besteht aus neun klar abgegrenzten, unterschiedlich gefärbten Lagen, welche separat auf ihre bakterielle und archaelle Zusammensetzung analysiert wurden. Anhand der prokaryotischen Zusammensetzung und dem Sauerstoff- und Lichtgradienten ergab sich eine Einteilung der mikrobiellen Matte in drei Zonen. Im Allgemeinen erhöhte sich die prokaryotische Diversität mit Tiefe der Matte, wohingegen das Redoxpotential und der pH-Wert sanken. Passend zu den hydrochemischen Daten änderte sich die prokaryotische Zusammensetzung von der photisch-oxischen Zone, welche aus halophilen, oxygenen und anoxygenen Phototrophen und aeroben Heterotrophen bestand, zu Sulfat-reduzierenden Bakterien (SRB), Fermentierern und potentiell Sulfat-reduzierenden Archaeen in der Übergangszone. In der anoxischen Zone konnten hauptsächlich SRB, Fermentierer, Ammonium-oxidierende Archaea und geringe Mengen methanogene Archaeen detektiert werden.
Von den kenianischen Natronseen Bogoria, Sonachi, Elementeita und Magadi wurde die prokaryotische Zusammensetzung und Diversität von Boden-, Sediment-, Wasser-, und mikrobiellen Mattenproben analysiert. Hier zeigte sich, dass Boden- sowie Sedimentproben hauptsächlich von Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria und Bacteroidetes bevölkert wurden, wohingegen in den Wasserproben Cyanobacteria vorherrschten. Die Archaeen wurden überwiegend von unterschiedlichen Vertretern der Halobacteria repräsentiert. In den humiden Proben wurden außerdem methanogene Archaeen und Thaumarchaeota nachgewiesen.
Letztlich wurde in dieser Arbeit die bakterielle Zusammensetzung des Biofilms und des dazugehörigen Planktons von mikrobiellen Brennstoffzellen (MBZ) untersucht. Der erzeugte Datensatz demonstrierte, dass die aktive und gesamte bakterielle Lebensgemeinschaft in den einzelnen Replikaten minimal variierte. Generell zeigte sich, dass stromproduzierende MBZ eine niedrigere bakterielle Diversität aufwiesen als nicht stromproduzierende MBZ. Des Weiteren zeigte die Analyse, dass bisher unkultivierte Vertreter der Spezies Geobacter und Clostridium mit der Stromproduktion verbunden waren.
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Seismically Induced Tilting Potential Of Shallow Mats On Fine SoilsYilmaz, Mustafa Tolga 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Occurrence of displacements of shallow mat foundations resting on saturated silt-clay mixtures were reported in Mexico City during 1985 Mexico Earthquake, and in Adapazari during 1999 Kocaeli (izmit) Earthquake. Soft surface soils, shallow ground water, limited foundation embedments and deep alluvial deposits were the common features pertaining to such foundation displacements in either case. Experience shows, while uniform foundation settlements, even when excessive, do not limit post earthquake serviceability of building structures, tilting is particularly problematic. In this study, a simplified methodology is developed to estimate the seismically induced irrecoverable tilting potential of shallow mats on fine saturated soils.
The undrained shear and deformation behavior of silt-clay mixtures encountered at the Adapazari sites with significant foundation displacements are investigated through a series of standard and rapid monotonic, and stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests conducted over anisotropically consolidated natural soil samples. Test results show that, while the shear strength of these soils do not significantly degrade under means of loading comparable to that of Kocaeli earthquake, their plastic strain accumulation characteristics critically depend on the mode of loading as well as the relative levels of applied load with regard to the monotonic strength.
Based on the results of laboratory tests, the response of nonlinear soil-foundation-structure system is reduced to a single-degree-of-freedom oscillator with elastic-perfectly plastic behavior. The natural period of the system is expressed by simplified soil-structure-interaction equations. Pseudo-static yield acceleration, which is required to initiate the foundation bearing capacity failure when applied to the structural mass, is estimated by the finite-element method. Eventually, the tilting potential of the foundations is estimated utilizing inelastic response of the nonlinear oscillator. Response of the deep alluvium sites, which involves velocity pulses with periods consistent with the fundamental site period, is significant in determination of inelastic response of low bearing capacity systems.
Predictive capability of the methodology developed is tested with actual case data. The methodology is observed to predict irrecoverable tilting potential of foundations consistent with the observations, except for the cases with low seismic bearing capacity. Deviations are explained considering the sensitivity of low-strength systems to asymmetrical behavior and uncertainties involved in seismic demand.
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Characterisation of microbial Mat communities in meltwater ponds of the McMurdo ice shelf, AntarcticaJungblut, Anne Dorothee, Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The investigation presented in this thesis examined the microbial and functional diversity of the meltwater ponds Fresh, Orange and Salt Ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, near Bratina Island, Antarctica. These sites were chosen because of the ecological importance and absence of detailed characterisations of their diversity and function as part of Antarctica?s largest wetland. Particular focus was on cyanobacterial diversity, nitrogen fixation and secondary metabolite production. Using 16S rRNA gene and morphological analysis a large diversity of cyanobacteria (more than 22 phylotypes) was identified with high phylogenetic similarities (up to 99% sequence identity) to cyanobacteria from mats in other regions of Antarctica. In addition biogeographical distributions were identified including potentially endemic and cosmopolitan cyanobacteria. High salinities were also connected to the change and reduction of diversity. Lipid marker analyses were performed targeting hydrocarbons, ether-linked hydrocarbons, methylated fatty acid esters (FAME), wax esters, hopanols and sterols. Lipid biomarker profiles were similar to typical cyanobacteria dominated mats with major input from microorganisms including oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs, obligate aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophs that conduct the metabolic processes of fermentation, sulphate reduction, sulphate and iron-oxidation, methanogeneses. Signature lipids indicative of Chloroflexus and archaea, as well as branched aliphatic alkanes with quaternary substituted carbon atoms (BAQCs), were identified for the first time in Fresh, Orange and Salt Ponds. Based on nifH gene analysis, the nitrogen fixing diversity characterised in Orange Pond consisted of cyanobacterial Nostoc sp. as well as firmicutes, beta-, gamma- and delta-proteobacteria. Acetylene reduction assays and nifH gene RNA transcript diversity identified Nostoc sp. as a main contributor of nitrogenase activity in these ponds. Furthermore, analytical methods were used to identify the cyanobacterial secondary metabolites microcystins, although the genetic basis for this production and the toxin producer could not been identified. However non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS) genes were identified which could be the genetic basis for novel bioactives. The use of a multi-disciplinary approach synthesis and subsequent results significantly increased our understanding of the diversity and function of microbial mat communities in the unique meltwater ponds of the McMurdo Ice shelf, Antarctica.
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Diet and cardiometabolic disease : dietary trends and the impact of diet on diabetes and cardiovascular disease /Krachler, Benno, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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