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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'efficacité du microcrédit dans les pays industrialisés : le cas de la France / The effectiveness of micro-credit in industrialized countries : a French case study

Kamaha, Marinette 22 September 2014 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer si les objectifs que se fixent les institutions demicrofinance (IMF) en France en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion, et en matièrede soutien au micro-entrepreneuriat, se traduisent dans les faits. Il s’agit plus précisémentd’apprécier la performance sociale des IMF tant en termes de portée sociale qu’en termesd’impact. Nous montrons dans une première partie que le microcrédit extra-bancaire en France aclairement un impact social car octroyé principalement aux personnes les plus pauvres et à cellesles plus en risque d’exclusion. Sa capacité à servir durablement le plus grand nombre estcependant remise en cause compte tenu du fait qu’aucune institution étudiée ne répond à lacontrainte de pérennité qu’est l’autosuffisance financière. Le maintien des subventions dans cecontexte s’avère donc indispensable. Nous trouvons en outre une adaptation de l’offre auxbesoins de la clientèle et mettons en évidence l’existence d’une stratégie dichotomique dans lesecteur (sociale vs économique), ce qui entraine un traitement différencié de la clientèle suivantl’objectif poursuivi par l’IMF. Dans une seconde partie, nous trouvons que dans un contextemarqué par la persistance de la crise économique, le microcrédit démontre une certaine capacité àsoutenir la création d’entreprises et d’emplois de qualité. Cette capacité dépend cependant dutype de microcrédit dont il s’agit (entrepreneurial vs insertion sociale). L’accompagnement serévèle fort utile dans l’ensemble, mais nous montrons des différences de perception parmi lesbénéficiaires. Le microcrédit se révèle en outre avoir un fort impact psychologique mais sesretombées économiques sont de faible ampleur. Nous trouvons en effet une amélioration globalede la situation professionnelle des bénéficiaires, mais soulignons la précarité des emplois occupéset la faiblesse des revenus. Ceci suggère un contraste entre perception et réalité économique / This thesis aims at determining whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) in France succeed inovercoming poverty and exclusion and in supporting entrepreneurship. More precisely, we assessthe social performance of the MFIs both in terms of outreach and impact. We show in a firstsection that non-bank MFIs in France reach the poor and individuals at high-risk of exclusion,and their offer is adapted to their clientele. However, because none of these IMFs are viable,their capacity to durably serve the largest number is questioned. This underlines the need formaintaining subsidies. We also highlight the existence of two types of strategy within the sector(social vs economic), which leads to a differentiated treatment of customers according to theobjective pursued by the MFI. In a second section we show that in a time of persistent economiccrisis, microcredit demonstrates some ability to support business and job creation. However, thisability depends on the type of microcredit in question (micro-enterprises lenders vs socialinclusion lenders). Business support shows itself very useful on the whole, but we bring to theforeground differences in perception among the beneficiaries. Besides, microcredit proves tohave a strong psychological impact even when economic gains are low. There is an overallimprovement in the working position of beneficiaries, although gains are limited by theprecariousness of jobs and relative low incomes. This suggests a contrast between perception andeconomic reality.

Les sources d'incohérences des initiatives de financement du logement social au Nicaragua

Gruet, Emilien 01 1900 (has links)
Le Nicaragua connaît un déficit en logement très préoccupant. Celui-ci est du en grande partie à l’incapacité du secteur financier à satisfaire la demande des familles à faible revenu. De nombreuses initiatives ont été mises en place par des organismes provenant des trois sphères sociétales pour pallier ce problème. Certains l’ont fait avec succès d’autres sans. Aujourd’hui bien que ces initiatives aient comme objectif de répondre au problème existant, le déficit continu de se creuser. Ce mémoire propose une analyse des causes du problème afin de comprendre pourquoi les initiatives mises en place ne fonctionnent pas comme elles le devraient. Il met en avant le manque de coordination qui existe enter les acteurs et démontre que l’ensemble du secteur fonctionne selon une organisation « en silo » révélatrice d’un manque de cohérence des politiques de financement du logement. Enfin il analyse les origines possibles d’une telle organisation et des incohérences politiques qui l’ont amenée. Par cette analyse, il tente de déterminer la part de responsabilité relative imputable à l’État nicaraguayen et à l’Aide Publique au Développement qui est la principale source de fonds de tous ces programmes. / Nicaragua suffers of a very important housing deficit. The bulk of it is due to the inability of the finance sector to attend low income families. Numerous initiatives were implemented by organization from the three societal sectors to alleviate this problem. Some were successful, others were not. Today, although the objectives set by these initiatives seems to respond the existing problem, the deficit keeps on deepening. This thesis offers to analyse the causes of the problem and to understand why the implemented initiatives are not functioning as they should. It emphasizes the lack of coordination existing and demonstrates that the whole sector functions in accordance with a silo approach which is itself indicative of a lack of housing finance policy coherence. Finally, it analyses the possible origin of such an organization and of the policy incoherence that brought it. Through this analysis it attempts to clarify the respective accountability of the Nicaraguan State and the ODA which is the main financing source of these programs.

Microfinance Consumer Research : Diaries, Surveys and Experiments / Etudes de consommateurs en microfinance : journaux, enquêtes, et expériences

Alia, Hayyan 26 May 2015 (has links)
La thèse comporte sept chapitres. Nous présentons, dans le premier chapitre, une étude qui montre les traits particuliers des pauvres et la façon dont ils perçoivent leur propre pauvreté. Le second chapitre est consacré à une revue de la littérature sur l'utilisation d'agenda de gestion du temps comme outil de collecte de données en recherche qualitative. Le troisième chapitre propose une version modifiée du "modèle de portefeuille économique du ménage” (HEP) de Chen et Dunn (1996). Le modèle modifié (M-HEP) permet une évaluation non expérimentale de 1’impact de la microfinance. Nous l’avons mis en place via la collecte d’informations simples auto-déclarées sur 1’utilisation quotidienne du temps et de l’argent auprès d'un échantillon de femmes pauvres du Caire (Egypte). Le quatrième chapitre propose une étude testant ce modèle (M-HEP) auprès de personnes en situation de handicap. Le cinquième chapitre s'attache à une étude qui souligne une limite des journaux combinés "non stylisés" ou "non-directifs". Le sixième chapitre expose l’utilisation de jeux expérimentaux sur un échantillon de population du Caire en comparant le comportement des clients de la microfinance à celui de non-clients. Le dernier chapitre expose une étude d’évaluation d’impact de la microfinance sur le genre au Mali, utilisant une méthode quasi-expérimentale. Enfin, en guise de conclusion, nous préconisons 1’utilisation du modèle M-HEP dans l’étude de l’évaluation de I’impact de la microfinance. Nous avons effectué’ une étude comparative des trois méthodes utilisées dans la thèse à savoir la méthode qualitative non-expérimentale et les méthodes quantitatives expérimentales et quasi-expérimentales. / The thesis is built on seven chapters. In chapter 1, we explore the views on poverty of a sample of poor women. In chapter 2, we review the literature on the use of time-diary in research. Chapter 3 develops and investigates the diary method as a qualitative non-experimental impact evaluation tool. For this objective, we study "the household economic portfolio model (HEP)“ a comprehensive impact evaluation model designed by Chen and Dunn (1996) that overcomes the obstacle of fungibility of money. We propose a modified version (M-HEP), a simplified framework for non- experimental evaluation of impact with clear assessment units and efficient measurement tools. The collection of simple self-reported information on the daily use of time and money is suggested for implementing the model. We test our proposition with a case study from Cairo. In chapter 4, we provide another test of the combined diaries through a case study on two poor single mothers one of whom is handicapped. In chapter 5, we present a fina1 example on the combined diary of a poor woman. The study highlights one limitation in the non-stylized combined diary approach. In chapter 6, we use experimental games in Cairo to study two aspects of behavioral microfinance by comparing microfinance clients to non-clients. In chapter 7, we present an impact evaluation study on microfinance in Mali, using the quasi-experimental statistical technique. Finally, we conclude the thesis suggesting applications of the M-HEP, and comparing the three methods used in the thesis. This comparisons aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods when used for evaluating microfinance impact.

Le contrôle de la réglementation prudentielle de la microfinance : Cas de la CEMAC (Communauté économique et monétaire de l'Afrique centrale) / Control of prudential rules of microfinance in tje economic and monetary community of central Africa

Elobo, Roger Claude 30 November 2016 (has links)
La microfinance connaît un développement considérable dans le monde de longue date. Elle est restée insignifiante jusqu’aux années 1990 au sein des Etats membres de la Communauté Economiques et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) avant de connaître, sous l’effet conjugué du rôle actif de la Banque mondiale dans la lutte contre la pauvreté, un contexte juridique mal codifié et des politiques économiques exclusives, son essor et une expansion rapide marquée par une certaine anarchie et beaucoup de faillites aux conséquences négatives sur les économies et le moral des populations pauvres clientes des institutions de microfinance (IMF).Conscients des enjeux politiques et incités par les experts de la Banque mondiale, les chefs d’Etats de la CEMAC ont recherché des solutions visant à réglementer ce secteur en confiant à la Commission bancaire de l'Afrique centrale (COBAC) la mission d’édifier un cadre réglementaire et d’en assurer la supervision.Malgré cette réglementation, le taux de défaillance des IMF demeure élevé ce qui laisse à penser qu’il existe de failles structurelles qui nuisent à l’applicabilité des textes et/ou à l’exercice d’une bonne supervision.A partir d’une étude empirique construite autour d’un échantillon d’organisations de microfinance, il est mis en évidence des défaillances dont l’analyse des caractéristiques permet de dégager des stratégies appropriées pour y remédier.L’étude écarte l’absence de patrimoine des clients des IMF comme facteur risque justifiant une réglementation prudentielle. Elle montre à cet effet que les IMF ont un fonctionnement adapté au contexte d’information imparfaite avec les prêts de groupe à responsabilité conjointe et les prêts individuels renouvelés. Par conséquent, elle incite à se concentrer sur l’objet même de la réglementation et les pratiques de sa supervision.Cette réglementation de la microfinance dans la CEMAC tend à se conformer aux standards prudentiels internationaux. Mais il s’avère qu’elle nécessite des corrections pour plus d’efficacité et d’efficience. / Microfinance has evolved over the years. Insignificant until the 1990 in the Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) it became the tool used by the World Bank to fight poverty. Combined with poorly codified legal context and exclusive economic policies, its development and rapid expansion was marked by lawlessness and bankruptcies with negative consequences on the economies and moral of populations and clients using microfinance institutions (MFIs).Aware of political issues and encouraged by the experts of the World Bank, the CEMAC Heads of States, sought solutions to regulate this sector by entrusting to the Banking Commission of Central Africa (COBAC) mission to build a regulatory framework and ensure supervision.Despite this regulation, the MFI failure rate remains high which suggests that there are structural flaws that undermine the applicability of the text and/or the exercise of proper supervision.From an empirical study built around sample of microfinance organisations, it is highlighted shortcomings allowing identifying appropriate strategies to address them.The study did not take into account MFI customers’ assets as a risk factor to justify the cautious regulation. This shows that MFIs have an imperfect data not adapted to group loans with joint responsibility and renewed individual loans. Therefore, it encourages focus on the regulation and supervision practices.This microfinance regulation in the CEMAC tends to conform to international prudential standards. But it turns out that it requires corrections for efficiency and effectiveness.

Rôle de la microfinance dans l'inclusion financière des pays de l'UEMOA : application au cas du Niger / The role of microfinance in the financial inclusion of WAEMU countries : the case of Niger

Ibrahim Chaibou, Oumarou 25 September 2019 (has links)
L'inclusion financière est devenue un sujet important au cours des deux dernières décennies dans les politiques de développement de l'UEMOA. Cette zone se caractérise par un faible niveau d'inclusion financière en dépit de plusieurs stratégies et programmes visant à la renforcer. Cette thèse vise à analyser d’une part la situation de l'inclusion financière de l’'UEMOA et du Niger particulièrement, et d'autre part, à étudier le rôle de la microfinance dans l’accomplissement de cette dernière. Pour ce faire, nous avons construit un indice synthétique d'inclusion financière (ISIF) pour mesurer l'inclusion financière et classer ainsi les 8 pays de l'UEMOA. A travers un modèle économétrique en panel, nous avons montré que la microfinance contribue efficacement au renforcement de l'inclusion financière sous l’angle du mobile money et l'impact (sur l'ISIF) est supérieur à celui du secteur bancaire. Nous avons en outre analysé les déterminants de l'inclusion financière à deux niveaux : d'abord à l'échelle d’un pays, et à partir des données disponibles à la BCEAO et ensuite selon les caractéristiques des personnes à l’aide des données de l’enquête que nous avons réalisé auprès d’un échantillon de 512 adultes. Ces données ont également révélé un niveau d'éducation financière inquiétant en milieu rural comme en milieu urbain au Niger / Financial inclusion has become an important topic in the last two decades in WAEMU's development policies. This area is characterized by a low level of financial inclusion despite several strategies and programs to strengthen it. This thesis aims to analyze on the one hand the situation of the financial inclusion of UEMOA and Niger in particular, and on the other hand, to study the role of microfinance in the fulfillment of the latter. To do this, we built a synthetic financial inclusion index (ISIF) to measure financial inclusion and thus classify the 8 WAEMU countries. Through an econometric panel model, we have shown that microfinance effectively contributes to strengthening financial inclusion in terms of mobile money and the impact (on ISIF) is greater than that of the banking sector. In addition, we analyzed the determinants of financial inclusion at two levels: first, at the country level, and from the data available at the BCEAO and then according to the characteristics of the individuals using the data. of the survey we conducted with a sample of 512 adults. These data also revealed a worrying level of financial education in both rural and urban areas of Niger

The constraints limiting the growth of microfinance institutions in Namibia

Saviye-Chirawu, Maureen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the factors that hinder the growth of the microfinance industry in Namibia. The actual issues of the sector are not known as not much research has been undertaken on it. However, it is possible to establish the constraints that limit the growth of the microfinance environment in the country. The study presents the identified limitations with associated solutions as experienced in different countries and reported by various authors and academics. The desired situation would be for the microfinance sector to operate effectively by serving the poor and unemployed but economically active people. Although this is not the all encompassing solution to the plight of the rural and urban poor, it is, however, the beginning at the attempt to move out of poverty. The questions that the respondents answered were designed specifically to clarify which sector of the low income section of society that was accessing the loans available on the market. This fact will enable policymakers to focus on resolving the hindrance that will produce the most results than taking haphazard actions that bring minimal results. The results could also be useful to microfinance providers in that they can use the information to identify business opportunities for the diversification of the products they offer. Finally, the constraints hindering the growth of microfinance such as the restrictive regulatory environment for one are not unique to Namibia. Hence, the experience and solutions from other countries are available for study. However, the local industry would have to initiate their own solutions to match and meet local conditions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die faktore wat die groei van mikrofinansies in Namibie belemmer. Die werklike probleme is nie bekend nie omdat baie min navorsing nog in hierdie verband gedoen is. Dit is egter wel moontlik om die beperkinge tot groei van die mikrofinansies industrie in Namibie te bepaal. Die studie bied 'n oorsig van bekende beperkinge en moontlike oplossings soos ervaar in verskillende lande en soos gerapporteer deur verskeie outeurs en akademici. Die ideale situasie sal wees dat die mikrofinansies sektor effektief funksioneer deur die armes en werkloses, maar ekonomies aktiewe, gemeenskap te dien. Hoewel dit nie 'n alomvattende oplossing bied vir die behoeftes van plattelandse en stedelike armes nie, is dit egter 'n poging om hierdie mense uit armoede te lig. Die vrae wat respondente moes antwoord het spesifiek gepoog am te bepaal watter sektor van die samelewing die lenings wat beskikbaar is in die mark gebruik. Hierdie kennis sal wetgewers in staat stel om te fokus op probleme wat die grootste struikelblokke is, eerder as om lukraak probleme aan te spreek met minimale resultate. Die bevindinge mag ook van belang wees vir mikrofinansies voorsieners wat die inligting kan gebruik om besigheidsgeleenthede te identifiseer om sodoende hulle produk-reeks te diversifiseer. Laastens, die beperkinge in die mikrofinansies sektor soos die beperkende regulatoriese omgewing is nie uniek tot Namibie nie. Dus, die oplossings vanuit ander lande kan toegepas word in Namibie. Die Namibiese industrie sal egter hulle eie oplossings moet vind om die plaaslike omstandighede die hoof te bied.

Factors affecting the growth of microfinance institutions in Namibia

Mulunga, Anna Magano 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The level of poverty in Namibia is relatively high. Access to finance is cited as one of factors hampering economic growth and poverty alleviation. Microfinance is seen as one of the effective tools that can address poverty alleviation by engaging the poor in sustainable economic activities. Microfinance services have existed in Namibia since the late 1990s, yet they have not attained growth. The main providers of microfinance services consist mainly of Micro-lenders, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS), Public Financial Institutions (PFI) and to a less extent Commercial Banks (CB). This research report aimed to study and identify the problems that impact on the growth of microfinance finance institutions (MFIs) in Namibia. The findings of this study revealed that lack of regulatory and policy framework, lack of capital and high operational costs were the main problem areas hampering the growth of MFIs in Namibia. The study made recommendations which are aimed at enhancing the growth of microfinance institutions.

Supply-side constraints to the growth of microfinance industry in South Africa

Legadima, Lerato 03 1900 (has links)
Microfinance and microcredit are relatively new concepts in South Africa, yet the industry has experienced significant consolidation and growth. The industry appears to be progressing towards a sustainable growth phase. The aim of this paper is to study the problems experienced by the microfinance industry in South Africa, with regard to supply-side credit. Respondents ranked 26 challenges affecting the growth of MFIs in South Africa in order to establish the degree in which these issues affected their organisations. The top six issues impacting on the growth of the South African MFIs are: - High operational cost - Increased competition from commercial banks - Increased competition from MFIs - Legislation and regulatory framework - Fraud, There are solutions to most of these challenges. The industry can learn from a recommendation by Africa Diagnostic, which are: “The client must come first; groom leaders; and highlight transparency. All these recommendations are discussed at length.

Improving the well-being of the poor through microfinance : evidence from the Small Enterprise Foundation in South Africa

Kirsten, Maria Albertina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poverty in South Africa’s rural areas is complex and severe, especially among female-headed households. The marginalisation of South Africa’s rural areas over a period of decades resulted in an acute lack of economic opportunities, limited infrastructure and a serious breakdown of social capital. Women living in rural areas are particularly poor in moneymetric terms; they are often illiterate and therefore isolated from economic and social opportunities; and many fall victim to violence in the household. They eke out a meagre existence, based on small-scale agriculture, marginal self-employment or limited wage and remittance income. While such income diversification, combined with the government’s range of development interventions, helps to buffer them against risks such as illness, death and disaster, rural poverty is not just a matter of income and assets. It is also rooted in other disadvantages, such as exclusion, disempowerment and unequal power relations. These all contribute to making poverty a multidimensional phenomenon. The South African government has committed significant resources to poverty intervention over the past 17 years. These interventions, which include social assistance grants, basic municipal services and free water, electricity, schooling and health services, certainly have an impact on the livelihoods of the rural poor, but they do not seem to bring a significant improvement in the standard of living of the most vulnerable people in marginalised areas. There is increasing recognition in the poverty literature that vulnerabilities – of income, health, social exclusion and service delivery – are linked, and that support programmes should focus not only on increasing the poor’s access to resources and assets but also on empowering individuals to use these assets and make decisions. This study investigates the potential of microfinance to address the overlapping vulnerabilities experienced by women in South Africa’s rural areas. It suggests that microfinance has the potential to generate positive shifts in selected indicators of empowerment and well-being among participating women in rural areas. These claims are tested by evaluating data gathered among clients of the Small Enterprise Foundation (SEF) against a conceptual framework. The framework offers a stepwise progression away from vulnerability: acquiring internal skills (empowerment), strengthening social capital, accumulating assets and, eventually, transforming these assets into wealth. Existing datasets, gathered over a period of five years in rural Limpopo and representing both a group that received microfinance from SEF and a control group, were examined. No evidence could be found that the recipients of SEF’s microfinance experienced increased empowerment, but the results did provide evidence that belonging to the group that received microfinance increased the likelihood of experiencing livelihood security and well-being. The findings show that microfinance can, even over the short term, make a difference in people’s ability to smooth their consumption and, as such, provide them with more secure livelihoods. The research also suggests that microfinance assists women in rural areas in constructing and maintaining a portfolio of assets, thus improving well-being among the recipients of microfinance. The scope of the study was confined to measuring the effect of microfinance on selected poverty indicators, and it did not attempt to prove that microfinance alleviates poverty. As such, the research demonstrates that the government’s efforts to reduce rural poverty can be complemented by micro-level interventions such as access to finance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Armoede in Suid-Afrika se landelike gebiede is kompleks en straf, veral vir huishoudings met vroue aan die hoof. Landelike gebiede is vir dekades lank gemarginaliseer en dit het gelei tot gebrekkige ekonomiese geleenthede, beperkte infrastruktuur en ‘n ineenstorting van sosiale kapitaal. Vroue in Suid-Afrika se landelike gebiede is nie net arm in monetêre terme nie, maar ook dikwels ongelettered, geïsoleerd van ekonomiese en sosiale geleenthede, en dikwels die slagoffers van huishoudelike geweld. Hul huishoudings oorleef deur die skamele bestaan wat hulle maak uit bestaansboerdery, gebrekkige besoldiging en trekarbeider lone. Alhoewel die regering se wydverspreide ontwikkelingshulp daartoe bydra om arm mense te help om risiko’s soos siekte, dood en natuurrampe te kan hanteer, gaan landelike armoede oor veel meer as net inkomste en bates, en sluit dit ook ontmagtiging, uitsluiting en ongelyke magsverdeling in. Al hierdie ontberinge maak armoede ‘n multidimensionele verskynsel. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het oor die afgelope 17 jaar aansienlike bronne op armoede verligting gespandeer. Die hulp, wat maatskaplike toelaes, basiese munisipale dienslewering, gratis water, elektrisiteit, opvoeding en gesondheidsdienste insluit, het sonder twyfel die oorlewing van die armes in landelike gebiede meer houdbaar gemaak, maar tog lyk dit nie of die lewenskwaliteit van die mees kwesbare huishoudings in die gemarginaliseerde areas verbeter het nie. Die armoede-literatuur dui daarop dat verskillende vorms van kwesbaarheid – kwesbaarheid in terme van inkomste, gesondheid, sosiale uitsluiting en dienslewering – met mekaar verband hou. Daarom is dit belangrik dat hulpverlening nie alleen vir die armes toegang gee tot hulpbronne en bates nie, maar ook die individue bemagtig om die bronne te gebruik en besluite te neem. Hierdie studie ondersoek die potensiaal van mikrofinansiering om die verskeidenheid sosiale kwesbaarhede wat vroue in Suid Afrika se landelike gebiede ervaar aan te spreek. Die studie voer aan dat mikrofinansiering kan lei tot positiewe veranderinge in geselekteerde bemagtigings- en welvaarts-indikatore onder deelnemende vroue. Data wat versamel is onder die kliente van die Small Enterprise Foundation (SEF) word gebruik om hierdie aansprake te evalueer. Die studie is gedoen teen die agtergrond van ‘n konseptuele model, wat voorhou dat armoede en kwesbaarheid oorkom kan word as ‘n trapsgewyse program gevolg word – deur eerstens kundigheid (bemagtiging) te verkry, daarna sosiale kapitaal te versterk, bates op te bou en uiteindelik die bates in rykdom te omskep beweeg die vroue, en hul huishoudings, al verder weg van hulle aanvanklike kwesbaarheid. Bestaande data, versamel oor ‘n tydperk van vyf jaar in die landelike gebiede van Limpopo is geanaliseer. Die data verteenwoordig twee groepe – ‘n groep wat mikrofinansiering ontvang het en ‘n kontrole groep. Geen empiriese bewyse kon gevind word dat die vroue wat mikrofinansiering van SEF ontvang het, bemagtig is nie. Die resultate het wel daarop gedui dat vroue wat mikrofinansiering ontvang na alle waarskynlikheid meer bestaans-sekerheid het en dat hulle welvaart verbeter het. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat mikrofinansiering, selfs oor die kort termyn, ‘n wesenlike verskil kan maak in die vermoë van kwesbare vroue om hulle verbruik, oor tyd, beter te bestuur en sodoende bestaans-sekuriteit te verseker. Die navorsing toon ook dat mikrofinansiering vroue in landelike gebiede kan help om ‘n portefeulje van bates te skep en te handhaaf, wat bydra tot groter welvaart. Hierdie studie het die impak van mikrofinansiering op geselekteerde armoede indikatore geevalueer, en het nie gepoog om te bewys dat mikrofinansiering armoede verlig nie. Sodoende dui die navorsing daarop dat die regering se pogings om armoede te verlig kan baat vind by mikrovlakintervensies soos mikrofinansiering.

An evaluation of the performance of microfinance institutions in Ghana : an investigation into the factors that impact on sustainability and success of microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Aveh, Felix Kwame January 2011 (has links)
The thesis examines factors that influence sustainability and success of microfinance institutions in Ghana. The topic is important, particularly in poverty stricken Africa, where microfinance institutions play a significant role in supporting governments' initiatives to reduce/alleviate poverty. The developed model is tested using data collected from 14 face-to-face interviews and 114 questionnaires. The data is analysed using different techniques- descriptive statistics, cross-tabulations and regression analysis. The research design and scale of the study are appropriate to both the problem addressed and doctoral level research. A number of factors in the model developed were found to be influencing the sustainability and success of microfinance institutions. A model was proposed that seeks to offer an explanation of sustainability and success of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana. The proposed model identified five categories being: institutional characteristics, agency costs, business strategy, environment/governance and success. Single factor analysis established positive relationships between sustainability and all the five factors but placed more emphasis on three out of the five factors namely; success, business strategy and environment/ governance. Multiple factor analysis established no significant differences in the sustainability with respect to the type of MFI, ownership and source of funding. Multiple Regression which allows for the testing of theories or models established a significant relationship between the Operational Self Sufficiency (OSS) and the predictors, especially the drop-out rate of clients and average loans. The Subsidy Dependence Index (SDI) was calculated for the various types of MFIs and the result was a high dependency ratio especially among the FNGOs. Though the dependency is on the decline, it is very slow indicating that most MFIs will depend on subsidies for a very long time to come. Finally it was observed that the relatively high interest rates charged by most of the MFIs tended to defeat the purpose for which the microfinance movement came about. Not only did the study confirm the research model, but it also revealed that most owners did not exhibit a deep sense of involvement and used general knowledge to practice in Ghana. The study concluded that success factors, business strategy, and environment/governance were the most critical of the sustainability factors in Ghana. It is therefore important that managers develop institutional capacities especially in managing the agency problem effectively if they have to be sustainable and successful.

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