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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det idealistiska nöjet : Användaracceptans av mobiler med sidoböjning

Granberg, Timothy January 2016 (has links)
Mobiltelefoner har utvecklats i snabb takt över åren, från ett nytt koncept till en vardaglig självklarhet för många i bägge personlig och professional fattning. Efter smartphonens myntning i 1994 med IBM Simon Personal Communicator har mobiltelefonen evolveras i många olika riktningar. 2013 kom den först smartphonen med välvd skärm, Samsung Galaxy Round, vilket påbörjande en ny trend av böjda smartphones. Denna studie undersöker användaracceptans av den senaste typen av välvd skärm, sidoböjning, utifrån ett perspektiv av mänskliga nöjen. Studien föreslår att innovationen av sidoböjning inte avnjuts pragmatiskt utan idealistiskt, med fokus på adoptörens ideologiska och sociala begär. Innovationens framtid och utspridning utöver samhället slutdras som osäkert, med förslag på framtida forskning att vidareutveckla ämnets kunskapsbas. / Mobile phones have developed rapidly over the years, from a novel concept to an typical day certainty for many in both personal and professional use. Following the advent of the smartphone in 1994 with the IBM Simon Personal Comunicator, the mobile phone has evolved in a number of directions. In 2013, the Samsung Galaxy Round was launched, the first smartphone featuring a curved display, sparking a new trend of curved-display smartphones. This study investigates the user acceptance of the latest type of curved displays, curved sides, from a perspective of human pleasures. The studie suggests the innovation of curved sides is not enjoyed pragmatically, but idealistically, with a focus on the adopter’s ideological and social desires. The future of the innovation and its diffusion throughout society is concluded to be uncertain, with suggestions of future research to further develop the subject’s base of knowledge.

生物學之互利共生應用於手機設計服務的創意構想管理 / Mutualism-Based Idea Management for Mobile Phone Design Service

蔡哲仁, Tsai, Je Ren Unknown Date (has links)
生物學的互利共生,探討兩生物體生活在一起的交互作用,互利共生雙方成員都得到好處,維持持續性的關係。由於環境不斷在變動,使得兩生物體必須共同學會適應環境,持續共生行為。設計服務產業中的供應商及市場上顧客,有如互利共生的雙方,而服務產業的變遷及新科技的注入,為這個環境加入許多不確定性。設計團隊如何利用服務科學之觀點從顧客角度建立互利共生之設計流程,遠瞻市場脈動和顧客建立長久的關係,是本研究要探討的議題。近幾年來工業設計逐漸浮出檯面。箇中翹楚,莫過於「手機設計」。過去通話是手機最基本的功能。現在,因為功能的跨界設計,讓手機不再只是一個移動式的話筒。本研究從設計的流程切入,探究工業設計團隊在初期進行創意構思到概念構成,及最後設計商品化的部分,如何使用互利共生與服務科學原則建立相關分析模型進行設計流程有效管理,使得設計師更瞭解市場和消費者的需求,並以消費者為尊的觀念,讓客製化的程度提高,建立一使得顧客與設計團隊間的交互作用得以持續。 / In service exchange, both providers and customers are involved in shaping the continuum of value co-production. Inspired by the symbiosis concepts, service exchange engaged by providers and customers can be regarded as the unfolding of mutually beneficial interactions between two species. The providers and customers in design service industry (e.g., industrial design) are the analogy as two organisms in mutualism. In this industry, there are many uncertain factors to consider and it is important for a design team to establish a mutualism relationship with their customers and unfold a design service process which can meet consumers’ expectations. This paper takes the design service of mobile phones as an example and presents an analytical model of mutualism-based idea management characterized with the principles of symbiosis concepts and service science. The model is unfolded with three symbiosis analytic tasks (concept definition, idea visualization, and commercialization) and achieves a design service process regarding the points of view of the customers in order to improve customization.

Colour a Symbol : Autentisering för smartphones

Engvall, Markus, Teljing, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har den mobila tekniken i stort sett helt gått över till smartphones. Smartphones är i princip mer datorer än telefoner, som vi alltid bär med oss och som innehåller allt mer känslig information. Detta medför att kraven på säkerheten kring enheten ökar. Detta arbete undersöker om det är möjligt att finna en ny metod att låta användaren autentisera sig på, som är säkrare än de som är vedertagna idag, men samtidigt har liknande nivå av användbarhet. Vår idé, som vi arbetar med under namnet Colour a Symbol, baseras på att kombinera symboler och färger i par. För att utveckla idén skapade vi en funktionell prototyp, som sedan utvärderadesmed hjälp av en mindre testgrupp. Empirin visar på att Colour a Symbol har en god användbarhet, om än något för lång inloggningstid. Idéer för att förbättra inloggningstiden presenteras. Teoretiskt sett så är Colour a Symbol säkrare än exempelvis pinkod, men testgruppen var inte tillräckligt stor för att kunna bedöma den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Utformning av symboltema påverkar även förmodligen i hög grad den praktiska lösenordsrymden. Vår slutsats är att idén har en klar potential, men att det behövs ytterligare studier för att finslipa den. / During the past years mobile technology has moved almost entirely to smartphones. Smartphones are in essence more computers than phones, which we always carry with us and that contain ever more sensitive information. This requires that the level of security around the device increases. This study strives to find a new method of authenticating users, that is more secure than those that are established today, but at the same time has a similar level of usability. Our idea, which we work with under the name Colour a Symbol, is based upon making combinations of symbols and colours in pairs. In order to develop the idea we created a functional prototype, that was evaluated by a smaller test group. The empirical data implies that Colour a Symbol has good usability, if only a little too long login time. Ideas as to shorten the login time are suggested. Theoretically, Colour a Symbol is more secure than for an example pincode, but the test group was not large enough to estimate the practical password space. Design of the symbol theme probably also affects the practical password space to a high degree. Our conclusion is that the idea has clear potential, but that further studies are needed to fine-tune it.

Socioscope: Human Relationship and Behavior Analysis in Mobile Social Networks

Zhang, Huiqi 08 1900 (has links)
The widely used mobile phone, as well as its related technologies had opened opportunities for a complete change on how people interact and build relationship across geographic and time considerations. The convenience of instant communication by mobile phones that broke the barrier of space and time is evidently the key motivational point on why such technologies so important in people's life and daily activities. Mobile phones have become the most popular communication tools. Mobile phone technology is apparently changing our relationship to each other in our work and lives. The impact of new technologies on people's lives in social spaces gives us the chance to rethink the possibilities of technologies in social interaction. Accordingly, mobile phones are basically changing social relations in ways that are intricate to measure with any precision. In this dissertation I propose a socioscope model for social network, relationship and human behavior analysis based on mobile phone call detail records. Because of the diversities and complexities of human social behavior, one technique cannot detect different features of human social behaviors. Therefore I use multiple probability and statistical methods for quantifying social groups, relationships and communication patterns, for predicting social tie strengths and for detecting human behavior changes and unusual consumption events. I propose a new reciprocity index to measure the level of reciprocity between users and their communication partners. The experimental results show that this approach is effective. Among other applications, this work is useful for homeland security, detection of unwanted calls (e.g., spam), telecommunication presence, and marketing. In my future work I plan to analyze and study the social network dynamics and evolution.

Impact des situations d’attention partagée sur le traitement de l’information chez les conducteurs novices / Impact of divided attention situations on novice drivers’ information processing

Hamama, Houda 09 July 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est centré sur les effets de la distraction sur les performances de conduite. Lorsqu’il conduit, un conducteur doit non seulement être capable de maintenir le contrôle du véhicule, mais également être en mesure de prélever et de traiter les informations pertinentes provenant de l’environnement routier. Ces capacités peuvent être mises à défaut par l’introduction des systèmes de communications et d’informations dans les véhicules qui le placent en situation d’attention partagée et augmentent les sources de distraction. Ce travail a tenté de déterminer comment la population des jeunes conducteurs novices, caractérisée par un fort taux d’accidents (Clarke et al. 2005) et des compétences de conduite faiblement développées (Whelan at al. 2004) gère ces situations d’attention partagée. Deux expérimentations ont alimentés cette thèse. La première, en environnement réel de conduite, visait à analyser les effets de l’utilisation conjointe d’un système de navigation et d’un téléphone portable sur la qualité de la prise d’information et du traitement de l’information (au travers de différents paramètres comportementaux). La seconde, réalisée en laboratoire, était destinée à compléter les résultats de la première expérimentation en se concentrant exclusivement sur les modalités de recherche et de prise d’informations selon que le conducteur soit novice ou expérimenté. En fonction de l’expérience de conduite, les résultats offrent des conclusions mitigées en matière de traitement de l’information en situations d’attention partagée. / This PhD thesis aims to study the distraction effects on driver performances. While driving, a driver must be able to maintain the vehicle control and also to process the relevant information from the road environment. These abilities can be impaired by the introduction of information and communication systems inside the car which put the driver in dual-task situation and increase the sources of distraction. This work tries to determine how the population of young novice drivers, characterized by a high crash rate (Clarke et al. 2005) and by poorly developed driving skills (Whelan et al. 2004) manages these situations of time sharing.Two experimentations were conducted. The first one, on real road, aims at analyzing the effects of simultaneously use of a navigation system and a mobile phone on the information processing (achieve by analyzing behavior parameters). The second one, in laboratory, aims at completing the first results, by focusing on modalities of research and handling information according to the drivers’ experience (novice or experienced). According to the driving experience, results are ambivalent in terms of information processing during divided attention situations.

Enjeux techniques et politiques de la "communication optique" entre un titre de presse imprimée et un ordiphone / Technical and political issues of "optical communication" between a newspaper and a smartphone

Fines Schlumberger, Jacques-André 06 March 2012 (has links)
Depuis 2002 en Asie, 2005 en Europe et aux États-Unis, des éditeurs de presse écrite et des annonceurs proposent à leur lectorat équipé en téléphone portable ou en ordiphone d’accéder à des contenus et services numériques via ceux imprimés dans le journal. Ces nouvelles formes de communications brouillent les relations traditionnelles entre éditeurs de presse, annonceurs et lectorat, également mobinaute. Les enjeux techniques et politiques de ces services de communication s’étudient simultanément à trois niveaux. Le premier, physique, se situe dans la combinaison entre le papier et le terminal électronique de l’individu relié au réseau. Le deuxième, logique, se situe dans la forme (privée ou publique) de ce qui est imprimé sur le papier (langage humain ou machine) et la méthode logicielle mise en oeuvre (lecture locale ou à distance) de manière synchrone (presse augmentée) ou asynchrone (code graphique, recherche ou identification par l’image). Le troisième niveau, des contenus, consiste à s’interroger sur le sens de la surimpression de contenus et de services numériques à l’écran de l’ordiphone suivant ce qui est imprimé dans le journal. Notre étude aura par ailleurs consisté à mettre en lumière les régimes juridiques des méthodes logicielles basées d’une part sur le contenu et régies par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle, et basées d’autre part sur un langage informatique et régies par le droit des liens hypertextes. Avec un ordiphone, un titre de presse évolue d’un support d’information à un canal de communications électroniques où le contexte et l’identité de l’individu jouent un rôle innovant dans la transmission et l’accès à l’information. / Since 2002 in Asia, and 2005 in Europe and the United States, press editors and advertisers have offered access to digital content and services to readers that possess a smartphone. These new forms of communication blur the traditional relationships between press editors, advertisers and readers. To study the technical and political elements concerning these new communication services, we rely on the three-layer network approach: the physical, the logical and the content infrastructure layer. The physical layer is located between the sheet of paper and the electronic device that links the user to a network. The logical layer corresponds to the form (private or public) of what is printed on the page (i.e., human readable or machine language) and the software employed (i.e., local or distant reading), be it synchronously (augmented press) or asynchronously (graphic codes, image search or image identification). The third layer concerns the way the content from the printed page are presented on the screen of the smartphone. Our study equally aims to shed light on the current legal translations of software methods: when based on content, the methods are seen to concern intellectual property law; whereas when based on computer language they concern the laws on hyperlinks. With smartphones, a printed edition evolves from an information medium to an electronic communication channel where the context and the identity of the user play an innovative role in the transmission and access to information.

Obstacle detection and emergency exit sign recognition for autonomous navigation using camera phone

Mohammed, Abdulmalik January 2017 (has links)
In this research work, we develop an obstacle detection and emergency exit sign recognition system on a mobile phone by extending the feature from accelerated segment test detector with Harris corner filter. The first step often required for many vision based applications is the detection of objects of interest in an image. Hence, in this research work, we introduce emergency exit sign detection method using colour histogram. The hue and saturation component of an HSV colour model are processed into features to build a 2D colour histogram. We backproject a 2D colour histogram to detect emergency exit sign from a captured image as the first task required before performing emergency exit sign recognition. The result of classification shows that the 2D histogram is fast and can discriminate between objects and background with accuracy. One of the challenges confronting object recognition methods is the type of image feature to compute. In this work therefore, we present two feature detectors and descriptor methods based on the feature from accelerated segment test detector with Harris corner filter. The first method is called Upright FAST-Harris and binary detector (U-FaHB), while the second method Scale Interpolated FAST-Harris and Binary (SIFaHB). In both methods, feature points are extracted using the accelerated segment test detectors and Harris filter to return the strongest corner points as features. However, in the case of SIFaHB, the extraction of feature points is done across the image plane and along the scale-space. The modular design of these detectors allows for the integration of descriptors of any kind. Therefore, we combine these detectors with binary test descriptor like BRIEF to compute feature regions. These detectors and the combined descriptor are evaluated using different images observed under various geometric and photometric transformations and the performance is compared with other detectors and descriptors. The results obtained show that our proposed feature detector and descriptor method is fast and performs better compared with other methods like SIFT, SURF, ORB, BRISK, CenSurE. Based on the potential of U-FaHB detector and descriptor, we extended it for use in optical flow computation, which we termed the Nearest-flow method. This method has the potential of computing flow vectors for use in obstacle detection. Just like any other new methods, we evaluated the Nearest flow method using real and synthetic image sequences. We compare the performance of the Nearest-flow with other methods like the Lucas and Kanade, Farneback and SIFT-flow. The results obtained show that our Nearest-flow method is faster to compute and performs better on real scene images compared with the other methods. In the final part of this research, we demonstrate the application potential of our proposed methods by developing an obstacle detection and exit sign recognition system on a camera phone and the result obtained shows that the methods have the potential to solve this vision based object detection and recognition problem.

Identification of Online Users' Social Status via Mining User-Generated Data

Zhao, Tao 05 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

台灣行動電子產品之市場擴散模式—由產業角度探討 / The Diffusion model of Mobile Electronic Product in Taiwan -To Discuss on Industry

林義強, Lin, Yi-Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要在探討台灣行動電子產品的市場擴散模式,以行動電話、筆記型電腦與PDA為例,來探討個別行動電子產品的產業發展概況。 ■ 行動電子產品的擴散模式,有以下的特性: 1. 在運用技術採用生命週期理論前,需要先注意本身產品的特性,如「易攜性與方便使用」、「具個人隨身資訊管理功能」、「具傳輸資料的通訊功能」、「具智慧型處理能力」,以瞭解會吸引何種潛在使用者。 2. 行動電子產品本身的可攜性、資料處理功能,皆吸引了第一區隔族群的早期使用者購買,因此行動電子產品的初期銷售皆呈現了一波看好。 3. 行動電子產品面臨的成長不連續,是由於產品本身的功能性已吸引第一區隔族群的早期使用者,因此可呈現一波成長。但因為產品的「可靠性」、「便利性」以及「價格」因素的問題,無法吸引早期大眾的青睞,讓產品本身的市場發展出現不連續的狀態。 4. 行動電話、筆記型電腦、PDA等,其在產品的功能性上皆可吸引早期使用者的購買,但在吸引早期大眾的購買上,還是以改良其操作介面、提高產品的穩定度來做著手。因此真正影響到潛在使用者購買產品的,決定性因素還是在於產品本身的特性,若產品的價格功能比達到潛在顧客的標準,以及其操作便利性容易,則會吸引潛在顧客的購買。外部環境的影響以及資訊擴散對於提升潛在使用者購買動機的影響較小,而是以將非潛在使用者進而轉變成為潛在使用者較有所幫助。而除了外部環境與資訊擴散外,產品本身功能的延伸也可以擴展潛在使用者的數量與族群。 5. 行動電子產品的主要兩個區隔族群:「商業人士」、「非商業人士」,早期使用者主要存在於商業人士中,而非商業人士則是以早期大眾、晚期大眾為主,因此要提升產品的銷售,可由鴻溝出現前的顧客需求與非商業人士的需求差異,作一比較,針對其中的產品特性差別作改善。 ■ 資料處理取向的筆記型電腦與通訊導向的行動電話在族群擴散時,不同點為: 1. 資料處理取向的筆記型電腦與PDA,由於其潛在顧客數量與族群本身就被資料處理、數位助理限制住,因此容易讓潛在顧客陷入成長的困境中。因此若要讓潛在顧客群的數量有大量的提升,則需要靠電腦教育的普及,以及網際網路的助益,才有辦法讓電腦使用人口提升,進而增加潛在使用者的數量。 2. 相較於通訊導向的行動電話,由於行動電話本身的通訊功能是大眾不可或缺的,因此其潛在顧客群規模本就比較大,發展的潛力也大了很多。 3. 除了潛在使用者的問題,筆記型電腦與行動電話本身的使用障礙也有很大的差異,筆記型電腦本身的視窗系統雖然越來越人性化,但其問題與安裝仍有進入障礙,不像行動電話的軟體系統上使用便利,因此其成長曲線呈現快速的成長。 4. 在資料處理與通訊功能結合下,將會產生無線數據傳輸的功能,而在這兩功能的族群交集下,由於於資料處理的族群數量有限,因此其潛在使用者可能不是無線通訊的使用者,而較可能為是同時使用兩種功能下的使用者,因此可考慮在此前提下進行族群的探討與發展。 / Since 1997, the mobile electronic products became more and more popular, including mobile phone, notebook computer, and PDA. Because of the revising of communication law in 1997, the wartime of the mobile phone industry came. More and more people in Taiwan started to pay attention to mobile phone, and cheaper and cheaper the price of mobile phone is. In this way, the mobile market in Taiwan grows very fast. The rate of popularity of mobile grew to 80+% in 2000. Since the price of notebook computer down in 1997, the sales of notebook became better. Beside the price down, the popular of Internet and Win95 system are the main reason of the growth of notebook market. Another mobile electronic product: PDA, will be the next star of mobile electronic product. That is why this thesis trys to discuess these three mobile electronic products. <Objectives> This thesis trys to investigate the growth of the market of mobile electronic product, including mobile phone, notebook computer and PDA. This thesis will discuss the diffusion model of mobile electronic product in Taiwan, including the diffusion of distinguish of customers, the model of each different product the same or not. The furthermore, this thesis still try to establish the common diffusion model of mobile electronic product. The main object of this thesis is: 1. The characteristic of mobile electronic product. 2. The develop model of each mobile electronic product market before the growth of discontinuity. 3. The reason of the discontinuous growth of each mobile electronic product. 4. The influence of product reformation, diffusion channels and environment on the diffusion of divisive customers. 5. To develop the common diffusion model of mobile electronic product by the characteristic. <Research Structure> This thesis is based on diffusion of innovation as the core and supported by the industry report. According the diffusion reports and book, a diffusion model should include four elements—environment, product characteristic, diffusion channel and divisive customers. The research structure is as follows: In this diffusion model, including four main elements—environment, product characteristic, diffusion channel and divisive customers, each one element effect on another one. The environment would affect the characteristic of product and diffusion channel and customer behavior. The characterisic of product will affect on the customer’s purchase desire. The diffusion channel will decide how many customers knowing the product, and the diffusion channel include two kinds of channel—production diffusion and information diffusion. <Case Choice> This thesis choose three mobile electionic product: 1. mobile phone 2. notebook computer 3. PDA <Research Methodology> This theris adopts the case study using industry report and in-depth managers and customers interviews. Before interviewing, the author has collected related data and the under-practicing data of every industry. <Case Analysis and Conclusions> 1. Before using ‘Technology Adoption Life Cycle’, we have to understand the characteristic of the mobile electronic product, in order to understand what kind of customer will be attracted. 2. The property of carrying and data processing of mobile electronic product will attract the early adopters of first division customers. 3. The discontinuous growth of the product is because of the incomplete of reliability, convenience and price, so the early majority don’t want to purchase the product. 4. To make the customer to purchase the product, the critical factor is the characteristic of the product. If the product has complete capability, the customers will have willing to buy. 5. The main two divisive customers is ‘business people’ and ‘not business people’. The most of the early adopters is included in first division, and the second division is mainly formed of early majority and later majority. If we want to know the difference between the demand of early adopters and early majoritys, we can know it by comparing the demand of first division with second division.

無線通信產業標準形成與發展之研究 / Wireless Communications Industrial Standard Formation and Development

洪一峰, Stephen Hung Unknown Date (has links)
藉由研究無線通信產業標準的制訂過程與主流標準的形成機制,本研究探討過去有關影響產業標準建立的文獻與個案,提出系統發展過程中,各影響因素扮演的角色與提供的功能,以瞭解在無線通信產業中,影響一標準脫穎而出成為市場主流的關鍵因素。本研究主要的研究發現如下: 一、政府的政策對標準後續發展相當重要,若政府態度是採開放競爭,則將在境內形成多種標準競爭而耗掉大部分能量,未來在標準向外推展上較吃虧。反之政府若能主導統一標準,常能使相關資源更集中焦點來發展單一標準,未來對外推展上較能成功。 二、協會能否發揮協商能力,使各業者提出之標準能相結合,是主流標準形成之關鍵之一,協會若能使各業者放棄成見,取得共識形成單一標準將有助於標準之發展。 三、對標準主導者而言,若能成為主流標準確實擁有很多潛在利益,為爭取標準的支持度,便會有很多遊說及策略聯盟產生,若能取得越多成員支持,常較能形成主流標準,因此標準擁有者若能降低權利金門檻,甚至將其免費授權並公開架構,標準成為市場主流之成長速度將會加快。但若成員過於複雜也容易阻礙標準演進的進度。 四、第三代行動電話的應用以多媒體為主,這是相當革命性的嚐試,故能否找到消費者公認的殺手級應用服務(killer application)成為成敗關鍵要素之一。 五、標準形成之發源地需有足夠的經濟規模量的支持,才能累積足夠資源向境外擴展。 六、標準形成在發酵期必須取得單一標準共識,在漸進變化期於境內快速建立成功經驗,並順利將成功複製於境外地區,這個模式較能成功成為主流標準。另在建立標準時需有明確的願景與目標、具國際化的規格設計,才可減少在對外擴展時之障礙。 / This thesis is intended to make explicit the roles played and functions provided by the various factors in the process of system development by means of an investigation of the process of the formation of a wireless communications standard and the mechanism that makes it a dominant. By studying the documents and cases on the factors affecting the establishment of a standard, we have come to recognize six fundamentals that make it stand out as a dominant. These six fundamentals are summarized as follows: 1. The policy made by the government plays an essential part in the further development of the formation of a given standard. If the government adopts an attitude of open competition, then lots of related resources will be wasted on the keen competition between vying forces in the local market, which is, in turn, detrimental to outward expansion. On the contrary, if the government integrates the related resources and helps form a unitary standard, the standard may succeed in opening other markets. 2. The Association is also an important positive contributor in the process of the formation of a unitary standard. The Association should do its best to mediate between each vying standard to reach an agreement and adopt a unitary standard, which is definitely instrumental in the further development. 3. For those who want to direct the formation of a standard and get the tremendous potential profits from it, they will do a lot of lobbying and form strategic alliances to attract more supports for the standard. When succeeding in doing so, the owners of the unitary standard can speed up the growth of its market by lowering the royalty and license limit, or even by opening its architecture with a free authorization. 4. The application of the third-generation cellular phones features multi-media, which is a considerably revolutionary attempt. Therefore, the success of it depends on whether the standard can come up with a killer application that appeals to consumers. 5. The local market from which the standard originates should be big enough to support it, so the standard can stand firm on the strong basis and reach out for other markets. 6. The formation of a standard should be based on an agreement of a unitary standard at the ferment stage. And at the transition stage, it should build up a successful experience as soon as possible in the local market and then successfully duplicate the model in the international ones. Besides, a definite goal and a clear vision as well as internationalized regulations and designs all contribute to lifting the barriers in its expanding outwards.

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