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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Albína Honzáková- Portrét feministické ženy / Albina Honzakova- Portrait of feminist women

Sládková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: The work focuses on the history of women in the 19th and 20 century. Based on a unique source, Albin Honzáková memory and preserved records, such as extensive correspondence and publications. The thesis describes the history of girls' education and related associations, but associations that participated in the gradual emancipation of the public. Keywords: Memoirs, everyday reality, 19th and 20th century, womens, feminism, education, clubs

Graciliano Ramos e a Novidade: o astrônomo do inferno e os meninos impossíveis / Graciliano Ramos and Novidade journal: astronomer of hell and the boys impossible

Lebensztayn, Ieda 13 August 2009 (has links)
Apresento a Novidade, revista alagoana de 1931 que procurou combater chavões na política e na arte. Foram seus colaboradores: Alberto Passos Guimarães, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Aloísio Branco, Carlos Paurílio, Graciliano Ramos, Jorge de Lima, José Lins do Rego, Santa Rosa, Valdemar Cavalcanti, Willy Lewin. Como os jovens desse grupo reagiam ao sem novidades e foram chamados de meninos impossíveis, analiso uma cena de Sem novidades no front, de Erich Maria Remarque, e O mundo do menino impossível, de Jorge de Lima, percebendo no grupo elementos de modernismo, regionalismo, atualidade crítica e preocupação social. A partir de textos de alguns escritores do semanário, esboço seus perfis e apreendo sua postura crítica contra o lugar-comum de miséria, ignorância, violência e política personalista. Centrados nessas questões, sobressaem os textos de Graciliano Ramos na Novidade: o capítulo XXIV de Caetés e as crônicas Sertanejos, Chavões (inéditas em livro), Milagres e Lampião. Constituem a melhor expressão crítica da revista e deixam ver os impasses contidos em estereótipos, que o escritor combateu ao construir suas personagens. Estudo esses textos, vinculando-os a Nuvens e Os astrônomos (Infância) e, num movimento analítico-interpretativo de cenas e imagens centrais de S. Bernardo, Angústia e Vidas secas, busco a poética, essencialmente ética, de Graciliano Ramos. Desvelando o impasse do intelectual num mundo de violência, ele configurou, artisticamente juntos, os problemas sociais e morais de seus protagonistas, de modo a evidenciar, a um tempo, a ordem social iníqua, a necessidade de compreensão do outro e um sentido de vanidade de tudo. Esforçando-se por compreender as semelhanças e diferenças entre as palavras, as coisas e os seres, resistiu ao lugar-comum por meio da escrita literária. / I introduce here Novidade, a magazine published in 1931 in Alagoas, a Brazilian northeastern state, whose main purpose was to combat platitudes in politics and art. Some of its contributors were: Alberto Passos Guimarães, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Aloísio Branco, Carlos Paurílio, Graciliano Ramos, Jorge de Lima, José Lins do Rego, Santa Rosa, Valdemar Cavalcanti and Willy Lewin. Since the young among the group reacted against the lack of novelties and were called meninos impossíveis (impossible boys), I analyze a scene of Erich Maria Remarques Sem novidades no front (All quiet on the western front) and Jorge de Limas O mundo do menino impossível, apprehending in the group traits of modernism, regionalism, critical current issues and social concern. From texts of some writers of the magazine, I present their profiles and apprehend their critical attitude against the commonplace of misery, ignorance, violence and personalistic politics. Focused on those questions, Graciliano Ramos texts in Novidade stand out: the chapter XXIV of Caetés and the articles Sertanejos, Chavões (unpublished in a book form), Milagres and Lampião. They are the best critical expression of the magazine and permit seeing the impasses present in stereotypes, which the novelist fought against when he built his characters. I study those texts, linking them to Nuvens and Os astrônomos (Infância) and, in an analytical-interpretative movement of central scenes and images of S. Bernardo, Angústia and Vidas secas, I quest for Graciliano Ramos essentially ethical poetic. Revealing the intellectuals impasse in a world of violence, he set up his protagonists social and moral problems, artistically embodied together, showing, at the same time, the unequal social order, the need for understanding the other and a sense of vainness of everything. Straining to comprehend the similarities and differences among words, things and beings, Graciliano resisted the commonplace through literary writing.

Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas: aproximações entre a crítica e a ficção / Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas: approaches between criticism and fiction

Silva, Carolina Rangel 13 November 2015 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo de nossa pesquisa é examinar a relação existente entre a produção crítica e a produção literária de Machado de Assis. A partir do romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas pretendemos identificar os pontos de concordância entre sua posição teórica e os procedimentos utilizados na ficção. Para isso consideramos os principais temas abordados por ele em sua crítica bem como os motivos que o levaram a ser considerado como um autor essencial para a nosso processo de formação literária. Sendo assim nossa análise parte da posição expressa em sua crítica com relação ao tema do nacionalismo e ao modo particular como concebia a incorporação do caráter brasileiro nas produções nacionais. A partir desse posicionamento específico e dos desdobramentos teóricos que daí derivam, buscamos compreender quais são os procedimentos formais adotados por ele em sua ficção e em que medida esses procedimentos nos permitem reconhecer uma concepção literária própria. Por fim, almejamos compreender a importância dessa concepção para a modernização do romance nacional e para a concretização do projeto de emancipação da literatura nacional. / Summary: The aim of our research is to examine the relationship between critical production and literary production of Machado de Assis. From the novel \"Memoirs of Bras Cubas Posthumous\" we intend to identify the points of agreement between their theoretical position and the procedures used in fiction. For this we consider the main topics discussed by him in his critique and the reasons that led him to be regarded as an essential author towards our literary education process. As such our analysis starts from the position expressed in his criticism regarding the nationalization subjest and the peculiar way he conceived the incorporation of the Brazilian character in national productions. Starting as from this specific point of view and the theoretical developments derived from there, we try to understand what are the formal procedures adopted by him in his fiction and to what extent these procedures allow us to recognize its own literary conception. Finally, we aim to understand the importance of this concept of the modernization of the national romance and put in practice the national literature emancipation Project.

Baroque Syropouliana : enquêtes sur l'editio vetus et la tradition récente (Rédaction-A) des Mémoires byzantines, 1610-1682 / Baroque Syropouliana : investigations on the editio vetus and the latest tradition (Redaction-A) of the byzantine Mémoires, 1610-1682

Quarti, Jacopo 13 February 2018 (has links)
La thèse a pour but la reconstruction historiographique de la réception des Mémoires byzantines de S. Syropoulos, en Europe, dans le XVIIème siècle. Depuis les remarques faites par V. Laurent dans son édition (1971), la recherche entend reconsidérer les acquisitions antérieures sur la fortune de ce texte, pendant la publication de l’editio princeps en 1660, v. Introduction. À travers l’histoire de la découverte du manuscrit BNF, Paris. gr. 427, on ira à reconstruire l’épisode propagandiste qui a donné lieu à l'intérêt érudit pour la narration florentine de Syropoulos, v. Ch. I; un commentaire aux épîtres relatif à l’iter éditorial suivi pour la princeps donnera aussi des détails sur les érudits engagés, v. Ch. II; enfin, un examen philologique et historique de la version latine du texte grec, interdit par l’Inquisition de Rome en 1682, v. Ch. III. En plus, la thèse presentera la première transcription de la versio latine inédite conservée dans le manuscrit BNF, Paris. Suppl. gr. 317 (sectiones II, IV, IX), avec introduction. Les résultats montrent comment la critique textuelle et la propagande, dansl’édition byzantine de cette oeuvre, ont contribuées à la constitution d'une méthode ecdotique raffinée, plus tard encodée dans la définition des critères scientifiques de la pratique philologique et historiographique. / The aim of the dissertation is to outline the historical reception of S. Syropoulos’ byzantine Mémoires, in Europe, during the XVIIth century. Following the notes proposed by V. Laurent in his edition (1971), the research intends to reconsider the previous data collected on the fortune of the text, especially at the age of the editio princeps publication (1660), see Introduction. The episode of the first rediscovery of the manuscript BNF, Paris. gr. 427 will be useful to delineate the propagandistic climate in which the text was read and excerpted, see Ch. I; a comment on an important epistolary dossier will provide an insight on the publishing iter of the editio, and, above all, about the people involved, see Ch. II; lastly, a philological and historiographical analysis of the latin versio, prohibited by the roman Inquisition in 1682, see Ch. III. In addition, the thesis presents the first transcription of the unpublished latin version (sections II, IV, IX) preserved in the manuscript BNF, Paris. Suppl. gr. 317, with introduction. The results proves how textual criticism and propaganda — for the edition of this byzantine major oeuvre — actively contributed to established a philological method surprisingly refined, later heightened with the definition of the common criteria typically used by modern literary criticism and historiography.

Les Valerii Messallae : histoire, mémoire et pouvoir d'une famille noble (Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ier s. ap. J.-C.) / The Valerii Messallae : history, memory and power of a noble family (first century BCE to first century CE)

Landrea, Cyrielle 30 November 2013 (has links)
Les Valerii Messallae appartiennent à une des plus anciennes et prestigieuses familles de Rome, la gens Valeria. L'étude porte sur l'époque tardo-républicaine, jusqu'à la fin de la dynastie julio-Claudienne. C'est une époque essentielle, durant laquelle s'effondre le régime républicain, puis se constitue le Principat. Les Valerii ont contribué à l'émergence d'un régime politique nouveau, auquel ils ont partiellement apporté leur adhésion. La thèse envisage les définitions et les formes nouvelles que prennent les indices de l'appartenance à la nobilitas : carrière politique, culte des ancêtres, évergétisme, fabrique de l'histoire familiale, héritage politique, marqueurs de la richesse et de la supériorité sociale, patronat judiciaire, port des cognomina héroïques et ethniques, privilèges juridiques .... Il s'agit d'identifier les permanences et les ruptures dans la définition d'une triple identité (patricienne, nobiliaire et gentilice) des Messallae et comprendre comment ils ont justifié leur supériorité en remodelant leur passé et en réinventant l'histoire de leurs ancêtres. / The Valerii Messallae belong to one of the oldest and most prestigious families of Rome, the gens Valeria. The study focuses on the late-Republican era to the Julio-Claudian dynasty. This is a critical time in which the republican regime collapses and where the Principate is being formed. The thesis focuses on the definitions and new forms that take the indices belonging to the nobilitas : political career, ancestor worship, family history, political legacy, markers of wealth and social superiority, cognomina, legal privileges ... It aims to identify the permanence and ruptures in the definition of a triple identity (patrician, noble and family) of Messallae and how they justified their superiority by reshaping their past and by reinventing the history of their ancestors.

Graciliano Ramos e a Novidade: o astrônomo do inferno e os meninos impossíveis / Graciliano Ramos and Novidade journal: astronomer of hell and the boys impossible

Ieda Lebensztayn 13 August 2009 (has links)
Apresento a Novidade, revista alagoana de 1931 que procurou combater chavões na política e na arte. Foram seus colaboradores: Alberto Passos Guimarães, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Aloísio Branco, Carlos Paurílio, Graciliano Ramos, Jorge de Lima, José Lins do Rego, Santa Rosa, Valdemar Cavalcanti, Willy Lewin. Como os jovens desse grupo reagiam ao sem novidades e foram chamados de meninos impossíveis, analiso uma cena de Sem novidades no front, de Erich Maria Remarque, e O mundo do menino impossível, de Jorge de Lima, percebendo no grupo elementos de modernismo, regionalismo, atualidade crítica e preocupação social. A partir de textos de alguns escritores do semanário, esboço seus perfis e apreendo sua postura crítica contra o lugar-comum de miséria, ignorância, violência e política personalista. Centrados nessas questões, sobressaem os textos de Graciliano Ramos na Novidade: o capítulo XXIV de Caetés e as crônicas Sertanejos, Chavões (inéditas em livro), Milagres e Lampião. Constituem a melhor expressão crítica da revista e deixam ver os impasses contidos em estereótipos, que o escritor combateu ao construir suas personagens. Estudo esses textos, vinculando-os a Nuvens e Os astrônomos (Infância) e, num movimento analítico-interpretativo de cenas e imagens centrais de S. Bernardo, Angústia e Vidas secas, busco a poética, essencialmente ética, de Graciliano Ramos. Desvelando o impasse do intelectual num mundo de violência, ele configurou, artisticamente juntos, os problemas sociais e morais de seus protagonistas, de modo a evidenciar, a um tempo, a ordem social iníqua, a necessidade de compreensão do outro e um sentido de vanidade de tudo. Esforçando-se por compreender as semelhanças e diferenças entre as palavras, as coisas e os seres, resistiu ao lugar-comum por meio da escrita literária. / I introduce here Novidade, a magazine published in 1931 in Alagoas, a Brazilian northeastern state, whose main purpose was to combat platitudes in politics and art. Some of its contributors were: Alberto Passos Guimarães, Aurélio Buarque de Holanda, Aloísio Branco, Carlos Paurílio, Graciliano Ramos, Jorge de Lima, José Lins do Rego, Santa Rosa, Valdemar Cavalcanti and Willy Lewin. Since the young among the group reacted against the lack of novelties and were called meninos impossíveis (impossible boys), I analyze a scene of Erich Maria Remarques Sem novidades no front (All quiet on the western front) and Jorge de Limas O mundo do menino impossível, apprehending in the group traits of modernism, regionalism, critical current issues and social concern. From texts of some writers of the magazine, I present their profiles and apprehend their critical attitude against the commonplace of misery, ignorance, violence and personalistic politics. Focused on those questions, Graciliano Ramos texts in Novidade stand out: the chapter XXIV of Caetés and the articles Sertanejos, Chavões (unpublished in a book form), Milagres and Lampião. They are the best critical expression of the magazine and permit seeing the impasses present in stereotypes, which the novelist fought against when he built his characters. I study those texts, linking them to Nuvens and Os astrônomos (Infância) and, in an analytical-interpretative movement of central scenes and images of S. Bernardo, Angústia and Vidas secas, I quest for Graciliano Ramos essentially ethical poetic. Revealing the intellectuals impasse in a world of violence, he set up his protagonists social and moral problems, artistically embodied together, showing, at the same time, the unequal social order, the need for understanding the other and a sense of vainness of everything. Straining to comprehend the similarities and differences among words, things and beings, Graciliano resisted the commonplace through literary writing.

Se mêler d'histoire : Conseils et jugements de l’action politique dans l’histoire-jugement, chez Guillaume du Bellay, Martin du Bellay, Monluc et Montaigne / Meddling in history : The "judging-history" through counsels and judgments on political action, in the works of Guillaume du Bellay, Monluc and Montaigne

Piettre, Lionel 11 December 2017 (has links)
« [M]oi, qui ne sçay rien, m’en suis voulu mesler » : Blaise de Monluc dit se « mêler » d’écrire l’histoire pour se distinguer des historiographes « lettrés », comme le font également, à la même époque, les frères du Bellay. Tous font cependant valoir leurs jugements sur l’action politique dans l’histoire : ils écrivent sur l’histoire plutôt qu’ils n’écrivent l’histoire. Ainsi Montaigne insiste, dans les Essais, sur la nécessité de savoir juger l’histoire et ses acteurs. La distinction générique qui oppose l’histoire aux Mémoires, aux « Commentaires » et aux « essais » s’avère peu opérante pour comprendre ces auteurs. Je propose d’aborder leur rapport à l’histoire sous l’angle de « l’histoire-jugement », une histoire écrite par ses acteurs, qui porte sur l’action politique (les « faits » et les « dits » dans la langue du XVIe siècle) et sur les « conseils », c’est-à-dire les intentions et délibérations des acteurs. La première partie explique l’importance qu’a prise l’histoire-jugement au temps de François Ier, en raison, d’abord, des idéologies et des pratiques de la monarchie contemporaine, puis par la « renaissance » de traditions philosophiques, rhétoriques et historiographiques qui associent le conseil au discernement (ou « discrétion »), aux discours (« concions » ou conciones) et à la franchise (ou parrêsia). Le règne de François Ier voit se nouer ces pratiques et ces traditions : les humanistes, la noblesse d’épée et l’État royal appellent de leurs vœux une histoire-jugement destinée à la formation des élites politiques. La deuxième partie montre qu’un auteur, Guillaume du Bellay de Langey, et une œuvre, ses Ogdoades, ont incarné cette aspiration, réunissant les lettres et les armes. Après avoir étudié la naissance de cette œuvre restée inachevée, j’analyse le Prologue des Ogdoades (ici édité), manifeste et méthode qui définit les rapports de la rhétorique, du jugement et de l’expérience politique dans l’historiographie ; puis j’étudie la mise en œuvre de cette méthode dans les fragments des Ogdoades. La troisième partie porte sur l’œuvre des deux plus importants héritiers de Langey : les Mémoires de son frère Martin du Bellay (qui comprennent une partie des Ogdoades) et les Commentaires de Monluc. Le discours sur l’historiographie, dans la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle, insiste sur la parrêsia de l’historien ; un tel discours n’est pas anti-rhétorique mais rejette une écriture de « clerc d’armes » parce qu’elle révèle l’inexpérience politique de l’historien. L’ars bene dicendi ne laisse pas de fasciner Martin du Bellay et Monluc, dont l’écriture se veut paradoxalement éloquente, parce que dépouillée des fastes de l’épidictique ; la parrêsia des conseils permet de dépasser l’opposition du bien dire et du bien faire à laquelle on résume souvent la poétique des Mémoires d’épée. Monluc et Martin du Bellay cherchent ainsi à comprendre la portée et les limites de leur capacité d’agir. La quatrième partie examine la place de l’histoire-jugement et l’héritage de Langey dans les Essais : on sait depuis longtemps les affinités de Montaigne avec Amyot et Bodin, mais on ignorait qu’il en eût avec les Du Bellay. La notion d’histoire-jugement permet de comprendre les jugements, synthétiques et pourtant circonstanciés, que porte Montaigne sur les acteurs de l’histoire. Cherchant dans l’histoire les voies d’une prudence lucide, l’essayiste s’interroge sur la possibilité d’agir et de parler librement, ce qui autorise à penser son rapport à la politique et à la rhétorique en termes de conseil et de « discrétion ». La conclusion esquisse un moment Guillaume du Bellay, où l’histoire fut comprise non comme une étude du passé mais comme le prolongement réflexif des délibérations des acteurs de l’histoire, comme le moyen de « dire sur ce qui peut advenir ». / “I, who know nothing, have wanted to meddle in it”: Blaise de Monluc says he “meddles” in historiography in order to distinguish himself from “scholar” historians, as did the Du Bellay brothers who wrote at the same time. But they all express their views about political action through history: they write on history instead of writing history. Therefore Montaigne, in his Essays, emphasizes that one needs to be able to judge between history and the actors of history. The distinction between literary genres that opposes history to memoirs, “commentaries” and “essays”, fails to explain these authors’ relationship to history. I propose to consider this relationship from the perspective of “judging-history”, – a history written by its actors, focusing on political action (“faits” and “dits” in XVIth-century French) and the conseils (“counsels”, i.e. the actors’ designs and deliberations). The first section explains the importance of judging-history during the reign of Francis I, due to the prevalent ideologies and practices of French monarchy at the time, but also due to the contemporaneous revival of philosophical, rhetorical and historiographical traditions which link counsels with discernment (discrétion), speeches (concions) and sincerity (parrhesia). Under Francis I’s reign these practices and traditions were brought together. Indeed, humanists, the nobility of sword and the royal State called for a judging-history intended to train political elites. The second section demonstrates that an author, Guillaume du Bellay de Langey, and his work, the Ogdoades, embodied this hope, reconciling the pen and the sword. Having studied the birth of this unfinished work, I comment on the Ogdoades’s Prologue (edited in this thesis), a manifesto and method which defines the relationships between rhetoric, judgement and political experience within historiography. I then study this method’s implementation in the Ogdoades’s extant passages. The third section focuses on the works of two Langey’s most important heirs: his brother Martin du Bellay’s Memoirs and Monluc’s Commentaries. The artes historicae, in the second half of the XVIth century, emphasize the importance of parrhesia in historical writing: such a stance is not anti-rhetorical, but rather rejects the notion of authors writing as clercs d’armes (“clerks of arms”, i.e., scholars writing on military matters) because in their writings they reveal their lack of political experience. The ars bene dicendi continues to fascinate Martin du Bellay and Monluc, whose writing attempts to be paradoxically eloquent, because it has been stripped of epidictic pageantry; the counsels’ parrhesia make it possible to overcome the dichotomy between bien dire and bien faire – a dichotomy which is often supposed to characterize military memoirs’ poetics. Monluc et Martin du Bellay seek to understand the scope and limits of their own capacities for action. The fourth section examines the role of judging-history and Langey’s legacy in the Essays. For a long time we have known the affinities between Amyot, Bodin and Montaigne, but what we have ignored is Montaigne’s links with the Du Bellays. Such a notion as judging-history allows us to understand the synthetical and yet comprehensive judgments that Montaigne makes on the actors of history. Seeking a way to act in a clear-headed and prudent manner, the essayist examines the possibility to speak and act freely. Therefore, his relationship with politics and rhetoric should be rethought in terms of conseil and discrétion. My conclusion draws a Guillaume du Bellay moment when history was not considered as a study of the past but as the reflective extension of the actors of history’s deliberations and as a way to “dire sur ce qui peut advenir” (talk about what could happen next).

O design editorial na conformação do livro como dispositivo : um olhar a partir de Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas

Castedo, Raquel da Silva January 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como foco a forma do livro na cultura da convergência, na sua relação entre design e edição, partindo do conceito de dispositivo de Charaudeau (2006a e 2006b) e Mouillaud (2002). Dada a amplitude da questão, buscou-se um objeto empírico que permitisse relacionar informações de caráter histórico, dados documentais e conceitos construídos com base no referencial teórico, ancorando a problematização proposta. Para tanto, selecionou-se o romance Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis, editado pela primeira vez em livro em 1881. O objetivo geral foi identificar paratextos editoriais ligados à forma em oito edições publicadas nos séculos XIX, XX e XXI, impressas e digitais, a fim de analisar e discutir como esses articulam-se à noção de livro enquanto dispositivo, problematizando tais relações a partir das lógicas de funcionamento de sua cadeia e mercado, dos novos modelos de acesso às edições e do lugar ocupado pelo livro na cultura da convergência. Como objetivos específicos, buscouse (1) avaliar o papel do design no estabelecimento de paratextos editoriais, definindo níveis de atuação da atividade na conformação do livro enquanto dispositivo; (2) identificar e analisar os paratextos editoriais ligados à forma e ao entorno do livro em diferentes edições, impressas e digitais do título, tensionando o modo como as edições configuram materialmente orientações e tendências na cadeia do livro; e (3) problematizar a noção de livro na cultura da convergência, tendo em vista o processo de remediação no sistema de mídia. A análise das edições delineou-se em duas etapas. A primeira teve em vista os paratextos ligados à forma. Já na segunda etapa, focou-se na identificação de tendências nos paratextos ligados ao entorno do livro. Constatou-se que as edições analisadas variam muito em relação à forma, indicando que os produtos foram criados para leituras e leitores diversos. As edições do século XIX são objetos que integram o texto verbal e a retórica tipográfica, valorizando o espaço gráfico como elemento importante para a narrativa. Nas edições digitais do século XXI, há outras propostas, com novos atrativos, incluindo desde ferramentas de busca dentro do texto até a possibilidade de cruzamento do texto verbal na formação de epitextos também verbais. Entre imediação e hipermediação, a materialidade do livro hoje é resultado de um processo contínuo de remediação do livro impresso no digital e do digital no impresso. A materialidade é influenciada também pela noção de espaço nos produtos digitais. Esse entorno – que no livro impresso está claramente fora do produto – no livro em tela passa a ter seus limites menos claros, permeando o artefato digital. Notou-se, nas três edições digitais analisadas, que bibliotecas, livrarias e lojas virtuais geram epitextos cada vez mais aderentes aos produtos editoriais. O livro digital não tem ainda uma identidade própria, mas delineia uma tendência importante neste início de século XXI: o tratamento do livro como objeto de dados predominantemente verbais. Embora essa seja uma vertente importante do livro atual, ela não é a única. Convivem na cultura da convergência muitas formas, em papel e em tela, que adotam estruturas bastante similares entre si, cercadas de inúmeros outros modos de narrar essa história, em meio a leitores cada vez mais expostos e acostumados a narrativas transmídias. / The research focuses on the form of the book in the convergence culture in its relationship between design and editing, based on the concept of dispositif by Charaudeau (2006a and 2006b) and Mouillaud (2002). Given the breadth of the issue, it sought an empirical object that allows relating historical background information, documentary evidence and concepts built on the theoretical framework, anchoring the problematic proposal. To accomplish this, we selected the novel The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas, by Machado de Assis, published for the first time as a book in 1881. The overall goal was to identify editorial paratexts connected to the form of the book in eight editions, published in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, print and digital, in order to analyze and discuss how they articulate the notion of book as dispositif in the convergence culture. As specific objectives, we sought to (1) evaluate the role of design in establishing editorial paratexts defining levels of action in shaping the book as a dispositif; (2) identify and analyze the editorial paratexts on different book editions, print and digital, discussing how they materially configure trends in the book chain; and (3) discuss the notion of book on the convergence culture, considering the remediation process in the media system. The analysis of the books was outlined in two stages. The first one took into consideration the paratexts attached to the form. In the second phase, the focus was on identifying paratexts connected to the surroundings of the books. As a result, we identified that the editions vary widely in regard to form, indicating that the products were created to several different readings and readers. The books edited in the 19th century are objects that integrate the verbal text and the rhetoric of typography, highlighting the graphic space as an important element to the narrative. In the digital editions of the 21st century, there are other strategies, with new tools, ranging from search engines to the possibility of crossing verbal texts, what generates new verbal epitexts. Between immediacy and hypermediacy, the materiality of the book today is the result of a continuous process of remediation of the printed book into the digital book and vice-versa. In digital products, materiality is also influenced by the notion of space. The epitext environment, in the printed book, is clearly outside the product. In the digital book, on the other hand, the boundaries between what is inside and outside the book is not as clear. It was noticed that in the three digital editions analyzed, libraries, bookstores and online retailers generate epitexts that are adhered to the editorial products. The digital book does not have its own identity yet, but we see an important trend in the beginning of 21st century: the book treated as a predominantly verbal data object. While this is an important aspect of the current idea of book, it is not the only one. Books exist in the convergence culture in many ways, on paper and on digital screen. They have very similar structures and are surrounded by numerous other ways of telling Bras Cubas’ story, accessed by readers increasingly exposed and accustomed to transmedia narratives.

A construção de sentido em \'Memórias do Boi Serapião\', de Carlos Pena Filho: um estudo sobre a expressividade / The sense construction in \'Memórias do boi Serapião\', by Carlos Pena Filho: a study about the expressiveness

Reis, Benedicta Aparecida Costa dos 04 October 2006 (has links)
Essa dissertação apresenta um estudo do poema Memórias do boi Serapião, de Carlos Pena Filho, publicado em 1956. Sob a perspectiva da Estilística, o estudo aponta como a seleção de elementos lingüísticos contribui para a construção de sentido e expressividade do poema, mais especificamente na caracterização dos espaços \"campo atual\" em relação ao \"campo da infância\", guardado na memória. A personagem central e eu lírico do poema é o boi Serapião, que lança um olhar sobre as imagens pictóricas do passado: \"um campo verde e mais verde\", a \"rede azul do terraço\", as filhas banhando-se no rio contrapondose à imagem de um \"campo vasto e cinzento\", de \"homens secos e compridos\", de mulheres com vestidos desbotados e \"crianças feitas de farinha e jerimum\". Paralelamente, essas imagens contrastantes vividas pelo eu lírico são um convite ao leitor a partilhar das experiências do boi na \"terra do não chover\". / This dissertation shows a study of the poem Memórias do boi Serapião from Carlos Pena Filho published in 1956. Under the perspective of the Stylistic, the study appears with the selection of linguistic elements it contributes to the sense construction and expressiveness of the poem more specifically in the characterization of the spaces \"current field\" in relation to the \"field of the childhood\", kept in the memory. The central character and the lyrical subject of the poem it is the ox Serapião, that launches a glance on the pictorial images of the past: \"a green and greener field\", the \"blue net of the terrace\", the daughters taking a bath in the river opposing to the image of a \"vast and gray field\", of \"dry and long men\", of women with faded dresses and \"children done of flour and pumpkin\". Parallel, those contrasting images lived by the lyrical subject they are an invitation to the reader to share the experiences of the ox on the \"earth it does not rain\".

Demon of the Lost Cause: General William Tecumseh Sherman and the Writing of Civil War History

Moody, III, John Wesley 06 March 2009 (has links)
This dissertation will examine the formation of the myth that William T. Sherman laid waste to the state of Georgia in 1864, and almost single-handedly invented the concept of “total war.” It will also examine how Sherman’s reputation has evolved over the years from accusations of being a Southern sympathizer and traitor at the end of the Civil War to the modern image of Sherman as the destroyer of the old South. William Tecumseh Sherman was the most controversial general of the American Civil War. The modern image of Sherman is either a destructive monster who violated the laws of civilized warfare or a strategic genius who invented modern warfare. Both of these images have evolved over the years. In large part, they have been the product of Lost Cause writers trying to reinterpret the history of the war, but also the product of Union generals and politicians attempting to glorify their own place in the history of the war, men with personal grudges against the general and modern historians using Sherman to make their own arguments about contemporary society. The sources used for this dissertation were the journals, letters and memoirs of the participants. The Official Records of both the Union and Confederacy were examined as well as nineteenth and twentieth century newspapers and magazines. This dissertation will show that the modern conception of General Sherman is not the same as the historical fact, but rather a post-war creation. Individuals’ agendas have created and sustained the myth of Sherman to explain defeat in the Civil War, justify later military strategy, condemn later conflicts and for personal gain. It is not enough to know that historical events as commonly understood are inaccurate; it is important to understand how and why these inaccuracies came about.

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