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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Keyboard Suites of Matthew Locke and Henry Purcell

Kim, Hae-Jeong 08 1900 (has links)
This work largely concerns the roles of Matthew Locke and Henry Purcell in the history of English keyboard music as reflected in their keyboard suites. Both, as composers of the Restoration period, integrated the French style with the more traditional English techniques--especially, in the case of Purcell, the virginalist heritage-- in their keyboard music. Through a detailed examination of their suites, I reveal differences in their individual styles and set forth unique characteristics of each composer. Both composers used the then traditional almain-corant-saraband pattern as the basis of the suite, to which they added a variety of English country dances. At the same time they modified the traditional dances with a variety of French and Italian idioms, thereby making distinctive individual contributions to the genre.

Child, Philosophy and Education:discussing the intellectual sources of Philosophy for Children

Juuso, H. (Hannu) 11 September 2007 (has links)
Abstract The study analyzes the theoretical basis of the Philosophy for Children (P4C) program elaborated by Matthew Lipman. The aim is, firstly, to identify the main philosophical and pedagogical principles of P4C based on American pragmatism, and to locate their pedagogization and possible problems in Lipman's thinking. Here the discussion is especially targeted to the thinking of John Dewey and George H. Mead as well as Lev Vygotsky, whom Lipman himself names as the most pivotal sources for his own thinking. On the other hand, the study aims at opening up new perspectives and thematizations on P4C from the viewpoint of the continental tradition of thought. The essential principles of P4C connected with reasonableness and judgment are ultimately interpreted as a neo-Aristotelian effort to contextualize philosophy by tracing it back to moderation, the man's ability to consider and solve problems that he meets in practical life kata ton orthon logon – by doing right things in the right place at the right time in the right way. This phronetic idea of 'humanizing modernity' combined with the evolution of the adult-child concept is argued to be one of the conditions for the possibility of P4C, yet leaving unsolved the basic problems involving pedagogical action as such. John Dewey's ideas arising from the critique of the modern philosophy of consciousness, focusing on the significance of philosophy in practical human life and linked to the basic nature of human knowing and intellectual growth and, further, to the ideal of a democratic community, are shown to form the main intellectual sources of P4C. Dewey's philosophy as a general theory of education means a solid linking of the concepts of experience and inquiry to the practice of education. This is based on the naturalistic conception of man according to which man is built in dynamic transaction with his environment, experiencing the true meanings of his ideas in the consequences of his actions as he tries to solve problematic situations. So, inquiry as a method of reflective thinking forms the basis for education based on intellectual growth. A condition for it is a context meaningful for the child in which the paradigm of inquiry can be realized authentically. It is therefore important in education to provide circumstances that stimulate the child's curiosity, initiating a process of inquiry that further enables, through the formation of reflective habits, the development of a democratic community. The purpose of the pedagogical interaction taking place in the process of inquiry is to produce educative experiences for the child, making the pedagogical relationship vanish at the same time. The idea is that in pedagogical action the child's subjectivity, his desire and impulses are adapted to the tradition, yet generating at the same time a prospective, reflective habit, thus freeing the educatee to think intelligently for himself. The study shows the articulation of these principles in Lipman's practical effort to convert the classroom into a community of inquiry, but it also argues that the above-mentioned Bildung theoretical core problem of pedagogical action, related to its paradoxical special characteristics to produce autonomous subjectivity, is not thematized. In connection with this issue, the educational thinking of Kant and Hegel is discussed especially from the viewpoint of philosophy teaching. To provide a new perspective for the discussion, the study outlines the community of inquiry as an 'educative space' from the viewpoints of the pedagogical relationship typical of hermeneutic pedagogy and of non-reflective functional structures and phenomena based on pedagogical intuition that are linked to it. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa eritellään Matthew Lipmanin kehittelemän Filosofiaa lapsille (P4C) ohjelman teoreettisia perusteita. Tarkoituksena on ensinnäkin identifioida P4C:n amerikkalaiseen pragmatismiin palautuvat filosofiset ja pedagogiset pääperiaatteet sekä paikallistaa niiden pedagogisoituminen sekä mahdolliset ongelmat Lipmanin ajattelussa. Tällöin tarkastelun kohteena on erityisesti John Deweyn ja Georg H. Meadin ajattelu sekä lisäksi Lev Vygotsky, jotka kolme Lipman itse nimeää oman ajattelunsa merkittävimmiksi lähteiksi. Toisaalta tutkimuksessa pyritään avaamaan P4C:lle uusia näkökulmia ja tematisointeja mannermaisen ajatteluperinteen näkökulmasta. P4C:n keskeiset järkevyyteen ja arvostelukykyyn liittyvät periaatteet tulkitaan viimekädessä uusaristotelisena pyrkimyksenä kontekstualisoida filosofia palauttamalla se kohtuullisuuteen, ihmisen kykyyn harkita ja ratkaista käytännöllisessä elämässä kohtaamiaan ongelmia kata ton orthon logon – tekemällä oikeita asioita oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan oikealla tavalla. Tämä 'modernin inhimillistämisen' froneettinen idea yhdistyneenä aikuinen-lapsi käsitteen evoluutioon argumentoidaan P4C:n yhdeksi mahdollisuusehdoksi, joka jättää kuitenkin pedagogiseen toimintaan sinänsä liittyvät perusongelmat ratkaisematta. John Deweyn modernin tietoisuusfilosofian kritiikistä nousevat, filosofian merkitystä ihmisen käytännöllisessä elämässä korostavat näkemykset, jotka liittyvät inhimillisen tietämisen ja älyllisen kasvun perusluonteeseen sekä edelleen demokraattisen yhteisön ideaaliin osoitetaan P4C:n keskeisiksi intellektuaalisiksi lähteiksi. Dewey'n filosofia yleisenä kasvatuksen teoriana merkitsee kokemuksen ja tutkimuksen käsitteiden kiinteää kytkemistä kasvatuksen käytäntöön. Tämä perustuu naturalistiseen ihmiskäsitykseen, jonka mukaan ihminen rakentuu dynaamisessa transaktiossa ympäristönsä kanssa kokien ideoidensa todet merkitykset toimintansa seurauksissa pyrkiessään ratkaisemaan ongelmallisia tilanteita. Tällöin tutkimus reflektiivisen ajattelun metodina muodostaa perustan älylliseen kasvuun perustuvalle kasvatukselle. Sen ehtona on sellainen lapselle merkityksellinen konteksti, jossa tutkimuksen paradigma voi toteutua autenttisena. Kasvatuksessa on siten tärkeää luoda olosuhteet, jotka stimuloivat lapsen uteliaisuutta käynnistäen tutkimuksen prosessin, joka edelleen mahdollistaa reflektiivisten tapojen muodostumisen kautta demokraattisen yhteisön kehittymisen. Tutkimuksen prosessissa tapahtuvan pedagogisen interaktion tarkoituksena on tuottaa lapselle kasvattavia kokemuksia häivyttäen samalla pedagogista suhdetta. Ajatuksena on, että pedagogisessa toiminnassa lapsen subjektiviteetti, hänen halunsa ja impulssinsa sovittuvat traditioon generoiden samalla kuitenkin tulevaisuuteen suuntautuvaa, reflektiivistä tapaa vapauttaen näin kasvatettavan ajattelemaan älykkäästi itse. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan näiden periaatteiden artikuloituminen Lipmanin käytännöllisessä pyrkimyksessä muuntaa koululuokka tutkivaksi yhteisöksi, mutta samalla kuitenkin argumentoidaan, että mainittu pedagogisen toiminnan sivistysteoreettinen ydinongelma liittyen sen paradoksaaliseen erityisluonteeseen autonomisen subjektiviteetin tuottamiseksi ei tematisoidu. Tämän kysymyksen yhteydessä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Kantin ja Hegelin kasvatusajattelua erityisesti filosofian opetuksen näkökulmasta. Uutena avauksena tutkimuksessa hahmotellaan tutkivaa yhteisöä 'kasvattavana tilana' hermeneuttiselle pedagogiikalle ominaisen pedagogisen suhteen ja siihen kytkeytyvien ei-reflektiivisten, pedagogiseen intuitioon perustuvien toimintarakenteiden ja ilmiöiden näkökulmasta.

Démocratie expérimentale et philosophie pour enfants

Néron, Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
Actuellement au Québec, une majorité d’électeurs ont exprimé leur mécontentement vis-à-vis du système politique actuel. Les citoyens déclarent être privés de contrôle et ressentir un manque de choix réel dans le processus politique. À l’ère du populisme croissant, cela représente une préoccupation urgente pour assurer la vitalité de notre démocratie. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’aborder la question de l’engagement civique et de la transformation sociale et politique à partir d’une évaluation critique de la Philosophie pour enfants (PPE). La question de la recherche peut être formulée ainsi : « Comment la Philosophie pour enfants peut-elle aider à répondre aux aspirations non satisfaites qu’une majorité de citoyens ressentent à l’égard du système politique actuel ? » Afin de répondre à cette question, nous évaluons la valeur et le potentiel démocratique de la PPE à travers une théorie sociale et politique radicale. Nous nous éloignons des philosophies politiques plus « traditionnelles » pour nous intéresser au programme politique de « démocratie expérimentale » développé par Roberto Unger pour montrer comment il peut offrir un moyen d'envisager la PPE comme un moyen de perturber la simple reproduction de la structure sociale et de la rapprocher d'une activité qui le transforme à travers l'expérimentation et l'engagement collectif. Pour ce faire, nous argumentons que les pratiques et les fondements théoriques de la PPE peuvent être considérés comme compatibles avec une telle vision démocratique. Nous soutenons néanmoins que son potentiel démocratique est limité par le manque de l’aspect pratique ainsi que par l'absence de soutien institutionnel capable de permettre l'expérimentation et la collaboration collective. / Recently in Quebec, a majority of eligible voters have expressed their discontent with the current political system. Citizens say they experience disempowerment and feel a lack of real choice in the political process. In the age of rising populism, this represents a pressing concern to ensure the vitality of our democracy. The purpose of this thesis is to engage with the issue of civic engagement and social reform from the standpoint of Philosophy for children (P4C). The research question can be formulated as such: “How can P4C contribute to an effective response towards the unsatisfied aspirations that a majority of citizens feel toward the current political system?” In order to answer this question, we assess P4C’s democratic value and democratic potential through a radical social and political theory. We depart from more “traditional” political philosophies and direct our attention to Democratic Experimentalism developed by Roberto Unger to show how it can offer a way to envisage P4C as a means to disrupt the mere reproduction of the structure of society and bring it closer to an activity that transforms it through experimentation and collective engagement. To do so, we examine how P4C’s practices and theoretical underpinnings can be said to be compatible with such a vision of democratic life and how nonetheless its democratic potential is limited by the lack of practicality and the absence of institutional support capable of enabling experimentation and collective engagement.

Předškolní schopnosti: Evropská srovnávací studie / Pre-school abilities: European comparative study

Neufussová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
Pre-school education improves cognitive and non-cognitive skills of children, and the positive effects persist to adulthood. The literature provides rich ev- idence of beneficial effects of pre-school, some of them even causal. However, most studies come from the US, and the research lacks a comprehensive pic- ture of European countries concerning pre-school education. I contribute to the research by providing a comparison of European countries regarding pre- school attendance, pre-school skills, and test scores in fourth grade. In Section ??, I focus on the Czech Republic. The results show that more educated moth- ers are more likely to send children to pre-school. In most countries, children with stronger pre-school skills achieve higher results on standardized tests in fourth grade, which supports the idea of the existence of the Matthew effect. In the Czech Republic, pre-school attendance may increase fourth-grade test scores by 0.3 SD. The most important pre-school skill is the ability to read, which is associated with an increase in fourth-grade math achievement of 0.2 SD. The results contribute to the literature on pre-school education in Eu- rope; however, they should not be interpreted causally, as they are essentially a description of the pre-school context in Europe. 1

An investigation of the Beatitudes of Matthew : between oral tradition and Greek text

Day, Charles R. 02 September 2005 (has links)
An investigation of the Beatitudes of Matthew: Between oral tradition and Greek text investigates the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew. It starts with the Greek text as it is known today and works backwards to uncover the different stages of tradition. Each beatitude is reconstructed in both Hebrew and Aramaic in order to ascertain the oral tradition which gave rise to the Greek text and, ultimately, to suggest a theoretical rendering of the original words of Jesus. The results indicate that the original Beatitudes were given in Aramaic. They were subsequently translated into Hebrew and it is this Hebrew version which is the antecedent for the Greek text (which itself underwent successive modifications) known today. The value of the results of this investigation is a more accurate understanding of the words of Jesus, having obvious implications for Bible translations and commentaries. The results further give a glimpse into how the Beatitudes were understood at the different stages of tradition and assess their modern interpretation in the light of their history. / Thesis (DLitt (Ancient Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Ancient Languages / unrestricted

”Allting kunde ha varit annorlunda” : En medieekologisk analys av Johannes Anyurus De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar / ”It all could have been different” : A Media Ecological Analysis of Johannes Anyuru’s They Will Drown in Their Mothers’ Tears

Laudon, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks de olika samhällen som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar utifrån premissen att de är medieekologiska landskap som samverkar med, men även påverkar, de individer som lever i dem. Anyurus roman präglas genomgående av en ständig medial närvaro, vare sig det är böcker, tv-nyheter, mobiltelefoner eller videoskärmar, som romanens karaktärer tvingas förhålla sig till. Genom en analys av interaktionen mellan romanens karaktärer och de olika mediala gränssnitt som skildras, där såväl karaktärer som gränssnitt betraktas som medieekologiska komponenter, är förhoppningen att ett medieekologiskt perspektiv kan ge en mer nyanserad och fördjupad förståelse för hur dessa samhällen upprättas och sedermera fungerar. Analysen kommer således utgå från frågor som rör den funktion de mediala gränssnitten som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar har, och hur de kan sägas samverka i etableringen av romanens medieekologier, och följaktligen vilken effekt de olika medieekologiska landskapen har på romanens karaktärer och deras förhållande till varandra och till samhället. Vidare kommer det tidsresemotiv som skildras i De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar analyseras ur ett medieekologiskt perspektiv, genom att undersöka just hur olika konstellationer av medieekologiska komponenter i romanens två tidslinjer leder till utvecklingen av alternativa samhällen.

The Theatrical Saxophone: Visual and Narrative Elements in Contemporary Saxophone Music

Fusik, James Paul 02 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Media Meets Science: The Experience of a Media Teacher and Science Teacher as They Implement Media Literacy in a Science Classroom

Brown, Matthew Jay 13 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative action research study looked at my collaboration with a science teacher as we combined a Television Production class with an Advanced Placement Environmental Science class. This cross-curricular case study explored the implementation of the principles of media literacy, defined by the National Association for Media Literacy Education, into the science classroom where media literacy has traditionally been a non-factor. The impact of media and technology on everyone's daily lives is making it necessary for us to become media literate. The use of media literacy tools and strategies in a combined media production class and an AP science class created opportunities to explore cross-curricular understandings of media literacy education that would not have existed otherwise.

Ausweichung und Modulation in Generalbassschulen um 1700

Synofzik, Thomas 22 September 2023 (has links)
Die ersten Diskussionen musikalischer Modulation oder Ausweichung von einer Tonart zu einer anderen finden sich nicht in Kompositionslehren, sondern in Generalbasstraktaten. Dabei erscheinen diese neuen Konzeptionen grundsätzlich bei Autoren, die auch neue Tonartensysteme anerkennen. Es gibt keinerlei Verbindungen zu früheren Begriffen wie mutare il modo (Zarlino) oder Mutatio toni und Alteratio modi (Bernhard). In England und Frankreich, wo sich auch die ersten Tonartkategorisierungen nach Moll und Dur finden, zeigen sich ab 1667 erste Beschreibungen von Modulation im neueren Sinne. Matthew Locke gab 1673 noch keine Regeln, aber Notenbeispiele für Übergänge von einer Tonart in eine andere. Gasparini 1708 und Heinichen 1711 geben Vorzeichenregeln. Erst mit Rameaus Traité von 1722 und seiner Anerkennung charakteristischer Dissonanzen für Dominante und Subdominante werden Regeln für Modulation auf eine neue Basis gestellt. / The first discussions of musical modulation or transition from one key to another are not to be found in composition primers but in thorough bass treatises. These new concepts generally appear with authors who also offer new key systems and have no relations to earlier terms of mutare il Modo (Zarlino) or Mutatio toni and Alteratio modi (Bernhard). It is in England and France, where we also find the first key categorizations according to major and minor, that – from 1667 – we find the first descriptions of modulation in the modern sense. Matthew Locke in 1673 did not give rules but musical examples for transitions from one key to another. Gasparini in 1708 and Heinichen in 1711 give rules of accidentals. Only with Rameau’s Traité of 1722 and his recognition of characteristical dissonances for dominant and subdominant that rules for modulation receive a new basis.

Eunuchs in Matthew 19:12 : a study in the history behind the eunuch logion and itspossible implications / Enucker i Matteus 19:12 : en studie i historiken bakom eunuck uttalandet ochdess möjliga implikationer

Galvina, Anna January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie ifrågasätter jag tolkningar av Matteus 19:12, som påstår att versen och dess användning av ordet “eunuck” (εὐνοῦχος) förespråkar celibatet - antingen som en ideal eller alternativ till äktenskapet. Detta gör jag genom en studie av både historiska och bibliska bakgrundsfaktorer - främst identiteter, socio-politiska roller och andra aspekter av eunucker i antiken. Jag börjar med grekisk-romerska synsätt, som bevisar att eunucker oftast betraktades som hyper-sexualiserade och fördömdes för sina avvikande sexuella och könsidentiteter åtminstone av den Grekiska och Romerska eliten. Likadana synsätt har jag funnit i skrifter av den judiska filosofen Filon av Alexandria. Rabbinska källor uppvisar däremot radikalt annorlunda synsätt, som betraktar inte eunucker som celibata, men inte eller som köns-överskridande, allmänt eller sexuellt omoraliska. Diskussion om den Syriska kontexten och problematiken med dess källor visar att det kan vara värt att begrunda även postkoloniala perspektiv i frågan om eunuckernas identiteter, hur de avspeglas i olika källor och vilka avsikter skulle man kunna ha haft i användningen av sådanakaraktärer. Efter denna analys drar jag slutsatsen att tolkningen av Matteus 19:12 som förespråkande celibat är svår att försvara utifrån ett historisk-kritiskt perspektiv. Jag argumenterar också att de andra tolkningarna likväl tenderar att missa eller ignorera potentiellt viktiga aspekter i hur eunucker har betraktats, avbildats och behandlats i dom antika samhällena och Bibeln. Jag föreslår därför att söka nya intersektionella tolkningssätt.

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