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Effects of COVID-19 on temporal urban diversity : A quantitative study using mobile phone data as a proxy for human mobility patternsSjöblom, Feliks January 2021 (has links)
The present paper examines possible changes in temporal urban diversity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Stockholm and Uppsala metropolitan areas. In addition to general changes in diversity, potential differences of diversity levels at locations with varying socioeconomic characteristics are examined. The diversity levels are calculated based on mobile phone data and defined by the inflow and distribution of individuals to locations. The time frame involves eight study dates and extends from January to April 2020. The paper reaches the following conclusions. (1) Diversity levels display a general decline during the pandemic, with one exception - Easter Holidays. (2) Individuals residing in areas with high proportions of highly educated individuals or visible minorities experience a decrease in diversity whereas the opposite is true for areas with high proportions of low-income earners or senior citizens (3) The increase in diversity in the two last mentioned areas, which are located in remote parts of the metropolitan area, coincide with decreasing levels of diversity in the central parts of the metropolitan area. It is possible that changes in diversity levels in these areas can be explained by changes in general behavioural trends, e.g. incentives to avoid crowded city center areas.
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Développement d'une méthodologie pour l'évaluation de l'exposition réelle des personnes aux champs électromagnétiques / Development of a methodology for the assessment of the real-life exposure due to electromagnetic fieldsRojatkar, Ashish 30 March 2016 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude des conditions nécessaires pour évaluer l'exposition radio fréquence (RF) due aux téléphones mobiles dans un scenario d’utilisation réelle et le développement d’une méthodologie permettant de prédire et de comparer les téléphones mobiles en fonction de leurs expositions RF réelles. Les téléphones mobiles sont caractérisés par leur débit d'absorption spécifique (DAS) et leur performance en émission et en réception (over-the-air, OTA). En utilisant le DAS et la puissance totale rayonnée (PTR), un indice d'exposition appelée l'indice SAROTA a été proposé précédemment afin de prévoir l'exposition réelle des téléphones mobiles. L’indice SAROTA sert ainsi de métrique permettant de comparer les téléphones mobiles. Afin de déterminer expérimentalement l’exposition réelle aux RF, plusieurs téléphones avec des modifications logicielles permettant d’enregistrer les paramètres du réseau, sont utilisés pour l’étude qui est menée comme suit : (a) caractérisation des outils et des ressources disponibles pour effectuer des mesures ciblées, (b) identification des ressources radio et des paramètres importants pour effectuer ces mesures, (c) étude de la mise en œuvre effective du mécanisme de contrôle de puissance observé dans un réseau mobile réel pour différents niveaux et de qualités du signal reçus, (d) étude de la corrélation entre la performance OTA des téléphones mobiles et l’étendue effective du contrôle de puissance appliquée par le réseau, (e) comparaison entre la valeur réelle de l’exposition et la valeur prédite en utilisant l’indice SAROTA. Comme les défis logistiques et techniques sont plus difficiles à surmonter pour les mesures dans un environnement multi-trajets extérieur, les expériences ont été limitées à des environnements intérieurs pour assurer une meilleure répétabilité des mesures. Lors d’une première phase de l’étude, la stabilité de l’environnement intérieur a été évaluée. Lors d’une deuxième phase, l’influence de la main sur le DAS et la PTR des téléphones mobiles ainsi que sur l’évaluation de l’exposition réelle prédite par l’indice SAROTA a été étudiée. Lors d’une troisième phase, un ensemble de téléphones mobiles identiques ont été modifiés et des mesures effectuées pour vérifier que l’indice SAROTA permet bien de prédire l’exposition réelle des personnes. / The work presented in the thesis is directed towards addressing the requirement for determining the radio frequency (RF) exposure due to mobile phones under typical usage/ real-life scenarios and also to develop a method to predict and compare mobile phones for their real-life RF exposure. The mobile phones are characterized for their specific absorption rate (SAR) and for transmit and receive performance given by the over-the-air (OTA) characterization. Using the SAR and the total radiated power (TRP) characterization, an exposure index referred to as the SAROTA index was previously proposed to predict the real-life exposure due to mobile phones which would also serve as a metric to compare individual phones. In order to experimentally determine the real-life RF exposure, various software modified phones (SMP) are utilized for the study. These phones contain an embedded software capable of recording the network parameters. The study is undertaken in the following order: (a) Characterization of the available tools and resources for performing targeted measurements/experiments, (b) identifying the important radio resource parameters and metrics to perform the targeted measurements, (c) investigation of the actual implementation of the power control mechanism in a live network for various received signal level and received quality environments, (d) investigating the correlation of the over-the-air performance of the mobile phones and the extent of actual power control realization, (e) comparing the actual exposure and the real-life exposure as predicted by the SAROTA index. Based on the logistical and technical challenges encountered, the experiments were restricted to indoor environments to enable repeatability. During the first phase of the study, the stability of the indoor environment was evaluated. During the second phase, the influence of hand phantom on the SAR and TRP of the mobile phones and the capability of the SAROTA index to predict the exposure was investigated. Further developing on the insights from the hand phantom experiments, in the third phase, a set of identical software modified phones were externally modified to alter the TRP performance and the methodology to determine the real-life exposure and also verify the capability of the SAROTA index to predict the exposure levels was investigated. The experiments demonstrate that the SAROTA index is capable of predicting the real-life exposure and comparing the mobile phones.
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Interventions for Childhood Obesity: Evaluating Technological Applications Targeting Physical Activity Level and DietDiPietro, Jessica 01 May 2014 (has links)
Overweight and obese children have increased risks for multiple preventable diseases and conditions which can impair their physiological health and significantly increases the overall cost of their healthcare. Free mobile applications and technology for weight loss, dietary tracking, and physical activity may be quite useful for monitoring nutritional intake and exercise to facilitate weight loss. If so, nurses are well positioned to recommend such tools as part of their efforts to prevent childhood obesity and help children and parents better manage childhood obesity when it is present. However, there are no guidelines that nurses can use to determine what applications or technologies are most beneficial to children and their parents. The purpose of this project is to develop such guidelines based on a review of the scientific literature published in the last 5 years. Articles regarding healthy-lifestyle promoting mobile applications and technological approaches to health and fitness interventions were identified by searching articles indexed by CINAHL, Psychinfo, Medline, ERIC, IEEE Xplore, and Academic Search Premier. Identified articles were assessed using Melnyk’s hierarchy of evidence and organized into tables so that implications for research and suggestions for practice could be made.
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Framtagning av en mobilhållare för bilar / Development of a mobile phone holder for carsGöransson, Daniel, Haaga, Jerry January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att utveckla och utforma en mobilhållare för bilar. En mobilhållare kan ha många funktioner, och med dagens lag om att kommunikationsutrustning inte får störa vid framförande av fordon får den en extra viktig roll. Hållaren har utvecklats för att möjliggöra enkel användning genom en kombination av flera användarvänliga funktioner. Några exempel på funktioner är enkel montering och demontering av mobiltelefon, automatisk sammankoppling med bil samt trådlös laddning. Genom en strukturerad produktutvecklingsprocess, där beprövade metoder har använts för att identifiera krav, generera koncept och välja koncept, har ett antal koncept skapats som slutligen sållats ut till en slutlig vinnare. Exempel på använda metoder och verktyg är intervjuer och House of Quality för kravidentifiering, TRIZ Effects Database och Merlin för konceptgenerering samt Concept screening och Concept scoring för konceptval. Det valda konceptet har därefter genomgått nödvändigt konstruktionsarbete för att skapaCAD-modeller, utföra FE-analyser samt 3D-printa en prototyp. Det slutliga konceptet uppfyller kravet om enkel användning genom bland annat enkel enhands montering och demontering av mobiltelefon. Lösningen fungerar även med en stor variation av mobiltelefoner utan behov av att göra inställningar. Konceptet är utformat och förberett för att i framtida arbete integrera olika trådlösa tekniker såsom NFC och Qiladdning. Vidare arbete krävs bland annat gällande konstruktionens hållfasthet, materialval och uppfyllande av lagkrav. / The objective of this thesis has been to develop and design a mobile phone holder for cars. A mobile phone holder can fulfil many purposes, and with the legislation today stating that communication equipment should not interfere when driving a vehicle, this type of product becomes extra important. The holder has been developed to enable simple use through acombination of user friendly functions. A few examples of functions are; easy mounting and demounting of mobile phone, automatic connection to car and wireless charging. Through a structured product development process, where tested methods have been used to identify requirements, generate concepts and choosing concept, an amount of concepts have been created and finally narrowed down to one final winner. Examples of methods and tools that has been used is interviews and House of Quality for identifying requirements, TRIZ Effects Database and Merlin for generating concepts and finally Concept screening and Concept scoring for the selection. The chosen concept has thereafter gone through necessary construction work for creating CAD-models, performing FE-analysis and 3D-printing a prototype. The final concept meets the requirement of easy use through simple one-hand mounting and demounting of mobile phone. The solution also works with a wide variety of mobilephones without the need to make adjustments. The concept is designed and prepared for integrating techniques such as NFC and Qi-charging in future work. More work needs to be done regarding the constructions strength, choice of material and fulfilling of laws before proceeding any further.
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“Mobiltelefonen har förstört hela min koncentrationsförmåga” : Fem studenters upplevelser av mobiltelefonanvändning på Malmö Universitet / "The mobile phone has ruined my ability to concentrate" : Five Students Experiences of Mobile Phone Usage at Malmö UniversitySelmani, Paulina, Ismail Arif, Zina January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates students' experiences of mobile phone usage at Malmö University. The purpose of this study is to investigate how students use their mobile phones and if the usage has an effect on their education. The study is conducted through qualitative unstructured interviews with five students at Malmö University and interpreted through a phenomenological perspective. Some similarities are shown in the results, however, the vast majority is overall varying. Similarities that have been concluded are that students mostly use the same applications while being physically present at the University and the majority of the applications that are used are social media based. Facebook Messenger is heavily valued by all participants to communicate with others. There are differing results as to when the usage is most frequent and if the Mobile Phone acts as a distraction or a tool for the student. All participants stated that the Mobile Phone has a tendency to distract. Varying results are explained by the individuals’ level of discipline. Individuals with higher discipline are not as affected by the Mobile Phone as individuals with a lower level of discipline. The reason behind a high usage of the Mobile Phone is explained by Mobile Phone Depandance and a conflict of interest by prioritizing personal goals over academic goals. / Studien undersöker studenters upplevelser av mobiltelefonanvändning vid Malmö universitet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur studenter använder sina mobiltelefoner och hur de upplever att det påverkar dem i utbildningen. Studien har ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och utförs genom kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer med fem studenter på Malmö Universitet. Både likheter och mönster kunde urskiljas. En likhet innefattar att studenterna använder liknande applikationer vid universitetet. Majoritenen av applikationerna som används är sociala medie-applikationer. Facebook messenger används i stor utsträckning av samtliga studenter för att kommunicera med andra studenter, vänner och familj. Skillnader i resultaten omfattar till vilken grad mobiltelefonen distraherar studenten respektive fungerar som ett verktyg. Utifrån samtliga studenters upplevelser är mobiltelefonen ett distraktionsmoment. Studien visar att variationer i resultaten beror på disciplinnivå hos studenterna. Individer med högre disciplin påverkas inte i samma grad av mobiltelefonen som individer med lägre disciplinnivå. Anledningen till omfattande mobiltelefonanvändning förklaras av mobiltelefonberoende samt en intressekonflikt i form av att studenterna prioriterar personliga mål framför akademiska mål.
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Positioneringssystem med applikationsspecifika och platsknutna funktioner för en zonindelad inomhusmiljöBjärntoft, Andreas, Mösenbacher, Karl January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport presenterar ett proof-of-concept avseende inomhuspositionering, baserat på Bluetooth-fyrar och mobiltelefoner, kombinerat med ett system för besökshantering. Detta mot bakgrunden av ett önskemål om att underlätta interaktionen mellan lärare och studenter på Malmö högskola.Till följd av att viss verksamhet på Malmö högskola flyttat till nya lokaler har lärarnas arbetsplatser förändrats, vilket lett fram till att studenterna har svårt att dels lokalisera tillgängliga lärare och dels initiera besök utan att störa andra lärare. Genom att upprätta en prioriterad kravspecifikation utifrån MoSCoW-metoden, baserat på intervju- och enkätsvar från lärare, identifieras kraven till ett system för positionering av lärare samt tillhörande system för besökshantering.Utifrån Pahl’s utvecklingsprocess för framtagning av en teknisk artefakt analyseras och utvärderas olika lösningsalternativ för inomhuspositionering, vilket leder fram till ett förslag avseende en prototyp. Prototypen avser symbolisk positionering i ett system för närhetsdetektering utifrån fördefinierade zoner, baserat på aktiva mobiltelefoner och passiva Bluetooth-fyrar. Slutligen implementeras framtagen prototyp för inomhuspositionering, i kombination med ett system för besökshantering, för att visa på dess genomförbarhet. Detta i form av en summerad systemvy som även inkluderar en molnbaserad databas, ett webbgränssnitt och två Android-applikationer. / This report presents a proof-of-concept regarding indoor positioning based on Bluetooth beacons and mobile phones, combined with a system for visitor management. This against the background of a desire to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students at Malmö University.As a result of that Malmö University moved to new facilities, the teachers' workplaces changed, which led to students having difficulty locating available teachers and initiate visits without disturbing other teachers. By establishing a prioritized requirement specification based on MoSCoW method, which is a result of interviews and survey responses from teachers, the requirements are identified for a system for the positioning of teachers and related systems for visitor management.Based on Pahl's development process for the preparation of a technical artifact, some different solutions for indoor positioning is analyzed and evaluated, leading to a proposal regarding a prototype. The prototype relates to symbolic positioning in a system for proximity detection by predefined zones, based on active mobile phones and passive Bluetooth beacons. Finally, the prototyp for indoor positioning is then implemented in combination with a system for visitor management to demonstrate its feasibility. This in the form of a summed system view that includes a cloud-based database, a web interface and two Android applications.
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Towards Interaction Design for Mobile Devices in Collocated Mixed-Focus CollaborationKühn, Romina, Korzetz, Mandy, Aßmann, Uwe, Grzelak, Dominik, Schlegel, Thomas 22 July 2021 (has links)
In collocated collaboration, applied methods and technologies to support the collaboration process mainly comprise either analog paper and pen methods, large display applications or the usage of several laptops. Whereas paper and pen are easy to use, they impair the digital documentation and further editing. Large displays are expensive, stationary, and depend on speci_c environments. Furthermore, laptops build physical barriers between people, which impedes face-to-face communication. This leads to the fact that direct digitization is still not often performed in collocated collaborative scenarios, although it would be useful for further processing or permanent storing of created content.To address advantages of analog media, especially small size and high ubiquity, and eliminate the disadvantages, namely the lack of direct digitization, we aim at applying mobile devices to collocated collaboration. To contribute to the development of future collaboration tools, we derive and propose concrete design goals for applying mobile devices in collocated mixed-focus collaboration.
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Intentions et affects : mieux comprendre le pont entre intention-comportement en activité physique chez les personnes ayant un trouble psychotiqueChauvin, Valérie 06 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Bien que l'activité physique (AP) soit recommandée pour les personnes ayant un trouble psychotique, la majorité d'entre elles sont inactives et leur principale barrière est une faible motivation. Alors que les intentions sont positivement associées à l'AP, il existe un pont entre avoir l’intention d’être actif et la pratique d’AP. Si les affects sont positivement associés à l’AP, aucune étude ne s’intéresse au rôle des affects dans ce pont entre intention et AP.
Objectifs : 1) Déterminer si les intentions et/ou les affects sont associés à l’AP chez les adultes ayant un trouble psychotique ; 2) Examiner la variation dynamique entre les intentions, les affects et l'initiation à l'AP.
Méthode : Étude multicentrique de 4 semaines où 15 participants (18-38 ans) ayant un trouble psychotique ont joué à un exergame créé pour augmenter leur AP. À l'aide d’évaluations écologiques instantanées, les participants évaluaient leurs intentions et affects deux fois par jour.
Résultats : Les intentions d'être actif étaient faiblement associées à l’AP. Les affects montraient peu d'associations avec l'AP. Les analyses en réseau révèlent des relations faibles entre certains affects (p. ex. éveillé et calme), les intentions et l’AP.
Conclusion : Le rôle des affects dans le pont entre intentions et AP n’est pas clair. Les affects semblent exercer une faible influence sur les intentions et l’AP chez les personnes ayant un trouble psychotique. Un plus grand échantillon et des analyses en réseau individualisé sont nécessaires. / Introduction: Although physical activity (PA) is recommended for people with psychotic disorders, the majority are inactive, and their main barrier is low motivation. Although intentions are positively associated with PA, there's a gap between having the intention to be active and being physically active. While affect is positively associated with PA, no study has examined the role of affect in this “intention and behaviour gap”.
Objectives: 1) To determine whether intentions and/or affect are associated with PA in adults with a psychotic disorder; 2) To examine the dynamic variation between intentions, affects and initiation of PA.
Method: A 4-week multicenter study in which 15 participants (18-38 years) with a psychotic disorder played with an exergame designed to increase their PA. Using ecological momentary assessment, participants rated their intentions and affect twice a day.
Results: Intentions to be active were weakly associated with PA. Affects showed little association with PA. Network analyses revealed weak relationships between certain affects (e.g. awake and calm), intentions and PA.
Conclusion: The role of affect in the "Intention behaviour gap" in PA is not yet clear. Affect appears to have a weak influence on intentions and PA in people with a psychotic disorder. A larger sample and individualized network analyses are required.
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Infants' Perceptions of Mothers' Phone Use: Is Mothers' Phone Use Generating the Still Face Effect?Kildare, Cory A. 05 1900 (has links)
Using a modified still-face procedure the present study explores 3-6-month-old infants' behavioral and physiological responses to mothers' screen distractions during mother-infant interactions. In the modified phone still-face procedure the neutral face of the traditional still face procedure was replaced with mothers' texting on their mobile phones. Infants' cortisol stress responses to mothers' device use were assessed through the collection of 3 infant saliva samples. Infants' behavioral responses including facial expressions, vocalizations, gaze and self-comforting behaviors were also explored. All mother-infant interactions were videoed recorded and coded for analysis. Thirty-four mother-infant dyads participated, average ages for mothers was 29 years and 4.4 months for infants. As predicted, infants demonstrated the changes in affect associated with the still-face effect, with significant differences in positive and negative affect during the play phases and the phone still face phase. As a whole, infants did not respond with increased cortisol responses, however, when individual differences were explored 47% responded with increased stress during mothers' phone distractions. Mother's frequency and attitudes towards device use were also assessed but were unrelated to infant responses. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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The use of mobile phones by Generation Y students at two universities in the city of JohannesburgKoutras, Eleni 30 June 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to examine the use of mobile phones by Generation Y students in the city of Johannesburg in order to increase understanding of this segment's consumer behaviour. Generation Y is an important market segment in that it is making more independent purchase-related decisions and has a large amount of disposable income. The primary data for this study is based on focus group interviews and a quantitative study of a sample of 200 Generation Y tertiary students. Some of the findings are as follows: * Generation Y's use of mobile phones: Generation Y respondents have owned a mobile phone for between three to five years; the majority own Nokia mobile phones, are on prepaid packages and are not big spenders on airtime; furthermore, SMS is seen as the most cost-effective way to communicate. * Competition in the mobile phone market: The perceptions of this segment are that Vodacom is the "cool" operator, MTN is the most "expensive" network operator and Cell C is "cheap and youthful". * Mobile phone brand awareness: Nokia was the most cited brand of mobile phone and was found to be the first choice of many of the respondents. Samsung was reported as the second most cited brand with Motorola, Siemens and Sony Ericsson following. The results have implications for network providers, handset manufacturers and marketers alike as they will ultimately improve these stakeholder's chances of marketing effectively to this dynamic youth market. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)
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