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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terror' and 'horror' in the 'masculine' and 'feminine' Gothic : Matthew Lewis's The Monk ( 1796) and Ann Radcliffe's The Italian (1797) / Matthew Lewis's The Monk ( 1796) and Ann Radcliffe's The Italian (1797)

Gao, Dodo Yun January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English

'Our Gothic bard' : Shakespeare and appropriation, 1764-1800

Craig, Steven January 2011 (has links)
In recent years, Gothic literary studies have increasingly acknowledged the role played by Shakespeare in authorial acts of appropriation. Such acknowledgement is most prominently stated in Gothic Shakespeares (eds. Drakakis and Townshend, 2008) and Shakespearean Gothic (eds. Desmet and Williams, 2009), both of which base their analyses of the Shakespeare-Gothic intersection on the premise that Shakespearean quotations, characters and events are valuable objects in their own right which mediate on behalf of the 'present' concerns of the agents of textual appropriation. In light of this scholarship, this thesis argues the case for the presence of 'Gothic Shakespeare' in Gothic writing during the latter half of the eighteenth century and, in doing so, it acknowledges the conceptual gap whereby literary borrowings were often denounced as acts of plagiarism. Despite this conceptual problem, it is possible to trace distinct 'Gothic' Shakespeares that dismantle the concept of Shakespeare as a singular ineffable genius by virtue of a textual practice that challenges the concept of the 'genius' Shakespeare as the figurehead of genuine emotion and textual authenticity. This thesis begins by acknowledging the eighteenth-century provenance of Shakespeare's 'Genius', thereby distinguishing between the malevolent barbarian Gothic of Shakespeare's own time and the eighteenth-century Gothic Shakespeares discussed under the term 'appropriation'. It proceeds to examine the Shakespeares of canonical Gothic writers (Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe and Matthew Lewis) as well as their lesser-known contemporaries (T.J. Horsley Curties and W.H. Ireland). For instance, Walpole conscripts Hamlet in order to mediate his experience of living in England after the death of his father, the first Prime Minister Robert Walpole. The thesis then argues for the centrality of Shakespeare in the Gothic romance's undercutting of the emergent discourses of emotion (or 'passion'), as represented by the fictions of Radcliffe and Lewis, before moving on to consider Curties's attempted recuperation - in Ethelwina; or, the House of Fitz-Auburne (1799) - of authentic passion, which is mediated through the authenticity apparatus of Edmond Malone's 1790 editions of Shakespeare's plays. It concludes with W.H. Ireland's dismantling of Malone's ceoncept of the 'authentic' Shakespeare through the contemporary transgressions of literary forgery and the evocation of an illicit Shakespeare in his first Gothic romance, The Abbess, also published in 1799.

Wisdom and apocalyptic in the Gospel of Matthew : a comparative study with 1 Enoch and 4QInstruction

Macaskill, Grant January 2005 (has links)
Recent scholarship has demonstrated that Matthew's gospel has significantly developed both sapiential and apocalyptic elements within its narrative. Little attention has been paid, however, to the question of how these two features of Matthew's gospel might relate to one another. It is this gap in scholarly literature that the present study is intended to fill, by means of a comparative study with two other texts of mixed genre: 1 Enoch and 4QInstruction. An examination of these texts demonstrates that each is marked by an inaugurated eschatology, within which the revealing of wisdom to an elect group, defined in distinction to the Jewish parent group, serves as the pivotal moment of inauguration. In addition, within 4QInstruction the idea is developed that possession of this revealed wisdom allows the remnant to live in fidelity to the will of the Creator and to the patterns built-in to the original creation. Thus, possession of revealed wisdom facilitates a recovery of creation. These findings provide lines of enquiry that may be brought to Matthew. Three sections of the gospel are examined (chapters 5-7; 11-12; 24-25). It is argued that Jesus is presented as an eschatological figure who reveals wisdom to an elect group. This wisdom cannot be reduced to great moral insight or interpretation of Torah, but is presented as prophetic revelation, happening in eschatological time. It remains the case, however, that Matthew presents it as wisdom and presents Jesus as a sage. More tentatively, it is suggested that creation provides the patterns for the ethical requirements of Jesus' wisdom, thus indicating that the idea of restored creation is also at work in Matthew. The fall of the temple may also be connected in Matthew's narrative to such a restoration, but again, the evidence for this is not clear.

L'herència deweyana: la Philosophy for Children de Matthew Lipman i les bases del coneixement

Carreras, Carla 18 November 1997 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquest treball s'emmarca dintre del que tradicionalment s'ha anomenat teoria del coneixement, perquè pretén examinar alguns conceptes bàsics que fonamenten i participen en el procés de coneixement. Tot això, des duna perspectiva clarament pragmatista i, més específicament, deweyana.Optar per una perspectiva clarament deweyana suposa una reformulació de nocions tradicionalment emprades per la filosofia en general i per la teoria del coneixement en particular. Els primers conceptes afectats són els de "filosofia" i "coneixement", que hauran de ser reconstruïts.Però si la noció de coneixement ha de ser replantejada, també ho haurà de ser la qüestió de les seves bases: en el millor dels casos, les bases tradicionals del coneixement no podran ser interpretades com fins ara; en el pitjor dels casos, caldrà substituir-les per noves bases. És evident que no es pot construir un nou edifici sobre vells fonaments. Així, l'anàlisi de les bases del coneixement haurà d'incidir en les diferències respecte a la interpretació tradicional del coneixement.Aquesta investigació estableix, com a hipòtesi inicial, que la noció reconstruïda de coneixement té com a condicions de possibilitat - el que hem anomenat "bases del coneixement" - l'experiència, la comunitat de recerca i el judici. Si és cert que són condicions de possibilitat del coneixement, aleshores haurien d'aparèixer com a nocions fonamentals de qualsevol teoria del coneixement - sempre que s'acceptin d'entrada els pressupòsits pragmatistes.D'altra banda, el coneixement sempre ha estat vinculat a l'educació. Així, segons la visió tradicional, el coneixement era substancial, mentre que l'educació (identificada amb la instrucció) era el procés pel qual s'adquiria aquesta fi-en-si.Ara bé, que el coneixement ja no sigui substancial sinó instrumental no significa que desaparegui la seva íntima relació amb l'educació, sinó que - necessàriament - es replantegi: l'educació passa a ser el procés obert, social, de diàleg, en el qual es desenvolupa el coneixement; un coneixement que ja no és un fi-en-si sinó que retroalimenta el mateix procés "educatiu", enriquint-lo.Hem dit que les condicions de possibilitat del coneixement són l'experiència, la comunitat de recerca i el judici. Però, alhora, aquests resulten ser també els fonaments filosòfics de l'educació; respondre realment a les necessitats dels individus i de la societat.Experiència, recerca, diàleg i judici sorgeixen tant de la mateixa naturalesa de la filosofia com de la naturalesa de l'educació. Són alhora elements d'una filosofia reconstruïda i assumpcions del paradigma reflexiu en l'educació. Així doncs, podríem dir que el judici, l'experiència de l'individu i la comunitat de recerca (aquesta en tant que context en què es donen el diàleg filosòfic i la recerca) esdevenen pressupòsits inevitables de la "nova" filosofia i de la "nova educació. "Aprendre a pensar pel propi compte" - que apareix com a l'objectiu de l'educació - suposa atendre a totes i cadascuna d'aquestes bases.En aquest context, la filosofia o teoria de l'educació esdevé una teoria filosòfica del coneixement: una reflexió sobre el coneixement i el pensament, sobre les condicions de possibilitat del coneixement, sobre els seus límits.Aquest plantejament s'enfronta explícitament a altres alternatives força més comunes i que volem intentar d'evitar: -un estudi de la filosofia de l'educació i/o de la teoria del coneixement simplement historicista, com a mer compendi de teories i autors ordenats més o menys cronològicament;-una reflexió abstracta sobre el coneixement, sense cap mena de contrastació empírica;-una investigació sociològica sobre el coneixement en el qual es privilegiïn els condicionaments sociològics (que no vol dir necessàriament socials) de l'adquisició del coneixement basant-se en realitats culturals i educatives existents però oblidant tot fonament filosòfic; o -una teoria sobre el coneixement de caire marcadament psicologista.Per tal d'evitar fer hipòtesis i reflexions en el buit, concretem el nostre estudi en un projecte concret: Philosophy for Children, perquè entenem que és una teoria del coneixement portada a la pràctica filosòfica; que posa en joc, doncs, les mateixes bases que garanteixen el coneixement.Així, aquesta investigació no és solament una reflexió sobre les bases epistemològiques de Philosophy for Children, ni una apologia del projecte, sinó que pretén posar i analitzar les bases d'una visió més global del coneixement prenent en consideració totes les seves vessants. En aquest sentit, Philosophy for Children en és útil en la mesura que serveix de suport concret per a la nostra anàlisi.Així doncs, establim que les bases del coneixement - en la seva acceptació pragmatista - són tres: experiència, comunitat de recerca i judici. Alhora, aquests elements són també condicions d'una educació reflexiva. Queden així estretament vinculades la filosofia i l'educació.Confirmar aquestes hipòtesis suposa una sèrie de passos:1r. Analitzar la noció de filosofia que hi ha al darrera d'aquesta concepció del coneixement. No pretenem que les nostres conclusions siguin vàlides universalment (trairíem el mateix esperit pragmatista!) sinó solament que ho són en l'espai que queda delimitat per una determinada manera d'entendre la filosofia. 2n. Investigar cadascuna de les bases del coneixement en el context de les filosofies de Dewey i , especialment, de Lipman per tal d'oferir-ne una interpretació i veure en quina mesura es vinculen amb el coneixement. Això suposarà, en algun cas, recórrer a algun altre autor, per tal d'afinar més en la demarcació del concepte en qüestió.3r. Clarificar el concepte d'educació relacionat amb el coneixement i establir els lligams corresponents amb cadascuna de les bases analitzades.Un cop fets aquests passos esperem que quedarà manifest que l'experiència, la comunitat de recerca i el judici són bases del coneixement i, alhora, elements essencials de qualsevol procés educatiu.Tot això, a més, ha d'anar acompanyat de l'exigència d'un paper actiu del filòsof en el procés educatiu. No n'hi ha prou amb "baixar la filosofia del cel a la terra"; cal que, a més, aquest descens repercuteixi en la manera com l'home es relaciona amb els altres i amb el seu entorn. Només així podrà ser superat el vell dualisme entre pensament i acció. / This research deals with the bases of knowledge. We concentrate in the concept of knowledge from a pragmatist point of view (and, specifically, from a deweyan perspective). We look for the possibility conditions of an instrumental and naturalistic knowledge. In order to avoid a treatment of the subject in a merely abstract way, we focus our attention on a concrete project, Matthew Lipman's Philosophy of Children.We work out the hypothesis according to which the concepts of experience, community of inquiry, and judgment constitute the necessary bases of knowledge. So, we analyze these notions in Lipman's project from a deweyan perspective in order to see how they can construct knowledge.The analysis of these notions implies also the reconstruction of the concept of philosophy itself, which is now intimately related to education. This is the only way to overcome the dualism between theory and practice, against which Dewey always fought.

The aesthetics of sugar : concepts of sweetness in the nineteenth century

Tate, Rosemary January 2010 (has links)
My thesis examines the concept of sweetness as an aesthetic category in nineteenth-century British culture. My contention is that a link exists between the idea of sweetness as it appears in literary works and sugar as an everyday commodity with a complex history attached. Sugar had changed from being considered as a luxury in 1750 to a mass-market staple by the 1850s, a major cultural transition which altered the concept of sweetness as a taste. In the thesis I map the consequences of this shift as they are manifest in a range of texts from the period, alongside parallel changes in the aesthetic category of sweetness. I also assess the relationship between the material history of sweetness and the separate but related concept of aesthetic sweetness. In focussing on the relationship between sugar and sweetness in the Victorian period this thesis examines an area of nineteenth-century life that has previously never been subject to detailed study. Although several critics have explored the connection between sugar and concepts of sweetness as they relate to abolitionist debates in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, my focus differs in that I assert that other material histories of sugar played as significant a role in developing discourses of sweetness. Throughout this study, which spans the period 1780-1870, I draw on a range of sources across a variety of genres, including abolitionist pamphlets, medical textbooks, the novels of Charlotte Brontë and Wilkie Collins, the cultural criticism of Matthew Arnold and Walter Pater, and the poetry of Christina Rossetti and Algernon Charles Swinburne. I conclude that literary cultures in the nineteenth century increasingly use discourses of sugar to relate to the mass market and explore the commercialisation of literature, at a time when a growing commodity culture was seen as a threat to literary integrity.

The role of the local church in the extension of the Kingdom of God

Botsis, Dorian 31 May 2005 (has links)
The Kingdom of God is wherever the Triune God is worshipped as Lord. It exists beyond time and place, but breaks into our time and place wherever creation worships the Triune God as Lord. The local church, in its present time and geographical place, is the microcosm of the Kingdom of God. As such, the local church contains within it all the resources necessary for the Kingdom of God to be established. Therefore, the local church is called to lead creation to worship the Triune God as Lord. It does this by fulfilling three specific works as specified in Scripture: the work of evangelism; the work of discipleship and the work of reconciliation. The modern day church must start a revolution to discover afresh these works and become what Scripture describes as the ecclesia of the hodos: the local church extending the Kingdom of God. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)


Wotckoski, Ricardo Boone 19 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:19:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Boone.pdf: 426194 bytes, checksum: 51d13b2c05c4e6c0c726a1a68fdf640c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A literatura é um tipo de conhecimento que faz uso da palavra com a finalidade de projetar realidades possíveis. Para tanto, a mimese literária tem na experiência vivencial a verossimilhança que torna possível a apreensão da obra literária como fenômeno interpretativo. Nesse processo de composição, o gênero literário converte-se no conjunto de convenções que o autor se vale para fazer-se inteligível a seu público. As narrativas bíblicas e, em especial, o Evangelho Segundo São Mateus, possuem elementos que permitem sua leitura como obras literárias próprias da Antiguidade, cujas estratégias narrativas se mostram construtoras de representação verossímil da realidade. Para tanto, o narrador do Evangelho Segundo São Mateus utilizou-se daquelas convenções que se conformavam ao horizonte de expectativas de seu público e que articulam experiências advindas da literatura greco-romana e da literatura judaica. No caso da Paixão de Cristo Segundo São Mateus, o narrador empreende um conjunto de estratégias narrativas que favorecem sua condução da leitura da narrativa de acordo com sua perspectiva. Nesse processo, vale-se de uma estrutura que combina a biografia greco-romana àquela já consagrada na literatura bíblica. Dessa forma, a Paixão de Cristo nos é apresentada como parte final da história, numa perspectiva paradigmática e, ao mesmo tempo, como realização das Escrituras, que figuram e profetizam a respeito de Jesus e a natureza redimensionadora e universalizadora da salvação.

A PAIXÃO DE CRISTO SEGUNDO SÃO MATEUS: ESTRATÉGIAS NARRATIVAS / The Christs passion according to St Mathew: narrative strategies

Wotckoski, Ricardo Boone 19 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:19:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Boone.pdf: 426194 bytes, checksum: 51d13b2c05c4e6c0c726a1a68fdf640c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Literature is a kind of knowledge that makes use of the word in order to project possible realities. Therefore, mimesis has in literary life experience verisimilitude that makes it possible to grasp the literary phenomenon as interpretive. In the process of composition, the literary genre becomes the set of conventions that the author uses to make himself intelligible to his audience. Biblical narratives and in particular, the Gospel According to St. Matthew, have elements that allow their own reading as literary works of antiquity, whose narrative strategies are shown construction of believable representation of reality. To this end, the narrator of the Gospel According to St. Matthew used those conventions that conformed to the horizon of expectations of your audience and articulate experiences arising from the Greco-Roman literature and Jewish literature. In the case of Christs Passion According to St. Matthew, the narrator undertakes a set of narrative strategies that favor its conduct of reading the narrative according to your perspective. In this process, it is a structure that combines the Greco-Roman biography to that already established in biblical literature. Thus, the Passion of Christ is presented as the final part of the story, a paradigmatic perspective and at the same time as carrying out the Scriptures, that appear and prophesy about Jesus and resizeing and universalizing nature of salvation. / A literatura é um tipo de conhecimento que faz uso da palavra com a finalidade de projetar realidades possíveis. Para tanto, a mimese literária tem na experiência vivencial a verossimilhança que torna possível a apreensão da obra literária como fenômeno interpretativo. Nesse processo de composição, o gênero literário converte-se no conjunto de convenções que o autor se vale para fazer-se inteligível a seu público. As narrativas bíblicas e, em especial, o Evangelho Segundo São Mateus, possuem elementos que permitem sua leitura como obras literárias próprias da Antiguidade, cujas estratégias narrativas se mostram construtoras de representação verossímil da realidade. Para tanto, o narrador do Evangelho Segundo São Mateus utilizou-se daquelas convenções que se conformavam ao horizonte de expectativas de seu público e que articulam experiências advindas da literatura greco-romana e da literatura judaica. No caso da Paixão de Cristo Segundo São Mateus, o narrador empreende um conjunto de estratégias narrativas que favorecem sua condução da leitura da narrativa de acordo com sua perspectiva. Nesse processo, vale-se de uma estrutura que combina a biografia greco-romana àquela já consagrada na literatura bíblica. Dessa forma, a Paixão de Cristo nos é apresentada como parte final da história, numa perspectiva paradigmática e, ao mesmo tempo, como realização das Escrituras, que figuram e profetizam a respeito de Jesus e a natureza redimensionadora e universalizadora da salvação.

Acumulai Tesouros no Céu: estudo da linguagem econômica do evangelho de Mateus / Treasures in Heaven: a study of the economic language of the Gospel of Matthew.

Lima, Anderson de Oliveira 07 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:21:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ANDERSON DE OLIVEIRA LIMA - DISSERTACAO DE MESTRADO.pdf: 1332692 bytes, checksum: 2d349d4800c207573def5a0ae194069f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / From the exegetic analysis of Matthew 6.19-21, this work approach the socio-economic differences that existed between the group that produced to the gospel of Matthew and that generated the original version of this small text in the gospel Q. In this research we look for matthean peculiarities, which serving especially for the reconstruction of a Jewish-Christian group that existed in an urban area of Galilee in the last decades of the first century. The choice of Matthew 6.19-21, which is part of a various texts group that together form a kind of "economic status" in Mt 6.19-34, its will bring us to conclude that in the face of socio-economic sanctions imposed by non-Christians Jews, who called the matthean group "heretic", the tradition that focuses on poverty, typical of the traveler prophets of the Jesus movement, is re-read by Matthew Gospel to encourage the non-limited charity also among the mattheans group member. / A partir da análise exegética de Mateus 6.19-21, este trabalho aborda as diferenças sócio-econômicas que existiram entre o grupo que deu origem ao evangelho de Mateus e aquele que gerou a versão primitiva deste pequeno texto no evangelho Q. Nesta investigação procuramos por peculiaridades mateanas, que servem especialmente para a reconstrução de um grupo judaico-cristão que existiu numa zona urbana da Galiléia nas últimas décadas do século I. A escolha de Mateus 6.19-21, que faz parte de um agrupamento de textos diversos que juntos formam uma espécie de estatuto econômico do grupo em Mt 6.19-34, nos conduzirá à conclusão de que diante de sanções sócio-econômicas duramente impostas pelos judeus não cristãos que consideravam o grupo mateano herético , a tradição que privilegia a pobreza, típica dos profetas itinerantes do movimento de Jesus, é relida pelo evangelho de Mateus para incentivar a caridade ilimitada também entre os membros do grupo mateano.

E ele sera chamado pelo nome de Emanuel : o narrador e Jesus Cristo no evangelho de Mateus / And they will call him Immanuel : the narrator and Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew

Ferreira, João Cesario Leonel, 1962- 13 March 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Suzi Frankl Sperber / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T10:26:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_JoaoCesarioLeonel_D.pdf: 1647448 bytes, checksum: 374a6ee732ee926d95aeb3c7eda8331e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Esta tese tem como objetivo principal o estudo do narrador no evangelho de Mateus e de sua relação com o protagonista ¿ Jesus Cristo. Central em todo o trabalho é a constatação de que o narrador configura o texto de modo a produzir nos leitores a consciência de que a narrativa se refere não apenas a um personagem da história passada, mas a Jesus Cristo vivo. Este exerce a função de orientar a compreensão do texto. Para tanto, o narrador coloca-se em segundo plano e desenvolve técnicas para que o personagem principal ocupe espaço de proeminência. A minimização da presença do narrador, antes de se transformar em debilidade textual, produz abertura do texto ao leitor. Desse modo, as estratégias estabelecidas visam atrair o leitor para que participe da trama. Para chegar a tais conclusões, o trabalho discute variadas formas interpretativas pela quais o evangelho de Mateus é estudado na atualidade. Define o gênero literário ao qual pertence o evangelho como biografia greco-romana. Identifica o narrador, seu foco narrativo e a forma como organiza o evangelho em blocos narrativos e discursivos a partir da fonte principal, o evangelho de Marcos. Por fim, explicita estratégias literárias através da comparação exaustiva entre textos de Mateus e Marcos, demonstrando como elas apontam para propósitos retóricos específicos que o narrador deseja gerar nos leitores. O canal de discussão com biblistas esteve aberto, em alguns momentos utilizando interpretações e pontos de vistas, e em outros discordando de suas colocações. A principal delas diz respeito à declaração de que o evangelho apresenta um caráter catequético e desprovido de brilho. Em oposição, afirma-se que o evangelho de Mateus possui estratégias narrativas que o tornam extremamente persuasivo aos leitores. Torna-se claro que a desconsideração dos elementos de análise descritos no trabalho produz conseqüências nocivas à interpretação do texto bíblico / Abstract: The main goal of this thesis is the study of the narrator of the Gospel of Matthew and its relationship with its main character ¿ Jesus Christ. In the very heart of the dissertation is the observation that the narrator works his text in order to produce in the readers the consciousness that the narrative has to do with the living Jesus Christ, who plays the role of guiding the understanding the text, and not only with a mere character of a past history. To do so, the narrator put himself in a secondary place, and develops some mechanisms so that the main character may occupy a prominent role. The downsizing of the narrator is not a textual frailty. Rather, it produces an opening of the text to the reader. Thus, these strategies aim to attract the reader to participate in the plot. In order to reach these conclusions, the dissertation discusses several contemporary ways the Gospel of Matthew is interpreted at this moment. It also defines the literary genre of the Gospel as a Greek-Roman biography. Besides, it identifies the narrator, its narrative focus and how he organizes the gospel in discursive and narrative blocks from its main source, viz., the Gospel of Mark. As an ending, the dissertation explains the literary strategies through an exhaustive comparison between the texts of Matthew and Mark, giving evidence of how they point to specific rhetoric purposes the narrator wish to generate in the readers. There was an open channel of discussion with Bible scholars, sometimes agreeing, sometimes disagreeing with them. The main point of disagreement was related to the statement that the Gospel has a catechetical purpose and is deprived of brilliance. Arguing against this, it is stated that the Gospel of Matthew has narrative strategies that make it extremely persuasive to its readers. It is quite clear that the disrespect of the elements of analysis described in the dissertation produces harmful consequences to the interpretation of the biblical text / Doutorado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Doutor em Teoria e História Literária

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