Spelling suggestions: "subject:"means off expression"" "subject:"means oof expression""
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Figurální stylizace v sochařské tvorbě / Figural stylization in sculpture creation (with regard to the creation of selected artists of 20th century)SLOVÁK, František January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problematics of stylization in figural sculpture creation with regard to realizations of chosen sculptors of 20th century. Thesis is devided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part discusses some of the formal possibilities of stytization and its application in sculptural creation. Basic artistic means of expression and some determinants of sculptural creation together with nonverbal means are analyzed and used in characterictics of sculptural artworks of some Czech creators of 20th century. The practical part consists of a series of sketches, studies and variants of figural stylization, that applicates findings emerged from the theoretical part.
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Den offentliga dagboken : Vilka uttrycksmedel använder sig gymnasieungdomar av på dagboksbloggar? / The public diary : What means of expression do high school students use in their diary blogs?Karlsson, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Internet har sedan starten öppnat nya portar för kommunikation. En av de allra populäraste just nu är att blogga. Att uttrycka sig språkligt har kommit att bli så mycket mer än bara att använda sig av ord. På bloggen ges möjlighet att tillföra bild, film, färg och att använda olika typografiska medel, såsom att kursivera eller göra text fetstilt. Element som alla bidrar till hur text tolkas.</p><p>Utifrån fjorton dagboksbloggar och totalt 289 blogginlägg har min uppsats syftat till att undersöka hur framställning på dessa bloggar, tillhörande gymnasieelever, skett.</p><p>Mina frågeställningar jag utgått ifrån lyder:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Hur använder sig gymnasieungdomar av olika uttrycksmedel för att estetiskt och kreativt skapa ett blogginlägg på så kallade dagboksbloggar?</li></ul><p>- Hur används rubriksättning, bild, film, färg och olika stilformat på texten för att skapa kommunikation och olika uttryck på blogginläggen?</p><ul type="disc"><li>Hur förhåller sig gymnasieungdomars dagboksblogg till den traditionella dagboken vad det gäller utformning och kommunikationsmöjligheter?</li></ul><p>Genom en strukturalistisk analys, med utgångspunkt hos Jurij Lotman, har jag gripit mig an blogginläggen på olika plan där jag både undersökt detaljer i texten och övergripande utformning. Jag har funnit att dagboksbloggen och dagboken skiljer sig på flera plan. Främst i fråga om kommunikationen som sker öppet på dagboksbloggen. Språkligt utmärker sig bloggen främst genom att ord och meningar betonas genom fetstilt och kursiv text, både för att göra texten mer lättövergriplig men också för att betona uttryck. Smileys och andra känslouttryck visar i sin tur hur ungdomarna undviker missförstånd på ett sätt som inte kräver bearbetning av texten. Jag vill säga att uppsatsen visar på hur en vidgad syn på språklighet och kommunikation idag är nödvändig, i och med de nya medel som tillkommit i dagens IT-samhälle.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>Internet has since the beginning widened the form of communication. In recent times one of the most popular form is via blogs.</p><p>To express yourself has become more than words. The blogs give you the ability to add pictures, videos, colors and more. You are also able to use typological medium like italic and bold types. All these elements contribute to how the text is read and interpreted.</p><p>From 14 different diary blogs written by high school students and 289 posts in total my thesis intend to study which method of fabrications these blogs use.</p><p>The question formulations I have based my thesis on are:</p><p>· How do high school students use different ways of expressions to esthetical and creatively create posts at the so called diary blogs?</p><p>- How does headlining, pictures, film, colour and different typological medium being used to create communication and different expression on the posts?</p><p>· How does the diary blog relate to the traditional diary regarding the formation and forms of communication?</p><p>Through a structuralistic analysis method based on Jurij Lotman’s analysis I’ve approached the posts on different levels, where I examine details in the text but also the structure. I’ve found that the diary blog and the diary separate from each other on several plans, foremost the way of communication which is overt in a diary blog. Linguistically the diary blog distinguish itself from diaries by the way to be able to emphasize words or a sentence with italic and bold types. Smileys and different kinds of emotional forms of expressions are used by the blogger to avoid misconceptions.</p><p>The thesis has proven that a widening way of looking at linguistic and communications are necessary due to the new medium that comes with the IT.</p><p> </p>
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Aktivní slovní zásoba vztahující se k vnímání těles u dětí ve věku 5 - 6 let / Active vocabulary connected with the perception ofSkalová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with active vocabulary related to the perception of solid objects by 5-6- year-old children. The main objective of this thesis is to map which verbal expressions the children use when recognising, comparing and identifying solid objects, how they are able to cope with the deficit of the respective vocabulary, what details they notice most often in describing, identifying and comparing solid objects, or what is most easy for them and, by contrast, what they are not able to express in words. To meet this objective, an experiment method was applied. The experiment was conducted in two kindergartens according to the scenario prepared in advance, using a set of wooden solid objects, which the children were to identify, describe and compare. The contribution of the thesis consists in the fact that it addresses the topics related to pre- school age, which are not elaborated in more detail in the available literature.
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Utveckling av fäste och skyltar för bakrutetorkare på personbilar / Development of a mount and signs for rear window wipers on carsJohansson, Gustav, Karlsson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete inom integrerad produktutveckling vid Högskolan i Skövde. Arbetet utfördes i samarbete med företaget The Best of Sweden AB där uppdraget var att utveckla ett fäste och skyltar för bakrutetorkare på personbilar. Utvecklingsprocessen för produkten började med en förstudie där bland annat kundbehov undersöktes. Under förstudien undersöktes även olika faktorer som kan komma att påverka produkten i dess användningsmiljö, exempelvis bilars aerodynamik och kraften i bakrutetorkarens motor. En fältstudie genomfördes på existerande torkararmar som fästets och skyltarnas mått grundas på. Resultatet från förstudien var en kravspecifikation som det slutliga konceptet ska kunna ställas mot. Olika strukturerade designmetoder användes under konceptgenerering samt konceptutvärdering som följdes upp av detaljutveckling. Förslag på material och tillverkningsmetod samt ett kostnadsförslag togs fram. Resultatet blev en fästanordning och skyltar för bakrutetorkaren på personbilar vilket gör det möjligt för användaren att montera personifierade skyltar i olika format. Fästanordningen består av ett fäste och en rem, där remmen spänns åt runt torkararmen och håller fästet på plats. Produktens symmetri medför att den kan placeras på torkararmar oavsett om torkararmen går vänster- eller högervarv. / This thesis discloses a bachelor degree project in Product Design Engineering at the University of Skövde. The project was performed in collaboration with a company called The Best of Sweden AB where the assignment was to develop a universal mount and signs for rear window wipers on cars. The development process started with a prestudy where customer needs where analyzed. Different factors which affect the product in the environment of use, such as the aerodynamics of cars and the force in the rear window wiper engine, were examined as well during the prestudy. A field study was carried out on existing rear window wipers which became the basis of the dimensions of the signs as well as the mount. The result of the pilot study ended in a list of requirements that the final concept was to be compared to. Different structured design methods was used during concept generation as well as concept evaluation which was followed by a development of the details of the final concept. A proposition of material selection and manufacturing method was determined as well as an estimation of manufacturing cost. The result was a fastening device and signs for rear window wipers on cars which makes it possible for the user to mount personalized signs if various different formats. The fastening device consists of a base mount and a strap, where the strap is tightened around the rear window wiper and keeps the base mount in place. The symmetry of the product enables it to be mounted to a rear window wiper that either rotates clockwise or counter-clockwise.
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Epistémická modalita (subkategorie evidenciality) v odborných španělských a českých textech: komparativní analýza. / Epistemic Modality in Specialized Spanish and Czech Texts: A Comparative AnalysisDRAŠAROVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the epistemic modality, its types and modes of expression in specialized Spanish and Czech texts. The aim of this thesis is to perform a comparative analysis which is based on a statistical analysis of linguistic texts. The introduction primarily concentrates on the different typologies of Czech and foreign authors, the classification of modal attitudes, and the lexical and grammatical means of expressing modality. The result of this thesis is the comparison of the frequency that can be observed between the aforementioned languages.
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Do olhar que convoca ao sorriso que responde : possibilidades interativas entre bebêsCamera, Hildair Garcia January 2006 (has links)
Com o objetivo de investigar as possibilidades interativas de bebês entre si, como constroem suas preferências, e quais meios de expressão utilizam para se comunicar, a presente pesquisa buscou identificar as possíveis relações/vinculações com a construção de significados compartilhados na interação entre pares. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram bebês de 6 a 15 meses, numa Escola Municipal Infantil do Município de Porto Alegre. Através do estudo de tipo etnográfico foi possível observar, registrando em diário de campo e fitas gravadas o cotidiano do grupo de bebês de uma turma de Berçário. Isto ocorreu fazendo recortes de episódios interativos do processo de interação bebê-bebê nos primeiros anos de vida, Nas situações interativas observadas, com estes bebês, os contatos corporais se intensificaram nas brincadeiras, nas disputas, ou na movimentação espontânea permitindo trocas mais efetivas numa evidente intencionalidade de aproximação ao corpo do outro. Constatei também que a expressividade se fazia crescente à medida que pareciam mais ‘atentos’ uns aos outros, pois fazendo uso da comunicação mímicogestual, acompanhada de vocalizações, faziam-se entender. A comunicação pelo olhar acompanhado do sorriso como signo de socialização, o chamado “sorriso social”, gradativamente se convertem em instrumentos para atuar sobre seu meio. Foi significativo o papel da linguagem (fala) à medida que se constituía como mediador na interação neste contexto permitindo dar mais sentido nas relações entre crianças através da reciprocidade. Nesta trama se fazem presentes também a imitação com função social, o brinquedo, o espaço físico e psicológico, o educador como mediador das relações e do conhecimento, são aspectos facilitadores da construção da identidade de cada bebê e de uma realidade social compartilhada neste contexto > educativo. / The present research had as its main purpose to investigate babies’ interactive possibilities in an educational setting, to verify how they build their relations, their preferences and which means of expression they use to communicate. It also tried to identify the possible relations of meaning construction shared in the interaction among pairs. The research was done in a County School for Children’s Education in Porto Alegre City, and the subjects of the research were babies from 6 to 15 months. Through a study of ethnographic type it was possible to observe, recording on field diary and video, the daily life of the babies’ group from the Nursery class. The analysis was done through cutting outs of baby-baby’s interactive episodes. In the situations observed body contacts were made through games, competitions, or spontaneous movement, allowing more effective exchanges, and showing an evident intention of one another approaching. It was also noticed that expressiveness was growing up as the babies seemed to be more attentive to one another, and it was because the use of mime-gesture communication, together with vocalizations, helped them to make themselves understood. The communication through eye contact, together with smiling as a sign of socialization – social smile – was gradually converted into instruments that helped to build interactions. The role of language (speaking) was meaningful as it acted like a mediator in the interaction in this context, allowing more meaning to be present among children’s relations through reciprocity. In this plot aspects such as the miming with social function, the game, the social and psychological settings, and the educator as a mediator of relations and knowledge, were present as facilitators of each baby’s development, and also of a social reality shared in this learning context.
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Do olhar que convoca ao sorriso que responde : possibilidades interativas entre bebêsCamera, Hildair Garcia January 2006 (has links)
Com o objetivo de investigar as possibilidades interativas de bebês entre si, como constroem suas preferências, e quais meios de expressão utilizam para se comunicar, a presente pesquisa buscou identificar as possíveis relações/vinculações com a construção de significados compartilhados na interação entre pares. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram bebês de 6 a 15 meses, numa Escola Municipal Infantil do Município de Porto Alegre. Através do estudo de tipo etnográfico foi possível observar, registrando em diário de campo e fitas gravadas o cotidiano do grupo de bebês de uma turma de Berçário. Isto ocorreu fazendo recortes de episódios interativos do processo de interação bebê-bebê nos primeiros anos de vida, Nas situações interativas observadas, com estes bebês, os contatos corporais se intensificaram nas brincadeiras, nas disputas, ou na movimentação espontânea permitindo trocas mais efetivas numa evidente intencionalidade de aproximação ao corpo do outro. Constatei também que a expressividade se fazia crescente à medida que pareciam mais ‘atentos’ uns aos outros, pois fazendo uso da comunicação mímicogestual, acompanhada de vocalizações, faziam-se entender. A comunicação pelo olhar acompanhado do sorriso como signo de socialização, o chamado “sorriso social”, gradativamente se convertem em instrumentos para atuar sobre seu meio. Foi significativo o papel da linguagem (fala) à medida que se constituía como mediador na interação neste contexto permitindo dar mais sentido nas relações entre crianças através da reciprocidade. Nesta trama se fazem presentes também a imitação com função social, o brinquedo, o espaço físico e psicológico, o educador como mediador das relações e do conhecimento, são aspectos facilitadores da construção da identidade de cada bebê e de uma realidade social compartilhada neste contexto > educativo. / The present research had as its main purpose to investigate babies’ interactive possibilities in an educational setting, to verify how they build their relations, their preferences and which means of expression they use to communicate. It also tried to identify the possible relations of meaning construction shared in the interaction among pairs. The research was done in a County School for Children’s Education in Porto Alegre City, and the subjects of the research were babies from 6 to 15 months. Through a study of ethnographic type it was possible to observe, recording on field diary and video, the daily life of the babies’ group from the Nursery class. The analysis was done through cutting outs of baby-baby’s interactive episodes. In the situations observed body contacts were made through games, competitions, or spontaneous movement, allowing more effective exchanges, and showing an evident intention of one another approaching. It was also noticed that expressiveness was growing up as the babies seemed to be more attentive to one another, and it was because the use of mime-gesture communication, together with vocalizations, helped them to make themselves understood. The communication through eye contact, together with smiling as a sign of socialization – social smile – was gradually converted into instruments that helped to build interactions. The role of language (speaking) was meaningful as it acted like a mediator in the interaction in this context, allowing more meaning to be present among children’s relations through reciprocity. In this plot aspects such as the miming with social function, the game, the social and psychological settings, and the educator as a mediator of relations and knowledge, were present as facilitators of each baby’s development, and also of a social reality shared in this learning context.
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Do olhar que convoca ao sorriso que responde : possibilidades interativas entre bebêsCamera, Hildair Garcia January 2006 (has links)
Com o objetivo de investigar as possibilidades interativas de bebês entre si, como constroem suas preferências, e quais meios de expressão utilizam para se comunicar, a presente pesquisa buscou identificar as possíveis relações/vinculações com a construção de significados compartilhados na interação entre pares. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram bebês de 6 a 15 meses, numa Escola Municipal Infantil do Município de Porto Alegre. Através do estudo de tipo etnográfico foi possível observar, registrando em diário de campo e fitas gravadas o cotidiano do grupo de bebês de uma turma de Berçário. Isto ocorreu fazendo recortes de episódios interativos do processo de interação bebê-bebê nos primeiros anos de vida, Nas situações interativas observadas, com estes bebês, os contatos corporais se intensificaram nas brincadeiras, nas disputas, ou na movimentação espontânea permitindo trocas mais efetivas numa evidente intencionalidade de aproximação ao corpo do outro. Constatei também que a expressividade se fazia crescente à medida que pareciam mais ‘atentos’ uns aos outros, pois fazendo uso da comunicação mímicogestual, acompanhada de vocalizações, faziam-se entender. A comunicação pelo olhar acompanhado do sorriso como signo de socialização, o chamado “sorriso social”, gradativamente se convertem em instrumentos para atuar sobre seu meio. Foi significativo o papel da linguagem (fala) à medida que se constituía como mediador na interação neste contexto permitindo dar mais sentido nas relações entre crianças através da reciprocidade. Nesta trama se fazem presentes também a imitação com função social, o brinquedo, o espaço físico e psicológico, o educador como mediador das relações e do conhecimento, são aspectos facilitadores da construção da identidade de cada bebê e de uma realidade social compartilhada neste contexto > educativo. / The present research had as its main purpose to investigate babies’ interactive possibilities in an educational setting, to verify how they build their relations, their preferences and which means of expression they use to communicate. It also tried to identify the possible relations of meaning construction shared in the interaction among pairs. The research was done in a County School for Children’s Education in Porto Alegre City, and the subjects of the research were babies from 6 to 15 months. Through a study of ethnographic type it was possible to observe, recording on field diary and video, the daily life of the babies’ group from the Nursery class. The analysis was done through cutting outs of baby-baby’s interactive episodes. In the situations observed body contacts were made through games, competitions, or spontaneous movement, allowing more effective exchanges, and showing an evident intention of one another approaching. It was also noticed that expressiveness was growing up as the babies seemed to be more attentive to one another, and it was because the use of mime-gesture communication, together with vocalizations, helped them to make themselves understood. The communication through eye contact, together with smiling as a sign of socialization – social smile – was gradually converted into instruments that helped to build interactions. The role of language (speaking) was meaningful as it acted like a mediator in the interaction in this context, allowing more meaning to be present among children’s relations through reciprocity. In this plot aspects such as the miming with social function, the game, the social and psychological settings, and the educator as a mediator of relations and knowledge, were present as facilitators of each baby’s development, and also of a social reality shared in this learning context.
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Den offentliga dagboken : Vilka uttrycksmedel använder sig gymnasieungdomar av på dagboksbloggar? / The public diary : What means of expression do high school students use in their diary blogs?Karlsson, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
Internet har sedan starten öppnat nya portar för kommunikation. En av de allra populäraste just nu är att blogga. Att uttrycka sig språkligt har kommit att bli så mycket mer än bara att använda sig av ord. På bloggen ges möjlighet att tillföra bild, film, färg och att använda olika typografiska medel, såsom att kursivera eller göra text fetstilt. Element som alla bidrar till hur text tolkas. Utifrån fjorton dagboksbloggar och totalt 289 blogginlägg har min uppsats syftat till att undersöka hur framställning på dessa bloggar, tillhörande gymnasieelever, skett. Mina frågeställningar jag utgått ifrån lyder: <ul type="disc">Hur använder sig gymnasieungdomar av olika uttrycksmedel för att estetiskt och kreativt skapa ett blogginlägg på så kallade dagboksbloggar? - Hur används rubriksättning, bild, film, färg och olika stilformat på texten för att skapa kommunikation och olika uttryck på blogginläggen? <ul type="disc">Hur förhåller sig gymnasieungdomars dagboksblogg till den traditionella dagboken vad det gäller utformning och kommunikationsmöjligheter? Genom en strukturalistisk analys, med utgångspunkt hos Jurij Lotman, har jag gripit mig an blogginläggen på olika plan där jag både undersökt detaljer i texten och övergripande utformning. Jag har funnit att dagboksbloggen och dagboken skiljer sig på flera plan. Främst i fråga om kommunikationen som sker öppet på dagboksbloggen. Språkligt utmärker sig bloggen främst genom att ord och meningar betonas genom fetstilt och kursiv text, både för att göra texten mer lättövergriplig men också för att betona uttryck. Smileys och andra känslouttryck visar i sin tur hur ungdomarna undviker missförstånd på ett sätt som inte kräver bearbetning av texten. Jag vill säga att uppsatsen visar på hur en vidgad syn på språklighet och kommunikation idag är nödvändig, i och med de nya medel som tillkommit i dagens IT-samhälle. / Internet has since the beginning widened the form of communication. In recent times one of the most popular form is via blogs. To express yourself has become more than words. The blogs give you the ability to add pictures, videos, colors and more. You are also able to use typological medium like italic and bold types. All these elements contribute to how the text is read and interpreted. From 14 different diary blogs written by high school students and 289 posts in total my thesis intend to study which method of fabrications these blogs use. The question formulations I have based my thesis on are: · How do high school students use different ways of expressions to esthetical and creatively create posts at the so called diary blogs? - How does headlining, pictures, film, colour and different typological medium being used to create communication and different expression on the posts? · How does the diary blog relate to the traditional diary regarding the formation and forms of communication? Through a structuralistic analysis method based on Jurij Lotman’s analysis I’ve approached the posts on different levels, where I examine details in the text but also the structure. I’ve found that the diary blog and the diary separate from each other on several plans, foremost the way of communication which is overt in a diary blog. Linguistically the diary blog distinguish itself from diaries by the way to be able to emphasize words or a sentence with italic and bold types. Smileys and different kinds of emotional forms of expressions are used by the blogger to avoid misconceptions. The thesis has proven that a widening way of looking at linguistic and communications are necessary due to the new medium that comes with the IT.
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Psaná komunikace a výuka češtiny pro cizince / Written communication and teaching of the czech language for foreignersToufarová, Dagmar January 2015 (has links)
In her thesis the author looks at written communication in teaching Czech for foreigners. The theoretical part gives an account of theoretical foundations, such as synchronic and diachronic approaches to the language situation (worldwide, in Europe and especially in the Czech Republic) and language education, including introduction to communicative methods. Furthermore, the author describes individual component parts of the language education (means of expression and communication skills), with a focus on written communication. The analytical part analyses language-teaching methods of written communication in textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The last language-teaching methodological part is more practical, which the author offers specific recommendations for teaching written communication in Czech language for foreigners. Keywords analysis of textbooks, Czech for foreigners, means of expression, communicative method, recommendations for language-teaching methodology, writing, written communication, communication skills
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