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Moderní nedrogové závislosti / Modern nondrug addictionsČÁSLAVOVÁ, Miroslava January 2010 (has links)
My diploma thesis is both theoretical and empirical. It deals with modern nondrug addictions which are not yet classified as addictions according to the International Classification of Diseases, but their symptoms and common characteristics with recognised addictions allow us to label them as such. The theoretical part of my thesis concerns mainly a definition of these addictions, their typical symptoms, prevention and therapy. The practical part contains tables derived from the results of research carried out in the form of questionnaire surveys. One questionnaire was designed for adults,another for children and youth adults. Both aim to monitor the occurrence of modern addictions in today's population. The practical part also contains a questionnaire which confirmed or disconfirmed a suspicion of workaholism in the case of two selected persons. The appendixes to my thesis contains all the mentioned questionnaires and a case study of a person cured from a gambling addiction. The appendixes also contain graphs supplementing the practical part of the thesis, a list of rehabilitation institutions where individual addictions can be treated as well as contact information of various workplaces which provide help and counselling.
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SOUNDSTAGE : Miljöförstärkt ljud i smartphone / SOUNDSTAGE : Environmentally enhanced audio in smartphoneBlomgren, Johannes January 2014 (has links)
Det här arbetet syftar till att genom design av en telefonapplikation undersöka hur ljud kan förstärkas av den omgivande miljön. Arbetet visar på hur miljöförstärkt ljud skiljer sig från ljudförstärkt miljö samt vilka begränsningar det innebär att använda en vanlig smartphone som plattform. Ett långsiktigt mål är att genom en produkt som låter oetablerade ljudproducenter distribuera sina alster i den offentliga miljön främja fri kultur och kreativitet. Arbetet har följt principen för RtD (research through design), där designprocessen utgör det fall som studeras och dokumentationen av den utgör den bas av data som analyseras och leder till slutsatser kring ämnet. Designprocessen i detta arbete innebär en mindre omfattande användarstudie i enkätform för att identifiera målgrupp, krav och mål. Följd av en andra studie där en prototyp framtagen med grund i resultaten från användarstudien utvärderas av deltagare genom observation, intervju och reaktionskort. De största utmaningarna för designen grundar sig i att ta fram en applikation som inte stör upplevelsen, men samtidigt kan instruera användaren i hur man använder applikationen. Utifrån arbetet dras slutsatsen att användarinstruktioner, såväl visuella som auditiva, löper större risk att störa upplevelsen i miljöförstärkt ljud än i ljudförstärkt miljö. Vidare konstateras att den största bristen i en lösning som bygger på standardutrustning i jämförelse med en lösning som nyttjar dedikerad utrustning utgörs av begränsningar när det kommer till att ange riktning med hjälp av ljudets rumslighet.
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Indoor Positioning Using WLAN / Inomhuspositionering med WLANAndersson, Pierre, Norlander, Arvid January 2012 (has links)
This report evaluates various methods that can be used to position a smartphone running the Android platform, without the use of any special hardware or infrastructure and in conditions where GPS is unavailable or unreliable; such as indoors. Furthermore, it covers the implementation of such a system with the use of a deterministic fingerprinting method that is reasonably device independent, a method which involves measuring a series of reference points, called fingerprints, in an area and using those to locate the user. The project was carried on behalf of Sigma, a Swedish software consulting company. / Denna rapport evaluerar olika metoder för att bestämma positionen av en smartphone som använder sig av Android-plattformen. Metoden skall inte använda sig av någon speciell hårdvara eller infrastruktur samt kunna hantera förhållanden där GPS är otillgängligt eller opålitligt, som till exempel inomhus. Den beskriver också implementation av ett sådant system som använder sig av en deterministisk fingerprinting-metod som någorlunda väl kan hantera enheter av olika modeller, en metod som innebär att man mäter upp en mängd med referenspunkter, kallade fingerprints, och använder dessa för att placera användaren. Projektet utfördes på uppdrag av Sigma, ett svenskt mjukvarukonsultbolag.
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Antenna Shape Synthesis Using Characteristic Mode ConceptsEthier, Jonathan L. T. January 2012 (has links)
Characteristic modes (CMs) provide deep insight into the electromagnetic behaviour of any arbitrarily shaped conducting structure because the CMs are unique to the geometry of the object. We exploit this very fact by predicting a perhaps surprising number of important antenna metrics such as resonance frequency, radiation efficiency and antenna Q (bandwidth) without needing to specify a feeding location. In doing so, it is possible to define a collection of objective functions that can be used in an optimizer to shape-synthesize antennas without needing to define a feed location a priori. We denote this novel form of optimization “feedless” or “excitation-free” antenna shape synthesis. Fundamentally, we are allowing the electromagnetics to dictate how the antenna synthesis should proceed and are in no way imposing the physical constraints enforced by fixed feeding structures. This optimization technique is broadly applied to three major areas of antenna research: electrically small antennas, multi-band antennas and reflectarrays. Thus, the scope of applicability ranges from small antennas, to intermediate sizes and concludes with electrically large antenna designs, which is a testament to the broad applicability of characteristic mode theory. Another advantage of feedless electromagnetic shape synthesis is the ability to synthesize antennas whose desirable properties approach the fundamental limits imposed by electromagnetics. As an additional benefit, the feedless optimization technique is shown to have greater computational efficiency than traditional antenna optimization techniques.
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Mobile Reisebegleitung mit NFC-UnterstützungPfanstiel, Jörn, Keller, Christine, Funke, Alexandra, Heinig, Tristan, Schlegel, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Die zunehmende Nutzung [1] persönlicher mobiler Geräte durch immer mehr Fahrgäste des öffentlichen Personenverkehrs (ÖPV) begünstigt die Entwicklung neuer Applikationen, die den allgegenwärtigen Zugriff auf domänenspezifische Inhalte und Echtzeitdaten über variable Schnittstellen und Informationskanäle realisieren. Near Field Communication (NFC) gilt in diesem Zusammenhang als eine vielversprechende Technologie, die neben kontaktloser Datenübertragung auch Bezahlvorgänge direkt über das mobile Endgerät ermöglicht. Mit Blick auf die unterschiedlichen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von NFC in der mobilen Reisebegleitung wird in diesem Beitrag eine ikonografische Klassifikation für die visualisierte Analyse von Anwendungsszenarien vorgestellt, welche zur Planung ubiquitärer Applikationen im ÖPV eingesetzt werden kann.
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Mobile phone based applications in implementing cholera prevention and control education in complex humanitarian emergencies : a feasibility study in Mogadishu, SomaliaKinyanjui, Jesee Wainaina 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the viability of using cell phones to conduct rapid assessments, pass key health messages and conduct monitoring and evaluation in complex emergencies. The study setting was in a cholera outbreak response situation in Mogadishu, the capital of war torn Somalia. Qantitative, descriptive research was conducted to determine the feasibility. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires, self-response mailed questionnaires as well as follow-up telephone interviews. Three groups of respondents participated in the study. The respondent groups included 383 internally displaced persons (IDPs), 5 water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) specialists and 5 specialists from 5 mobile phone providers in Mogadishu. The study showed that there is good potential for an effective, cost efficient and scalable short message service (SMS) based public health education platform in Somalia. The study has also come up with recommendations on key considerations to ensure viability of the Public health education platform. It is envisaged that the recommended platform shall increase speed, access, spontaneity, coverage and reduced cost per capita, a combination of which form the hallmark of a good emergency health response. Ultimately this effort shall contribute to improved health, reduced suffering and reduced deaths in fragile humanitarian contexts. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Akzeptanz digitaler Medien bei Personen im Ruhestand im ländlichen Raum: Der Einfluss des subjektiven Alterserlebens, sozioökologischen Kontextes und technikspezifischer FaktorenBarczik, Kristina 20 August 2019 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertationsschrift ist die Erforschung der Akzeptanz digitaler Medien durch Personen im Ruhestand, die im ländlichen Raum leben. Es galt insbesondere Faktoren aufzudecken, die sich förderlich oder hinderlich auf die Nutzung von Smartphones und Tablet-PCs auswirken. Basierend auf den Ergeb-nissen lassen sich Hinweise darauf gewinnen, wie die betroffene Personengruppe in der Nutzung der Medien unterstützt werden kann.
Theoretische Grundlagen für die Ermittlung von Einflussfaktoren stellen das klas-sische Technologieakzeptanzmodell von Davis (1989) und dessen Folgemodelle (2000, 2008), das Seniorakzeptanzmodells von Renaud und Biljon (2008) und der Uses-and-Gratification-Ansatzes von Blumler und Katz (1974) dar. Weiterhin wer-den Faktoren, die den ländlichen Raum charakterisieren, berücksichtigt. Spezifika des Ruhestands werden über das kalendarische Alter und das subjektive Alterser-lebens einbezogen.
Die aus den Theorien herausgearbeiteten Einflussfaktoren wurden mit drei explo-rativen Vorstudien, auf ihre Relevanz für die Zielgruppe hin geprüft. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Experteninterview (n = 5), eine teilstandardisierte Befragung (n = 39) und ein Leitfadeninterview (n = 10). Die daraus gewonnenen Einflussfak-toren wurden anschließend in einer Fragebogenstudie von Personen im Ruhe-stand (n = 203) in den Landkreisen Bautzen und Zwickau beurteilt. Die Daten wurden statistisch mit Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen sowie der einfakto-riellen Anova analysiert.
Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass insbesondere der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Leichtigkeit des Lernens und Leichtigkeit der Bedienung die Technikakzeptanz der befragten Personen beeinflussen. Diese Faktoren werden ihrerseits direkt durch die Selbstwirksamkeit sowie indirekt durch Vorerfahrungen mit Computer und Internet aber auch die Angst vor Bedienfehlern oder Sicherheitsbedenken geleitet. Eine wichtige Rolle kommt lernunterstützenden Maßnahmen zu.
Der wahrgenommene Nutzen, die Einstellung und auch die Verhaltensabsicht unterscheiden sich signifikant in Abhängigkeit vom bereichsspezifischen Alterser-leben. Relevanz besitzen zudem personenbezogene und soziodemographische Faktoren wie z.B. der Gesundheitszustand, der Bildungsabschluss und das Haus-haltseinkommen. In Abhängigkeit vom Wohnort wirkt sich das soziale Engage-ment signifikant auf die Verhaltensabsicht aus. Weiterhin lassen sich Zusammen-hänge zwischen der Wohnentfernung zu den Kindern, dem wahrgenommenen Nutzen und den sozialen Motiven nachweisen.
Die Ergebnisse der Dissertationsschrift sind vor allem interessant für Wissen-schaftler und Lehrende, die ältere Menschen bei der Bedienung digitaler Medien unterstützen. Daneben bieten sie Anhaltspunkte für Kommunen, die sich mit ge-sellschaftlicher Teilhabe von Älteren befassen.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Themenrelevanz
1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit
1.3 Vorgehensweise
2 Theoretischer Hintergrund
2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“
2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum
2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung
2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung
2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen
3 Methodisches Vorgehen
3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung
3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung
3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews
3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung
3.5 Hypothesen
4 Hauptstudie
4.1 Studiendesign
4.2 Feldphase
4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse
4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung
4.5 Statistische Analysen
4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren
4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen
4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen
5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung
5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse
5.2 Diskussion der Methoden
5.3 Fazit und Ausblick / The dissertation investigates smartphone and tablet acceptance by elderly users and non-users in rural areas in Germany, especially in federal provinces in Saxo-ny (Bautzen and Zwickau). Following a mixed-methods design, both qualitative and quantitative studies were used.
The theoretical framework is based on the Technology Acceptance Models by Davis (1989) and Venkatesh (2000, 2008), the Senior Technology Acceptance and Adoption Model by Renaud and Biljon (2008), and the Uses-and-Gratification Approach by Blumler and Katz (1974). The models served to identify influence factors on technology acceptance. Those factors were validated empirically for the specific group of (potential) elderly users by three qualitative studies: 1. Expert interviews (n = 5), 2. Interviews using a partly standardised guideline (n = 39) and 3. Structured-interviews with elderly people (n = 10). The influencing factors gained were then analysed in a questionnaire study completed by elderly persons, who live in rural areas (n = 203).
Data was analysed by means of correlation analysis, regression analysis and uni-variate ANOVA. Findings show that for elderly users perceived usefulness, per-ceived ease of use and learning (as main factors of TAM) significantly affect atti-tude, behavioral intention to use and acceptance. Self-efficacy is a strong predic-tor for ease of use and learning. Moreover, prior experiences with computers and the Internet as well as fear of operating errors and security concerns are of inter-est. Measures to support learning are also important. Users and non-user’s differ in acceptance of smartphones and tablets. Users’ motives for digital media use and perceived ubiquity of new media influence perceived usefulness, whereas non-users have more sense of fear with regard to operating errors and safety concerns.
Furthermore, age affects perceived usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and behavioral intention to use whereas attitude towards ageing significantly affects perceived usefulness, attitude towards use and behavioral attention to use. Due to the characteristics of rural areas social commitment is relevant for behavioral intention, and the geographical distance to children influences perceived useful-ness as well as social motives for usage.
This dissertation should be of interest for researchers, lecturers, politicians, and technology designers, especially with regard to mobile devices.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Themenrelevanz
1.2 Zielsetzung und Beitrag der Arbeit
1.3 Vorgehensweise
2 Theoretischer Hintergrund
2.1 Das Phänomen „Alter(n)“
2.2 Der Sozioökologische Kontext: Altern im ländlichen Raum
2.3 Ältere Erwachsene im Fokus der Mediennutzungsforschung
2.4 Älterer Erwachsene im Fokus der Akzeptanzforschung
2.5 Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsfragen
3 Methodisches Vorgehen
3.1 Explorative Vorstudie 1 - Expertenbefragung
3.2 Explorative Vorstudie 2 – schriftliche, halboffene Befragung
3.3 Explorative Vorstudie 3 –leitfadengestützte Interviews
3.4 Einflussgrößen auf die digitale Mediennutzung
3.5 Hypothesen
4 Hauptstudie
4.1 Studiendesign
4.2 Feldphase
4.3 Datenaufbereitung und –analyse
4.4 Stichprobenzusammensetzung
4.5 Statistische Analysen
4.6 Ergebnisse: Technikbezogene Faktoren
4.7 Ergebnisse: Subjektbezogene Ressourcen
4.8 Ergebnisse: Wohnortbezogenen Ressourcen
5 Diskussion und Zusammenfassung
5.1 Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse
5.2 Diskussion der Methoden
5.3 Fazit und Ausblick
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Implementace detektoru klíčových slov do mobilního telefonu (Symbian 60) / Keyword Spotting Implementation to Mobil Phone (Symbian 60)Cipr, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Keyword spotting is one of the many applications of automatic speech recognition. Its purpose is determining spots in given utterance in which some of the specified words were spoken. Keyword spotting has a great potential to enhance performance of new applications as well as the existing ones. An example could be a mobile phone voice control. Due to OS Symbian's coming to the market it is even possible for end user to implement a keyword spotting for a mobile phone on his or her own. The thesis describes theoretical prerequisites for keyword spotting and its implementation. Firstly the OS Symbian is presented with respect to the given task. Secondly each step of keyword spotting process is described. Finally the object design of keyword spotter is presented followed by implementation description. The thesis concludes with results review and notes on possible improvements.
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The mobile phone as an extention of the self : a study among adolescents in a secondary schoolDavel, Coriena 02 1900 (has links)
The mobile phone forms part of a teenager’s life world and reality today and can be regarded as a tool with which they not only communicate, but also use them to gain access to the Internet, social media and social networking sites. The primary aim of this study was to determine if the mobile phone, with all its functionalities, has an impact on the development of the adolescent’s identity formation, social development and communication skills as well as the sense of the self. Another objective of this study was to determine what the opinions and perceptions are of older generations with regard to mobile practices of the youth. A concurrent triangulation mixed method design was utilised for the purpose of the study. The quantitative and qualitative studies were conducted simultaneously and the data and results from each method were integrated and interpreted as a whole. The quantitative data gathering method was short self-structured questionnaires that were completed by learners (190), teachers (35) and parents (21) to provide a general overview of mobile usage among adolescents. A single-group pre-test post-test experimental design and individual interviews were conducted with eight volunteers. Lastly, 12 learners took part in a focus group interview as a confirmation technique for all the information that was gathered. The findings of the empirical investigation revealed that the mobile phone is used nowadays as a social tool, a planning tool and a convenience tool. The constant connectedness the mobile phone provides, strengthens the adolescents’ self-esteem and self-confidence and contributes strongly to their self-worth. The mobile phone is used as a self-expressive personalised tool and forms part of the sense of the adolescent self. It was also found that adolescents build their relationships with others on a two-dimensional platform that involves online and offline communication and activities. A definite gap exists between older generations’ perceptions and adolescents in connection with the ways that adolescents use their mobile phones nowadays. Parents and teachers have to accept the fact that technology forms part of today’s youth and they should change their mind-sets with regard to this complicated and complex phenomenon. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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The Secret WriterChaffe, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
This essay reflects a particular method and way of working that I employ when undertaking artistic research. My artworks are rooted and develop from the situation I find myself in as an artist, the very context I exhibit the work within. I do this by trying to understand this position, both on the micro and macro scale. As an artist currently studying at—and subsequently exhibiting in relation to— Konstfack, I base my research with the physical manifestation of the school. An imposing building that was part of a huge headquarters and factory site for the telecommunication company, Ericsson, in south Stockholm. The title of my essay is from the translation of a unique German cipher machine, the Geheimschreiber, made known to me through enquiry into this site. Throughout the Second World War the German army used this machine to send highly encrypted military messages across Swedish telephone cables. Following one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of cryptography, a Swedish mathematician broke this German code and subsequently assisted in designing a deciphering machine on behalf of the Swedish Intelligence branch. This device, known as the App, was secretly developed and manufactured by Ericsson, possibly where I now study. In exploring the theme of secrets, this essay originates from an underpinning desire and subject of my work to reveal what is concealed or overlooked. Through researching and writing this essay I attempt to have a better understanding on the notion of secrets, in both the private and public realms. Introducing the artistic process and situation I am working from, I explore the central role that secrets play within society. In order to understand secrecy today I introduce the intertwined and associated contemporary debates of privacy, (both private and public) and transparency through such subjects as Google’s new privacy policy, mobile phone hacking, WikiLeaks and offshore banking.
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