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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Phenomenological Exploration of Novice Texas English/Language Arts Teachers' Experiences with Media Literacy

Huie, Allison Martin 2011 August 1900 (has links)
This mixed method study employs a phenomenological methodology to explore the experiences of novice secondary Texas English/Language Arts (E/LA) teachers' who integrated media literacy curriculum within their content area during the 2010-2011 school year. Data relating to the phenomenon was collected through Likert-type survey items and an in-depth three-interview protocol. The key findings in this study highlight the complex relationships that affect novice secondary Texas E/LA teachers' development of curriculum and pedagogy in the context of media literacy education. Participants' backgrounds were found to influence their beliefs and attitudes related to media literacy, which in turn, influenced the way they integrated media literacy curricula. Despite a commonly held belief in the value of media literacy education and intent to integrate media literacy in the E/LA curriculum, participants' confidence in their ability to teach students media literacy skills declined over time. Data suggest that this decrease is attributable to environmental factors such as access to technology resources and the culture and climate of the schools in which the participants teach. The study also finds that participants were insufficiently prepared to teach media literacy in the E/LA classroom and that both participants' teacher preparation program and school districts bear the burden for this deficiency. The findings of this study have specific implications for current educational practice. Schools of education and school districts are appropriately positioned to provide needed, but currently deficient, support to novice E/LA teachers with regard to media literacy integration in the content area. Such support could consist of formal coursework and/or mediated discussion in professional learning communities regarding: media literacy in the standards; technology skills and integration; pedagogical content knowledge related to media literacy education; sources for media literacy self-study and independent professional development; and teaching media literacy skills in technologically under-resourced or hostile environments.

¿Una pantalla que educa? La pedagogía de los medios de comunicación en la ESO

Ballano Macías, Sonia 13 July 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral constitueix un esforç per dur a terme una aproximació crítica a la relació que s’estableix entre educació, mitjans de comunicació i societat amb l’objectiu de proposar algunes concrecions per a la introducció de l’educació mediàtica al currículum escolar. La tesi presenta també un estudi sobre les dimensions d’introducció dels mitjans i les TIC a l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria de Catalunya, partint d’una mostra intencional de centres i d’entrevistes en profunditat a professors, directors i experts en educació i comunicació, així com grups de discussió amb alumnes. Aquest estudi ens permet establir les principals debilitats, amenaces, fortaleses i oportunitats d’un sistema educatiu sotmès a un convuls període de canvi i renovació en la qual els mitjans de comunicació juguen un paper important, no només com a suport o instrument educatiu sinó, i principalment, com a objecte d’estudi real a les aules de l’educació formal obligatòria. / La presente tesis doctoral constituye un esfuerzo por llevar a cabo una aproximación crítica a la relación que se establece entre educación, medios de comunicación y sociedad con el objetivo de proponer algunas concreciones para la introducción de la educación mediática en el currículo escolar. A su vez, esta tesis doctoral presenta un estudio sobre las dimensiones de introducción de los medios y las TIC en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de Catalunya partiendo de una muestra intencional de centros y de entrevistas en profundidad a profesores, directores y expertos en educación y comunicación, así como grupos de discusión con alumnos. Este estudio nos permite establecer las principales debilidades, amenazas, fortalezas y oportunidades de un sistema educativo sometido a un combulso periodo de cambio y renovación en la que los medios de comunicación juegan un papel importante, no sólo como un soporte o un instrumento educativo sino, y principalmente, como un objeto de estudio real en las aulas de la educación formal obligatoria. / This doctoral thesis constitutes an effort to carry out a critical exploration of the relationship between education, mass media and society, issuing specific recommendations regarding the introduction of media education in schools. Furthermore, this study presents an analysis of the dimensions in which media and ICT have been implemented in the Obligatory Secondary Education of Catalonia. The study is based on a selective sample of schools and in-depth interviews with teachers, principals, and experts on media education, as well as a focus- group survey with students. This methodology has allowed us to establish the principal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and pitfalls of an educational system during an important period of change and renovation, in which the educational media play an important role not only as a tools and devices, but also as a real object of study of compulsory formal education.

”Det är svårt att hinna med allt”- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen / ”It’s hard to manage everything”- : a study of the attitudes towards media literacy in relation to literature studies

Eskengren, Linda, Dusper, Tanja January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;</p><p>How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?</p><p>How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?</p><p>What attitudes do students have towards their teachers’ education of media literacy and literature studies?</p><p>The study took place in two<strong> </strong><em>cities in Sweden.</em> It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies. When teachers use media in their classroom movies tend be more common. Many teachers had difficulties with media education; it’s a question about time and technical resources.<em> </em>Some of the students were satisfied with their education. Some students wanted to include more media types with the literature studies, like blogs, but they didn’t share this with their teachers.</p> / <p>Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka om det vidgade textbegreppet förekommer och hur det används i samband med skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningen på högstadiet. Frågeställningarna vi utgick från i arbetet var:</p><p>Vilken syn har lärare och elever på det vidgade textbegreppet och hur avspeglas detta i undervisningen?</p><p>Hur arbetar svensklärare med skönlitteratur ur ett undervisande perspektiv i samband med ett vidgat textbegrepp?</p><p>Hur ser eleverna på sin svensklärares skönlitteraturundervisning i relation till det vidgade textbegreppet?</p><p>Studien är gjord i två mellanstora grannkommuner i södra Sverige, den består av arton kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare och tolv elever. Resultatet visar att lärare har olika syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i skönlitteraturundervisningen. När lärare använder medier i klassrummet blir det vanligtvis film. Undersökningen visade även att flera lärare stöter på svårigheter i samband med mediepedagogiken, det handlar om allt från resurser till tidsbrist.<em> </em>Många av elever var nöjda med undervisningen. En del ville arbeta med fler medier som t.ex. bloggar, men detta framförde dem inte till sina lärare.</p>

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? : En kvantitativ studie i hur gymnasieelever upplever att de arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet i skolan

Atle, Kimberly, Lindell, Nina January 2015 (has links)
Our society has become increasingly digitized, and all around us information flows constantly. Knowledge about valuing different sources of information, and not least the information itself, are becoming increasingly important. Media and information have come to play a big role in our society, and knowledge of media and information literacy becomes important to learn in school. High school students are at the beginning of their adult lives as educated citizens. In this study, we measured high school students experience of media and information literacy, during their three years in high school. Students answered a questionnaire, with questions based upon theoretical concepts in media and information literacy. We chose to focus on high school students as a homogeneous group and not make comparisons between different programs. Everyone is equal before the Education Act. We had preconceived ideas about the outcome, we thought it would turn out that school education regarding media and information literacy had been insufficient, but in many cases those ideas proved to be incorrect. It turned out that high school students may have considerably more knowledge in media and information literacy than we first thought.

何謂好圖畫書— 從文化迴路觀點檢視圖畫書產業的運作與限制 / Good Picture Books or not? A Study of Picture Book Industry from the Perspective of ”Circuit of Culture ”

陳真慧, Chen, Chen Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以回答「何謂好圖畫書」為主軸,透過兩階段進行探究:一為透過訪談方式,了解圖畫書文化迴路中發行者、創作者、消費者與經營者角色對「何謂好圖畫書」的見解,以及對現在台灣圖畫書市場的看法與建議,二為研究者實際進入幼兒園,以階段一的發現以及相關文獻資料的搜集,選定一本現在圖畫書較少見的題材與幼兒一同閱讀,進而探討台灣圖畫書市場有何可能的發展空間。最後,本研究共提出四個研究主張: 一、 批判媒體識讀的必要性 圖畫書的意義透過生產、消費、規制、再現與認同五個狀態彼此滲透循環而成,因此我們不應單純將圖畫書視為文字與圖畫的集合體,而是必須抱持批判的角度閱讀文本,找尋可能隱藏在文本中的真實。 二、 圖畫書多元主題的必要性 圖畫書受到商業利益考量、家長對孩子的教育觀等環境因素影響,具有「殘缺文本」的存在,即某些主題的圖畫書在市場中較為少見與處於弱勢,然而為刺激幼兒的批判閱讀能力,我們有必要提供豐富多元的文本給幼兒。 三、 不過度依賴書單的單一訊息 書單提供消費者消費的便利性,然而消費者也因此對書單過度依賴,所以閱聽人使用書單時應注意使用方式,否則容易喪失培養自我閱讀品味的機會。 四、 反對崇尚智識取向的圖畫書 台灣家長選書時,常受到「能否帶給孩子知識」的智識取向影響,然而這樣的思維容易讓孩子錯失閱讀多樣文本的機會,由於閱聽人可透過閱讀與批判的過程為文本賦予新意,因此圖畫書無好壞之分,端看讀者如何使用它。 / The purpose of this study is to answer ”What means good picture book?” and the concrete research concerns in this study include: (1) through in-depth interview with producer, author, consumer, and business operator in circuit of culture to understand how do they think about “good picture books ”, and their suggestion to Taiwan picture book industry, (2) choose one picture book which is rare in Taiwan picture books industry and study with children. There are four main findings from this study as follows: 1. The necessity developing critical thinking skills in media literacy Picture books are made through representation, regulation, consumption, production, and identity, so we can not only see picture books as a combination of words and pictures but try to find out the reality which hides in texts. 2. The necessity of providing multi-thesis picture books It exists “mutilated text” in picture book industry because of commercial profit and parents’ educational idea, but we have to provide children multi-thesis picture books to stimulate their critical thinking skills. 3. Do not rely on booklist too much We have to know that booklists make us choose picture books easier but may also make customers rely on it too much. 4. Do not advocate “knowledge-based” picture books If Taiwanese parents always choose “knowledge-based” picture books because they think those make children learn much more knowledge, children will loose their chance to meet multi-thesis picture books. In fact, texts do not really matter, but the key is how we read it with critical thinking skills in media literacy.

學前幼兒媒體素養教學手冊之發展 / Developing the handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool

賴慧玲, Lai, Huei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在研發我國大班幼兒媒體素養教育教師教學手冊,以做為未 來實施媒體素養教育課程之參考方向。藉由實際事件的舉例與可試行的教學活動解說,期望幼教老師在讀完教學手冊後,能瞭解幼兒媒體素養教育的意涵與重要性,並且依照個人教學需求進行幼兒媒體素養相關概念的引導活動。 本手冊發展歷程首先整理台灣、英國、美國、澳洲、加拿大國家幼兒階段的 媒體素養學習內涵、訪談幼稚園教師以瞭解幼兒媒體經驗、教師感知媒體素養之現況,再根據文獻與訪談的分析結果撰寫手冊,初稿完成後分別以問卷與訪談的方式針對手冊內容進行專家評鑑,整體發現手冊初稿的設計,尤其是教學活動範例的部分,皆較適用於已經具備或熟稔媒體素養知能的幼教老師,對一般不具備傳播教育背景與未曾涉獵相關概念的老師來說使用性較低,最後根據修改建議完成修訂版手冊內容,主要以現場問題為導向,來說明與媒體素養可以連結的部分與可參考的活動及提問方式,涵蓋「閱聽人」、「媒體再現」與「媒體文本」三個面向的學習活動,此外更強調的是讓教師明瞭遇到哪些機會點可以進行媒體素養教育與需掌握的要領(詳見第四章第四節)。 在手冊研發歷程中同時探討幼稚園教師感知幼兒使用媒體的情況、師生一同 使用媒體的狀況、幼師對媒體素養理解狀況與態度。結果發現教師即使進行的教學內容有部分會談論到與媒體內容有關的議題,也鮮少涉及媒體素養的核心概念與面向,再則是如果要針對媒體訊息內容討論必是與原先課程主題極為相關,或是此訊息對幼兒產生不當的影響需要進行全班性的解說與勸導。而雖然教師多贊成可以在幼稚園進行媒體素養教學,但是包括教師本身的認知與態度、幼兒的能力與發展,還有家庭的配合都是需詳加考量的部分。 最後根據本研究所探討的內容、研究結論與限制,提出研究建議,以供教育 行政機關、媒體素養推動機構、師資培育機構、幼稚園與教師、家長及未來相關研究之參考。 / This research aims to develop a handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool. By using examples of real events and feasible teaching activities, we hope teachers could realize the importance of media literacy education for children and conduct media literacy activities on their own demands. This handbook was developed through the following process. First of all, we compared the content of media literacy learning in preschool of five countries, including Taiwan, UK, United States, Australia and Canada. Besides, we interviewed several kindergarten teachers to learn media usage of children and the perception of teachers regarding media literacy. Then we used the literature review and result of interviews to compose the handbook. Furthermore, the draft of handbook were evaluated by professionals. According to the evaluation, we found the handbook might be more useful for teachers with some knowledge of media literacy, and not for those without background knowledge of communication or media literacy. Therefore, the handbook was revised and re-designed by questions to explain the link between media literacy and relevant activities. These activities consist of three main parts, audience, media representation and media texts, with the emphasis on some good opportunities for media literacy education and the skills necessary for teaching media literacy. We also explored how children use media alone or with the teachers through the perception of kindergarten teachers, and the understanding of media literacy and attitudes of these teachers. As a result, we found these teachers may mention media related issues in their teaching, but seldom refer to the core concept of media literacy. In addition, only when the media messages are closely related to the original courses subjects or they may have some bad influences on children will these teachers use them. Moreover, although most teachers agree that media literacy could be contained in kindergarten education, there are still some concerns related to the attitudes and cognition of teachers, the ability and development of children and the support of family. Finally, based on the result of this research, we provided some suggestions for further research on media literacy education. We hope this could be useful for education administrations, institutions of media literacy education, teacher training institutions,kindergarten teachers, and parents.

Drukmediageletterdheid in Suid-Afrika : 'n gevallestudie

Pretorius, Liesl 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The state of media literacy in South Africa was investigated on the basis of a case study. A survey was conducted among grade 10 learners in two Free State schools which are amongst the top achievers academically to determine if these learners possess the knowledge linked with media literacy. It was found that the majority of these learners do not. It is therefore imperative that the media industry promotes media literacy through assistance to teachers and independent training programmes aimed at learners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Ondersoek na die stand van mediageletterdheid in Suid-Afrika is aan die hand van 'n gevallestudie gedoen. Die aan- of afwesigheid van kennis wat mediageletterdheid veronderstel, is met behulp van 'n vraelys onder gr. 10-leerders aan twee van die Vrystaat se voorste (akademiese) skole gemeet. Die navorser het bevind dat die meerderheid van dié leerders nie oor dié kennis beskik nie. Die bevindinge dui op die noodsaaklikheid van steun aan onderwysers vanuit die bedryf asook die aanbied van onafhanklike opleidingsprogramme deur mediamaatskappye

Exploring the impact of media literacy instruction and video projects in a college technology course

Genereux, William E. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Curriculum and Instruction / Jacqueline D. Spears / This study explored the impact of requiring a video term-paper project and media literacy instruction to address the desired educational goals of increasing student ownership of learning, learning course-related concepts, providing evidence of communication skills, and increasing knowledge of key media literacy concepts. Study participants came from convenience samples drawn from a technology course taught by the researcher and from a writing course taught by a colleague. The sixty participants were male (41) and female (19) college students in different years of their courses of study. Participants comprised traditional-age (18-24) and non-traditional-age (25+) students possessing varying levels of familiarity with the skills examined. A quasi-experimental, two-group control/intervention design was used, augmented by additional data collected from the intervention group. The quasi-experiment consisted of pre-and post-test measurements of media literacy, with both groups receiving media literacy instruction an intervention in the form of a video term-paper research project completed by the intervention group. Additional data were gathered from student surveys and interviews conducted with the intervention group. The quasi-experiment did not provide evidence that either the media literacy instruction or the video term-paper project increased knowledge of media-literacy concepts. However, the data collected indicated that the video project was a relevant challenge that engaged students in active participation in their learning. Despite the inherent difficulties in the use of writing and communications skills in technology classes, science and technology educators should investigate the benefits of using media projects in their courses.

Jogos digitais, competência em informação e midiática: uma inter-relação para a competitividade das organizações contemporâneas / Digital games, information and media competence: an interrelationship for the competitiveness of contemporary organizations

Antunes, Daiane de Lima 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by DAIANE DE LIMA ANTUNES null (daiane_s_l@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-16T21:13:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Daiane de Lima Antunes .pdf: 4159895 bytes, checksum: dfef65119d00a8f00f6a5ac248534752 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-03-19T16:28:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 antunes_dl_me_bauru .pdf: 4159895 bytes, checksum: dfef65119d00a8f00f6a5ac248534752 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-19T16:28:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 antunes_dl_me_bauru .pdf: 4159895 bytes, checksum: dfef65119d00a8f00f6a5ac248534752 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Apresentam-se reflexões e resultados de pesquisa exploratória e teórica sobre a sociedade atual e a necessidade de se estruturar num mundo tecnológico de informações e comunicações, haja vista que as carências de informações impostas pela competitividade encontram-se baseadas na geração de novos conhecimentos e o acesso ao uso da informação correta. Na sociedade contemporânea, viver com a informação é uma questão de sobrevivência. Desde a sua formação, o homem busca desenvolver o conhecimento para criar mecanismos e melhor adaptar-se ao meio. A comunicação e subsequentemente a escrita, com certeza foram o grande passo para alcançar uma sociedade estruturada na informação e no conhecimento. No meio corporativo, informação e conhecimento são as palavras de ordem, são elas que devem estar intrínsecas nos processos de gestão a fim de desenvolver a competência em informação e midiática como diferencial competitivo, ou seja, propiciar o acesso e uso da informação e dos recursos midiáticos de forma inteligente para construir conhecimento e aplicá-lo à realidade. O uso das mídias deve atuar como aliado nesse processo de transformação do conhecimento em competência em informação e midiática. Para tal, pretendeu-se estudar o uso dos jogos digitais corporativos (serious games) – os quais têm como principal característica capacitar colaboradores através de um ambiente virtual que simula a realidade e faz com que os jogadores pratiquem atividades para aprender, sem que sofram danos reais - como instrumentos facilitadores nesse processo, no que atuarão como simuladores nos estágios de tomada de decisão com o objetivo de minimizar falhas, reduzir tempo e custo. A pesquisa envolveu as empresas Oniria LDSoftware Ltda. e I9ação, tendo sido realizada em duas etapas:1- pesquisa/revisão bibliográfica de natureza exploratória que permitiu a construção de referencial teórico de apoio e 2 - estudo de caso descritivo apoiado em pesquisa documental junto a documentos institucionais e sites das empresas, observação in loco e entrevistas com gestores. Os resultados apontaram que os jogos digitais corporativos não só colaboram com o desenvolvimento da competência em informação e midiática, como também de outras 9 competências e habilidades importantes para o processo de gestão. Evidenciou-se, ainda, que os jogos digitais corporativos são ferramentas midiáticas eficazes para capacitar e aperfeiçoar a competência em informação e midiática e todas as demais que se acham envolvidas em ambientes corporativos, trazendo competitividade à ambiência de negócios onde forem utilizados. / Reflections and results of exploratory and theoretical research on current society and the need to structure itself in a technological world of information and communications are presented, since the lack of information imposed by competitiveness is based on the generation of new knowledge and the access to the use of the correct information. Living in modern society is a matter of survival. Since its formation, man seeks to develop knowledge to create mechanisms and better adapt to the environment. Communication, and subsequently writing, were certainly the biggest step towards a society structured in information and knowledge. In the corporate environment, information and knowledge are the slogans, they must be intrinsic in the management processes in order to develop information and media literacy as a competitive differential; that is, to provide access and use of information and resources in an intelligent way to build knowledge and apply it to reality. The use of media must act as an ally in this process of transforming knowledge into information and media literacy. The purpose of this exercise was to study the use of corporate games (serious games); these ones whose main characteristic is to train employees through a virtual environment that simulates reality and causes players to practice activities, without causing damages; as facilitators in this process, in which they will act as simulators in the decision - making stages in order to minimize failures, reduce time and cost. The survey involved the companies Oniria LDSoftware Ltda. and I9ação. It was carried out in two stages: 1 - research / bibliographic review of an exploratory nature that allowed the construction of a theoretical support framework and 2 - a descriptive case study supported by documentary research with institutional documents and company websites, observation in local and interviews with managers. The results showed that corporate digital games not only contribute to the development of information and media literacy, but also to other skills and abilities important to the management process. It has also been shown that corporate digital games are effective media tools to train and improve information and media literacy and all others involved in corporate environments, bringing competitiveness to the business environment where they are used.

Výchova k mediální gramotnosti formou projektového vyučování jako základ výuky mateřského jazyka na 2. stupni základní školy / Education to "media literacy" in the form of project education as the base of education of the mother language at the secondary stage of the basic school.

SCHALLENBERGEROVÁ, Martina January 2007 (has links)
The theme of the diploma work is the education to media literacy. It concerns the common project linking to diploma work which theme is education to communication competency. Basic principles the work is based on are pragmatic pedagogy and project education. First part of the work is focusing on theory. The content of this work is dealing with the problem of media education. Second part of the diploma work is dealing with education to media literacy. Game and cooperation activities are emphasized which serve to train the interactive forms of communication. The endeavour is to develop the skills such as looking up, gaining, processing, evaluation and using of information which comes from media (newspapers, radio, television and internet). The component of this part is proposal of structure of practical projects for 6. up to 9. grade of the basic school.

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