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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力的研究 / A Study of Information Literacy Competencies for Undergraduate Students in Communication

柯雲娥 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊技術與通信科技的發展,將人類文明自工業社會帶入後工業社會的資訊社會,於資訊社會中,資訊已成為現代人生活的必需品,尤其,網際網路的興起,猶如個資訊海,充斥著各式各樣的資訊,雖然帶來生活上的便利與充實,但是大量的資訊卻也帶來人們的壓力,為免於落伍,不會為社會所淘汰,因此,資訊社會中持續地追求新知、不斷學習,已成為未來的生活方式。資訊和知識的最大差別,在於資訊只是經過整理的數據,而知識卻是經過反思消化後融入個人的知識體系□,如何將資訊轉化為知識,是身處知識經濟時代中個人不可或缺的能力。 對傳播學門而言,由於傳播新科技的運用,無論是電腦中介傳播或是網路的應用,不僅改變了傳播的媒介型式,甚至造成傳播理論的變化,影響了整個傳播學門的教育;而研究典範的變遷,由傳統陳述性的專業知識,轉為程序性與情境知識,提供問題導向與資訊處理的知識,學生要有分析環境、探索問題的能力。能察覺何時需要資訊,且有能力去搜尋、評估及有效使用資訊的一系列能力,稱之為「資訊素養」。因此,身處於現代社會的傳播學門的大學生,應具有怎樣的資訊素養能力,才能順應個人及未來工作上之需要,且能弭平人與人間的數位落差。 本論文主要是探討傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力,採疊慧法進行研究,由傳播學門專家、圖書資訊學門專家及大學圖書館館員共同參與,將資訊素養能力分成:資訊需求認知能力、資訊取用能力、資訊評估能力、資訊利用能力、資訊倫理能力等五大面向,透過三回合的問卷反覆調查,當所有參與者的意見達到一致性與穩定性,則視為研究結束。研究結果:界定了傳播學門的資訊素養意涵、建構了81項傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力指標、瞭解美國「高等教育資訊素養能力標準」於國內的適用情形、及獲得傳播學門特色的資訊素養能力。最後建議應訂定我國的資訊素養能力標準、強化傳播學門的課程設計、提供圖書館利用教育之參考、及研擬資訊素養教育相關之課程教材。 / The development of information and communication technology had brought forth human being’s information society from industrial society to post-industrial society. In the information society, the information has already become the part of the necessities of everyday life especially after the blooming of the world wide web. WWW, like an information ocean, provides a rich, easy, and various information. People are not only enjoying the benefits of information utilization from it, but also feel the stress from the massing information. It has already become a life pattern that people keep on learning new knowledge in order to prevent elimination from the modern information society. The major difference between information and knowledge is that information is sort of formulated materials, whereas knowledge is integrated to individual knowledge base after personal recognizing. For people in the modern knowledge economical century, it seems extremely important to get competency of transfer information to knowledge. For Communication field, it has changed the communication media type and communication theory due to the applications of computer mediated communication and internet utilization; furthermore, has influenced the entire communication education. The research paradigm has shifted from the declarative knowledge to procedural and context knowledge, which has provided the problem oriented knowledge and the information handling knowledge. Student needs to equip with environment analysis and problem tracing capabilities. It is called “information literacy” which is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. Hence, being a communication undergraduate student in the modern society, what should owns the competencies of information literacy in order to meet the requirements of the workplace and to bridge the gap of digital divide between human beings. This thesis explored the information literacy competencies for undergraduate students in communication applying by Delphi methodology. The Delphi panel collaborated with several communication experts, library information experts and academic librarians. Information literacy competency was carried out the following five facets: information needs recognition, information access ability, information evaluation capability, information utilization ability, and information ethics ability. The study was ended when all participants’ opinions had reach consensus or stability after three rounds of questionnaire survey. Results from experts’ consensus included that: (1) recognized the definition of information literacy in communication, (2) constructed the 81 items of information literacy indicators for the communication, (3) understood the application status for ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in Taiwan and (4) acquired the features of information literacy competency of the communication. Finally, it was suggested to build up the local information literacy competency standards, to reinforce the communication curriculum design, to provide the guidance for the library instruction program, and to plan forward the information literacy educational curriculum resource materials.

Förderung von Medienkompetenz - Formative Evaluation eines medienpädagogischen Projektes / Advancement of media literacy - formative evaluation of a media educational project

Brauner, Anett 02 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Nová média jako téma mediální výchovy / New media as a topic of media education

Páclová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with media education with special reference to new media. Media education has been a part of Czech curicula since 2004 and schools struggle with how to cope with it. In past few years new media came out to be a significant element of media education. New media are important part of everyone's life in informational society. Therefore it is neccessary to widen media literacy to new media as well. Children are growing with new media and they take them as a natural part of their lives. On the contrary teachers very often do not need new media and use them marginally. The author of the thesis tries to map how teachers and children are facing new media not only in media education but even in their lives. The first part of the thesis describes basic elements of the issue - informational society, media literacy, media education and new media. One chapter deals with media education in the Czech Republic, its past and present. The second part of it describes the methodology of the research with its advantages and disadvantages. The main part of the thesis contains a mixed research combining two methods (questionnaries and in-depth interviews). The research was implemented in elementary schools with children as well as with teachers. Results of the research show gaps in the media education emphasizing...

Mediální výuka na českých školách: Postoje vedení škol k rozvoji mediální gramotnosti / Media education at Czech schools: Attitudes of school leaders to development of media literacy

Stoszková, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media teaching at Czech schools: attitudes of school leaders to develop of media literacy" process the analysis of the current situation in the education of pupils in primary and secondary schools in the new issue of media literacy, figuring how it happens, what are the practices of school leaders - that determines how and where this discipline in schools is loaded, what leaders of schools achieve results and how they evaluated the contribution of the subject. The main target of this work is to analyze the current situation in Prague and neighbourhood and find the starting points for all who are interested in the topic, as well as defining the attitudes of school leaders to load new topics into school curricula. KEYWORDS: Media; Media Communication; Media Education; Media Literacy; Framework Educational Program; School Leader.

Proces a výsledek vyjednávání různých aktérů o podobě mediální výchovy: případová studie Gymnázia v Třinci / The process and result of negotiation of various actors over the form of media education: case study of Grammar School in Třinec

Klusová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the name "The process and result of negotiation of various actors over the form of media education: case study of Grammar School in Trinec" is dealing with media education and its realization at Grammar School in Trinec. The theoretical part will describe various definitions of media literacy as a result of media education. It will explore the development of media education in Europe and in the Czech Republic and it will analyze various approaches to the realization of media education. The thesis will also mention some researches made in last years in the Czech Republic that dealt with media education or media literacy. The practical part will continue after the theoretical part and it will deal with the realization of media education at Grammar School in Trinec. It will not just be about simple description of the condition of media education at that school. The goal is to focus on factors that come into the process of negotiation over the form of media education. The author will try to find out how individual actors communicate with each other and what is their interest in media education. Thanks to qualitative research and a combination of various techniques of data collection the author will seek to uncover connections and as a result she hopes to understand the whole...

Učitelé a mediální výchova

TRNKOVÁ, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of media education and teachers who teach the class. The first part of the thesis is devoted to a theoretical definition of the cross-curricular theme of media education, its historical development and the gradual establishment of the topic in Czech curriculum and the subsequent introduction into schools in the form of a cross-sectional topic that concerns grammar schools and not only them. Attention is paid to textbooks, publications and Internet links and courses available to teachers. Part of the attention is devoted to the latest research on this topic. The research part of the thesis presents the results of my qualitative research, which outlines patterns of approaches, opinions and attitudes of media education teachers at selected grammar schools in South Bohemia. The thesis deals with the question of who are the teachers, who teach media education, whether they are already prepared for this topic from the university, or whether they had to educate themselves and what are their most frequent approvals. Only recent university graduates, unlike their older colleagues, have had the opportunity to become acquainted with media education in their higher education. Their older colleagues did not have it so easy and had to deal with this task and topic during their teaching. There are different views on media education among young and senior teachers. As a rule, every young teacher is enthusiastic and positively perceives the importance of media education.

Educação audiovisual: uma proposta para a formação de professores de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio no Brasil / Educação audiovisual: uma proposta para a formação de professores de Ensino Fundamental e de Ensino Médio no Brasil

Rizzo Junior, Sergio Alberto 05 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um arcabouço conceitual para ser aplicado à formação de professores, em curso universitário de especialização (lato sensu), para o desenvolvimento de atividades no campo da linguagem e da produção audiovisual. Profissionais da Educação Básica, que compreende os nove anos do Ensino Fundamental e os três anos do Ensino Médio, representam o público preferencial dessa formação. As diretrizes aqui propostas correspondem também às oportunidades para a inserção do audiovisual na Educação Infantil, no Ensino Superior e na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. O referencial aqui estabelecido procura estar em sintonia com o atual cenário no campo da comunicação social e das artes, bem como com as diretrizes educacionais do país. A partir desse mapeamento conceitual, devidamente conectado com o desenvolvimento do audiovisual ao longo do século XX e na primeira década do século XXI, configura-se a grade de um curso de especialização voltado para a qualificação, nessa área, de profissionais egressos dos cursos de formação de professores e de gestores de educação. O resultado pode ser adaptado para dar origem a uma licenciatura em audiovisual e também, a partir do desmembramento de seus eixos, a cursos de formação pontuais oferecidos por redes de ensino ou estabelecimentos isolados. O uso do termo \"educação audiovisual\" busca traduzir compreensão mais aguda dos fenômenos que, sob efeito do que se convencionou chamar de \"convergência de meios\", de \"revolução digital\" e de \"economia do audiovisual\", geraram transformações profundas nos campos do cinema, da televisão e do vídeo, interligados nas esferas da linguagem, da produção, da difusão e da recepção. / This dissertation presents a conceptual framework to be applied to the formation of teachers, in a university course of specialization (lato sensu), for the development of activities in the field of audiovisual language and production. Professionals of Basic Education, which encompasses the nine years of Elementary School and the three years of Middle School, make up the preferential public for this formation. The directives proposed here correspond also to the opportunities for the insertion of audiovisual in Early Education, Higher Education and Adult and Youth Education. The referential established here seeks to be attuned to the current scenario in the area of social communications and arts, as well as with Brazils education directives. From that conceptual mapping, which here is connected to the development of audiovisual along the 20th Century and the first decade of the 21st Century, is configured the grid of a course of specialization directed to the qualification, in this area, of professionals from the courses of teachers and education managers formation. The results may be adapted to become the source of a teaching degree in audiovisual and also, by separating its main axes, of targeted formation courses offered in education networks or in individual establishments. The use of the term \"audiovisual education\" seeks to translate a more accurate comprehension of the phenomena that, under the effect of what has been agreed to be called media convergence, digital revolution and audiovisual economics, have generated deep changes in the fields of cinema, television and video, which are interconnected in the spheres of language, production, diffusion and reception.

Mediální výchova v rodině / Media educationin the family

Cigánková, Klára January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis "Media education in the family" discusses media education strategies of parents, or, in other words, parental mediation. This discussion is important because the family, in addition to the school system, is largely responsible for influencing the media literacy of children. The theoretical section of this thesis sums up how this topic was processed in foreign and Czech studies, and describes the main characteristics of parental mediation. Media education strategies of parents are also assessed in connection with the socialization of the child, and with the education and communication styles in family. Frequently, studies describe three types of parental mediation, which are: active mediation, restrictive mediation and social co-viewing. Although these types of mediation were defined mostly in connection with the viewing of television programs, it is possible to transfer these types, with small changes, on to other media, including the internet. The practical part of this thesis contains a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with parents who have children between the ages of 12 and 15. The goal of this analysis was to find out what parents think of the relationship between children and media, which strategies of parental mediation they are using, and which conditions and...

Metodické pomůcky pro učitele v oblasti mediálního vzdělávání / Methodical tools for teachers in area of media education

Kručayová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is the question of media education in Czech Republic. The work tries to set a theoretical frame for media education and media literacy. It describes different approaches to the realization to the media education and states the history and development in Czech Republic as well as worldwide. Possibilities of tutor education in this field are also mentioned. Furthermore, the work analyses the state of the art in this field in Slovakia in comparison with Czech Republic. The main objective of this work is to assess the themes used in several chosen printed methodical materials in the field of media education and reasons for favoring specific thematic ranges. Presence of different media in these thematic ranges is evaluated from the viewpoint of their usefulness in teaching and practice of the methodical-didactic approach. Based on the discovered facts the work summarizes the overall situation of media education in Czech Republic.

Přístup k univerzitnímu a neuniverzitnímu studiu médií v britském a německém prostředí : srovnávací studie / Approach to University and Non-university Media Studies in the Great Britain and Germany

Brejlová, Iva January 2012 (has links)
This Master thesis called Approach to university and non-university media studies in the Great Britain and Germany: A comparative study compares the approaches of Great Britain and Germany to tertiary education, which is thematically linked to the media. The thesis shows specific concepts in this field of study in two different environments that have developed under different historical circumstances and as a result of different processes of adoption of media studies as a university subject. The boundaries of this subject are not specifically stated, which provides countries with an opportunity to put their own concept into this subject. This thesis examines tertiary education connected to media institutions of higher education, within individual study programs, in leading professional publications, in the national assessment of educational documents and in approach of multinational organizations. The text defines relevant bodies and syllabi, identifying core competences of graduates of these studies, the processes through which they become experts and educational activities connected to media education. The thesis analyzes differences, expectations and methods in the documents using an in-depth analysis. The core question is whether the approaches of the Great Britain and Germany remain different...

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