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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Border Fences. Migration Control, Selectivity and Power Relations at Fortified Borders

Korte, Kristina 22 June 2022 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht die Kontrolle von Mobilität an fortifizierten Grenzen. Auch in Zeiten der Globalisierung steigt die Zahl von Grenzzäunen weltweit rapide an. Während Grenzbefestigungen in der Vergangenheit oft mit militärischen Konflikten in Verbindung standen, dienen sie heute in erster Linie der Kontrolle von Mobilität. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen analysiert die Arbeit vier Fallstudien: die ungarisch-serbische, die US-amerikanisch-mexikanische, die pakistanisch-indische und die algerisch-marokkanische Grenze. Ausgehend von der Frage, wie an befestigten Grenzen Mobilität kontrolliert wird, werden die Funktionsweisen von Grenzen herausgearbeitet. Die Arbeit besteht aus drei Artikeln. Der erste untersucht anhand der ungarisch-serbischen Grenze die Wirkung der Fortifizierung auf Migrationskontrolle und Innenpolitik und betont darüber hinaus die Bedeutung der internationalen Verflechtungen dieser Grenze. Der zweite Beitrag vergleicht zwei Zäune, den US-amerikanischen und den ungarischen. Er untersucht Migrationskontrolle mit einem Fokus auf Asyl und zeigt, dass die Grenzzäune hier eine materielle, eine symbolische und eine Filterfunktion erfüllen. Sie dienen dazu, MigrantInnen am Überschreiten der Grenze zu hindern und damit den Zugang zu Asyl zu beschränken. Der dritte Artikel vergleicht alle vier Fälle. Der Artikel kommt zu dem Schluss, dass befestigte Grenzen Ungleichheiten sowohl auf globaler als auch auf lokaler Ebene verstärken und dabei sowohl MigrantInnen als auch die Grenzbevölkerung marginalisieren. Zusammenfassend untersucht die Dissertation Grenz- und Migrationskontrolle und analysiert dabei die Gründe für die Grenzbefestigungen ebenso wie deren Kontext und Auswirkungen. Befestigte Grenzen verstärken durch Kontrolle und Filtern von Mobilität verschiedene Formen von Ungleichheit und Marginalisierung. Da Grenzen weltweit immer stärker fortifiziert werden, sind diese Themen von größter Aktualität. / This dissertation investigates mobility control at fortified borders. Border fortifications are on the rise today and will most probably shape the future of nation states and global mobility. Whereas in the past border fences were often associated with military conflict, the new walls are mostly designed to control and filter mobility. In light of these developments, the thesis analyzes four case studies, namely the Hungarian-Serbian, the U.S. American-Mexican, the Pakistani-Indian and the Algerian-Moroccan borders. Starting with the question of how fortified borders control mobility, it provides an extensive analysis of the control function of borders. The thesis is comprised of three papers. The first examines the Hungarian-Serbian border, highlighting the topics of migration control and domestic politics as well as the international entanglements of this border. The second paper compares two fences, namely the U.S. American and the Hungarian. It examines migration control with a focus on the issue of asylum and shows that fortifications fulfil a material, a symbolical and a filtering function in order to prevent refugees from crossing the border, thereby restricting access to asylum. The third article compares all four cases. It concludes that fortified borders increase inequalities on both the global and the local level, triggering severe social and human effects on both migrants and border populations. In sum, the dissertation explores the topics of border control, selectivity, power relations and inequality by analyzing four fortified borders. It sheds light on different aspects of border control, including the reasons for fortifications as well as their context and impact. It argues that by controlling and filtering mobility, fortified borders sustain and reinforce different forms of inequality and marginalization. As the world’s borders are becoming more and more fortified, these topics are highly relevant and require further research.

Modeling and empirically assessing climate policies and asset stranding / Patterns of policy-induced losses in the fossil fuel extraction, power, and financial sector

von Dulong, Angelika 07 August 2023 (has links)
Die Umsetzung einer effektiven Klimapolitik ermöglicht die Verringerung von Treibhausgasemissionen und damit die Eindämmung des Klimawandels. Eine solche Politik hat jedoch negative Auswirkungen auf die direkt oder indirekt in der fossilen Industrie tätigen Akteure, wenn deren Vermögensgegenstände wertlos werden (auch „Asset Stranding“ genannt). Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Wechselwirkung zwischen Klimapolitik und Asset Stranding: Sie untersucht angebotsseitige Politikmaßnahmen in der fossilen Brennstoffindustrie, das Ausmaß und die Verteilung von Asset Stranding auf Ebene der Anlagenbesitzer im Energiesektor und die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Asset Stranding, Erwartungen über Klimapolitik und systemischen Finanzkrisen. Darüber hinaus gibt die Arbeit einen Überblick über die Literatur im Bereich Klimaökonomie zu Asset Stranding und zu entgangenen Gewinnen der Produzenten fossiler Brennstoffe aufgrund von Klimapolitik. Die Arbeit besteht aus fünf Artikeln (Kapitel 2-6), die von einer allgemeinen Einleitung und einer Schlussfolgerung umschlossen werden. / The implementation of effective climate policies facilitates reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thereby mitigating climate change. Such policies, however, have adverse effects on stakeholders directly or indirectly engaged in the fossil industry if they find the value of their assets "stranded". This thesis contributes to our understanding of the interaction between climate policies and asset stranding: It studies supply-side policies in the upstream fossil fuel extraction industry, the extent and distribution of stranded assets at the asset owner level in the power sector, and the interaction of asset stranding, expectations of climate policies, and financial systemic crises. Further, the thesis surveys the climate economics literature on stranded assets and fossil fuel producers' lost profits due to climate policies. The thesis is a compilation of five articles (Chapters 2-6) encased by a general introduction and a conclusion.

La communication d'élèves malentendants intégrés en classe ordinaire au Québec

Cloutier, Alexandra 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 80, les systèmes d’éducation à travers le monde recommandent l’intégration des élèves malentendants en classe ordinaire. Malgré l’utilisation d’aides auditives et de système MF, les élèves vivent des périodes où l’amplification reçue est insuffisante ou non optimale. Ces périodes sont causées par des facteurs influençant leurs conditions de communication et cela peut nuire à leurs apprentissages. Pourtant, les études sur ces situations vécues par les élèves ont très peu considéré leur point de vue. L’étude présentée vise à 1) de documenter les perceptions des situations de communication en classe mentionnées par des élèves malentendants intégrés, appareillés et ayant un système MF décerné ou rapportées à des professionnels; 2) de comprendre le contexte dans lequel des conditions non optimales de communication surviennent; 3) d’identifier les stratégies compensatoires rapportées par l’élève ou son locuteur ou déployées lors de leur participation aux activités de classe. Cette étude de cas multiples combine des données qualitatives et quantitatives recueillies à partir d’entrevues en profondeur auprès de huit élèves malentendants, de courtes entrevues avec leur enseignant et leur intervenant principal et une session d’observation en classe au cours de laquelle le niveau de bruit a été mesuré et les positions de l’enseignant ont été notées. Les données ont été analysées de manière longitudinale afin de décrire les participants et transversale afin de les comparer. Les résultats montrent que les élèves malentendants parlent de leurs situations de communication en classe, surtout les plus difficiles en associant toutes leurs difficultés au locuteur ou au milieu et non à eux-mêmes. Pour ce qui est du contexte, des niveaux élevés de bruit ont été mesurés et les positions des enseignants montrent qu’ils sont généralement loin de l’enfant malentendant ou qu’ils ne lui font pas face. Par ailleurs, les enseignants mentionnent ne pas avoir assez d’informations pour bien venir en aide à ces élèves. Enfin, les élèves et leurs enseignants utilisent différentes stratégies de communication, mais celles-ci ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour faciliter la communication. Toutes ces constatations mènent à des pistes de solutions visant à améliorer les situations de communication en classe et le contexte dans lequel les élèves apprennent, notamment l’accroissement des connaissances des divers acteurs et de leur collaboration entre eux. / For more than three decades, school authorities have encouraged the education of children with hearing loss in inclusive settings. Despite the use of technologies such as hearing aids and FM systems and because of a series of factors influencing verbal communication conditions, hearing-impaired students integrated in mainstreamed classes experience periods of non-optimal amplification that can hamper learning activities. Only a few studies have been conducted by taking the students’ points of view into consideration. This study aims at 1) documenting the perceptions that mainstreamed hearing-impaired students using amplification and allowed to a FM system have or have reported to professionals of their communication situations in class, 2) describing the context in which communication conditions occur, 3) identifying the compensatory strategies known or used by students and speakers while they participate in class activities. This multiple-case study combines qualitative and quantitative data collected from in-depth interviews with eight hearing-impaired students, from short interviews with each student’s teacher and main professional, and from observation sessions during which the level of noise in the classroom were measured and the positions of the teacher were noted. The data were analyzed longitudinally to describe the students and transversely to compare the students. The results showed that hearing-impaired elementary school students can talk about their classroom communication situations; often, for the most difficult ones, students relate all of their difficulties to the speaker and the environment, and not to themselves. As for the context, the results showed that teachers were mostly far from the students and not facing them, that formal teaching was not often done, and that classrooms were noisy. Furthermore, teachers mention that they didn’t have enough information in order to fully help these students. Teachers and students also use different communication strategies, but these strategies are not always efficient in improving communication. All of these results point to solutions for improving classroom communication and the context in which students learn by increasing knowledge and collaboration between the different actors.

Srovnávací analýza příloh celostátních deníků Salon, Kavárna, Orientace / Comparative analysis of the national newspaper supplements Salon, Kavarna and Orientace

Farná, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Comparison analyses of national newspaper supplements Salon, Kavarna and Orientace" analyses supplements of national, daily released newspapers: Pravo (Salon), Mlada fronta DNES (Kavarna) and Lidove noviny (Orientace). Essential methods used in this work are quantitative analysis, applied to specified moths during years 2006-2008, and chronological analysis of chosen issues during years 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2005. Based on them, various evaluations of supplement main characteristics, specific features and differences were observed. Most important characteristics investigated in the work are: supplement content and graphic conception, placement within the carrying newspaper, structure of published literature forms, themes and sub-themes. There can be also found summary of each supplement history, list of its typical authors and internet version description. Author of this thesis also introduced related overview of Czech literary and cultural magazines (Literarni noviny, Host, Divoke vino, Revolver Revue, Tvar nebo A2) and briefly stated profiles of main national newspapers. To gain supplement readers characteristics, approximate sociological questionnaire was processed among university students.

Analýza rámcování tématu řecké finanční krize českými tištěnými médii v kontextu voleb do Poslanecké sněmovny ČR v roce 2010 / The frame analysis of the Greek financial crisis in the context of 2010 Czech Parliament election in Czech printed media

Tesař, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The thesis examines media interpretation of the Greek financial crisis in selected Czech media. It analyzes framing of this issue in Czech daily newspapers MF DNES, Právo, Hospodářské noviny and Lidové noviny in period of the first five months of 2010 (1.1 - 28.5.2010). Theoretical part of this thesis is based on Robert Etman's concept of framing, which was defined in early 90's. The main research question is which aspects of the Greek financial crisis were selected, and/or emphasized by Czech media and what interpretations were created using these constructions. The analysis is focused on qualitative research of selected articles using method of grounded theory. With this method it comes to interpretation of the Greek financial crisis in Czech media, detailed understanding of analyzed texts and setting up basic means of framing that are used by journalists. Quantitative analysis is exploring selected population of articles in specific period of time and answering basic research questions (How was crisis framed? How daily newspapers interpretation varied? In which way was the crisis interpreted from the perspective of Czech political scene? How did framing changed in time?). Sub-hypotheses coming from qualitative analysis are then further tested. Keywords frame analysis, framing, qualitative...

Proměna mediálního obrazu Izraele v českém tisku na přelomu 80. a 90.let / The Change of Media Image of Izrael in Czech Press at the Turn of 80ˇs and 90's

Nevyhoštěný, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Thesis titled "The Change of Media image of Israel in Czech Press at the Turn of 80's and 90's" deals with the construction of the media image of Israel in the Rudé právo and Mladá fronta dailies using examples of news about the Lebanon War in 1982 and the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987. The findings are then compared with media image of Israel in the Mladá fronta Dnes and Lidové noviny dailies and weekly newspa-per Respekt during the Gulf War in 1991 and the signing of the Israeli- Palestinian peace treaty in Oslo in 1993. Research is focused on vocabulary of the news and on historical and political context of Czech-Israeli relations in the eighties and nineties. There is also description of researched newspapers and Czechoslovak media environment and jour-nalistic production in this period. The research method used is qualitative content analy-sis. Media images comparison is based on the selection of specific excerpts from news-paper articles, with the emphasis on a wide range of thematic coverage in the examined periods. List of all researched articles is attached. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

A CMOS analog pulse compressor with a low-power analog-to-digital converter for MIMO radar applications

Lee, Sang Min 10 November 2010 (has links)
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars, which utilize multiple transmitters and receivers to send and receive independent waveforms, have been actively investigated as a next generation radar technology inspired by MIMO techniques in communication theory. Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology offers an opportunity for dramatic cost and size reduction for a MIMO array. However, the resulting formidable signal processing burden has not been addressed properly and remains a challenge. On the other hand, from a block-level point of view, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is required for mixed-signal processing to convert analog signals to digital signals, but an ADC occupies a significant portion of a system's budget. Therefore, improvement of an ADC will greatly enhance various trade-offs. This research presents an alternative and viable approach for a MIMO array from a system architecture point of view, and also develops circuit level improvement techniques for an ADC. This dissertation presents a fully-integrated analog pulse compressor (APC) based on an analog matched filter in a mixed signal domain as a key block for the waveform diversity MIMO radar. The performance gain of the proposed system is mathematically presented, and the proposed system is successfully implemented and demonstrated from the block level to the system level using various waveforms. Various figures of merit are proposed to aid system evaluations. This dissertation also presents a low-power ADC based on an asynchronous sample-and-hold multiplying SAR (ASHMSAR) with an enhanced input range dynamic comparator as a key element of a future system. Overall, with the new ADC, a high level of system performance without severe penalty on power consumption is expected. The research in this dissertation provides low-cost and low-power MIMO solutions for a future system by addressing both system issues and circuit issues comprehensively.

Dynamique des structures déformables et des solides rigides - Quantification des incertitudes et réduction de modèle

Batou, A. 03 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux de recherche s'intéressent de manière générale à la quantification des incertitudes et à la réduction de modèle pour la modélisation numérique des systèmes dynamiques. Dans une première partie, on s'intéresse à la quantification des incertitudes pour les systèmes multicorps. Pour ce type de système, les incertitudes concernent les paramètres du modèle. Ces incertitudes sont liées soit à une variabilité naturelle, soit à un manque de connaissance sur ces paramètres. On s'intéresse en particulier à la modélisation des incertitudes relatives à la distribution de masse des solides rigides. Afin d'être compatible avec le formalisme de la dynamique des systèmes multicorps, cette modélisation est construite directement au niveau des propriétés globales d'inertie des solides rigides. Dans la partie suivante, on s'intéresse à la modélisation et à l'identification en inverse des incertitudes dans les structures déformables pour lesquelles, en plus des incertitudes sur les paramètres, il existe des incertitudes de modèle induites par les erreurs de modélisation (discrétisation, choix de la loi de comportement, ...). Pour prendre en compte ces deux types d'incertitudes, une approche probabiliste mixte paramétrique/non paramétrique est utilisée. L'accent sera mis sur l'identification des hyper-paramètres du modèle stochastique en utilisant des mesures expérimentales. Le troisième partie de ces travaux présente une nouvelle méthodologie d'analyse dynamique des structures à forte densité modale. Celle-ci est basée sur une séparation global/local de l'espace des déplacements admissibles via la résolution de deux problèmes aux valeurs propres séparés, permettant ainsi de construire un modèle réduit des déplacements globaux de petite dimension puis, si cela est nécessaire, de prendre en compte les contributions locales par une approche probabiliste. Enfin, la quatrième partie de ces travaux concerne cette fois-ci l'aléa du chargement appliqué. On s'intéresse en particulier à la génération d'accélérogrammes pour la construction de chargements sismiques. On présente une nouvelle méthodologie de construction et de génération d'accélérogrammes, en grande dimension stochastique, permettant de prendre en compte des propriétés physiques et des spécifications issues de l'ingénierie sismique directement au niveau de la loi de probabilité du processus stochastique modélisant l'accélérogramme.

Mediální obraz Číny v českých denících v roce pořádání letních olympijských her 2008 / Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games

Janecká, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media image of China in Czech daily newspapers in the year of holding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games" tries to capture a media image of China in Czech daily newspapers represented by MF Dnes, Pravo and Hospodarske noviny. The analysed time period is the whole year 2008, the year of the Summer Olympic Games in Peking, when China got even into the biggest interest of media. The method of the diploma thesis is to examine chosen articles with quantitative content analysis which tries to answer the questions regarding the thematic agenda of the newspapers connected to China, originality of the stories or the positive or negative character of the articles in general. Last but not least the analysis takes into account the phenomenon of Olympic Games and the tense events around them which also brought its part of articles and topics. As the analysis deals with a trio of newspapers with various reader's profiles, it focuses on differences among them too.

Babiš vs. Bakala. Komparace mediálního obrazu Zdeňka Bakaly v denících MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny a Právo / Babiš vs. Bakala. Comparison of the Media Image of Zdeněk Bakala in the MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny and Právo Dailies

Trojanová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the media image of the influential Czech businessman Zdenek Bakala who is also the owner of the company Economia, publisher of Hospodarske noviny. Bakala is a member of a small group of Czech billionaires who have completely taken control over the most important media groups and thus all national dailies over the last decade. Politician Andrej Babis is also concidered as one of them. His entry into the media market after the acquisition of the Mafra was the most significant moment for the rise of the so-called oligarchization of domestic media. Czech media ownership changes have raised suspicions that these modern media magnates have acquired the media in order to defend their economic and political interests. There are concerns mainly because they could influence the content of the media and thus disrupt editorial freedom and jeopardize the functioning of the entire media system. They can also use their media power to influence public opinion, which is largely shaped by the media. This thesis will therefore want to verify whether the owners use their influence in their media. This assumption will be demonstrated on the analysis of Zdenek Bakala's media image. Firstly, the research examines the way his own Hospodarske noviny informed about him and finds...

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