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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extrato de bagaço de uva como antioxidante natural em carne de frango processada e armazenada sob congelamento / Grape pomace extract as natural antioxidant in processed chicken meat stored under freezing

Selani, Miriam Mabel 19 May 2010 (has links)
A carne de frango, em razão da elevada concentração de ácidos graxos insaturados, é altamente suscetível ao processo de oxidação lipídica, que afeta sabor, aroma, cor e textura dos alimentos, limitando sua estabilidade e vida-útil. Devido à possível toxicidade dos antioxidantes sintéticos e à demanda atual por produtos mais saudáveis, o uso de antioxidantes naturais, como o extrato de semente e casca de uva, representa uma alternativa na prevenção da oxidação lipídica em carne de frango, além de permitir aproveitamento do resíduo do processamento do vinho e suco de uva. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar extratos de bagaço de uva (sementes e cascas) das variedades Isabel e Niágara (Vitis labrusca L.) quanto à atividade antioxidante em carne de frango processada crua e cozida. Foram adicionados à carne de frango 4 tipos de antioxidantes: butilhidroxitolueno; mistura comercial de eritorbato de sódio, ácido cítrico e açúcar; extrato de semente e casca de uva Isabel; extrato de semente e casca de uva Niágara; além do tratamento controle, sem antioxidante. A carne de frango foi processada no formato de mini-hambúrgueres, embalada a vácuo e armazenada sob congelamento (-18°C), durante 9 meses. As amostras foram caracterizadas através da determinação da composição centesimal. A cada três meses, foram realizadas análises de pH, cor instrumental, avaliação microbiológica, oxidação lipídica (valor das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico TBARS) e análise sensorial. Não foi verificada alteração significativa (p>0,05) na composição centesimal e no valor de pH de amostras cruas e cozidas, em nenhum dos tratamentos analisados. Ambos os extratos de bagaço de uva mostraram efeito na inibição da oxidação lipídica da carne de frango crua e cozida, apresentando resultados comparáveis aos antioxidantes sintéticos utilizados. Houve interferência dos extratos de bagaço de uva na coloração da carne de frango cozida. Na análise de cor objetiva, os tratamentos com extrato de semente e casca de uvas Isabel e Niágara apresentaram-se mais escuros, menos avermelhados e com menor intensidade de cor amarela e, na análise subjetiva, as notas destes tratamentos, para o atributo alteração de cor, foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) que as dos demais tratamentos. A coloração da carne de frango crua não foi afetada pela adição dos extratos. Através da análise sensorial, o extrato de bagaço de uva Isabel causou menor alteração no sabor e odor da carne de frango, apresentando resultados semelhantes aos antioxidantes sintéticos. Os resultados da análise microbiológica indicaram que as amostras de todos os tratamentos apresentaram-se dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. A utilização de bagaço da indústria vinícola (semente e casca) como antioxidante natural, combinado com o uso da embalagem a vácuo e armazenamento congelado, pode ser considerada um método eficiente para retardar a oxidação lipídica de carne de frango processada, tanto crua, como cozida. Entretanto mais estudos devem ser conduzidos a fim de aprimorar a compatibilidade dos extratos ao produto, buscando minimizar suas interferências nas características sensoriais e organolépticas. / Chicken meat, due to the high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, is highly susceptible to lipid oxidation, which affects taste, aroma, colour and texture of foods, limiting its stability and shelf-life. Due to the possible toxicity of synthetic antioxidants and the current demand for healthier products, the use of natural antioxidants, such as grape seed and peel extract, is an alternative in the prevention of lipid oxidation in chicken meat, and allows the use of residues from wine and grape juice processing. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate grape pomace extracts (seeds and peels) of Isabel and Niagara varieties (Vitis labrusca L.) on the antioxidant activity in raw and cooked processed chicken meat. Four types of antioxidants were added to chicken meat: butylhydroxytoluene; commercial mixture of sodium erythorbate, citric acid and sugar; Isabel grape seed and peel extract; Niagara grape seed and peel extract; and the control, without antioxidant. The chicken meat was processed in the form of mini-burgers, vacuum packaged and stored under freezing (-18°C) for 9 months. The samples were characterized by determining the proximate composition. Every three months, the following analyses were carried out: pH, instrumental color, microbiological evaluation, lipid oxidation (value of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS) and sensory analysis. No significant changes (p>0.05) in proximate composition and pH values were observed for raw and cooked samples, in none of the treatments. Both grape pomace extracts showed effect on inhibiting lipid oxidation in raw and cooked chicken meat, with results comparable to synthetic antioxidants used. There was interference from grape pomace extracts in the color of cooked chicken meat. In the objective color analysis, Isabel and Niagara grape seed and peel extract treatments were darker, less red and with less intense yellow color, and in the subjective analysis, the scores for these treatments, for attribute color alteration, were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the other treatments. The color of raw chicken meat was not affected by the addition of extracts. Through sensory evaluation, the Isabel grape pomace extract caused less change in taste and odour of chicken meat, with results similar to synthetic antioxidants. The results of microbiological analysis indicated that samples from all treatments were within the standards established by Brazilian legislation. The use of pomace from the wine industry (seeds and peels) as natural antioxidant, combined with the use of vacuum packaging and frozen storage, can be considered an effective method to retard lipid oxidation in processed chicken meat, both raw and cooked. However, further studies should be conducted in order to improve the compatibility of the extracts to the product, aiming to minimize its interference in the sensorial and organoleptic characteristics.

Acceptability and Proximate Composition of Meat-Vegetable Sticks Versus All-Meat Sticks Adjusted to pH 4.6 or 5.2 with Citric or Lactic Acids

Quinton, Ronnald Dean 01 May 1996 (has links)
A new innovative product, stewsticks, made with beef, pork, spices, and dehydrated vegetables, was developed as a nutritious snack. Lactic or citric acid was added at pH 5.2 or 4.6 to both meatsticks and stewsticks. Meatsticks and stewsticks were prepared by mixing ingredients until a cohesive mass was obtained. This mixture was then extruded into sticks that were cooked to about 50% of original weight. Sticks were then cut to desired length, packaged, and stored. Then meatsticks (beef, pork, and spices) were compared to stewsticks for appearance, texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. The stewsticks had excellent shelf life due to combined hurdles of pH 5.2, water activity of 0.95 or less, salt, and vacuum packaging. Compared to meatsticks, one serving (2 ounces) of stewsticks had less fat (9 vs 11 g respectively), less cholesterol (75 vs 90 mg) and more dietary fiber (4 vs 2 g), carbohydrates (20 vs 4 g), vitamin A (11 vs 2% RDA), and vitamin c {32 vs 1% RDA). The type of acid did not affect panel preference, but the samples at pH 5.2 were preferred over samples at pH 4.6. overall, meatsticks were preferred by the consumer panel over stewsticks although there were 25% of them who rated stewsticks as moderately acceptable or higher.

Employers and industrial relations in the Australian meat processing industry: An historical analysis.

O'Leary, Patrick John, Organisation & Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Some industrial relations researchers have considered the meat processing industry as one of the more strike-prone industries in Australia. Many researchers have analysed this industry from either a political economy perspective or a union industrial relations perspective. This thesis acknowledges this body of literature, but takes as its focus the ways that employers have shaped the industry?s industrial relations. Employers, far from being reactive or even passive actors in shaping the industry?s industrial relations, have taken a long-term active role in this area. This thesis, therefore, focuses on an historical analysis of the changing roles of employers and employer associations in the industry?s industrial relations. This thesis will identify and link the relevant theoretical literature to the historical narrative, and then link this to actual events through three case studies analysing three exemplar employers. The findings of this thesis are that employers have had and made strategic choices about the industry?s industrial relations, at the workplace, industry and national-levels. The rise of AMH, which forms much of the second half of the narrative and analysis, shaped the industry?s industrial relations in ways not seen before in the Australian meat processing industry. Thus, the strategic choices on by many medium and larger meat-industry employers at the time, proved ineffective in the face of AMH?s success in driving down the cost of the wage-effort bargain, rendering many uncompetitive on both the input and output sides of the product market.

Analysis of value added meat product choice behaviour by Canadian households

Zhang, Xu 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the variability of Canadian's value added meat purchase patterns by animal species, by level of processing, by branding and by grocery store chains. The results highlight that meat price, advertising and household socio-demographic characteristics and regional segments are strongly related to meat demand. The findings also indicate that there is no one correct pattern of meat product development across animal products from different species. In addition grocery store meat purchase exhibits little store loyalty most households purchase meat at more than one store chain regularly. The implications of the study suggest the importance of meat marketing segmentation by socioeconomic and household demographic factors in the development of marketing programs and product promotion for the food industry in general and meat industry to expand sales by targeting marketing strategies. Public health implications include the fact that habit persistence is important and likely an impediment to behaviour changes. / Agricultural and Resource Economics

Hög köttkonsumtion och hur den kan påverka risken för folksjukdomar : en litteraturstudie baserad på kvinnor / High meat consumption and how it may affect the risk of endemic diseases : A literature study based on women

Waldenby, Anna, Svanberg, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vi äter allt mer kött. Tidigare forskning har visat på samband mellan högt köttintag och bland annat hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar och cancer. Information om skyddsfaktorer som minskar risken för folksjukdom är begränsad. Forskning om hälsa och sjukdom hos kvinnor är begränsad och därför behövs kvinnors hälsa lyftas fram. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida ett högt köttintag kan påverka risken för folksjukdomar hos kvinnor. Resultat: Resultatet tyder på en koppling mellan ett högt intag av rött och bearbetat kött och folksjukdomar hos kvinnor. Samband har funnits mellan högt köttintag och bröstcancer, diabetes och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Riskerna har visat sig kunna minska vid ett utbyte från det röda och bearbetade köttet till andra animaliska proteinkällor eller vegetabilier. Diskussion: Kosten bör vara en viktig förebyggande insats när det gäller folksjukdomar. Kostråd för kvinnor bör innefatta ett lågt intag av rött och bearbetat kött och en kost rik på frukt, grönsaker och protein från andra källor än rött och bearbetat kött. Slutsats: Tydliga och enhetliga kostråd bör tas fram för att minska folksjukdomarna hos den kvinnliga befolkningen. / Background:Our meat intake increases. Previous research has shown the connection between high meat intake, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Information on appropriate diet to reduce the risk of endemic disease is limited. Research on health and disease in women is limited and, therefore, women's health must be taken seriously. Objective: The aim of the literature study was to investigate whether a high meat intake may influence risk of endemic diseases in women. Results: The results suggest a link between a high intake of red and processed meat and endemic diseases in women. Correlations have been found between high meat intake and breast cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exchanges from the red and processed meat to other sources of animal protein and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of endemic diseases. Discussion: Advice on diet should be an important prevention strategy on endemic diseases. Advice on diet for women should include a low intake of red and processed meat and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein from sources other than red and processed meat. Conclusion: Clear and consistent dietary guidelines should be developed to help reduce the endemic diseases of the female population.

A food safety plan for the game meat industry in South Africa

Bekker, Johan Leon. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (DTech. degree in Environmental Health)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2011. / The South African game farming industry has become a world leader in the utilization of game, including the meat of game animals. The fast growth in the game meat industry is fuelled by health conscious consumers for meat with a low fat content. Although research on the production potential of African ungulates has been done, little has been done on the factors in the supply chain that affect the provision of safe game meat to the consumer. A literature review of the study field was completed to obtain an understanding of the value chain. In order to obtain information regarding the status of existing policies, strategies and practices that may impact on game meat safety, questionnaires were distributed to game farmers, hunters, butcheries, provincial offices of Veterinary Public Health (VPH) and Environmental Health (EH) as well as municipalities. Interviews were also conducted with those members of national departments who are responsible for policy making. The results represent the first systematic analysis of the current status of the South African legal framework and its application in relation to game meat safety as well as the practices by stakeholders that impact on the provision of safe game meat to the consumer. The results provide information on the current status of game meat control in South Africa, a description of the game meat supply chain and essential food safety management points in the supply chain; game farmer, hunter and butchery practices; and the knowledge of stakeholders in the game meat industry. 220 The main conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: (1) that the game meat industry is growing in South Africa; (2) that game meat reaches the consumers through a complex supply chain with various stakeholders; (3) that gaps exist in the supply chain that may impact negatively on the supply of safe game meat to the consumer. These gaps apply in particular on the farm, during hunting and control after the farm gate; (4) that there is an inconsistent application of policies and regulations by controlling authorities that leads to fragmentation in the control of game meat safety; and (5) that there is a certain degree of unfamiliarity on the part of stakeholders with regard to the game meat supply chain. A theoretical model was suggested that can be used in the development of strategies and policies that will help to alleviate the identified concerns and problems that may impact negatively on the provision of safe game meat to the consumer.

Mėsos fizinių savybių priklausomybė nuo kiaulių veislės / Die Abhängigkeit der Fleischeigenschaften von Schweinerasse

Ačaitė, Sigutė 13 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit: die Abhängigkeit der physischen Schweineeigenschaften von der Schweinerasse. Arbeitsmethodik: in dem frischen Fleisch wurde pH-Wert, Farbigkeit, Wassergehalt, Wasserbindigkeit, Kochverluste und Zartheit festgestellt. Für die Ergebnisse wurde das Schlachtfleisch von 20 Litauischen Weißen, 20 Yorkshire, 20 Landrasen und 20 Großen Weißen Schweinen untersucht. Die Untersuchungen wurden nach bestimmten Methoden im Labor für Bewertung der physischen Fleischeigenschaften und –qualität vom Vieh durchgeführt. Die Schweinezucht ist ein der Hauptzweige der Viehzucht. In der Fleischindustrie macht das Schweinefleisch 40% aus. Das ist ein der produktivsten Viehzuchtzweig. In Litauen verbraucht man im einem Jahr ca. 20-23 kg vom Fleisch, darunter 40% ist das Schweinefleisch. Die Farbigkeit ist ein der Kennzeichen, nach dem die Fleischqualität und Verkaufsaussehen eingeschätzt wird. Vor dem Erwerb ist das Fleisch sensorisch zu überprüfen. Das ist eine Voraussetzung für gute Endproduktqualität und Präzision der technologischen Prozesse. Die Farbe vom Schweinefleisch hat Schattierungen von hell- bis dunkelrot. Das Schweinefleisch unterzeichnet sich durch sanfte Konsistenz und weiches muskulöses Gewebe. Sein Bindgewebe ist sanfter als beim Rindfleisch. Die Viehrasse, -typ, -alter, Masttyp, Nachschlachtungfaktoren, technologische Prozesse, Menge von Bindgewebe, Verhältnis zwischen Kollagen und Elastin beeinflussen die Fleischzartheit. Der wichtigste von technologischen... [to full text]

Lietuvos juodmargių ir jų mišrūnų su Šarole mėsinės savybės ir mėsos kokybė / Beef meat production and quality of the Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle and their hybrids with the cattle of Charolais

Urbanavičiūtė, Asta 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of work – to determine efficienty of the Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle crossing with Charolais bull. The task of research: 1.To analyse the literature about the crossing Lithuanian Black-and-White caws with Charolais bull. 2.To determine the influence of Charolais bull on beef meat production and quality of Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle. Conclusions: 1.Charolais bulls were found to improve the weight of Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle at 18 month of age by 38.5 kg or 7.6 % (P>0,05) and reduced feed conversion per weight gain unit by 8.2 %. 2.The daily gain of the Charolais hybrids bulls was by 8.0 % bigger than that of the pure-blooded Lithuanian Black-and-White bulls. 3.Control slaughters indicated the bigger carcass mass for Charolais hybrids which was 20.7 kg, or 7.8 % bigger than the carcass mass of the pure-blooded Lithuanian Black-and-White young bulls. 4.Hybrids had a 1.5 % better carcass output, 4.0 % better ham output, and 2.4 % better output of ham edible parts in carcass, by 0.65 bigger the coefficient of succulence of this part of carcass and by 42.94 cm² bigger area of loin lean. 5.Crossbreeding had no significant influence on meat quality. A tendency was observed to lower meat pH, higher shear force and a better amino acids triptophan and oxyproline ratio 5.47 of hybrids (P<0,005). 6.It has been concluded that it is useful to use Charolais bulls for crossing with Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle of milk type.

Skirtingų veislių kiaulių mėsos cheminė sudėtis / Fleischeigenschaften durch die Schweinerasse

Vengraitytė, Loreta 15 April 2005 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit. Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Fleisches unterschiedlicher Schweinerassen zu erforschen. Die Aufgabe der Arbeit. Den Eifluß der Rasse in der Schweinefleisch Trockenstoffen, intermuskulären Fette, Aschegehalt, Eiweissegehalt zu erforschen. Fleischkaloriengehalt den verschiedenen Schweinerassen zu festlegen. Den Einflu�� der Esscholle den Chemischerfleischeigenschafen und Kaloriengehalt zu erforschen. Die Arbeitsmethodik. Das Fleisch von folgenden Schweinerassen wurde untersucht: 20 Litauische Weisse, 20 Yorkshire, 20 Landrasse und 20 Grosse Weisse. Der Untersuchungen wurde 31 weiblich und 49 mänlich Schweinefleisch genohmen. Für die Erforschung wurde die längste Rückenmuskel bei der letzten 3. Rippe genommen. Die Schweine wurden in der Kontroll-Fütterungsgsstation gezüchtet. Die Untersuchungen wurden im Labor für die Bewertung der Vieh-Fleischeigenschaften und -Fleischqualität anhand der allgemein gültigen Methodiken durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse und Besprechung. Die Schweine werden im mehreren Weltländern gezüchtet. Das Schweinefleisch zeichnet sich durch das gute Geschmack aus, hat mehrere wertvolle Gehaltstoffe und ist ein der am billigsten herzustellenden Lebensmittelprodukte. Nach der Analyse der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Fleisches ist es möglich, die Nähr- und Energiewerte zu beurteilen und die Qualität der Fleischprodukte vorherzusagen. Das Schweinefleisch ist ein leicht verdaubares Produkt. Auf dem Weltmarkt ist das fettarme... [to full text]

Sandėliavimo įtaka mėsos kokybei ir mikrobiologijai / The influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat

Dovalcovienė, Jurgita 17 April 2007 (has links)
The main goal of this work – determine the influence of storage to the quality and microbiology of meat, when storage is conducted according to regalement rules, or the storage is conducted breaking the rules by storing meat together with vegetables in the freezer with 4°C and 6 °C° temperature during 30 days period. The tasks of this work: 1. To research the pH changes when the storage regime is changing. 2. To determine the common microbiology pollution (BMS and pH), when the storage conditions are optimal, and when the storage conditions are deliberately broken. 3. To determine bacteria of salmonella and jersinia, storing meat is determined conditions, and then changing the conditions deliberately. The research shown, that storing meat at reglamented conditions for 14 days period at 4 °C, the example held out very well, with pH 5.54, and the example stored at 6 °C held out worse (pH 5.55), than the example stored at 4°C. That could influence the fact, that lower temperature influenced the holding out of meat. Conclusions: 1. Meat is more likely to be damaged, when it is stored together with another food products, and the microbiological state of meat was especially damaged, when it was stored with vegetables. When meat has been stored together with vegetables at 4°C temperature, the amount of microorganisms after 14 days increased from 9,6 mil 1cm3. to 890 mil. 1cm3, and after 30 days the amount of microorganisms increased from 9,6 mil. 1cm3. to 8,9 milij. 1cm3... [to full text]

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