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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh metodiky pro výběr provozovatelů virtuálního operátora v ČR / Design of metodology for selection of virtual network operators in Czech republic

Opatřil, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this work is design methodology for the selection of subject - service provider of virtual operator in the Czech Republic and applied methodology on several subjects. Another aim is to analyze the situation in the mobile telecommunications markets in the world, especially from the perspective of MVNO. The last objective is a detailed characterization of conditions and the state of the mobile telecommunications market in the Czech Republic The second chapter describes the entities of mobile telecommunications market with a detailed focus on MVNO. The third chapter describes the critical factors that determine success MVNO. Later in thesis I analyze the mobile virtual network operator in the world and focuses on the Czech telecommunications market. In the final phase of thesis is I design methodology for selecting potential operator - the operator a virtual mobile operator in the Czech Republic, along with the application of the methodology on several subjects and verification. The benefit of this work is proposed methodology and its application for companies that are interested in entering the Czech telecommunications market through mobile virtual operator and companies that offer foundation and the know-how to potential operators of mobile virtual network operator. A side benefit of this work is a comprehensive look at the principle of operation of mobile virtual network operators in telecommunications.

Hodnocení efektivity prodejní sítě telekomunikačního operátora za použití modelů analýzy obalu dat / Using Data Envelopment Analysis models to assess efficiency of shop network of a Mobile Network Operator

Šabata, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This master thesis deals with efficiency assessment of shop network of a leading Mobile Network Operator, by which it utilizes an innovative approach called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The following three areas are in main focus of this thesis: advantages of DEA modelling compared to common approaches to Decision Making Units efficiency assessment and extensive summary of majority of DEA models, which are relevant for solving the given problem; followed by a comprehensive model of efficiency assessment of shop network of a Mobile Network Operator, which is unique to this thesis from both theoretical and practical standpoints; and last but not least a detailed analysis of the shop network including recommendations.

Mobiltelefoni - en djungel för konsumenterna : Vilka faktorer påverkar valet av mobiloperatör? / :

Broo, David January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Ämnesfördjupande arbete inom marknadsföring, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE03E, VT 2011. Författare: David Broo Handledare: Sarah Philipson Titel: Mobiltelefoni – en djungel för konsumenterna. Vilka faktorer påverkar deras val av mobiloperatör? Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar de svenska konsumenternas val av mobiloperatör. Ett delsyfte är att undersöka vad som påverkar deras lojalitet till sin operatör. Frågeställning: Vilka faktorer påverkar de svenska konsumenternas val av mobiloperatör? Metod: Det teoretiska materialet består av litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Den empiriska delen genomfördes med hjälp av två fokusgrupper med totalt 20 studenter från Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö samt genom diverse hemsidor, branschpress och facktidningar. Slutsats: Trygghet, täckning och pris är viktiga faktorer i konsumenternas val av operatör. Det verkar dock som om operatörerna inte differentierar sig i tillräcklig utsträckning. Etiska värden, frihet och flexibilitet är faktorer som skulle kunna bidra till en tydligare differentiering av operatörernas varumärken. I dagsläget är konsumenterna lojala till sin operatör då de inte anser det vara lönt att byta. De uppfattar istället branschen som "en djungel" och är därför lojala till sin operatör. Nyckelord: Varumärke, konsumenter, lojalitet, mobiloperatör, konsumentbeteende / Abstract This is a master thesis within the field of marketing written at the Economic institution on the Linnaeus University in Växjö, 4FE03E, spring 2011. Author: David Broo Tutor: Sarah Philipson Title: Mobile telephony – a jungle for the consumers. Which factors affect the choice of mobile network operator? Purpose: Purpose of this essay is to explore which factors that affect the Swedish consumer’s choice of mobile network operator. A part of the purpose is also to explore which factors that affect the loyalty to their mobile network operator. Research question: Which factors affect the Swedish consumer’s choice of mobile network operator? Method: The theoretical material consists of literature and scientific articles. The empirical part was conducted by four focus groups with a total of 20 students from Linnaeus University in Växjö, and from electronic sources, various trade press and journals. Conclusion: Safety, coverage and price are key factors in consumer’s selection of mobile network operator. It seems that the mobile network operators do not differentiate themselves sufficiently. Ethical values, freedom and flexibility are factors that could contribute to a clearer differentiation of the brands of the mobile network operators. Currently consumers are loyal to their mobile network operator because of they do not consider it worthwhile to change. They are instead seeing the industry as "a jungle" and are therefore loyal. Keywords: Brand name, consumer’s, loyalty, mobile network operator, consumer behavior

Marketingová strategie společnosti Telefónica O2 / Marketing Strategy of Telefónica O2

Bilavčík, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to prepare a marketing strategy for Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. The strategy is focused on target market and is based on questionnaire research made with respondents from target population. Strategy contains proposal of steps which could help to acquire new customers and keep recent customers. The diploma thesis also contains summary of information about the target population usable by Telefónica O2 for further analysis.

Mapping the Attack Surface of Telecommunication Networks from the Public Internet / Kartläggning av Attackytan på Telekommunikationsnätverk från det Offentliga Internet

Rathi, Jayshree January 2023 (has links)
The telecommunications sector is increasingly connected to the Internet, resulting in an expanded attack surface accessible from the public Internet. This has increased the availability of information such as IP addresses, open ports, and other network details that anyone from the Internet can access. As a result, potential entry points for attackers have increased, making it essential to map the attack surface of telecommunication networks from the public Internet. While previous research has explored various tools and techniques for mapping the attack surface of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS), such techniques have not yet been extended to the telecommunications domain. This thesis aims to comprehensively map the attack surface of telecommunications operators from the public Internet. To achieve this, we conducted a thorough literature review and proposed a methodology for mapping the attack surface explicitly designed for the telecommunications sector. First, we devised a research workflow that outlines the steps involved in the methodology. Second, we developed a Python-based tool to automate the workflow. We used the tool for a particular mobile network operator. It successfully gathered DNS records, IP addresses, exposed ports, services, Autonomous System Numbers (ASN), server versions, and potential vulnerabilities. The collected data provides valuable insights into the network infrastructure of the operator, aiding in the understanding of potential security risks. / Telekommunikationssektorn blir allt mer kopplad till Internet, detta resulterar i en större attackyta som är tillgänglig från det offentliga Internet. Detta har gett en ökad tillgänglighet av information som till exempel IP adresser, öppna portar, och annan nätverksinformation som vem som helst kan få åtkomst till via Internet. På grund av detta, har potentiella ingångar för attacker ökat, detta gör det avgörande att kartlägga attackytan för telekommunikationsnätverk från det offentliga Internet. Medan tidigare forskning har undersökt olika verktyg och tekniker för att kartlägga attackytor för the Internet of Things (IoT) och Industrial Control Systems (ICS), så har sådana tekniker ännu inte sträckt sig till telekommunikationsdomänen. Denna avhandling har som mål att utförligt kartlägga attackytan för telekommunikationsoperatörer från det offentliga Internet. För att uppnå detta, har vi utfört en grundlig litteraturgranskning och föreslagit en metodologi för kartläggning av attackytor specifikt designat för telekommunikationssektorn. Först konstruerade vi ett forskningsarbetsflöde som beskriver stegen involverade i metodologin. Sedan konstruerade vi ett Python-baserat verktyg för att automatisera arbetsflödet. Vi använde verktyget för en särskild mobilnätverksoperatör. Den samlade framgångsrikt in DNS uppgifter, IP adresser, exponerade portar, tjänster, Autonomous System Numbers (ASN), versioner av servrar, och potentiella sårbarheter. Den insamlade informationen ger värdefulla insikter i nätverksinfrastrukturen hos operatören, vilket hjälper till att förstå potentiella säkerhetsrisker

Net Neutrality - Do We Care? : A study regarding Swedish consumers' point-of-view upon Net Neutrality / Nätneutralitet - Vem bryr sig? : En studie rörande svenska konsumenters syn på Nätneutralitet

Patriksson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Net Neutrality implicates that all data being transmitted online is treated equal by Internet Service Providers. In 2016, the public debate regarding Net Neutrality in Sweden started growing as two major Mobile Network Operators were investigated by the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority for violation of European Union Net Neutrality regulations. Several studies have been conducted regarding Net Neutrality, most of them written in a legal, financial or technological perspective. This study takes another direction, aimed at understanding the consumer’s point of view regarding Net Neutrality. This study investigates whether or not consumers are aware of the subject and if so, how they value it. To measure this, an online survey was constructed, containing a total of 12 questions and statements. 77 people participated in the survey and out of these, 10 people participated in qualitative follow-up interviews. The interviews were semi-structured and individually designed according to each participant’s answers in the survey. This was done in order to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer’s reasoning while answering the survey. The results show that consumers lack knowledge regarding Net Neutrality. A major part of the consumers had not heard of the term or did not know the meaning of it, making it hard to determine whether or not the consumers value NN. However, when given a more concrete example of the implications of Internet Traffic Management from ISPs, the participants had a better understanding of what kind of implications NN could have on their Internet usage. They valued the implications of Net Neutrality, even though they did not know the theory of the term itself. The study also revealed that consumers have a big confidence in National Regulatory Authorities when it comes to looking after the openness of the Internet. Therefore, it is likely that National Regulatory Authorities must inform and educate consumers in the matter of Net Neutrality for them to value it and see its long-term implications. / Nätneutralitet innebär kortfattat att all data som skickas över Internet ska behandlas likvärdigt utav Internetleverantörer (ISP). Under 2016 växte debatten kring nätneutralitet i Sverige då två stycken mobiloperatörer utreddes utav Post- och Telestyrelsen. Båda dessa mobiloperatörer lanserade kampanjer till sina kunder som ansågs strida mot EU:s förordning 2015/2120 rörande nätneutralitet. Ett antal studier har redan gjorts på ämnet nätneutralitet, dock har de flesta haft en infallsvinkel där man tittat på juridiska, finansiella eller tekniska perspektiv. Den här studien har en annan infallsvinkel och riktar sig istället mot konsumenters syn på nätneutralitet. Den ämnar undersöka huruvida konsumenter känner till begreppet nätneutralitet och om de gör det, hur värderar de konceptet? För att undersöka detta konstruerades en online-enkät, innehållandes 12 frågor. 77 personer deltog i enkäten och utav dessa så deltog 10 personer i uppföljande, kvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade och individuella med frågor baserade på individens svar i enkäten. Dessa intervjuer var till för att ge en fördjupad förståelse av konsumenternas syn på nätneutralitet och deras resonemang kring svaren under enkäten. Resultaten visar att konsumenter, deltagande i den här studien, har låg kunskap kring nätneutralitet. Majoriteten utav deltagarna hade inte hört termen eller kände inte till dess mening, vilket gjorde det svårt att dra några slutsatser kring huruvida konsumenterna värderar konceptet. Men när konsumenterna fick ett mer konkret exempel på hur Internetleverantörers datahantering påverkar kundernas Internetanvändande så tycktes konsumenterna förstå vilka implikationer nätneutralitet kan ha på deras eget Internetanvändande. De tycktes således värdera innebörden av nätneutralitet, även om de inte förstod teorin kring konceptet. Studien påvisade också att konsumenter har en stor tilltro till vederbörande myndighet, Post- och Telestyrelsen här i Sverige, när det gäller att se efter Internets öppenhet och mångfald. Det är därför troligt att Post- och Telestyrelsen kommer att behöva informera och utbilda konsumenter rörande nätneutralitet för att få konsumenter att se värdet av och de långsiktiga implikationerna utav det.

Customer service on the Czech mobile telecommunication market. Comparative Analysis / Zákaznické služby na českém mobilním telekomunikačním trhu. Komparativní analýza

Hanzlík, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to compare the quality of customer service between the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) on the Czech mobile telecommunication market. The mystery shopping method is used as the source of data for the comparative analysis.

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LLD

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. D.

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