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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intégration de Schémas Large Echelle

Saleem, Khalid 27 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La mise en correspondance sémantique appliquée à des schémas hétérogènes dans les systèmes de partage de données est une tache fastidieuse et source d'erreurs. La thèse présente une nouvelle méthode automatique et robuste qui intègre un grand nombre de schémas sous forme arborescente et de domaine spécifique. Elle permet de découvrir des correspondances sémantiques entre eux. La méthode crée également les mappings entre des schémas sources et le schéma intégré. Puis, le manuscrit présente une technique pour découvrir d'une manière automatique des correspondances complexes entre deux schémas. <br /><br />Les outils de mise en correspondance existants utilisent des techniques semi-automatiques uniquement entre deux schémas. Dans un scénario à grande échelle, où le partage des données implique un grand nombre de sources de données, ces techniques ne sont pas adaptées. De plus, la mise en correspondance semi-automatique nécessite l'intervention de l'utilisateur pour finaliser les mappings. Bien qu'elle offre la possibilité de découvrir les mappings les plus appropriés, les performances s'en trouvent fortement dégradées. Dans un premier temps, le manuscrit présente en détails l'état de l'art sur la mise en correspondance. Nous expliquons les inconvénients des outils actuellement disponibles pour répondre aux contraintes d'un scénario à grande échelle. Notre approche, PORSCHE (Performance ORiented SCHEma mediation) évite ces inconvénients et ses avantages sont mis en évidence de manière empirique.<br /><br />Le principe de l'algorithme de PORSCHE consiste à regrouper d'abord les nœuds de l'arbre selon la similarité linguistique de leurs labels. Ensuite, des techniques de fouilles d'arbres utilisant les rangs des nœuds calculés au moyen du parcours en profondeur de l'arbre sont appliquées. Cela réduit l'espace de recherche d'un nœud cible et améliore par conséquent les performances, ce qui en fait une technique adaptée au contexte large échelle. PORSCHE implémente une approche hybride, qui crée également en parallèle et de manière incrémentale un schéma intégré qui englobe tous les schémas, tout en définissant les correspondances entre ces derniers et le schéma intégré. L'approche découvre des correspondances 1:1 dans un but d'intégration et de médiation. Finalement, des expérimentations sur des jeux de données réels et synthétiques montrent que PORSCHE passe à l'échelle avec de scénarios de grande échelle. La qualité des correspondances découvertes et l'intégrité du schéma intégré sont également vérifiées par une évaluation empirique.<br /><br />Par ailleurs, nous présentons une technique CMPV ({\bf C}omplex {\bf M}atch {\bf P}roposition et {\bf V}alidation), pour la découverte de correspondances complexes (1:n, n:1 et n:m), entre deux schémas, validée par l'utilisation de mini-taxonomies. Cette partie est une version étendue de l'aspect de mise en correspondance de PORSCHE. Les mini-taxonomies sont extraites d'un vaste ensemble de métadonnées de domaine spécifique représenté comme des structures arborescentes. Nous proposons un cadre, appelé ExSTax ({\bf Ex}tracting {\bf S}tructurally Coherent Mini-{\bf Tax}onomies) basé sur la fouille d'arbres pour appuyer notre idée. C'est l'extension de la méthode fouille d'arbres de PORSCHE. Enfin, on utilise la technique ExSTax pour extraire une taxonomie fiable spécifique à un domaine.

A novel approach of immittance-spectra analysis and how it resolves a decade-old deviation of the Frenkel-Poole model / Utilising process-specific physical models to find the electrical equivalent circuit representing the underlying physics in immittance spectroscopy

Amani, Julian Alexander 16 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

烘培業廠務管理資訊系統之建立以個案公司為例 / The process of building producing Management Information System of Baking - by case company

王友讓, Wang, Yue-Lang Unknown Date (has links)
生產管理是烘焙業經營的核心功能,生產主管於日常運作中管理之主要項目為1. 技術資訊管理2. 物料需求及存貨管理3. 進度控制管理4. 成本管理5. 製程安排管理。以西點麵包單店之管理角度言之,1. 配方表2. 製作技術3. 製程安排4. 生產成本5. 原物料管理為其最關心事。   個人電腦在台灣已經被普遍運用,以電腦處理資訊是必然趨勢,烘焙業中之連鎖店,因其規模經濟可引進電腦化,一般街坊為數甚多之西點麵包店,則仍沿襲「老闆-伙計」之管理方式,又因投資效益及經營者能力問題,雖知電腦之運用可幫助管理之進步,但是連標準化作業之建立皆屬不易,更不論電腦化之提昇。   本文主要之目的,即以經營西點麵包店之實務管理經驗,運用目前普遍使用之EXCEL軟體,於個人電腦建立廠務管理資訊系統,以提供西點麵包店業者1. 標準建立2. 管理輔助之管理工具。   本研究結果顯示;麵包店可經由標準化、電腦化的管理過程,提昇經營的效益,除了利潤成果外更可因顧客滿意而建立永續經營的基礎。

資訊系統在銀行利率風險管理應用之研究 / The Application of Information Systems on The Interest Rate Risk Management of Banks

丁冠光, Ting, Kuan-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
銀行的利率風險管理是資產負債管理中相當重要的課題,尤其是隨著金融自由化與國際化的發展,同業市場競爭日漸激烈,使銀行利差縮小,獲利能力大不如前,因此如何管理利率風險,避免利率波動對銀行淨值與獲利能力的影響對銀行而言將更形重要。而資訊科技在企業的應用,已從以往輔助性的角色漸漸轉變為增加企業競爭優勢的策略武器。雖然我國金融業引進電腦科技於日常業務處理已有二十年了,但後檯管理作業仍以人工處理為主,如何利用管理資訊系統更有效率的提供相關訊息,已成為各銀行面臨的迫切課題。   然而國內雖有一些資產負債管理資訊系統相關的研究,唯對銀行利率風險管理方面的著墨並不深入;也有些關於銀行利率風險管理相關的文獻,但還沒有專門針對銀行利率風險管理結合管理資訊系統方面的探討。所以本文試圖由此方向出發,建立一銀行利率風險管理資訊系統架構,並運用實際銀行的資料於雛型系統上,發現利用銀行利率風險管理資訊系統,將可更有效率的提供相關訊息,並可將計算複雜、具技術性且專門的利率風險衡量方法及避險工具操作模型納入系統中,增加銀行利率風險管理的效率與效能。 / The interest rate risk management is a very important element in the bank Asset Liability Management(ALM). As the higher degree of deregulation and internationalization of financial environment, bank interest rate spread is compressed and the profit is decreased. Interest rate risk management becomes even more important for banks to maximize its net worth or total profit. The advance of information technology(IT) in business has become one of the most important strategic weapon to increase the business competitive edge. Although there have more than 20 years experience of IT on local financial institution, IT has seldom been used to the decision making levels. So, in the near future, how to apply management information systems(MIS) to help bank management has become a major concern.   In the past, the research on the bank asset liability management system was less emphasis on the application of MIS on the interest rate risk management. This paper provides a bank interest rate risk management system framework which can help the bank managers to assess the interest rate risk. Finally, a bank's historical data was used to evaluate the prototype system, and the result shows that the prototype system could improve the bank interest rate risk management.

管理資訊系統評估機制設計之研究 / A study of Designing an Evaluation Mechanism for Management Information System

陳盛林, Chen, Sheng Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1970年代以前硬體資源昂貴,是硬體投資導向的年代,程式設計視為一種藝術。1970年代因電腦程式愈來愈多,維護愈來愈困難,發生了所謂「軟體危機」。因應「軟體危機」,促使軟體工程領域快速發展,有效地改善了資訊系統開發及維護之效率。由於硬體技術之發展遠超過軟體技術之突破,造成兩者之間技術差距的擴大,也形成軟體導向投資時代的來臨。再者企業面臨的經營環境變動愈來愈快速,競爭愈來愈激烈,如何運用資訊科技來提昇其競爭能力一直是企業經營者關注的焦點。由於企業資訊系統之投資金額愈來愈龐大,資訊系統能為企業帶來那些效益呢?其效益又應如何評估?一直受到企業高階主管的關切,也促成本研究的動機。   本研究主要目的是設計一套理性且有效的管理資訊系統評估控制機制,在管理資訊系統生命週期的不同階段,皆能提供一整體的評估控制環境,確保發展中及已正式作業的管理資訊系統皆能符合組織的目標,使管理資訊系統的功能能更有效的發揮。   探討過去有關資訊效益評估之文獻,一般的資訊效益評估方法較偏重於事後評估或間接評估(如使用者滿意度法)。本研究設計了一套新的資訊系統效益評估方法─逐項列舉法,可配合不同資訊系統發展理論和不同發展階段的資訊系統來評估其效益。   企業為了達成其生存,成長及獲利的目標,必須因應外界環境的變化,掌握機會,避開威脅,結合本身的條件,擬定策略,在策略指導下,制定功能政策及劃分組織,這一切的作為,為了就是要達成企業的目標。為了達成組織目標,配合策略指導,應該採取哪些作為和工作,這些作為和工作在本研究即稱為組織作業體系。逐項列舉法即以組織作業體系與資訊系統功能(產出)來建立一個評估控制環境,透過理性的評估,以促使資訊系統功能(產出)與組織作業體系之符合度愈來愈高,來提昇資訊系統效益的一種評估機制。逐項列舉法實際運作時,寸提供不同發展階段(整體規劃、分析設計及正式作業)的資訊系統,進行資訊系統效益之評估控制。逐項列舉法透過製作一系列的資訊系統功能(產出)與組織作業體系關聯資料,做為使用部門與資訊部門效益評估、溝通及驗收的基礎。逐項列舉法雖然需處理大量的關聯資料,但因為關聯式資料庫技術日趨成熟,可應用來處理繁瑣的資料,提高了逐項列舉法的實用性。   本研究以一家中大型且已實施電腦化多年的企業來做個案分析。透過個案分析的過程及其結果,發現逐項列舉法在資訊系統不同的發展階段,都能有效的促進使用部門與資訊部門之間的溝通,互相瞭解在資訊系統發展及運作過程中,使用部門應負資訊系統效益之責;資訊部門應負資訊系統效率之責。透過逐項列舉法建立的評估控制環境,能有效地評估檢討組織作業體系是由哪些資訊系統功能(產出)來達成,其效益如何?效益不佳之原因在哪裡?該如何改善?哪些組織作業體系尚未運用資訊科技,是否能運用資訊科技來提高作業效率?從另一個角度,亦能有效地評估檢討資訊系統功能(產出)是為了滿足組織作業體系之哪一項工作,其效益如何?效益不佳之原因在哪裡?該如何改善?哪些資訊系統功能(產出)無明確的欲滿足之組織作業體系之工作項目?這些資訊系統作業是否應予停止投入資源或該如何改善?當目標、策略隨環境調整,導致組織作業體系的改變,對於現有資訊帶來怎樣的衝擊?這些問題都可透過逐項列舉法的運作,提供明確的方向及做法。

In sii atla nis kwii sii yuk mit kin: The end of one journey is the beginning of another / End of one journey is the beginning of another

Happynook, Tommy 05 May 2010 (has links)
My thesis serves two purposes: First, my research addresses what I have come to recognize as colonial misunderstandings of nuu-chah-nulth ha'wiih. My research and writing invoke new ways of thinking about nuu-chah-nulth people, leaders and knowledge. I accomplish this by writing conversationally and by including unedited interviews and poetry. All of which require readers to consider my research outside of their usual perspective. Second, my research responds to a cultural need to archive important family knowledge while providing the opportunity to define, for outsiders, who we are. The interviews archive, in part, the knowledge and teachings of a cha-cha-tsi-us-aht ha'wilth. My analysis of this information shows that while my family’s knowledge comes from a common source. We all interpret that knowledge in our own way. My research is important academically and politically because of its ability to convey knowledge that has not been simplified, appropriated or colonized for public consumption.

Η ενσωμάτωση της πληροφοριακής τεχνολογίας στη στρατηγική διοίκηση επιχειρήσεων και οργανισμών / Alignment between information & communication technology and business strategy

Στυλιάδου, Στέλλα 10 August 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα βιβλιογραφική μελέτη καταγράφονται οι αλλαγές στο περιβάλλον οικονομικό, κοινωνικό και τεχνολογικό, ακολουθούμενες από τις πρόσφατες αλλαγές στις βασικές παραμέτρους της παρουσίας και του ρόλου των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων σε οργανισμούς και επιχειρήσεις. Η παρακολούθηση των αλλαγών στα δυο βασικά συστατικά του θέματος της μελέτης, (Πληροφοριακή τεχνολογία- εφαρμογές & Επιχειρησιακή στρατηγική), έγινε σε δύο επίπεδα. Χρησιμοποιώντας σαν βάση συγγράμματα, άρθρα και απόψεις αποδεκτές στον επιστημονικό και στον επιχειρηματικό χώρο, και εμπλουτίζοντας αυτή με μια επιλογή νέων στοιχείων που έρχονται στα χέρια μας μέσω των εφαρμογών της τεχνολογίας πληροφοριών και αφορούν τις δυνατότητες, την επίδραση και την επιρροή της τεχνολογίας αυτής, στη στρατηγική και τη λειτουργία ενός οργανισμού. Το ζήτημα της ευθυγράμμισης, ενσωμάτωσης ή ολοκλήρωσης των δύο στρατηγικών αναφέρεται στο βαθμό στον οποίο ο οργανισμός λαμβάνει υπόψη και χρησιμοποιεί τις δυνατότητες της πληροφοριακής τεχνολογίας και των εφαρμογών της, από τη φάση του σχεδιασμού της στρατηγικής του μέχρι την καθημερινή του λειτουργία. Τα βιβλιογραφικά ευρήματα αφορούν δημοσιεύσεις των τελευταίων κυρίως χρόνων και δεν είναι αριθμητικά σπουδαία. Κατά συνέπεια, έπρεπε να συμπληρωθούν με συμπεράσματα, σκέψεις και αναλύσεις βασισμένα σε συνεντεύξεις ειδικών, δημοσιεύματα εφημερίδων, στατιστικά στοιχεία κ.α. Η γενική φιλοσοφία στο κείμενο είναι οικονομικό-διοικητική χωρίς αυτό να βαίνει σε βάρος των συμπερασμάτων για την τεχνολογία της πληροφορικής. Προτάσεις για περαιτέρω έρευνα αλλά και πρακτικές συμβουλές για ζητήματα συγγενή με την ενσωμάτωση ΙΤ/Business, τη διαχείριση αλλαγών, τη διάρκεια της ευθυγράμμισης και τα αποτελέσματα της προσφέρονται και προκύπτουν από το κείμενο. / The study “Alignment of technology and business strategy in companies and organizations”, describes the changes in the financial, social and technological environment, followed by the changing role of information systems in the area of business, effectiveness and productivity. The detection of the changing facts in the two critical parts of the subject, (information technology and applications & business strategy) takes place in two different levels; mainly using books and articles with the addition of a wide selection of data and information available through internet surveys, statistics and business executives interviews which refer to the effect and the utility of information and communication technology and its applications in the acts of planning and forming the business strategy and in business in general. This study is characterized as managerial but that does not degrade any of the consumptions about information technology and information systems. Suggestions for research as well as practical advice are offered throughout the text.

A inteligência competitiva organizacional e os sistemas integrados de gestão ERP: um estudo nas indústrias calçadistas de Jaú

Rodrigues, Rodrigo [UNESP] 31 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:55:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_r_me_mar.pdf: 689285 bytes, checksum: d38aa83282f6a5f21ac969d3baab7454 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / No mundo globalizado as informações têm papel extremamente importante, visto que a internacionalização da economia exige excelência em relação aos sistemas de informação e documentação, por isso mesmo as informações se tornaram um recurso de gestão extremamente importante, mas nem sempre são valorizadas corretamente por parte das organizações. Nos ambientes organizacionais é absolutamente necessária a utilização de recursos tecnológicos para mediar o acesso e uso da informação pelo usuário, bem como para apoiar as distintas atividades organizacionais, desde as atividades cotidianas, o processo decisório, até o planejamento de ações estratégicas. O foco do problema de pesquisa refere-se aos fluxos informacionais em âmbito organizacional, mais especificamente os fluxos informacionais vinculados ao processo de inteligência competitiva organizacional (ICO). O objetivo deste estudo visava a analisar a contribuição das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs), através dos sistemas integrados de gestão, mais especificamente o Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), aplicado ao processo de inteligência competitiva organizacional nas indústrias associadas ao Sindicato Calçadista da cidade de Jaú/SP. Estudou-se os conceitos, definições, métodos e técnicas relacionados ao processo de ICO e às TICs, mais especificamente o ERP, por meio da análise da literatura nacional e internacional, assim como identificou-se e analisou-se no universo pesquisado as indústrias que possuem e aplicam o sistema ERP ou outro sistema semelhante, visando a analisar a relação do uso desse tipo de sistema para a competitividade organizacional. Da mesma forma, verificou-se a ocorrência do uso de métodos e técnicas aplicados ao processo de inteligência competitiva organizacional, desde que baseados em sistemas ERP. A pesquisa é descritiva exploratória... / In the world globalized the information have seen, extremely important role that to economy and requires excellence regarding the information and documentation systems, by that even the information became a resource of extremely important management, but do not always be valued correctly on the part of organizations. In organizational environments is absolutely necessary the utilization of technological resources for mediate the access and use of information by the user, as well like for support the distinct organizational activities, since the routine activities, the decision making process, until the planning of strategic actions. The focus of problem of research refers to the information flows in organizational scope, more specifically the information flows linked to the organizational competitive intelligence process (OCI). The objective of this study aims analyze the contribution of information and communication technologies (ICTs), through the management integrated systems, more specifically the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), applied to the organizational competitive intelligence process in the associated industries to the Footwear Syndicate of Jaú/SP city. Intends to study the concepts, definitions, approaches and techniques related to the OCI process and ICTs, more specifically the ERP, through the analysis the international and national literature, as well as intends identify and analyze in universe researched the industries that possess and apply the system ERP or another similar system, aiming at analyze the relation of the use of that system kind for the organizational competitiveness. Similarly, intends to verify the occurrence of use of approaches and techniques applied to the organizational competitive intelligence process, since based in ERP systems. The research is descriptive exploratory, of qualitative nature, analyzes data and information collected... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Predicting post-release software faults in open source software as a menas of measuring intrinsic software product quality / Prédire les défauts Post-Release de logiciels à code ouvert comme méthode pour mesurer la qualité intrinsèque du produit logiciel

Ndenga Malanga, Kennedy 22 November 2017 (has links)
Les logiciels défectueux ont des conséquences coûteuses. Les développeurs de logiciels doivent identifier et réparer les composants défectueux dans leurs logiciels avant de les publier. De même, les utilisateurs doivent évaluer la qualité du logiciel avant son adoption. Cependant, la nature abstraite et les multiples dimensions de la qualité des logiciels entravent les organisations de mesurer leur qualités. Les métriques de qualité logicielle peuvent être utilisées comme proxies de la qualité du logiciel. Cependant, il est nécessaire de disposer d'une métrique de processus logiciel spécifique qui peut garantir des performances de prédiction de défaut meilleures et cohérentes, et cela dans de différents contextes. Cette recherche avait pour objectif de déterminer un prédicteur de défauts logiciels qui présente la meilleure performance de prédiction, nécessite moins d'efforts pour la détection et a un coût minimum de mauvaise classification des composants défectueux. En outre, l'étude inclut une analyse de l'effet de la combinaison de prédicteurs sur la performance d'un modèles de prédiction de défauts logiciels. Les données expérimentales proviennent de quatre projets OSS. La régression logistique et la régression linéaire ont été utilisées pour prédire les défauts. Les métriques Change Burst ont enregistré les valeurs les plus élevées pour les mesures de performance numérique, avaient les probabilités de détection de défaut les plus élevées et le plus faible coût de mauvaise classification des composants. / Faulty software have expensive consequences. To mitigate these consequences, software developers have to identify and fix faulty software components before releasing their products. Similarly, users have to gauge the delivered quality of software before adopting it. However, the abstract nature and multiple dimensions of software quality impede organizations from measuring software quality. Software quality metrics can be used as proxies of software quality. There is need for a software process metric that can guarantee consistent superior fault prediction performances across different contexts. This research sought to determine a predictor for software faults that exhibits the best prediction performance, requires least effort to detect software faults, and has a minimum cost of misclassifying components. It also investigated the effect of combining predictors on performance of software fault prediction models. Experimental data was derived from four OSS projects. Logistic Regression was used to predict bug status while Linear Regression was used to predict number of bugs per file. Models built with Change Burst metrics registered overall better performance relative to those built with Change, Code Churn, Developer Networks and Source Code software metrics. Change Burst metrics recorded the highest values for numerical performance measures, exhibited the highest fault detection probabilities and had the least cost of mis-classification of components. The study found out that Change Burst metrics could effectively predict software faults.

Palaeoenvironmental changes in the northern boreal zone of Finland: local versus regional drivers

Shala, Shyhrete January 2014 (has links)
Multiple proxies derived from the Lake Loitsana sediment sequence (NE Finland) are employed to determine the timing of deglaciation, characterise an early Holocene proglacial lake stage and reconstruct Holocene lake development. Local-scale processes causing shifts in biological assemblages are identified and the most likely Holocene mean July air temperature (Tjul) development is assessed. The study area was deglaciated shortly prior to 10 700 cal. a BP. The sediment record reflects four local events; the presence of a glacial lake, glacial lake drainage and formation of Lake Loitsana, changes in fluvial input due to progressive wetland expansion, and gradual lake infilling. The results suggest that local events have driven changes in biological assemblages through various processes, and that biotic proxies reflect changes in environmental parameters in a highly individual manner. Furthermore, biological assemblages can themselves act as important drivers, influencing the composition of other assemblages. It is suggested that future studies should consider macrophyte abundance and food-web interactions as equally important factors when assessing changes in biological assemblages. Quantitative Tjul reconstructions based on biotic proxies display contrasting trends. While Tjul reconstructions based on pollen found in the Loitsana sequence display relatively low early Holocene values, plant macrofossil and chironomid data reflect warm summer conditions also during the early Holocene, i.e. at the peak of summer insolation. The early Holocene Tjul recorded by terrestrial pollen are affected by local factors possibly combined with a delayed response of the terrestrial ecosystem compared to the aquatic one. This study emphasises the importance of using multiple proxies in palaeoenvironmental studies and shows that local factors have a potential to drive changes in biological assemblages that can affect transfer-function based temperature reconstructions. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Epub ahead of print. Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

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