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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃勝雄 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對大陸低廉的生產成本競爭下,台灣許多中低階產品之生產製造已逐漸移往大陸,這是比較利益法則下無法避免之趨勢,因此就台灣廠商未來之長久發展考量,強化行銷或設計研發能力是必走的途徑;由於台灣本國市場規模較小,加上新產品之研發設計成本不斷提高,因此如何能成功的將新產品導入海外市場銷售,以增加整個產品之總收益為企業值得思考的課題。   無線通訊產業為台灣目前十大新興產業之一,而且就台灣廠商現有資源來看,如果要成功的推出新產品在海外上市,在通訊產業中若考慮技術標準掌握度及成本競爭力以無線通訊終端產品之成功機率較高。此外,由於台灣廠商較缺乏新產品在海外上市之經驗,因此本研究希望藉由最低之最終總交易成本觀念之分析探討,幫助台灣廠商在擬定新產品海外上市策略時,在有限資源使用下將產品、通路、推廣組合與定價策略做最有效之搭配,以提高成功機會。   本研究之研究架構先以學理基礎為背景,再配合國內外案例做深入個案探討,針對將新產品行銷至國外市場之廠商,先經由文獻探討、資料收集後,再藉由與負責個案產品上市之相關人員進行深度訪談,將結果加以分析、歸納與整理,讓理論架構與實際狀況做一印證並從中歸納出對廠商之新產品上市行銷策略建議,供國內無線通訊廠商在進行新產品海外上市時之參考。 / As facing the low-cost competition from China-made products, lots of manufacturers of low-to-middle tier products have moved their production basis to China. It's the trend and not be avoided based on the conclusion of reference. Therefore, to enhance the capability of Marketing and Research & Development are becoming a crucial point. Furthermore, the issue about how sucessfully launch a new product to overseas market in order to raise the total contribution is getting important. That's because the size of local market and high cost of development in Taiwan.   The Wireless Communication is one of the growing industries in the world. Based on the current resources what Taiwanese companies have as well as the owned expertise about technology standard and cost competance, the terminal products of wireless communication is most likely to be successfully penetrate to overseas markets comparing with other categories. Besides, lots of Taiwanese companies are lack of experience about launching new products in overseas markets. So, this study is trying to come up with a principle, which is based on the analysis of concept of lowest exchange cost, and to help Taiwanese companies set a proper launching strategy. This strategy will be a best fit from four aspects including of Products, Channels, Promotions and Prices.   The structure of this study is started from theory analysis referred to related thesis, then get involved into two practical cases which described how these two companies set their launching strategy, respectively. During the process, the interview with related persons provides a valueable collection of insight. After that, a conclusion is built up and confirmed it with facts from practical cases. This concluded principle could be a valueable reference for Taiwanese companies.

智慧型手機上的電子書使用者接受度研究 / Research on user acceptance of electronic books on smartphones

段柏宇, Duan, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
書是社會文明的載體,是人類進步的階梯。電腦、網路的飛速發展,使得電子書引發了新一輪的書籍革命。隨著智慧型手機的出現,用手機閱讀電子書以前方便靈活,充分利用零散時間,因此受到年輕人的追捧。但是,電子書本身也存在各樣的問題,諸如不符合人們的閱讀習慣,以及產業鏈的不成熟等。因此,調查使用者的行為模式和對於電子書的喜好,以瞭解使用者對電子書的看法及接受度是本文研究的重點,本研究透過UTAUT模式探討績效期望、付出期望、社會影響、輔助條件等自變數對於使用意圖與使用行為的影響力和預測力。本研究採取問卷調查的方式,在多個網路論壇上發放,共收回問卷352份,其中剔除無效問卷後得到有效樣本計232份,有效的樣本回收率達65.9%。究結果顯示,受試者大多擁有智慧型手機(77%),使用時多以娛樂為目的(55%),僅以工作為目的者最少(4%),大多偶爾閱讀(47%),多數人未曾花錢下載付費電子書(86%)。在電子書使用經驗方面,多數受試者使用電子書不到1年(42%),在使用智慧型手機方面,同樣是使用不到1年時間者居多(60%),而使用智慧型手機閱讀電子書方面,同樣是不足1年最多(68%)。 受試者使用智慧型手機閱讀電子書之績效期望、輔助條件、付出期望等各構面對使用意圖及使用行為的預測達到顯著水準,而社會影響構面與使用經驗干擾變數則影響力未達顯著。 / Books are the vehicle for social civilization and the ladder of human progress. Due to the rapid development of computers and the Internet, electronic books (ebooks) have triggered a new round of the book revolution. With the emergence of smartphones, using mobile phones to read ebooks has become convenient, flexible, and a way to make full use of scattered bits of time. Therefore, the use of smartphones for such purposes has been pursued by young people. However, ebooks present various problems of their own, such as incompatibility with individual reading habits and the immaturity of the industrial chain. Thus, the focus of this study was to survey user behavioral models and affinity for ebooks to understand users views on and degree of acceptance of ebooks. This study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the influence and predictive power of the following independent variables on usage intention and usage behavior: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Research results showed that a majority of respondents had smartphones (77 %). Respondents who used their phones mostly for entertainment purposes composed the largest category (55 %), while those who used their phones only for work purposes formed the smallest category (4 %). A large percentage occasionally read ebooks (47 %), but most respondents had never spent money on downloading payable ebooks (86 %). Regarding experience using ebooks, most respondents had used ebooks for under one year (42 %). Regarding experience using smart phones, the group that had used smart phones for less than one year was also the largest (60 %); a high percentage of users (68 %) had been using smart phones to read ebooks for less than one year. The predictive power of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and effort expectancy on usage intention and usage behavior with regard to using smartphones to read ebooks achieved a level of significance. As for social influence and moderator experience, the predictive power didn’t reach a level of significance.

運用實質選擇權觀念分析手機ODM產業研發投資價值 / A real options perspective on R&D project evaluation in Mobile Phone ODM industry

龔化中, Kung, Hua Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究主題為利用實質選擇權的觀念,來協助手機ODM廠商計算並評估各種專案的投資效益,或採取適當的方法提高投資效益。 實質選擇權很適合用來分析具有高度不確定性的計畫的投資價值。一般的廠商自行做研發,是新產品研發的實質選擇權買方。但ODM廠商是幫客戶做研發,產品開發專案的決定權通常在客戶手上,ODM廠商變成新產品研發的實質選擇權賣方。所以要計算ODM廠商的研發專案的投資效益,會和傳統的方法不太一樣。 本文設計出一種分析方式,將ODM廠商提供的”設計與製造的整合服務”中間隱含新產品研發的選擇權賣權的成本估計出來。這些成本,會導致整個ODM的研發計畫的投資價值下降,尤其當產品風險高的時候更嚴重。研究結果發現風險愈高的產品越不適宜由ODM廠商來開發。風險較低的成熟產品則非常適合交給ODM廠商來開發。 另外本文利用這種分析方法,比較各種型式的手機專案的預期投資價值與機會成本,以提供管理者在比較與選擇不同專案時參考。也利用這種方法來分析手機ODM廠針對智慧型手機研發上的各種策略對投資價值的影響,以提供管理者在排定策略優先次序時參考。 / The Real Options approach has recently been growing in popularity in the valuation of R&D projects. It can help to evaluate the chances and risks of R&D investment by reflecting the values of of timing and operational flexibility. In most cases, these investments can be treated as “buying Real R&D Options”. However, the R&D projects of ODM (original design manufactor) companies are quite different. They “sell Real R&D Options” to their Brand-Name customers. To sell Options will increase the risks, so it’s definitely not free. This research utilizes the Real Options concept to evaluate the cost of these Real Options sold by Mobile Phone ODM companies to their customers. With this information, ODM companies can have a reasonable finaicial analysis before they sign the contacts based on market risks and opportunities. Futhermore, in this study we design a method to compare different types of projects based on the Real Options analysis. Companies can prioritize projects based on the results of the analysis. We also propose several approachs to increase the value of these R&D investments by reducing the cost of the Real R&D Options they sold.


張玉青 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年由於「山寨手機」的興起,吸引了大家對於山寨產品的注意力,改變了一般民眾對山寨產品的想法,然而,山寨手機的出現,已經不單是一個社會的獨特現象,它更影響了手機產業供應鏈的生態。因此本研究透過個案研究方法,以B公司做為研究對象,從收集的初級及次級資料中,利用SWOT分析與五力分析作為分析方法,試圖回答下列兩個問題:(1)瞭解「山寨產業」對於PCB產業有何衝擊?(2)面對「山寨產業」的衰退,台灣PCB廠商應如何因應? 本研究發現,由於B公司初期的企業能力能夠滿足山寨手機的需求,因此能夠在山寨手機興起時從中獲利,然而,隨著山寨手機產業的衰退,本研究認為B公司須採用下列策略因應:(1)淡出山寨手機供應鏈,不再陷入削價競爭的窘境,將目標客戶轉為「白牌手機」廠商,(2)善用大陸市場與低價勞力,由於大陸市場已經從「世界工廠」轉變為「世界市場」,為了服務廣大的消費者,國際大廠紛紛在大陸設立據點,因此B公司應繼續增加昆山廠的生產線,同時,(3)要提高手機用PCB的研發費用,由於傳統山寨手機產業已經衰減,新的需求轉向高階智慧型手機,因此B公司必須手機產品主力從低階四層板,提升為高階的HDI板,除了可以回應智慧型手機的需要外,也慢慢將目標客戶轉移至品牌手機廠商。 本研究主要貢獻是提供企業深入了解山寨手機對手機產業供應鏈之影響,雖然仿冒抄襲是一個新興產業成長的必經之路,然而大陸的山寨手機產業所產生的影響不容小覷,因此本研究以一個曾經受惠於在山寨手機的PCB廠作為研究對象,試圖提出面對後山寨時代的來臨,企業應該用如何回應。 / The rise of bandit mobile phone industry has attracted people’s eye and change people’s mind on bandit products. “Bandit” is not just a unique social phenomenon, but an impact on the outside environment of mobile phone supply chain. This research used case study to investigate the B company, a Taiwanese PCB company as our research object. We utilized SWOT analysis and Porter’s five force analysis as tools with our primary and secondary data to clarify the following two questions: (1) what the influence did bandit industry arise on the PCB industry, and (2) what is the PCB company’s strategy when facing downturn of the bandit mobile phone industry. Our study has found that the B company’s capability matched the need of bandit mobile phone industry at the early stage. However, with the industry declined, we suggest the B company should adapt the following strategies in order to maintain its profit: (1) fade out from bandit mobile phone industry, and turn to white-box mobile phone industry; (2) take advantage of cheap labor cost in China and extend existing production lines; (3) enhance the R&D investment on mobile phone PCB. The major contribution of this research is to help firms understand the influence of bandit mobile phones on mobile phone’s supply chain. Although copy is the necessary evil in the developing industry, however, the impact from it still can’t be ignored. We choose a Taiwanese PCB company, which has been benefited from bandit mobile phones, as our case to identify what’s next for the PCB companies in post bandit mobile phone age.

Smartphones, Användare och Estetik : En Användbarhetsstudie / Smartphones, Novices and Aesthetics : A Usability Study

Heimler, Torgny January 2003 (has links)
<p>The Ericsson R380 is a so-called smartphone, combining an advanced mobile phone with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). To evaluate the usability of the Ericsson R380 and benchmark it against the Nokia 9110 Communicator and the Motorola A6188 Accompli, a repeated measurements experiment was performed. 18 subjects (10 men and 8 women) with no previous experience of any of the interfaces participated. Half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Ericsson mobile phones and half of the subjects had extensive experience from using Nokia mobile phones. A set of 9 tasks to be solved on each interface was presented to the subjects. The order in which the subjects used the interfaces was balanced with a Latin square design while the tasks were presented in consecutive order and were identical for all interfaces. Level of completeness, completion time and number of actions were assessed for each task and interface. Subjects also rated the perceived usability and aesthetics of the interfaces. Overall, subjects were most successful using the Motorola A6188 Accompli, using fewer keystrokes and less time as well as needing fewer hints compared to the Ericsson R380 and Nokia 9110 Communicator. However, the Ericsson R380 was rated significantly higher than the other interfaces on perceived usability. Previous experience with Ericsson or Nokia mobile phones did not have a major impact on how well subjects succeeded with using the interfaces in the test. Certain mistakes made by each group of subjects could be explained in terms of mental models, Einstellung effects and the use of so- called Function-Object interaction style where Object-Function interaction was appropriate. Contrary to earlier findings, aesthetics and perceived usability did not correspond to a great extent. Finally, the results are discussed and some suggestions for improvements are put forward.</p>

Typografiska riktlinjer och textframställning för smartphones

Christensen, My, Pihlgren, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Idag använder allt fler människor sina smartphones för att surfa och använda tjänster online. Detta innebär att en stor del text läses på små skärmar. Detta arbete handlar om hur text bäst utformas och struktureras för att enklast kunna läsas och uppfattas på en mobilskärm. Faktorer som berörs är typgrad, ljusrum, textlängd, teckensnittsklass, radlängd, bild i text och kontrastverkan. Arbetet utgår från en normativ, svensk person utan funktionsnedsättningar. Arbetet är grundat på litteratur, egna analyser, intervjuer med branschfolk, enkätundersökning och test med fokusgrupp. Resultatet blev att en text på smartphone bäst utformas med flera styckesindelningar i form av blankrader, med bilder där bilden tillför något i informativt syfte och textlängd baserat på ämneskategori. Bilden bör sättas ovanför brödtexten. Längre texter ska sättas med scrollfunktion. Kontrast har stor betydelse på mobiltelefoner, texter går bra att läsa även när de är satta negativt. Teckensnittsklass är enligt resultatet av denna rapport inte av betydelse. Både seriff och sanserif kan läsas utan problem på smartphones. Typgraden bör förstoras något i förhållande till telefonens default-inställningar. På grund av att text på skärm inte stödjer avstavningar rekommenderas korta ord där det är möjligt för att förhindra en allt för hackig högerkant. / This research focuses on the issue of how to best structure text on a Smartphone screen. The factors involved in this research are text size, white space, text and line lengths, serif and sans serif fonts, pictures in text and contrast.  The methodology of our research is based on a normative Swedish able-bodied person, as well as on relevant literature, personal analyses, interviews with people in the trade, an online survey, and a test performed with a focus group. The results are that a text written for Smartphones is best structured with: several paragraph divisions made with blank lines, with pictures where the picture has an informational purpose, and text length based on category of subject. The picture should be placed above the body text. Longer texts should be set with a scroll-function. Contrast is of great importance on mobile phones as texts can be read properly even when set in negative. In addition, using serif or sans serif is of no importance. According to the results both serif and sans serif can be read without difficulties on a Smartphone. Text size should be slightly enlarged in relation to the default settings on the mobile device. Since word division is not supported on screen, short words are recommended when possible to prevent a highly uneven right end.

Mobile Phones and Health Communication for Young Adults: An Exploratory Case Study about Incorporating Text messaging in Pregnancy Care Support in Edmonton

Keller, Angela Maria Unknown Date
No description available.


劉政權 Unknown Date (has links)
手機功能不斷創新,行動內容服務應運而生,使得行動電話由溝通工具,變身為訊息載具,資訊型行動內容服務尤其凸顯了行動電話「隨時隨地、傳播訊息」的特性。以台灣行動電話用戶密度達100%,高居全球第一之現況,資訊型行動內容服務之經營應有其值得關注之處。   本文以中央社為例,探討資訊型行動內容服務經營模式,先藉由瞭解全球發展行動內容服務先進國家之現況,進而剖析台灣各行動內容服務廠商之競爭、合作關係,最後綜合分析中央社之業務狀況,提出資訊型行動內容服務經營模式之建議。   本文以參與觀察與深度訪談的方式,總共訪問了七位行動電話系統業者加值服務業務承辦人,以及五位中央通訊社負責行動內容服務網站的編輯及程式工程師,以瞭解面對行動電話加值服務快速成長及演變下,中央社如何設定及調整其行動內容服務的經營模式。   研究結果顯示,「資訊好用、操作簡單」是資訊型行動內容服務最重要的特質;反映時事變化製作專題報導與有效編輯、整理內容重點,則是吸引用戶使用服務的守則;而專責團隊經營則是因應行動內容市場多變的重要經營要素。   本文雖然指出中央社發展行動內容服務業務面臨許多內外環境障礙之衝擊,但中央社行動內容服務憑藉「即時資訊」的優勢,配合行動電話「隨身」及「隨時隨地」的特性,讓資訊傳播有了更大的想像空間,也更加凸顯資訊型行動內容服務的重要性。由於資訊型行動內容服務網站之經營模式,至今尚未見具系統性研究,本研究之分析訪談不僅試圖填補過去研究的缺憾,也指出未來研究值得探討的方向。 / The functions of mobile phones have continued to evolve, most significantly from simple tools for communications to ones that provide up-to-date information. Informational mobile content services are especially remarkable in that they bring any amount of data to the user at any time, anywhere – the essence of valued-added service. This is certainly important in Taiwan given that the penetration rate for mobile phone subscribers is 100 percent – the highest in the world. This study focuses on the business model of the Central News Agency(CNA)'s informational mobile content services. Discussions range from a global view to management in the domestic market. This study looks at the practical experiences at CNA with regard to informational mobile content services and how best to optimize them. Through observations and extensive interviews, 12 key people involved in informational mobile content services were contacted for this study. Seven of them are mobile content service product managers of mobile telecommunications companies and five are editors and programmers from the Multimedia News Center of the CNA. This was done to understand the operational model of CNA's mobile content services given the rapid changes being made in mobile phone value-added services. The study results show that on-demand, real-time data that is easy to access is the key to quality informational mobile content services, and that special news projects are attractive to potential subscribers. Moreover, a professional team is the cornerstone of operations to ensure the success of these services. Although the study found that CNA faces internal and external challenges for its mobile content service operations, it has made significant strides in bringing the message to the people of the importance of real-time mobile content services. Since there have been few studies on the subject, this analysis will break new ground and set the stage for further discussions on the issue.

Elderly users &amp; Mobile Phones: An explorative Study on Designing for Emotion &amp; Aesthetic Experience :

Molavi Arabshahi, Amir January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine the role that non-instrumental aspects such as aesthetic and emotion play in elderly user interaction with mobile phones. It presents an analysis of the results from in-depth interviews with a selected group of Swedish elderly users, and discusses how the aesthetic experience which they yield in interacting with mobile phones could impact their preference, and their perceived usability of the devices.  A set of mobile phones, different in usability and aesthetic levels were presented to the group of elderly user in order to investigate how they perceive phones attributes, including appearance and general features, and different facets of their user experience, including their motivations of use, the involved emotions, desires, and concerns. The analyses revealed a possible existing correlation between non-instrumental aspects of elderly users’ interaction with mobile phones, and their preference to use those devices. While negative aesthetic experience as a result of social concerns had a strong negative influence on elderly’s perceived usability, and could consequently alter their preference, certain symbolic meanings in interaction such as the tendency to be modern, contributed to perceived ease-of-use &amp; perceived usefulness of the mobile phones. Elderly user’s familiarity or earlier experience with a device or with the technology was found to be a confounding variable. However, in the presence of usability concerns, traditional factors of aesthetic went into the shadow, and therefore had no direct impact on users’ perceived usability of the device. A set of design solutions that would address elderly user’ both instrumental and non-instrumental concern, were proposed.

L’appropriation socioculturelle du téléphone portable par des agriculteurs de la Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso : Contribution à une approche socioculturelle des TIC pour le développement socio-économique / Social and cultural appropriation of mobile phones by farmers from the Boucle du Mouhoun region, Burkina Faso : Contribution to a social and cultural approach of ICT for social and economic development

Ramos Pasquati, Eric 15 June 2011 (has links)
Dans cette recherche, j’essaie de comprendre quelle est l’empreinte socioculturelle du processus d’appropriation des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), particulièrement du téléphone portable, par des agriculteurs de la Boucle du Mouhoun, au Burkina Faso. Privilégiant une approche socioculturelle et ayant comme hypothèse principale l’existence d’influences réciproques entre le processus de construction des usages des TIC et l’organisation socioculturelle des communautés locales, cette recherche explore les transformations des rapports de pouvoir, l’évolution des identités et des formes de communication au sein de ces communautés en lien avec l’usage des TIC. Les sources théoriques principales sont l’ethnométhodologie et la sociologie des associations ; je fais aussi référence à la sociologie des usages et à l’ethnologie des techniques. Fondée sur un travail empirique, ma réflexion est nourrie par des entretiens concernant des initiatives d’application des TIC au développement rural en Inde et en Afrique de l’Ouest, et, surtout, par un séjour de terrain de six mois au Burkina Faso. La méthode adoptée oriente les efforts de recherche vers la compréhension des réalités locales, en opposition à leur interprétation à partir de modèles extérieurs, d’où l’importance attribuée aux protocoles de réflexivité et de décentration. Au-delà d’orientations concrètes sur l’appropriation socioculturelle des TIC, l’apport le plus important de ma recherche est méthodologique. Je propose des stratégies d’approximations successives de la réalité spécifique à un terrain donné, particulièrement adaptées au cas de chercheurs étrangers à leur contexte d’étude. / In this research I try to understand the social and cultural imprint of the appropriation processes of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly mobile phones, by farmers from the Boucle du Mouhoun region, in Burkina Faso. The main research hypothesis is the existence of reciprocal influences between the construction process of ICT uses and the social and cultural organization of local communities. With a social and cultural approach, this research explores changes in power relations, identities and forms of communication within these communities in relation to the use of ICT. The reasoning is supported by theoretical and empirical sources. On the one hand, I refer to the Sociology of uses, to the Ethnology of techniques, but mainly to the Ethnomethodology’s program and to the Actor network theory. On the other hand, I rely on visits to projects applying ICT for rural development in India and West Africa, and most importantly, on a six-month long fieldwork in Burkina Faso. The methodology adopted orientates research efforts towards understanding local realities instead of representing them with external patterns, hence reinforcing the importance attributed to reflexivity and decentring. Beyond practical conclusions on the social and cultural appropriation of ICT, the most important contribution of my research is methodological. I propose strategies to understand a specific field reality by successive approximations, particularly suited when the researcher is a foreigner to the context of the research.

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