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Sms-livräddares erfarenheter och insatser i samband med accepterat hjärtstoppslarm : En mixad metod studie / Mobiltelefonutskick av lekmäns upplevelser och insatser i samband med ett accepterat hjärtstoppslarm : En studie med blandade metoderSjöstrand, Emma, Lindell, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Årligen drabbas cirka 5000 personer i Sverige av ett hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus. Tidig start av hjärt- och lungräddning är en förutsättning för ökad överlevnad vid ett hjärtstopp, samtidigt visar forskning på att ambulansens framkörningstid har ökat. I väntan på ambulans har sms-livräddare implementerats för att påbörja livräddande åtgärder. I dagsläget finns få studier gjorda på sms-livräddares erfarenheter och insatser vid accepterat hjärtstoppslarm, för att synliggöra hinder och eventuella fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar som de kan möta. Vid ett hjärtstopp arbetar ambulanssjuksköterskan och sms-livräddare tillsammans i team, detta gör det viktigt för ambulanssjuksköterskan att ha en ökad förståelse för sms-livräddares erfarenheter. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva sms-livräddares erfarenheter och insatser i samband med ett accepterat hjärtstoppslarm. Metod: En blandad metod enkätstudie med en explorativ sekventiell design användes. Materialet utgick från 1231 enkäter som samlats in av Heartrunner Sweden. Materialet analyserades i tre faser. Resultat: Resultatet visade på att sms-livräddare möttes av flera hinder som medförde att deras insatser försvårades eller uteblev. Resultatet resulterade i fyra kategorier: Erfarenheter av utlarmning, Hjärtstartare, Samverkan i team och emotionella reaktioner. Sms-livräddare upplevde många känslor i samband med larmet som visade på ett eventuellt behov av debriefing. Slutsats: Trots negativa erfarenheter var 99,9% av sms-livräddarna motiverade att fortsätta sina insatser i framtiden. Resultatet tyder på att sms-livräddare hade en viktig roll i samverkan med ambulans och räddningstjänst. Sms-livräddare kunde behöva mer bekräftelse för deras insatser och stöttning för eventuella känslor som kunde uppkomma vid larm om misstänkt hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus. / Background: Every year, approximately 5000 people in Sweden suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Early start of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a prerequisite for increased survival in a cardiac arrest, while research shows that ambulance arrival time has increased. While waiting for an ambulance, mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons has been implemented to initiate life-saving measures. At present, few studies have been conducted on the experiences and interventions of mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons in the event of an accepted cardiac arrest alarm, in order to highlight obstacles and any physical and psychological stresses that they may face. In a cardiac arrest, the ambulance nurse and mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons work together in teams, this makes it important for the ambulance nurse to have an increased understanding of mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons ' experiences. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons experiences and interventions in connection with an accepted cardiac arrest alarm. Method: A mixed method survey study with an explorative sequential design was used. The material was based on 1231 questionnaires collected by Heartrunner Sweden. The material was analysed in three phases. Results: The results showed that mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons were faced with several obstacles that made their interventions difficult or absent. The study resulted in four categories: Experience in emergency response, defibrillators, teamwork and emotional reactions. Mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons experienced many emotions in connection with the alarm, indicating a possible need for debriefing. Conclusion: Despite negative experiences, 99.9% of mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons were motivated to continue their interventions in the future. The result suggests that mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons had an important role in collaboration with ambulance and rescue services. Mobile-phone dispatch of laypersons could benefit from more acknowledgement of their interventions and support for any emotions that may arise when a suspected cardiac arrest is reported outside a hospital.
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Hardened Registration Process for Participatory SensingBorsub, Jatesada January 2018 (has links)
Participatory sensing systems need to gather information from a largenumber of participants. However, the openness of the system is a doubleedgedsword: by allowing practically any user to join, the system can beabused by an attacker who introduces a large number of virtual devices.This work proposes a hardened registration process for participatory sensingto raise the bar: registrations are screened through a number of defensivemeasures, towards rejecting spurious registrations that do not correspondto actual devices. This deprives an adversary from a relatively easytake-over and, at the same time, allows a flexible and open registrationprocess. The defensive measures are incorporated in the participatorysensing application. / Deltagande avkännings system behöver samlas från ett stort antal aktörer.Systems öppenhet är dock en dubbelsidigt värd: Genom att låta alla praktiskaanvändare deltagit, kan system utnyttja en av angripare som introducera ett stortantal virtuella enheter. I det här arbetet föreslå en härda registreringsprocess fördeltagare att identifiera höjning av ribban: registrering screenas genom ett antaldefensiva åtgärders, för att avvisa falska registreringar som inte motsvara aktuellaenheter. Detta berövar en motståndare från en relativt lätt övertagande och gersamtidigt en flexibel och öppen registreringsprocess. De defensiva åtgärdernainförlivas i deltagande avkännings applikation.
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Human Mobility and Infectious Disease Dynamics / How modern mobility data enhances epidemic controlSchlosser, Frank 02 August 2023 (has links)
Die Covid-19 Pandemie hat gezeigt, wie stark die Ausbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten von der Dynamik der menschlichen Mobilität bestimmt wird. Gleichzeitig eröffnet die anhaltende Explosion an verfügbaren Mobilitätsdaten im 21. Jahrhundert einen viel genaueren Blick auf die menschliche Mobilität. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir verschiedene Ansätze, wie moderne Mobilitätsdaten zusammen mit Modellierung ein tieferes Verständnis des Zusammenspiels von menschlicher Mobilität und der Ausbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten ermöglichen. Wir verwenden Mobilitätsdaten um zu zeigen, dass landesweite Mobilitätsmuster während der Covid-19 Pandemie in Deutschland komplexe strukturelle Veränderungen durchlaufen haben. Wir stellen einen räumlich heterogenen Rückgang der Mobilität während Lockdown-Phasen fest. Vor allem beobachten wir, dass ein deutlicher Rückgang der Fernreisen während der Pandemie zu einem lokaleren Netzwerk und einer Abschwächung des “Small-World”-Effekts führt. Wir zeigen, dass diese strukturellen Veränderungen einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Ausbreitungsdynamik von Epidemien haben, indem sie die epidemische Kurve abflachen und die Ausbreitung in geografisch weit entfernte Regionen verzögern. Des Weiteren entwickeln wir eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Ausbruchsursprungs anhand von hochaufgelösten geografischen Bewegungsdaten. Abschließend untersuchen wir, wie repräsentativ Mobilitätsdatensätze für das tatsächliche Reiseverhalten einer Bevölkerung sind. Wir identifizieren verschieden Arten von Verzerrungen, zeigen ihre Spuren in empirischen Datensätzen, und entwickeln einen mathematischen Rahmen um diese Verzerrungen abzuschwächen. Wir hoffen, dass unsere Studien in dieser Arbeit sich als hilfreiche Bausteine erweisen für ein einheitliches Verständnis von menschlicher Mobilität und der Dynamik von Infektionskrankheiten. / The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated how strongly infectious disease spread is driven by the dynamics of human mobility. At the same time, the ongoing explosion of available mobility data in the 21st century opens up a much finer view of human mobility. In this thesis, we investigate several ways in which modern mobility data sources and modeling enable a deeper understanding of the interplay of human mobility and infectious disease spread. We use large-scale mobility data captured from mobile phones to show that country-wide mobility patterns undergo complex structural changes during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Most prominently, we observe that a distinct reduction in long-distance travel during the pandemic leads to a more local, clustered network and a moderation of the “small-world” effect. We demonstrate that these structural changes have a considerable effect on epidemic spreading processes by “flattening” the epidemic curve and delaying the spread to geographically distant regions. Further, we show that high-resolution mobility data can be used for early outbreak detection. We develop a novel method to determine outbreak origins from geolocated movement data of individuals affected by the outbreak. We also present several practical applications that have been developed based on the above research. To further explore the question of applicability, we examine how representative mobility datasets are of the actual travel behavior of a population. We develop a mathematical framework to mitigate these biases, and use it to show that biases can severely impact outcomes of dynamic processes such as epidemic simulations, where biased data incorrectly estimates the severity and speed of disease transmission. We hope that our studies in this thesis will prove as helpful building blocks to assemble the emerging, unified understanding of mobility and infectious disease dynamics.
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as estratégias
de marketing
implementadas pela Oi, a terceira entrante no mercado
brasileiro de telefonia móvel,
desde o seu pré-lançamento comercial até junho de 2004
para identificar os aspectos
que tiveram influência nos resultados alcançados na
penetração do mercado da telefonia
móvel. Apesar da forte retração da atividade econômica
observada no Brasil nos últimos
anos, particularmente de 2002 a meados de 2004, a planta
de telefonia móvel registrou
significativa expansão, superando à da telefonia fixa (em
2003) e chegando a 59,7
milhões de linhas em outubro de 2004. O desempenho
operacional da Oi nos 12
primeiros meses de atuação tornou-se um caso de sucesso,
reconhecido por analistas
americanos e europeus, tendo conseguido em apenas 24 meses
de operações cerca de
21% do market share na sua região de atuação. Baseados no
tratamento dos dados e
informações coletadas através das entrevistas realizadas
com os dirigentes, e da
investigação documental dos relatórios da própria empresa
e da Telemar, sua
controladora, e de pesquisas externas, em publicações,
estudos, relatórios e web sites;
verificou-se que grande parte desse sucesso deveu-se
principalmente às estratégias de
marca, de inovação, do processo de distribuição, e a
figura do pré-pago. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the
marketing strategies
implemented by Oi, the first third new commer in the
Brazilian wireless marketplace,
as of the business pre-launch up to July, 2004, to
identify which enabled the Company
to achieve that performance. Despite the strong retraction
of the economic activity in
Brazil for the latest years, mainly from 2002 up to mid
2004, the wireless
telecommunications plant recorded a significant expansion,
outdoing the wireline
telecommunications (2003) and attaining 59.7 million of
telephone lines in October,
2004. The performance of Oi in the first 12 months of
operations became a success,
acknowledged by American and European analysts,
considering that in one year of
operations the Company obtained approximately 21% of the
market share in its segment
of operations. Based on the processing of the data and of
the information gathered by
means of interviews carried out with directors, on the
document research into the reports
of the Company and of the Parent Company, Telemar, as well
as based on the external
researches into publications, studies, reports and
websites; we noted that most of the
success of the Company results mainly from the marketing
strategies, from the
innovations in the distribution process and from the use
of the pre-paid mobile phone to
develop price strategies.
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Är bloatwares prestandapåverkan på telefoner märkbar av användare och kan det öka deras benägenhet att köpa en ny mobil? / Is bloatwares effect on mobile phone performance noticable for users and can it increase their inclination to purchase a new phone?Albertsson, Eric, Archer, William January 2024 (has links)
Bloatware är förinstallerade applikationer som i många fall kan vara svåra att avinstallera. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka om bloatware påverkar användarens upplevda prestanda av sin mobiltelefon, samt hur en upplevd försämring av mobilens prestanda påverkar en individs benägenhet att investera i en ny mobiltelefon. Tidigare forskning ger inte en universal definition av prestanda, varpå denna studie sammanställer ett ramverk för prestanda av mobiltelefoner som batteritid, responstid och lagringsutrymme. Begränsat lagringsutrymme, långsam responstid och förkortad batteritid påverkar alla telefonens prestanda negativt. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en enkätundersökning om användares upplevelser med sina mobiltelefoner och resultaten fördjupades med hjälp av versions- och lagringsdata för bloatwareapplikationer och androidtelefoner från en sekundär källa. Studien konkluderar att bloatware påverkar den upplevda prestandan genom batteritid, responstid och lagringsutrymme, samt att detta, framförallt sett till responstid, leder till en ökad benägenhet att investera i en ny mobiltelefon. Bloatware har möjligheten att påverka användares upplevelser och investeringsvilja med sina mobiltelefoner samtidigt som det inte går att fastställa att bloatware är den enda bidragande faktorn till den upplevda prestandaförsämringen.
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Reliability of the COntext Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool when administered on mobile phones versus pen-paper: A comparative study among healthcare staff in Nairobi, Kenya.Cederqvist, Melissa January 2015 (has links)
Aim: To investigate the reliability of the COntext Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool on mobile phone versus pen-paper in Nairobi, Kenya. Background: One of the barriers to the progress of the MDGs has been the failure of health systems in many LMICs to effectively implement evidence-based interventions As a result of the “know-do” gap, patients do not benefit from advances in healthcare and are exposed to unnecessary risks. Better mapping of context improves implementation by allowing tailoring of strategies and interpretation of knowledge translation. COACH investigates healthcare contexts for LMICs and has only been used on pen-paper. With 5 billion mobile phone users globally, mobile technologies is being recognized as able to play a formal role in health services. Methods: Comparative study with 140 nurses/midwives and doctors in four hospitals in Nairobi. 70 were randomly assigned to mobile phone and pen-paper each. The tool was administered twice with a two week interval and test-retest reliability, internal consistency and interrater reliability were assessed. Findings: Excellent test-retest reliability for both pen-paper and mobile phone (ICC >0.81). 45% (pen-paper) and 34% (mobile phone) moderate agreement between individual questions in round 1 and 2. Acceptable average Cronbach’s alpha (>0.70). Conclusion: Both mobile phone and pen-paper were reliable and feasible for data collection. The findings are a good first step towards using COACH in Kenya. Additional research is needed for individual settings. Using mobile phones could increase healthcare facilities’ accessibility in implementation research, helping to close the “know-do” gap and reach the SDGs.
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Det mobilanpassade id-kortet : En behovsanalys och modell för framtida utveckling / The smartphone based ID card : A demand analysis and model for future developmentPeterson, Lukas, Johansson, Samuel January 2016 (has links)
Mycket av plånbokens innehåll och funktion, såsom medlemskort och betallösningar, är idag ersatt av mobila lösningar. Däremot finns det i Sverige ingen mobil lösning för id-kort som kan användas på samma sätt som det fysiska id-kortet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka huruvida svenska myndigheter ser ett behov av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning och, om detta behov konstateras, föreslå en modell för hur en sådan lösning skulle kunna utformas. För att undersöka detta ämne har tre intervjuer med svenska myndigheter (Elegitimationsnämnden, Polismyndigheten och Transportstyrelsen) samt en litteraturstudie genomförts. Uppsatsens resultat består av tre kunskapsprodukter: en behovsanalys, en kravsammanställning och en infrastrukturmodell. Behovsanalysen undersöker behovet av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning, sett från de intervjuade myndigheternas perspektiv. Denna analys visar att myndigheterna ser ett behov av en sådan lösning. Kravsammanställningen består av krav på en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning som härletts från de genomförda intervjuerna samt från uppsatsens huvudsakliga teoribas: Kim Camerons The Laws of Identity (2005). Infrastrukturmodellen är utformad efter dessa krav och beskriver hur en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning skulle kunna utformas för att passa in i den svenska infrastrukturen för digital identitetshantering. Modellen är även utformad för att följa Hanseth och Lyytinens (2010) designregler för informationsinfrastrukturutveckling och den visar att utveckling av en mobilanpassad id-kortslösning i Sverige är tekniskt genomförbar. / Much of the contents and functionality of the traditional wallet, such as membership cards and payment solutions, have been replaced by smartphone solutions. Yet, in Sweden there is no smartphone based solution for ID cards that can be used in the same way as the physical ID card. This paper examines whether the Swedish authorities see a need for a smartphone based ID card solution and, if such a need is identified, suggests a model for how such a solution could be designed. To explore this topic, a literature review and three interviews with Swedish authorities (the E-identification Board, the Police Authority and the Transport Agency) have been conducted. The results of this report consists of three knowledge products: a demand analysis, a requirements specification and an infrastructure model. The demand analysis examines the need for a smartphone based ID card solution, as seen from the interviewed authorities' perspective. This analysis indicates that the authorities see a need for such a solution. The requirements specification consists of requirements for a smartphone based ID card solution, derived from the conducted interviews and Kim Cameron's The Laws of Identity (2005). The infrastructure model is designed to meet these requirements and describes how a smartphone based ID card solution could be designed to fit into the Swedish infrastructure for digital identity management. The model is also designed to follow the design rules for information infrastructure development derived by Hanseth and Lyytinen (2010) and shows that the development of a smartphone based ID card solution in Sweden is technically feasible.
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Mobile phone based applications in implemeting cholera prevention and control education in complex humanitarian emergencies - a feasibility study in Mogadishu, SomaliaJesee, Wainaina Kinyanjui 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the viability of using cell phones to conduct rapid assessments, pass key health messages and conduct monitoring and evaluation in complex emergencies. The study setting was in a cholera outbreak response situation in Mogadishu, the capital of war torn Somalia. Qantitative, descriptive research was conducted to determine the feasibility. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires, self-response mailed questionnaires as well as follow-up telephone interviews. Three groups of respondents participated in the study. The respondent groups included 383 internally displaced persons (IDPs), 5 water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) specialists and 5 specialists from 5 mobile phone providers in Mogadishu. The study showed that there is good potential for an effective, cost efficient and scalable short message service (SMS) based public health education platform in Somalia. The study has also come up with recommendations on key considerations to ensure viability of the Public health education platform. It is envisaged that the recommended platform shall increase speed, access, spontaneity, coverage and reduced cost per capita, a combination of which form the hallmark of a good emergency health response. Ultimately this effort shall contribute to improved health, reduced suffering and reduced deaths in fragile humanitarian contexts. / Health Studies / M. (Public Health)
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以產品循環理論探討企業產品切入時機之選擇-以行動終端機市場為例王士章, Wang, John S.C. Unknown Date (has links)
產品循環與國際貿易理論提出後, 有許多的相關報告與驗證, 但是甚少是以企業的觀點來切入探討分析。 台灣在過去數十年間快速的經濟發展, 由農業社會轉入工業社會, 對經濟的貢獻上, 也由勞力密集產業轉變為技術密集與資本密集的產業。 而這一切的改變是否有脈絡可循, 我們認為產品生命循環理論是一個非常重要的參考理論根據。 因而我們嚐試以企業的角度, 並由手機產業之實務資料與資訊的融合與分析, 套用產品生命循環的理論模型, 同時探討分析國際採購因素, 以相互對照並探討出其關聯性與脈動模式。
論文中, 我們先從行動通訊技術概論開始導入, 以了解行動通訊技術的演進概況。 並藉由全球行動終端機之產業產銷概況, 先了界該產業世界輪廓與局勢。 並對照亞洲主要手機生產國家, 如台灣、中國大陸、日本與韓國等之行動終端機產業與其產銷狀況, 及比較手機之技術領先國近年來在本產業生產的變化, 以該產業的生產國度轉移情況, 驗證產品生命循環理論與國際貿易關係, 同時探討平均國民所得因素對在手機產業之產品生命循環影響的關鍵程度。
同時, 我們也以台灣的手機相關企業為例, 探討其繼個人電腦產業之後, 成功的以技術模仿國的角色接替並取代了領先國的產品設計與生產的成功因素, 並分析技術模仿國的新產品導入時機與關鍵因素。 另外, 我們也企圖分析探討韓國及其相關的企業, 如何以技術模仿國的地位, 運用其所能掌握的優勢及不同的產品策略, 成功的開創出另類的“新產品”定位, 藉以擴大市場佔有並獲取利潤的極大化, 以探討技術模仿國的新產品導入的策略。
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手機市場策略行銷分析 / The Strategic Marketing Analysis of Mobile Phone Market鐘芝蓁, Chung, Sophia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1994年首家廠商明基電通投入手機的研發,在1997年第一支自製手機問世,開啟手機產業嶄新的一頁,短短的十年間,成就「 手機代工王國」的美譽,並且在2006年攀上最高峰,手機整體出貨量終於突破1億支(黃建智,2007),全球市佔率也衝上13.8%(葉憶如,2007)。過去十年來,手機廠商的生存契機,主要來自於代工訂單的爭取。而基於各別公司生產策略之不同,自製與外包的程度差異頗大,一直以來釋單較積極的國際大廠只有美商Motorola。
首先,台灣的手機品牌廠商在專利成本高於國際大廠而品牌知名度低於國際大廠的情況下,其「外顯單位效益成本」高。其次, 台灣的手機品牌在市場定位不是很清楚的情況下,它的「資訊搜尋成本」偏高。此外,與品牌歷史悠久的歐美品牌及積極擴張的韓國品牌比起來,台灣的手機品牌在消費者的心中屬於高「道德危機成本」風險的選擇。最後,在專屬資產的建立上面,台灣的手機廠商因為品牌的發展資歷較淺,經驗累積不足,在這一方面的操作略顯不成熟,因此對消費者而言也沒有很高的一般專屬陷入成本。 / In 1994, the first Taiwanese company –BenQ Corporation (former Acer Peripherals)– started the involvement on the research and development of mobile phone, and it was the beginning of the new era of mobile phone industry has been started since the launch of the first “Made in Taiwan” handset in 1997. After one decade, Taiwan became the “ODM Kingdom of mobile phone”, and reaching a historical high on 2006 of the overall shipping volume — 100M units, meanwhile achieved a 13.8% of the global market share.
In the pass decade, the survival opportunity of Taiwanese mobile phone maker was from ODM orders。And Motorola was the only among the international brands, which released the ODM orders aggressively.
However, as the source of ODM orders is not in an upward trend and the growing number of mobile pone makers are all concentrate on ODM business, as a result that part of makers try to move toward OBM business to look for a bigger room and better development.
Most of the researches stood on the views about the OBM development on the competition strategies, value chain activities of the mobile phone channels, etc., but the point on the 4C exchange cost analysis has not been seen much, which is important for this research.
This research is expected to provide the result for the practical reference of the branding marketing strategy to the Taiwanese mobile phone makers. This research is been developed by the survey of questionnaire and is been analyzed by Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), and then through the four primary parameters of the 4C exchange costs, the cost: the external cost on utility, information searches, moral hazard and asset specificity. Finally, following important result have been pointed out:
First of all, the patent cost is higher and the brand awareness is lower to the Taiwanese branded mobile phone makers compare to the international branded companies, and as a result of high external cost on utility. Next, due to the market positioning developed by most of the Taiwanese mobile phone makers is unclear; the cost of information searches is obviously high to consumers. In addition, compare to the well know western brands and the aggressive Korean brands, the choice of Taiwanese brands of mobile phone has high risk on morals hazard to consumers. Finally, as a new player for mobile phone branded business, the skill on branding manipulation requires more experiences, and the cost of asset specificity is low for consumers from the Taiwanese mobile phone brands.
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