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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kėdainių miesto mokytojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikiai bei galimybės / Kėdainiai city teacher in-service training needs and oportunities

Kesiūnaitė, Lina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Lina Kesiūnaitė KĖDAINIŲ MIESTO MOKYTOJŲ KVALIFIKACIJOS TOBULINIMO GALIMYBĖS IR PROBLEMOS Santrauka Didžiausia švietimo organizacijos vertybė – darbuotojai ir mokiniai. Keičiantis mokytojo vaidmeniui jis tampa mokinių ugdymosi proceso partneris ir padėjėjas. Jo tikslas- padėti mokiniui suvokti save, pažinti jį supančią aplinką, formuoti vertybines nuostatas. Mokytojo kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikiai nuolat kinta, atsižvelgiant į įvairius išorinius ir vidinius švietimo sistemos kaitos veiksnius. Ši sąveika tarp kaitos veiksnių ir mokytojo kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikių apima visas mokytojo veiklos sritis. Mokymo proceso didėjantis atvirumas rinkai bei veiklos pasauliui iš esmės keičia mokymo turinio sampratą ir jo kūrimo principus. Mokymo turinys tampa ne toks steriliai akademinis ir griežtai apibrėžtas disciplinų ribų, į jį įtraukiamos vadinamosios kasdienės žinios ir veiklos patirtis, jo sudarymas tampa ne tik siauros specialistų grupės, bet visų mokytojų veiklos uždaviniu, dažnai įtraukiant veikėjus, esančius už mokymo proceso ribų – darbdavius, įvairių kitų sričių ekspertus, jo struktūra tampa ne tokia vientisa - vyksta moduliacijos procesas, nyksta ribos tarp akademinių ir profesinių žinių. Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti Kėdainių miesto vidurinių ir pagrindinių mokyklų pedagogų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo poreikius bei naudą, atskleisti pedagogų tobulinimosi patirtį, išryškinti galimus trūkumus, problemas ir apibrėžti jų sprendimo kelius. Šiam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lina Kesiūnaitė Kėdainiai City Teacher In-service training Needs and Oportunities Summary The maximum value of the education organization - the staff and students. The role of the teacher changes and teacher becomes a partner and assistant in the process of learning for pupils. Its goal is to help the students understand themselves, know the surrounding environment, form moral values. Teacher professional development needs are constantly changing, depending on various external and internal factors changing the education system. This interaction between the change factors and teacher professional development needs of the teacher covers all areas of activity. The training process of the increasing openness of markets and business world is changing fundamentally the concept of educational content and its creation of principles. Training content becoming not so sterile academic with strictly defined boundaries, it includes the so-called "day to day knowledge“ and experience, its content becomes the concern not only for a narrow group of specialists, its the task of all the teachers', often involving the people in the educational process outside - employers, various experts in other fields. Its structure becoming not so solid – we can wittnes a process of modulation, blurred the boundaries between the academic and professional knowledge. Master's final works aim was to assess Kedainiai city secondary school teachers basic development needs and opportunities In order to achieve... [to full text]

Pamokų nelankymo priežastys: mokytojų požiūris / Causes of school non-attendance: teachers’ opinion

Žarnauskaitė, Vida 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Mokyklos pamokų nelankymas yra didelė problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Ji negali būti atsieta nuo šalies ekonomikos ir socialinės struktūros. Ši problema siejama su skurdu, bedarbyste, piknaudžiavimu alkoholiu, narkotikais, žema šeimos socialine padėtimi bei pakitusiomis socialinėmis vertybėmis. Kitaip tariant, mokyklos nelankymas – socialinė problema, reikalaujanti sisteminio sprendimo ir apimanti švietimo, socialinės, teisinės apsaugos ir kitų institucijų veiklą. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti mokytojų nuomones apie pagrindines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis bei mokytojų pastangas šią problemą spręsti ugdymo metodų ir santykių su mokiniais palaikymo priemonėmis. Darbe keliami šie uždaviniai: nustatyti kiek tiriamosiose mokyklose mokiniai per mokslo metus praleidžia pamokų; sužinoti mokytojų nuomonę apie pagrindines mokinių nelankymo priežastis slypinčias šeimoje, mokykloje; ištirti mokytojų ir mokinių tarpusavio santykius; nustatyti klasės auklėtojų santykius su auklėtojais; atskleisti kokius metodus naudoja mokytojai, siekdami sudominti mokinius; ištirti mokytojų nuomonę apie mokinių tarpusavio santykius; išsiaiškinti kas padeda spręsti mokinių nelankymo problemas. Savo darbe lyginau keletą mokyklų tirtais aspektais. Tyrime dalyvavo 86 mokytojai iš 3 mokyklų (viena miesto ir dvi kaimo mokyklos). Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos būdu. Apibendrinant gautus tyrimo rezultatus galima daryti išvadą, kad mokytojai mano, jog dauguma tėvų sudaro sąlygas savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School’s nonattendance is a big problem not only in Lithuania but in the whole world. It can‘t be dissociate from national economy and social culture. This problem relates with poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, the drug habit, bad family social position and because of changes in social worthies. In other words school’s nonattendance is social problem which needs systematic solution because it is includes work of education, social sphere, legalese and other institutes. The subject of research is to know teachers’ opinion about school’s nonattendance reasons and to show teachers efforts in solving this problem by training methods and keeping terms with students. The tasks of my work is to assess how many lessons through school year misses students in exploratory schools; to know teachers opinion about main students nonattendance reasons which comes to school and family; to explore teachers and students, form master‘s and pupils intercommunion and to know teachers opinion about that; to educe methods which use teachers to interest students; to ascertain who helps to solve students nonattendance reasons. In my work I compared some schools in research dimensions. In research participated 86 teachers from 3 schools (one town school and two village schools). Work methods: questionnaire survey. The main conclusion: teachers think that most of the parents allow their children attending school. However parents have problems to let them to school because of hard material situation... [to full text]

MOKYKLOS MIKROKLIMATO IR MOKYTOJO ĮTAKA MOKINIŲ DOROVINIŲ VERTYBIŲ UGDYMUI / The role of the school microclimate and teachers in moral education

Butkeraitytė, Sonata 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Sonata Butkeraitytė Subject: The role of the school microclimate and teachers in moral education Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture. The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology. Academy, 2006 Coverage: pages The work includes: 25 pictures, 5 appendices Literature sources: Object of the research: A moral education of a pupil. Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources 2. Diagnostic methods – questionnaires 3. Interview 4. Statistic data analysis Results of the research: The purpose of the research was to analyze the conception and the content of moral education in pedagogical literature and to disclose a contemporary role of a teacher in the process of moral education. The research results reveal that pedagogical literature focuses mainly on the theoretical side of moral education, lacking in practical examples. The results show that the individuality of a teacher, his attitude towards work and motivation of pupils are of major significance for moral education. Teacher’s capabilities to match training and education are very important to pupils. Unfortunately, as disclosed by the research, more often than not teaching is merely a source of income. Teachers are of the opinion that the teacher’s role in the process of moral education would increase, if the standing of a teachers were greater in society, which at present remains steadily diminished. Secondly... [to full text]

Mokytojų aptarnavimas mokyklos bibliotekoje: Atvejo analizė / The Service for the Teachers in the Library of School: Analysis of the Case

Rudienė, Audronė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – Viekšnių vidurinės mokyklos mokytojų aptarnavimas mokyklos bibliotekoje. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokyklų bibliotekų veiklos kaitą ir padėtį Lietuvoje ir palyginti su mokyklos bibliotekos, esančios Mažeikių rajono Viekšnių vidurinėje mokykloje veikla bei išanalizuoti šios mokyklos mokytojų aptarnavimo ypatumus, trūkumus, galimybes pagerinti mokytojų bei moksleivių aptarnavimą mokyklos bibliotekoje. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: pateikti ir išanalizuoti Mažeikių rajono Viekšnių vidurinės mokyklos mokytojų apklausos, A. Rudienės atliktos 2006 m., rezultatus. Nurodyti mokyklos bibliotekoje esančius efektyvaus darbo trūkumus, galimybes pagerinti mokytojų aptarnavimo kokybę. / The object of the master's research is the service for the teachers in the library of Vieksniai secondary school. The aim of this work is to analyse the change of the activities and the state of libraries in Lithuania and to compare with the activity of the library of Vieksniai secondary school in Mazeikiai district, to analyse peculiarities, shortages, possibilities of the service for the teachers. At the same point, how to improve the service for the pupils and the teachers in the school library. The main tasks of the work are : to give and analyse the results by the datum of the questionnaire for the school teachers done by A.Rudiene in 2006 year. The other task is to point out the defects in the effective work of the school library and to show the possibilities how to improve the quality of the service for the teachers in the library.

Kauno rajono mokyklų mokytojų darbo motyvacijos tyrimas / Teacher activities motivation's analysis in Kaunas region school

Gadišauskaitė, Dovilė 02 January 2007 (has links)
Teacher activities motivation’s analysis in Kaunas region schools. Master work. The main goal of the paper is to analyse teachers’ of Kaunas region schools’ work and its determinants. To reach the goal the following tasks are raised: to explore motivation conception analysing research literature; to educe motivation specific features of a school as an organization and its staff; to educe teachers’ motivation and its determinants. The master paper consists of three main parts. In the first part motivation conception and its development, motivation theories are analysed as well as the specific features of a school as an organization, of a director as the manager and a teacher as a participant of an organization. In the second part investigation procedure and organization are presented. In the third part the results of the investigation got from teachers’ questionnaire as well as from managers’ and authorities’ interview are discussed. With reference to research literature we can state that motivation is a complicated phenomenon related to motivating purposeful activity of a particular behaviour and actions. Staff motivation is a part of a school’s general strategy, it depends on a manager(authorities), collective unified by common purposes. The results of the investigation have proved that teachers motivating their work refer to upper level requirements – respect and self-expression, most of them satisfy lower level requirements – physiological, security and social... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokytojų profesinės saviugdos ypatumai / Peculiarities of the primary school teachers' self-learning

Kuzminskienė, Kristina 22 June 2005 (has links)
Recently in pedagogical literature more and more attention to adult education and whole life studies is given. After beginning of the Movement, searches was started for new ways how to wake up a teacher for refusing authoritarianism, dictatorship working methods, changing attitude to work, knowing children psychology, evolution singularities, improving relations with colleagues and pupils, to feel self value, dignity, national self-respect, being self-sufficient educator. Ph. D. M.Lukšienė about 1991 education reform was writing: “the most important member of changeover – teacher […]. We will not get to feet without growing and educating person. […]. Education and all school system with all nurture meaning institutions appear with very important role”. Educator perfection is not distinguishable from school perfection, it means youth generation future depends on that too. Big part of the professional perfection takes pedagogical and personal self-help, which is not all the time stimulated by internal motivation and positive emotions. Usually educator is improving himself only as much as it is a needed for qualification enhance. There are cases, when certificates are bought and methodical meetings are only formality. Plus, not every time organized region events satisfy educators’ needs. I am primary school teacher, so I will examine my colleagues – primary school teachers’ pedagogical self-help singularity and specificity. In my work there will be pedagogical self-help... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokytojų kompetencija planuoti ugdymo procesą skirtingų poreikių mokiniams / The competence of primary class teachers to plan the educational process for schoolchildren of different needs

Indriūnienė, Zita 07 June 2006 (has links)
The educational process in the pedagogy is very important. The teacher planning the process of education has to consider the needs of every child and help every pupil to teach how to learn and to reach the optimal results. The schoolchildren of different needs attend the school, some are good at one subject, some - at other, some are quick, some – slow, some have one or other disability, some are left-handed, etc. Besides the children growing up in the different environment, besides these with one of the parents in pedagogically neglected families, who have the problems of behavior, appeared the immigrants and children, whose parents are moved abroad. The different models of planning that individualize the process of education, the surroundings of the development, the methods and means can be helpful for it. There were no the surveys of planning for primary class teachers until now. In this work referring to the pedagogical and psychological literature, the results of questioning primary class teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, my long time experience of pedagogical work in summary the singularities of planning primary education process for schoolchildren of different needs paying attention to the development of schoolchildren with special needs larger to apply the active methods of (self) development especially using the method of game and organizing the education of parents.

Gimnazijos mokytojų profesinių gebėjimų kaitos ypatumai / Peculiarities of change of professional abilities of gymnasium teachers

Panavienė, Rita 08 June 2006 (has links)
Today education in Lithuania is going through the period of changes. The conception of school is defined in the General programs of Lithuanian Secondary schools, which bases on the law of Lithuanian education. The direction drawn by the conception of Lithuanian education defines, that a secondary school of Lithuania is self-dependent, organized democratically, bases its life on the principals of humanism and the general human values, the community of pupils, their parents and teachers that seek their set upbringing aims. Teacher is a stimulator of the upbringing process in such school, a tutor of all working community (class or group). However, it is defined in “Educational landmarks for years 2003-2012” that, in the society of knowledge the very role of the teacher is changing: the teacher – a holder and a conveyer of knowledge is changed by a teacher – an organizer of learning, a creator of learning opportunities, a helper of learning process, an advisor, a partner, a go-between among a pupil and various sources of modern knowledge. The aim of the research is to ascertain what peculiarities of change of professional abilities of gymnasium teachers are revealed in nowadays dynamic conditions. The terms to fulfill the aim are: to become acquainted with scientific pedagogical and psychological literature on the topic, to find out what characteristics and abilities of teachers are important in the work of gymnasium teachers, to evaluate the tendencies of change of professional... [to full text]

Būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymas / The development of competencies for the future physical education teacher

Dambrauskas, Edgaras 06 September 2013 (has links)
Bendrojoje kūno kultūros programoje pateikiamos tik svarbiausios kūno kultūros turinio gairės. Kūno kultūros mokytojas, tardamasis su moksleiviais, sukonkretina bendrąjį kūno kultūros ar pasirinktos sporto šakos turinį parengdamas individualiąją dalyko programą. Fizinis išsilavinimas – tai mokytojo ir moksleivio partnerystės, kūrybinio bendradarbiavimo rezultatas. Vis dažniau vertinamas ne mokytojo darbas, o jo veikla, pasireiškianti gebėjimais veikti įvairiose situacijose, nuolat plėtoti ar įgyti naują kompetenciją. Akivaizdu, kad mokytojui nebepakanka atlikti vien tik žinių perteikėjo, vertintojo ir teisėjo vaidmenis. Mokytojo veikla tampa plačia, įvairiapuse, todėl pamažu sukuriama savita ir nauja mokytojo veiklos aplinka, kurioje ypač reikšmingas paties mokytojo sistemingas ir nuolatinis mokymasis. Darbo objektas: būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymas Darbo tikslas: atskleisti kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymo ypatumus Uždaviniai: • Išanalizuoti kūno kultūros mokytojo veiklą. • Aptarti kūno kultūros mokytojo kompetencijas. • Išanalizuoti būsimų kūno kultūros mokytojų kompetencijų ugdymo ypatumus Išvados: 1. Mokytojas turi mokėti teisingai nustatyti ugdymo tikslus ir uždavinius, turi sugebėti organizuoti savo ir mokinių veiklą. 2. Išanalizavus įvairius literatūros šaltinius apie pedagogų profesines kompetencijas, apibendrintai galima teigti, kad tai gebėjimų sistema, susidedanti iš struktūrinių elementų: žinių, mokėjimų, įgūdžių, vertybinių nuostatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Common physical education program shall include only the most important content of Physical Education Guidelines. Physical Education teacher, in consultation with students, fleshing out the general physical education or choice of sports content proprietorship completing a course program. Physical education - it is the teacher and student partnership, the result of a creative collaboration. Increasingly seen at the teacher's work, and its activities are characterized by the ability to act in various situations continuously develop or acquire new competencies. It is clear that the teacher is no longer sufficient to perform only traditional teacher, the evaluator and the role of judges. Teacher activity becomes widespread, diverse, and gradually created a special teacher and a new operating environment in which the teacher particularly significant systematic and continuous learning. The object: of future physical education teachers' competencies. The aim: to explain the physical education teacher competency development features. Tasks: • To analyze the physical education teacher's activities. • Discuss the physical education teacher. • Analysis of future physical education teacher competency development features Conclusion: 1. The teacher must know the correct set educational goals and objectives, must be able to organize themselves and student activities. 2. The analysis of the various sources of literature on teachers' professional competencies, in general we can say that this... [to full text]

Darbo užmokesčio sistemos tobulinimas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose Lietuvoje / Improvement of payment system in general education schools institutions of lithuania

Guntulytė, Dalia 25 June 2014 (has links)
Tikslingas finansavimas ir racionalus išteklių naudojimas yra du politinės valdžios naudojami mechanizmai aktualūs švietimo įstaigų darbuotojams Lietuvoje. Išteklių dydžio nustatymas lemia švietimo įstaigų darbuotojų darbo užmokestį. Valstybės skiriamos lėšos šiai sričiai finansuoti yra nepakankamos ir sukelia šių įstaigų darbuotojų nepasitenkinimą per mažu darbo atlyginimu ar netobula atlyginimo apskaičiavimo sistema. Švietimo įstaigų darbuotojų darbo užmokesčio sistemos tobulinimo galimybės ir reikšmė yra plačiai nagrinėjama problema. Dabartinė Lietuvos situacija leidžia teigti, jog švietimo įstaigų darbuotojų darbo užmokesčio sistemos tobulinimas yra ne mažiau svarbus negu anksčiau, todėl yra aktualu išnagrinėti švietimo įstaigų darbuotojų atlyginimų sistemos tobulinimo perspektyvas ir kryptis. Darbo objektas – bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų atlyginimų sistema. Darbo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo finansavimo modelį, išnagrinėti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų darbo užmokesčio sistemą, pateikti priemones ir pasiūlymus mokytojų darbo apmokėjimo sistemos modelio tobulinimui. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) ištirti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų finansavimo modelį, įvertinti švietimo finansavimo principą „pinigai paskui mokinį“ ir atlikti bendrojo lavinimo mokytojų darbo užmokesčio sistemos analizę; 2) išanalizuoti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų požiūrį į atlyginimų sistemą ir jos diferencijavimo proporcijas; 3) pateikti priemones ir pasiūlymus mokytojų darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The clear finance and rational use of human resources are two mechanisms used by local government, which concerning for educational institutions workers in Lithuania. Human resource level reflect and the level of salary in educational institutions. Recently subsidiaries for this area from state budget are too small and causes dissatisfaction with salaries level or it’s calculating system for educational institutions workers. Improvement possibilities of payment system for teachers and it’s value is widely considering problem. The current situation in Lithuania allows to say that improvement of payment system for teachers is not less important than before, that is why so important to analyses all prospects and directions to improve teacher’s payment systems. The object of paper – payment systems of the teachers in the general education schools (elementary, primary, secondary school and gymnasium). The goal of the paper – to analyse educational funding model in Lithuania, to explore payment systems of the teachers in the general education schools and provide a guidelines for this system improvement. The main tasks of the paper: 1) to perform a general analysis of recent education funding system with evaluation of main funding principle “money with pupil” and analyze the system of teacher’s payment; 2) to get a guidelines of teachers attitude to payment system and it’s differentiation ratio; 3) to prepare a packet of tools and proposals for teacher’s payment system improvement... [to full text]

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